are mating and If you shoot one, that TO L.UEN TO A lY R( D ERATAKES HE ATH OF FFIBbre'au °epar torte S o n ursholing of Shiras' bill ,JOhn B. Weks 0F:FER TO PAY S f m M D ntroduced ln the house the Dame li4à5-.. "0 ~bill with slight modifications. Noth- 7,4ATT7 FOR $4,000000 LOAN INTERINATIONAL ln1e7,= nde° in n " ° wit K ..-...-troduced a similar bill in the senate. in the spring ef 1912 committee hear- M N lshighest Rate Government Central and South American ings, on the bil were begun. NLN Has Been Foed to Pay Republios to -be Invited too- Since the Civil War. Join Canada and M. S. DEMPSEY FREED 0 RTREASURY CERTIF. A ID ROETD EDY TO FIGilT Tl!reariry Department will en. TeSpeecuto h ntdAA ter the open market for funds today States 1s an augusit body and the deci- San FranciscO, June 15. - Jack 44 4 with. a bid of 6 lier cent. This is the biens handed down fromlits bench ared higlhest rate the Utnited States gov- august dectia. Inven a vase to (de nempsey baie been absolutely purged erme nt has been forced to pay for with irdtscuan bring forth no otheýr of the taint of -irait evaston.e iue.Å 77/ noeysnc cvl artme.kinds. But that la as It enould L>e,'of act-ual deliberation thim morning VA1NA 4PA K Two new tr easury certilacates in- and if-the swallows flying sou. - orIilttehe (tues will be offerled. Both are dated wild duck on the wing Of théelarsa to1 decidle that the hearywen a June 15. One, a loan isseue, will ma- lands of Canada couldi reftlize any thing! pion of te wordhlnt laflytA CL0 ture January 3, 192(0. It viln bear of man's lawis- they and all theirj.ý evaded the draft. The result never O interest at the rate Of 65/4per Cent little brothers would be pouring f-,rth a)ln oTr gfrom the Arst dada aofEA 2tNAhe The Ilher, a ta, Issue, will run for jyusongs ofthanks from their ial.thuhottesi sO aful year, mlaturing June 15, 191, ered t hroats to this came body. For: légal battling the pro.secution never- and wWibear int1erest at the rate of the Supreme court has jus rnuòtjg a produced one bit 0 fevidence damna A 6 Per cent, decision upholding the migratory birdi ng to, Dempsey. It was lPgmps Although no quota is4 et, aecretary lawe, which meains that all migrà;cery fighit all the way; the cilearest, clean-7 Huonin announcing the offeringes birds will henceforth be proet',l from est cut victory he has achieved/ sta'0i hat the treasuiry needsi ap- Florida to the northeronmont Lart of throuighout his meteoric career g . N.HE X. pruatl $i0.% topovd Canada."Now thýy can bring along Geo foinimumrequir.itnfïrup to uy 5 .It has been a iong fighit. the filt:h t ae ntaidethe verdict wa an- e t. otLs t ssudtathsithobrnckheenforcemen of thi ost assoonAn IMProved highway to Mae the national pars o the wes6 mainimum amount sought. aw, ~~~~~~~~~~~~Sri ng back in 1904 when Georgenon .. nracesbetmoratnhebjtofa oeetspedg On teh '2Sia rd ebro ogesfo throughout that Section. The road linking tesne playgrounds of thej nî te atiu fcetfcte h *KC IY-Aet d aHerteissowetkngth ensyvania, Introduced the firFt tbil nation is practically all there, but It neede improvemeint-hard-ourfae Vinuteret rP a 5½prcn.Ire - .of eeloe a» Proinl Promieut of mexico. Ne VIII rom"inthe toprot ect migratory birds, s'ay s Car- D M SEiSSRElg --to a large entent, and it la appropriations and sentiment for this biu'otat there were, t wo Issues,&§h.cutyati'tereua teto nkoebr tue tklyn lHail in the NeW York PLost that thmse iterested euh. The nMap shows the territory covered by oene bearinge 5 -and t he other 61/. 4111108 rta hsbeben striche sth a serious illness. t la reported. "George Shirao 3d,"»Iaid T. G il bert th" hgwy Practically all the treasury ainancing - Pearson, secretary and execulive of-The Cyclone Fence through certinecate% during the war f h ainlAscainobttews8t Treafsury ceti rc en the amounit ZION MlAS A NEEDLE'S metonte r itlY"wmanSr ranic.Jnee -JocDm-FANSTEEL TRIUMPilS|"a:' '"a bo nealy$1. The00000roaturr oforof means Who was interested In good Foy took the witnesssadinhsonBnenthefrti nn, itstar- bhefoearce rovidled for by te oderaiEYE "NOT UNLIKE TilAT i eernce t'te Protctioorb rte ero ustoigudrdrctex- 0YEll CYCL NE IN A .tpl tIlr a "okdoti ta ixntàII.nent payable June 15. he discovered that aIllcstes hadt differ. emilnation. b 1two,-thirds on an nng Aleth jes payent is es[imated at $900,. eaosinwih h Igrt-.ory "supsnoun 1gthn dpend IOT G ME S TURD Y m lnagteCcoe atr e The treasury e.ýtimatesç that It wHl r S RP U ÂLTR S gamne birds could be saut anla .nk ment would makle an allowance for Suchansiki, Cyclone twIrler, was hit require the(0,0E0 to take care what the situation really &amonteuto0 them out ef My Pay, I got Lieut. Jack freely throughout the gamne. of this overflow and rneet ts current B .W CtF. · for the camnes to gali, entrance vwas that the game b »cocun ry a tendo g wasinthe Great F anstel andDavisNatti onalE el esa WU ln a letter to the baniks, Secretiry tion Cityhau a "Nèedle's Erye"«,We through the maluitgate-henetei ifrn ate'eie htteotelstetpprfrm, e Tie for Leadership of Man-. ayo io iy o n u.of li. Hotionsatesprthiat teuingetareís- fmlirvll Beneds eyeSriptural comparison. . trnheya-sid. ."ý ufacturers' League. to 1.1 acton i th pinipa o -hepubicar al fmiia wih heneeles ye The "needle's eye-at Zion City is only way tg reniedy thiiSstate of af- Kennedy, an earlier witness, tes- The Americáin- Can comny wOnS debt, treasury eperations for the tast of the eTIpture. ln Lukte xvIi:25, faire, whichL would, in timre, result tified that the papers were all ready• t initial games of the seaso, de-. qluarter of the fiscal year, ending Christ showed the folly or stOrInglctdath eroMnHm. in the extinction of Saine branw I d that If the war had lasted exenEN LPETA WALLOPED teatig the Griess-Pfleger Taning lune $0, shouldt show a surplus. lnuop earthly riches and hâaing no This home han 350 roomsrn in it and put-the mattert und«r gs.ernment con tWO days longer Dempsey would have - company by o score of 11 to 7. thequrte ede Mach31 tre it is occuped mostlyab Zion fami-trol and thugsdeaway with the con- been in the. service. The league standings follow 1 rau a surplus of nearly 1400.000;000. rauesoe:u hae. A lieu. Voliva had a big dooeur eeted stant and evertutig wranglings of 1 Throughout his whole sqtory Demp. The Davis-Watkins Dairymlen com-Wo.let Pt Th cmleedoertin o teweltyruerern8t@heId eat thie rear of the home which when the States. So hein troduced a bill seyshielded hi% erring wife&as much pany and the Fateel Electricl com'D)avis-Watkins Co ...... 5 0 1.000 treasury for the full fiscal .year ae ali hat ho muept oteihe oe sbiinuh ot oreadincnass for the Protection of mi- as possible. Pany. of North Chicago continuedFnsel . .......... 5 0 1.000 'ahouid show little ,If any, dellcit, eornmandmente-hadn'kt &1tol e r agoenteg rhisb oradins. grrebrs twsrfre oa "hnIrgstrdfrtedatterwnigara n t e W a - ycl oeFece....3 2 .0 the govertmnt dme havingstlo, otwaboutener basbi do-lagcsomitee ads' t na ieohlin 1917 my wife wient with me." tes-Ntoa upC...- 3 .400 anedi its budget. current receipts killed anyone, nor lhad hc swirn falle- opened only tolallow wagon& or auto@ c antteewas thelat fit.a tifie d emsy.skegan-North Chicag Elon City \fan-NaticaolphoneCO. . 1 -.25 algainst current dimbursements, for ly; but there was one failin"--e wus to enter. The needle's eyle pennit@s "Before this ties the Only prOtec-, "Were you willing to fight for .Vour facturera' 1Leaglie Saturday.'AiredCäC... 1 3 .250 theOra ful Ecalyeripaftr te ,geal tats.hat nddipeople to enter or oepart up to a cor- tv lwilfre ite states was country If you hadt been called upon?", The Davia-Waktkh troune h resPlgrc. ...1 4 . Tghtng al e cr ay say..tri bute unto the poor, and thou .shat tain time at night-thien It is chut, the Audubon law. wich suecteded In iDempsey was asked. ,- =Chicago Telepnieecompany nine in Ntoa Cvlp o .4 .2900 The total gross debt of the 'United have tresure in heaven; and comle, and woebet de the peèrson who watgting en i dninot e ii he Te iybouh u h act- a e 2@d9&gme by th eon-Npen'Maha. taes as eenredcedon ay 1 Tfisw ndvice hit the ruler hard. for there for the night. Throuh hsoslling of birds. In 1910 we brought that Dempsey filledl out his question- Th aselPout emnsd Nplo alteun marshals. Th« to less than 825,000.000,000. The float- e ihggls hnJsaswneleseeteei nyro o bu h rohlibition Of the sale Of ' naire in Chic ato within a few hours oThe Cylnse e n dce team n. were Ney, Madea endotM had beaureduced as of he cae date that he was sorrowfuil he told hM on.elto enter, so that when the big aigrettes. th saeaelw fter It arrived. closely and bitterly fouight thirteen- mont, Muirat, 1>avout. Soult,leseer tu lesu than $2,»0,000. how hard It was for those the«tehave dooer la shut it is hinpossible for a «In theory, tesd itt uldabeeshown inning content. The final score of the Angpecian nd Lannes. During the counnng fiscal -year, be, earthly riches to enter the 'tingdloinhot",Italone a camnet, to enter the worked niceiy, ach t could naveow About Ideal limait Bey.--- - ginning July 1, the treasury ex pects of -nGod. d s-o ppr ha ac tile-there would There is somiethiing thiatalways theore will beoafurther reduction1.n 41For it ls easier for a camel to go 1Cei Ceattht e le s eve ofthe ts chosen seau ofbid s. Bult iracene m elgodta iO e- EGV l R DNGS A P both grocssdebt and floating et hog eel' y hnfor a lomse eery nigthbea ertain timeltie ntheyin ot obrk soBuweln.Take . hatrefece -fa iteythat and the Crut two quaeters. Unlessaddi- rich man to enter into the kingdoin nonce clseno r bayfaeran tien- ofin ta ince duckh90ig-wen Ttew pl hitiM ,is gang I l t ythe amre tional burdents shoutid be impýosed by of God. ter dercnen, ks Istatnorhcnteepigthytmeidotabll.Echne future legislation. secretary Hiouston Many have inistaken tis *ueedle's e.dcssatnrh nt rn hyrm g o ul.Ecine States, there will bie a very impeortant eye", for a literaul needl.'o eye. When--- yeduction in the last two quanrters. the gae of Jerusalemi were closed efe true ed 1 arce 1 uit and ectitenanogygg, gg C e r t efi a t a tu rin L n o out> P ce t th o harim l y a i rng a n be c to either of the tnew iluue. These in.ntatheairg:ae ota fsm clude the 4½i per cenit tx certificates lignatory happenetoilnreach the city e r in c s 5. th N pr e r e i nighla ll le c u d h len e ulyib 15 te needle's eye.". tof courre, if lhe hadt camnelt.,it woutddlbe impossible ••ss DIV0RCEE50«N "liOmnaS OS STAGiE SEEN AS EXPECT BATilING I th Jue s le A190RAL PERIL SESNT PNonR ysExceeedini, good qualiry at pr ees far below thieir actual wor-th 1s %what Explloitation of diorceecase princri-nn layexpcttoTilIS n tis al s~o asaac rscr -Of hosiery Phie special afvalitages of mïerica' ristilg generaetion by the Womnan's Club is Considering mi ieeýtinig all future and inmiiiediate needs t&lnhE nthe tar l laheOpngMniia is instantly apparent. The valnieA are ýuesday at the Hotei .Sherman, Chl-' Bathhouse Earlier. remnarkable and assortmients comiplete, e have developed a clase of scan- Cons,-istiiig of Inally leadin brands of dal lover,"* he said, "They flock to HAVE HAD MANY REQUESTS- dependfable hosiery. -The timieliniess theaters where 'divorce stars' aretosaai rof fth fre ou t showing, and give them hysterical ap- oiag npr fofte oehityt plause. It ls a condition that threat. The Waukegan woman's club which andlaefll panhnitatmae oS enls te undermine domnestic idesasand bs haaraeoftemunicpaliv d mouerasiblearsuh fin n aings ain hee Jun "One of the big problems of the ous requests 4o speed up the opening sable se lesvnsii te ui Vnited t6Sates tg the boy problem. date of the bathhouse on acount of the sls Where are 8,E00,000 boys of school age. ex.tremely and unprecedented at this WO ENSLA EHO E RCE T 55.$80 ja this country who can neither read time of the year hot weather.- The W M NSL C O EP IE T$.0 80 write. IMorty per cent of the weather that has been fo rthe last20 e cntD wsuh pl diva esrehseikhseofneae ,brjn liesof te» oy qare haled onsin sever a s usually doennot come un- 2 er cent er ow n th eff pes ai h e nixar e The y arlk oe'o5.5 ile l$ 8 divorce courts."Me"fBbers of the club assert that agol nbakadbonal rcda meeting la to be held at which It soviiile n rw tdpie tY5 Yrill be decided just when the bath gp e YHON CO.'111EPARS house will beo pened. TÈiey say that •oe' ueBl W mnaP nBl unquestionably Waukegan will folkn $Hoea 1 5H s a 23 be within the next few dayts.Ors. Specially pri ed t 95s 2.39ly.Vxc Exroriatl ieetlihnig, Already hiundreds of Waukegaa pe- pai ...-...- eat pair ---- 23 .hav jene ln bathinx herê and Vi ehave sgo13 Rn g ee n Zind and _ainstorms continuing util more would have donsne voiwre it ate Moniday evening hIave caused not fer the Inconvenience ef finding a nrosdamage fin the suburban place to don bathing costumes. îerritories of the Chicago Telephone No definite ste-pshave been taken tompany, a yt fô-öbtin the building which Patrons are requested to have pa- Admiral Bassett of-the naval station tience while miles of polos are emeot- biromised Mayor Bidinger as an addit ed, lines reBtrung and fuses replaced tional bathhouse for Waukegart This imaworking i hitaen dchee bulding can e taken down I ie. ueyn the sprit dof ervct placing this on the north beach but medythe amag don.itis plan bas not been decided defi- ravelled 4,000 Miles Withut ireTrobleAurora Misses Trains; n Mecher Dalemof nosha. ran or Now for "Chicago Timne' aand his .wife have justrrnemd Aurore. now lnslsgning pqtti ns tomo vig l e ri trouh la s king that the town go on "Chicago ivember. They traveled throughi me" eue ohf veatiohaannored Xrizona âdthe va po ntsof ln-who work in Chicago have to getlup >ckoit thir otua frp a N lejin the middle of the night to catch on h e=r rour-trip a N ieede trains..Street cars are not anning bfo renctringýany irewhos the snørning suburban trains 01 roý ttr 1la 11, _, a..Kanma r*ti mtwdi Women's Silk Isl Hose 89C New fashioned and Radmnoor Wakeas, exceptionally fine quai- Ity. Black, white ad colors8, r ............ ..... 9 WoensExtra Heavy Silk Hose of'pure thread silk ln the Van Rn lyteSp ike.BBackand, hIte $4.5Q $5 $6 Women's Pure Silk Rose at $2.95 Full fashion ed Radmoor heavy silk hos® i" black. white and all colors. specially priced at pair ...-.... . 5 Women's Mercerized Ligle Rose 59C - ti ner " on f"ar pa r ..... .... ...... 5 9 c es - , St. THE MASTER JEWE Two Big Stor 109 So. Genesee 111 No: Genesee Waukegan,l PHIOENIX HOSE ARE SPLENDID VALUES, Nv'Ÿ Woli UkntowNs the q9 ltes ofPo ix ls ii hose we feature heIreare values far greater talte prieS ol( niae li-"eo el ik iii lack whte.ind colors, pai - 01- tee that the traiseung i adoptaid theit Wus vas gayit âaying certtilatem as a" ley. - erwon, with au eyel 1 ta\p this opportun ty en the Ideerly tond la- B Seventh district re. :ereit un the first ants to reinvest that itr-. Ing stampe or L.e r he treasury dEParItinent the urhe-of il 0 easury mav' ngse <,r*' ight on the Var:in ý m Liberty bend interear June 15 eau blé và; 4 gis It un theecetfae, rs Worth teore tyrn .,a% are not' afie(ttd by itiono." Nine Stock to Id With Residence Lake Purest and Nor;h te 'bdding for fre -fa- go Francis Griffin rosi- Astor street, containe private stock of wines e houme is fe» male, ard dgets the contente of r. ?D A Y Sizes 16 to 53 One Price' to All 'With 'esses, ,ne 22.50