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Libertyville Independent, 16 Sep 1920, p. 5

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D'S "ou coet ialzoe wlih r; block' and bi",as , rieno geor. J. Io. Mlleoi. Phoas& 2"t5 fodai 90 Oveuanator te 1919; ormuebly »OW. 1. seve. o lri IL.. Addreme.: X84, M» §ALE-Gaitle md »e v to drive. bqdlr et 'eonie Motemat'hsfa4e. rleat double p"&ba W. 'le Vîew.. l). *4 [oua» isu lt ruei' RD! T-Kibwn 'i tii. n-st Lâââ ZuIsi Ad- bouse. Telepbou UM BUI Fkive mi nu rocu bert> ilile or Area. Ad-, Poiund 1aRe, n1L fflt il rooneici», 81tusse1- alobed or aIurbàtei. prenamai .1lro. PA-are i.Citizen. "ak, -Art*." 0vo N Vre twi roma for' eaping for muao and mite. taty tenîants. Aueiean .,Libertyvil.. ,'-2 à,0 GlIL FOR flN- rZEVcII:. NO LAtIN. WORK I:ASV. 'mmS. 10. GDNIESES -STRTI PHONE et&. tg, en or womsna Io tube ir- frienda and M94Mra neu guananre.i amu0u1. ai*@ darniso. ,W. mey )e apare lime. or "04 Io& Ixpertoace t'isOMry. alouaI qt.,ikfig mile, fëw~ iine :onfideni we el is the one :u will want ect md th, pay- 1be arrange~d as -e. noreisf Suprenie Phono-.- 1 qmalty thaqyou ction and in u il the one binut ment, of -its hind Terms, f recorda. -Pay. 1 >roue best t the Païhe i. to buy. EN 1111 ~JYYLE Weoe<. 1»UMAY. SB'IFJ 0i ,1920. ' Local and Personal %Mtf Items Of Espec" Interest to Ub6ertyville -People] Ted Havla wae aBW MIkUS i tOr 01% Mins Cora (3owiller vlsiteti friende Smady. in -Ares on Sunday. Bo.bu aid DllIY "&rd ae ttending Peter Petge. in entertaining bis1 sebuoin akje Forest. nepbew frorn Iowa., Mr., à" Mrm KU.Wilkinson apent J. C. telly4hasomud his reaidenoe to SuMy .vàlg ila Wukeiçan. Mr. Doyle of Lake Forent. 1Mloes Do«Mby Potteous and Goerg. Beglnang this week, the Lberty Wof quit Biday in Waukegan. Theatre will show on Wedneadays. M.C. Neyera of Chicago; i isi. lH. A. Watson of Ares was a Liberty- laig t tiie Kaiser horne on Orchard ville ývisitor on Moiiday. MiEa Elzabeth Doyle of Waukegun, uiui Misa CaHagerty IMonday Mms. AunaFrench. of Highland Park, apot'Pnliday idth ra. 3. W. Park- No..m oabimaeyera of Chicugo, opq*o be week-end wltb frienis la Uv..i tirs.John nlon aid t maly apm.Sada> -inRusselleBthIe hone of --jamsIal. Um- .G. , Ub ard of Aut-ta;visteti frou Iliuriiayuntil Suriday et Uic boue of lirs. Allie Ni*iolasi Theday morning Walter Besley1 brobe bis aria whle cranking is Ford. Dr.'5teptmmn et the injureti member. Alerman W. 1 i. al s ct sunda> -ve*bg for a two wt-ý',* fliihing triO) .'V inoqua.-Wi;ronsin. Prsihm for the fair wiii be palil1c Sater*dav. Cte,Kr25.ltho *}.. l., Petar Mowers viste< nis m"ter. are. BIbi cavanaugb in Evanston on Tues- dey. lErneut lMeyer anti fanilY Of Wa- couds. mere Libetyvîlle visitora lait .Mn. and NKra. Etimarti Kennedy Of Chicago, visited relatives la LibertY- Mr. and Mma George Snail and famul.yvWutd relatives la Area On Sanday. liMr, andi Mru. A. R. Roder andi Mr. eni-tins. L E. Roder of Area, spet Saturday in Libertyville. ý mis" Ida Gtti has reuumeti ber duties in Chicago, after having spent à weekt vacation at horne. c. D. Nalley, resident manager of The Indepeotient,ý is trunsacting busi- ceas in Omaha, Nebraska. tuis meek. W. Schute of Los Angeles, Califoraia, vîiteti at thW abney 'vi(ir hofu >one day tibis meek. *ýtra , "ptinbr . a mek-rm Mrm.. Jae Bônti s illat ber hDnieon 13areau oie. 1Firet Fi tret., Mrs, Fred Schley of Un.. C. Woofridge ad Mr. andi Mrr. Wu 'a; caring £or ber. nliier Taylor apent iÇ few daya i Mr. andi M rx. J, G. Yahnke and son. Chmago titi e.k.Gregory, vzited ini Area Sunday wth Tii. TeadieaAsociationT wiI bave . 1 Mr, and Mrs. Garrett %,cwl),re. reeep"li for the teacbers ut the bich tire. C. (J. Rich'and daugbter, Mrs. acboet an Septdmtber I7thl. Iuddleq of Gray8ake, visited their Dean to Mr. and -Mn. Hoace Ar. aunt, Mr@. C. Nt. Fuller and family last Robia.a aine and une-haitf pond son, Friday. on Te"dy. September 14. - .Mti. Stan1lev Ent,n returneti home larence L.ovell eft on Tuesday for'thisq week from nOiean., New Yurk, Chumpain, wbere hiew ill again aMtteIlI where she spent a fw eek1li 1viting sce" thifi yeux. her parents. MiÙss Carqyn Butteri".:t Fr.î1f and: ,Mr. 1'. .1. flawk bus been entertaining John Butterfielti and M i»a ri te-Chard hi father, A. H. llawk of Harriso, viited relatives at G ages Ifaike'mn Ohio. l'bc latter returned to hit; home Sur4gy, on Enlday. Tbe local fldge out tlt Msl Woik ~dte..Mariatitandi famiy,'MiaMi '-re 00 the World wiii hlave (I l beji> Mary Maratt andi Earl Marlati. ali ol 'heatre W.iineaday' night. $eptÀiabpeî Kenooaha. Wis.calied on fmentis her,, 22. 'Tbey wll show i gond picture. ttiirday. fil MIRIO ALUMINUM DoubleBoilier For thie woman whoe seletcs heî kitchen utensils from our Mirro Alumuinum- stock, therc' is a satisfaction in know- ;ng ibat lier choice la %wisely made. Not only Is NMiro a substantjal iurn nuni ware wbich lasts a fifetime, it is also beautiful anddlias many unusual features of convenience. Nte tbemn in this ïMirro Double Boler:- (1 Holbow steel, handes that amsure comfortablc han- ding., (2) H-andes c'orne together'so thàt complete dlou- ble boIeèr- can be -easily- lifted wth orne hand. *(3) Rivtîess, no-bùm, ebonùzed. knob, 'ai exclusive Mirro feature-() Tigbtly roled bead free from dirt- Fatchtng -crevices. (5) Roundeci ecles make cleaning eaey and tborougb.- (6) Rich Colonial design. (7),-,Faumus Mir ro finish.,() Famqu Niro trade- M"ark-stanmd loto the bottom of evezy Mirro teasl, aid your sguarintee of excellen ce îbroudhot.- la our diapiay of Miro Ai'uulnuup yoti mn fad utenailla labotb ColoinIa'i lanrounddi.. signa. 'The abowmlagfi umooemouly tiretiîg. Scha'nck hardware'Co,. Ul9£RTYVIlLEJ ILLIOISj GIRLS WANTDED-Ideal Lauadry. tf Mma George Sage la M u t her homet Mobt Rosiutant o Wood&. Roili'n Miler left on Tuesday for Yale on Fair strêet. Th '1î,e SI'n t Imt e college. tirs. Flora Dursiti visit?d friends»in 818t111 0f' OOiI gaiit tirs. t la Ares Mondsy evening. ba1-0 tO ign1fe 1and Ilow t40 huru a nd Richard Schanck wili attend Beloit tire's--are ,sl~ exliînîîishtvI.The ,Colege .Ibis year, MihA Ruby Williams i.s ^vîatîîg friend8 nerî.î îtquality ,or r wauîîes Carol rWytrnsctàbu-inessin in Chicago for a fow dayk;. mcl! mhown et thîe uie *.,rlthe rit Carrofl Gidley trasa.te. Son Frnelsro lire in lfld. hnli Chicugo on Tuendey. Misa Ma& e Ehgebrectvisited friendu huirn.,.ddimtnlet ,,,as frIn "lh fi liffàny of Wanconda. was a in kigkland park on Saturday bouses lîtîjit with r4',lîvood,, wlîio.I e Lbertyville visîtor on Frlday. Antliur M. Preston is a s4tudent aut siated the lunei, umail they couila b. 1Attoray Peul MacGuffin transatted 1)DeP&ul Uaiversly in Chicago. CUftruD)lIl. Itedwood Islght, but bàbw inChkfl n Mnday fféa aur Mulke f Derfeld isrelative ufols Wei;htt illa on 'tfthe Mr. hsudlaMmicaomon elleda . us.LuaMhkeo erili trongept -Woods known. it ip lîîot si. Mi ui i . D .-dSelr spent visitlag ut the E. S. Mduhike home. pecînlly eanutic andiconn5e<îîîýàntty t. Saturday and Sua4ay ja Kenosha. Mirs. G., P. Reldîman of Elnburust, M eXtenslvely useti fer structurai Ed Selle of Pr&"aireVew, tr4uateti was a LlbertyvlE visitor on-Tbunuday. pulloss ere timberq aire~ subieet huila...n lbertyville on lionday. tb bestv Inq'l. The wî,,.li.,s4ue. Mrs BrSCQbyanlir.A.C. MMJay Fruy bas accepteti a pofil- eltly strong and ti ff, lo . ifor . tion of touceruin lthe Lake Bluff achool. aImeril lîotse, onsirut(O'n î1îipomel -Warren asiuit Tiedayin laMIîWaukee. end, ln addition. la ligbîiti durable, W ra. areHurrngtoq lo ententain- Donad Price of Chicago, viiteti bis Tusse propertieR. an c cl us it» 'abl- Ilag Mmr.R. Hererckof Indiuana, mthr lr. ulaPic nedy litfy to krep ItR 'âsp.' îinke redwod vaiR. 1wk. @p,<"itlly VA*ible for use in the Mr. ad Mm M" MEneryand'Misa Lorraine Rubbard spent a few enruton of pWultry yardi appli. lir. am Mia. illIam ieEner aun lut meek visiig finisl nces, wlil<'li uwtoareslttrot îand keap so, BlIy, of Wukegun, upent flast nlayal %I kn laswater Tburaday la Lbertyville. bag.Uh i lkîteutweerj Ber%, to M. and tirs. J. J. Wilson unî Bir. and ira. J. R. Mulbollant arm Draluerd Court, a nine lb. daughter, on entmtalning relativea frum Wiueonsiin The Libertvfflll. ndei.aaieue 05 W<emer, .Septeanben SUi. amd Chicago tjile week. LatiS s eLATEUT eouiiii' UW. Mise Munnie Kapheun of Nortb Dwey Sumeriskl mlI leave.Saturtiay -_____________ Chicago. spent the .week-end wth ber Bt foi. Uamaigeeutyof Illinopis sude aiter, lirs. Chas. Jochheim.fot haUiersitaRe iup is t dic _____________ Miss Hejn fDulltey experts to leaveI Fnliuay for Chazapalgft t enter the 'Univecrsity of IllinoiÉ 1 Floyd Itittler, Henry Engiebaecht anti Miss Marie Englebnecbt motoredti t Highland Plark on Wetinesday evenig tir. aol tirmJohn N. IBernard andi Airs. V i.F Franzen -lefi, Frlisay, by aurO, for agle Hiver, Wl5 , t ticfled a week, -Mn. andi Mré. Louis Z. i-rotine anti son, Fred anti frieni, tMr. J. lrvir.e «uo Cbicago. spent a few tisys bere last week mitb relatives. William McCormick bas reaigned bis pooition witb the North Shore Electnic 'CO. office at fliglimooti. He wili attend L. T. H. S. again this year. Missatianjorie Wheeler la enjoying a vacation froua ber dutiea in Chicago. She auti ber mother, Ira. William WP#heeler, -are visiting retives in Charles City, Iowa. Misa Rowe Robinson expesa th leave on Saturday for ai extendeti vacation to Gnaitt Rapitis, Micb. She bas been keeping bouse for her brother-in-lam Leonard Iisiiey.: s'-.. tirs. Charnes Dîbhle af Léima, New ýürk. iis visitin.! at the home of tire.- Two hundred puplls are enrolieti ut the'L. T. H.* & At the gram mar aebooi the enrolîMent la about 350: MrK. George C. Green ivruim+îl. set u. 4iay, in ber home in K;uukà(Una w4., wiICI a short 'iait* wii îerjVii reltives. James Meàck was injured on Wednee.] day while at wokon 11th, Hawtburn farm anti Dr. Stelhenh was obligedti t amputate i inger. Miss A4ice Huis is rnjoy4ng a vaca- tion from ber duties in lhe otlîc, ot the Mencb*nts Delivery Ca. 51 s visiting relatives in Chicago this weck. Iliss RouhPnie w" uperateti upon for the removal of toasils on Nluvnàay. Dr. Stephens penfornuet the operation. Miss Price la getting &long niceiy. tir, anti tre. Georg'- \ ogel, Miosa Hîlda Vogel, Mr. anti W8. Thomas Slîîeid aid litie son, oi loresi Park wrîe Sunday guestu. et Mip Mary Batder. tire. Mane Hapke'4if ibertyvile, anti Mn. aid lira. Egîl H.iimated of. Higbhland'Park, niotoredti teLaPorte,. Indiana, fnitia>, where tlsey visiteti over Labpir Day.1 Warren A. Nichoals, for a few week#3. Nlaj(lr Robert O'Blrien aînd farniiy tirs.Dibble mas formeniy Miss Mer- returnedti t teir h bme iun Bloomnngton, guerite Spour, anti is weil known bere. m Id - Saturdav, atter liaving.spent the past three weekas vlsiting Fit the home tira. C. F. Kieibaner entertaineti the of tirs.. O'Brien's parent@, Mr. aid officers (J the Woman's' Missionary tirs. F. W. Fouitis. I eciety et luncheon nun uday (today).- The deman 1 for bouses in Libertyville klra. t'. F. iialcb, ut the Chicago North- stii grows. Thirteen bouses bave been cmn IJistr4ct wastpresent anti atdreaseti s31drecently. In some casas occupants tue ladies. - mbo rent'muet niove ta Borne otbier Lest Fridsy alternantirs. 0. E. toma. in order tu finti a bouse. Ckiurchil entertaineti about- ifteen The Woman's Missionar y society uf ladies ut ber borne(,n }Broadway, mithe tiethodist Episcopal cburcb miii celebration of ber 6t7t birtbday. A meet et the bomne of tirs. Welch un delightiltine mau bati [y ail present. Elîn Coutrt. Lhrstiay afternoon, Sept. Dain ~' unreorîmasserva.3. hfs. Liil' ciii be the assisting Mrà5. R. IL. ioolittie anti Nlrë. Eliza boatesa. Raiiy ta the - inst meeting of Wootimorth ut Parnish, N. Y., visîteti the nec. years work.ý for'a few days last week atthle homne Mn. anti Mra. Peter tiowers enter'- of Ms.-C. M. Fuller on Nemberry Ave. tainedth'te folwng reiativeouinng Fair tirs. DoolitUle tormerly liveti et Area, week: tir, ant i Mn.. hai. Ganiere but now maRes ber borne witb her sîster anti daugbters, Cecelia, Agnes, Catbe- la NemYork. ine anti Dorotby, Mr. anti trs. Ben Mnd.' anti tin. R. H. Gnurmitt anti Portb; 'tr, anti M". Frank Felseker ~family unriveti in Libertyvilie on Mon, anti Jobn.Behm, al ut Milmaukee; Mn. day frnot Lensford, Sat5k., Canada, anti 'tir,. Abert McèDenyott anti chiltiren jHavîng -soli tbeir farim in Canada uf Waul,,eîan. tii.> have.tiecidedtu iîeke.Libertyville tir. Undi u.Harry L.Guntner anti theîri one. hIiu.Gruînmittresided bere familyTesidingo<n the Higlaid tanin an iumber ot years ago, beving ieft tetidMranM@.. hp o this village for Cnd n1% Worth, Ill., anti tir, anti trs. J. ('a.Jordun e bu fhrmerly tonducteti Handorf, retineti farmens of Nre I. . ,,, h,- ep.fiin Si. h i iASit.,I~ Wc.t .aaIM, GuItnp, fA'M. ag fu. retwned iast w9ek ard bhas upeneti a new pbop in the Hanby building, ati' joinîng Paul Ra> 's 'furniture store. Since leaving Libertyvilie, lie matie aý visit tu Italy, the la ntiotbis nativîty, there taking a bridé mho returneti mitb hini anti mbo ii ahane lita fortunes in this country in the future. Prof, W. N. Speckmian left lait meek for Parkville, Missouri, whbere ha mli taire np bis work in the, BBlogy Depart- ment of Park College. This ia a first clams institution, mftb an enrollment of 460 pupila. tins. Speekinan will remain in Llbertyville for nothen montb, mben, @h. mill join Mn. Speekmua t Parkville. Their daugbhter, Miss' Elsie, is teacblag Bagli intbe Kenoîha High School this year. te the tain, anti they enjoyeti our tain very mucb. -The Harvest Hume Celebration milI b. openeti by the Wornen'a tissonary society. On Thursday, Septeinher 23. tbe six reel trama, " The Problenis ut Pin Hole Paris, " milI b. given at the clhurch. This play lion àttructed mucha attention in Chicago anti New York anti is(pquestionably one of the greateat Mibàionany playii ever.given. A nominal admission milI. lie , cha.gedti t defray expenses. On Sunday atternoon tir, anti Mrs, Roi. Tiggs entertaineti a nuimbçr cf frienis at apicnic dinner, whidh mus seirveti in Butieru mooqd.ti.Amnoag the gueste mene: tir. aid tins.C.lMaier' and c.kidren. M. and Mrs. W. maui. Thie animail cfflventionof Lake Cotant lMn, anti trs. C. Krouch ant i cliuren .WQma'. Christian Teinperaice Union Of Austin; Mns. tieyeni of Chicago; willbe eul Wtii.Evangelicul chureh. hr. and Mtra. C. H . Kaiser aid 'daugliter, corner Graanbsiy Rondi and Laurel Ave.,hin Doris; tir, anti trs. h. Pester aid 114gblaed Park, .Thuruiday andi Fnîday,. Miss LIna' Biere. Ail present had a Septembegir aid 24. Theexécutiie ment enjoyable time., reocmittee. mOl mentet -t 10 o'doc A pretty home medding took place on (standard tlune)Thurmday. Box luncbeon Wedneaday afternobn, Septeuiber 15, at et noua, giter mhicb the. prognanu of the he home of tins. Mary Rader on convention ii h. taken up. On Thiurs- Bralnerd court, mben ber tiaugliter, lilne dyeveinng therew-ill h. held -a Goli Ana aBarbets Batier wà, uiât. t hadalOratoil IContest. Splendid pausit Willi1 am pagels _of- Chicag -l-- the duriag A lthi essions. Ententainment pressncé of a few relativesanad friands. mii be provideti for say mN. ynay deie The floral decurations wera asters. te remail' oVer Thursdav niglit.AIl Aften a'oi'ý ntiful medliag-auppen liasë àkembers Ïý.urged-to cave thea. dates young people left for Seattle"uni other andi bepremet to. hean the':rport of1 western points. tir. Pagels ln la the oeouty--offieeri anti1iePreentatlvei and 1 çmploy of the C. M. & St. l'au) rallroai local premidentu. A aordial meeome to'i and hça. PÈgels ain >t of tbe-'Faderi viaitors'Renerve hank, Chicago. Liberty FRIDAY AND) SATIJRDAY SEPTEMBER 17 AND 18 SPECIAL V1C TOR Y SUNAY, SEPTEMBER 19 ELSIE FERGUSON in '*THE COIINTERFEIT" 1 FRINT GEORGE'S MAJESTIC THIEATRE WAUKEGAN, IL. SUNDAY ONLY MATINEE'- 3:00 P. M. Evening, 7:30 and 9:00 ONLY HIGH CLASS V A UDE V 1L-LE BETWEEN CHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE Money to- Loan on. Farm Mortgages If you are 'onsidering buying, improvm o e stoc king Up a farm, or if you have laans fu8ii. d ue tvhich muat be tt-financed, and hav iui for money. cal on us for Ouar quota"iom FARM MORTGAGE LÔAM.' We alo bn money on high grade, nuprovd village property. Prompt service and advantageoua ans1 reasoe able terms. YOU. HAVE TO FACE THIS P RO PO S IT 1.0N!- Building muterial is at a tremudos premufw a exput.' purpeses. Buiùlding operations at home havte been away bebiad nonnal1 and totaliyinadequate to our needs. Honestly, logically, as there any sensible reason to expect a w'orth wmhile recession in prices? Theodore H. Durst, Preuidant W. a. Smithi, vie Preeldou F. W. Churchill, Secrotary and Manàoer. TELEPHONE 81 SECURITY TITLE & TRUSTCO0'o ARSTRACTS '0F TILE - T ITLES CUARAWV» Capital: $125,000.0 WAIJKEAN : -mio Septemnber ..Bacirgains,- New designs,- both li*ht'andPeCae dlark colors, yard-wl eca-- 35 Cent& per yard the best of quiality Aron ngams, W . ARROLL -&- SONS'COUPANY. Phone 29 Ubertyville III,

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