ild net take O* vn' Ille colonimation was Peam befor. the Amas.w Ooionization resem'. ment of theo Amner. tbat mttiemente wem oien places inatead of from & oilitrai bas% usuel »3ritteh mctttOd Ireds ears Decision u$139 'IN lhave Y,u -venettlai nd ier Foot- at fit the kind we on the feet. tave them in reasonably ention 'paid el lino. ~ VNI4iII; CITIS RUNWITIIERS Work E*gteen and Tweflty Houri a Day in Effort to * Save Thir Crops. * Ameicasfarme-C. are tht oniegrreatii trou p thaf dons nfot regimter a miump 1.i individual output during te poti- 'var mag. Ne dimifished moan-bour ef- Ij elecry bore! fltb crops Coninjl along a-booenfti. te aupply of:lired farm Tabor JEi 12 fper cent legs ihan in 1919 andi 29 pfer felit, lemtt hasi efore te var, accordilla te the latent ati. The AgTieuiWraml reeine are shricit- ing louder than ev"r for woriters. ,ahlle tr kep the counftrym bread bas- jet fihied te tarmi-rr ,ai tuning Dighù lat n day by nid of ëearchlfghte autd are eonubaf irng the~ labor tihortage by pul ina iin lnner houri- fhemiipliytq Wo* 18 te 20 mouva Daiiy. In De Kaib, Péoria, and o1hrT lii- fit! tu)ultin t t.arare hejt giit ail nigitt long. Accordins f0 reporte qaselvedby tef ilinoix Agreulturai aggorigliofl. many a ituibandma»i fer WeekB fant h» been mabling an eigb- tien or twenty heur day et Il foishlm- utif Thetchi in f0 eep Aube*itgAc Jar der tocked tiis Year setionUtO cii'an etiaimore, ppie utuggle Iban fit va"! in 1917 and 1918. M.!anwlileth ie parti honche$ lu «nnimettiea are igettiui: mûre "cet- puitlr'Ther- tinglttfdîîwflof sone In- ti,-triaI finéiebecaume of rednced anfl- tip meRntIluted tr"-PcjOrl*f Io ft- ,itflit'ipït barking a tidu- Of laoruft- varriderii VykIi% havee if1 uranv rremplirv-Jl #111t, tir ridureri foreé.,,ate ii'aulm * - ili- f,litrv The Pjîtie.'> hav rtf fliraýjr mg rtuk tir 'tr go îal 1,rrutp ! irnirria In Itfut rîrfii rait" wh.'h r" one' of lihe' irrai iarrri rr,, bavé i *1 rn a t h ilo latIrr Labo? Marktrt Near Bataice Ilr fri' i ie . 'r in u " 'i yoit ,;i,rit '. tirn .rnl PROBATE COURT IN SHiORT SESSION IN MONDÀY'"S fiRlST;ý 1-9 -'i-rnry rstîrj theuî.. 1r'1'inaîr'1*afr -, r tan i,.. r ri J ' f'fni ar n am J. lr rreirî'r') S" 'ialor' r r UDy irrrr. nIII n I ý ' 4I 0 'f'arrJ Id" Io 'r' pl ridrinii rrl r'i,< Ci)fr ei irrlrn!'fini i r1.-'in'r"-Fetin.nrforn -frf r,-'r . 0 rigu i <r and n.r fr probpl,i urt rj-l f i r ' trrr rr Afîcinrf' %Iea iciteflr3f A iir .0 EI;7t, )it fi , (Pn I¶ f arrr 1,iioe Îrierînd' -if ir m.T"Znaii FtnRMEN-TrrrS MADE'r 'îtj'rr~i' vfonjamîn J lIopkiatiS-athe it;icflfo r ici prb'-r ' rliii-gal st ti F",n AaInorrf 2 t, es1920.a (te O Il Mni'd--lor tffie <f diflifl Or'!nt ,!i-I. iai rYvv In hemil. ii J~*E '1~ ~ = The Getst Thn ver Don For théClUe Buyers--oùf Waukea Hart -Schaftner & Mairx Clothes at 251%, Below Regular Prices ..B EGINNING to- morrow morning you can corne into this store, pick out your suit ând then put one- fourth of 'the purchase price back into you'r pocket. Wholesale prices are higher for fail; we can't help thàit. But we can eut our margin of profit to the bone right now and what we're .doinig.. The people want lower but demand high quali ty. giving you both now. that's prices, We're Big. Saving For Boys Too The 25 per cen~t reductions apply to ail the woolen clothes in the boys' department to o. $30 Suits Now $22.50 $2 5 Suits Now .$18.75 $20 Suits Now $15.00' $5Suits Now $11.25 $12 Suits Now '$9.00 $ 10 Suits Now, $7.50j Ilh - The Home of Hart Schaffner Zée Marx CIothes Save- $10 to $20. on, Yopir Suit The old fair price tags' remai on every suit. Here's the way it works-you select what you want, and just Jceep back one-fourth of the pur- chase price. .$65 -Suits Now $48.75 $60 Suits Now .$45.0 $55 Suits Now, $43.75 $50 -Suits Now $37.50 $45 ýSuits Now $33.75 $40 'Suits Now $30.00'