ir»&udxip mmflà TH E LIBERTYVILLE IMEPENDEN'T. THRMAY. JULY 1. ,1920. IPRIESII ilFF R WTth te Naiona E d t Assciaton naiir*-uatical calt4tIati<. -44! toria ~ai thb.-Mniutîr e i loked 41. -- I3YEARSAFTERit the____National___________________________________ on adsawtiire wave tr.- t 134ASÀF E V, ririe a snake '.U 1, i, BY>. . ~SMITH 1l'ave bei-qMli, 4triare 444r4r4 'I as, usuai (lie wa..e 44M4- trEritor of The Independent Farmnera have rrequir-d frtîuî.4. 4lu 444ve 444an pectacult UL 444. '1-4 fR I I W R1ive pairs of foxesansd iah ave - l'or ee k-erlyftét .f N 4.b TuELi VL ,(~ :~.itn~Newv Brun.sick,(an- onsf i>w4udf~ 01(44>tin lan îrs cave kepf 4 - 1 nrany caait nar-e k 44.en I i4railv wept the entlr. 4 - 4i on) Average Ircrease 100% and of thc- Nationalî EdîtoriailJ'art). ofciiere far-nera lhave maleti. hiousando ir km iidalaicave cortse.' 4441 Aur'ri-r îirv' g'tn The Gardren .fot of dl lars lear Profltpacli yeari bY 4ver teice eacb da)'. 4 - 444 Wdk Level Was Not Reached ofh-CI esetted)ysprte.diin(fii IoiaI ,A nuo'phômb.te For a Long Time. fau 1W. t Plin( ;iwrIsad, the tit. lino14. -- ic-bi. saildlotetiiIo L t 44ion il( r,-î-Isand lrcated far off up Dlie- Trigivt-ot .n41- iftrîrorii'pai th le orld. At t444-.. t 110 log a Uc resnteraaIIrgrn th.- nortîcert i nd what tce salir irf urns troin tlb.- indusiry. iflunittht b li a suffitrapdly uovîrrg i 4-i 44rier pr-I lng lin the pressin o gu.- htce adchatc îcurls(ated flitth11e Pric.-of tira-be.t alan-fîrfe rgiad0454 444 -sîas thé tan? a Cthe ptrTsigsue- wàea14 bar.noî atr pctr dardforrdpedigreei lirnddnonfsu, L14M in every Anierican bomne odayCtiatlaesrsalditin words. Il iieesadr rdp greedbredi-taesï,a wondertorsight- Il, -I4t,1tw pi-rotîl cotac befre rnerange frounti$1,500.00 te $300000lper iu-rrshIng ilde froin theiha,4.444!l-,liI qutin sVut asked aImst as earn- tan grasP ail that Prince Edward pair. w l t nPrirgeprd t-to .r el rcngiai 144 An ,saill, soethitg mlort.- tian a balt Islanid tctually la. TIre.- cefautif! ? wotheipair, or ald for .-iByetr(leivr4!-414144 <-ntury age. White -conudititons r.- à cotflteit'dlot nt foks, niitibeilg in ivalue aiev $00.0,returns of 50 7, liyer ot h riv. e, ----------4., ,ntigfrin1.-writ rr i- har4l 4ail telle (han 1s.50,000,ce sac s coin- soiiie vnalr paiyluranch- laprsue., 'br 1> CdMParabiýlo 4*. e 'Jat came munit>. ccr-e everybod:. semed M7 c 4xptti44t-. tPrsuehe"os frian the civil wal, il la interesting hiappy and proIrperous but ct-r. quick- The ;r-..rage cil.-.] aber-cou lr hevngib g -- ta Observe what happ--n.-41 to prit-et.l, l bld that there cer.- no real rit-b servative. atirve Mrty rancîtes.a, a en ta Ithe Brunswick 14 44t4-4-i a". the r"suit utilet'conîfliciniiitire peotple t(lire 1but1 (lai at the- same.average e-r, t early thle r ups i)tht - -iîînîtuoua dianter w...- ý,-i-4tIII-- 'ft-lioc iny rtsi.andml (444ton, flimet(lie.-arefnpour foîka enithrr pair-. anti a few alnrost four ta tht- guests 44i1cluded city ai .,, 44e ti4ey acre in failite.igTh la. nd IF jirst a simple. , itt-pair. Ilciiiliebcreadily apprt-tiatt n 4 4 i-tt.and in11adiditio,4 -4 u 41140 lJrie.-y.Piices rin iru tii.'<vil war fui. . onil.-r-f44l <rpatirIir of (oîi .-eI<off înany Instances, how if la possible-foi rit ,-ixtf,,en coinen wbo w - 144 vor-i-ynucil :r,. 4144 rosetarirr cent lu a place elreagriculitureliras iii4i-ysédividenda to lb.- paîi.4ho-National Couill othii iii-, S yeaorir. Ti.-) feu il? ff 4444314444aiilli devlil t 0a a mrprising cex~int-,nd Fuloler Informaiton cantlie bait r4444 Mayor Clapman presi4Ii !î,!444 145Ç*.iainiained tiurr14nforir -,-n-aIlirhe ,tué4Vfiniert-te lin iltre-xer4inir tire Industry ry gapplcationu 40 ri4ilion(4 bthe lournatIit "oui t tirre,- year.andditiulteau a business o? raising silv*'r-fox.-.- las the t)ePartuitnt Of AgrIrntuîe OtAt-lrlles front Upper canaRo, ýc gcraduât 41.r Inn tiati4.44h Olaf!inter- erowu (n the pout cher-e Ili (n(, tailia, Canada. Abook entiit i-uv*'For -.-ent tire cil>. courteil lc-iI. 14-4 ineititin briîaib4th-irr oth l1.4- ar of the- hlm thîngs ou the- IsanoJ. in fFarîuing in 'àî.ada, 411-441144fit h atîc-. WRobinsonlfiHon. U 'l -.44 lirras trui1174. 13 >e.nla aller-titi.- wav f act,.-outlb.' tonilered a part of tir.-phases nf generai fur farnhlng antd tN. li. General Sul44i . t1. 44flst elibd. - ndi'tritýl it1f.-of rltIs land.litere the d~lv-« fox ranlchifg 1In partleutur. cain J A,>arven, E. A. iteiII4. K C4. M r Wit(rh th-opennglot îrt Ifitlti.-- irr-eding gray fort-s rigînateti and b.- hwLor tlic- nonminal prit-.' ,f 5ile r lIr r W. A.Fergunson, of (4 4 pric..4s er.- aff.cti-d, t-aring frontr ier il ba-s bt-en devloped îllrc- In no 1.r col-. tIie'Local Council of Wt,i. .\ir.,C a X*vei a litti,- below thi t if 1961-. ~h- rai. on ii..'facl of tire earlht Summotrdale Pr arnîrrglit> finc. litiltti W. MeManus. Miss Nan C,44i54 -- tlîey advanced moretrtha 2o per t-t-i rr4titliê a'v e en urade -of ibis jciy of* 3,500, the largeat invorp)oratpd 03 . Spencer-, A. H. l'incis.a' N fi b. tuc- ti.- cu~e u 14441. tniqu- lndtitry anrd fortunes, rl'o !town on the- Island, situatc-d ppasat-sisan t eea aaaig -h-- At the *egiing of civi Wr. h;st- i)4-.triol ithfe venture. i y overlookinc liedequre Bay .andtis.4 W. Roabertson and, ..-.v AI th.- iitginntng ar the warrfleuîr V,. -aiiit tt ire Islandi on the bicg0one of lbh pret(iest toens ln tiie Mr- ..AIi- er'11edinner, May- ( 4 liat 1 was cflng al $î.2.S e barr*-i. pur-I re erir-tr a .nd rancrmthe nlite w.- ,anib nît- provolt-t--.theîtir a fineiatber- lt-tl tenta% a pound. nager et about '9 ar-,-ved unir1 wp d.parteodd. e c-- nichioI.-ndustries as folo a:Crist7- r<i pk t(i rt-i4, tt cenits. 4241415 al 15 te444- a dote 4 and14 lept <net the. s -tei( ht ouder4 a t'w. planine anti aîngie Malli"; sasir. collie at 21 cel-n4.irlt-tundt. Tir. sud- ortlisand rrird î1alth-, sat4in. f leur- andi gent-val contl orkiug flacI lien crttlns off ot suppliesa rv4.rIl , c.- ewèredrrl% in u 44to, Ill.;tiiime,- -tories. foundrv and Machinu, siop: .cwi loe î, aun-]44 4-iiic4 Id,, P oing .-ier-a vcoutry chir14I tarni tiriement cor-ks, tobat-t-o andl ii atiirfor car m-4t-rrasirlritlb- cau-i*d tihe-gue:tIt-. ( oîr-ntht-m :.t-4'li-fattory. If has sert-n tr-t-lies rrort rha.! an rmmediarc- effci on in Iîmazifient tas;tht-y sac the - lirati- 4an nmdern buildings. cith an excel- prî et 11.4by ithe n.-.4 ear t4h.- li, fui ie fine nrchatrdqit he. wate4rrind sewage systeur Tht' fistitr in cviiwair pirîcs rille- 1*4 îrr-etietnt homes andi fane. bildin- - xcelk,neeonithetse departrnent. 1lm ar trirtouvertiblep- i pii iney t-antiand zthen retaiztd that Il wu . 1ailfar saldl ta add muct- o ilue general gondi l ti a jrr ofrseilti--ni rt iuuuli4i(oniiii1)il, Ill lh4 rthtton ia lit tle riIRGAld ialîli of thie COMMtrt>'. Lonctieunu gqtil. rSiK-râepajireait voler-- sas ucit ailghiY futture aanur-ed.ant. a as a4rv*d on tlie Holman tawn. a -- in ?4.' Palle~r- 144414-. irrgty rfi, trden (if TIeîa4en. Exctlamiations Lof tire city aidinKt in tht- big-task. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 -4n 14()4ia <45i n4tl, i -4 44 r 41auil-tO4tan-fi 0cr Folocîng oui' tay iR)t Stirslde,. Iý A-. at he presen timre the-i.- cge cur trorc.. vs tire:.behledoottiie- wan- ce cenet- alion ta hariotte town a45 or prol(4t i perilî 44:1 44. deriol aclt'of Natur-e anti h*lril liait chPr-e ce cere rpetied t-the)-lb-lieu- iti.r-;i tirer - a- Oitiianiitt 44.i4r pror-peroos ,tha faryner. apparenly tenant go-itrnor ai tire covr-ruîr.-t i, s-r-.- , --41 4 4 4<- 44444i4-iru ' i lo 4.4 an.- Oneat- oîi n.t fe.-. - t 1t-4 w.4 - oalie aud tire.- lte - bait uchi. Io,,idoeniwinte tirel i-nigtlt-- t iinrt <, Fi -ervebti rvii.-ladies. uption I, 'JtmtIi or i "!0 u-,,,r-i j wa r-t i ttnti 34r-si, 4144444-;4 --i Il trnv.-iia vrrV ilt-rr4nt crue, a band Ji,.Ilhe- Ilorain ln 4lae . 4 -4 i . - nil4-.ti eo n u-rr --4( t.> aii n u lirig in Setni, 'h tilurne furnIa - o44. 44 i, ec 4o,- j- 4,1,- 4I4. f.initI t 14f 44II onIs i,.firle- îrnu% f -lueir te tainnient. l'ris fenture, (t>. w a, i l.4tol ppl oiIeun>. . r tgi iîitldi.4Iiits44 ou j,r 4pi b-gether aith (lie farttthat alat àlin 44 ih> thlewagi--'-l.idaid b4 h lie-r 4and.1 4- - nti2l,' îii.-tn.t04alie-pipe tîiayeri;hldme<t os as a-s 1114$1 fil guilti '4d lbut(Zi irlieati moliot f iwhe \--414g iire eflteretd autos for tie r-uie to Sus- cou -l4 I4 -.4ie il. 1 w-r,,. avtrtt i iote lîu iv i.- OfI 'tir'-o merside -andi tur-nîsîcul isir <lu rile tr4i. i~I.Jlart .- i,4441t î,î uy A-twce re àI cn Lout w4- f4fl41 ,t!athist stage- o? ihe trip iniritat'-5 how Li4 Aull nt b1144 pt- ia nyOpe f tht-Ilnd %,, 4t-.,<ifrtre folkntif (lie Island litft nutrîine lai : li lLliit.. fottr amothoapîtable snd rrrdilîlrt4-i. ndnpfoe rpicarrure. 1144 ., I$4 I .- Iuni, O44- ~ T>ier-,. r 4h'- lriit ah fîte andi rrong- The care. ceicoîrîr-given'Uos bY 4f- .'a - 4444 i 44 a1.4,4 ar-rir" c tid.- il Va. (?)d <Unr'. Tire ii.ioaeg ficiais ai summersltride adari atoof alona;(h.'iclinlia)andd-. 4h.--droal <'ariottstov.-n lett-iio î14ceîrt4în ftei- V t~~ buirldings- al théeew.- ý e.iccketl cIfllit eamnone 4h.-guests a-. tir loc glad- é;. li.4 44 .444241044. .,ere 41.. Pint th.enational enîiiema in oui h.,non lIre> cere t.î have os citb tut-m. - chla 4 Shii <in l - dollar iai ii lt<d 41e ihitdrrn anti men an4d couacn Afler our r-turto B itrtien station .*tio. .44- - na th414t»ioth. 444.i cir filles IRi (eine'ent-tin.-d 1inour speriai anti cent- 44 - 4(4 T4i44C r> *44,.i44 4> i ai.,ta cr-'et ias w.- îia.retialonffi tn tir Moncto(n ale- eatnrt-4 r4i~.'-~4 r'4 (i . 4 ts l, uî r i îhall illiost t~ tior tto-. ÀA ha ppy: *,ttrlir 'and-l -quit? Suda: in as preti 44a 1144 le l,.4. - . - . -rii i4 ,.1 4i 4 I ggoalt4 e' - .4e fn in h c- I 44(444 h - t lt> t can ire i riund a > îPat- i n tIî' lit -.4.' a iriant '-44.%in-1ti at , sr. (tl- i- i-rivrvr-ri -1 4. Ir sato-.- lot Canada. P®,rtp4 rrairaI-. '44. 4444-.lr414 - 4-rtient tu'ntit fcur hlilue 41 <1 - 4 moill-ou, New 4BrunswIit.(acacia. ;tt"*ltiI'g -4 ...-t (le) lJune 1Il tSpecia t -Our National 1.161- T - 4Ia4 14lt) - '~Ttý. en ,rý ld t.-1,aini4t th .spt---tîta-ît iarî -4 aund Interest- Ji4 i .144 44(4.14: c t. l'the . sIlesef ti ld bp ztd l it' n 4 t ty of i* hurt-berantid - o t4cxi-4îhaa 4 it Ic- 4 lr lttt--4 tît <W ?14r -t4t 4 4Y4i t4eStriri t Ii b atg c-t 14ri 18(otiP. ci-aWere Hîç a-.. i , rt-iv -re- '14 ,,ii.:iiiintv ni t 44-r .Iv 4- tt! 4<4'.'indi.ry. a 4-rt> iieli 041920 oi c4d44 ioa -..-r4dtiln-mIr i-. -- r.n..-a4big ftuoinrustore, s i - o, , l I daloi].at ,4 rh4,fl Wa 40 i m no- c-4nt-- t'4> i4lce- municipal tipraveienta - 44 - 41 - -1-i 44.r4 I whi4ltit 1<ireert un'rt.4-'4~4 1-44,l-ruaiI t anced foin a Plaes i 14.. - .444 4444iol..404 ilt544ai-- Itv finI gnattrnr i .teflits-t (4t-e v. t i tooand souis. - croea - w, Il t (-trii-îr c, nt Prince Eticard t-lautitti- ýare hrfaiirclt Tire big thing of courrse- wirie- n 1ai a- <4.le, i).> roe*l , 4iiia444< rnintht- rv 1ave lire rielit isifl044 t.resietius oo-as wiat ir. called 1-the i,-tlII4 r.o. 4i444e' . 44- 444.-oloiou.' -riA liw thiir training in th.- ilatternboai.- ahrcilrtnîas the- t-mine in ur sud1 ri 44-i.4Ii.-ho> nt rbt.~ ?rc-pectvthir e eder-s.Tt toocb<d hti de up the river-at iMoncton train tu- heigirring of the- car thre --dtrIrlal party tnaiele tii. 144- a- Utc Bay. uf FundaY. At 6:1 aoit-lk out Inn'. v iti ir was 4' s.-n iugi 4 ~ folotatitio? ofh.-otht-t'Y love. tIS is - Party asembled i aIthe.- ct> park 8ami.1 - 22 z.!ailrt-I.- nrgi nad advarced t letteof 11-e cordial feeling (balthetir ti-tetthe minute- calculehioiis.att tkra, 311 .-'rut-,a. Pouud butter te î- cents t î'landeI' qdestre lnta airtaIi betwAffl iiatairt. thet lde caa aillen COMIflgUp 8444 54('iI,~5di414dluVdiO>t. Uepeople o? (hlt tes and tirir own rveInlc ùu bnldO. 1--. .nd441 iubled -n -rtce ttlle country wchcla s st off ail b) ni th,.-main rnîereatlflg ightsa in thâto P)rt hal iio.d -r. (-:on $20 a bar. Iiael? but ln chicir one finds prorrp'-r- part of the raonti'y. It la saild tha r-i wholt--ale 4ril) .' Ual cwn. soli (v and sbsoiut#e onterfflt-nliione of the -two places In tire cor-ré1 la4440 i* $ r taIonl i-.440t. off tui, ita Tt was t ~tmlititretu- here a 1udt-changes; a river ln fuIs -' .-ni-. a rgallon rIoâpuol or cuuion mIptq IIIctîtee (lir firat r-el maîrner. '-lire other place lru in ypt. t.'.r'-dt loi:i4cete1;4 ail44 ILýl 44144,. ncrlh ih(lie fox fairmin errei Ovof la the murningounr pal-t>. etemied ti'a ilà i44 ,4l trt,.i ol4 uni to l-ft5latire Industrlai ilfe. Tht-Ywer4' ttktn a pnara-' c i i iyp >.jlltr44 i!raid il, g' I al fi, tht' dlffenfilrancit-s. herefox and mari:. ctizen-t as.acmbled 1t a airetyurtias C 44 a >ar4-rlsîne la;thet' -ire Occ4ipStOroapart 414tlthe sec.rte, iead b>. Dr. Abertteh«oud large for-cPt- ? xpPrlenc'time"'Muoire Oti-1 ,roto. soial service and odn f h ad H PL NF À tire mithts ti4 .Iraltrt in irfrciirr* and ciuicitli rrCanada. Il cas a prety In'.ndyor-hillycotin- r.9-t-ue tîî.-se 1141e tr-tatur ones a-3bat. r.gim; urle iervice and 1the outtIoor -try, wherever thei- g _TBOMPSON LAVEC iirtaig-i4 pa-i tC4,44' l eàirc-added gtuther iujo il poleh yTr LLIVL ~*~4.14u' -1 in44< 44 v. 4fta40 nriikl4, iC4244L l, ttinUr U. S. Nobby. -- ~,.. 4 4 ,eniir- lke ti s. uveihs vc, IFor rdinary country 4 44 4Ptiii i.rTol)psttnr vie- y s-tt-ry iexprin-uioin rd cheste- 4 tr.i-The U. S. Chain n 4. - ral f4'-a4 Lai-,- r14The.sFoxi i.dustry. liurgariel ycete.cvtao v.- 4.4 ' 4 4.rar Iiti - irsTe Siiver Fris. ,i<a(c-4i4 "dirtî-trv .I44i-- ric-o uuut to cari'y our iarf7 lUs I u alalig a rue olt e nFôr front cii-el, - - 1- ii14,-tierOrental -îU ptrfs atiding. file 44)04tfas'cin4rf tln ad .-nrcu <.ni-lIru.ia8m jfor aur prea- Tirc- U. S. Plain. ..4i4444<4ts et i .'.ifrouit iie ua-: ca tie n4tl i n l this i-h Prr- - 1 1- I .r s ied huntinrg 44.r-e an Vi- lucraive4.4ulo trîal along and41the Monuucton aU For- hist resatlt- 'o'.4 -414.stin.'.Ince, itirtfopi;oin \"f'..4. il)ii> 44of Athouglirsitvrr-Fox t-au leiraceti . Lui h. sirowt-41 teir codalrt>rt e ver-y ecrywhere-U. S. -1.4i4t44 ian --.r4rii .4444sil'ave j bat-k ho the Sevenc Cuîrv, wiret4 rrIIcss4i- -wia:. Ifase med ino lm0.Rya ors t"'4 ok44, - 44.i! tii4 n rrtg -taliorn hlstol--Y tates thtira liilemitgiieTihe si-i 011ilo alonaîdle the Balilt.- %i rkitrr ri4t4 ii4444 44i c-d-' i .Or-tatont-robes tr-hmt-td iliirSilver-' - T'titg jr.4ca Itrîute rfa us.. 4- 4 al ii t4 n.? t4Ki»ltirl chap- FoxI findit-stiniz its extltivela4441 Iiiwtgtt4 444tOiii-st-'I mis (l. ii the lia4tior,..morta 4naurel r-nai apprintstyet mat-iaiproeress5 ' e- tait:. elitto i e colliet. irer-ei riler o? IiOIetT cm-i netmatir ln PrOPagatinIe foxcs In ,50 tt ude-tt aie îraiiicd. A catboliq' ie i' atî l _ 44 4 41 e4..itItfo lu, - t444' I trtil if(t- tlre vear 1117 ,,ho,,l il o.,o.r f et tie show eplaces ut i l a i 5ensiv - ~. 44t4404444,ii O i) .',n14e' bt ditet- thet'applicationOfolire dislit t ait .lteirefrestirmentî 111itIran 44ieto il li Iit ari4irrcatin. iolnttfit- pincili ni t t- commenr-- f iI,iii,- large- dinrng.Iraali, thée -le, wer4- ite' 4444 ly aviver) elaliinz noheIl.-Slverr- ox farming, grest it. lcan, 1 444441 31 it lot-tirefi-cm 444 ii44u4-' r iltalie ca compes Indtîstn l5 ia lad its reca': ant i 'lie prie.-? in craige-Faiber Iuertn. - - t14tiareI.t alaialuThorîroison Princet!-iar-d Islandi iIrasespiali r(ch -llire irrettut -at-il ta,1 lien mbenMayur .4 . ni4tire- 44*.4444tri il 1r.r-at- monttanr,,.-Iî1rnlfor tis Perat-ver-t-It-e Claprurairof? :nîion swecomedtlïîir -, 4tiii,44 4444»in plating tris wandevfill basilles.' an gl:.t,4 sanI tlankeil the coti.-gt'lka Calain "4444 tioi.i4netot ily 444a pr-ofitabl lbii.I forI h,-,r 4-4utesinluenertaîniîrg the ï.,t444lo i rhap>in Li Greai àPakess. Pr-nt-e Bticar-tIsland wIcul a ttal - Ci-nI' wt, rl e lia - uhrg,.il ail liic rîllg- poplurltion o? about 90.000 PeOPIe. , Tite tollt-gt- '.44..foliied lun14 Dy r,ti,. ati< r(] dict-44iii.Ir414 ti-,liriseruretiettirruS fron tirhe sale- OfS"- 5ev. C. Lefebvie. ncorporaied lun18 - o- i > ni--144c-înialhiin n fl - 'nil - ver F.Priplta ant ilire foxe,, for- luit-d- wiirt Puwer te conter degreca. and lla ,d Slartesna444ý. :i khig ai rck andis. izr 14î,r-poai-a luring 1919 aniniintirgi ,igl>.masa iecognlzed by Oxfor-d.. :ictl <iioo. t s17î it n.ant il i 1- ctimaît-t y 1 ltc- 4oi-g.- a condut'4v41ly tire Con- .ia rn .t-î. ---_i----r ,4 .1- -st o? Some-ide., kotie nofahdians" ras te-am ýtti juurnatltgtginluThe city. antd:a-as rnuïudd(n tne PYinciples set IImi- Provinves ,andi lie kne .w nf- boi -iiI 44I 4 4u> Cine of Moncrton s 21- fi nlbthe en îoiuoaimuenîs. Ici>1-q -i . ru inAuerira .Men of aIUty 4114. J4IutlI i 4 ~ ~ e lraî-rae f nin prer 444-AtIi la %44,q nd Fî if. H. Meiaam ll1444CIV iiIiriI)nfil 4 1! .- j.. t-ar4- ,nta i lb.-thecoun&r. t X~ itr tu1- n t it 4 4! an di siXtraIrrl.- i l hr v44 a s 1 Ill), M , ,- I n ud<-u j w rlh e zp e U a g , u, lie i'tid tl41iilIt reil Ii- t l"'hi, fhairk for- t h.- wicuc-ore tendr« l ri t- ou, rof ltr-, Edîitori -nation 1fi, r;rsnr vh a, ne of ilsuc-fw4-pa per<. arIa r 4 %r rit-ii (Irran t1î~îA ~ i:so'~t i and t-troue 448Mr, JiT lnrwkr, . Prir P1 A iî-oiutiou .-exprebring arnc*re Wre 4444îc- md .drt 4-n ir J T lav. ne, n i (ont rast 1(4444 i) te (Bosh.- at tirerilnÉn- of Mr. J. T. Ha wke a@" il ri,iipani.-d t4 1r-i i h ir m 4esteru v i-ut asri rl i t ussia tcairi 1rlitis ataie, ,xprerr i- 144'îrt e wU las rt ,nuimei. randtih.I il renhad Piatti -. ith" lii unt ,tî.g lierir,- a i%4 44 - li11ti te artîtils .&,ai 40 -4-i-r4 ld n ln -n ur . a io,, b.-r so 4I 1)Ir eu tb, was StabI giýîrIiboîdy v.hîcîri IlI l 0 --4rti-d îb:Mi hc-rn. The resohiU.n ;,l wrri th - trip. 4Igrrrzî-and ti i c r t î~ h.-,4anItity> Ot r444 i l f14' arîre roin-e, eI rIV».-il0r1eitrî h. 144444, Is 4,iafhOdî eî r-id 40 Il. Hawkea presence lth '4ýl4ýdýit th Ne Enlan Sttes(>Iiii slnd.* ;t h4 Party on the western tour and p90d In aied 4itilb.- . anWle Thtt 4Ilirl Ase M 1ribuc tu bis ability anld energy. The int f4i4rile oary ldie whhd lrra eri-4- i , rra Asit trf,. r. AP .- olutron eas aeconded by numeromu -r fitre.Il y the- Ilufdsotitan44( 0 h.-h'. rcnht sain. hiait bteuprofocundi.lm-, uri-nbers of flic editoriai Pa.rty snd .-; croix, ieli-lop. 41thaiT 4 rir .-, uni4t4 0 h.he\ rr<iretiunarrirnusy hy standing me. -, if tir, Ed. nld .areqit t ie. thur w> ir.-htour. %Iwlrat egathe impressiort al of e nririi oitd44,4itî ratri taliotr iMontn-on hy tire visitling newsaer 0--iir-wt' t-gandti h'- îîI-ipl., vr,.rt.-d lEiltcuti' t vt . ii iie 44.-. 141444. 44. il wai; iu substance liii: "bat PPident Aibright, in airtî-rrvue. bP 0 I4' - - - - 1th.- itN i-r îthriving place and Ite î«Itîe-, ilauked 4h.-t- t( Mi'ct4rf44 41rid argh triblute t144the e fc-tîenes 44 ri-kiw ithudi ' a~ for ils wt icome. For on,- hurndre' o 4f 44'l" t 4144 Nal oi tai pV. , tv ~ .-ý n44 ofl4fine borne i-ýar, andmnie. a feeling toi gondiThe. itanulot 444 - eqra911orL< (1( -444h-iai -rho.,act hr it~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ 1(4 -414ht - I.ý1lt' <Ci1.-tietrI rri1,inlot4 f ii In)4 te10 Ive. It bas a o.044 -tf Cara.a ianditiii.- (4(44ý4je'. 4444 lîrr nd fil,41.-1444441-tmt 1444 - 44 444w iii. wrrka together ami and4 i lid was.. lits * a irî' )4. h;Iil 14 '. tist.fai' i44r 1i4' . Oir liiuPI ail Ire 4(- (4 o4- 4 foi their borne l4;4t -41<1il a feelIiing u 00(41 lie firitp*rptl 4t4(I. 141 4f tine44t Mail4 4444h lI. p4 ' )1 to*ertW 44d .r - t o ,-xpanti Fb, 441444 44? 4or 4, '4,44 414., 1-l 4IiI t- roud 0fr i.t- IIl f - tý1ne ti e rr ill- l-Xi tonial A-'r- a 4444 ta- Inurî-it , I.414 II!4 4 4h,- Cttriied.-rr104 -T .44an44e îo.ii d es an %441. Iip thoPi- firiaI sucb a feeling P14.4<1 fia 4i l,14' liiiee-ioriia tin t- s 4-tal ,f iid (44 flpidesfl-ad i 444 iIJ woti lie f urtlier venlentetl w a>4hall eit. onu444h-t 4h.- reat t ,1,1i1h-4 4444-ii4W rînt.n, rait ote 44 1.4tpthe,' partY had heen 9ti-uck ;!I24 igi4iZ 1about4lth, unificationu of FAtO0 4Fil4441.i orc-this morfi U> 4h4.. ,idenri-s fr'tude.rorn 4h,- tilt' i4,04444. A %lI41bi4, i4'witi-1 rrta-in rvàIlstati ngCpo. ol4 ft tile p.-. pl*' 10 t-dircat4.,theieris h44 (4 4-4 Jl4, ('a 44(Ntr,14iNionurti - frnt Mon.4 4 ,îîî. îcto wp ex ung ct-u.-ratir)ir tloiig 'tropter lfftie. WV. 4i44 orrarid. aan .q gr-t a44sset! .,nil (4-14 4r-ci-ih-insf ?l4~4 at he.upI.rr.-i m 4144-tie 44 14c i444t4vy.ant ctrii ot ar r- -aun4(4444 IIliti ir 4f hîî magnitude wo¶tld 4-4,444, tmapler o 44e -4r1U44, lirIs i lit-a-. 444 44* 4 ie Dn,îi, h-e4rtai-ti e xr-Pitillg (lat the 0e-us andirdti.-e 1.i .1No i04i44trv44 Z n 4 l,-4ofluir> Wholb 4. o 'ii wuert, toi-sep- fil thftu reîn-fficipnty- 044 11 Ltue endure 4.i î,cuî tils .tp it- 1<-lt Il tal Sour.' of lir awarnesti Jltf t1 in cs ,n. pratise the 4-4 h- eaclings tif 4-ti4 ai 444Vty fierti4 -n it 44 t41<-rail way terv m ti' ii 444-Ie -t and4 444414-ssih-irlttis anti go%ý .riiIiir t Pt vlt 4- 41 ha1441lit4 tl r iedIn f ile M01tî i (TI)4lb.- Conftiri.-d How marn< miles did 4gou march the summer Cleveland was nominated RWEMEMBER thc time Ho needs it more than the f irst automobile anyone else. It's part of our parade was organized? Even job, as we view it, to see the good old torchlight pro- that he gets it. cession had to give way, Our tire service starts with before the advance of prog- good tires-U. S. Tires. AUl ress. sixes made to a single stand- il ard of quality-none graded -Tires are, ofteri sold the down to the price of the car same way politics are. they will go on. The Iast people to wak e up to what they are getting are the people who pay the bis. The bis are getting too big these days in both cases. And the man who is feeling it most with respect to tires is the man who owns a modérate-price car. U. S. perfected the first straight side automobile tire -the first pneumatic truck tire. The U. S. guarantee is for the life ai the tire, and flot for -a limited mileage. IV When we recommend and seil U. S. Tires wedo so in the' interest of greater tire owner *doesn't noed a good once that that is the best tire is rapidly going the way way to build up a sound and H of all mistaken ideas. sizable business. United States Tirer GARAGE., l.iii. n'.ilk ,Ili. BROIWNN & BOlM I R V(..ucoida.l, I. BERGELR, lraîru- ,. it I. Suli AN(K H'tR[)W ARF Co., I.îbeçtv ville, II. PAGE INUM 9