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Libertyville Independent, 5 Aug 1920, p. 10

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ENTRIIES- IN TENNIS TOURNEY IN NO. Cli4O OnIy 3 couples entered te date; Any North Chîcago Resi- dentisEligible. PLAY FIRSI MATCH THURS. (;coîgc jipkov, ose Paili plait- Izroumsd dît ector anrîounced t.'day ihat thie nuruber of entrits Io date in the 41oubles tennis touiriaieft ta bc hcld~ .1 the }ak cours, 55 nolhiig <tu cua et about. Only ilsîe raprhaNee bgliified dclxir itentiones 0f comipetiiig in lhe dîtiàteIajnnlis toiiy forthe chiant- j, olhip or Not<h (Chicago. The coupts eniercd îin <the tourney: Clarnee Bock anid P. E. DeYoe. Ber- nitrd DockernandiArtur Hoylt, NI rs. Rose NeIFýofl4i.l Edoa Petersoil. The rut s 0of the tournan'cTlt are ronuewhat diffelentthan in the sin- gles ournament. E-Pry player muet te .x Norili Chcago resident. Whexs Mle teaina aare fonmed anid tic ache- dule ported ecdi pair inexcpetted ta tet inD buüh wih the oppoming tram and -ilc ;j dat.. for plaîli5î off the mt( There sD doubt but uhilt iliere w iilic a large number cf entries in the tourne', asmchninterest il e c- îîsg manîfeEted ln tennie b>' thc peo- ple ci Nonth Chicago ilowever, 1<. in lioped <bat contes-ants wil enter eirber today or tomorrOw. se the tocirne>' may staît without avy fi- <ler dela>. The playgrounfd drector stated (Il day that 1ina&t proliabilit>' the tIret match in <the doubles tennis tourneY w.ît (be l<tayîýd off Ifîursday &-veing. Softeais i rde. Tinere arc two simpîle um;s of soit- mig Ilather nrdti rau skis. (Une 10 ta iuli iii thorougll>'neata fout 0o1. Anetivir o ny Ils o' disolve <ree ouncensof alnm, Fev-n oUnce-s of xlat and oie aud one-haIt ounces tulrattxCI I sufficiet bat ratsa wter to saturate the ski. Wlien cool ênougli Dot ta ecald the banda soak <l'e akin In fi for 12 hucre: wring ont and lhîng up te dry. Wlien dry reppat (his oporti- tion two or (broe i ies unîilb'th skia tg eis«' ojuy ýý' l<ecpîrg Ft. %fan In flue rid In Dite e travelei whoi l alwiv>swalkln,-towmrd a colde>' reglon. and woIsa etisereforp, oblged fo lie more active as lie goûtt farther nantis. Thse grest malade cf th oul la cold, and ln order ta counteruet thiîe formidable Illnesa lie mut keep up tbe actîvit>' of bis mnd not Sal>'b>' worlt but b>' contact wltli hi@ tetow men and vrltb the wnld.-Tic, To<pevile. 1 Surose.cs;- ,naltim. 1 XI ancient -Lî>s et Mdeopotat.1 la the sungeo a was dlmeouragcýd froin niakhxîîg nnsh operntionit. If ils- patient1 died te surgeoi*s ebands ucre eut ocf.1 If à seterla>' surgecon waa auccee. - f ulise recelved one-elith of a ehekel; but Ifil animal (lied he hatl te pa>' mcse lis ' Cause and aicI. ne Old miser, Who buried bis menu>' te tb. lanc ecomrunear the blg &li lent unis busmismelpat ef Ist The gulît>' person'bas not biem appreli& s- md. Andy i>'llard *ect te Plc"kvile yezterfty andi purebseel bluseila fine unt of eotbe-AbansflaTbomua cet' DOINGS OP THE DUMF -Olivis- le- Geiig To Hlave Everything-lReady. AMERICAN ACF UNIT ENTERTAIN MEMBEIý' 0F NO. CJHIO. IE6101 j') N Fully 75 Yôung PeoPle of City in Attendance; Hall Pretti- Iy Decorated. HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINM'T The American Ace unit of <lie Girls Cousmuaity Lýeague of NorthChicagO esertained tbe members of Sharys»' Pont, Noth Chilcago brandi of <lie American Legiais TuIca envexs<ng at the auditorium. Full' sevestyflve YOws PEOPle Of Norhi Chicago were in attendante and aut vouchalfe that tlhey ha&> a -reg- ular" gne. - The bail was very prettil>' and ar- ticail>'decorateti uith Plais and white treamers and flouera of sarl- ous ins. 1The program whinli openedth Ie evc- ninge festivities f ollove: ISelection....... *........ Ue" Club ISolo................ Aide. Hart Reading ........Helen Harrow Isolo ....................r. Turner ISeleton ...................... The progratunva s erY gooti ansd vas bighl>' enjoleti b>'tise young Tee-l pie. Upon completion oft h prograt»s dancing usa enjoyet., Music for the1 dances vas funibed by these runstr> Real Estate Phone614 -- --,----------- -t M ALMA iER-IENDS 0f ERJN eu ABï,v% *-ri arr-ilTa HIFI P HÂIiJNfi. ING TOT TO DRAMI th" *0 4 d" iuwmbl Wb"l k b r. orchestra.Tisose net dance playeti buisco. Frappe andi uafers titrouglicut tise esenina. vas en ed MSNDECLARES, Irish Freedom Seen Endanger- cdby Article Ten of League Pact. Marion. Uhio. -A j.ediction t<lie Irishs i>matlizers v.l1l support Hard- m»g Md Cootîdge a made b>' Rep- bresentative William E. Mago» Of 111- Dois, cime ef the leader. Of the figbt in congre.es for*lristi recognitionins a statement «made public f roui Hard- log licadaraters 10dm>' afllerliebad oneedwitis tlicnomne Fnieda 0frelanti, et course, have te lie for HardingS" eaid tlie tate- ment. "because"tisey kbsou ulialiar- ticle 10 of tb. league covenant Meana it .9 id htelirelaad tI EnglaRd for svr aad bled us to heip keep il a>M Qui. Coi lias pledged hltînesîf tO support thse Wilson prograun." RepremseitvoMaEo» predicted thse Republirans vould carry lîltisois by a les"t 200,00 andi that the Re- publican national ticket vould b. eleeted b>' a uajoltY,"ti@se it t or- wbelming %Incee*Granste. Frs the âilivilm anaer. mlale ment bas becs recormusenfe IL@ a oufft ute.for bef snd bacon, but ublé e eau n ctch vbalem aiil sfgbt. tu tee bg a joettotm 'em bome." oemq i à CAUSý a à -11~~ I NIW RAILROAýD EIL IS DUE »"OPEN . ONSEPTEMBER 1 Higher Rates and Other Devel-. opments Will Mark Change in Situation. SAY OUTLOOK 1$ KOPEFUL. One month hence the raliroads wifl be un the threshold of their ev ers. as the>' ,leu î<. (da>' in the Chlelago office of varlous fines. At tbat tiai. lhe newu rates for freigbtanad passeu- gens ull go into effeet. the question ef intra-state low paseger fanes Probably wvos bave beeu Oecded and the readjuatment whici bas been de- layed b>' the Issues of hlgiser wages and higher -rates vil> le velI on <tie way t.0 settiement. 1<. ufll lie a more lfoiportant day tdan vas 'MarcdI.1, uben thie roaile vere turncd back ta tbelr owuers b>' the govemfmeit. Tbe "firu I test,"'*.0 te ihcomild- erable rqferencee tas lie» made. ofj the abilit> o!flihe carriers la manage tbein Ou» business vill begin thell. rather than aithee(le nI date, for the goverament guarant>' and pian>' other tliinge have bec» l»volved in tlie developments of the last fili monflis. The outloak in diatilncl>'Y liopeul and tse promise lanlield out <liat anote year willl see a vat jChange foi the better 1 ic shers iee rendered by tlie noads. 25% V ~ONES 111E- TEMPEIANENTAL. liAi a lumi-guhere orne ees adorAble ecotufeé bats. And tace maieet mg&. This Rawah tisdel vue demigned te mit milady. s um ment. 1<. la ail C? duli sol* lace tulmmud vith gomde broums 4 ud a gold flouer with- tranepsarent toll. Discount S.&e off Ail Summer Froclis IIIIWIliUUI~iII êRGIVE *a« TRA.DING ;StA1IP Second Special Purchasa and Sale of- Georgette Blouses The Surplus Stocks of The Bonner Manu- facturing Company, Bought at Fitty cents on the Dollar. Ail arc inie of fine gcirgette silk< in exery vantcd slî.de in- chiding the dark suit colon., Somne arç handsonicly trrnnicd mith beads ortlicrs are emibridered in silk of a contrastiiîg shade. Sev- eral lîundred of ýtheFe blouses froniî wlich ta malte your sec- tion. Priced in, threc groups at 3.69 4.69. 7.69 No Refuns. No Returna. No Exchanges. -Continuing- Seconct4 Floor Ail Summer Froclis Are Included ini This Sale Wîth many svcks of sum i e r and hot iteather sl stretching before us me-are offering our entire stock of tlui froclrs ai a discount cof 25% f1w-m tilt regillar. riîîg'.Ve. a<l1 ice carty -ecction froin' îhc'se group>. A STRMIGHT 25'ý' DISCOUNT DEDUCTED AT TIME 0F SALE. Ilivse arc ail charming frûcks ofilc ulc *gaîal cs and giighains in scores of 10' clv sty les and handsomec colorings. Ail are încluded i tbis sale <.0 be had at a discount of... *y Coats, Suits., Dresses, 151 Capes anid wraps fashioncd of excellent wocpltim. Drzsý- es of silk and woolen materials and suit3 of fine aIl-wool serge comprise the group at this very low price. THE STYLES 0F THESE GARMENTS ARE OF THE CONSERVATIVE KIND). and women anticipating a vacation trip wili b. cspeciaiiy in- terested is this group. For they arc garments îh.at are sure to give one lots of service. Chuice ofl the group $1 inay be had at .... . . ..4. .. . . ..... . ITheNewWool. Hlf Price Suit sale -Greater Values TIllese arc grealer values than have been yet offered this season. And the opportuni- ty -for buying fa a great advantage have Do Uexi surpassed li any former tinie. MANY MORE SUITS HAVE BEEN ADDED. Tlley are suits nmade el tihe most service- ableand waxted weaves of excellent quali- ty._Such. as Gabardine, Poiret Tw'ill and Mien's Wear Serge. It is ofaIa great advantige la choose at titis time, -wlhen choice -of these siîts may bc ,,,, aI à'price Plaid Shirts TIhe newv modes for Faîl arc li- troduccd li this showing çi wool plaid skirts in the plcated styles. New colonings and- new btî,n- mîings arc seui. ARE FEATURED Typjcal oftIse reiearlcahle- val- ues prevailing thiot'ghout tise as- sortrnents preserîtcd for tis3 ad- vanced Fali sho%' iv'.., riced at $14.95 a.$2 CO. IS i ITS L( Manage al Plnt WillI1 servic, HAVE15 Thse generali>' Cie iLurUs. Aero aibout te closei tes tbrougb0ut t vitbout fuundatio Dalley, manacer plane and nsotoi a. luterviewed german. r. Ualey tlie report, lie i at ;uffalo. N. ï ,yo5lOn B.'co t pd.ton. The I $500.000.000 wort motorm of an obi V>alley, and il to Private mdii' - of their valu e wl (liaI th 13 r; .41 reelve 50 lierg pi Ai equipt when real s faciliti pice 1 Good R egm I a r SpecIaIl PC IBoon Regula Spleclal i 30x. Prairie View Meirose Park Wip. d b y T.imdou INSURANCE WIet ami es' - M~Am.t»a.Truado o»w May mt b. r"bit. luurmae Camed. Effëct:-m Thouandsof peple dependent on-charity after the =ras came imure your. property for full value with a live insurazic agency We Make and SeIl First Mortgage. Loans. No Commi-' ssion Charged to Party Furnishing Moneyt E., Schwairtz & Co* Generai Insurance Môrtgage Loans S.'W.tor.,Genes.pe and Madison St.. WAUICEGAN, ILLINOIS \ýi the B«t stmw-£b

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