1 W" arrested In North iCbi- Lay mrnnng atter a ton boutr wbicb t-en Waukegani en& Icare Policemen engaged la e man was tinaily locked u r a la . North Chicago. î iltli be arraglned n Northi police court before justice )mmorow morning at 'S o-. aimmong, proplelsir of the re the. fight started during- bourg or Sunday Mnrn *P-fatber. John ValenonU b. sh'en a hearibg Thur before Justice Nelson. SBlaguona.&n aie eented .by Attormsey M4.ý ie Attorney WeIch l thbe, thres men. can, no more Je Series 20 of a -man's You must and appre- liglit. ir <'ar.4 Co.- Bukegan, MI ÂND) TIRUCES. a Square Busimess - eCounty., Received a $5.000 GOLEUM-N OR A (<REX IIUG IS SAC IIEAP ICOVE1I- ING FOR POR ANY FL OOR. IR CARPECT Volvet grade - e for halls 19 r, 1.98 20W ,01 185 Tea KettW - $3A5 LAKCU NTY IN4DePENI-EMI' VOWME XXVIII.-NO.20. LOWDEN FORCES ROtJT TIIOMPSON'S CEICÀ60O FORCES Seventeen of thie Twenty Dele- gates Support the Thomp- .son Platform Plan. The. Lake ijounty delegation to tii. State 3ovetU.a weni down to WAUC0NDk --GIRL BEWMES BRIDE 0f IVORLD WAR IIERO S;unda>. May 9 (Molhet-'-t lt -a> t mîarriage of Misa Yvonne Flaas lu V41 sou T. «He ri n wa$asulemnized. The bride i8 lite daughter of Mi. anul Mrs. Joseph S. Haaof Walia ida. Iwhere sbe waea bot-n sud lis cil until Springfield alt-l a full representa- iaie a-as thirteen yeara of age. wheu flan-t- Every oue of th,> delegates ber fat-het- took ber to France 10 li ve ïNDEPENDENT Lake C,.Lpnty' eBig Weekly CùuâeuËof *7cIodu W'iits suounty Gonubioed LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY. ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MIAY 13, 1920. POST R Fit Un waa prssentt aniltht-t -ore inone u t, ilhlber grandmottier, witt-b hum abe, -a lite alternatW esl-a t-batt"ret-oaci omade lber hIonie until Itle ar. a-bon olit he committee, ,site tet urueti ailt lier- par en ut- - IlitiI B. M. Miller of Libertyvile wu Ilite t- itteit Sates, aitetthe isisilel ILit cbairniaztof t-be deiegatio n sd the titei (titi Ituitte Iiii'air "It-or ef lhe Sun waas s&retary. tittpii i-r tltt tit ttoLuuttlaidt The felowa aitllft at i-nii nîgbt ii tîded ltli'it -aiigî(filotoil - Suiiday niglt iti -- h-Sprlng-itti a ~ ,-vs t-ttitt îte fildeit ariy Monda> rîrtrît lîtti iey 15 Ot i tii tt a t il ti e-1 ut \ii~ îttîg akilTrpaît N tî.t --uiji. Lt k i.t tu t lFo the t--Y, -,g dtIi lt-it i lit teé - ,i i l t aIil l il i omHt It lun I],-- - - 't - --- -, i t pl -i. t " I,, lt- t t-t - -lie d L1, 1.t ît Ililtit-t-r gît -r- and - It- ta- j - aii (n fitlil i t-.; lo itt lI-n O - .t - l - --~ tt - t l t' ti 11 tI 1 .>.î:1 ! - , ttlilt- ,i, tak il tOuîiti dlegttti zittil Ttiere it, 'lit' ttt et t r- Nlt- te thirs itbt-Ilu f-v rnr t? lthé u S- t -rtujt. Iii l tti s- 1, ri t - ~ t -~f .- lti- I Stiit' <'HIt-AGO-Thme "Insurgent"ril trlke tying np freight tral!c ed hosnd o acags t le. flonIt-i J n 'I.1I.î11i . - t'ttî lt-t ibld.ord-iniariiy sault bave gi-tre by frefght. tob. poured in upon t-be postoffice. t-be paretpont- section. t-t-tii -- - i- l- tn,%v at n -iltdt tUt- -'Packages were Piicd igh on t-be idewaîka ontsitie t-beparcel pont- division. flelowt tDeadt' sa-ltch en- Jiî t- ::,n ic k t"f î.-i îliît- -î.î - - i Il-, gifles iun t ( hican yard. tho \ttt' fttr Irni -i tîatr it I l~ iît id -n- ' t t- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r il l1t.t-i-i~- i ut - I -, riIlrit- , FOX LAKE FISIIED PIONEER RESîDENT W N L4À [ il 1-ttanda-i 1,ir o « antd rLed itt- ttitt t t Z, rtMi ii S A s5 L Y ;FUS 0F IJ E DT Y V I 1I U O N F R A L ID C H AÀ R EE 1-i fa !- li 1 , Il\î ltln ,-i ais t1il tiedi L tilt ii litl vol.t.i)r-.rn, tiîî:a t -iet iti- c rne paIt QUITEPLENTIFUL DIED TUESDÀY IN ELECTION CASE1 il t l t Il -I ftr hurl w s a r ;n i it i in.i . .n l ni-w bit irit - :u-i n hiý--iecitut. tdal couplie a bapi ansd ,rosh)I-rous Wie o hcg ae as lt hr )l latttn- -i Wm. Cummings -Jnseateed asa -Inl tthi-t rf, r IvI g w-iw --t ýwr ati i ,,latins-li Garne Fish Are Present in - îr-lv- i te-ittini t ilt*î' ît diet Deerfield School Trustee I sirli it ii'--on the- choir-a of th- andtiflit-. a îîbIl si atli -of oange Big Quantities. T v-inorniîtg. May; Il.1920. ailti By County Court. i I krf 'h,, Aipelate Court. iii-sa s tii t -trofd tthlt Iflý At I î,r flzh et-l .it-en 5tSi tsi.eI t- t IartilS R-ail abat a -tcuI-WihliaittCumiutingq. declared el.c- fb - d,,Jthn,-ti id Tt lkdlike any i l . ii tG,:a;-iZ, fo- il--a t. i -- ell, a-t',1d ln tIhe postltion of trusatetif t-be' 1ituli vtt t>-fron thle Ftart t t-t tîentv ,tti lr of :fî in iî icaiTiltîttit- tua- trt t Hîglîaood-Deorfleld achool at- an elet- TIu 1- .î t- it el lézicratloo n ti -lis ii--tgntt aIi iît it- i n Frtanc.- i- ttf tht Oattit ltion belli Aprîl 17, asadefeated lu i h - ialle'r of sabrinir i thbb t-be gos- .- Il i l ,i tîntetii otIolilnt- lit ri- t t -g'tt- -I tt- leut -i1a lé ant-est ahichi ws -carrIed t-o- 1 l 'd 1lIfot t iithni .tîung bbtr , b-i tl,* They ialtluentuet-I bt- t it ttisaittt ---t-be Lake Cou ut-y court by 01sf Nel-' c- I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l, wttinrf---r-tb Ci-'u00 -s n iietironedt tîr tt-t t t tiLdlt- fe lI-ott candidat-e for thq place, 37mj In 1h. tlou he set aside anti auctier êis- 11 let toîîl'.ai-uait Itogéiber iar-i lte itix (Ill-Gîter-r-- lihii--hI I,-t r>)Iltiti- t ith iii-ti iVrostdyodrigIa i lc Iitirbe t- lt , -vt h t-Ilt-i i fîlled Faihgo nt in ttiO i -ot ua t i ikt lv~tion belli. 1s lui ov, r-rtlt i --t Tu-u t ri t-u rop T' t ii î 'tIl-t! - lt I.î, s. lIt ci til t nNelson filme!i scontest- trit- dechar- il -itrttn 'Ii et itnz te Ttiîvt-ipzon ttat- ut- tif wlrtiai Ittarr. l uti Lu pnk livîdt-u-b- l ia at it-be eiircliou t-o have been luI--t-ahantn f-It-t t -i p art-oftif l t Sate Cnen - tei r-I! ,. t-t a-ti i -ltz totrzt-e b..o -I tiI ri -i i t,t i s t . fraiuulnt.h( fi)no ri -' lbisaF fîtiut t-bat- t-cee t I-t tt r éas pt--av .---* 1i11,- tf fhitî i - n lii rIn- fulme fîrsi plat-t--Nelson t hargeti 9a mn'ithrs oftheicLake ftrounly ticega- i-tttiniffi-îis tel i-tslîcalttîttit re, da» Il peî-tst itri ii nih i.sh -ttat- mauy votes vere cast for Cum- tion I1 tIe-iun oailier.- tu theIlsutr- <tsar a-a,,sl. ri-i ai 1 o'etotk.Thte ivgir-n Take t-be Foxs Lakie ru gîtîn ilngs y pepole a-ho sere not-duiy tiont, as ztsv-îit hv t-e Lake UConîs- ulhIntitinîs were scliooltttuiri in ito)riu-i i itlinois fovr exanupie otfqîalîfied eeeleors. t Cnnt-uioî uaehy10 upport lb,- frientis of lbe bride, and t-bey aoaae Ii. i-t tc ae ih-1iabe'When t-b epla opened at- 2 h- - F loIr Ien poili-ythroîtc-hout the con- îdresen whte Fatîln tuile. utatchint- take in- al a t-lile rlsîr'for t-be inlet-m.corngtoNlo.hees5 i vet-on l "a--ett-.Ibre a-as no 111 thse goa-uof Ile1t!ilde atiote- iies îei ea ep 'only oune election offIciai fier-, a 01 weiuai- bn -ertmte The guestbi rr-nîaiied tinti four'-hits rocky etiges. andi everyt-ing clerk. The juilge of t-be election. 0. b1 aeut tnt t couvietion It wua-sdmiti- iicitck. tand icoou cieir andi haiplusa îutablr t-orfiahIuite. Tiece waters Gotc.t-lchre.dinta- thi -Ih blir' emesvt ueahdbeiîîg uvalChiect-o, are t-lt-bd La~ te untîl frt-five minutes lat-er. il' a-ouiti helrees-rdeti a aitb te At-er t-bea-edding tltner a rer-uti .1y. andtot routiuîesa nerit art- dis- - -.These la-oofficiais theu prereeded 0 Thomparin tIrow-d rat-ar t.t-ban Wlv itbtonu as adoptes-i ty the guetla.praîs appoitleti. as lm t-olia expecteli, fit-so dina e -eoat- t-o each ot-bers - t- TÀ%dni g tc hei, emanner luna-ilt- - cthe dt doitot bit--ahle tinte in s-ny vater. but-soinesfitty sot-es halld ie cast di The Las - fitinty deleglit-on had ora-as serveti. andtihte cheertul antibtis bas convlnced many t-bat tieiy bh iees-ue t-be ia a sys t-be qeat-s .viiilie delegation trom thbe arrangeenlt- oftlite tiiuing room andtih e ke are *'fit-bcd ouii."- MBI CLARtA ALLANSON elec tien Officiais muet- tatke t-be os-t-h Co oryedoth etCo-The itre dy ewrte r t-and o'cuo,.autt-be home of ber daugit-er, bet-tre an>' votes are cetat. fIl la gremisousali]-Ltrirt- andi practihiiy___ staff phot-ograpier journeyed t- ho cle hre ieta h ug'cua tel ar'-g n ism al t-be OTI4ER - NEWS NOTES FROM r Fox Lake region t-e vituesa t-be st-rite Mrs. E. W. But-lerftehd. net- endiorme t-be fift-t votes caat be- duitle x-l-ui-deîer- THE VILLAGE 0F WAUCONDA fsoisdpriebu hir 110 Sbe a-as married t- ohnobaB. Allait cause be a-as net- there al, t-he lima. It-Is tledby -b reorts t- ie D. nd ffr Mcbescyof dgr he haut a-as made lu Pistakee lake. son lu 1853. Tbey celebrated tteir One of t-be moet sensational charg- CoTtIf'r-tu t-lb h ot fte W'1 ils -stlMcC vthse fieda uor-anti,a-bile ticresults s-re beloa- thetaMryL &n ecle Cnet htThonipsonts îtrengt-bon Ws. istd it,-ind. aser ivrage. dueite10cold vater. ondëMgh golden weddtng anniversary Domesber es a-as ia ayL a'i eev s-as Ant-r-iy ft-mua Chicago for -a 1ilage Saîiirday. fiai were caughlt-ote ouvînce any 29, 10Wh. Mr. Allandon dieti ln 1904, sud depositeti votes lu t-be ballot number of t-be country dcittricîs lii Wauconda stîtooha are more tort-a tugier fialie efit-b are there. lu- andi since-that tfinie Mill. Alanson -bus box unt-li a protet vau matie and otkCou int-Y oted agalo-l t-e uilmitétan nl in the coltut-y, nlu ot-b - llebsadbi nePc- aebrhoe ihbr agt" mutediatei>'eaie vsremos'ed elle nueaiebs, u-igoe;Pc-mad betrhe vi-b erdauit-L.begaît passiug ou ballets passei anti Tîtompson plat-t-rn. utclieglstituui aud giattimut st-ioiO. ereh up t-oten pounda. crappies av-, Ms trfet.To tiIs union vore niarketi for Cumusings. as liailt-lie iacisers bas-e beenre-en- leta.gîlît-' a pounti. anti lots oft- tem. bor tthrel ehtiren, one dylng lan t __in-____ ag itli t-le exception ot- Miss e-hiegîi almoat- as big, white basé; faucy. Tiair omIs' son X. IT. Aianson, 411 THAT ~ ~ Il ns-ho resigueti a mont-b ago. It-riltanoci cats. carp up t-o thirt-y-t-ii'*Preletd ietbs fat-ber lu deati one yeur, CT JbJVC U E ST LIKE 855255 niîce..aary t-o tuctease ibeir ipItiînds, t-o say not-ing of reti borue. baviug dieti lu 1903. Mrs- Mary ju-e UI-IIiJ Is 'u1u-'~KIsalariésYU s ; oeet-is is (luiy juat-. -titgf-it. gars, anti othor inor leag- Buttortlid survives. T lK Y H D'VOV LIVA ,ut-I showvas an apurectation for t-be otr-.Tiere are nine graiidchilitien: Park Mb .ju~ IU~ i sîrk doute hîy ite cntil-e staff of teaclu ThIllhinois fitherba ticpartment anti Paul Allanýau anti Mande. Partbi va tLroiigIi.t"uthé ycsî. valicîl t. hts as a -ianc policy lu lt-s seiuing oper- anti Grace Butbiciflht of LIbertyvilje. i wih te bst n th conty wa of akig gme tishea treimMre ýWiliam Wbeelî-r of- LibertysIt-he. was n prgres , rMr. nd Ms. G D. trokr an fai, - lier thy ar pletitu andSeidon adMit-chodelaMitfellof Hodkk if t i il taîernarle a- w il I>vsited iclativEs at- Round LI,t theus a-bre tbey are scarco. oniy a South Dakot-s. One étal-er, Belle Cor-Tn RuaensHsPec - nt-dt Iier'lti - .titi-t-s- C It> !s'londay eveulug t-rw brcusder-s are takentrom s-ny one.oyRksee isPru- iýrmAf fras9.00 Msandetiilo o LGrt-ows the breedint- ponds elt-h-e Sprlng Mr.Alant-no would bave reacl'ed sion Cap of Cartridge to see i notnéy -i; land'Il tn as s- net- t-be gucat- of- auconda f riends oserlGr= e batchery, wbere youug a1l b1br tsgbty-stlltbirthda> u1sy 7-. What Would Happen. niont. trii iatdé ltot-al of $35.000 i Suntiay. P re1. iti iteai of bcîng et-en by oh- Sb(-taugit IluIlte Met-bodi let Srtis-vi tbalt h et -ilItîrnedin luduring the Mr anti Mca- T. J. Lee Of Palat'ne ior tiab. -Sebool tor abolit-ta-eut-y yesrs, sud Tony Rutamîcues. agoti 25, cul- russit-aodays. vere autoitdit 'isit-ots Frida>'. several millions oi bas'. vihi lie vas uruci beltvld b>' ala-lia lnea pîoyd onu a termniaear Wadaortb. The ru-ilttîtions Over a-ici Vlisa ia Net-t-te Murray' sailnt- t-be.eetl raisei bore t-bis sessou, assa-cl as lier. founti a revolver cartritige fundsy.- bIas ta'rI itasvc madie sapfirit- of 'eai a-ber home lber.. -crapplea and tit-er gaine fialeu. - Thefilmerai services werebltits He liatiau ovsrpoveriug closIt-Y te 1114,o0ïtl or-mg tire poitt year. accoprd- Misa Cecela Gcary ass a Chicago (Thursday) aftohrnflon st 2:30, utthie ses vbat would hiapen If lie bit lb tug tb a t-andlai statement- Just sit-or Saturdty. -- J~iAI< l~~U Butterfielti realdneni.thle Re,B. C.ait-b s- bammer. Hie curionity cent- mide uic.it-Tbe report- sbowa-s t-b--lEIIIM U(Y ~ Kelnhsuer pagttur of fie Liberfville hm hies rigbt reyé. Rukasienes la be- ait it- n9ee.e riolns sho1w M atiML , .S-n n-raiei-Met-iodlit eurci. offlelatlng. Inter- Ing careti tor st the tske Coflty hon lîtarkp 2e.îîn 1ae fbusinesa durlng friands os-r t-be veaent.m uasuuilentd-.I-ou -fcetr.abe.pii Alprton vas te ho Ver- ite mont-b f Aprli lver the corre- Ray- Murphy et- Gary. oti.lvas at- It DK ber hoshanti Is burleti. formeti by Dr. Brown tiilsatternonf t-ondn t-i-e hundoriti pear f tenSal es r Sud ay. FOR IHaptet-oremove t-be eYetrom flie socket. teoutn.i itneri iller cnt.es-r cf -te hMe r. n d a>'s. Gog Hp antid IAW>UYYIU Ruasetht-ue el.revoivrI matie sy iteInttIitut-ions lant- moul fmîyvsi-tirlaîssluwuieFnIWILPrice of News Prnt Rksee on wera do-rble tint0of t-be correspondlag SIt-day- i WittI!I Ad~ ~vance iuly F atriti elleoInit-y - lie panesteta il, mnont-'lt t -t--year. Durlug the firet Mr. ant isr. Emmett-Geli- atiso,-ls-I F!S s bi- ho t-ieroîndi aniltien -r bait- Ot- iî,s a-eek about $36000 b vstd eaie t a.S.a . _Thétte mmbrs drive oft-be llgoi.r .Tril (v -t-ebig i iîttherc usit, pi-eti beauento-I i ZI on people for lnhet- raysuaeslutds-- th ntîi tis-ui-t- ic prego-ssuei. vestinent E~. J. Scbsfer of McHenryv- Aeia.0ga -a-ze ta5cment-al i-r-Cu it-eî,O-tht- paîIctt asitilt- Ift.bh lihehart.iiIi 'Iii». Wund sn 'sy 'a' eufil thut State Commuandier Top-e!-t-- tt-'t tnruls rrx,,oteaihlc An expioslan oiioa-ed, a pi-, e tt Tepoptîi-on of Zion is teadily W'codavuiter S ay.imnuhasdecîdeti t-o cçbntliemîîterili lit ert -for iehérseniorlut papler te aboiteil înt-urîven tubittIi- y Incremasing anti bas nov gone ult-peCIA granddace la toibe glen ait ttoneit weeim. anti ierI-aima beyond. .i'it -ci- p,ýW. nvman, vie(IHHo vssremoved t-O lie Countlf i,),- labolt 5.700. utPala-ce Theater WedlnelatY eveuIng, lu Cook enti Listecourites Albho,îgîîpretident thie Intetmat-loual Paiper Ipiai sbout ubree nelock lu t-virt-to- Aaoording te W. H. Clendinon. ges- May 19, by the Waucouda base ball h_ rn-'etlts bu-c-n lalutet. lbfc'nnnî,- usltfltod tay betore ajneen. Tii. oye a-as compitl' Iyîdes- "MIl mamaer of Zion Intitutions aud te-n, ahidi ia being organiseti for, t-be lmicuovu in'raaenda tof nea- members oreille învoet-rittSlCtcommîttee. t royeti. lidutsie, there are mauy periou season: Tii. proceets are- ta bie tked lisve enrollei thlqa-eek. e Oe recrmipseetet Immediate cor- llerUt.d Mla Io rnaniare beadlmg to aurcbase uriifformi anti equipffýnt-, Commandes- Forentan. vit-h a psrîyîatiImepsl of iennsî"iptiuIl uby neie Mins velyq Anethn veuat t-'a Md- forUre ity.Oa mn nd - Msi4y ovIns orchestra. . COMè ut-legien executivas. viliientralin Miv paRIten-, ast-tu il a-uid ie t-vo vear' son, wls.. 'hruuday tor a tev iays; 111151 i.tjuaety e ad t ai-01 ib l iebo's atia-'iMbve1<t-r -a- vviale sa isgtouîr -hofnro nci-duet-Inu wnrtd totmitiC ie-lut b iirt oeSdy té ZIft Cit-y." a tiret ibase bal tenu ibis year. -blch viii étiver ta-oa-eeks. tundut. vst lew oeahm WAUKEG2-'iN "WAEEKLY SUN ciel> - en K....lt-rb>Ii atnd asso Chairmnan of t-» The Hou. JiMtmy Kiîe.lsiîîi lu-i e>sNewa- iaCommiitte.le or . . - ht-tisynWîgî I Otit itituîîîrrIll: drietion t ho vork Of >uijor Aithii' Pitpm . ielireti) Ltîudyly tetiri> 2fitciurclit-. . Criock(,iipt-t-brother - iDruc 1i\ itrtirIs a iuist-)onary i .Chartes Jedtiika. Balsa. Sautb Anerica. Tiose Wb&a Jack 'lt fLi attmity t-rien ,- tsehl'sd i btWspeat in the higbeg --Erford D3arnes. tîc o-lis abilhly as a aposter. HO ?art'r fiubsuaI Hasthira - h tman of larKe exhtence, cle:tr i- Eda-ard CsaeY alg1taud.cia mate lis ir tietî-'et- Lucet-, uttînserrant ai JimunlY'S lïs nmessage.Ile viii prt-sentelgbt - Heur>' Case>' ictu i,:tb'taicued suiiue of ses-ne - in L.ady Crookenhho'pe. ford Craten so-ii Atîerit-ti.anti teliver Ia mesage lisorte's ntibe-, . etan S(eitinck ai umnce,- inît-sel>' hnterest-iug 554 iTht-ilr Mite llitent Kephiel ----------... elful Mirri-it ih vus A ivoîtl i t-sk, albi bliitly-tao tde- -* ",, t'i--ttiti-I LO. sîttimai ions iil Aute ries lu active C»- tttsaislte l-ig!zerty tlîtinî. viii Ile îtrî-scnt"tid. erY080 -~ ~ ~io of - tt-'-ttis lt'tfProt-essor in 1<-rit-I cinto t-etnizeti ChlristIIaItY. ll uiI l".tS. Qtinta G(lIi si(ttiLinuit ui-s thtils p'iortunitY Of s 511 îa ltt ituier 1 learniug ioa'iut)ntmkilie ePraCtical Fiait-lce Gllmdenbe't apiatii- lonitut-hle princîmles of lJMIS tutu.cnttuttti.1 i t-tuhrrist.. etoteuty vili a r(Pl],iT'Yplot.ý Ti-' finI tt-tliinnnuîucei'tOt- to-ti-utg i-t td osera next sOin- t fivn, Parki--se voheen ne-1 celve..The sesion viilopen JueI 20anti iontiuue fer ten veek%. Art-- isba et- cou*try-a-lde faine bave beenl tienMgect- tanti Pufor-mmCu iet-U'r lias ever beloTe are prouhit. Solitiihrs voundet iniii ot-li u fle n- ved ftrons Fort Sieridali gOVei* nIn lit it-uitqt5t-stenta set- uiien t»e etiget -of at--ak yard gardt-'uisouira0ê by Chilage seboOl abtIdref- Tei wa, trcrIttgif-elit-b Dudley *qf Trays supervisor et- ebool eei work.an4tidreelor ett-bboooS srbenkêP, ?r. Raya ili WI miaen ionatii Vert »"eU»U LIBERTYVI LLE $ 1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCIý ELAIIVE 0f DR. J. iPUBLIC SERVICE3 L. TAYLOR KILLED CO.AÀSKS FOR IN- IN (iEOR(iIA MONDAY' CREASEN RATES Perry BIackIe 1 aged 26 years, the Petition Aski.ng for lnctms la n of Samuel Blackler. formeriy c<f Filed With Public UtHltes ake Forest, w-on now réaide mn Sitt oai dego, Calîf., a-as kilied in an airpiane Bad chiet- aatMouay t Anercus Consumera f electrie ciarremitti. aId.,<~pogia.Libertyville a-ilie ooblitge, pal He ent-ered the air service of t-he lmore for service. providtag t-he pub- îlited St-at-es army during thbe war and lie iities commission grant. m. as commissionedl a lieutenant, but incresse t-bat bas beets aked fa. Notice of t-bts application for an lin 7a kept In ibis country as an inl- erease is fournid ta the following dis- ruetor, and waa engsged in that work î,ath t-romn Joliet: tlite titue of the accident. The Public Service company of ir Bllacklei suas a cousin of Dr. J1. Northern Illinois ban filet! a poUUcIL Taylor, andi was we-l knoa-n in Lib- wlth the public utiliiies comimstf a- Springfield, asking eanthortty to in- îîÀi.hastng ît-,ft-ed hoe many croase ils rates for .eiectrîc service. Ine Ji olle t. MIorris . Loekport, Platnfleid. iln 1reit-i more notified ait oce of Wilmiug-on. Manhattan and ot-her t-e H ,l1 111 and i Irl arrive in Larie cilles In this section. The autitunt of ,on si 1 îlty. The body of the un-'iiicreise at-ted i: nfot state- Tis iItinti ii ,-tmg nizin aill lbe broîglit1a I libe tut mced latetr. 1_11t 1- treat today Tluraday<.'lThe 1OH iih> tii.th, o npanya.l -oI l'neti 1 ervice wII ie be hed at t-lv day that înercea.ed cost nii --norai iii'-, Forest Preabyterlan cburcli Sat *np,,jzting ext e tane-iaîg r'la' afternoon at t-wo o'ciock, and an increa.re in lthe rates. «\\ ' other il] be conducted by Dr. McClure. lu- concerna have beem ad% anciiîg ibeir rîttent ai be at Lake F4orest.- ratesi iront tint" to ti), Public e rv ýcoiitany. lhey thlas con- NEW SU TS ADDnu i t-o gise strvica' bth, saine ;-NE SUTS DD fgur. - Rate Varies. j~IbIED1fl Rates paiti for liglit :,id tîîweî are TOD ER OR O basetd <oi kUowNatt I '-. Thisis tle- liaoit of COOstuttptit t. fefi cents te AI ~ ibhe flat r;ate for t- - i--- iil ithtlfg. CÂLDI OR E IL One cent' dise t 1.1 ,itowed. ihre lUalI i:n 'o lie it-ed a o.petaion of e" t - itnti other Lottie Cerk says fAnother Wo ,-rsot!eove yan- " i, iate varies. man has Broken up Home; tlhe ,-ctîe- in *- '- n t--ta't. Names Glades Jepson. 'sccordîng tatuh - 1i. 4th ILake counly*s divorce miii a-tIi bc For îîg.t--li 't 1,11fl- -the blic i continue its nîerry grind n as îig ilta il , . -I ns -ceord- aresult of new' divorce Ft., swhich -t-g tu th iti- i it tT~- t îtod. were added Frtday in t-wo cases a di- ýin which h- lt l, t- oi 1!9il il 9 con- vor,. s tsaketion lhe grounds of de- Stimlttion t ti%,.d ls titi iia hasts eêrtitnin rite-.other cage the tbus- !ot 100t-i s.. il t t, t aWatt». banti1 is citaiged l wtbbasing been in- JFfyf, ' l l h 'l o fimae wih an terwo a . hsr t)- - ;,,r. .iain- '%jis be a-as ýu:ys tltg- :tr ia t 1 1; ivt Cr.1ing pct --aiîtwtt liltrri-i ci In<harles Ct-;rt Jaîtltary I, ibeur t t t t'tt: i) ttttur:Ue tii anti, tbev lised tîgo-litr until t 1!m t- t tti -id.ve- >t-itlt I2l 919i. on Ihat day, se,-mal-t o tir,, l -rrt-r 1 i , l, s vfttr cordtnLntz irl-e ss-ifoel- htibaud was t-bat -r- H - it, Ittiset iare ietoifea itinti a lb GîtidYs .lePston. TtIt S ,t-fe-til, itarged alan t-bat the Ibel e wer- . 1, il .,-. n the îttny ori-r occasions when tht- sanie Ilt-t.iÉ, or i 1.ita- !- ts,-ad- tar,, of afftairq developeilTbe tur- :v - --t, îîlij u . l ast flt-r i(barge- litas, otter worit t n whose fi-w t-tii i,,,t t t t -tht - - i - tt,Pu-t- aites are 001 iînoa-n t-oNi rs.Cerk Tic t-,î- ttîtî bitp-ýi to breakIiLpI)thelIr bomne- She -t-s for tîte"euatody oft- ibir t-at Jatck l)aly. lu big bill for divoreI E CfU I ON %ays lthatitho niarricti Helen l1 Fi-bruary 7. 1912. He add t-bat îlîey E EN E F R I o .ved toget-ler tintil January 1. 1917. E c1. O I n wicttdate hc gays sibe desert-dI Sophie Knlgbt in ber petition says ERIY VILLE SUNDAI îart mtbe nîarrted George E. Kilît Ictober 26, 1916. Oitht-e 151li o-f t-be folowiug montb site gaysalber litshand Neit Sunday. May 16. an ail-dsy .0& deserted le.ucarionai conference a-iiibe beld in be.Liberlyville. The ait-ernoon confOr- ence a-ili lbe lli aith -e Presbyteris hlurcb îîromptly ait- -ree o'cIoc4. Dr. SENIOR CLÀSS 0F cWaahburn, frotta bts experience la t-bt. une tif endeavor. a-ili e able ticaug- DE ~ ~ geat ways and romeans Of arOdlu ita T UE IOH CH L mlisiosary vision and entlilsiti lis t-he cburcb- Dr. Henry SeymbUltl' &0W5 fl t- fl vI be a big "ut t-o t-bis eOntfsO1 TO PRESETTÀA rLÂY because of bis very successfUi PaitOr. .te at t-be Lake vtew -cbgrch. Chinaieo _____and because nf bis work as pastor la At thbe hlgb acbooi auditorium oexl Clevel&nd. oblo., Fi'rday eveuing -t-le Senior chas of Aitltte big mass umeetintg, tu, bre eid the L. T. tHw S. a-ii give a play. en-t1iktte, MetbodittEpiacopal church sat t-led "Ail-ot-a-auddeuIleggY" The, 7:-30)ln the evening, Dr. Brown a-tII class la working bard lu minae t-bs i th Ie îdiresa ou "Etatgellom, una of t-be best pisys i-ver preseuteti 1 andi Litefe eruititing." Dr. Brown la à by borne talent, and a crowded bouse t1ttan of %wrtntli-rftil persoual!itY. aq1111t s-iil greet the- young folks. -1hbît noiverlul speaker- His a-mit-as a The folloios ngit, tht-e st 0 ot char preaciter bas gîven hlm a boat t O e- acIera s:uti i hi-aiet -ivtires er lie bau Anthon,. ord -,îi-ir-k-ntiorpe. Vol j bete lie is supîerintettdet o f is It