Ile teSnadi. neceuary iacresss, oeàwt 101 any persé'a who is capable of Readrs f tis ape ar kenlv nteestd i. te iacestraight thiaskingW. The Thoanpson style of campaigning in an in- Readrs f tis ape ar kenlyintresed n. he acesfit to the intelligence of -the citizen. It consistr of charges no out. for the senatorial nomination for this, the 8th district. The rageous and so bascless that they refute thei'nselves.' contest in bet-ween Rodney B. Swift of Libertyville and Eu -______________________ gene Runyard of Waukegan who was assistant state'e attorney T prior to the present administration. FATALLY HURT ANS WERSI VOTE atrMr. Runyard entered the race against Senator Swif t ofly AS AUTO PLUNM ES 1 PROBLFEMS OFV THE atra lot of his friends bad urged him to do so. It was a case- wbere the office sought the mian rather than the man the of- OVER EMB.&NkM%'T WOMEN VOTERS fice. It bas been conceded .all along thatt Senator Swift would corne up for re-nomination but reprepentative men in a lot Of Fve Escape'D eath Narrowly as Women in 'Lake County Need differejit lunes feit that the senator had not been as strong or Auto0s* rckJ na iliotRiiiefrPrmay active a man at Springfield as this district should have. -The fJgéRok. i terPnsinLw saine opinion prevailed in Mc-lIenry and Boone counties. Busi--.I- ness men in those tow count:es urged leaders in Lake county1 to bjiag forth a candidate other than Senator Swift assuring them that if they did, strong support would be given im in the two other counities. 1 At tast after surveying the situation it was felt thàt Mr. Runyard would maire a strouag candidate and at the saune time i f be was successf ul could make good in the important. off ice at Springfield. Ir. connection with the c3mpaign wbich these twýo men are onducting in a quiet way Senator Swif t has advanced as one of the arguments for bis r.-'ominLn the fact that the faimfiing interests of the district "require (fman wbo is farniliar wiîb farrning in the seratorial scat rathér tban an attorney," and lie orgues further that thcei arc too, many attor-neys at Sprngfield now. candidate Runyard h:î-s ansvered the argument and uiriir-d it to bis own advan'age in this way: He says that aft-r analyzing this point ho1evr that the years that be and Senator Swift bave passecd îhiougb sinte tbey came into busi- ness lfe and since ciidhood. he finds lie lias put in MORE YEARS bimself ON THE FARÎNI than Senator Swif t. Fur- thernîore, that be finds tiiat Senator Sift has followed- the praice, of law MORE YEARS THAN HIE HIMSELF. Mr. Runyard is well known throughout Lake county and throuighout the district and with the assurance that cornes from many -men throughout the county for support to a candidate wbo .%ould oppose Scnator Swif t it appears as tbough his chances are exceedingly brigbt for tbe nomination. It bas been a notable tbing- that during bis four years' in- cumbency Senator Swif t bas not kepî limself closely in touch with the people of the district and it is also titi&able,. to use the sang expression. that'be *"got bimself in'bad,- witl.i ev- eral important organizations in the district. maki'ng himelf d-cdedly unpopular amnong the farmers whom lie as sup- posel to bhave represented but isb Jave gone out at various tim-s ta attack bim on thc cdaim tlizit he was working agai nst tlueir intercsts rathier'th.,in for thern. The fact furtber is Sens'or Swift "gaI in bad- with the Arïican Legion at Libertyville, te legion goir.g so far es ta issue formai statements concir-ning the senator for lis posi- tion :n a certain matter-. Thîis, a nalyzing the cancddacy of the two men it appears ac if Mr-. Runyard at the prese4it kas by long odds tbe advan- tage over the senator fr-arnLibertyville-. It is recalled that Senator Swift's élection four years ago was brought about as a resuit of Senator Oison of Woodstock having died after he had been given tbe nomination by voters o! the district. He bad defeated Candidate Swift but after bie died thie general feeling was that be. Mr. Swift, had been hie opponent and sbould be accorded the recignition. According- ly lie was given the nomination by the senatorial committee wbose duty il was to select a candidate. Thus, Seniator Swift was neyer nominated b;; the people but was nomînated by the senatorial committee and it was due to tbis recognition that be finally found a place in Springfield. Now it will be tbe vote of tbe people of the district ta de- cide whether they want him or Mi. Runyard to go on the , ballot as the nominee. Mr. Runyard's friends insist that he bias tbe decided advantage in mariy respects and it appears as if such is tbe case. -MAYOR THOMPSON*S "VITAL ISSUES" (Chicago Daity News, August t2) "In ai campaign speech 'at Rockfocd Mayoî Thomnpson of Ci,:-r cago told bis hecar-ers that he waa trot sLeking e-ny ofiilce or favûr fr-n themn, tut had corne to diacuss vital i:t-ueso cf intcet ta -al citiieris- This was a piece of deliberaite miscreesi-,iCn. Fort 4bMavor- Thompson appeared in Rockford.for thc pur-pose of boort-t - ng candidates of his and Lundin's political machine foc high state and national offices. It is his present hope thus ta capture tl-e b state govcrnir.ent anrd alpl'y bis serlf ih and cuinous policies, on a wider scale, jr- a wider iterd. titan hie nov: alppiies them to the un- fimite hurt of Chicago. "The 'vital issues' *hat ostcnsibly took the Mayor ta, Rock- lord related ta street cafr tr-,>.-h faces in Rockford have been sncreascd ta 7 cents. Mayor- hrpo told bis auditors that t'ý.e Lo.v'den-Oglesby utilities commissioni' was responsible for the higher faces; th at furthec irtcreases may yt ttc ordered-by the samne state agency and tftat the remnedy lies in elerting a Thomnpsort- Lundin state ticket. "The question is: Will sach twaddle fool the peopre of Rock- ford? Street-,,car- lares have been raiseed in rçcent montbs in hun- dr-rda oI cities ail over the United States, Is the 'Lowden-Oglesb> commission' responsible for ail these increass? Seattle, where the streItt car fines are ownied by the city, bas io ceritý.r ares, tite raits having been doubled since the. municipality tIffl-er the car ini-s in April, i9u9. The intersttae commerce comn*Ion bas done msrtre rate, raising !ately. Would thse Thornpsoný-Lundin machine ha.,e preventedl these increases? Rates goup mainly because wages of worlrerm go up. But taxes go up ini Chicago under Thompson- Lundin ruic in large part because of scandalous, waste of publ:c fumais. When taxes go up rentsa and other living costm inevitably go up. Siuilar results are certain ta corne about in thic case of ate taxes and living costs throughout Illinois if this samne selfisb political syidicate succeeds in capturing the state government. "The people 'of Rockford' know that tbey now pay iffore than they did a *few years ince for- practically ever-y comanedity, from food- atufisto articles of furniture and cothing, Irom tiékets, ta cigars. Has thse Illinois public utilities commission conspirce4ta intureame ai. livirg costs?- "The-d.emagogical, dishonest attacka on public utilities that aie CM"Wtea o auorty te rie hrge and on thecoin~- nNFur& 141ARIUT INTRN~AL I luIflU.5E1J AU flT-çip a u<'r un1t MIm n n ini r-nl'5 I M~ LL 1 11UN. ttC rUtC 1111 IM P On" ian PrOI)bi!1fillaliy in- For, the benetit oh women vole] jureti and four otheru .r; ire ni:: o or Laie couatY te loiowing tacts leasWlsnfauiy hbrt w-iti an autrnom- clear up a lot of iroblems c once bijo i ah;ch they werc rid flg'Plang1- lir comntg ariniary which takeg eti orer an entbaflkflieftIthie foot>i . ut Waioî treet and craslied,-olto Ba - rat atioti-ii' r Pilie tof broizeai, concrete anrd' stone3 a leiîat-and feiale voterie. teit fect beiot. 'Cho matchin-r ain- iOîîcillarier tac iejht tu, ed ote t-e iilrrrs and ri i o-'fortadi r ty, courty alit rtiae offk plt.eiy retkAd vourîe fi s vwlose 051 ifs ar Thre-injtiild n ,trira thi poi boooks tiliino Edrî e >1 iri 9-I, ag,.d 4-idi ivei. 1rt-lotit>ý g> e their ager> Ire C - ltLa,-- S1c-ou der ikdrit> i cd. e>»l-twil StIt oe a att ar)triiat lb. r 'ii rît-ej anîd ulg-rPunctured. ' > T htirirua;e'requirre il 1W tat ny > il ir- a. o: haila woraîan i '-gras ili> <1wd i. Cie>iLte it ,rasc h errot. icirai rigcd.1 to 8, Lî.r ai Iz : Crý ,lýa1 LaIf-j - ,.-lre tl he ii tr leait- Sipu!dý,r i îîr*, - Ui.t- tr- i tîtr i calt i i ie-r rîtr 1i h t t] - li rs-> iryt ur-Ilire full titI, ira, t&GAîiieriront 1'rrk titi r .rrrrr lr.ireutenatnîgirl r i>> O. ita ;LIr i trir 11.1- r ru n I l tu r or '- 'i o act-iC t *toü:100huc et-M onda>- LI.'r't 1ca-;u rer, alto tr~ r> >10- - h>> tt'-li r rrtrr ' oi-îrvîr ru> i, a (Oir-terc-rtti r-tir10. t trytal r eý-t-n r -"t t lrrrgv) i cor> i.,~,Ml-rrrc'tiiy, is i ttkcai !Il-> r:-,rIrîrellate court, ýr tir,, oillterI ru ieni çi ti> autoîrto- I-ur. i r.e tenth i ri birieTh- i r trrpittd trlit 0,Lake ' _-vepnor~ire-rc0tttite to >0 at >>r t.1"aid tirei sri-edfot i' 'i- efi,>. r-,>îrtIi.cliîk outhIte ci err lre aitur>t-\rirrl, >rfc>gV - t ýoilr» t e attoaney, &roner-, c aid Irledii> et lot iis ticrrirgs a riCrrr; ..r': irrlcomaaittlelr ing il, rîtiloar>brrrttrI> r t 'r' lie \ Wor»> a ta Lt>ke couaii w iii nu 1>1 l ait a fiii'war> under cl iiii- rrequr> it n trc'g>st-er for thre rln P>rreýo-tIl tir,> r>- t n a faulon. but iîrre a 1>0are not on l te r-egii Whir i-ýl' Ct.)tri ii liidiit rlion>tirîa rio> filraie Nov enieri roi br ige a icir Iai. beeta cioscd 10 cral er-h-r i nv.iii he requier inn itiit(' fi r> r- lrtg tir-. lie irt- uilolit' I at-r i : r I., -î tot-ry in Ortler tu Io Irl- frtvî-tcad of tlire a..go- i Nr i.4 trtt i tr rît-t trl'(r 1rrr n- r aa îe tii ri bc-rIerheepition past >1>im tlir ,elerinl. t Ile s1tritrir r > 4>- na'io oitf ti'. r ili lst>-r> ou SEEK OWNER Of -rrre-> -t eIe r ~>>rit >.- ABANDONEI AU' ri c11 . i : rtr .. i tr t t rlJ iI o>t i - t 1), 'i Jrrn-f iit r i r n C l y l e ý _ 1 ii - t i i p ic i y r 1. - t L i 'a i i tîtir!», irri th 1 v ii, tri , :,-tatil poli'-t;>rrld :ie al i Cry t ' d 1g -t- - r t -ri lti>u t n uit rttu Itre îroiîC t.rt:rfl tu aiakrr a trur t oilthtie a et.I Ilrrv urt t tire ir le-ri-tirdi I r -Il de triiinù it ti- I lot îlti ey far saifeted any t roken fhomes.r lite eiiakitett or'rr ri tIr I l, mairnue »ungoid glu oc r> Jrt ir pina tir jee trtre rie tIr -itc>-r ilir latin' t wiaii l itte, t t sii iar- tcrabout tati te ris ;19( REQIILARS RALLY IN SFYFENTII TO DE= FEAT LAKE FOREST Tîhe W'aukegarritle'glli, Lake Forer'> SundaryIo ir - Irrion 9l tu 2. W itirltheeffetit' îtlrtt(-l ai> taie Regailai s li îtîc lir>t Irle .- enthi and putr o er six tIli,-t- 4--ci i-uit hurning for iLake Fr'<ertwi irr-- t Il r '> in tIre 'e; r-ti>anid driýîrr1, t1, ..rhrtwel, -îsr tea t>tin ma;rt)-ira lni rely tu0 lrt 'tri \:rir r.,i- ir Vr11î ie :tr in- r -tr li> ut i-I- îti lt tril lei ij '-t'bile Tirittîti-ir tt 'Îr ard hs, 'raril I -i t r uj j- (l-t> i r la tr tr -Ille *r Y . ti - t r-oa aa itrr îrtieldri; > -- t t tir-rît-t tilt tir' t ria e:tri10 r , I nrr l it f eld base;>ia- J r rjtii -tenîr i ; ,1> t 'r iztetFr.Oi-Ni c-I, trtsho t, 1.1>- rnt l-i t-it; 1tt ld in, c(- -t-rt field; Lintl, aigît fildit; 'etiler, air-rt haiste; A. Lima. Jeft tfield; (.t.rtrrn, Uoern., thîrd base; Btrowni, plîctier. Strobbe waa ln rentgond. for-h ai- iowing but aIX bits and retiring lwuive metn via lire otrikeout ioule RerveOn for - m. l ~issîrîj. Ille iirl-..riZg oha natiértrfî a etrîmnri p thie long. clieluisu ierîrg IIî§rted ult ir. u hia ftrrctlt e rXe..ed tliroîigii the glolîlu and nosýtrit-,. Thie pîtit srdfr-tîrIkîru file ioudtre nd tirt ua proluuigerl hI-ta 'of cry stnih.-. Wheu aiamriid. i tîties hiiss îv-rh the be- of frhuuatetr.trg 0oh tlir-Ci-rî-.If eiitakéswere tiot aillete 1 iîtti iIri-ir tire v:èimI>rî-trentUres ot vehrit, fîried sund rgtiîtli. Ftçjuring on s Crowd. [lsile tlu he asubjecieà le stresst fro.tii erow«de enineerl eomnonuy- fliurn on adest louti of ahoUt orne Lutîd-st M" m ht4hé 514 g oaL . Boys' Hais and- Cap$ UJ~! lu DEMPSEY MISKE -FliT RETURNS Everybody Happy When ToId Dempsey Knookett Out His Opponent in Third Round. SUN-MAJESTIC GET'SCOOP. As a theatre-nianager, FrSit George Oi thie Majestié la good. but 1e -le aw* tIw atherer, and tO bla efforts yesterdaY the Sun owes ita promptreturasa on the world champ l onshlp fight Bt Benton Harbor, midi., bmwU" acak DÉegu*ad MUpl, xilsetiL . ate dantat ýh* Mjestie andi the buetin boul tans là fr6ut ot the Sun office being the tiret on* In Waukegac te bear 110w Demnpsey afflieed hie opponent one minute andi tare, seconds after the halliers en- teredth te arena tai the third round. 'lle tact -et the matter wua that many ersons doubtedtheii authenticity 01 thie Majestic-Sun returais, se for ln advance of týer sources wpre Iney. Tfhe Sun depended upon a Mli- cage n0e gatbering association, wflch bheretofore bas aiways bee% able te give prompt service, but yes- ter-day il coulad net 'deliver' the rea- bon beanlg the promnotere of the tlght Qemanded aù enorinous salm fer the Privilege, and the' newsasociation Mwouid net stiind for Il. 'Resuit w«. thie assoclatlon'q headquarters were live miles trou 1the ar-ena. Causlig a consIderabie delay ln re]AYlng of the messages on the. progress of the fiast. Buit privatt-. unels were Overlookei.. the mastic. aa4 Mr. O0g nis lnform2atloa Imudlt.1w alun. 'l'e rosuit u .tbjeuti biua recolv.d tii .w ve the ofiTciai Wor4 u. newapapera 1la thiuié. glr laie news ofji hli s u at Ureat Lakes n4-i1rlnngu In an novel way.Twaipah tmt aviation -pectla tGet. fito lienton Harbor sid ulw palate remained. Ln the gir the' aanted, got the news, andl the&. matie the return fllght, reachtr havai station about tiih ie m thenews wuarecltiby, Ille official i fihi flgure« total receipt&C......., atate andi goyi aes ..4 TUX Ut4IVADS&L CA~ Most of the Gas Companies throughout the country use fleets of Ford Runabouts. The saine is true of other big corporations. The recasons are very practical. Thé Fvrd Runabout is the moit econom- ical solution of quick transportation from manufacturer to retàiler* Forr sojiciting business, for the Collector, for the Doctor, Contractor, Builder, and almost every other line of business activity, the Ford ,Ruraabout is realiy a necessity. ,We solicit your niotor accessory business. We can serve you, we believe, to your best advantage. And bring your Ford cars to us for replacerments antd repairs because yow will Cet the skilled workinan and the genuine Ford parts. 'WILSON &OHM. PROMPT DELIVERY WAUKEGAN . ?TiPRTY VILLE Days. Ar e Happy-.Days For AHlBoys, -who start the new term in cl othes from DOOLITTLE & WHYTE, the. Boys' Store. 500 new suits with 2 pair' of trousers just re ceived. j SEE TH1ESE BEFORE BUYINGý Ail Sizes, Pricesîand Pàtterns-Largest Stock In Làke Coiunty Real Boys Necd Real Clothes 'Boys' Shirts and Blouses I.> îîîi îfîîhlte ri) S,~ $,$1.50 $1.-25 Boys' Extra Knickers BOYS' Hosiery Loke Col -- One i didates ar i nerely set t0 the best years ago doinë mi]. paign wai is entitled lu â jc known fa cause he C to Col. Si would be had-rnaje creditovel whom the ps ide. Fa ingfless to itary man One of the di to Lake c cause Bc ahi jtoL County n trol. In ator, a rE member- inuch toi tion the TWO RI years an(î act of G -away. the majo: ed now, * ite 2500M trict stel thé other shouId'bý have a sg Cha: in argui in the rei wheu pe Some Pei he hanaa »If to a- be the fi came Up tiere api Chindbl! on the il ington 1b SuIts we man at matters akhougl "Ilf Witt -stay in the was: rýb1e plac The adrnitted viciousnE Anc ahermmii But ward CI etate, IL should j Small, el We t1, be pla as Chica ase is t, no chani .Foi sent oui I havej true. sound on that quainta tivo, of est and give th, Th, is one1 ,wl-ich 1 ducedr -ai increase Th are beix revenut Coinfide 0 - 1 School - Slis for Boys' - -andGis *r r ~Yrjîî Vr ili li1 tit 10lru> s;o.(iUtaiel; Itratliet' sçlts ant i up- pe<rs, madîte b'> ft's .~1~?~t * ' yott ileed a paîî i.r t oy Scout Shoes - pENDA~L~e~ A~ Aut .,ýr