iI LINMILEGION NAIES 45,000 fiAIN DURINGiTHE VEARI Aud. 30, 31; Sept. 1, 2, 3. 4 669 Posts, totaling 60,711 Six Lt*ys-. Six Ndits Mem>jers to Attend State Convention. mAy oR T AID DISABLED VETS f ~ W . Kelly of Sheibyville lý chair- '~5 ~ ~ ' nitan of the conntteon' .arr-g- AuonôbleFre ll!ts whiclî la prep:îring teatii "Autamo âes&e fior fIile second annual Illinois con- SPECAI~ ATES veon 1outf lic Anierican ILegio'l Sept. ALL RAI L WVAy l'lit- conimitîe la cendîtcting the D EST IN TUE LAND woricOfr(diSAt fli ve 111etindiof es1 att..Rm. «'«-h.P SIiiý Pool- lie e. ctle.mnltlee a plan %va£. i tuu. pui tuets; Woueu. itîrovei td i d'dethie itate ilitO Wvck. 8501W.k. sud T1111 twenty-one districts ,ntead oftfi- VEARS nil.41"Ie t Ddge stt ten. andte l increane the govLuîning Dors-a" sud61<1' (tub Aectite& committee accordingly. In a report E VE RY DAY I to the execuLive comnitte Cajm- u~rU1W U~~V ~A RE mander Foreman stat.cd that thle pres ETH L A Ui- nt rnenibeîship of the legion ilu li- GIRL WITR A SPARTAN nis ia 60.711, a gain of mole than REART, ha es Planes 4A% l 45.000 sitîce Oct. 5 l'h ast >ýear Feel Fr.CICEnîht W len tbe [rat slate conventior was -Ax.so- lieltI. Th e numiber et pos(3 Lave in MARVEL 0F ALL ÂGES, creiaed t'onu 449 te 669. TRE, DAEDEVIL SUPREMfE lans have been ýpetfected tiy the national _A1ericaintsm commission, L A R of which Aithur Woeds l.atnimn PlapLe angeswbereby the leglon posta wiil bie able la Plste Cange&te ceoperate with the fifty-five lios pilai 10fornoD"l) ake care ot dis- SIX NI GRT S abled secvice nmen. Posta willlbe as- t WRLSGRA rS SHOW signed te appoint cenimittees to get til ptL'SGE-ATi i h n touch with certain hoalullis for $20,000 Flrcworke Spectacle thie îuripoe of vialititlg soldtcr Pa- "SIE6E 0F THE tients and rendernuoi bem pci'ouai 25 SAR U5Uu- RCiSAKR VssLE ACTS on two M motb RC LA K R GET LUXURIES IN 80wot.it = ..dzhL &$» r AUTOMOBILE SHOW and JIAEMV3 "TRUCK TOWN" - dmm~mlmm.imemdlgau 1981 Michael,. Willa and Bernard Miler offbMeer>', servlng a six montilà HAINESSIACINGI jael sentence for fail:g te regiater f or the draft, are te be rnoved fronm MO14AY, UD~DT. TVE8 McHenry Count>' Jait et Weodstock et i r. I te Kane Count>' jail ai eGneva. AETtW~l U tINI~ >Fédral Juilge Carpenter lasued mn s.ATO ACING 1*~ order fer the change. UTAYESS 'et S2 The brothers were gettlng toc mrny A.i a"m.Europe- fl md dii imii Oivoe ma os.. ce cream celles ani auto rides in - ter home ceUnIt>, la le aaid. The RORSE SHOW1t Miier are son%. of awealthy Mc- BONDAT TA1 ___Henry' fermer and Ihreatened vio- -MNDr UDAY. ?4ZiDAT. oeUaakr AN4D MMiii mo. pence wheo fédéral lovestigetorit were ut à grek. look ng lto their falure to regiâten. OTUKFAMMARINEY NOTORJOUS SLÀCK- v. 5 E R SOJOURNINi IN THE C-T. KENNEDY 10-ACRE LAKE3 COUNTY NOW THE MUDLESS AND DUST.. trent Dow' Alison spent Sunday LESS FAIE. walking in the woods of Ravinia, MONDA. AT. 55-il ~ pic 5îng wild fiowers. cemninlg Chiai,. 1h.. a îuonatureamand4eckng te torget TRE WISCONSIN S T A TE the "horribic experience&" lbe inserts PAIE "Eucates, Inspires,.En. he went thru ne a fcderellrisoner tailale.nBlggrest Possible covicted or evading the draft ais. Sose."Wblle lier son wae, "Soue-, Mr * Thomas Alinson. bis mother. build e cor>' bungalow on Wade street licar Beach avenue in Ravinla. vine wreatb Y s ed and surroundeil by flowersa There FRAN liAAllnson wtt! pass teimie until ho ELECT FR NK HAYES makes up bsmimd what hl% future DELEIlATE TO AMER. T ATR f LE61ON CONVENTION T A1ENA TER LOCAL CiIURCIl To be HeId in Chicago in Sep- tember; lames Gallagher (WOODSTO( 1 A.'IERtICAN) lected Alternate. Whibe no ueasat (rl huild iKg comnailîf c rallier favors thle style REiINQUISH PARK RIGHTS? of ttle uew Methodiat cliurch erected - - at Waukegan. Trhe committeee ne a m'-e'b!nc of SthAr ie . r t cent!> vsted Ibis eburch for ideas North Chie and suggestions. It was desigoed b>' lenrhLeion iund bayn oh, the k \fr. Jones, the arcbttect engaged for HiaYieà as el-ited delegate le th the building of the local cburcb. Mr. eftile Conivention o!th Au rca Jonie% bas estabhîslied a reputaûon as Legion, uIo el'ld a t the Aneican des igner of beau! iftl but practlcaliy Temple. Çicage. the tiari>' lait of arranged cliurc.1 buildings. and bas September. James Gallagher was many testimonials fo b! abîlît>' le electcd alternate. Ilofh Hayes and nparb, cifies. and one here in Wood- Galiagher were eiected b>' an u ilant- tock. Uhei0ccl C angrigatiotial mous vote. .c 1ui et. FrYauk OPeka. adJutant of cliarvin e pont a ated Ioda>' that there lea a '.. 'tien As.. .e Compese. ioBs8tbility of the North Ch.cage Le- 3iai:,i aoalîiîyltlteta glona branch TelioQuishlng its rilhts there tire itagr.ttii currents or dis. te Foss 'ark on Labor Day and turn- turbani'es li tt iller air whlcb tng eaid rlgts rover le the Labor affect file conîpass Doit make It "go f Tredes Couaicît. The Tradea ceuncil craz>.,, Long exî.eimenits aund rare- désires te seeure the Park fer a Là- fui loveslgatien, bowever. scemn te ber Day cétébratien and the AmrO-precohuvl>tht tlîotit ecau Legon lu willlng te metenne Its composes, tut the jîtane "vliieliînioven rigbts prividina the Trader, Ceuncil eltntdy atî ts lcat wiii assume lt's obligations. @ltatdy nteftpae n The Legion Post asjutant declared tI the apparent bnît>'t of tbe cen- tode>'fibat Shatvin Post Just ecent- liss la (lit te thëse niovemtents and 1>' secured tb. Park fer Labor Day the vertIcal antlir compost eofIbh by making Ml agreemetnt with the governlig force. The matidest ut l Prognees Chuh of North Chicage te Compasses, the moit contrndlct il psy the club an&uin of $150,ite ne- md Inane of cardoç, ill m-ad tbnquish ail Lahor Day rgtj to0 tle down 10 n qiel 41,11111,311 once sthe Park hs Lgion ranh Is. Prom .plune la on e straiglit,letcoefr leod te va5 $50 te the pos Park a iîerîoël eftinte grenIrUantep z Board for the tint et h: ar. e iod ut tu woo ARUS MOUR U i 0 EN FMN RM TW TNE.FAE teProm Cloopatras dey teo Mr oua the artu bau a more subti. fauteur al annfat&vrtbam ace u. asever beau. Abdi h15 7w uen short ileevec ane impérative th* Wise wornaa willtakO Umne isproteilbar arme. The. o'ny trottinet a perfect marmeelaclesan. àA ood cleanUtg croc. sboutd b. 4p- Plied attnit. ruibol atu w6 ad th* atm waahed tu bot ucter andi pure sup. fiulng with a ou;l crzn. plunge. la the. moraulM noe oel enaneed ho usmi-MIpIyvoter. llbtly'poVdinIliSwth talcurn or refinel iea I& Deferred Payment' Garîtienîs inîay be sciecteti with a small de-A LX HI G o ýosit e anîd wse will hold saite (storage free) uts- AEf.ï d ANoveînibcr i. .- .- *, -- Annualý Purs Repaired Fur coats and picces of aIl kind., wil I1lie re- paireti by expert furmiers at thiis tinte at a ver7. reýasonable charge. Fur Sale AlFur& Pile Fabri-cCoats &.FuIr Sets& Pieces Priced at- 57.50 Plush Coat Shorts .1 k ptush coalt itltarsigecape cottai-$4 and new bell mîseves. $4 69-.50 Plusli Coat Long mIlii pluslt coul, lined aud Interln. id. vmry speciat. -5 53.6 0 89.50 Pîush Coat - ;Short turlit oeat plush coul, equti-rel. con-. ey cotler, 4t1k liled. 7 1 *. 0 $145 Plush Coat Hudsuon Bay' &eal plu&h coau wlth Ring- tal-ppsumca@cola.$116 1 % $135 Plush Coat Off tar and suflaai 975 $ 169.50 Plush Coat Potarkln Sé:ul piesti Coat wlh tlarge raccooni Cota r, BIh 1d. 13. 60 Q It is with pride and gratitude that we invite you to our Sixteenth Annual August Fur Sale, the great- est i n our history. Here we combine the most autheutic showmng of advance'styles with prices guaranteed to be the lowest of the season.. EverY fur and pile f abrie coat and every f u r piec eor set i a $501,000 stock of these garments ia subject to thèse liberal August discount. $220 Sealine Coat 35.lflh extra qiaslila>'$Sai" teeq colailil iedesaabotaosu$176 $260* Sealiue Cnet wtttt h sndo cp.ecott8 3enci et 19 f olai. oft$ 2 #in# AistrelainOppessum. - 08 $295 Nutria Coat Ms uln admNwthr ge. S it Gute éi iuti lar.coullIs 2 colli and deep cutffm t -$ 3 137.50 Marmot at 0enutue marmot ceai *",th$ 1 0 large cottur sud culo ita, mIlln. md, handsom. mstyloeta 1 $95 SqurreI Cmey A fins squtrrmt conmy Goal ef etrlulg cut. A specltl>' prIei ceat ut 0". la uow, $76 $195 Marmot Cnt Ornuine Marmot ceai wiih lai-gm, ,.nl.oe eNutria Cettur an cf..Scai et $156 $165 Baby- Wolf Coat >1O.th Bsby Wolf coat wtth large cotler sud cuffs et ns. luursi Badge.- ai $132 r 20%a- Off on ald e.oOrder Coats & fur Pieces %'ThsSale 837.50 Squfrrel Genutue Sibrilan Taupe SqIctelas, Is01gextriar u aquetrts Geargtextiira haY $670 cutta At $485. Hudson Sea 35-incti Hudson Seulai e01e Ne. IX skinAp handsoreetyl- 38 md. Ver>' speclIsil> prtcmd Ba $38 $875ý Hudson Seal 3.Inch ognuiiem Hudson Suai coat witt, rmai Beavet' Cel- lai aud cuffs nd heavY tilk $700 -4 fîinn atr $775. Hudson Seal Sejnch gmnulum H4udsef & a i 0 0 t w l , cr o it M r tm A , 6 2 trimmtngs; swOndlOtfui tout ai $ 2 ent>' $325 Russian, Poney N-lutoh Rulalan Pnyc teiti, struduaAscntr$t 260 miug. Ver>' specisiiy prîced etl 60 $435 Natural Seal A bsauttfui nature al Isu_ $elest e trtktgly trnmd ttt Hudson Soal ai $348 $395 Mole Coney 36 ItncMoleCet>'cot. trimmed wlthlRussion aquirrel.: 31 tutl aille ttnmd aiet1 té slto.Thon athe vent AUE WOMAN FOUNI) out on theprh ad et dowra ta est je- p iit bjlg.a frouiha te dIe -.e Y wornallcame mietoh ouseabout 1!EDI C R- that Urne sud started to pone. a BEAU N CIMR1I Deacon, bis ater. Ho had ne sSor piakui te rQcoIitr. Whea 1se glane. SON IIJI2IAI M VE e n f the window and 6ow hie mother ad a pecullar expresision on ber face. De lammtid down the rt- ceiver aud rau to his mothers as- Mrs. John Rahling, OId Resi- sistance. Upota reacn*ng ber hde. he dent of Lake County, Dies mnade the stcrtling diecovtry that ber Very Suddenly. body> was lifeleng. lie surnmosted a - - ysician and did evrything possible te revive ber, but without fsuccr.ee a« CAUSE 0F DE&TH UNKNOWN lits was extincL The pnysician pro- nouutd br dad atera brêfcxanaJ Mrs. John H. Rablag. a old rtel- Inat:On. dent et1'lAke Ceufty dled ,uddenly >'1Mr%. its.liitg wass hum n n rmsfly Tuesdar nlght about 6:30 olv!ock at OMi'ý42 and came to America twe.ty- ber home la Wedawortb. wàuîîe ai two ybars inter. Sbe had lvi d id tiag la a chair on the porch. Cause Wadsworth aaout tbirty-tbrce years of bei dent in uninown. it lu tought and waa ver>' well known la the vi- that Indignation trouble proved fatal rinltv Ibhe le survivtd by the foi- to tht Wadswortb woman. lowing cbildrea: The &ged woman badl beau ln gond Mrs., Henry' Deaoi. South Park ave b6iallh otste accordlng te or daugh- North Chicago; Mr$. William Cluerin, ter, Mm. Mery Deacon of North Chi- Iaglewood; John Rabling. Wads- cage. Sho Viulted ber daugbler lait worl.h; Frankc Rahling, Ev"nston; SaturdaY andltu aetwonked around Mrs. Adalph Trub-y, Waukegaa; Wii. tht bouse and even prepared the ilarn Rahllng, Waukegan. Sb. aise eveMilng ment Tuesday,. Sho bad not leaves fourteen grand children. cOlfllaifled of feeling MI. Corontr Taylor will hold an inqiffat Sorne proin phoned the Rahling ito tue <bath of »ira. Rahing to- borne about 6:15 ,P M. Tuemday and i rnorrj afternoon at thie White and MTs. Rablin ganswertd the phone, Tobin F1unerai lIeuse. but as ah, could flot underatand lte It'neral arangementa will b. au- arty ver>' clearlv. abeasaked brn tounced Iter. iVotler 1l's <reatoat .Store ror vvomeui Au.gust Capes, Stoles., Scarfs., Mufs, &Y Sets at 20% Off at,$ 10 to - $395, L VOLUME XXVIII 6FTEMI a~-nIJoint Sw;-Iish - Fin w'ifSettle convection of the Tesoporanceaowcil evotomt 1 Aucalloi Ica ilil .be ll ai pi-ranc'e hall on 1 ývai'cegatn. startios wbadlaa up Auguât Aecording tetocs evtiii he uneaaion tbat Ite ttalitht 1010 more delegatet erltim- rtthait DU Mayor Bidinger deltus' an eddreas guee» nd acoordh City f!clals. the l1 wîll h.-nurned o" durins n heIn uts>'. Thtis i-thIe Brf8fi fn Waulcegnn d ooer t tboth s5i5 joint i57.iO.I.01100 le, suve Olit th.y 1)â% mnalle til, local mi )f th.' kinu est-n li Bcoe .v otlenRAsu.oeh held t- a nfluai o Out- of lie- big ', befutre il,- co, et i the qustoiti oh ibi diab-Vbannh Teuip. and unrging. fic ome etrct-y. te b.- eveutI Amuffoit tion IMMs, TisIn .,du the e.,uistrY lins h SW.dlsh-iitnuimbT. iol.,har, found Ils wlitouf a cause te the nane Imphiem ibther rer haie be, poerucs. Titi.bl nmtrs btat il il &,irla enthe- ovIn Tht.soavent Inn quentiona E. M. RUN lAVE SII O VERSE TSý i.-ugbt fo1 h e rv,pu h li..a.i "a storfrrim tht- Eigl et Lake, Mee"r)y MWauturîo)wî-d iI,% iiwl.ft ul.b Lh )lt 'ftizu'i'. ia.- a est,' tulle a.'! a n. asc a -mieikdie,. wl hl.od t),;tieulît Vois te, i.btte, aj au ;,e..ouujt of IL ze n..cnîttgate t'a ies i in Zion City. sure of the 'Voln lSwtt ta We-il knî te Count>', but h Ils 80 WilU knout ive belai s alto IC . M tunyard 1879, un a tarai na womt ci the cilla eouni) He atl sehool. aiter Whig paralido Normal ladiana. lteturn laugbl acbooi toi bis home on theo or te Yeasup AcadeltY, Evanst bc Lhe séone orI Ceeyear at HIi ChaonielLake il in thie fali of S"n a four yeart ,u Btate UnivomI gydaugfront Jue.1906è. antd ,ttactlce of lau lu Fe.bruan>, 120h Decidîng là bci r otloand 80u! et odon mon la thorn belag tb. Whiltey, Wbo e M Invitatlin10 of which Judge ber member. TSI the tlrm of Wh jmSd, a partnensi V-. Whitney l. suti e circuit b. 1410, untilitheo