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Libertyville Independent, 15 Jul 1920, p. 5

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M 1.I8~TY1LE h0eoçr. fUW>Y. JULY 15, 1920. M., 'OUa 45I~it7VU. Wê >e andi the. whoie ir.a nt noat Tueia> nlgbl Againet Burgianif. lut Igt Abeut lt -, ilîlionsl ot doliaxi.' OCril bcLens, ègma etc. iMtqy San, a uimeaC to lasetil. able vitl rat&. 0ry "T- bld andi inarsaLeW b>" v. C. andi Deckerl Drug MB>s for iflaitu coq, that af oôperatîn arn., Liaye tearl>' OU rarrio ckt' fer Cataleg et. pLLe W? itry Homes I LibetyvlleNe MfRLB WAJTB-1d4d. LanndrY. Mie I'Faitl DrYer Visited ta Clii J. . Wllon Laisans motored tu Sna Himulbard Woodia lant Sunday. Dl oln nWue ~Il Wrske oai lko Zurch wtt, .una bUaiiea visitor ta'LIber1Y.llfle today. ML liori i cdeictks wo-a a 'hi Mr. sud lrs. Arthur tad'of Cii- I hiltur lionday. ~a~ are.viltiflg si, the hottie ut lirm. W., C. Trlggo wais a business vi C. WooIId~oin Chicago Taiesday. C. C. Geneiri' of Miwauket isited ' W. W- Carrol attevAed to boni at îte, Kowers hum.- In Libertya.iile niatters In Chicago Tuenday. Wadame lrdadsy..BetCutî ist .Misse Rose and Caroline Wegener W.aalr.le utsVii spBtWdnesa> a)oeuîngç with fiondaWaka, wdy fil North Chicago. .jlUi.l R. -Doffler la fil t her l L)OrtbyHfitum litiedanhte of onBrohdway with tonsititis. »r.Mad lire. R. A. Bolton ila iliwith tOqalliUtliIs wek. R.OM, Jul> 16. 1,olir. and lira. Har- vey -Xoes a datsghter. The. ne Irl l'bu hom nameti Maritin lMe. Min bàihzabetit Aikafer, Mlita. SAI~ kaLOer William- Akofen anti Fred vW16 ert- Iu Waukegak, suada>' eveulma. lilaseGiadYs ScYdant and 1 Ray' vstet in Waukega, Sin eveBiu. lr.leo Aana and Uttte data, Loita o1 Waeakega viitei relal liere Frimy.> )nliAslocle Stal of Lincola,.I a guest aithle borne of ber sMater. 13. 1. Simea. I Men' and BOYS' TwomPiece Suits A va drange .ofpaus im Woestaa mumes, mml uaia" Imm. . New g..di, made Up à Le liai tyle. kA fat servcas wd as looka W. vire fed..lei.bàbuyimg theu at me..thfd off thie Fat puce and are .ffeinm ttheaiil.same saviug. Regular $15.00, $20.00 and $22.00 Suits at $11.00,9 $15.00 and $16-50 - While they. le1" SMZE FROM 7 TO 18. YOURS TO SERVE "Everything for Men" J. B. MORSE&CO.o Phone 14 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. ifBargains for Cash Ju rcieda car Ioad of ban>vwire and man sd jèâ1ty femic- igat we are selUàg at very dlose prices fer 'cash. Barb wire, per 10Opounds. lkiee-fooî poultny fence lO-rod to --... - ........ Fo r-foot poultry fence 10-rod rol ........ ... $6 ........$ 5..... Five-foot poultr>e fencé lOrod ro - --- ...---------................-..-- .............. Plymouth blader twine . 1 30x3l/z Guaranteed Victor$14 5 Spinfield Tir .-----.......................... ... $ 4 7 -1 &/T .. ..... .. ...... ......... ................$ 2 @5 0 AutomntcFic lcttîc Wahizug macle. ................. $100 THE..EGER CO.- YLLE Philp Jaeger "lo roda __________________mutton, Veél, Poultry. filin. etc. Alto, ]utter and Ugg& Pr'oeedai of consigNujnt General prornptly rernltted. TWslas the r ý. ý .oldeit houa. on the etreet TaN Ca0 .-r* ce=lista furalîhedoua Cuaasauso@auapnatn Cold Storage 1,U Stalle 1 and 8, M erchant CI4ICAOO ILL. lira@U Lyons sud grandison of Wau- kegma w%%"re hertiliaatiay vislilg at the. home of lir. C. Woolridge. lira. lisai. E. Lusk plants ru aiart on Fida>' tur Mlata Mina., to remala taxi veeka vialtl.g 'relative.. lin. and lira. W. E. Docker are en- tortalalg Mr. Docker',, nieco, lMi" Miabel LangweUl, ai Evanaton UTr. anti Wr,. Gordon Clouse. of Deerlleld, vlîltied lir. Clouse's father ln titis city. Monda-y aiternoon. rn. and rn,. ltaymnd Nutt af Bar- __ni viaWti at the home ot lir.. N .t'm ..Lther. Chas. F. tiale, Jr, Suada>. dren of North Chicarcu 't itî:d at th ht'I ed ~C~t aeira a î'i.i.ainDye,>*ass.it home of the former,.a rit m, c.f ' about the DreBelier and offeriag vards Fuller, Tuesiay'. t hankàs lor4.t tipfifo INeat SUay tht' worahullers are Hernan tigiehbeciî t eîurn,-d homo!,to be favored wlth muslc b>'the boys' on Prlday frou-Weot Saiem. Edwards chair af the LaGranLge Episcopai conte. vhere h.evas mthe ueit of churcli. 1'hla group of some tortytîvye frientis for a week. boys bas been camping at Lake Villa ad- trougi the. courtesy 0f.tb. Rev. Mr. ad lis. Gus Krummeny andG.Alac orrIetahlaLbt- clilidren speat Suniday at Fort Hill ville. Mr. MacWborter l iD deliver- with Krumer.vs prent. YYthegospel message oathe . vening. i and MErs. A. . rewer. Born, Tliursday. Jul> 'ýto lit M.and Mrs. J. gaundera. a daugliter. weighing 9% pounds. lire. Saundera %va,, for- meri> MIsa liarlan ett-nuc Mn,,. C. J. Vagi-Il ro-urnud Wttinp- SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Publie notice la herebY given that lié firat Instailment on SpecilAst- seaament No. 14, fot atorm levers, la now due andl payable aitihé collectonaà office. The tiret lnsfalixnent hi-ara lnleremt et 5 pe-r cent atter .Iuly 1. 19120. 28-if L'YELL HT. MORRICi Colfflior. t s f J Walter and tiiily Mai-tait oi Kano- day lu lier home ln Cîî.i'.aftier ac j Bi a.Nî. are rpending a couple of' inig îislted for si-...i l: s ai hit a Ck, at#tCi(.- hille of ihîulr alînî. Uire, iolie ofber aimter. f,. t Wolflrttige. R. E. Thomas. M înlM1.S J t1 .-t-ttPi Beeif y. tif tedaugliien of Mn. and - d las? Sunda>'a tt tnMn. andt lins. EtiCard Carroll, feîl tlown a flight Mr$. Prank l)nummtsnd, ir. and lis. of stain i Fclday and uprain-ft tie, laimes Triggs and %on atnd JimînTrIggf. arni qile badly i lof Round L.ake Xlir,- V. Ku-hneitit-Tiai ted. Sunda> , Mn.antI Mre V. il La t tuk and Mnr. for hec honte lit Foîrt Wa> ne, md..Br anti Mn,,.W i'iaptlt t'ont ton- a i-il "fBaC esk wlth hi-r aite-r. jhome tram a lislîing 'trili [o C<bar Mra FVred ,fochheîm. Lakte, Wisconsin. Tht'> eaughi lofa ofishaliand reptont a fi nei li., Dr. Maltu i L,, m'.1-4.usaltetl N.,ndM.I FWu1dg n fi> liTaitittrd Lakehe tt I lasi n ce io r ndM i .PtWor n -attndi t campettlf ~r Il-t- -e w ' a ii1 brtke n faniiNlt-ilibhis week tor a fuotortrip, hi i ni ft tit ,jin-tnglit 10 IoFt-rgiîa Falls. Minnesiota, wlere N4t ald 11>. W. E. lt,--kt-r .td %ir. t WhtilîîltsPcntl about aa weok 'tisting tIl i i.t ti îe? h;~I t'f t\~ ,ndv 1 thle hum.-of ttttr,,. Wooiie'q bru I J tht-i. taItltr Ntietn, and fanî:D and 'rtt tla>it tii tt -atand atfended ilitiîsîu tt uîtuonand btahnqut. .tovsut.l. aî<tçî.îPaul Meyer, antid Th, Iiiai horsfornex wek , t\ re,-î in.ut UChicago. weie Tit- il,îî t. Ittu t or îex welttht- gutetis tf trtt'nds here, Saturday. ol thbe i reglar hou ni is nct.lit tîcaltrhe> C t-u t u llrayaake, S-ai tîîay îtî loregla otr i,, n t ,-venin g, %*i ltrt- teyexpect luT tpeni t tU-- st oîîiv Icl r.cthe mnt-tk utthe- .îîii îtet j hlaul auquaia vTiitlf il! %,-tîbes llte.o l County 4uperîntie tut tofSi-i, Toauuibie ole -Rioh il ---wauke,- Wvdne -tiay nighl albhPet- T.A. Simipsn n nd Jan.îlY andI M -s. ersoît wtt h ,tg unenmachine.A îîMaiv hltfu and tsonit Hut-r.u t aWtuke- *.- - . . ,, Pait, wa-t-nhie guosta ou trientis hereI Siiayevoning. C'harles JY . îaI<t!or-bibiiyvîlle anýd Miss ItoxeL b ti-rO Milwaukee ..cre ariled Sa turda>'. July 10. ln Waukegan. Tht'y fiave been spîending this week ai the home oif %r. Watersa' parents h-rt'. Chai-les Mllu)naid dleti Suîîday at hie home in Crystal Lake, I111.5Mr. àMeDonald suftered a stroke oi parai>'- !BIs soute Orme aga andti ts. togetherý with dipiltilora. vas thei-couse of dealli. He vas a brother of lirs. Arthur Whitney of Liliertyvîlie. A box eai- wiich hati las bei-n used as a ahant>' for men employeti as nlgbl engine wiiîena for the St. Pani roati ln t fhe east part of Libertyville. was hum. eti Munda>' nîglt. Thie ahant>' vaslo useilfr to-aoring cols andi wate The tirp is sirMxlaosd ta have starteti front apontaneous combhustion among the. aly rag ad waste. The ltre depart- ment was not calied out. d.jaia m;lws -t.-- and thle ocrupînt s .Wr-e nt Ihuit lo any OXtent. Thic ittîb tt1-pl1 by UiC WOIuen>s AtLiiliat-y, Ait,,-! icai Legion, have de- ligiefd atIIlit inemiars. The lins are round ii a llue star-la the* cer ter and tht- 'atTtdîi5Womens Auxiliiary. American i.gu. inscrlbed on them. If you war t t.,wear ane uf thetie atns. loin the Auxiiry and punchaae ont- for 25 c.t the ficsecretary. Miss Olive Bunrîdgt- The n ext meeting wili b lt î-d tîniglit (Thuratiay>. Ail mmero. art- uirged 10 conte and brng u t leasftîfoinenw member. - Westîn Waido. sua uf lin. aend lins. A. W. Waldo. uf Libontyville, vas imar- ried Thurada>', July 16 (taday) to Misa Mae Cauglit ot Batavia, Nov Yank The cerenîony look place la Batavia ai tht' hume of the brWdeh Dreata. Mr. Waldo i8 veil kauva ln Lbenty- vile. Atter hclng disciargeti tram the atm>',hîe punchaiti-t a tarrt> at Big Foot, lîlinois. He and ilis bride vili Ireide on this tarai. Bter s short wed- Next Saturda>', Jai>' -17, a apeclal electian viii ho heiti ln Lîbertyvlle ingtrp for the purpose otf in the qua. Joe Wehl died on Sundar moralag -OI tiOf levYlng mn aduitlonal tar -la. t tehe Lakte -(ouni>' Geneval iHospital, the vllage for park nroe.The. - here he taki-t about a, monti agle. total amouat to be ralseti le so mmili JHe vas 66 yeara of mgo, and for lame on eah taxpayer that th.e proposition tnit h irnbu. ...if.,ig iig th tubercu, cbouti carry b>' a gond majotit>'. The loaslm whlch waa the csuse of death. village OfficIis Viii roquire smtaMli. Wehl C as bora la Germuan>', anti tmone>' ta prapeti>' take car. ofthLe;, hati nu rei4tîivea i la bis gfmAi>. For jCook propetty vlien It l tuirneti aver-t mani'yt'ears luie ad heme enpioyed ln ta tient, anti now le a gandtitie toi the hannesq sliop of Chas. Katiser. and start ach a funti. Go ta the poile feat- was weil known la Libos'tyvîlle. Tthe j rdai and vote TÉS an the rollosi. tuaere.i vas held front the Church of tian. The. votftg place vili ho attue the Imaculate Conceptlati la Waukt'- village hall. s"d tue polje viil e tmn Wedneaeday. The 11ev. Father open the usa Mi but. Qavîn coaductei the services. Report of conditionof 1 -M J. Lee apeat Weàday la Mre. Hery Boeï au 11<u-tilaugh lrï. Antew Decke,- ,ofIlhUiandl IChiciago. 'er were the guests oi r, .,tîvt.ein t.ib Park was a iecentgnuîa? . 'I iyvlVre Tleady. I Iecke:-honte, Allan C. Miurray of Ciip~ctîIl.'d on Llbert yvillle fiende Sattîrda ) iWalteir antd Henr-y 1.t-e.ci,, and tinMc' t W. Waldo alnci -iighter Miss Raipli Wehrenberg and Ted laiat ,,Floyd Rttier vill iirîii \ tîitkeTan, France:. Tell Satut day , orning for' weeWnonavstrsSna. Sun .day eveniag. Iiata%"t, IN, Y., Io attend lit weddinO wereWaucada ialtrs SfldaofutWeston. W'aldtt. whici,. took place tMi-aS. ;VaniPlew'ît I \lr,, t4' W. oa.Te ilrIir on rd cagrý George H. Cooger la hlatnding ilhe,]fritte vislted aBt he t. i, tJ (wt-îigt tdy.h> iirtrihm iîIv se kl iknliwU aan. Penn> at Gagea5 Lake itt.yMrs lifehard -itplin andI miReig- ýeîa, Ms: etten E Thmasindslnaiîînd lere Lutin linglan, agn, lia.ItitenE.Thins ud 1u Mis larlb Enlet,î ':-. I& as the,' Robert, sVent Friday in Milwaukee, . 11SY 1- i ai etheyliaive reaiited fon the patti gtmast. Oeda vefllTO. is' Js j)ain The>' will reniove f0 Kewaunep ifagoý Attorney Paul liacGlfln apenit sev-, piine i)ei*aye ai Hlgtîiaîtî Park. sui ee r tpi a ae oral laya tislaweek ID Cleveland I Mis.Pearl Dnyer hls.-.îgned lise' 11io în n th the Fladerai Bakery. dioien hutiqees. ' rtîsWan hih. bel d Alîli lu- 11cm out Zi&,ns wt-ntietil fias? or laiter- l iston RuhadLti £l o]Hr eb në&Marx. (Chicago. nacles began Saiurdîy etaiMon. The Granilleareviaiing rieds hr. fr oast 0f tabernaclel; la an anunuai ane B 10dm. %Waukegan la vislting ai tile home o of,ajit.tweikty years agi>.[Dui.ing the lir, ad lire. Abiner Taylor openther parents,'Ur .'a"d %mJohn Cole. melers ofthetI i- estanni Isolics Led Ia Bunda> at Gurus. uili J. C. Feeser %potnolea u tii. hr itian ithullc an m iMr. and lira. Raymotnd F F.Ilronder- Zion City ________corne ________in. __ J(ast, o1 Chicago, Viblifed. 'tunîta>. wltil_______ home Charles Kaiser and tamkl$ t won to. Mr. and lirs. 0. F. lanyt- on Lake UNION PARK SERVICES Waiikegan Saturday to attend the [un S treet. .Tmttt ud>eaigvao e Feraerala! J. Wel. lra. George WeIlren bt-cg and littie vices ln the jark are meeting wlth ap- tmday Ean Break and H. Dannentolser of son have returned horne. airer a viit praval la evidenced by t e attontiance Fort Wayne. lad.-viiteailit che Joch- tii seVeral laYa Witt'il'eli relative,, at knearly doubllng lait Sunda>' over te ygaer "beini l d .amiy. Laits Zurich. . preYlou 1a Suaday. Thimutemat itivea. Rev._G. A. MacWhorter attendod the W. Z11 Watkins. Laite o'unty Fa rut 6-bleadership aoflMr. Nichais, and théi confereaceofo Churcli Workers, held j ,dviser, méade B bugînenis trip tu auBI I plendid '. contributions ofthtei maie infl Raclae Ibis week. J.kegan Priday. He wtt,, at-to in Wau. quartet add ta the Interest and wor- lir, lAsss AflaWinleraadHeln cndaliodayahpmidi, fthe hour. Mises nnaWinlerandHeln cndaMonayThe message asat Sunday by hy ea B8mlth, af Fox Lake wene Liberty- Mr. and lir. Glbert Cotuperof lJo- Rev. E. C. Miorgan, »saloir ofthce Prea- vilei.viîtors, i&OndiaY. lit-t, vlsitedl Monda>' and Tueaday at byterlan churcil, on "The. Acld Test of m lira Charla aycck andcl ile îlom ioe of George Il. Cooper on J.eaderahlp,' Vas dleRn eut. foreeful Mr.Ihie Layit hide ae streeL an exceediagly helpfui. The audi. *are vaatiag at the homte uofirs. Lay'- .[I:tc was reapansîve and Bt the cosoe *cock'î parenits la Wisconsin. JMra. William Fulton antidwochli .. .i. . l..i WE PRIDE 'OURSELVES-ON THE COMPLETUW ÔF OURSERVICE, ITS ADEQUACY TO YOUR NEEDS. You dont have to wait here for wlîat you -want in aur baue. You get ît at once.. Melle are items that are worth your coniduration, e. ially when backed by ont reiabiity andgnarautee of & & factio.. Reachig over 15,000 readers eachwekraosu b tides advertised and pay for them, The Indepemilent iua la rival as an advertisimg medium in Lakte county.- - - July Bargalin, Ail of our Children's Rompers and Wash Sits Reduced to Close Table Damnask. 70 -inchea wide, yery good qualily and1*A beautiful patterns, per yard ............ Bleached Shaker Flannel, per Q1 'Q~. Yard .................. 20c, 28ci 3U8 and 4 5 Verysuperior quality all-linen Crash, b ....e c ad 8 =ý W. W. CARROLL& SONS' COMPANW Phone 29 Libartyville, W. Liberty Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JULY 16AMD 17, 1920 WILLIAM iARTn "JOHN PETIICOAT" SUNDAY. JtJLY 18, 1920 OOROTHY GISH in "'TIRNING THE TABLES"' At j;I..; î. ..t-St t 1 i 1t?>. len 1, tTiTtlt.. J t S t tt. . . . ... a1.ta Pt. 1~-' .... e-.tt.. .1 iiî aitn iiedgel ............ . . . %45 Tý,taJ I.în ft tl'uritl.n..t.-b- tlt.'r? t. ..... . ,x -fil'ter thomn F F1,ral P. t-. F, t.-k. S lu..k .1 t-.,deral P ri-, R Iank 11T)S1-il, itI n .î.....i........ i Q i nVt, 1n nltîg h"t .. .. .... ......... . ... In. Pruittrtt."'i fittur... ...... .... ...1$ Ii. Camh ii) aut i .,îlnet aflnîmtttTtv tiîf.-tNr.na ttk, 17. i f'Led,,,,-j t, - ltanàk,, it ttet - rttwn -. rrp.rtifla launk Toa-, týL 14 andi..........,.... ... ..... J4.1 K tChw'kR taon i tttîtx ,fltîfiy ,r twnn >f rýtm)tit l,,, ank andi Tttal . . .................... ..... LIABILiTIEs P 2Capital t,..-k piinîî ig. Auroins Inuit.. ......... ... ... ............ . ~ a 1 k. m oulit reer-1 dfor taxe. ,mu jS~ 31.Netatnune ue, ut ii. ...i'.nani... à,-.npatlr 'rotali 3 l -n.a......... 46êr.it 4 a.O.rtlftt-atea -4tiept,.lt .l.- in 1-ti. tî.t Stinyx......... .......llJ Tuedvlta s ubWeut"lu.Rmerie: t iii Jeale "'f .tpoit ................. . .... '4 Llabitien other tian thot,,abaý to, ttatadContingentHute, .,....... Of tfhe,,total loata and i tttcounttéiîtwn àaht. tflemanaunt onu wliin niih t,otunta w"ae îarged at i ratne. iteei it thotte permitted hy lato<e.5W.Dv w. (eldsv fnotes. uPon %tolli t't-harge"iont to, n'x-m 'nii tgl.Wm M«») Imm STATE ()P LLINIi.g i NTY O07 LAKB. J L J .U*l.,(lasin,.1 et Ie-n ak inemi kfllail. ht, -1uayawa f thnlle boutttfo-biiowlIad 1*1dl1lif. "à J S GOM I 4 _e. anrlbd worn f tforfue ethi, tith day of .ftty iFe. LYF. . MDlaH.ar UI2 W i. WTAtfB.DIrctr 1 -

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