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Libertyville Independent, 10 Jun 1920, p. 5

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la i IFTII NEP.DN.TUSDY UEl.190 A EF Nr. anrd mis- lu'ti)g.Smil al.i.itm- \lis o h .f Wltk. ily iijî-nt ilundlýirii rArei at th,' homle I rîtiisl> aniti. lai ive' Lts, iu rs iy f l'thi, . %fri andi- ,Nf'r, Wiu-neî l. '- 'I'tinuia \. had by alrut W E \VaiaRns i..k- .1 Il poi, M - - heli-.. t ;- i Il r. '1 . jr. 5 r 't f ,'1, 1 - ,r'r'. -r j.,. 5~~r j.. ~t! .îr r \ji-a j- i 'iiiiij1 V (r. .1 ('Irri i2r, r rr.jlîrr SSi 'Itff'.'rjriy ,rr.r \5*r tri. h r-r.' .4 .'< 'jr r. 4 r, Ambe ha- t.1rr.- dr!:,o r,,n io r \' ir-, h r r-lW' s-'1 r'f j, V -. - rF: Ti--¾ r 1r- jl....j ' 'i tri lu.r j"rîtîr rf" r-j SI' . - 5l' 1. r f'd 'rq' fl jrrr. j;i.ro! r-il\';.r li r' i -lt' -no'Vriw'-rcttin) '(rI; r , ilir<' t 'lle r !ie' r 1- rr'r'!millet il ' j r. - Lj.r £ u'rndri ,.r li'ir' r. ,i j-t '. j< lr "ii - ' i ..rit Sîr,' ' r l a.' filr f ii ' er 4r-k-r - ~ u' rij r -!n i.' r i ' ' .rr 1 îr . . j. .. .. t r." laitrrr'i 1 ild '- YOIJR LUMBER AND BUILDING MATEJIAL REQUIRE- MLN TS CAN RE ru] ED I-ERE TO YOUR 1 ýNANCiAL ADVAN- e MA ' Iil-' ou bloitey or' iliese pricef. j Every price edvantagt l;ýt he rmarket affors i. 1,vi.;.ý if OU (rade with us. jr ,,..jr. r ~j j...f(? j r.. "t t - j ' i'jrrint'.,.l(tI.N. 'r j -' ' r.r 'jr - j j t-r ' j'rr' -r r r~ r' r \t.r'r -rit.' r jr r. Irir -' j., t -r.' r' r. j 'r 'rr( r r.f~ r.t r-'~.rr (1'. , - r r r r r - r . 'r 'i "iii iitt,.r 'r j Tr 'r r - r r -' t t j" r' -t. rrr'-r <...,r..,r r .~' trt.r r r r',,. j- - r(rt r' -r-j' -r -.- jrj, ' 'jr j r.' - jr r r r j j <t . r' S j. AUCTION!. The following property be1ongiM1g to the estate' of Miss Fannie Taylor will be sold at public auction at Dr. J. L. Taylors place on Friday,,June Il- at 1:30 o'clock p. m. ",l Springs and Mattresses Thor Electric Washing Refrigçrator Machine Hal Tree Rugi--large and snail L&rary Table Linoleum Codter Table lectric Ifofl Writiag Des& FiaI Globe R.cking Chairs (birdseye Electric Stand Lamp amplie, valant and oak) -Parlor 0i9 Lamp Dhimg Rasai Chairs Guitar Tv. Cmous Ten yds. Stair Carpet Doil Case Phonograph and Record Kilée. t"siof 1adlkimis saction Capet Sweeper Smitaa'y Comah Lava Nover Hmnd Waslmumg Machine Bad"t. monîs Chair Auto Copper Gas Tank =On. Oak Doo« Dishes And maay other thiaga t.. , UUOUS te meus. -w -- ' .. r - r -r S- li.- ar r1 . r i I FI r - j rji , , I li ru l 'r t, "t i . t d-r j r' j r r-- d le j r .r' .,.t r .tend Itrl- l ,t :1rb ,'l «,jit 'il i il 1 'l a[ 'i f . rc., -oua illea r.~ j r', , t '.. rr.'1,- - 1' MI " ?t , Hlr' ri-1,r onnPrfiil iirir 'ri " i , -ill r'm r' t. 1.r'k e 'U t 'r~ - "1' un ir. * j. ~ .rrr, ni UCCIS id Ni > " i - i - -, rrr iii t.:' I h '- M r , 4,' 4 I.r "f l c- - r r ' r r. 'r '1î jrrr dr litmi ' 1.i u n '". i"l !- 111' ir ' ierji ' i 'o oi i me0~ , and t i, r' j'.' j..-fn~ . --.' r riilr r tr, t.r lri miilr l" ' - , r r r rr rj ' - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rl' 111,I Uj( irîrj' r j . ri rr III . r' r i. rjr. - ' ni in' ri(rîr r~ rTho -r.',. .rr j i.j ti'.ie-- (r rr - (.NOTIC r'.E r r. r t -.j t r ik 'l n . o , sý ,m ' r : alidj r. i-k .u i r r.- .urrr ' li " Nrr ti' r '\I!>. . K ,rr r-an St r .ît.j 'jr j. N ItrurI atri aumi Ili r ,.i naauj'tl, t iný ndit, \ risitîfle uf tri' h _Mlss Gertrude Ifanua:nstii onijr ii tro. 'G e n zo-hi n g.-"in (lie Iliving riioli ïiit , tr,'i'î,r- i- iie (ilLiberi , iil le if the rnirses' residence, at Evansion -jet Saint Law renue-',. lurisaHall Tues- Wedtfflday evenmng. lune 2. before an rdit). lune 15. lnlîirnal evening. time- n..".iveaudience congisling 01ivj.-addr#,'s Sutiffthe Riepublîcan Na. menbers ot thelirospital board, medi- ilonal ,-cNsentjh by1wAttorney Benja- cal staff and friends of the nurses. min H'tl Muler and the Rev. Gardner Th- Lbprtvill> bolingtFam r Alphelis MacWtîiorter. one of the chap- Th"Libruivil.' owlng pamre ains ai the' coureflion. Ali men' of ceived notice this week thai il hadi iibpitisilli' are inr led and urged leo heeli auaruied over $25 I)riz1 ttioney à-ttend Ithis snrirkel. frntthe Illinmoisjoig Assciationu. The' iîbertyville boys pai'ticipated in The L.,bertyiy' le schools holdi. ihe the tournament held in Chicago,çrom 'commenceme1nt e.<ercises this week. May 15 t0 May Il. Those usho Com- "Clas night" expeiges ver. held at j'nsed the îeam fron here were Gus the' high settool auditorium Wednesday Kîniinre>. ('aptain: Rnoy Titus, Fred night and îomnorrow night( Frid . y) Wsijk.'niirc. Roy Waters and Oîin the Senior class graduating exercisea M ul h k, 'stII i li elî A t it ftîe graduates' and the pi-ogratu wil libe printeil nex' ('orî' 1obe, i . I Crien. Co.t'E. jijth ueek, Toniglit jTiîursday) &ihe eighth mIn, was u.ne ut (lhe aolîllers who fired grd rdain-xrie ilb the u.ujuiitei'the graves ni' Amei-hgrdade thiauitort ~iu. ajjb can solierrr in France on Memoriali da). lie' mrt,,hus Iionored s athe besi -Frederick C. Spauliling. Scouj Nias corpîorrrtin us Company'. orî. C rip- ter of the jhr-ee iroofia o1 Boy Seoulu. pen ls itli' grandson of Mrs. A. E. Mor-- at St. Cliryriosiiim's ehurch. Chicago. gan oî h.ikt Forest. an da son of Mr. waa the guest cof the' priest-in-chare and Mi. Ct. C. Critan)en. Long Beach. Sunda>' afiernoon ai .Si. Lawrence's ('atif., lornier Lake county residents. church. Mr. S-,îaiiding goes (o Ber- lHe enlisted in the U. S armian April rien Springs, Mich.. next veek ta open 1919, anid la nou s tatloned wlth tbe Camp Oronoko (Si Chrysostom'a).andI American army oh occupation ai Fort h. wilt bie hn Charge ibere durlng the Asiersicin. Coblenz. Germaity. eptJr. summetor. 1He bas invitedi hej Rev. Mr. MacUWboi-ier to spend a week On nage tour of this issue Nv'il b or tw g ,tit durlflg July or Augrt found a large ad of Trigge & Johnson, who have one of tbe mont uptodate 'Sidney J. Russell, a farmer nesiding groien>' stores and meal markets in nean Volo. f iled suit hn Justie Chîirch- tiisaecion of the state. The>' are dis. ill'a cour! at Voloazaainst Peter En- tribinora for Turkey cottee, which 'nW gela. 10 necover a ('balmers touring Joys lte distinction of being used ex. car, whlch had been let t ait a garage clusively lat the Replblcait national coaducted b>' Engeltu at Volo. When, convention In Chicago this week The the cage was catied for trial à change tira la also maing an exceedlngly of venupe was taken and the matter tair offer on sugar, wblch (bey will brougbt tlJustice Hubbard'a court la suppl>' 10 customlers at two centa per. Libertyvlle. It seema Russell was to pound above the. wholeale puiçe. Dth- 157 the garage man $175 to overhaut or grocery bargalins are named In he and paInt lb. car in question... The advertîsement. automobile was hefti n the. garage for --five weels. and dujring that timp Ruts- Eves' pastol la Libentyville lias re-i oell alleged that En-gein convertid tbe cently recelved a nvttinto the machin: to bis 0wn lisse..Russell hold at Jacksonville lune 15-17 Each ait that ptace vjth Engein drivlng. Hel Suada>' Achoot in tbe village la en- demandedlthe auto. and Engeln re- r li to senti delegates and lt 18 ex- tused ln gise il tlin. Russell then had lwcied (bat a considerabte detegatiOn a writ of refleia ssued. 'The garage wuli go tco Jacksonville. This ha the man presentedl a bill at the trial for j tiraI convention to b. beid under the $158, but tbe car had not recelved ils generat direction of George N. Burnie. nev î-oaî o tpaini. Afier hearlng con the nev genteral secretar>' of the statle, ,derathi,-,,,denre trom b6tb ides. association. Mr. Burrie was for a num* the co.u ound in favor of plalntlff. 'ber 1of years generai aecretury of . the 0 E. Churîichill was attorney for Mr. Indianas Association. succeeding Chtas. Russell, and EnL'ejn was represented E. Scbenek last. sommer.- hy Attorney J. C Spru-nuto! Mcl-enry, Liber ty'! ,Theatreli FRIDAY and SATURDAY JUNE 11 AND 12 CHARLES RAYm "EGG CRATE WALLOP" SUNDAY, JLJNE 13 MME. PETROVA in "THE LIFE MASK" as 'j{n 1 avs,io rr.i ar. ifl tan 1a'lX'dflj'"iliving cc m3ts - . r r j)rf In(i C ti'..' lii avi. -t'- -v tj, d L i:r. accitini rof to-day i-r.. tire "lî.'rrr-itî,l -je 10 Of tror<<itrrSS !i.av IiC-'fili't, 'u't .tîi 'îr.., '. lic ataît. e-t~~ Ilile .>-ýi ,dîa' , r. r hus. '-I t '31 VRSA .~T HAT'S the way N.t.,rc! .4cr N - the Universal cuts vour milking- time. WitJ' this time-saving machine. .ou can mil] . your present Iterd in one-third the timie, t-r wruh or:'-r.îird voi.r ('resenî help.,l'orte Universal will mîlk -rree cov.s in-.the sarne uime that you milk one. l'wu Double t..rit Mil,-,i-s wili mîtk thjrty to forty cows.per bour. And a twele~>er"oIdboy can pperete then. Milks Nature's Way The Universal milka fast --with a Universal. Even a .-yet gently. It m'tls Net- first-tirme.mlked heifer seldon ures way-- aernatelv milks objecta to being iled-by a two teats anld massagel two. Universel. The. moat con- Thât's why the cow always firmed kicker often becomes a gives down ber miUk perfectly ý contented milker-when milked wnth this natural-action silk- -4ââ âLýing mhine. Corne in And Sm. Us Let uis d.,nonatrate the Uni- uraaL Whether you bave M&r cowa or one hundred. it meus'.bot- ter milking-.in 1leu tin% wtb&M heIp and at 1eun cet. Schan ck Hardware Co. __________ - .~- i~ZL - N t LI(K The largest purchase we 'have ev er made ha& juat been receivei," consisting of Messelines Taffetas Crepe de Chines (ieorgettes on sale Friday and Saturday- at the uniform price $ 2.00 per-yard. W. W. CA.RROLL & SONS' COMPANY .Phone--29 Libertyville, 111. M.. ' 'r'- j .irt la. r - 'r graaiiparelu I r. in a paigil idiic- prof - i t 21 , ai-d n stir- les inA can ý rands ed at store very tsnot over ...29c ..$2.25 ilUth. hoh of the Ireas is: rdl Ternis ofrSaIe- s amount, approved note. DR.s Je L TAYLOR i il t a tc . m W-d ý,] 1 Firet in Lake County -The INDE. PENDENT. PAGE FIVB THE LIBERTYVRIE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY. JUNE 10, 1926.

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