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Libertyville Independent, 23 Sep 1920, p. 6

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,Counil î SUIT MI3SURE; CÏEAT MOTORISTS .WâUkegan Motrists WïII Be bticested in the Expe-riene o f Rockford. WaUeaf liuosti, wil rosad wth In. sitlne falawlhg arlile trai te ~IO1r4 iegister Gasette wth rit- -MOCe10 - testsa beng made on theh Oliflnt pumps atitillng stations 7,qbIb#, these tests show abuOst wttb- tezstnshow lsg thât motoritatst = "19:;t4n short measlure: »Mbtors of the Cty CoUncil last uIgkt -votel the, cty welgbts and sBrs 'Ilanceup to date. and MaUt&l1y extended the " i n r :W p 01nsaIgasoise distributed * eet odkford fillilng stations. Wbsn tbe cty weights and mea- *Uodilnance wus passed severai &M n s.automobiles were prbctic- aj' unknwn, iii.nid, anSdno pro- ie *aies. As a tisuit no regular ,7tshbave been made of filling @ta- uBmeastsrememU., and last nigbt 1» me onl votsd te &moud the or- ~iona5tu Include ibis work. la inpetonis Md tests 0f'Iine gas- célie Clag stationls recently. the cty uftir touai o.ly one delivering cor- rMigoat; ~gIAot la said. Tihe others wMSot on un avrae of hait a »W e ver five gallons solS. This *ns=einta ortage cof appraxImate- tr o»e gallon n every 80 galions sold 1WJ taese stationa, and. ln the sale of ffll gallons means a loge of around 4711.80 te .c9stomers. le -the tests ff pump station deliverd thiree lit-! ý-1%fft quatittios for a gallon. Wilire Ma e2231 cubte Incises In a iMMo nd the tests were made in' Ilv. galon slnountà. Foiiowing le'a ZsOeS f the Inspections of the' fine ,~pe Two were found 26 cubic '*ss Sa hort. one 2 'cubic inchet- OR*s 18. clbic Juches, two 14 cubit itIses. COl e11CUbic Inches shiort asti OWO dlilverlag theit exact amount. 'l'hé Mhortaellame believed ta hi tb- Imut- of the machine rathler than ti!,. Umnagflenl.. Itl nsald. and no actiom Wili be taken except t0 have tiie INUmP&correcteS. APPARNT IN CITY WakanShould FoIIow Ex- amplef 0#OheCities, De- claoeMany People. ,Wth. butter anvahere train ta 79 .cents a Pooîna and wtb other -thinui going at tise saine rit.'0 of *bigli cost lt.seeras as thougi h t Une le bure'wlen -the Waukegras ci, cous- efl abouailpasa a welght ai, mes- Sure ordinance saddase IhaI itIF. .laforcei to the battît. la Rockford and othor cît is orai- aance of this kisd are oier. .in& and $11 ta atS thatl.he publie lin eot sat bIi ftwth the way îhey w( t out. il Ok" liot force much alait, cal ýex- * pense on the cty goverîimi t fsôIlu »Àiektord and ail other i ices the nserchants -are obliged to 1 y for the *stestiag of their seat.-8 a -al4,for Me 00e lting of the varlous aeasures One provision la titat i -ne of the MerbanÎs are allowed t ,uee asy aloalez or mesatre thai have not bWiS testeSý. If thpy do ýhey violate thse ordmance and are t c pcii to a âine, -A.aotter tblng they ure raqurel tu do la to ive net usthi. .In othel iVre ia*ttii 'btter av, sevently-livm ce nts a pound.. If the grocer e*hp e a a woaden hucket whilch weIgbs f" ouncise stggettlng mlgt gool - g.y for the buoket. Under.tse welgl qui fsWhereitiltlanecessary ta giu kE meaure ordinance in RocXfard *met wetght of butter-etc. anajnt, Ildesthe .receptacele afi. Wauâkoegai bs been dereiict la th VAIecdeH.Dr;,A etdn %hulp Iaege leneraI rwm i oMMwui; SFIPrEMRP.23. 19M f uinpi ed production altiinately wili redace j3 >~~~&F ~but titesworksaes viii beilt ven 9I~s B UP'P ~~they go to purchase titese prodct. AlS U j OLDET RI3SIDENTI, wblch proves there la n.cus. o DE AD 1AIN AT BOT- ty ISCALLE HOMEand emandOdIl aitscar f thte un- TO FDEEP§f tY Seat -NeivsuelWas.AIwathe- er conditions.th- gaesee. ZSSZ SSUSU1 s:s.-m:U0 lober sconditions continue on au mattr o pe-esig's&çh n OdinaWasAlwas Egerta HeIp even keel and euxpioyets have the. as- Reoovery of Body Stops Plan inator ! pssigasiih n odinlic WAL>I~~ (TJ'EM T.JI~ .. ~ ,~ urance of seayproduction thsyl£ of this unî thîoughWlî has been utg- YYftflIinIsSIII4LIV and" dis- inofoboythevern he laifs deparl eeslNT forZEN tnisii e g;ea heselsts.rt îed or » îuodteà eeatalw SIPS lE C Ntress, invalid 12 Years. cments te the satisfaction o! bot Shaft Noarby. - whn ç(ýiiiiodoteswereet a10,1 - orkmen anS employers, ILtlis de- orpieai1ile e meset- SIPsBH A a.sraL G. 11illa z, 1211)Norttu d cateS. BOtDY' 8RECOVIEI. prl ýi icett she e v 1oUncIIeet-Avenue, ithout idobqthe idmi Tuesday nmornl gthe ZMon police, wantt.1,ýFuetfor mUch aun I.ILI co~ nstinuent resîdent lit auiegati. s apairof ice-tonge, hooiced the - ordinanc' i t tte0eFlR.o butvit h Ia ,g resided oaI htiv address for 6ý D% [Ul osucrly, on. tnlo tingunder briac i a t r a no ut t o - is diedSuSnday aitersuon at ber Jo e UL SMT 1111111 biadnchinand thse other in the buSh of ev.rytls-. ,I ig ann - te O omfoiiowlng as illn-sis sof ivelve ea ~hl& neCi, ln this Marner the victirs sihlilty o a retakis asd in few In- Arthur Van EeCkhoJt of Lake esam, rs. Bilihaiz sas 8i yeas iol % ARN IITÇUAD w5 aiselat these urface.This pre- stances ili. tional miitaires an the Forest Kas Tried n Vain beîu< borets Pisley, Botilausd, Jas ~ an. ST'5 S lvoted thse putting grite effect of aeliber- niftter ai veight and measureit a e Te.1, 1839. lia..br1 ý R te pias afor recovering tihe body, seei s loghth ctycoube cu o etThm.shte came te titis country shen 12 VS. R. R. a Ilee t tzen îl of tue ouen e cayeisrs old, lier father, James McQueen M ON 1Witti the arrIvaI t ai dl Tuesda>' usaterillt i o i>'ig gan ordinance of Arthvur -Van Eeckbout of Lake l'or- s.ttbiig on a Ire-acr*e tract afflolnng- effoits ucte tesumed tn reenver the thsit,'.n nocn ti oae-etwnëto bicorne an Amerîcan the Bilars homlelit the North Av..od of Thomas Dortutuk whicb lies tain i ner. It sema as tougb citizen l ibe tat le mal' obtainisa addresa-lisIJre ota xetCgtyýwde itebteao ihe' -- bistohepubic pssport te return te Belglis sad On Satrda>', Dec.. i 1815. 'ise wats Wheà North Western train sevftyfOur fotii el-siaftt lnwhIch lhy thsteth pbic big lt iecrnrnbr. A es arr e eta ilarPioe l éi- -Le vas suftocssted -Mon-daybysladly this waa the taternent lie maoe 1l dent of Waukegan, wlîose destîsoc- Backed lnt Him. ilc damp. csultcut at Wauegas Tuesday in, cuiteS 29 yenrsaigu. Te this union - Ail M.%ooday alternent% effor Mvet ,sid inin l fve f woui Joseh Gldsithbasflid s ituadtn.iog e o epa y.wh liet SINC SE T. ST; te citlshlp. Blharz. lut haome. W,.().Rauenswood, I-ines, director generis a! lte UniteSdvBidig Cmp hsatefr ew hti f - Va eZckbouf assetteSl tht te Las .%.E. Pasadena, Cal.., J. Mt. Highland States railîroad admitnistration. ubder -wremd h ltmn htI been luntie UntedStSates about Il Park, sud Water G. Bilîtart, coin- ubose administration the North- the body la not recovered ioday that sorts. lHe ays i abeisa 11900luinbe ssioner of parks and public worka. vestern rairoasi vas beiug operateS îLey wlll adoptila lan wL:ch la sure j 1 IS E KU MONTH i , iani. a ddition a e hty'bandsa, Waukegan. AliIthe chiîdren were uben a. train bacied tata Lin-il tht- te give tesuits. but despite ths fant says ho bas ti'ied Loru aithîe homesteud vbere Vrac- foot of Clayton streel. Waukegan, a>' 'Iey purpose to.sini a thlrtY-two 'lI-irkbrouglil tLrly cillrenin tavain on tv ainteient occanimâ stO ticahi>' ail of its. Bilhars ii vawu, inht 'eilcL hlait s few luches a va> firm SIrOk obghiechlîdren boe.but vithout ihn17-s s-l,re of- beelgten llce.tr. te tlit..coxmunît>. .a record of-. etis rn i . andS v iser .death ------.- Goidathtit sais daIncages ta ttue sain *birih iflied elthityî>'ClesCi k .uîc3a. lenvvna agIli Wa Agl f îko. a 5600 a iiee njuries le Dorbttub met death. ThIIs-se, shaft M, Il--lies shows. 7Tu ýpercent being anS bring thent bore, feeling that bho itsgt ia -Uax e et$25,a0. erte<-eîedsars». elubsinexcyinievlbte - gî t ies vI! hve btte la ifciobedwit bus>'Illfe reartug a large famil>' abc olentaler sallitand iii Lesuuk te the ie recorded are: the autbarity of an Amea citisen. found ample timete o look aftei hlii-utvsflSc i the accient saine 74 foot level. SuctlaU pompa :f ytard Glbertprents ýMm Judge Edvards-thougbl the isgo- coinfort of alLers and the sîck :n ler cuaycircuit rien by attarnfY 1tben vil!L e Il use aPosaisoui ami fi-L' .'ýcrfuSSM onyment vas a seuil onu and approved neighborhoo0 laasfound -el vitislpL o n tisen mIganst. rat xylige n irc An-S E . iÂiir 1 ctn>VnEcbus eus o îe ivlllug banda and sysmathie spirit tu theîi upn, hap.ed in i an a on -Idie, parents Mir & Msrs Rtootusuabp. -asmiat lu any sheecould. Bbc was a Goldtimith vas drivin; atrrneste ise h uoe na i n okè i tu sas, 107 RavInte ave. Aug 31 P. B. Blaser, naturalisatlin e5in- kîndiy seul anSlber gooddeeos art' raitoad tracks At the tîsue tLLr, acci- wnlelwrdt h otmwt dent'-took place. Titi force o! the Instructions te dlg i tunnel heiveen At' . T. Jr., Ms. & Mrs A. F0.. Beau- tuer couducted the examination tada>'. legton; iarning for tier the iitese- collision s suds that the truck, vast et, oau L-, un, 547 N. Gen St.. Aus i4.lHe vas pessed vîthis tukàavîedge teem in wvici te waa lietti b> ivery Ltheeisu'fil Gtlswt aSflshb afS.o obtkIm vl William John, aMr. & Mrs. W' ý stown bI' mont applîcants but ln soir- one. uidm y(ntGosihba.1 Te'dyf raukte wl Fi:t -6257 Water Sc., Aug. 22 eral cases vas obligeS to continue tise After butng an iuvalid for s a ny etreinely -clae e e ta dai be dragged Itoa the ne allait. a topo UI,ýt. LaCiede.ar-& air. LaCletie bearlngs untilithe applicants bave bait yeaa anSdiipendiug aIl lherstsya in a - vli b. -attached tae. hlmanS h lei îilinghami, Ili Portor-St,. Ail. 10 more tinte ta stady. wheii-cbair anS atter jongins. oh. sho hCI~CI11 I m eiauled ta titi surface. Offîcala iey cvSveiyu. aMr & Mrm. Harry-Ci. One mans aiS ho vanteS ta becante iucerely thieee miny yeara t lî.tai[ q O REÇ> IJ d c~L- a-L eidglscuSn'm -'îiit.t. 407 Cor>' ave, Aug 13. la cltizen Bo be could vote.lHe kmev mîght le caillai Honte, in fact ex- cirqute tbree or four days ta anyMay,. Mr. & airs. Frank ibat a presideutlal electian is tobe pressing deup regret eacb tusse she - mUaJ5~j~~ l tfkie hev bore.L isweis. Lake Bluff, Autg. 10. held before long Lut be vas stnable board of a youns persan dysng lein O WAIfAIN ~Mmbem 'o! thte Waukegtin tire- aiLs-yu Marie. Mr. & Mi-' Johs la tel vho thte candidates are. Wsuiegas anS saysng: -WL> coulda i -pprtaient, acting inSer tLe dirc- Cislalian 615 N. Count>- St.. A ig. 10. "*Evet bénir of hM. Harding, or air, it have been me?", mrs. Jeanît' DigfIUU1d lT tions of l'ire Chie-f Bars OeParrel. Diii> Jane. %Ilr-& Mim. ireS C-. (exor air. teLs." the examiner asieS.t Lai-z. atier o! Comnî',sier Water - A PEUIN U TOJIU workid i gorousi>' Al O! Monda>' \tartene, 1398 ButtricIt Sti,Aug. Il After eacit question tLe applicant I ilîarz and oaa o! thernias, A-(,idE-rfui 1I fi'ernouis-n as effort trecflvcrte Maîjore Elîz.. iMr.'Mrm. John (' sbook Lis Lead sheepishiy. characters in the cit>- hecssuuodyri aS .Efforts to ring tIhe Lody Ilut. Oit, IsS S leridanqRld., Aug. Jl, 'Wbat ticket la Mir. [DeLa runsns ardent Christian Ilc.s i ,t Zion Alderman Forgets lm-.vh aplnLoktllS eau Edn ima . N tMr. 'irs. Angusi on," the examiner bsked. .iispositions.evurs tisugli ,.Jtîtî.d i t *of a!ihe uarrow bote wbicb p.'rmaitÙM 1'alisiedt. Cassli tierily - Gres atti".The Repsblican" vas the repi>. seilouffly Lac Lad! hier an i- portant Dfoument Utl t ure-îLe Lody te titUte entire space. Au ilr. Mr. Blazer dIS sot tear lis hais but sservd. - for the Ceremany. A ainosrvice. The)iles ver se- DansLier 'te Mr. .& ira. John T. lie contInueS the case. I W Oul ie for Othors. _____e nosrie Te et oee Duray,. 85,1; Grand aîýe. Ans. 27 . carefuli>' snd by meana uof 1 gttt sheil jMargerait. M -& Mrs. ]JLoa . Friends of aira iiiilz a.. aom WLea Clyd iIlStewairlti aidei - y uicandescent etectri,- ligLt bulL jMutIseai. 1203 North Ave.,-4ig. 24. LIr AI' IlTrecaling Low frequeaiciei, ta n scai ZioncCity madle aranttesifnt i ciuich lia it es locered. efforts vert- Daugiter toeair. & %Irs. Arthsur E. tNErEXEAT WRI Liard of Younfg iPeuple Passng alva). ta u eS ,MimsGiadYs Mairshalli sere-1mode te attach tLe prongsa Iaotut- aiaý à8 M sen Av sie-------- r(ma*k tý eth îz-a v ilur Glenn voliva. fit.-oser-Lvctîs's a dy. Once they cauglut on H a, 8l sea A .A u g . 1 . fis ,a S £ S I  T f k e i b i : - bcu d n t i a v e b ee n 5 o k e d ao e sim p le i u t v e y t' cïtii e s iy thîe sid e o f is' en a n a n u o rd e r a s 80Mry [titi ý, .&airs. Paul M Morrs, 111 fUSBN D me U In stead or that Young cnabutli e neglf-ited t,, ubiaii a niai gi'.es ttw bistluinpite 0f tLe fac' ma820 etic r rýNI otlhv Masseus Ave.. Ans..1h.la,- Ibjs lcnce. Ihat the ivciins Lodiy was lainieul C. DeHiboru. 132 Pilippi Ave.. Aus. 19. j asier."l AnS elh. vouid tfet as Ladt Tise wedding wus r u,~ iiiii iudetr a rock at the bulletin tsf tIse Entiers Madlise Mr. & tirs. iErnest I aIDE TU1*>' E lyoves- IL as if alle peusonally knta ightî ai tLe bonus- a! tie "ii sanothei abaft, or was partiail>' imbeddoS ln Swana', Waukegan. Aug. 9. tise menthers of the alites tauuuly. s. Nellit'Nljsàtlsiil. .t2îi lt-tI -A-. qui-ksand which exerted a lerrifir liii.. li. & lirs. PFtank Disolto. In thisllé le asa& tstri dtfitaaution, îLe baSdy vas lited carefully. 620lirilMSa .Ake1.tAwrSif.. sIri ssgiale16ma.anAte hiuiobîaivay AtfihtnelckeLxeatdfl pu>J io r trheIcbapil tise utî V'iota.- Mr. & Nira. Pet.-, Krci- b>' luie-- dvardase rrucîîlî courtI n wlich acsh e ie ttltigsen- ail !arriveiiand Oc t e,-i îu.i'is.- adbhein raie--S prehaps quw0 au mourez 1343 Commonwealth Ave-. FriSa>' ln the case o! Edvard Coi abled ler ta bear tes burden bliter eaSy ta ;perform theLefïu-eats' iLs-e feeu Then the tongs tori- Aug., 22. o! Wauk.-gau wbose wife. M tir hon the average Vernon vitui. t1 t"Witere la tLe mnîarIlaSýe h4tirs- thtougi thîe flesh anS scalp and tLe Pilsp. Mfr._& Mrs. Phillp ,Iobrg, Hsrs-iei Coi bas siarteil divorce le il ucasac t ate of beaib J,.quilled - eaS cran dropped ta the farmner po-* IWsukegen. Apr. 20. roiceedits on tbe ground- of 'r-utty ler own ilineësade Sber. an in- Aldermnî, tew4tart u:tiîiid-t sition. Evelyn Etz. Mn. & airs.IFrankitanS dniuesness. The bill vas tileit ralilSfou mase"- ban adécade Luitee n. MIo,; ?sti-ehal linotteS îe jHeadiq o! the voUie"and fine dePari l;lrju. Wauttegan. Jolie.. b>-Atore>' J. A illey.NiMsCon Lel patit-nce snd klsdincessvas me- proachfui ment afZian City' of hcintU.sattuk Eeasso,-..Louise. 'Mr. & 'usltis E sgot, -r husband ofien Las Ibnesst- mas-hable trougb ail lier sufferings. Ter ashuton-alinault a a resident. came tuî WaIkegan C 'l'wenIysnan. Watskigan. Aoch ne i ttv t,-sîîer a. su Ms.lltui asaieber ji tuse Stewart leaped ini,. anu uilouioiîii Mocday eveslng asdmtti e ti I.- XVu 4& 11,5. tols -îil. 'Vt iisiîsepi-e i n i-S-r Uangi-egatîoflaI ('Iurcit. sud SiroteS dt'PSOti assiiil-sjtr tto oaiteiino ht-gar. Aiig. 8 .thai t,' ioutil as-li tainiî,-.ilintionN , iutL ioise, othei r ii. ttuacal side a it bnu shsî i lL ri ogîo. he>' explained thati lut> liScat Joseph, Ni r & Mrs t't-i- v siljti t c, .e'. Fuii tiat iptuns(ireligion- doing for itticurs. au rimiuul litWatiltegaii bal i iTiusd tia liaitfigureut. out Pse>' to ral..et. -Sh suie ;,Wauttegan, J. 1 .17 SIIV t - t h l ii-w rit Oa ýf cx i i- w Re. i oiar sd Fh. lGati --. fott- ris '1rt l'Outt- ires sI-v« I'S i 1 S Thomas.,aMr. & air. C'.tV !Mo-an.rkith it is- ,, t ind-ittliter. usaiyt> -ars a i ienS a iLf th iliarz j ltiie 111fidiit.d ii'-t. Tîyhro.tils ..- 1ii i ý«Wantegan. Jul>'. I17- - .fate c-tilithetpli it -l t i inr i tit'lu'famil', c-as tu charge a! the fuserai -liiu-tcitl itle coiî.t and isi--i îalu-ens- o! l@ b. u iUse diam t E t -tMasthit fanP, tir. & Nirs !lI v.cout-i1IehlcL vas LeiS fron thîe ahme ai 2 tia o aZio I litiu5ti-'tii i - t shtaf.i"iIs ai ua a -ai-t-y a titcebfield, NWsdufegaii. July. 13'NIt[. ft-s tiy. tîtîta sievoitLes oclack Tuesday afternoon. interusenitiWi,- eit.-t cTsirini" "us tcut econd rope wih wchulie tlisai IL Eiz' laite.air. & air$. El jais C. bi s'a i i sit nil a a ii kega in the famîl>' lai-ut Oakwood cemeter>'. one lumsialler i,1 ditîlftiie. ie li Io lapice .a nouas.-about tise 'ad o! Ier>'. Waukegan. lune, 1. IOctob. Ili..1917. and li -i î.eihî * Waukegan. dtug cas Pei fiu h 5-d a, ae li. ut1ia Chairles RatiercM ar. & Mue.Chas 1unti t seiii IL 191)41.or, te date __The__- FL-coule tises Ciî.inî '- . uk.Il justil because tLeehPlaft sac mu' ilIsigWaiikegan. luine 7. actu'ti ig io tht'wife.(. cit-îîliiie s ~oitfOk a NtIIII Wu- -iilIII I t'nI i narrGw thai a sqooiPo mmeistîît 8u Ro Da iouglas, NIr. & IMs-e joti sîîîin ttan rono-i ndclut tir au t 11 I~ AlI~I~go liîu-d' , jit(.t d a-,!. iai ou( I io! tLe question, Soitdire Diadtifr- . Wauttcgai, Aà!s ie- r hu\t i erey l- cas uset- asi 14Ui1I4 5FÂTI5ILiJ pl.iin lite ,)R,,-it 'ilrutile Wtt>, tiîat soui.J-w-seculîs>' 2.iu t&'i . ;t.c Ii, r .t qI I1I ii lt oFRT NA E, overloat thLe lai - illt i iOisýIl donItotacc-rt ails Ient ti. - 1 ief t . l t I t l t c - ud s . DI Ri, : , ' s --. î p , i s h . I. . . À E-- N  E , b a r i d .i t r t > t s c o n d s i i a t h i u l e L . c a u s - ' ft Edittu Masth sS i ttuiiia . ut ii- c-iloiiJa.-tiI-. B jftIhl~> ~ fla e Zion offiepci sfiiiall tty ite -ILt litbri-cti. N SI îî.a St - 'ug >If, .uIli-«iof tii Iisfi ala Io dt- I l IJ IIR >!j rS tlil.Wuk-in it fbat v attai uiiss Dut . m i taii' n I.h t. t h(tî tiiisiuuds iii il--. tiglît and i etitrned ta Zion s litni Crati tt itisi uts -fiti ti7.riiitt, , n S Ie ii l i. inh r il Secy. of Manufacturers' Assn. S A E UN ainthîe atteinis. clet t lld. l &\ Conditions hr llST T U E U1 - SAW OVING EFFORT [,a.esiî -LattFeî'st, Jlily.29 jhaiiit r-cie i fela-t tilt îîîî i îîheî t inus Cndton orse Teagos>' if tLe lî ing iniai 5s r - _____ t ut ir itiiurs o mi Feu t9. A!,t17., si. lIj 11 IU I T vlessed I.>- te feIlovu- cirkniarl Ce Mss. Keacis Tele How BiseGot te ays. I'l,*tll li- at(I. tt,-iiuint asvii lUi) re L UW T O L.IIIL fl.-n. chu ,lcrIighlt tai ebo ~~Know at-Snap. unti-____o,_fIi haiwt te;do a -Hase ais a>s feared rata. Latul>'Wuey n oihCiaomt-aîIrrar (<7r*ecn-sas Dbrba;iiu. tais,.1 a aueauan orhChcaoma- An excttus chas.- look place SBon ,,Ihi and«e -cily in an efforita ograsit itIl noie it g au fmm. A s iito ha i uaturerut anS miliianS abop employa.! day vben. a Kinasha motmc>'cie pu- the cable couise coutd Le pulloS tu It siS L Jut ga rI 0f rave viL LL~M il W~ Iare pertapsa more fortunate than tise>' icema mnimane Robinson cisaseda FeRAT-BNAP. Thîis starteS me tiiking. L111414 A rea ý uflîz.aSacrtgt >itnH pedrl ag arn a.T tii.- surface, î ttîxiouta gaq..tiithe eTrieS RAT-SNAP mcilf.It iled 17 raie n codi tvîJMH podrl ag ouigcr h elislowiy sittffed itthîe tmass anS scared the reat ava>'."IAT-SNAP HNcT lasris, secretar>' of tise Manufactutrera driver of- the touring car vas a- CLi-lhfe. coules n thee ises 35 65aqd ISIOR I.- ITY association, Industriconditions r@casa imnunaineS.Block. sud lte trieS Dorhatutt cas sas isg LIbil otýy lo SolS and gua-ntel by Scbauci Udw. botter bore than l inu'ali ter Coin- te play ia tt tricki on the cop. 1111 itnimtiés. Block .1% s dte av lln d p wib Inghe geS mther 10 Ibis cosiry io n )ce't m tr.Ms. Harris visiteS Raïni eates-da> tise fi-ont vheels over %lse abats lifte iniRusse.tpyitnJ .FI> Len Saiîsi, a "isir sppîsuent"(0 thse anSdften it e factoring tisai-s OrAi- and the test o! bis car-lu -Wîseonaln. CiyhatpysceJ.. oy _______________of__Illinois__ gas- aoWou-ping at lavs, peed, smtaoaPO"u - tfC:The policemn borSereIlBloci te "Com nt vas Setetin ue ortt ent cnoe - egau visiter Saturda>' afternmal- a tories voring omîy aail Petront- baokîr-mtseoybeaf us effor^tellthecFinit W. B. Smlth, Vice Prosident toosef epe e.knva ouI af mou as compareS te titeir fer- 'icoetc!"si lci o - L aineas b uttIimi Sertr n aae.IL Mr. Sialiladt bien at Fox Lake mert amaber. tad ohcomtat bck, h -put 2 h vas tel > great lHe declar-etlthat if leceta>' nS angar coferîns vîit it.rIgI tnSi Up tatve ill ent Waslketanand jutce anS op"l oves lb.une and kePt lit e boing codnotsbu tie erWieb POE81campalugers Mayor Williatu 1 141@Norths Chicago factoriea snS othet lu- gaiing thlb.direction oi zion. Th.op otsnlgSv nie eunh Thomson anS Fr-eS LunS n. of Ciles- dustriadI intItutions bave OMtilissoSte gave cisameand viten lbeOaifléMaite vould Lav e the etit ifiSlu nSn go, vbo ver-e spendlng te 'seuend îaonýte undur norUdl pe'ceii Md e a nS Z ou oce taié ehig sot .ult te lave the'-body' LurieSJust uhtre Il LE & TRUST CC at tis-Fox Laie sommer homes, and few if M ybave . t 0àU > it~, he tie emi tea--st ~U came te Wauiegan l In Mam-r Ttomp- s aibe r or eultmm n b eanii. Bhock giaPpeaRed ta - TITLES CUARANT csEstmhI aMonsnldb' ar. Harris st&tjd tbSthoe S@eflt tise vemt ie H.lefi Uhlifl troal MS ' >Sort. AtÀdemon Of the Chicago Se- vanttieta ~anab5iDi butblîlothi d"lothol i e lonit tth".he ouui5M- - T 0 $1500.0tclve, bureau,.aMr. 1SinaliviaiteS 5t1 thetsC orimen -o!i bis oonuilll'w pob>' Oum ODi>' ion. Strie va $125.000,00tise police station a short tlme&adS abouidlate abblttomanitesJobsie ion Molay forlte RIig offenSer F "~ then vent te Chicago -on a Nortit tlb rsettn1..Wak n a"aSL ose bta ntecr western train. NarthliChicago eployee vWho. hâve. air a01u-rdet and Iacitol avenue.A T ___________ aS efficietehi outinea mU hr PlY strigli ran bisegloU reab igt acrou0 - - - - i m~oll for maoýninsyeau m omiShiai. a UcIl &sa othse Chicago mas biaSit at od%_61t6r if bot1_ TELEPI4ONR$: Off!"~ 226 R bnadis.-Um,1 DR. Y. C. HOEFNER 215 Madîson Street. Pisa msteI WAUI<EBAN, ILL. At Grayslake, fil., on Taeadaj' and Fridays. froB2 2 te 56 oclOci, BY APPOINTaiENT ONLY. Office at Orsyslake Mot*l * Phoet 9 ALiFX FEIDMAN ,rtREPHoNdî 07-J UBERTYViLLEU. 1 Psy dt.heginctPrice for »UK MD O01.»AUTOS. Aitomobile fait fer N. R. WENDLAND General Merchandise HATS n mCAPS Ph... 10-J LAK VILLA IIJJNIS1 P. E. HILDEBRANDT DRLIGGIST -REXALLGOODS AND~ COUGH MEIJICINES Standard Books Faner' Staiie.. Contedlasvy Tae" Ar"»la Pesfummen Duo% end Top* PIIYSICIANS' PRWSRIPTIONs Careftafy C.mçoundd THE REXAIL STORE GRAYSIAKÉ Us IJO DU. I. L. T AYLOR Gffice sn Pires Nui@"l aaSaââ as aouras:-ita 880 and 7 ta SP. iM. jseffence in Broadvay', oppoIte Parit Libertyvld. iliout. Dé, . O. F uTrmFIELD. 1'ETRINART SURGEION ELHANAN V. COLBY. Akttonney-ai-Lac )tihe@ st Hiuuse, ( outi Às-e. Plons168-J LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS, LYELL FL MORRIS LihertyvitIe - Illinsois us.10505e tSI-M SI e Pene la PAUL MAC GLJFFIN. ATTUaBSEY AV LAW. Llur>v lle, llualsi DR. C OLNEY TEILEPHONU M AND M o0<10e wuth asis uMe" LIBEUTYVILLE :-*. 1wNOM f., BAURSTOW' 3rnu.t.ry Werk of Every 1.aoeuutIst -MAVMTIN .DOMCUCD- SAUKEAN, - - ILLINOIS - Ru. Phoao1880-RB - 0 MILL A. Il. Stewart will bis&som la Ch Mirs. E. A. liartic a seveue coiS the pi Situards of Waub hier. Mr. and lirs. W; fssmity of Highliand as the C. E. Dessin D. &BdnS lr£. Mi cago $peut a week M. 1N, Cannon. liiez Jaephtin lavlslting rs< ;~i. and lirs. Fr dreu of Kencoha. wlt B . A. Matrtin a B. A. Martin as tiaffeS tbe lonerai Antoch Uatarday. uncile of lira. Marti A recection for 1 Re,. Stephen rookt dai, eveanug ut the Mm. AUl ubo are vffd te attend. liMr. aM S a. -liai the fuseraI of aMr. sataiwiy. Ulms.Barry Lave and aio f Chicagc weeks wltL honte 1 Dr. Jasilson bas week wit lte fni. soie botter. Wars intaof liai- lassa here Tuesdsy liralien Sumtue Waahegan ispent St. T-r, ldi. Albert Kai, lir%.Cita larnitat %%)Il] tit-i ,sierove, M r. [. R. lianzei Mms. I, & Milier, IM IMia Rarrîett Mille Lioeoin Part, Chics lir. and lits. M. gas came out FriSi the Porter home. mi with Iriends boe. Htoraee Adams.aMr. Of AutlaCh att.ended ciety affibîer Mitl'Ott* Tflicladies i le -ocipi wish t> hsai t-S iniany vay with txe e,-k About Wi'ar.-d Air and Mr.- ya Ittusiel,.assi b' It s Mino'-ý, nets i liiu irs. Fransk Nadi, rit, in slowtîluaisprovis P'arlonof Antiotela i Mir. and airs. Jante ' n în~congratulations daughter tiMr. and AN GRA In îdcr io de to el iMy cnt acen ai my f stock is ali fr-o many of thens ing to, be milki HERD. You i the far-m. AI aMy every ont Ther 15 cow fresh; 4 fine E 4 Heifeî 4 Heifei 1 fuil-bi 2 grade -2 grade Every head ol aiiteedl to be a andti neiy te andi I amnsoi cattie, botbh ARE UNkN muât see ther

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