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Libertyville Independent, 9 Sep 1920, p. 4

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W ~ ~ ~ ~ I UBUCOND~1VIE UWeVEB24. TIUAY. SEPTEMBER9, 1920. Thompson is endeavoing ta couvince downstate ReD -i Cmmry bsdepesdet- - Waulesan WoeUy Su publicans that Len Smtgr.oneof théir own people, is the FARM BAREAU candidate for governor.. The state knows that Bmall is FA 14RàTES-îo0 Conte pu# Lia., Eacblmoetion. W. i. mir"------.-- - - -. - Editor ireIy the instrument by which Thompson and Lundin A JW 20 ComeMiammiI Chare fr. IL 0W ---- - --------- ------------------------- ..---------Manager ryi tancoâtî4o te state. 11>LIY -~VL- 1 U ~ g~-- .......ALY ocl aag 0 ais nfot acadiat'> is ow». Heisa candi- After egh mnt@7trial Macon oR SAe ie 1eBlihordsI-ichStove asj-nj able prics nd î.tr. s- =Z PIE 115PE ER TITYINW ADVANCE. date for Thompvson's purpose ad idnsprPS* f County t'arîn Bureau members fleIM( >nek4rUe on b'dWin AuctIn.18t eflSIPTuN A~E-S1.5OPER VEA$28T000TLbuilding> Cs S PrPO8t.der. tChas. iH. Petersun, L.ibertyviiim. OffpeTelphneNumer1, ibrtvile xchng. n lwere ma king a campaigu for nomination on lits 0W» hi 2,00bidn 8 ot iPhonie 298-R-2. 18-- Mbniat the lBatotOc.t LUbertyviUle. Il.. as Second Cia.. Mail Jiatter. ho might have Thompson's support. That support would -ufle>'. lie Wige li (istiiüb4. 'roidwiro be liited to the attempt to deliver Cook county to him. Il i Othe oulY OOe f lis kind lu thje FOR SALE-40 Chester Wbit iu ~ ilii iit~'sephlone 1103 ThMpso i MMlg hedae MPP ocuS I U nIted Siate. Equipped with chairs, iweight 60' tu 70 Ibn; 6 r@giâtured liiad Part. 92 1t, WHAT WE MIGHT EXPECT IN STATE.Thm onimanghesae aDpIuOCBO e drinking founitains, telephones, wm-bxogod e;owsg. welsht 250 to 400 lbn..:; ig runing n theperso of fall. e appm thrugh 1reg4rtIItred bord boer, 400 Ibo., III WA NTI rlc ll f V jii~~ ,Ivaqij. _j .Lake Côunty automnobile owners who have watchedth fns - 8Johnlg wth prsn f Mml. o pperathouh- n' ratromenesppes ad nea1o97,r od.Jon Ptesu. urne,. otseiiiLIliyvll36rA :1,., ciai situaation in the City of Chicago, and who have'beeni told that out the state as if ho were the candidate running. That zincs, electrie fans, or cozy rires. il 1 r. Phoie I. 15t.11d 17,l 86tlae iii luyoir Thompsan and bie crowd are going to contrai affaira in ecgntinRf hefat ha h 1 te cnddae. Smlltrl> hmefolirairtwh nedthsej ORSAEOare on. asbî'u 05 IE il l oîu îîus, tos" Jihoi areke.ny lncrestd an aresîttng Upand akin ls the proceWson oerthé state. cofleenieuces when in îown for the ait. uspd by school girl for two years. dit ioelttl. lurtlàii..î rtifrnlh- oversa eel neetd n r itngu n aig oie- T ernoon. If the fmanners want to hold a King, <rayslake. Bath phones. 3711iqiau i, leuesu r e: tiat .Word conesfront Chicago to titis effect: WII, weII, with Lau. county having 25,000 more foikoagctr how. ons ratin ubiv e tock shOw. S <iS Joua li.,ue,,, <'iEtfineslt-n 3Ai- T7hat thé. City of Chicago at present is considering the. passage "ha McHenry Mnd Boom. combined, who says that Lkke stock sale. frmer's Institute. mss lmi and cooking atuples. .$2.00 per 6T'âu ordinance which will impose another special tax an al atta- coim iaWs i the.IMM tpresUMPtOU& to Wer in iiWeiss meeting. or Pure mil exhibit, th bulel.- Bergeron parm. two miles WVANTE-000 IRL FOR GEAN. have an Ideal place. west of Libertyville. Phone 278-3-2. ERAL NOU&EWQRI<. NO LAUN. mobile drivers. The plan is tô have an ordinance placing a city li- i ne herc steOL aecunycniaefrtir i ealrewie brick building 37-tf DRY WORI<. WORK IEA&Y. MAS. «m netax of anc-half cent a gallon an ail gazoline sold at filliing sta- bouge of repreenttves? With this ehowing on IatOn wihiu asy aces. n Man18tret. I - ITE, urW U S N. POBNEI u tm ncludes six thouaiand square fo test OU uC B III loSo M AIHG"N. PIONE oRntRE. tigell. The taxis ata be colectcd front the owners of the filling ýwouldntt it have been a neraine te have aIIowed the Polit- fluor space, which Is covered'by a gond ara A. h .DIL«Beoct, 22? N. Stations and they in tutu will pesa it on ta tiie ato owners in e ical pot te boil irithout Lake county being 'hIi k on the m~J* ines eetlin roulathe Iobya oAn* - vues S., auk 25. 2912t uATrI-o rmotnt a. î shffe af an încrease in the. price of gazoline ta tuat arnount. Thus tive matter ? The more we thirk of it, the hetter ire feel tat rs office and an auditorium' The Sers Mntn ionds and eaitore ever auto driver will b. contributing to the. City of Chicago and Mr. Weiss stepped into the race before kt was too Jeate 8Md lobby andi of ficte. are- ftnished inside FOR O3ALU-Cuaioer«ne lCots or) &or t.e gentfne guarsâteed kooSury, with white tillns, marbie fluorti. Bra- McKinley Ave. Mie. Orinte. 23-U 1Nl Unes for men on.mmanBai its expansive admninistration ane-half cent a gallon on gas. Now then Lake county would have heen Ieft in the cod, contented hOgany wuoiwork. sudflotocing --dn. lmnas rig Wî, the. point ta: If Mayor Thompson is f inding it necessary ta proceed with taking the. senator and willng ta tiske a chance on the windows. A large firepiace. agrîcultur. LOST ,Smnall golil pin enigraveàd wittlidrn lmatsaig.W p isuch a drastic way ta get revenue ta meet the extravagant de- dmca epeettv. itwu.dhv ena fe thing s i"al ' u)vrtu frtteh blinitial R. alereueS aus a eea llt-.0 n iiourfor prne uoue r y 1 n=i emnaie mu ol aebe i ndillustrative charts make the lobby "ne îasreuutldeeetjiln" Exeenen.es.. parmetahe s uparinginth Ciy f hiago watwaud ap jwouldn't it--and witti Lake county bavins 25.000 more folks juleresîlu gail rtaIle Office. 36 t! Write International Stocking ~rt peu in the state of Illinois if he gained contrai? than th balanc~e of the d'strict togetheïr. Had that been doii. and-ection i.u ~jgrandj~ stand" èeats 45 AO;TN i i nd I.itker V ai la. ýýf. i' n Pa. Thus if Mayor Thompsou's ticket is successful in the primary 'it would have been a case wheie the othér twa, counities bad il n,.t h u'sd dalue a a a alesrouni. tio tu n d e V0ffilla . Fnd rrno and then at election who knows what he has in mind for imnposing "Ilhpped over a cold one" on Lakce county politicians. As i iett jdigrom rgieral i l21 Ill ii. unlulal Ii,-1r1c(, , revenue and hardships an the people of Illinois. He muet have is naw Lake county wiil surely have a senator'and> a repre- '!i railI- ni plln odn hair remsd iI'n.ui la smehig iginmicithshi dtetrungio t wn.with accommodiations foi- a; F1411SALE -A OCt'.X5roula ilîi,iuitilt i. in.ý somethng bi in md, t ua. bs detnnineion t win.Y. th senttive n tii sideand. f tii Demarats tictc i r,, aithepeèul Il wve montitieniodru hoe.- i Aiea l',,su-r.iîifîthe .,î,l Il ti ,Ilr uned f.uriadi way people are taxed now. aimas:te the limit, and with Chicago ita Tom Graham we'II have two representatives. The ratio -sIn litht' 65 hirmiers broughtfour3o daya after sale. F. Ml. ilarilinur. Ar îi*, iial !'.Il).11-Y mn' t .- 1 ini such a fînanciai straight as the result cf niîsmartagement. it i. ain isn't unreasonable-it ismereIyý FAIR witli out just daim. as: ý o f1suwol for tagig i co tigllîlinoil. lPhone 184-J16 I rfur i,,-'oîen e i. 4 shilo Io theIlilinois Agrieultural As- ' o ,'If, rf, î,, i. r., i tinle tu experment and put the saine siate that now contrlaChi- the buass. sta o oipo tCiao ls OcSL o1 op.11 ..I., w liiciruî ,ri cago ti charge cf the entire state. 1. ýrI i tiîii litlly i tes high. itiso Fordot ruck. 19 1 ti todcli., ' f u. 1.r.,ft4,gio init t., th, poliI If Cicagans hur/z Wnt fr lack ofthie auditorium je a stable [body 1.Co cOule -l' 1115 i. f.o'.4.r icn r 19, 4 a nd lot- I hcgasare willing ta stand for an addition cf a haif' hi h re es1sle tc %.v tl N-iihere stock and feeui amy lie kept for Irader; block and lit I kimachin";, e' 'o malitesure, lt@ealog wilse cent a gallon on gas becausd Mr. Thompson needa îîta i-run the cty DEPENDIENT reach over 15AM0 read- 5how or- demçusî ration purposes. Unt-i ythiu gin gooci orl,.. silo hut'.,.Iii..aud a utitghboi . nd ia, l i-r tlii.-huiîi ng i.s ahasement Which il, ihine. mun on, 3'4-1. J. 1,Ir% ini- Aîia, lia, a i riiî i. h we doubt whether residents eut in the. state are wilhing Ia tolerate ses eEI2Nar ach week. 1 used for atoring supplies. Illinois.l'Phone- 9u. 36 if [y%'.iII. à sinitiar tax in case Mi-. Thomnpsan. if lie gains contrai cf the. state. Fart C. Morgan. Pastor. should find it his desire tu impose it--and that's wby theyre notul nday 8Sehuol at Io a. 'u ,l[ZuyF goin to tare chncewit Mr.Thopso an hi crwd.Wrîght, Sumt Let us srîiulate Our ai goin totak a canc wn Mr.Thoupsn an bi crwd.tendance sud have the work hîuck Io _____________normal by Rally Ltay Sept. 26. Preachiug ai Il as ru.Topic of the.! Thompeon'. Attack on NMr. S* « 'n 1?-r. .riI(n s.cat- ti C._______________________ Thaspson in \Vaukegan was the vicious attack made on Rep sous -~ Miss Mavis Gallowa>. leader resemtative Shw-tleff of NicHenry ceunty. a Republican. a 'îrsi erni a'er%1àc no oui i-n ui. staunefi Republican, who Fias represented this district în the -. U.r-iC in1~~ legliieature for a great rnanN rears. Mr. Shurtiefi is recognize1d t .1.t i as one of the able-st s-tatesmen throughout the state cf 111imois anr find oul. - jr'-r meelflr d.-ciday e..1 and "i done as much for the Republican Party as any mnan in ý,l'rav" k 0 ~a f Jobý the. stalle. Ne stands second to none in the matter of possess- Boy SCjur sudamp Pire Girl, iruli ins judgment on whatî s beat for the st.ate in the matter of ra., , S te!1.flgSet.' 14 And! legislation and therefore ta bave a bitter aîtack made upon rI;:-,.y. is,ad of once-s iteek. himas was made alt this meeting cid nothing else than stir Up r.a- ack o flle. mee-iîniz throurli the bitter entit ot hi. friends throughout Lake counîv - f pýLt ee rda vnn who aheard about il. MiMat'lsCin <-orsrsî . Mirs Dur.nd, Mr. Shurtleff has done toc much for hIrs distric.. he haS "'T!I.. Board of Tru-tees will rnes' ai, done tocrnuîh for Illinois, to have a mani like Miavor Thomp- ilhe ciiurch after prayer neeting Sepjr Som Who bas donc so littie for bis state. corne out in Mr. Sburt i1 im<. tnt itcusuer' bu.C r Ieffs OWN district and miuke such attacks upon him. His at iiood dulper Thuisda>.y, P . R. tack on Mr-. Shurý1eff u;îil: ,îded further argument to the lune ' . m a)ie, ' feeti 'ou ,l' l).a cf talk advan.t-d b>' the anti-Thompson people in Illinois that lasr one wsîilkiât'ni' ..I,:- mone I- the Oticago mayox înstead of trying ta help the Republican 11'ý ' I.n i- 1 lý:y'.; 2 ;I iI, Party as a whole laist'i t6i undermine it and is trying to gel i -i l. r C I. ibree.- dýs the members of it to fight back anil forth to suchi an e'xtent that c ' i.aflI (,ci 3rd, Democratic success wiil be assured - AIE<E IIti (Epistopal) Rey. Gardner Alpheus MacWhorter zýCongressman Cari R. Chindbiom of our distict, the I Oîh . Priest in-Charge. Illinoi, tolkes a-justifiable pride In the fact that his first legisia -îi1, er.2F..s--t tive vote as a repiesentative in congess was cast for dite wom- ' w 4, Icli an's suffrage amendient. Immediateiy a.fîer the arganization 30;.wli>..til lu, af the 66th congress aI the extra session wbich comrnencedi on uli jIeI' and iaieioi ai îthee <enI,îI May 19, 1919 the Republican leadership in the bouse of rep Tèýli,-',aI Semlnary. N'ew York Ciff> resentatives set the bail rolling for action on the I9tb amend 'Il y-'clyrof tin hlepa orabn se mient ta the Constitution which bad failed of passage in thee , niest-n-e haire.wlto mill b in Ant"W previaus Democratic congress. île 65th. The amendment a-kiug charge of ith- ervices the P a, ~t in us li iurtIIi 3fr. WolcotiIl, al passedi the house cf representatives ol', May 2 1 st. was reported 1sonu: ni the le," Docroî PetrcI<,i in the. senate an May 28, passed the senate on June 4 and was iector ri( Trinity church, Highlau enrolled in the house on lune 4-and in the senate on June 5,.Ilic i;eminaî> neat sçrlug Wull b. or1 1919. The women in the district will net forget Mr. Chinil- ., rlned as ent ot tuthei.M ionar>- blom's ioyaity to their caube in the primai-y on Septemnber 15. Illiistr> in thti-cîîuichî. as l,îs fathiel - The choir ls back Iu the chancel ou'idbeoenl The cordial mariner in which Cal. A. V. Smith, candidate Snnday inomings atil, and il ia. I erp.at treat te, have t ho "mal"ortn for etates attorney, is being recewed in ail parts of Lake oth be service n oel rondered fle.r county shows that people believe he is the man for the impor caeVeril monthisoli gttaliong with- tant office. 0f course bis opponent bas adherents ti varicUS to Mrs. Edwarml S. White, who sang ai parts ai the. county but even those rrlen have nathing but tbe beutlul solo agtbem hit Suada>'. Our- Parlshoners; are remindod that higiiest regard and admiration for the former service man the Woma's GuUld and the Altar (lulld *ho "eea the honor. It ia aur prediction that Cal. Smith will are mlalnlainlng boorths aitheb conuny fair aill hls meek and wlil apprectate receive the biggest vote ever accorded a candidate far the nom- our tuae.A>'sianclbt utation for prosecutor in Lake county. You can rénier tu, the ladiesi n charge ______________ ili b.- inoat gralt.efully &topreciated b>' Your Irest-i-charge. -Congrsinan Wm. B. McKinley, candidte for Unted "t eut IHavé Seen-Dasd at Loast 0 SM.4«ssntor bas been in Lake county mmy timts .nd thm>. Monthe But Didnt intîl." - ul» kni>w hmlite.have Iearný.d toa admire-and resplect him )s bmatin 0cMrs. ia, and ~oo as much as those Who hall from bis& own teriltory aheuillt h<utht s 35r cakre of RAT-SNAP, bruire Chmien, M.It i there bere vr'-' bute---i u no tiitpees -stwe Psyuuuywlille tiîo'.îg 1'.- Cme acrosi the 5.-ad in the wol. for the. congressman-and irben EVERY- rat Mut-havre beu deat six igoitîho, WPxmOse hane twn old a cndiateUp, ach lait idri't sinelli tAT-J<iNAI' lam onderful, UV . -&Wis FOR hlm for anytblng Ile irants, its quite an aigu- guirt ied 3y(,,, aek siotrtimand 'c UMM fer others, ln other sections ta know tint b.'. a man toanadj Leke's bmug i3tore. b.ktdapd Who is capable. Mr. McKinley h a nie an muvile ecod a Waslngon s cngreanln ad mii Ie Aîuî~i-Difficult tlimbine. «wW r= atW gt n ov u & â e pue reastou su>' w.- luveeneyer la sU ib le sebator because of bis long experience i legiula- eiibed very-lai- up the latider of ftant ~'. itt'..A M»n of Meg standinh the state a*M naion, ia beemufs me have tu cone down er ~. ldf'.of Lakýcoupty can make no miiine Dtu * ry llte while andt eUl sonde grounds IdîE Àagkfrwa dcandidte for senator. POting ling we'il pal Ihlu Taodey.-Dailaa 1I.1 Let Us Show YouWhy Physicians Approve Sellers n perfecting the Sellers Kitchen Cabinet, health has had its share of Con10 sceration. Tkerefore, the develppment of such a vital improvement se8 thed Autooeatic Lowering Flour Bmn. This is the feature physicians recognize as a boon Io women and heartily endorse it as a health protective ineasure. This ' devico as found only in #*ihe lest Seruant in Your House" We wi gadiy denuonarate this feature, as well Sellera te yau is no greater than any goad çabingiL m thti ourteen adâltionailong-waitted conveniences w"ic thoumsanof aiuaewivea are erithuaed over. There 18 no need for you te do without or ta For example, the Autormaic Base Sud!el Extender, struggie With a make-shift- for a Sellera la ea.ily wh h lminae back-bresL-ing bcnding.,-thc sai- procured. First, I 't us demonstrate the wonderfut m'y Porceliron Work Table, Ant-Proef Cast.rs, advantages o! a Sellers, Kitchen Cabinet; thçn w. Hand-]Rubbed 0OU Finish and Dust-ProrBase Top. il explain our liberal selling policy with termes ta Thoe are aIl ajor improvements whlch ceat $100,000 extra annWWiy to auppiy, yet the coet of a suit your income. C.ome in tomIoiTUw. LDol j Hi55 a day of the b>nefit a SellerG. bringai Here la y=us opportunityl Decide nowl The Ray'Furniture and Paint Store Open Monday, Friday and Saturday Evenis LI BERTYVILLE - - - = ILLI-NOIS Loca'. Short Items of Mliss Minale Joclhc- hon,.' wlth tunsilitia. filbert Ayeri. of CIt lusi father, . JIl'AYels Mrs. Chartes G. El' Park mas a LiluertY'. il itud Monday. Mr. and Mism. Paul caffo wa utSunda) at home. Mrs. John Wynn a or flvanstou visiteS rn Suaday. bill Ioaderoi'. M oser Labor lDa) a 'h Libertyville. Mr. andi Mria. Ita- C-ago have museS tIo are living witb Mrci C Mgr..ind Mis C A. ii of W*piaegau sud Mr. Krtam.e' sud laml, ru 47011e Monîlay. Mlrm Alhbert M. lo u 'f Waukei.au a n ii-, mrt M i M-tO îiofe- Pe,'ltjer NIower, i Scho We are line of years, s Also a 1 PANTS Hosiery, Ew MIR? For Ithe t Our Milîuo Iu ing Iliat lie, i substantiai ait beautîful and Note tbem In (1 )Houec cging. (2) i bic hoiler car *(3) Rivc Mini-o fecature catclung cne% (5) Rotas (6> Rich Cc (7) Fam<( and your gua lit oui, o Iensil r' tgus. Schar

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