,v iLT' THE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, JUNE 3.,1920 ÇoaÏY eatNews 4iREÀT LbrSdPeOt>.gec~ire CrOBITUARY 0f M AT LÀ ES P.0. meof tireiiunt iti g . BECOU SaB rrnIoraur signed by Geler Cli,, A un whielir rie faurous Frencselri C A L SH F I N i UIA1~~,I ~ tfils of rire Armsfice sigi ti; acst ,#UEONfIfa aion urders, etc. Tire telegrant vas;P~1~ eired byirvîdio operator vira vas'PINEER RSItENT11 soute tite irefore. PIeat delivered - '1to mn eta irospita iviere ire vas IChange Effective today makes ,,covi-ing Ironi anu injury receitred lnteresting Facts About a Man -some tinte tefrire. Prlest delievered Naval Station Postoffice r11,m' ssag ta iis coiumandîng rfticer' Who Lved in Lake County Waukegan Stationii- t 1)iren reiained ir for himart>f. Il Many 'Years Ago. lsa ararr' iistoricai document. Great TLaks777r wie h -- S Atrotrr iritOleal documuent of rare 1 Charies 1toffnian vas bOrn lu Ger- pen&brnho tofe. viricr interest ta ti'e copy c o e'frar a uauy Augusi 3,, 1840. He came t beoit ~ ~ ~ ~ i p rnin tr e o lît- er o -ýd by tire Boches aspaeri tr is country wîtirhie, parents In tire offce for two yeara. oday becornea tp itEnlarsfdcntil rumro ~ aI0 Ctalto cf ie nrrkeaig a billoat apitt t of th.e firat 29 Aeast He enlisted lu tire civil' ver and fine, eoitges icecsttu assiug ad fbih ý i l prisoiters, givig tireirrnes, i as diseltsrged Ocrober , l 8s; i~a whic canesit atIra latad i ges .,tnd general Informtation about 1 salent. Ma. In 186f, hisu nited ln reCvlg ta -amaupeaned qripqliet; anrd t hem- The aper urakes a bitter al- ittatriaze to,-CMoe Odeti. tOf ibis ,.,mgilng is -noney order tbusines actr ru(in nerak Pershring. aui ac union rirere 'iras ironue chilîr, Min- throUb rtire New. Yor-k offi ce te cusesiltie Anterican forces wii ihthav- ni". wliao died ar tire aine 0f 17 yeacr'. buelnesaswIii be trarracted rhrough ir useri sioîguns lu defrance ut ail. its wile. Chine. died lit tireir boite tie local office hrafe inrerna.tiontal lawa It eoftainsth ii rt Jolier rit ire year' ol1893. Thre change illiliirake corirerabiy waruing alsn tirer Auericîr wouid ire \frer a îîriiîberi' niearie, w n màore worlLk for tire liauliegair office mle a colony fGet rta u-aan nrid uaIs.Mnt butIl wil rceve rédt or hesalsless Germany obtaiited favorabile peace rf thrctrgoe. their ire-ut'le teir aurd virile ibis does ntot cLiarrgr-the ternis. 'This or-w spaper vwas exhirtîed otarie tint il ,.lre irarsed a,,situtdr-ara.r ratiitg of the office fere ir proraily lunp. war exhilit et Ch-icago receutiy N'ifl ae -rorio ir( enrrrtIo itie wrtlr bas trid is frow ieirtg choi ir n varlu i t t -ts rtir2t t iri e i ira rut-Lis'wi.- escotiuese uin nI tire - [arts of thie count i'*, toget ber w ithiothir n trrkdi, i. re,'ire 'Irarit cilitre since tebginn o h ar l'c documents. I rtr hrntet rnii Mary-21. whrtn During tire var tire local office 5tip- One relie w lîir Priest frizes v e1!e t - i air-tit a.rrr i ritalarer ait iii' plied stroira large arununt oI atanrppd irgily ila.a sectioînraîken iront a Ger-'inss m bait ort .dta,. ei tIre argi Ot -.9 paper tiraitlh poafofftces front a"l martiiîewspa[ter This [aper ls apat-yeýirs. s riront b- aud 18 ays. -On irer te coutury'vere ordered to t-red vitir blondstains. If vas pre- \t'tdorrrayiroiriig lire [tartil ai rarly send their surplus stock. cro;istirg senitid f0 Priest by bitiruddy An- il( 4oke'-alrd vas uncouseiou-r ttil mOatiy of snantIr ootrets. o!fviricîr xgeio Agostinelli nf Hiing, Miii.!r i eart:, ir-ticir ccurrr-d jrîsrt ire1 gi-et quanitties were needed. tire Agostinelli, according f0 Priest, irad ý all r teie rrtîr of tis sister'. depertinent ar Wasingntontirrmes a desrme tu "gel" iis man. He vas ,wtrie ir toleiree cantear tient. belag unable in fliitire orders Sud - fot satlsfied uir pumpiug lead lu tire belr nitite P"retenuciureir and1 belng com-peiled to catil uLon trire of- direction o! tir he rtan trencires ire ke[t filsa netttbership tirere unil a iew fice tirrougliourtirhe conitryr. auted toeie ftie kuowledge tirat ',', ago, lie temoiue tire chirh ii t Tltese bookst caime front t-o iiily ire liaid personaîl>' kllled et leasr oee ;urnr-e.z Offices, sotie trilrIre offices in reirtote Bochre. One day whiie on scout duty Hele st e-' one steî .Mrs , ouisa Places ulitodrIeri obselete Isis- A lite encountered a Gernian reout. Tire trarner rof racon, NMo.. uieci:r anrd1 local taitp erritetor. beaiiirg .ni bullett front Agostiîrell's rifle stntc'k u-pieva. relatives and frirds tuo thesse conditions. wafefreri tire rairip tire Boche lu tire temple, couing Out iirouru iis departure. vwia4oua closr'iy audaetonue t rime pur- under tire upper part of iis tkul1 '*tUncie Challie-" as ire vas kuon 1 Obaffl4 bpnkIrts 'rof itr" Ps thiai vere Illood was spattered on tire Gerirt.flI iy ail, vas a iteiri'nibc rir te (. A. R., prInfedinlu92 and A( anottrer tfrie nwpape,- ir'carnied inide aofiis, W~aukenu lie vas e oreirtier of rire1 touid a large quaitit>' ofboooklet itelmelt. Joit e i . i. 0 . F. taM of tire 1908 issue. Trse____________He iras tard ro resr tMouday a4r otanipe teing Ont Of issue "'an long ie~n itire Nlilburn cemteety, vitir was able tu sel tiren t trNeri York a E ERI Il t hrie ceretîroînioftlire. 0. 0. F. deaiers it statirs for' cotiectoi-s et RECORD NU B RO mat lims tieli'facevalu. Tie W ulegatirlodge lu chrarge- màtri e t olit face ani1e8. TheDIEC 13fl lliig of a lrappy twd cieer lai dis-i day arelitstert t $125 per tee! of six iU LJI L I fînTdviireraty tse. âfamps, or' ren tintes ileir face value.____ cfle>s1.be be iead aft the r.ppciai Jrtiw HM À DISPATCH term o,-fy theýs ci rcuit court. 75 ner SIEiUD Y î C'i nunber ofnP rw div orce case~ s fl Oy ÂRMinTaClifte ' eailik ON A MIS ICE A N'bile te naarrrirge records h or a decrease ovet a ';rago. tihe r of di rorcr-s con! lu ie to clint b Most R. W. Priest, a draffaman lu tire of- of tire divorce actions show Tt)! t i fice of County Surveyor Charles Rus- marriages were, co usunia tedlu .I seli, bas sorte extremely tnteresting tire1 ast threo sears and in iii-t relira that lie brougirt back front es are the re-ilit ot ritint toti A COMPLUTE ELECTRIC PLANT FOR THE FARM. D<o sou w aujtlîhing's tiorhartîr îtrround tihe irrurrr and bain? l'ut iu h)elco Lghf. firluinisiies edccirie por.t ft oi oîerat iîig i girt îiaehinery. hfri rflisirerreletrie liliris tor thIe hoIrîrse aind ba ru Ifi ti trottaaud it or< -iw-iater luW, ieev yourri ! nt îr. tîid dors other useful v.o ký Write for Catalog NORTH SHORE ELECTIC CO. Waukegan, Illnois. USED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD We hbave taken the agency for VESTA BATTERIES and are iiin s a poiiirantIo mîrke i, tait r t' t, tian In' iattr'ry ilari S anite-r ia' t-oitr car.. W\e ase c-tufuinisîr uint" ai 'te rir.Ii tr u wn'5. art -' k p:mýitrt-'-,ns ta start r,,ptait muLatterres ýc.d r' /ou5 are lrav- mg tbattr.ry trouble, vue uJd be glati ta have you corne and telliu r.ra OJ trou bies. TOWING AND WRECKING SERVICE - AGENY- Oldsmobile Touring Cars and Trucks Goodyrear Tires U. S. Tires Triple Action Springs "AitT. Ian. irI-Itrud De" LIBERTY VILLE GARAGE. J. N. BMRARD, Prop.' Phone 202 UbertyvUet IL MNWHADDA YA MEAN, HOG SHORTACE?"- FJRST GOAL BOAT ~ 0f SEASON COMES INTO PORT SUNDAY MANHATTAN, Kua.-Whto MUJd "og ahortage"? The Kansas1 erop report ot ther. 8. . Deparima t <A«r1e«Iturt. I"Neit winter la~ lfkeIy to Me. fewer boire movtng to mark«t trom Kanhas points Irau for 30 years.- it prophei. Afté who Mild: 'Nomnese"t Why.i "Sensation let.," chamin&Junior ?0l4 China ow, who iv.. d i- the KanmeaState ASTicuituai oUtes.. DEMAND BOOZE; CRUELTY CHIARGED EJECTED; PROCEED IN TWO DIVORCES Collier Mars Brings big CargoI of Coal for the North Shore Cas Co. ihe limîreding cas famne wiriclr lias been staring Walîkegau and tire Nortii Shore in tire face for rreverai dirys owiug to a mhortnge of gar cool ai tire rlant of the Northr Ghor., gas comntruy. liras been obviated by tire arrivai ou Suuday of the collier Mars with a cargo ot ireiweeu c.E00 and 7.000 tons of garr errai for tire local 'onlcorn. Thre gas ernîrpanys' supply of corai hanr been so depieied that of- ficials 0f the compeny havCe N'en fee - log rei concert. Tirebonarloari viricir iras jurri arrived wiii art for some Uie. Waukegauiies who isrw tire big col lier lied ir )ai tire Reiss conrpany dock were of tireopninon tiret It was tire lirai irt'ticoai' iboat of tire seanu and fri ar rersuit there was consider- able rejuicire. a,,4 iher, iaa.been ii<nros thiatheli' rrtply thus yrar wiii Jurr v lirenu ht' harri r ai s ail n agin tri arrieat thfra ridocks ta flot knori . buît drrck ritirýiali ar, of tire 't' rrrrrn tirai tihe ine is uot aiurir TO STOEJNL OUISE FJLED IN COURT tir eUh I When Contracti Ot'h'tt police. '21 'rt rît to thre tJorte tr - trger i.t a irnî1pn w tint r unu>' tintaht iti'enî oCne,711N ir iir hi ebout-1 tiri r'ý-1, i 1 t1o5rr'irr, r pir catch lit witirn'i)tt 10: 0 oclok Snda iightby acom 1,-al-,,«,i*ý-run oait if ays %tsi priain t t rit)woratit'- 'tnt liad rd nned t mm-rfrontr thir r b irrtds, accord in tpl tge larcge pieCP-, rfl. r .rmirertet o tdivorce b ilks ited ii, circuit court sht sideir ,lk firrougir tre l windows, si t'akrga F tnt break'ttg fic ofItheri akqnFi John Flemingr, '19 Southr ('-nesre E( -iiili Kraft ofr Waikegan is e-k-ucr attrer, irwas at'resfed iry tire roice for a dii ore Iroto Creorge Kraft. Site and ivas lock-ed rrp ln ttne citY Iil tc -,ays 1ev w-ie rrin uirtarringp at Theodore H. D airait trixl on a obarine nofiaving /o ivJn ý 91 n ie o been onu te ieiri. Tire police C Ju' F1, u ivdf0 rau acrnas hlm ai tire corner of Beil getirer imbul Juue 3(). 1919. Severai rideî'e and Market streeta le was acta ni rertite cirarged. taken ru rite O-seit hornte wiere ire iI-dua C. Huirbard of Libert-t, itle waa identit'ied b>' OgscnuTire potioe I 'rreks a divorce frontr Orrîs L Huir- SECIJR tearned ftie uate orIftic second youug ba rd. Site gays rirey vere inrarried miait and are enrleavring to localeAirl7li-,e "tag. irr hv ABT CT 1iii. airîrougir tbey hart' ie, n in- Iwo ciiltircu. 'ryriie, aged 1.5. sud foried ireiras left titwn.i tear[. aged 13. Tire wiie tells ut v"- Accnrding to ftire Sipi told tir tt-irintnces wireun shsà.Ya rlie, lice b', Ogsen ire sud a triends were Iurair tuklirvtrirsftSte W UE. tittiug lu tire kiielten talking, Mirs. skfor rir cusiody ni tire 150 girls. Ogseit andthie ciitrirnirirarvitargon e las________ to bied, vîten tire duo, ws- opened_________ race-nutnotirsl>ant i mmyoutrg mreitn f lR UN A u' "... _ »ý..,.-,..". " MOR 9%nased Il r1bld filet"i tire>' 'inrta ' wrung a A 1111h str tatirilie ihadl nor irqarrir el e FLIE AM DipSliO'S, irrrltî. e ra>a rrr" v uie or n i ,ate ýuueATSNI.I' AstOS cd a (ri r e o ahit nt fr ftud 1) t rrer-rr , O trrr' trer nt o to ei.Bt s kîliedvw ti AT NA iWRECK STOLEN CAR "dII tirebmuse bodîly. car rn-, iîli I r'.a trrlitdogs sont A lc% nitnute-r tan e ie arrti truch r!i , ualatitee"r Auto Seedibeat>' Piee"s or cenet e e,.luri1e d 25e arre fi cake) enîrur-ir irîr lrrrriia Sd 50 Miles hour tirroutirthie vindow'a Tire oliee Kil' ,on or Ceilar. Crashes Into Tree at End ;Onk Ilest, -r t>ouirci rci ortep 0 rz 2cke'r ri ri'rickeititts' of Blind Street. tierifor idence. 1, rs eririsi$00az 2cke)etutr rcai rrcal potnd.ru n , rtt 1,I. a tonîriiiri" a roi ar utnrirri ilriius, strcagr' braini A oy ride induiged rin y Iii e sali-tirn'ii ' r tifatetor' buidings- (': liOfi Ili rea !ýae, ntri;od anr titrtanteed br rce' atoîr it. G10 a t l.In rkf naiont, jnrro -z tort anîdriScrantkIliarcdîr trr 'r earl y Thu radaynmorrng wt'en'the auto u^:trric uraihIila.d ie vit a n a er a' i. 41r i bertyW'aueegtta iefront l. DR. 1. L. TAYLOR t. t' :, lrarrr,e titlLbtt-ati,'ert 11.ii i î arrroagn' t-rutir h 'trteiOffice in Firat National Bank Bulio. r I ', 'x i ng a tranit , h u~n or, t satieri i, u ac a!:111 ai'- -ta aoiog lt'iii aarlnr îatiward v~br h mm. uTshe1t-rn 8:30 taud 7 tri Prt a fato ' -n trtrl- vt-it. Tr r ar t ,ii Ia iera h, oatl d iolar ru i r.d.l u I naiWt> i tat ~ iat a e ' po err.rlice re anura' îhlo t'On , iarira-'s lattia tt i.u entà yt ', uriuae i nara t a l; innn-1tcartre sr' d n- thiea is bîrard an teauto. 1'i i'-«e idW etlli,.11oè Its cn 'oîyorthOfte usianesrt siarmlas br'okrn i-to bit-r asil 2%e- 1 otro tr«bsns porto netirrnr rv i 'i yu- rrre R. . F. BUTTERFIELD. .Ftirc aeildefl bis car, e ire- it t ___VETtiRINARY SIJROEoii PIesenger Oaklantd. standing n front n i t,,t Yar-iuidiîrg on W'asting- tj ê5IT' TTEVTStAA. 1rtnu atrrrt, irile ire areuded ir oOdd IILIW LII J , etvte îios Flý'lor'!si dge meeting. Wien b O LOireOfllptyll.Ilioa a eit te iralet 10 o'elo>ck tire ear vas U I goo.li "POte te ti îoie WAUJKEfiAN IN BAR: ELHANAN W. LD Ponr le r OpOrited tuenmtheoie ail No~rtha Shore it les inciudig Chi- lU " (AlTU Atirney'af.i.aw or ceand trirdlwatkee ,cri> noitie. RtING ST. IARIM ALJ lifice as Home, t'ook Av@, Phone 163.j There irai clerv f0 the wvireabotta LBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS orIle stin c r w s s p le _yrir-d oftMasibal Littberry ofI LI rec> City Council of Kenosha says r -'lu, whoIale-a a car trart anrrvered ,naa nLY L'.MRI Ill dscrptonpasstug tri-ougb iaIte "Neyer gail MîLer LatLE , LM RI Eaiii %hHli. li'vas waiting fto a Week's Experience. ATRYA-A Thi IsIltwarscoinr otciInrotire -LaBuil. iaria'Fo"rest poice tt- te Watkegan *'[Ian"t>cuneili oIKefalarbas foi - jr5 Lure-M. u oldineg. nei autftocatie-,surindail binedruthItoI-r i. 1ý>ar tafken by Veikegan aPoe116X lcePoei I;,t "et 'irrn i tt'ti, mrt-r 5 <ty - ' rsta go lu crinsin trigrant1 \ sItle t'rkrrFoi-est oi t r.i rrrt(in irrl'nlltrttttnttreeti arnivnlrr on tire P A UFN tiý tI e le surirtr>'an, a catrai t rngruund thiatrutr, are gre'ei nuisances PALM CGFI tlrn it-r caîtinm trtlitutts a wt>back Flia ole Ititi-ttiers of tIre Coirmicii AT~E TL t ,rtna n ftr r th, i ' I ley in'> ri rttite t n orar ti tal ar- t' it y ni Kenosal- lA Ibberty ville. iiiitm fnilarn' i. Onv .t-h ra otfircrr' ruil d i l, llr'ita'r a'-rtaa i r - r a nd itr i Irartat ta r a th ie sarikrs tn laairtî t insteer iI i gia a i ani 'Ni'er agaiara arýircr-iiz R r i rt rtre oIri inn' arr' trlrtrn ru ler' rt eri à ai, t-it rc -nivel., and ireck' atcr'trý'art and Itii car t- ar ititi ireiv tri ir, thianair'2t'Sl by passingi.< aloa in 'er atttsîarr-rfd Srveirritir'a ' itr'a ai j t ttrer'r cern'iv ere D R . C 0 OL 'M E Y w' r-. t arei nt(r e 1),tiniiag rtte1- a on ararra ar'4)flicmite C> atnd a pubicr1V ug o cfr'ur, tira ra it r 'i tliai ri r an tire senti-rîar 'iantai' ar r'rîerilînthe r-sce-na rtat troi ian' cauireilthtireto)0other Il TELEPI-ONES 35 AND 3ri s i iii t aitier telr -î n a i ituni a ,r ijrritaýlie' . ta ued for tire holding of trr("-.--a'tîfil(r- Irîroccupant-s had irade surliit n\i,tars iut iKenostan. Aider- Office with FarI Bureau tira -citnr' Ilcad stainitn itlire Irtrata tS t ' ftire iurtir yard, u-as théLIBERTYVILLE - .: ILLi.IN018 machr i,. iidirntird rît i at leatesi Unr' uon ii aerf tire council 10 vote meruber of tire Pacte hledbeen ilu atgrîîst Oie- tesoiltiol.- Jured, penliapg serfously. 'Td lhe ccitirl show was IIft aBA" Tire Lake Forest Police ond t', cinndr'JIi lai u mubet o! tire Cotin- I S O veil-delined linger pri-nt on tire viid- cili artri tire pniy defeuder af tire Ides MANUFACTURIER OF siield wniclr tire>' piofograrîîied, oifat- exhibitions vas tire mayor N ab ~ whWl tey eli nt ay bi rericei ansd initie appeared toiire' Opmedoal be aOnud ranite In atigat least onue aftire tiieves. teth(- passnage of tire resolution, be-de-Mnues Eneiclb"n car watt e contrlef e vreck laird fliat h ad flot been lufao snd vhaSfvas leIt of it, vas taken to of grantrnig a permit tai thé' caruival ________nt a Lake For"est garage. or "institrai' as he iniated on callilug Following in tire cirrunolog'y of the it. witelibas decorated 4h tleareets CemOraOYy Work of Ever3 case as taken iront ttne records of! d1rig ior Ie piruat vek. Decpto tire niglit proice at Waukegau: Description 11:751')p. n.-R(,ceired e cati froîn V. iliaiîra't\rdge of Vraukegau rlirent Marsîrrl iilet'ry o~ re 'iail'tiret arril:,1lt.an "ia ednr.sday, Ma> 26, a t iCorrespondence Soliclteç a grern car vai senoitt i lie silts AugSirirtio ospItl,. Chicago alter anr In t -oing soutir throui L iake Bluff. extenerdiIues& jMe iras beau 111 abolit 116 Genesee St, WeCaliedLaeFrs policean II er ago and death wau not IIIqkga tire>' r4id tire>' ould ire on tire lookt- exP(ected. He vas 49 years of elle.i_________________ ouf for tiren. Mr. Vredge iived In Waukegait for il1:45 p. m.-Caii front Lakte Forest the Pasrtventy yearsan ait v a VOIIM I .DHCKE anid vas going north toward Wesrke' OeratilIL a fatr for smre ime. 8?Wstgo tu San and tirat tbsy wve tatLter ItL Mr. Wedge leaves a vidov ad sr 12:10 a. m.-Cal fîr>sWi ke Forent two cildren, Howar'd and Marri tafin DA ILLINOIS01 Police th&t theY ha" tie re-enauato. Mouri hie losé. Tlh.e oUdm iU Il OaesPhono180-111 1 but tbe fellova bai sot gway. Car and 10 yriot et 5,rNegottlvewgD. boo 0- Fix Mui w Cr ai 01 b( cd It Expand. ont a r-nid. Tout t-Mg rIr~i yort jettt ti snrr, and If voit nayBrirtTran. OPAY $8 FOR- SHOESP> WASHINGTON-No oset8110111111 py more tirait$9 -for apair et .boom. Tirat wili brint do-u th@ = . go baya Coagve'mBf 8ao . Kreider. whO OPemt@S six big shoe factor- f 1. roiR 'ýHow We Cieared Our Summer Homne of Rate," by Mr&. Perry. -%V. rru w e rrrrr.ud orr ea'ride Iront"- Irai Mday r'%Narr ah, r-witir rats. T-'l'A ~ nitiSrnalIll ie uproisterirg. W~e cieaned ibrou otinrua week with ILAi'T-NAP.1' p~refv-rrthisr tt kilir irreýausr if, r cires run r a k r' foru, uno iiturt -t ares dirt-ing iraidrt andi pliates." i iii r" îL . 25c, 15(c, rr Soid and curr!u;iint'r'd 1», ecker's Drug 1ItIrr anr' aur -ernck lardware Co. Durst, President W. B. Smith, Vice Preidont 0. W. Churchill, Secretary and Manager. TELEPIONE 81 tITY TITI£ & TRUST CO. 0OF TITLE - - TITLES GUARANTEED Capital: $125,000.00 Up Your d Holes ith specially prepared ushed -bonding material ad top it off with bank-run r f111. These materialsmay ehauled by teams from the lant at any time.- Lack of plant rcomn has forced us to discontinue a losing business of loading teamrs with zash- ed sand and gravel. 'This, mnatexial can be had in car-load lots, on the electric-or .St. Paul, or through the dealers. Interstate Sand & Gravel Co. Libertyville, Illinois Northwestern Shade & Awning Company (Not încorporated) Maonfacturera of WINDOW SHADES 7 AND--AWNING--S- WE MAKE AND PUT UP AWNINGS AND) SHADFS ON SHORT NOTICE. Have our Lstimator caii on you. Seven years i the b"uame on the. North Shore. P6»-e2887 Wamkegm.. Pieu.1125 rWh1 K Impc You wr that neq about i crops. these in ed for y We are Get oui We knc lar S. vanced Why -p you Our prig sec us 1 machina E.'Le t,,, eàoe00000 0 GRAYS] OýOoOopoo,, Idis Morris Murrir I-rer rrîtiKenosire li ,cýteeon i)l ay via arud ve iad a nmce i irarti corner Lo tire cet ti)thre opera bouse, i wa.t gîvpir. Rev. t'en a %try tlneretiing ad Màr. l"rgatitsupreri crmn-g laitîrryit-a ni boii grarr18Is torthie W tr Bate rr nd Su ri(r Wert calirir, ta, ire l irrie ,' nulay. ahe s arý a , Il'. an ta .l t "r r trt ip I2 O Ml tr \t0 r - P. 1 ILDE1 D)tiGG REXALL GOC COUGH MEI Stand.-rd H-rk. iri C_'fetnrrery iri Perfunry Dol PHiYSICIANs' PRE' Caretullv Cpm1 THE REXALL (,RAYSLAKE: R. WEND GROCERY AND DEALER i General Mer<c STAPLE AND FANCI M 6 C0Oa& N MOOTS AND NATS AM oe6 C.uaky PromamDo Ph... 107 LAKE VKL& ,t knom as y,-, wliat i 49*1«»W