TO (10i ? uefiOFFETT DUE TO ~:BE SENT BACK? Persistent Report that Radical Change is in Store ini Near Future at Station. datinite wth rTareme ta whwre Ad- unrai Baasett la to go or wbetisar there lea ny certainS>' as ta Captain Mffett teng trasfmrrod hock to bis aid prost. Ctltain Mtoffetts alotted U1me for lpnnrtw o yeans at sca do not ex- pire tunlîl Decemiser ofthIis year. t is rsclled that 'sien hoe was comn- mandant rt Grerat Lakeafit was noces- i3ary far him u ohave tl'su -ara at sea iefore lie could be raised fi-on) tse raih nj capln (o smal of rmar ad- mirai. Hlowevero, if la -sald tiat lho BASSETT NOW IN CAPITAL. yea r period tb permit Filmn ,beh trans- - - ferred hock bore as coiapndaast, In case tise naivy department saw fit to Trhat Rear Admirai Frderlck Bas- do -Fo. à ett, commandant at the Grat Lake$ Needed For Trainling; naval sationl, la tci be tranaferred te, another post and tisat Lieutenant In view of thse imiportànt ehangea Commander Zaugbaum a aiBo to b. oo be made at Great Laies dorisug transfel-red mnd that there lea ihe future sang thse lino of training chance tht Captain W. A. Moffett for tise men of the country, It la ad- ýmay b. returned ta Great Lakre@as Inmltted isy asany tisat Captain 310f- commandant is thse persistent rport fett la pecularly fitted toeisaidie that haa corne ot of àtid about Great tl ilno et work. 'rhereror.e t would Lakes for the part few daya fot lie surprlslng If ise were ordered - bacil to thes tation as commandant. Admitral ltasspot lelft Sunday nmotn- Sureîy every body ln Waukegan and Ing for Wtti»lnttflttfolto's)ng anf or- Nons ebthiago wLil ho enthusiastic "der frosu lise iat y departeunt t o re- ir'atu Mfet port teor< for an ini!rtt cfl or- mrCatai Mfetm retvrin be- 'enr. I deelos tzitthe order cause he was connected with Uhe sta- mea. It drs ols t in tîBa- on for the years during ils building Ilapeaad was reago y ut sett in loBas set Nae tnzbi- tI Ia tu1) lie (I w l!i hlt e npfle of the cominrmlties cause otfil-S.Il as poSIjý'ned inffluie eetian rsny other comimandant .Poelitn Sd iy i r- hs ver Seen. File knowvletige or t' thO)lIflG maning young lien ta te imnportanst Cspiain 3Mort-its e p th' Mit- and vers sxtensive andl Itlansaid the rissiî, i s u loiw e o.tuInd Ili plans of the navy departntent for tihe Is r-P0t t r d ilt1 tje ,,r t St' t e h mel uttrltt g season rmlqim. re a nitn w1lo fri iii blui tm mti in rqInul ri % I os a ;ti e\l cnsin e exirersence alnng t he trt! on l ied lu mo ,l'-eopt any 1t tlg iUisS list. On Dec. l8th, 1919 paign Designed to I Alotherj "Ye Olde IbIcIT TO13C 900L PLA (CONTRIBIITED) At a recent meeting of the Scisool directors of Lake Vila Townebirp who came togatiser at Iotel Jarvia to.meiet ounty Superinentdent ar Scbools, T. A. Simspson, wiso was un- able ta be present and 'who did not notify tise Committèea ron tise Town- shrip Commercial Assfociation wiso bad thse meeting ln charge of bis inabillty to do an, the meeting iii- solved lself 1010 an "objection", ses- sion. Racis of those present were cslied upon by Chairnian Frank T. Fowler and they were reqnested to state an objection to anther tise "Centraliza- tion" of th. township achoole or .tà a High school, Lake Villa being tb, location ot aach. Perfect franknes on the part of eacb attendant brought out many an avarlé-i objections. Here are tihe objections* Cenrtallzation: -'Coat ta haut pupilii.". We have a nice littho scisool and disliae to lose." 'Cisildren cao stand walking bel,- ter tisan riding." I'Too mucis bother to bandie yonng pupils.' "Eeeping ptils %%aiting ln bail wsather for voiicle."' -Property near present dlmtrlÇ.t imhool flot so valuablo if discontin- uîrd." -Otr RhoolcheaPer than to con-1 alidate, now rosts $800 to $1000-" -Moalas and sanners noS so gaod" - In case of an epldennlc. uucre dan- ger of disease rpreadtlng.' I*will cot 4li snre taxes' "Our Lake County centralized school8 haro not becu a cneceas:" cilcd Voss ecitool) «'Who gets lands-and buildings ln *'Wtf we lie tagad more tisa OW. "'Cn you use taxes for bÀultùt 'tais You run a centrallizad achoal here as cheaply fur each isdlvldual district as now cortng îhem." LAKE VILLA ITII 4CHOOL "If ccntralized district scisoal de- sirable, wby nol cerrtraulized bigi achool, ither jmnning Anliocis or Grays Lake." "Can one ehoome ashicis higis scisool district to b. ln near tise une." "Tho Aven susd Antlachacisool Unes are thse sanas as before formillg Lake Villa Tow7nsbrip'w-bat affect will thia hava on tihe Lake Villa 111gb "Where, tan w. reacis out ta ln foi'snlng a higis scisool ln Laie Villa. How msny teachersansd their qaul- -ifications 'and the equipmnlt for an 9cecredited high sciool.' "'Cals Yeu maie taxiayera psy for two higi s chools." Haw wonld tise çoBt ha arrangeà If Lake Villa had a cents alized school Including 111gb nchmol.' Taxes wilit be greally increased. GENERAL STATEMENTS .LakeViUla tra unrm.sually well and centraily located for cubher ceîntral- Izad or higis scisool. Lake Villa bas n large new xchool building, easili' atapted 10 a nrsch greater stendance titan now, tise ax- pense of addfing t o tire present se- comodations 'sottiibc, acri' low comn- paratively. Tise prasent Lake Villa school ai- tenidance and tins. lrmnrle increase lu population rmal, teeit11que- tion and an earmîs -ttHein1tt oue of Tinie c Satins, Taffetas, Dresses to $25. 1m - --those1itr'a.e1',dlntre ltN U ilyIatfradpioo.o on tise 8w-o sb awrite te Franki'tien alxty day. aller theégeîseial . T, Fowl.g. Cs=irisus oool COWs. 1ft 'embly Udiourn. Thia i year la mitte,, Lake Villa TùwnshID Coin "- Ci1iltJM ES . IN te tarI Juiy 1. mercial Association, Lake Villa., 111. rIhe psy af metobers of this lelas I'tIU>~Uf"SIL ture remains as at ret ni LUIJiTII OffIICE iausged isy law. Poissonm for publie F~OR SALE:. 80 acres black latid, - mployes recelves canstitutiousal rac. w-ah itlled, witb 8 mont bouge. o gnîtion.. Tise general assambly le Good barn and other buildings, ce- Sprinsgfield» Ill. May 9-Tise 111-, guanled- autlrorlty -pot only to open ment silo, deepweall and windmili, neis consiitutional Lanvention Tues- reads but aise "ottrr ways an or about 4-6 fruit trees. hall rmile ta ,day ds.cided tisat ail ot thse offices ssnder tlisurfacte." A numtmmir of- sehool and 2 1-2 nîlienst10 miii ta- 'VrOvided for In thse presest_ form of, atier minor changes were msade,. ttu-Frprice and terme eaU gsd county organizations mitait a main- akr8e 'nrst see me. I w-lli show iltoe Ye. 1. tained. SneaSe neat Meyer, 2412.Gideoil Ave. Zion-111 A minority report trom fte cons- Tise committe. on revenue recom- noms. Wkiy 4t1 mittee on county ansd townahip or- maaded a provision for tise oew baic ' j'ganizatîon, w-Ilcis soAgit ta conseil.- iaw which wili.confer an downstate WANTED: - Comnpetent girl for gon- date tise offices. of Bherlf 1ud cor- banicers a constitutronal priviiege of__ eral bousawork. lune 26tis. MrM oner. or circuit Clark and, recorder of gettiusg for their pr1vato pockata in- G. R. Lyon. Apply lire. W. 1 Lyon, deode, anfd aof<rointy treasurer, as- ter" n i publie funde. Statm ansd 700 Sheridan Rd. Pismone 264. acsour and colacto w-as defeated local taxes th15 Yeas- vilil total $172,- 120-3taltear a lonsg debate. - 000,000. Tise cunatntiimnt tise ssorning The connttee action was de-lgned session, docided ta axcinde C~ook cort-hY a îraminent (Yiueago delegate as ' U. S. fiUTER IS BACK AGAIN ty frgM tise provisions ôftishe county 'IrotteuS." Tise section aplroted hy NewYor, My 1.-Te Aer-ad taw-nehlp artice now under con- tise COnsuities rends: New Tai. ay 9.-iseAme- sderation. Organisation -Of Cook "Ail revenues and nsonoys cnilected Iean steamer Sauth Pole, which au'- COUnt> affaira w-ll bu dealt wltb In a for taxes, or specil aaacýsmms.n5 s hal - rivad haro fronm Rotterdam, Hioland, eîat.atce iirnllydyfruau-mol- b6rougbit back s cargo ai 208 tons 0f"swti xyda fotuc Aniericauf butter iipped 10 lGer- l'ho Legialative Article. lion hc paid over ta te propeu au- thomitles entîtleril'byfitlw 10 ruei many by Armnout' and Ca. On se-. Tise Coumittee on lagiolative de- surih reeamre andl tioným."? iv count of tise biis prices tise Ger- partment bas comnPieted Ita article for TisaS ueans tisat ixta,- rin ie ro- Man- coomignees rafused te aeSptltise new consItiu i ltis tu)e excep- taiuscd frsxydy tF oi-i tisa butter. tien of tise ateton protiding for ap-asfa rr xtùdym - consiuin llecton portiQnament of reprr-sentalion in theund asrulr ac Yry fi. on the Donicey. eea aeul._________ When gypsThe legilatlve article as nevsiHmaI Whnagpy girl wastta innw by tise Sianahssus onmmulttee-eri-nbt Cie. meli au. hOw seau1ai1e0avlili e marrled. 8is0 ittrar hanse of tise isgisiature lo ad- Chnlri;lnes mj ia lm e.mjs-~ WhIistmers lto tise ar of tise first don- JoUn afor iisree days. unssead f tw. key sih. maclas, "Shail I maoushave a* as et jtu-sent, wîusout tise censment permnr-ons-tsi'-mi lusit 1wkmrav lmv, immm, m-t husbaad'f?" If tise doniey mayaes hi@ of Itn olter. jof \'i-ostrimtl-mmsand strll.lrg limefmmre. eau', ehe wiiIf Il a atandaemsuo le, Di, ar unho"rm.arl hiMI, il1,ts teii~tf Ie jmtrn tit's..îl elle wonis So if yen ha-e aIlittie don', lesa oti'-rwme ordere .mi. No 15w ma i, rmot.trr trm-.t-i t-.s key la ymmu Isumue- jho amomusdd by refe-rnre. Aimîrmm- 1"liril, m-mj 'fi or m,. Bargain DRESSEbS Dresses to 32.50. 1975 Dresses te $75 A dress sàle of iuncomtparable valuis 'un which tisere arc hunmrcds of ivantéd modela for street, aftcrisoon and party ',sear. Dresses o! Serges, scool Panamas. Triçotine-s, Sati-ts, Taffetas, (;eorgett e Crepes,- Tr-icolettes and! Corgette and Satin combinations. ~ ~ Mfrodat r~afrni. Sale" With Pr-e-War Prices of Four Vears Ago n We are taking an advertisement ru» in the Waukegan papers FOUR YEARS AGO and re- producing it as nearly as possible with of course the exception of illustrations This Sale is For Three Days Only, Saturd ay Monday and Tu e sd ay i Ohild's '79c Union Suits W'roxen's $2.00 Gowns Women's $200 Union Suits -8kc Brassieres at SAll -,iz" in a 'c1ur Vmrtr' r< 'iuV l7 ',onscn's Srtstnuer isu 'otnn- lsrr- î ' talitv, trnitn Sis ti t srir islt i l-,rusinu g o'J rStîit', of cxtr-a fisse, sjftSc ' t'mm ItnL, -rn'i ii rcgîrarly at 7 at iŽ le artI ai St7S atIsland Cottrur, ail st les ai, r rrîrtl ntm rtl- t. ;I '. s. sp ls 1. 1 a , e ,it --(W omen's W bite Ho e Double Size Talcum Powder X i -l. iî Norncss'r, and a teen 11' i rur- lc s i 1"l(ll>N a stiiinLrard o rce f976 'Aprnrs inus iglst, 1ot< 139,,, dark co' -jr mr;., atm srzes. Sccofimls of aoue -wlmite ccmýtcn host. Msot al] fr -, 'j - - /4 i ) At 4 & We Present Below The Most Important Savings 0f The Yeaî' on Wanted COATS mu". Long and Short -Coats By the Hundred.s Coats to $22.50 12.8 Çoats, to $30 cots Up to 455.00 ai- Il ot ltustrated wiIf perbapa givecmou a better ica rof thse styles n oddescriptios. Ne bave more thaîs 75 faslîiomîablc urumuels incltîd- fu# ciWt andsports Coats. At $1298 luc arc leatherrtte Coats àlrto. ~%mteIIa and color is cprgeneted. 0 . %I . I& A- A s 'irrrn n -m m t le i<r, scmii 1 mf irtlalr i ii ts,, cr uti r t t - , - 226 n-, s s rr at . In heSeason's -Handsomest Models Sits to $35 at 19075 Suits to $50 at Suits 'Up to $82.50 at-- *$45'O 1 lltustratisîg forcibly the preiemîssence of our lnSLt-îon in thse local reaidy- 1 tns-wear field are these remarkable suit values.. Hrer are suits o! wool jer- ' ýseys, Wq~ol V'elours, Serges, Wool'Poplirss, Tricotines, Ckcckcd Velours,,etc, hi thec scasou's moaI asked for nuodeis as.pICtured.abavet mo l.q -F£bo 'Pk rL J-.L5..- c- .I M I We Published a Three Col Advcrtisernent in Which-We Ou1tlined a Vigorous Merchandising Cam- Foi-ce Down the H. C.L. So Far As Women's &? Children's Apparel is Concerned. No-wCornes Link in the Chain of >Peerless Sales'of Which Perhaps the. Grea test is the Sensational- 206, 208, 210, 212 No. Genoiaee Street, Waukeigan Ill. V OLUME XXVIII.- RAIROAD 1! FOR DAMA9 Sara"h Longabouq lake was Throy Train by Tihé Si. Paul rairi fedant n a su t f af eî fiied in circuit cou 1'liday biS araisLongs lake. - The SUi tglad t Ise drector genarai Tise datnmges are a suit ut injurien recelsr, abs ugi rmn December train %Vras ennouta fi Iine,*vllr, Wim..* Mi .-oRa' atlie train car the (Iraylake depot. ed dawn b the e 10 eaam d forward witlr Pla moiwheris 4i 12 jurv'-w4-rm-oftil, 'lit. mn'rt.,n i f- ni - i-'r.m1 m t-. Who rin md n'.u attmnm ' an t 1 - tmpi a1 m n - - nj r- t PORTERta,torl~ Wh H l niqha -I - lui ita r rn1 4~ ~ ~' 111 -triS -m1ut a imtedaFujjjrt akdl a - r'ni,r -and ir" tnt'pama- t ma>I rm- n nn h nlI, d t( t tt (n- Ilte ri 1, iras nch a' '- r 1tl.r'_ai i jil i ;idt Ln ti 1'p. -". t,- > i1 r ,lit c jS' r' !I- ' - ni c Lt cIký . Th -f Il -'1 'l 1 * i t -l oiIi '--'* It - B.r as o ficii L, f i l O t iIli l..r bsminil remogran j nrrltb-'rrf rrqurtmUn As mcrt - rn 2 nd bs ofabit to ta Orpetn u rmm lin l-)fat ov Sesy ci tharftbha, s-riprf mebsd-q ps muar Hcel woysiters, isb andhiiity ta Hak1 was n ,-cm etiond part ouriat.n Beshid- 1- l his wi iey-gandhMr,. C. eut w-bn Ilak-ils.5; who '-sirnss -tat dontg oi dts.d aboi a yesr a ' Ice. Fanerai fror1 Wadsada) at 10: hurla, at Woodstoc Firat-in Lake C& PENDENT.