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Libertyville Independent, 29 Apr 1920, p. 4

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Prda igt 73, hegmFrtlssfrt teComrcalCubad h ee nteduteon p& OM«c Telephone Nluinaber 1, Libertyvilie rExchaagoe. Sheridan. Bome meeting. Vaudeville, the Woel e aClub and the Vilag The judges wil libe Dr. L. H.New Mtered at the Postefle eat Lbertyville, Ill., as Second Class M111 Mtter movies, inteetn peakers, muni. Board, to takle up the question of nDm. hall andEdward Glick . of Highlan I "'seasht ermnatn emir, hn,.t -4yn.ga Park .and the Rev. Father Fairbanks, 4. MTH ......... . . begtyviIll.Let's show the state com- hoMass t thedese. o Galake. ---- h lbètvie t W.d.SMTH.......-.~----------------..-----.--mander that this pont in alive and full PThe membersuof the Lo Doyville7%f- American Legion posts at Boone, P. a. 411114T" ....-..--................ ----.... . ----.-------.·----... Manager of pep. How many will,go? Married At the ame time the Commainder firmative teamt which will go to Gur. cerLk ninbg on CHA&M NALY Lo-cal -Manag----------lo----'---r-ng--the---r- wives;,f unmarried ther ndesthe Adjutantte abd·anyad-a othtllrr )rh Moe Bods n e Pl adeeePlacedrol Maenararlé Iad'old Masonke adCharebes coied CHA. , Nt.. ..--....-----..----------,------------- iellows'bring their girls, or remember can.- coule, wil libe meeting with the a licka, Alma Churchill and Kathryn ties will bie represented in a district. Officel Pblictionto;ýtâ lil ofLibetyllthat the exyemanettes and the nurses executive ebmmitteé of the Boy Seots upon the Mafket. Cote. Paul Kohout, Fred Êutterfield. track melet to bie held in Roc.kford In Off11lli PbiciaonPubr Lati ontorteVag f1.iervie. wcdlp illlbe therle en masse. Show your apd represtentatives fromt the G, A. R. otnedltndtino i ert velyn Miller and E!mma Ttus comn- August. . Sixty medals will.beaward- lanued Briery Thursday. Advertising Rate£ Made Known on Applicatiopnp. meeting Js-the kind we used to sort for Decoration Day.bodeteliigpceïaaun ville, dwnesadahlee iileltk have In the days when we were singingmuhcmenadsgetshed- The public is invited and the high ed to represent the district ai the oUBBCRIftPT(ON PRICE-$1.50 PER YEAR, STRICTLY IN ADVANE "Over There," "The Stars and Stripes All the baseball equipment, except fctisacnmnyndtrao-schoolt student.s expréss the hope that Plate championshi meet at Chicago. Will Float Over.Germany," and all the the uniforme, Js here. We expect thenesa .ctlshgadobn asuh interest will bie taken in the Pancllfrhdngeendi other old favorites. Remember the uniforme any day now. About twenty- nesay rdt Nw-w eod debates as was shown In the athletic tct meets throughiout the state, the 0L TT GIRLRE- e'for°°JudR FO rd %and the ein song, "Hall, Hall, Tthe Gang's rive turned out fortpract lst eesaliseornoSUoD-8 1teechAn5dis eh entswinners of the nicets enteribidthe were asked if they were. not lieing Things are looking good for the bient fromt a close Tuesday of 86.32 to 85.- of thle judges amd visiting debazing s tate finals, whic a about their fathler, but they both in- The Commander has been at his tesam Libertyyille has seen In.many a 6this mornliig; the third 4 1-4s toetam. IStagg Field. cme ITER TESCHA fiE sisted they were telling the truth. breiChcgfoa ek nw er 90.80, against a previus close of 91.- In this district Individul cope On the formier trial Ruth was reluc- whme in Chio forea e esn, ear. 30, while fourth 4 1-4s were off-,ition Is expectedl to de(velop betweenl tant as shte i stoda in giving her wt edcosodr ors a Baseball practice again the coming fromt 86.34 to 85.60. Billy fto Dwell on Misfortunes. evIdere, Wauikegan, Lake Forest and AGAIN T FA HER estimny land il was only thtis morn- acislg-eereg.llySame-blame the "Ls. Sunday atthe Fair Grounds. Much of the sellfhig ta creditied tolif stosot onreoesm-Rockfor-dposts. N enItry feevwill be ng shlle assured Miss chase. shle was gion ohrswllIakIou wlateand Psmall Industrial concerna ery. Hry1cos heiwlns.ht eu ethe policy of the Leglon --go ito testify. I belieev the posI. guess. Anyhow, he will bie back on the Reception and banquet aitiHotel La who are eln these governmientiyouminay spend moIIre tihne en"IhIe ther being.to rceive enitries In all ath- Scored by State s Attorney, tion she look ibis s b, aJob before this is publshed. Salle for Franklin »'Olier, the Nation- Issucs inorder teohotain working caf'- hl ol Pilis oos teevents without exp)enýf to the soueyeidence that shte lied about al Commander, next NMonday levening litai, owing to the difficuitly of se--1 individual. who Chartacteizes hier ýthis pllropo%)sit ion from silt. tet fin; Fred Carney Ray Kennedy and Jim Any who want to go should notify the curing ordinary accomnodatYns ait1tw 1 Eac district wvill finance it,, oun - -liandd1nmemdaof -of nl prossigtWetailore àre Dont, nieniie~.s bf hini Il tadjiilïà"eöhie. Norng Wervationsawilthe i --fDailys ought -â-in-radjgtani li once- tý h Statmetsas-escaewil wuldper it n- e oemeet tonigi hcommit-be made after saturdaY.The tendency fto advance Intereïst T ; ind ttifelles banasitn-niisrsetfo othýer staite attorney. wfý,n the rates. and the comipar-atively high rat-'are ni- I h r Ihim preqent Ille vrionsnt n a mmleiately followinigIthe sensa- rueof liitticas kiniig for r.n m eThat which new ivestments offer-Ipr tional.'blow%-up" in the .,le, O(lcoi dicilment lat Ithhanids of a rand Ings eare being put on the market also his In an ilhllSayling Ihe-held at the Fair- grounds park. cae n hihSie' Atonr elh uri hink this mnan is entli'edatE has induced rnceh icellaneous PIlli branded as, lies the sttmn lmd he, hands oef this juiry n verd.ict ofl ing. wile there hias been no corres- bv heguhr.Ru Il co trandnoult ponding demnand. --------- -• ••••• • •••••• asked the qury to acquit iî le defend- ('our-tikprbby the couirt E U E VSO1T IEI H The situation lin Liberty issues emi- ant, the youing woman in thlecase in sol d owa h tt' t phasizes the fact that the major pro- - sised o he pros-eentior that1 the onyhasidcnfirininghire portions , epecially as affectIng the' chargs he hall mail. against hier inarks thiat hie did bring Ruifh Olcott aF SU ILTE O SNTM R Y security miarket. The principal que- father were true. but ,.aid that she! n[o the chIambi!ers of thils court and lion now, pun7ling bankers 1s as tel RATES- 10 Cents per Lno, Ench Insertion. sImi old nmIlgo, on the witneýss'1n1 'hmresence, of MNr. lilunyard, the ak 1ow the railroads are to be financed, 20 Cents Minimum Charge d:ir I t l i ais] nd in)e y epaitI-leso State Utilities Commission pn "sdet eý,fle nceunty f hean a ,,d o "lhne to cnands • bad been placed on filw stand " u - ain,:iher fallher. %We explainied o erue Rle, Gives Wau-.,eIur onday. The namnes follow: I ,eis vn sggested that a fArced xTeal IcýlIhc day atlnon catiut u ile a sen s hlenit IIwas a î v yseriouis imat- Regan. a Chance. AlredN°sesHihand Palk, wbo_ liluidation of *rommnerIcial accomitIi iare i,-ii.II.P 1:1, F R S L tion especially w en it resuilledin erani that she shold b not IIllsuch died 'Mar-ch 25, 192mayh iceavIIIII tinpt the ronds nt L keVlalt, t the actIjon if did b hv1le state' a i .[ a ,:ory%- unless i' was so, She persisted a ilb em te o William lIloban W ukga . hot h leir f.et 1 n lher storvy. .!have Ithe power la \\auke'lPdied NMarch a, 1920t A t Iprsen111 th., .ituIation I il- lbeIin , d ],b a ýne> ain. e acis 'in1he1<111to I lun hl1is gilftor refusing to, an- apin n spetor cipkd on te1 John N31eGar-va, lnewho died m d rpealn lcnhn the gand n emr'I. We!ch Iimile tw w er the le questionis by having her Itltý lpr i , b l n e I tile A rl12, 1920. ditions w icharc y og p loanl onil rom the tnrr 1e rcoû,of I o notf--l thai it iý a "cas wh thecom anie wh'conuctd a u. re-afil Frar laese, outiv oie: hold eerim ha oer. I o se s perv n vrfthe cnpani. nr1land Park for years. Iws ersonfil r. Wlch1 my pyIto Ir01 1fortherou ,e iaidned ilthefollowving dispatch: no rmte saei et T R 13I L T w Ili orn M o1;e a ! mandsh juiI m l i h.refore 1mwIll Ive htrngi el.11 - lns fr t etothe \widow%,providing , he does not \ak a e n t she d tote's attorney lha, orpeai1of fthe state ul reml-i1,-iarr . When the thrcehildLreGR C A G Le n y asisisanrt-. 1p De a,]ndn 'entryt ol up l y in the superviiori of utlty éomipas ii l geà3 nerss c v a iod'h e n n in h eedntntgit, ele Iimou cedThursday by Ilhe state iT e tit oI nfl.Iaeshowis tha 1 dsl scuiie hrsoyas weIl as 1 CONTRACT LET FOR NEW The comission, extends an invita- ti(x Arta. 111.n m could and had her return beILie the SCHOOL BLDG. AT WAUKEGAN -nto io poitlca n pect- obanat alued at o9. u rad -uy every lday.during *l,-h -1- i ·l -ll o f tfiow ic.$ 'isreale- s 0 2 0 nd er C rnun n dh s u nn i e ufthe g !i aaae h ta nIifrandof ecto sI ik ate. The fe sta e euallydvde1 h wMe Am ron " piroer relation- withi her rai -i: she, Waukegan's new Northwest grad- detemnei uc evice Is In accord bena etdhs nJn-Nc ovrR ut. å still insisted that such relations ex. -Ichooil at a meletingz of the schoofl'with' the standards established by the spted buti 1am nowvproine tu the be- board i onday eveniin, ]his bid being lcinison. The Inspectors mwou1 be shpbsnswihh.iru h roo . esof le w h e na lef that sh,. has btýn l ying abou $: ,->.or $2 olowver than Ithe mthecitesMr. McCarva mwhose ilath was a> Ale d attacks on II'lzyear ld 1-m:vw' , I ',a1 l'u a s r G o o u hbis irom stýrt to inish-bt si e -13 next lowest bidl. Tlie comisiiision divides the cities rsl finetdtetlf n s lzbeh Y n aih ltrr n ,n den odbrn ari and her isiser. They had both insist ,,Thos. Killian. North Chicago, was tof he state into four classes, and ,t' ossigo 600wot fT-Tæ flihod.cudrtSI n rWail l und r a1bI edi suc!: rtililn i d betweenawarded the plumnbing-sewage-ga ftrUles for Inspections in the various 1ital etyn.20wrho e-Gs n ae 6 a on thliu and their tatiher. Net Ien he. ting contract for $12,430; the Amt lri- cla,--m wIll be formnulated later. The sna-roety-r -aihe i, rYiuim hominto ht-hl d to ing sure ofnmy position, latter having - ar Fouindry and Furnace comiifny of classes are: A. all cities of 200,0011,n; nhns ffe both 1girls )h- re 1 , 0 gr zand jmiy fr o lHoo ington -jt îheat ing contract inhabitiants or over: B, allcities Of n ucad i day to.dayL during the session oýf the for $16,350. 201.000 and under 200.000: C, all cit-. COM ANDER RUFUS1 ,ý,1iI r>dsiê le f 5.ûftand under 20,000: D, aluiw loce p niet k o n r r a lll n tew cities under 5,000. tyiaol ata ukegan to a wýT ae(i:nthe uh d1 1mod l..m m1d 1en no ection of the OtbrGranldIiury. It noehs Mn wn pe titi therefor Supervisor Kirschner, when Inter. view by a reporter, stated that in his Opinion, the whole matter was %, mis. takte. "Mr. Hobien promised that it ifa straightened out," he said, "*and Mr.i Baar is coming out to help him. The matter rests there." One man. prominent in Cuba town. shin affairs, said that, in his opinion, a petition should be circulated askig the town board to call a special met- ing to conduct an investigation, at which the xublic would be invited.-- Barrington Review. , BIG CATHOLIC UNIVERS1TY AT AREA 18 ASSURED Continued Fromt Page One) the latter reached imanhood be could 'doas NMr. t dhy'son haddon(,,but a ose to the Cali to the colors, and bishop Mundelin said: "WNe fhave many Catholic institutions of hlighelel.iarning in Chicago, but there is no real bond between them except the faith of their directors. Each has its own state charter and each struggles along as best it can alone. Wed have one faculty of medi- cine. one of engineering, four or five of arts, and so forth; in fact, two-thirds of the de.oartments of a university. But Chicago le tohbave a great Catholic University,. one to rank with the best In the cpuntry. That ls what this gift means. We will asýsemble all our in- stltutlions and install the lacking de- partmentz, , WE BORà, SANITAIgY SHALLOW wells 100 feet deep or less. Drink pure water and avoid contanmination and sickness. Hlouse mioving, house raising, window and door screens, mill work. ZION BUILDING INDUSTRY, Zion, 111. Phone 31 and 49, 16-24t SWe wigh II) ank ourNKr ends and 1is nO" f hle iany kndneýe our son and br'other, George. Also for thei many floral contributions.. Mr and PMr rand iiii We wis 10-tanTHur niany kind fndsfb i-1)and sympim,:ý G. P. MANZER. .AVIS A. WICKENS. CARD OF THANKS W€- wish to thank Our friends and neighbors for the ki»dness and sympa- thy shown us during the illness and death of our beloved,wife and mother- also for the many beautiful flowers. Charles J. Schlicker. ,Charep J. Schicker, Jr. Mrli. and Mrs. WV. c. Schllicker,. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Hohe. Mrs. Minerva C. Abraham. Mrs. Myrte shllcker. Holy Coi Holy Cormu si Holy Comni Church Scl H-olv Comi nor miem-be cordialy il rence's cht, Wec have seei terr tory, an, 400,4000 tho- posý can you i A 0 , aid that fit the timit the, alleged U.r t1,w \i1., GRnEAT LAIES STA. ," v er l.WM1 nýýidmi o According to th., story toild by the p uhyfiut Wan $100 a monl..ýl, 1il ,l jjd- pii r fade love to Iher an a ý . :ll Commander Rufuts F Zogbaum, ex- lhe trusted him and ln her childish 1 rIr\V 1 a $1.0 a wek for 1h1- u \ ukgn n uca pr ecutive officer at Great Lakes naval way imagined Phe was ln love with bo fr en Wbe Duck iarm anýad mwill takehvr!g,,fr balance- training station for a year, has been him.ý It was because- of tisfact. V.ke\ilha, HhTelephone .1J2 lati 12,5 acres. Good S roomn hous--. l«1.. transferred $o Portsmouth, N. IL she said, that Phe did not tell her- barn, coiment floors, lgood silo, wtý navy yards and has left with his famn- 1mother when Maunzi êntered her )t01 NC; IEN ANsI, woMEN for Rail, waukegan on main ro.ld, fn iot rtîrL Ily for that place, his successor at1 bedroom one .night and attacked her wayMlal and Government t lerks, of schtool and churchi. .oil under hixn Great Lakes being Commander M. 'M.- That the child really does love 1$1l0 monih. Ageý 18 upwmard. Exami- state of culti ation. one of the bet Frucht, veteran In the United States Miaunzl was shown today when she aiosMy 15. Exeprience unneces t alrmis w- have hadl to offýr. Can 7,e1 navy, having a service record of more eandttheadbnhedto.th1 sar.c Fr free particulars write Rt. immediate possession. Pice $135 :ér than 27 year. COmmander Frucht grand jury and would be locked up Terry (former Government Examiner) quick sale. Some stock and tooils can came to the station from the battle- in jail. She butit ' into tears and 1399 Continental Bildg, Washington,' also be had if desired. Yery good termis ship Virginia, on which he sertved becoming an' hysterical that It was D. C. 1l-11P& this farm. as executive offider as well as having difficult to remove her from the 125 acres near Russgell, Illinois. Good servedl in the samne capacity on the court room. FOR SALF-Choice residence lots os house, barn and geeral ontbeildings. UY. S. A. Maine and Georgia, .baving Maunzi makres a complete dénial of' McKinley Ave. Mrs. Grimes. 2-tf Irhis is a good farm with goad silo and made a cruise *round the yorld on the charges and plans to employ as being offered at $175 per acre. Can the latter during fifteen months of counsel and fight the case. FOR SALFE Seed corn. Paul Mac. arrange terme on this farm. 1907 to 1909. Mia family ba. arriv- Guffin. 1s-t Sixty acre. with Do buildings. but ed on the station from BSton where .oeo h hietpeeso adw they resided while he was ai sea. SAYS WIFE NET IIORSES FOR SALE--Inquire at Rod. have had to fce n pon ieces lan ney Farmi. R. B. Swift. 17 sacrificed by the owner for $110 per WRANGLE OVER SEWER W IE FRRN--fw 1 acre . i PIPE IN -CUBA TOWNSHIP FOSRN-aIrmof25 cesi T. J. STAIL à CO., Ela township, near Fairfield. E. R. Continued From Page One) IE ASO ER E S -re P.0. res.Poe--- 1 au- waïe , "". hm* i - H WÀSOVE SE* conda. 13-4t dence of an eraser having been uselfWITD-Tno wlv mn h on it, presenting the appearance .of W'Anlchre;ta h&wf HAPFRIIE FRS - LnT e Te o telve mena>the the original carbon-copied lionehaving Snatoalcage ha isw CEP ETIIE FRSAE- og Lk erCose. 7Sityds been erased and a new line substituted made frequent trips to Waukegan Rondout Feed Mill ashes. Test: 4-, wokRulLmeC. 174 WAS1ŒGAN fous AT LO]0E Saturday, April 10, w-as a great day for the Waukeganites who are so- journmng or permanently locat#d in or near Los Angeles. This was 'the day of the Illinois picnic at Sicamore . Grove, and Mrs. R. B. Rawles, for- merly of Waukegan but now of Pasadena , took occasioln to comub the country, with excellent results, for old ý Waukeganites. DUe largely to her efforts, there was a grouP of1 about fifty.-euekers,- all from wan- -kegan, who gatiered under the syca. moesadbd a hpp dn er to find go many from Waukegan. Every- one enjoyed the aLfternoonto-the ut- meut. The following people wereIn attenlance. Výs Jane Finney. Mr. and Mrs. Widdecombe. Mrs Mai-y A.AMnStrn. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Cheevet. Misa Florence. Cheever. Miss Mabel Cheeva . Mr. and Mrs. Richard MlOrrOw. Mir. and Mrs. Joseph Robertson. Mr ad Mrs C. J. Marshall. E J Boomfied. Mise Emmna Slyfield. Mrs. June Slyfield Kitehen anud children. .Nis. Rover litwing. Mr and Nirs. IL13. .Rawles and daughter. .~ Mrs. Mary MicArthur. Mrs. L. Curry Toner Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur. Mrs. Ashley Palmer. Mrs. G. W. Read. Miss EilyZit. Sam Kirk. MiKitty Kirk. Mr ndMs Pu haley- Mhrd and Mrs. Alice Paine Mann and children. »Er, and Mrs. -Guy Mýiltimore. mrs. Miltimore. Mirs. Gurnee. . Mr and Mrs. O. 8. Thompson and children 0OUR NIEIGH[BOR'S wife Calls her husband "Oui a," be- cause he never tells her ady- tig sne aray Goesn't Know, 1f we 8,Te "URga toyou,COIne and wýorkus." DON'T PFORGET that we sell Drm hits--New . , od; p- -Omdate patternis--direCt froin New gooI, just in frm the Fastern silk milla, A dandy line. Alsoo a COmplete ,assort- ment of wash FOur-in-hands. WANTED--Youing women to leain nursing. No experience necessarý. Receive salary while in trainingý Grmmar school education. Apply J.efferson Park Hospital, 1402 W. Nore St., Chicago, Ill. 17-2t I -R ý ., ---- and was guilty of several indiscre-6%prcnnoahmrktvue4c tlons ih alrsfo the --naval per lb. 14-3 per cent phosphorus, train ing station while hie was séry- market value. 5.20c per lb. Suitable Ing ln France are contained in a for peat soils. See samples at Farm bill for divorce just filed by an Bureau office or at Rondout. Frank ex--servIce man at Joliet according Asma, Rondout, Il1. to a dispatch f rom that city. The@ dispatch follows:' FARMS WýANTEIi--Branigar Bros.1- When Roland V. ineeKs, wel Co., 117 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, known Joliet miusician, was with th1r. ntemre t u am tal epeditionary force in France, hs wvife, formierly M.%iss Ruth Meilhoir, timnes. If youwish to sell,call or wrlt3 made frequent t ri ps to Waukegan. them. Phone Central 8148. 11-24t These were referred to ln the bill for, divorce Meeks filed! in the circuit %w ANTEI-1Men or women to take 3)r- cut 1ders among friends and neighbors lretners aitsie with inita- f.or the genuine guaranteed hosiery, Cour rfull 'Unes for mien, womien an 1 chil- esrnavaltrinng statthnnG a a dk ren. Elimiinates darning. \We iay egan. Leighton Is known ln Jolet i150c an hour for spare time, or $;241 tor thru vIst1s here. in April 1919, at full time. Experience unnecessary. Waul gan hoe mt t no her ake o towInternational Stocking il he m h lis e ttoes in o nt Fme. d nd CO RRECT E N G LIS;i--H ow to use lt acodng oh " ilsehar A Monthly Magazine. $2.50 the yegr fiused to minister to his physical Sn 10 cents for sample copy to Cor sufferIngs. The couple was married rect English Publishing Co., Evanston July 27, 1918. Illinois. 12.tf*% DEBATE BETWEEN L. Tr. H. 8. MEN WANTED TÓ SELL GROCER- AND GURNEE AND ANTIOCH. je..S elling experience not neces- sary. One of the largest grocers (cap- 1 On Friday evening. April 30, a de-1 ital over $1,000,000.00) wants ambi- 1 bat(, Wililibe held at the high school tious mien in y our locality to sell di- q gym. . L. T. H. S. will matchits skill rect to consumner nationally known in debating with Antioch. The affair brands of an extensiv e line of grocer- «ill be in the form (if a triangular de- ies, pý,ints, roofings. lubricating oils, bate, with Libertyville, Antioch and stck foods, etc. No capital required. Gurnev schiools comipetin!ý.T%, affirm- Wnriteioday. State age and occupa- ative teami fromt Libertyville will go to'tion. John'Sexton & Co.. 352 W. Illi- Gurnpe: th,, offirmative team fromnt ois St., Chicago, Ill. Anioh ili en , to Lbert-yv ille andi Now is th is higher 1 taking ad, at a big di n • =Gel FUI je B LIBERTYVI 1 1 ii Achille$sShivers. "I have worn Ithngelefor t» lamtsix mnh.-etmna1for rubber heels. iiiii ILLINOIS O tie $UcThouche. in the bu.ywlks ot féfethere la no' neom for a tardy mon. 1 Saint VfI4 r MONEY is the last thing some men think of --- before they go BOCKS are about the first thng 2nost men think of when they wake up. We Rave- Them-- te well known ARMOR PLATE Brand, Silk, Lisle and Cotton. A11 the latest popular shades. Ils WORSE & CO* PHONE 14 'ILLE,9

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