0UTY.TEACIIERS 'ACurer &ermie ZION MAN TAKEN !,"a - VOL°°°° INSIST IMRËROVEr METHODIST EPISCOPAL 0N ESER10NOF '"°°°°°°°°°° MENS B MAD ONW A N T A D S Rev. C.F. Kielhauer Pasto Mr. and Mrs. Harold'Stroker visitedt ii I I.oi 'i;( iirh l : e FAMILY CilAR6E 8t a"~."'""""' NAVAL STA. BOARD20Cne M" hag i , ires sai i:,are ion Labor Me. Morse of Canada lhas been visit. 6"egggegggegeeggggeggg d see we in th huurchi IeXttSUnDn i rohr egin. aindtfamily the 130th Mornilng and Afternowndea lt 7:0 p. m. Is aa- rar e oppor Failed 10 Support Wife and past week. FakynR ule xpes sniTa u s"ave d h!IF YOUR PRICE 1IS IOHT Ilis2T A t b Held ' tunity Io urocure such a speaker for! T re Chl r n C a mlM.ad Mr.Oie lvlad ad th in atiOn. Of Hu .pre ses Finde plas reurnoip n depnd et rN Sessions Are t0 e a meeting outside of the large citlee. Warren Cleveland ; Mr. and a frOl ie v1nd of Mill.al f IV' aueUta epak.Iia SthH. WMeailltSltN EveryDal This Week. 1or Reteisner is one o fthbe mot.success Alleued Triangle- burnvisitelaad Lv a fit andfaMiy1.1 t e dgao f HrS, - ce. 36- efr t ndpndnticst iue n. »1 fui pastors in the country, and draws Sunday. FOdRN-9ears of land n Tow --h -, cularge crowds of folks fromt every walk R. J. Beazver. li, Iwa rresteël in r n rs .V mt o k Toewh rvlterodta-O SL Fe -oo hruhyOf VErNTn;960acsoulnderInuTiw- Th ae Guty-Teeachael.n-ritu eofIll.fe,11-e-is.the laboring-man's friend Chicago on Saturday . by ConstahlMr.'arknstd M trrfr.. ) mm=liel.rv. i Ths hoavtrotraiig tatiron tatRë g noe-n hue n8Are'o sssso n tly on,.rston; v0ares Ine uriva- 1 hsbennsesoinWkeathsand every man who works should hear Delbert A. Weale on a. charge of de- lasti woeek it ter ..heisain i, ,.dy er osae.inF. M. Pard ineaSlle..ruthirdSt, fobertile. I4-, e aillthe ecesfo hs11 udyngt no hiu.sertion and non-support of his wife aai t til u EtirlnpeicngtdtoenAs dorne t o IORinoi. Phone 184-J. 36.ti ndoertonsIof Illecounty Iar'der the leadership Of Jack Bradford, and three children In ZMon, and said Musse arbauPahfeld nd teher'Ill av its fc, odition As aeltof -- ORSL.-htereiec oso lattendance. will render special'mnusic. 1to have been living with another wom- Rse hv enatnin eces1• ev rafc uho tbln.FOIltSALB- lodge coupe, 1917 modle; MKne8v.MrGie. -ti oneoefhe rinipa eturs o th SudayScoolat Illem.G.Rot-. nan .Cicao.nhttectgWukean hi wek" . gtothenavhe satinatearadhasalsiFodniuckh116rodedcverds Institute this y.esr ls the insutruction lmSta , Beavers was placed In the cutd Monl tayfternoon a number of: the t -come aimost impassable. body. Doss coincrete mixer, power FOR SALF-HIouses and lots at rea& b is KteCaimodo te ew Moining wior-ship at If o'clocýk Auo the Waukegan police and his hear, friends of Mrs. John Walden gave her loader; block and brick machines; evonablle prices and easy terme. IW- 3eqUirinig physical training. miestouque service is planned il, h yuouig get for 1 o'clock this afternôon a cômplete surprise in honor Of her- ranklyn R. Muller, headl of the Abe erythiin gin good Ordler; milo stave ma- in Austin.1-t mel d has been explaining the wilbitrstd- leore Justfee Walter A. Taylor. - sixty-seventh birthday. A mnerry time siens k Sa tary Fooring company Of chinle. run onet year. J1 L. Irving, Area - diite mode of instruction as ouli-" in. Epwrt eudevoa m;.n He retained Atty. Her.vey C. Coul- was hiadt by all present, and eveyn aBaa oavl iios hn 8 6-tf ' WNTEDplaeon gnant er a- edi i nthe book adopted for Ithis course. Eathp.m.. arold Maston le(åer. n t een ir.Beavers be. leit wishing lher many more such ha". f ominentlucitizen of ho e mn h ~-~- tpaeongnrlo diyfr gtandard timie il, observedl The pro ec fetueloig represented by Atty. George Field, py birthdays. mont spirited complaints. Mr. Muller! FOIL SALE- One ten-horse Stiover gas.. by epnt.5Adrs".C"caeo gmfrtefrst tla i- ays oif nle i gh, eti yug epl'sngh.Efforts to ßind evidence Beavers hl Many)'people fromt this vicinity aet- dives back and forth over the roadt oline engine; 1 Blizzard 11-inch ailoepedn.3- week follows: an1 ntolsme tth hrhmrrietoheCcaoomnpvdtndei the Woodsock fair last week. daly and la more cogntâ,ant of Its filler 1 McCormnick 4-roller corn shred- ATL-Cabê mlwke The daae sOf bte on lil libe proi. y at 6:30. Wear old clothe1S futile- 1 itnesocial at Frank Hironius' was condition than the average automobile der. Chas. H. Peterson, Liber-tyville. WNE-hme adwirs other dtil f thse's isseani e rpae fra oreyo msa ratsccs.Twent-nine dollars driver. Phone 298-R-2. 36-3t foresmaitlthouse. Telephone 160 round in part two of ter ks swas the amourit cleared, The art gai-. -The r oad ls abominable,' ir. Moi-ihln ar.3d of the Independent. Thumrsdlay night thle Ladie.s Aid Se- lery causedt a greatu deal of meruriment: ter said today,". I have taken the mail- FOR RENT- 100i-ar- farm, goo ee 009 0i MisBoma, neir gve ' ares om spprJudging fromt the smilfing faces as they terup, with thte comtmandant atothe1 black land: 85 acres, under cultiva.' WANTED) TO BJUY- ive or -six rom t fl Inst; M r. Clark , Arithm etic. A.\ n imormál reception to form er pas -cam e forth.ot o i s r t ri d at r n val station and also with M ayoi ton; will ell stock, crop, ete, and give hous Ebei n ib ryvil e u orirea. A - 40.02:Miss Elidmundson, Geo- ,asand llt trang- rs and new coners. D W SAT N nneSoboo1a etre fe nIbelg., . f-:inndae- ossio.Mdr k.des o 9,Ron aeU 63 graphy Mr. Hdson. enmansfp. Ths willbe a fne ooprtunit to hespending several weeks with frends Each thinks it lm up to the other l t io iroeeaHryAwlIaeVla 10:0-ý10:36i: Mr. POttel. , ome acquainted. .u P at Tåmpico. INDmake the repaire and the resuitlas in . 6It WNTD- en winen" t tkear 1l3e 1:5.is iwa.Pi nn n rn ou egbr n Messrs. Peter Stadifield and Nick 1t at nothing in dones. If theisbnvers amngfrena ndneghor maty~~iii ontcto;M.ldsnCv nad any stangers in, your cmBauer motored toeIRacine M,nday. of oe else toewhmillt1coutldmakteaun FOR BLE--0 hest bn eWite Pigsullr thes fgen.guaanted. OWIery Mary uni ucin Nr udu.Mr. and Mrs. Chauney J epsno peat 1 would lbe glad to do BO wih 0t 0lb;6rgsee 111-1:lMesBwa.riay . .Cnidt o saeofie hè,itingwood visitcd re-laives in Vole lasu Pol kaot reaiin S eirdsow, eighd 20boer,400.Ib.; 1.ullnsfrmn oe n bl tl:ruction; Miss BEdmunn, is-PiESYERANinm eorLndnstate haefoundIrLdy.an read thrtt Zion City. Why thergseedhr6oa,400b. 8den amna o pthoanin. o W e pr EarlC. orga, Psto.sth maor nd hs patfrm to havy Mr. and Mrs. lær -luson and chil rmath ere can't hold a candle to thismnh l.Jh eesnlunea6ca orfrsaetmo 3 e ( ener eiDM - . 0da 01holat10fa m. la, aloald to carry downstate and have dren visited r tivsin Elgin Moniday. t -o stret othrn rmlisChnh-ri54 ul ie xeine nemay rammont Misr alln Diàs suiiageSchROy F rih.Su l itched both the mayor and the.plat. The Veooschool N iloe usa.wnyscn tet ot hcg.-- rt nentoa tcigMN 3:40-3:20: Mr. HudsoP. P rechn a 1 . iToi o hefomthtwa rpditd y tRe- Sept. 7. willb Miss Marion Daviell asi te>the main lgate of the rnaval atation,. FOR RENT-11-room housemstm ship; Mdis Crammondn. enantsrumon, ".Sweetness Out of Biitter OP. publican state convention. teacher and the Vesey schooli will open '1his stretch Of roai laeso rough that heated, furnshed or unfurnished. . ,iown, Pa.Il-4 D e "Specal rusict his claim waPaeMna tMndy ihMs shr Russell In I l i difficult to dive an automobile Inquire'on the Premises of Mrs. Pearce 3:0 Instruction tonBeginn.r. Mr. Crseia Endavoit 6:4 p. the"No amad aiIlnis"hau d-age . Mim< sh er it without shaking the machine og John Rouse, Citizens Bank, Area. .-As night watennlmanbelieve Ihave Tuesday• Pleas;e note the change in hour back quarters of the National Republican Mrs. Finch of B3tdda, Ill. là suendin: te pieces. Ruc condlition should 33-tieemnore rats than any nMan. Dogs 1:0 .9:., party. It was coupled up with the ai- this week with her- sistier. Mrs. V ever bie permitted toepisât. -1---- wouldn't' dare go niear them. ot$1 9:094.%Miss Blownman.. Pr to the old time. Tepic, What Christ 1,sertiontihai certain .of the city hall Morse. and family. dte'erâl other People have complain. WANTIED-GOOD GIRL FOR GEN- pkg. of RAT-SNAP. Inutide of a weeks mal Instruction; Mr Clark. Arltb. D1 for the Christian.- Consecration, -hv qityaanoe hIr Alwoatne heSna col- to the Sun, on the samiestretch of ERAL HOUSEWORK. NO LAUN- cleared them all out. Killed them by 9 4010:0: iss admndsn. Go- S y Lao Iest,,,Ocitos on thie*ticket, and are ai picnic at Fish Lake lasi %Wednesday d Somer etikta y aigteDRY WORK. WORK EASY. MRS te credevery. nih. nesse r et- h M . .0:2y): Mieempting to save ui thSrvrcownabnomaynairth idijoy b-i'iMtJ ertobeforehirCharles Russeiatlavrcountya were scared away.os Cha'eslRuseler obetwith-r :20 -10:I jud nnanship- the M. E. church at 7:45 p. mn. Note ton , Out of the Stp. 15i primariel. rmrverrasprned eev perintendent of highways they SMITA, 633 NO. GENESEE STREET, u A-NP"Tresss2c6e . 1:3'--1:15 MissBowan.Pr the change back to the old time. The t'onerete eidencee along ,this liste many thanks for the manner in which gtb bet e eut.WAUkÉGAN. PHONE M.. tf $1.00. Sold and guarateed by Schacki mary ConstructiOn: Mii Hudson. Civ- s.ekro h.vnn steRv .ndt owt h addacy of Sen she entertained the children.- - les. K Il~~~~0. easoner, well known labor .uastor alor Richard J1.Harr, candidate fur, egbr fte Cýre Dn el 11:1521:55: Mss Howan..\Pi .,easoner has a wide experience atoriney genrt-al. The evidence il; e Negbroh hr fnay maTy Consti rction; NissEd un,,, ndpsaforefl SpAaker -Be hure to ]l(*ter wrliten on th. lette ehead o igt pek rt h niesr History hear him. aisitle onyjdeo raMi. tenwell's irhAlthoýugh he 11 -:0:Gi-neral. Period lPrayer nmeetinLg %ednesday, Sept: I ; ean <un oie ,h 4ned byudge was shocked by [heg? atsur«l-is-ý hi 2:00--2:40: Misr ,ni man., Mil,. continrued studies In the book of Job. liilev an<d ronuaining this paragiaph.: so eoee n r td alwt Crammond. No mneeting of the Boy Scouts or ilw ls Iâ:m ha, h en an actiVe. . i gtiý! nitoJr 2:40- 3:20: Mrusn 'nan :yFire Gipecause of the Lake 'con'«""n;I, i pubi(lia.am.regardles 's Insul «u i:0 smG AIEvernnTIpr ship; ,Miss Crammiond elut Fi fstatemient.. which are belirn acn ent hadl a very xsud lune 3:20: Instruefionti t and wmil iUt Made tothe contrary. o! Wr Bd tuenàrr ST. LAWRF C IS CHUC. taeIhLg bf7 x .H IDPNEN h PRICES CUT TO THE QUICK- -FAIR WEEK ONI.Y! 9:0a g a(Episcopal) te entire electoiate indi(epietnt ot x Most widely read n ewspaper In Ix Intucin.M.1 .Ai Rev. Gardner Alpheus MacWhorter any slate. o Lake counuty. 1 Note the Startling Reductions in the list below. We are not selling out 9:4tr --to:. : i ss Edmu Ait nde o -Priest-in-Charge. -Nt Springtuæld, Sn nCarence- r' X 0 X 011 X 0 oX 0 X 0ou X X 0 111 x Meography: Mr H n drim Sunday, Sept. 5th. Fourteenth Son Hut X. eamipaan mian. ser ofIlthe, ana-ad have no intention of discontinuing bnsiness. These [eductions snip. ay after Trinity. jlhompison ca-ndiriate,ý issuedl a sýtt- -- %:3:Ir. Potter. iloly Communion ai 7:30 a mI'Imnt saying the ontt pe are made to miortlhoroughly introduce these Standard Brands of Tires I0: 35- 11: asghurch behocol au 9-45 a. mn i nowm rand In knloiv v hether the VOTE TO Mary Instruicuo!: MrsH[to'Aln, PuFi t :0 .w hmso ulaecndi(laies stand wt and Tubes and to get people better acquainted With our business methods. tcs-~ i toa 1 ter being sent !fiaams nth lmaor's repudiaýted 11:1M-11 r,.: M n Bw a.Pi tis wee-k to every Parishioner of SI plaitormn Mary COUiatrue-tion":%Mise El 1ndsn awrence's church il) remind ilthni or---t Hsory t h, hours o f ervice at St. Lawirnce's, en:n: ralo r tei ce e hai Iasionce PaiàSun. MILLIONAIRE'S S A O W SIf y ou considler yourself a InoImi ra o n m s: i l t L a w re n c e 's tim r eh . d o n uE 'Y -V K anp nre I o Recinner, Mr caiiý your name is not on I]telstOf N rishoe which the Priest-jnR hoeLiý, fo ýnd amongi the records of the 1wi "(o'ney fo)rp: A luss, 11, OBJTifARv aian you will be doing him eat:.LkeF trwho was sum- MaryL W eelegret peronalfavo if ou i8 ll s i l P) >:,ppear before Ilhe board of Mae . herhoe fr Stockwell, who bha ', :nl onaio t asene r our nam e V en ,show 'aue wh h- should" n m u in~~~~~~~~~f Lietvl. eIatte er thl( tlisWe want to know the o e lcransokr od ertdle myo pasedda,'ughterl k , r.o everyone wIho wants to bIe ar land put 29= Hde yt ase wy August fina a in our: Nrlish so thlat we 'lm ua il ,«tsh in of another deat ug e drs u efil e r e turin an w curate ct'0'toutheP U'sh'- lx ,a.i r.no of Racine, here Mrs. Stockwe un. bail th anualDioe-a coveniond bee vsiingSh h 11 adoni.w first of thie year. And We an.Ntbor heear vtoule Sfor auadbeen il with lika,,ise, to know fthe namn, ofe y éAijR beat robl fr ome tinl, one ,upon whom we imay COUm Ifor a ct Mary 1. Wheeler Stockwell was borp t. loyal attendance aitl spo1il mnnm February 3, 185(1, a CprtowN Lwenescuc.SP CIAL ASSESSMEF-1T4 c Y. In 185,5 she lmoVwi thhu io n U3he choir will 1'l'et again f'w1r to D sPIlaines, Ili. Prom sl ains .-l this Frd L vening ati :3n ;il Thau she removed toIrving Parik, wisire she Iom Lwrence's churchl, wilh da lHved for forty years. Sh3le was united i-chill as organit and Murra.,Ii 11 " A in otarriage Vo Williaml Ta: lor So k k s as director. A full attendance, l e at DesPlainese 22ner o--.- ----GR EY HOUND TIRES LESS 25% Aive of whomi are lh-ing- Mrs. Nellie NNSIC.ATUE Mumi. Of Racfine, Wis : W. E. Stock- i r-. . NON-KID GRAY TUBE we11. Harry S. S;tockwil and ChlarlesFO RW U E Nl" SIZE .T PRICE SALE PRIm ES 1Z EI.T '>C ALE lkIt T W.Stockwell of Chicago:; Mrs. Gor303$59 $1.63x$.5$22 ruded Cvtof Libertville Mlr Sotek C U LST E 03.59 1.63x 3, 25 tim ed ilhehas dhr on --30x3I,2 29.00 21.75 30x3l,3.75 3.00 tyville with Mrs. Guyot. Marriage licenises; were taken out Vote for 32x3!/ 36.50 27.38 32x3l' 4.25 3.40 Sh ato Mlonday afternoon by several 2 .. Bil s.O Csurvived by two sIsters-- Waukegan couples, acording to the FOR THE 31x4 42.10 31.58 31x4 5.05 4.05 M . 0 essna. of Iowa, and Mrs. records on fIle In the office of County ATrelear, of San Diego, Cal., besides Clerk Lew A. Hendee The inllowlins' • . EI S U FO T N T 32x4 47.05 35.29 32x4 5.25 4.20 8 grandchildren and 12 great-grand- were grantedi licenses: children Barkas Barsamlan and Aryine Vasth 33x4 49.35 37.00 33x4 5.45 4.35 vin un eythe Rev. Jhldn oRa abourd Dadalan and AnnItz Ecký He introed adp d 34x4 51.15 38.36 34x4 5.70 4.55 dutig h srvcs. Buris wuat te a meP V. Morr-issey and Hildur F. through the Senate, one of hi$ 32x4!/ 55.70 41.78 32x4!/.6253 T ow MaIne cemetery, near Des. Henberg. CrdanHenM.n seven bils durig the last seslsion, 34x4½2 59.65 44.74- 34x4½2 7.00 5.60 jura. aln act to repealithe appeltc law 35x5 76.40 57.30 35x5 8.55 6.85 LINCOLN HIGHWAY TIRES 1LIST PRIGE SALE PRICE 300x32 lineela ighway Tires, Fabric..-. ............-....$2830$15.56 . 30x3V2 lincoln Highway Tires, Cord ............... ................ .....39.30 21.45 Several Other Makes for the Ford, $10.00 to'$14.50 SPECIAL ON TUBES .30x3 1. . . . . >. . . . .. $1.75 30x3i . . .. . . . .. . . . $2.00 While they last. AGENTS FOR CHEVROLET AND BRISCOE CARS VISIT OUR DISPLAY AT THE FAIR VOL. XXVIll, NO. OFFCIAL Hlerefith is prebent, the various towns, v illa, Wahington following 11 1900. The figures are show, according to the c Census-Prelinýlnary Ann for Lake County, Illinois The figures follow: Minor civil divisiion LAKE COUNTY. Antioch township, inclu( Avon tow naîhip, includi Hiaineaville and Rou Benton township. -includi bor village and Zio Cubia townshilp, inceluding@ ton Village ....... 1.... Deerfield township. linc Park and Hlighwood Lake Forext city EMa township, including lag e ---.. ........ Premont township, inclu Yillage .... . . .... Craint township, includi lage ....... ....... Lake Villa township, tinc] village - . ..-... Libertyville township, 11 ville village and par Newport township. Shields towns4hip. includii lage, part of Lake ward J and part of Chicago city ............... Vernon township ........... Warren township ....... W'ageonda township, incl vilage _ Waukegan towrship, incl city, and W'ard 1 an of North Chicago c West Deerfield to)wn.sip field villag-ý and pai City .... .. ... laeorporated place AntiocÇh village,..... Arna yvilage... BatrIngton village (part Deerfield village ..... IPot Lake . .vil.a . . Grays Lake village..... Hainesville village. HRigkluand Park city * ]Highwoold city - .. Lake Bluff village. Lakm Forest city ...... Lake Villa village..... Lake Zurich village ... Libertyville village..... North Chicago City Round Lake village.... Wauconda village ...... W atkegan City'....._. Wir.throp Harbor vilg V on City .... -l' North( * In Cook and La 1910, 1,444; 1900, 1,16 0* No wards. **Previously ann. ɧAIIG0ft ADMITS PASS- ING WORTHIE Charles 1'. McDoniald, at the Great Lakes naval lion, but whose homne is 1 Arm, is under arrest Ir because his tacile pen led The police say McDonal a confession, admitting il several worthless checks, been cashed by Edwin secretary of the Waukeg A. It was on August 17, McD)onaldI's statement t tilat hie learned how eal pass t:orged checkss, and vide bifúself with plenty mnoney. Un that date McDona M1 check at the Y. M. C. ust 25 he cashed a $156 -1". This seemed soee August 28 he cashed a | the 81-d Heyman tailor a *ne 'Îseemed so anxio>us t MceDonald went to the Bc store on Auigust 30 ai] check for $15. Ail the checks were ri banks at Paragould, Ark. mient to the polic2 McDo knew, hie had no money to mleet the checks whe presgented for payment. "This sure is s;oft," MeI to himself,, aslhe stepped TLon late W'edinesday al r :cught to cash a check Mis's Isa belle Pearce g t Mhe check and thien notic "Why the bank protes inent Of the check you yesterday," she said. McDonald left the ste Pearce watched himnbo car Mile notigid the pol which 'vdes for th ' inrout of chil ren under 16 of age t Ia m "".won girls and " Masters" ae out of date. e aloidtro duSdand the bill became alaw, FOR THE STATE TO HELP the PHY- SICALLY. HANDICAPPED. The boy on the farm who has lost his arme can't hp to farm; -the boy or girl mangéï in the machin- ery of a factory, one who loues his sight, the cri p ad phicaly handicappd, can, with hel ,of ke County RepUblican todo e ind o ok ýI n Candidate become contented, usefui citizens fer de Do you good citizens who tai work want a senator who has osseof RpresntatVesworked all hies!le, on the job for 8&h District 1you in Springfield, Manking for you? SIFTJE R 15, 1920. M ARESr r15, 1920, Assitant State's Attorney William A. Deane arnno ce scandidacy for State*8Attorney of Lake countyi subject to the 'I tion of the Republican Party, at the primiary to be jh eld on September 15, i1920, and respectfully re qU"e*** thE consideratio, - and support of the vuters i for this po, to'