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Libertyville Independent, 13 May 1920, p. 33

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PASSIN< Of tuE 11080 CLOSES BI(i 11080 IOSTELRY Is Fast Going the Way of the Buffalo and Dinosaur; Respected Now. MAY REVERT TO TYPE Th,e neya ht once flourtshtltg hbe hotelinybla ia ig 4terfl center of popu- lation insa teec rtonsed for lack of patron- a le ,tîrs s ih a start f0 the pasmama of s tateIy vivtd and arther numerous AietPCirtEiqtype. The pînheleveel vaga- bîond.ite fabor-tttthigtar CTmp, he knight of the croesttea, alth whom Jette- amitttt and crtonnlsaf have filled un- rMnt,ti,> pagea. la.piev a tale that la ld.so. et leata, say thons whose busl- nena I l to keepa trotît 0f 'ura mat- fer'* The hobtthfly hMntslattgo- Ia tthe way of the tiffalo andd h. dîne- sair, or, te te0f a more meanngfut contpieoit. lI. hcoppltg as Infreticent asnIlle famly more jogging aloflgwith te tac sated buggy." rritiat ir the war, va are told. The~ aurry t ook buhlèreda cf hant and. wher- ever there vas a gern 0t aef-r.sPect lie a wakeit and tester. made men cf hem. As condtfions gr.v asdiiY moe tttotfortgthle arnd prerfotus fer, the ,lakr. ltundreds of tohra fctînd hers- selve.s ln var Idustries, vhere htgh iragon and the romforts procurahie there- with persua&d d hrin hat. allerAlih, la- bon was nt fan ennixed lit. se il bas ceinet pana that the tun- kecîpt wazderer aho aforetime le eier,d itergeri and pIferd litsa way freotCtf te tca'flands tate Cestafa nov travî 1 . a P iim an and farrira n th e b c -t hoti. Instend of hîtddtiflg around a flitkatIiig tîhzu it the Juniges of rail- re1.1 ,rd. wrItei a currepif historian. l' b' l a veti riad. ln conifortattir aur- riivaand iing on te fat of the Laet d Thaf hie oy aertCte type, if his jcti grevsa abit trenuotta or is was a ta rfifie e, ta Qite tImagintable. lot for h 'oncreie la happtty metamer- pholled. Mous Figlits Snakîs. Everyone bas heard ot the remigrk. a ble combats ofthtei Indian mongoose writh venômoOs makes, ln wllch lit tic ikkitikki-tavvi contes off vîctor. The tact hat taetmogoose Invariably survives bas led 10 thé suggetion that Itl 19Immune f0 susSe poison. 0f ler animais ssy9,'Ilio e Immune arc the. pig and the lîedgehog.1 Thes experimetits of a Bitifsh net- tirallaf show tbiîf an animal of h. tiertouse fartîly rouît be added o the lisI of Immune. This animal lg kuown as ie@leref andfI1lasali to ,gt tierce. ly witit ripera. .arga doses of vi. per's poison vere hiitected Inlteoane lerof. fron wlîchi Injection no 111 et- fecta follewed. OEn one occasion s lerot wias bttdiy billt)n l the eye by a riper and no sigus of poisooaing foi. lowed. seYACHTfS Tc.. sulors 0f thé . ueoia Ivre taciing mbt thé breese lu au chartrain. The Pensacoli Club bus Club of Nev 0rleanà for the SirT t~ are of th. liai camstype. m-causé bO af er se-lIW. STARTLING FI4 UN4ES ABOUT COST î TO U. S. Of WAR Millions Upon Millions Were Spent Wthout Effeot on War Being Feit. FIGURES ARE DUMFOUNDING Do you know T1he government spent trom 1917 to 1920 36,818 million dollars? e Do yoni 1<0w The total appropriations from 1789 to .1917 were only 40 billions? DJo you 1<00w% Front 19f'7 to 1920 the government collecled in taxtie 13099 million dol lars and borrowe4 24 billion dollars; Do you know The gorerument apent 150 million dollars building port termingli% a. Charleston, Norfolk and alter places trqm which flot a single ship sailed during the vant Do you know Thie goverfment @peut 20 million dollars building a terminal up the river tram Charleston whlch ship. could not reach because the river vas toc shallow for tbemt Do you know The govefliment spent 120 million dollars building nitrate plants, but did -not flot prt>duce a Pounld or nit-ý rates for use in the vant Do you know The government spent 100 milijoný .dollars building powder Plants. non. , t Of v0ich producbd a pound of the powder useel dnring the wan? Do you 1<0mw * The gortrnment aPfnt 100 million 1dollars on tanks, but that the tirs, r Anerlean tank reached France atCer *the armistice? Do You 1<00w The goverument rpent 1 bnilon (~oe j~tM~oTnes Ir Fa, AL IN ÀBARREL M Britoji paredevil Who Kissed -, ~ . Lie Plans Feat That Gives . . . .. ilMany ,Cold Feet." ..~,"' .Charles Geoge StepbCfls. aLbarber ln Bristol. England. bas an"one tfiat he la golng te trY ta shoot Ni- agara talla lu a barrel. H e has booked hlmssage fron i Liverpool to Quebec an JUDO luth. fach< Clb shws l .~.~- and aays that ha intanels to Maile thé yach, cub ae eowntu -he it. attempt ut the aod or June. or eariy inter-club maitch et Laie POUl- la July. àChallenged lhe Southera Yacht. Stephens la 56 yegasof uge and dom&g Lîptea lropby. The bouts stands 5 tact 9 1-2 intihes high. «ua»thefillt Oen wre Med The barrel wyul be 6 fI, 2 Incites and ln te Middle 322inciteO. InRIde dolarson heIa, ut ~î î70 lte barre, Stephens plana ta be su- Adoellaron-aela.bolis ao ed 17000cured by stiaps, andl the barrel ta forcaFane-abtelerandO'b. velghted at the hottom vitb al fores a Fanc--aouttes minutes' bundred pound veight to k.eP it supplyl upright ln the vater. Speelal breath Do you lnov mng apparatls 1la aIea bcitg fitted. Tht government spent 117 mîlîloli Antang he other thIngi Or tests dollars on &as. but theat à a inffi. hich Stephans CiainttiS a tve par- American-mada gas dieu vawu tîreti fornted te the folloving: by the Anericati farces la Franc.? Kising a lion in 1is den. saigi Do yoU knov 1 custamers ln a lion's&<den, bolinu The governimelt sPelit 478 ini. ~, 10 en anld paratihuto des- dollars. on guns. but that clr enïta tront ballonna: for vbich teuts neventy-twe Amics.n-ntade &,anh o bouta thtres ibbons. fivO S5010 mcd- reacheel our forces at the front? %asantd ai, silver medals. Do you knov To shoot Niagra faamln a barrai The governtent Bient 7 milllilbua béen the ambition of numeraLis dollars on a naval training camp persons seekting nef oriety. but te- ln Virinia affer the armistice vas have accompllahed it. Mrs. Annau aigned? DdEkaen Tayor. vho vent over the rail Do yatl 1<0v Anba vooden barrai about 1904. vaa The governmenttSPent 70 million s.verly iniureel. but recovereti. dollars on a poveler plant ut Nitro,. "Babby" Leach madiete drop suc- W. Va.. and sQId II for 8Smillions? ceuifully and i wtbout lnury ln Do you knovr steel barrel ln 1911. Thes govenoimentalpant 100 million MRRAELENE dollars for a nitrate plant at Muscle ARAELCN S Shoals, Ala.. and hat congreas bas beau asked 'for additionai appropriae Etkin Tco..letLa.r............1 tiens to make Cia plant Capable o1 Maîry Craiefri, itigiitiafld Park.I produclng fetiliezen? Frank ON,1t. chirege....... Do you kno.w Beatrice Ni.tgafl. Saine.......... .19 These items and altera like threnGO. M. Ppi,-e Grnd Icapids. Mtc ..23 -cîeteti by iepresentativ I& V. Den.t- clire I. licgie, naIne......... 22 sou of Illinois ln a retient epeecl- tAI.x Jng.dine-ky., ic ........ 24 belped orplain thc sîze of the expendl- Joeephi e jagedtnsky îiwue 2 tures for Wlith thte People are'PaY-W. Smaitnl. Wapîleahta............U ing toda-y and vili cor-fit te (oPay foitntt M aWagp,-r. ane ................23 years le come?-Kafl55sCitir Star. tar.lav strpnik, Miwaukeea_...22 Luzy Dembeki. samne...............2) Chauacey V. Stewart. MilwaukeeC ....22 Orlglnaiy «EateringS Ilazel D. ueoraemon. came .... .......21 Sterling, la sncb applications os Abert Niemeyer. Miwaukee .....43 sterling Oliver, bas a cuuiaul histary. Mary %am* ....am ............. b2 The people, especlly merchants, trots Chas. M. Weaer, Waukegan b ..... .23 Germany, vers calleel Eustenllnga. hO.e izabeth I. Nchlie, smme............lm cause te Country lsy .ust of Englanti. Ryoli ks.refLka. About the ime of King Richard, mon- Mayimonuedp. chisrevant t......... ey coined ln10 Ormany came loto great Drf uo,,i.iroiilVl..2 demand ln England. lien killed ln *Drai uaî Ka grolalE sa , '........3 1mintlng vers Imported i mb England i.nul a.il an ......I andtheUt.coins tcy produceti vere cail- Wm. E. Brad'a. Wolf Peint. eMint. 31 2ed eastenilogs, atterte nente of lm tMu\îieilttia.tt5 1iag>....22 .1 porteti workmen. ily the tedency o 1 abidgeutCha seeia nheentlu 11lOrSo eLimb of a Coenp. id T!Ha languages, h. irst part of the wvend Prs aaieiiorli U vas droPped, sud the word becain. ber for 'Fleur de legs'reaid'Fleur de 1 lsterling. Jir'-olmTranscript. THIS isn't the name of a play;' it's what we base our busi- ness on. Our ambition is to give. you such good values every time you buy here you'll "corne back for more.". That's why. we seli such good clothes; that's why Hart Schaffner & Marx- make them so good. It means more business for us; it means greater economy for you. You'Il see the economy in the - service they give. If you don't yoU g e t your money' back. Largest Clothing and Shoe Depart, ment Ini the County. See New Styles Now On Display This la surly the. Urne for YOU to get the SUt, Coat, Drus 6r 8ki14 that you have wanted. Prices are at the lowest point reached in several Years Vý fIOI5Uoý A5 W5 ON Deo u LAC. Wl . gi offluoc. Wou. AEAU CLauEvIUK . Wis LA Cg"@& W i& COMPARE!1 Shop arowid!1 Buy yqur garments where you can do best. Plerce pri ew neyer were hlgh. They are extremely low now. 4i75 in al sizes and the desir- able shadea as tan, moroc- Co, pistache, blue, brown and grey. Specials in alranges but principaily at $24050, and $39.50 Ruyf the littIe girl a coat now. Just the b e st made, ail wool garments you could find anywhere 'at much under actual value. K[any st 1e a in Short Coats w' plaitedibacka and b.lta or plain wt' roll coflrs. In polo cloths and mixtures, W. are takmg loues on these coats so that we can gi va ouaprice that will in. you to buy now. Our stocks are repleto wlth well tailored suits of splendid, 'al wool materlaL It doesn't mat- ter what our original pries were, you wilil re cognize at once t.he very unusually low prices. Styles that are charrning in ail the wan ted shades. At $3025, $6025 and $7.25 We can eil you cota that you would flot find regulaly for less than $8,50 to $13.50 *DRESSES E-very drcss ilîcluding piitc I (h ngettes, Taffetas, ('repe Meteors, S1%erges and Tricotînes at sharp and substantial reductions. V alues up to $37.50, as Specials *for. Saturd.ay $22m50 A few Satins and Taffetas in sîzes'18, 40 and 44 for Saturday, $1210 SKIRTS Nev er was there a better oppor-tuity to buy your Sport* Skirt foi this suanmKr and vacation wear.- Evcry skirt sharply reduced, featurrng for Saturday, Soft Wool Plaids-and Box Pleat ed Serge Plaids. AUl NéIî Spring Models PIERCE TRSC 214 N.Genesee $treeut -WaukeganJlUooia "The, men who corne back"m AS FIRST IN 1 DIE, LAND, 1 Disinguished Ser Posthumously Ai Lt. Weeden E. OFFICIAL REPT Pl Diel you know thl ggovernmenit'ts aew des mamed utter a Lake CE Did FaU k'flav thaf boy Wall (h.e "fîrst Co f icer of the U. 9. Navi duaing tbe land f igbtl Did you know that signal beroisin, a Laka man wus poathuniousi, distinguilied service Davy imodal of honar y«. 14 oea tact. And lie namne ot I vus Weeden E. Oson seon.aslileutenant in livcd in Laie Villa, i the tinte ot his sui Informationha lu *the efiet that Order lte ::y departifnenti eb a, 90,120 n th. destroyer utter Oui byr pehtm lu ls»a der, nov ofticialy of i Ingtan, prkins ahim if fui bravery. Iler. le the pasav der, gengal sumber' the recognition given aed si&ited by Secrets Destroyer No. 296. tion at the Dethiebu. Co.,Squantum. Ma mesuarY of Weeden 8. ai burgeon. United Ohi In Chicago. Mi., Novi Elilicdflu action witb Jirat l. 1-nes. Junte ( "au Thierry, Flanc, dex'tal aur eon la t thl ankof leu ten»a May 9, 1917. Detaild flice Sixth Itegiment1 * 26, 1918. Pssthurnou dîetinguit.bed service Navy nii i honor nry heraLin utîder i &deance on flourec nature of his prefessi, hlui tveery jui3tificati minIte rear. but lté g, nçi-ai reacur ire ed heroie deeda in aid ed. n'hile earying tîra'r In a place or :tuck by a sheil sui ed. Re wuef hétirs efaer In the I niteel m etdah duig hb S p v..na>srMyo o Ld Y',MilEand ti-lu yaeterder but n., ti of Uen. oPrrae, jtaes trorm E'ord t,. a ê1ha,. t tur. t R.n Alrt,'-q a gerbbiy for fte b"Eri< pattas foties. amre r MAelean rnational -11., p;e ii esaido ha, .tat,. (if Vers E ., h .'tsn'-o of eeape frite' effrtt to leonhlm muper Etiq fate. &aym a dltiatti t'no sfront (I t 10f. U<tanra,egiic i,.k,'d that hffir romn, f.t'il 1 . ac. br t fi -ird SOn Msr M op.teb.t ?t . ý Arullar tf ta 11r-1 ttg'-neral nt*ff andr,' FEDERAL WRITS NA MEAOI * t.'trtr17tfor tihe a. %V. 13nte, prealdent of eOr roMpaiy, 730 %Wr! Ef.ieMgo, talnd E. W. Be tl ir tn, on chbarges viotthe tI,'iever Met,i fid.1 building this Tn Ilif.aetage thut î'ti0poilldz cf mut$ , ne fioti If1 0 18 cei * .- total profit of $204.14: hi sae!td 1have heem pi C'olonial atîgar coajopan durin« Mûreh and Api cost of 13.2 cents a pv an average prite of 29.ý * May A^ex Wrihs 1 Preigbt charges oni ale rîl aoutnd teo ot dred pouti;do.it5seli' boarcd cf directore 0f ,.oked lter. ai

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