IAqCKTO OCTe 3RD aiç t. palli sentimnent il PX ciltiaunmulalon o M OW eaneuli ta m rtlaki Savintansd au ordinai wml ta thateffed t Unter t] w t ile -rdînse tIe baiq *loci beri virât- betubs f»bm het t i e ocact ' gOclet . iMa the ommlaalen bit tbuu ïeffi th* luit IU5LY1 wteêe& atamuticahlIrun1 M4 e tihetic VaisaisT ce posslie hra lune S1921 omis la a ome<t &se asiluaepeemmi àMbn 5llumiScsreca»tg su on Sesel.1m1e 12.IX19 'Auomdtmee t. mti 18-"in.uécucliv0f Wà omrtpUgbi Savmler.ai dIlie*tbfaitie COOUei y 0( 'Wakema:"i WUmIo . Tna: au "ord-inarm 'lia officiailtMre lb the, Ci akegflad mil cconpliub id *Iaig tberoby ic mlii Id t s lereby .realed; providi 14 reeal ahal ot take effig A. M. of i th irai Sumdu bar A.IL 190 sOtie,2. Ail ordnamc4î-a a AMBER SALE.- arté eveusi eded n »Mi d.muer4.d lasta 'c. *wý bim ei icer We ,-WI a eshl 5.un*itL k oud--Scm Sab mnu- (ORPT 4). PIEOIst 31 or 40 NVES TIME r.ERY DAY hit aitichetouai of a 1,-ps vosier Delco-Liat m11= atUlt~is. -Delco- aimaproricaèlectrlc r tprUa auning tic vatei am-lag the vaser, and, ma tliryUai requtrea wriitefor Categq ilI SamEELEcraIC M. Pci>' St, PMcnc$07 M. Wem t hPliu 15m IfA1DKUCAN'ILLUNOS on Uid. soi tii ta M.r vti are lierby repce0ed. Section 3., Au emergéncy ex- fatsanmd tii. orMinrue shalh be lu f=1 force and eciet i anmd atter two o'clockAM. October tiid. 1920. Works a MfiehlP.* Wlacn thc Dayllgli# Salxtg ordi- nance was paued 'bIeIt w» lu respomme te pcpulr ucimmit ampe<l- 611Y fraM tic tattoalea. AbpaleUt- h tbe plan ime autivoe.d Its unaflam for ther, amemcvVho bave a. gcd word, tesamy for fItnow.'>. liembens of tie clty comrnimilm have beei bealegmi vlh letý*rs MWd pion. cli f rom peoible aklug tiat stape la taken ta fepeal tiche meusie At once. mouera bave coa*llm tiat St varka a bmrd*lpon ýti cliudres becaume undser ticmcv turne It le n«eeeg> to g#àL ticai up au balr aialer lima ueul.- Hein Sempiel.etter. Thc, ollo*ing lettbr reoilve4 b>' l[aYor iEae atyVpil of ut ailier cçpanerccmlvmd by tt> offieiai.,:" - 09 Ju lian Uu..-et rd- Mayor Biniaer: 420 l-Méaite an opportunli>' to mib- do moqe*isim fer te »PWpm At md In u' lafa a %0mi t bas IWOvcu 7*ý CeMuot ve et s t ipInedt aitic 01 uit, cf September Ilut or wfatet- ,Iagnatiii the end of Octobet, .1 arn ne.a sure, tthet yoti <a>'tic wgrd t c ,lLy la do»c. a>'- tiere are a aumber of girls. vo- he menh and men vho'-travel beiveent lad Waukeamnl,%d ZMon iiy and bave to 0cit leave on 'tlW 5:18 A. Nt. (Standard ja" Time) te Set to tber work et .7 A. M. T!ren tbey bave tu vatt aroun.l tn home viereas if vo iad siandar Urne excluaively tic>' couli make latter train connections. * If individual fi-ma vaut tw tari vo an carletcuthin mlter tie heure. an ot -foot vitis tic dock Tie* everyou&'VIITbc a iaflcd muidticre 111 etno motmareconftuion. Tours repotftull>'. Rt. A. Eecle@toa'e. The mayor laid the matter lafore tan meulera >eofthé commilsion and tic>' vere unaulmnous for rnak- me -'-thc change irnncdlatedy. A_ *grec" tbey have h lt h oiniiDout ta ticemm>' tîmes vlsere tic DaY- hlibt Baviu; 'dos@, taie >mote tia a iatdeilp ad causc confusion. MITR OMEs Tic R-11. Heur>' E.L ornpct ojienci a civie meetIng viLl a bui4og tutut la lCluqibu, ten, a Loy dama 44a, 'H bi ad mest beau lutroducc b>' the bhaiJhit beea u trducid b>'tic cbmrumm mand boved tethticaudience wienlioliuîogaperin atari, Eelug uabte ta Interesi uthe tirowvit vimare vords aPator Roms- -pettuldeep chssîmi tomes. su- councem: Lad-i-e-acnd Ceat-le-men: Thire tg.uimber on tic program .iii lié a lullog batile." Ai ibat moment tic doas advanced 4ad for five mnutes tic targe adi- 'aseu wltnessed a terrific fiait. _Whea thc !figlit vas o'.ser Paetor * Roiuuvl tqpeciluto the imttte ame. and the crowi clicred for five min- utes blore lie couti gîve tiern tic "«Aa I1va" about to mm-vbeu I atartcd ta aavy-before I *Mld an>tbing ictret,", :Éveryviere, Mr. RompeI vent the next day lu Columbus le vas the auli- jeat of conversation arng tie busi- nessiammd profccsilen.c Wesley A. Scoti, cf Norti Prairie* died at'île loue XMda' ai1la. m f bemrt trouble frorn viils*Je lad bac m uffrina for about ivo ycmr 'Me leavesa a ite aam o, Walter, mai dausiter liad>'s, living, ai borne, also am #slster lire. W. B. IFerry ef «Waukegaand a braiber. Wu. W.j Scoit of North Prall. Me vas 40, boutesins Weiesday ai 1 *0 I Mu. standutms- f cnterateni ai aau 1 ite hworamSo ~p «Nom POT" bosfg5.Wu ~~SUSSd ètuIIy et o ut,..S ê«Oy. De it teay. s'Wh H. STRONG,Ge Kenosha 'Wonun .IO1sdto Wh$oh o*l Tic <assa traiare fiat osces UeI alefl lic h10 oIuet il siedece of Soin AleeMktuDusow% le oieu ty3, te tu lo ad, 1ansuda Keb4 os vSihuSa ilesna Sutholst e o4duct lUe san 0< t*l m Mis Jseui CW*gm #f »X.Mm ciama."Met basm- bema akei Si Overseer VolIv t,: qi ilmarge 84 samie a9itibm " .' sud aie as qg,. ceputh tictmeqIg Sp i e M- MaMucuct mmdc ina-c ttsv. nec bas aireïlyd y Siprivatei Inoa et ~ the slmulè ices oR fua-etete ùiba oce aderned Mticbot" é$ 101-di er o slâMd bua e »t e. LIQoma for tfieSamletthse Ibr uplO »ore capeusVe t=WUsr M iaot lie borne. Art ReaU l oce Thc collecation ba béecsunce tfe rami btlrlio=e of tic Zion eonmitisly and t wus cmly rtosaUt tathc Il- rectora ai thé curci icoldddtu 1e the mon lie market. Thie -vieaa ramI acu t&lnavalue aticoed tu lieu b>' lie friends 41f theItt ver- ouir o!Ziosa MidhfiSàontyisosuma et the tact that they neod tic rota viere tic furatture -lea tored as a -- bra2>'tbaî tic>'ave iS. ly îdecideit to p ace teM n osthe-market. Tic -furnitura bas au laterstins .lia& tory. ln the Orsi place, tàtamil0f tic Bcaveau art dam> of krencli demgnina of fwnIatnrc-tlat style- Wlh eme de- veiopcd 4y Frenchi artiota wio chare4, tmlot 'bclig allovcd tu put iliir ova persôdaalitîhtuouudr r eations '«d faaly bl-Oke AU, tic 14*8 cf ileir niit tu order to brin; nov etylca ,Intçtoir productions. Are o 0 1hd.mahoofy Tic <liitUre la mOU et plidmago- su> and la ail 'Toi>' Max"uadcpro- duction. h la sali tiat no aueb <fur- Slturem astisla le ov made mal iliat i vas produoed qspemly'for j&. Dowis Mmd »nler bis drection to -ho utaile for -th*issboéeof thc founder cf vbat la belvetit veula ho-a aiet tic.-. tmcY. h tla aI lit, Utodly viii biamilful crvina, orcaie but etIli e. t-alslnga beantful ulnpidti. The furniture Indiaders a utifi dipigieroei set, omanig of large .aclaoganY table auýd Ivelve chiaire. bome mesa of their value l& gainei b>' the tact tiat tiechcars coat $86 emel vihou is>' w-c aM ufactredd mar said tela voti tour timona tus vlue au tic ProsnmUrne. Tié, directore cr thc ciuuchSt ZDon boesme 11ey denile ta oeilithi fmintuire msa »M asposs- ble lavedot a vor er>' tasoiaeigure On tien for Inauedatesalje. Tiere are slec maioganj iokacse s adta. bles al mut la the gme aevy. notons lte eChuroli. Oversemi vv îcbahleMursr. Cakson ea i ZlaCiy reocuili Mi comnIselonet her ta dispose o! tic lurnitura. cPILaluc tiait tichedeati af -lohn Alexader Dovia, tice<rai- ture as a Part of tic ciuaci borne lad bcconqlie Properi>' t thefisdrectors. Par ycm atbcv bave kePtItlunuuaci but carefsilY cared fer li ont ar thc lars- est rodu. ila tic administration bulld.! lnai tZien. severat venra ago, Jitlà saii. ilat ver>' flatterlag effara tramx -large Chicago lirma voe reruseitfor the. furaiture. .Tbat lMrs. Clarkmon vasciocea to tale charge of iti maie o et tfuri- tile, lea -alMItribute la ber inovicige of lelrloorna sud antiques. Sic bias dem««oUW tri iaibis confience vas nOt mlaikoci bt diapoalua ot nomne of tlic fural turecdlately. FALLS UNDER A Meizar Covingion Sut fers Am- Putation of Big Toe; Rest of foot Hurt BadlY. Mii C (oviaston, aqed 17, a cali- ed boy living t 1412 lacn etreet 1irthi Uhlago.sipped ndMmi<ciun- Oet a Itreet car aPbaèlte thc Orpi. euM uletre lunGenesc uisreet BSln. amy mneérnoon aboxt a 0,01004. li] -va aUheo tu thc Imus lcÂier« liaSPItOIfl ier hvufond Bome sr ta amputai. tic big toc on b laI«t 1O ~ ruti of- tie<fotVms- ,maqsaeî'sOMevici sud a dcc i*àe Vue mnotem a la- wict lsbevc tise anle and ina Aerdlug t te lmses t9tlhtM "a b4 es tanding -MW"va utic blOc1 vIem hbe ieilcit mia-et-cr Mmd traiterap.odin r tc Mun to islia tic s te 848~ ~ jt tthiteiau0 uvlmoug S a,= to. mIovltcSt rvea.nt cSr. ?iss "Mc thé grISSim a YM, u "M»4t1 $4,fJe tsS beta* Wmn hi shm, bi'bietic riauge i oral Agemt F wît»wvalim Mas30e a Uic cake cf Kai liy.e. ý. WAnei of Deertlelq ivmt anc dai 'tmt-ek- viti -bcr paete& lir. ame.'mçVbom. Morie. Ra)P.leM ex«Weakîy Ot Kencama topenftS th* en# vili uder utaýet Mm. wy as a LibiUflvIli vu9toe 'Nblond. .N.Imm *oui Benes. vho bas. 8mai, «VedW# ateinv eels vIi relatiwe 10 Ohlo. rétaried baime Suamv 4* lmmd an*ram D. il, Riausvote CiIcse-iM*Sae aturday. tw tàIn aroingvIelle1t th* W43 XIL E. oder md mOu and, r. SO lra.A. EI fder vers guettaeât a Samer parti aiettic bolei cf Mr am&-1Sil. VarieeaRerschbuetgmt Si., et 140Grave Suiq. ' MUÉ ÇWxa *~Nlson -vus a WaikSMu Vlitot 8lab#devéning. Mr. 8* rg.william Danner ef Goegm» "t Smnday A4 tiheIçam . 0 Nitme mmbr And lê.riet idgée vers Wa*ub lImtais SaturIsjy. - lire. &A c Ltirop suammGeorge, vio av ybene an a to tva ve m'vac- tion trip te utlciiam, bave returumi te tietrImomue ha Arca. lir'5 6.WW. Carcan a!rlova, apeut a fs-w "Ys Aitie IL C. Holcornibioe. mr. gAndire. william Aibreeut ami mor 1« WWal'gn called et tic PrOd AibreobimAnd B. A. WatsoRoule0W Bat. urdeay aftiermoan. Mir.ambd ira. D; B. Djolph apeut Suni- day viii tic ,latter'a parenita, Mr. Mid lira. '. C., Payne, of lvanboe. Tbe ýfuner&i of lîttie Marion Kub- lank, wvi d iaBnday m-inginlutic Wealey, licapit*i. follovlmg a Berioa operatlon. vus> ld Tuesia>'-sturnoon *at 21eWct.çock. aitic hborne cf-ber par- ents,- lMr. m_&n4ira. Hear>' Kallilal. Burlsi follo*edalihe Ivanbo.ee*- tey. Mterililuesanmd deati vain - gret, ol W tgtice coriautY, -asd ber ramW fileids exteiid eiicrest symgeliy'ta tic beremved f mmli'. 00"&ae rtel sud tarnil>' snd John predert a dfmmllîmotorcit te MC- pragk Tekauxte and famlY Of KWn- ocbn vas tic uest of ie lrtier, udt-y,. atnrday aid Sunday. lianmd Nys., Pr p rcerlek and cb5ldrh m âth$ ete±ir'a fotler, "lira. OmilierleDtebt j, apent Suniay vitit 3om Tl'ue. . i'daugiter Margaret acccmnpmnthyCd e orge Banruacliffidtt. sud daugiier, Miesa Anna, sPent fiWI- day Wui lire.BàEaurmiidtt aitich LIc keporeat icepital. Rie in repoitei to le ic hghti>' Ipro*ëd. aithougi lier «oion le Bll quille actions and lie intense pe.ie aus ed h ber bruisi bii., à mctured arts, sioualder snd Clie at-e sali to a irna beara- ble. "r4.Barmelmidt " IW the firat o luad er nelgbbors *bel% tu traeil,gnsd mli vas lv.ays réady ta go na mAtter vien the caII Caft.. er kbWUdmeMi aoflen spaken 0f, eevec- lit> atter tic accident, 1sud- ve bott ber nienda vii often go to ou ber nov. as f0 doubi aie e atavery lcaeIy for ber home and riemds. Jo. Tekampe amidtsuilly and tic Mimsea Hronimtieapent Sunday vith relativesaea' Volo. MURDERRUr citS. PACINI 15s TAXEN; cONFESS5S My ther m tc der of Charle tic police aytrougi a confectiOn made b! F'rank Lanlg. 17t 'InglIalil isL. Kenosaa.Wi,. Lang confecaci that lic liai Pa- clitiand that the motive. waB5 rouer'. ang declared tint oli tic nUblt ut the slaying lie cv aw ia>îinlathsitic, ater office, coung liBa uaeY, Mmd tiat lie tôllowed the victina*hethte, latter vslkted ta th icgrage 'Pa 1cint foaghtantmd duripg t»c atru.i Lana sald lie fired tic ivo ItAta i&bot&. l.Ag 'aid lie fled vilbth set- tînt mmy & thc mouey. vhes Pattai teturned the Ère. lang vau mrreisted at Il Moda ulgt la Kenonha au a qiarge Of burgar>'. He wv-Mflinltely eus- pected in comnection vii tith Paciti -Polide questionedliiimtuiltrgli thSe ffli.but hotsdolv cU5 »te a ay mmlt. 1-4 lAg' te merimg lie t fur S PoieOen dO'Hmr* Oftii Kmlm =tm:wcbrOk oi4W and mae -WggSTOfl lio ayi, w Ma M". uMar P tfflble,&«el et IUi= .s? #me tle m dombt 84of~ the Ciy oi436met *.wbht ) n the wOb 0 but lobetm hI*!&Puy av.o spd th.e eid eu84w SCIAgi Job it. nu hb iu d it aWmUmu m, * w L utfor esOlat cadt we sutIckb0 ia.Ste vnna P* ont M er ovasFltasr .Dmc"d buieabornait tecboobie Mars Sdffe Cente Worthaof tiar.- Tâité v orilcftho testlrna4c Mr, iL. U. ,,boluem o umeelor thc aetoent~ a ta lieàt. H a d, itte tlat ni»i Cliente bs.d =oitd et«Y cltyadnance, aoii. otaok kome exception t. orne0<, astof iJieustce njaut 00w sitaetCiat the iMorn rdinace e ýbesmd an the ata 0 eepkHiy"m the justice. pulcotu ammmeela fuil. .A'Qe Ise u eîafine or ton A Secondcmefo elgmar UeO«Ms Sier Un am oepmirvwvma mme eloiUang mc.s. trier teaii tuat le vent ta the canietOr, Mee. winime on thceveiga begtar t S e ml-tuh Mmd lforred bue -btlelaa Wrraft for>er. leeM" thevarat ait tO Mi. Wl- maus58 tz*atI hot ievoullie wti e"are lier, tic emiarsaaumt of «e.- OPruug lor throffla tic itreets and a<i ler If aie voqla srat tute ne lm St 6:30of lber ovuaccord. Qi>.rl lnunàdal.îvbeive4 Ina adis- orntîy âmmRaY1 lo bewouId iot 80oTh oiefec thtremtened to taie lier ,4rig*ltaway Ifrmlie ectl luthIiat u st t i vent lisci tu the police stuc md St - »etleiTe lier a chante. At 6*4e. Justice Daw Mmd the of. glice vere sUIS valtlag fer Mia. Wil- "imm ta *0v uP, 00 ils, declded mot te watt longer and StriOdandLuof. fader Pmfty vent ta the c85# gtai. ta a-ut tic vou=en n6rvn ta*re Mnrlel Ook bold of lirs. wil- lian Lad eseorted er to the-utosno. hle.' kUic Puli bkci mdesali mieh lswtA&vP ta go, mmd thc efficers adallvely time. Rer daugliter e8tbor JOlned Io. and viuie offie, ,«"r wu, hliengMra. Williaemela. ta tlecCar tbc yong CgI admlnletea. Od a tier0XCe ld.sic aime graapcd orne misai. mmnd trUck Strled on the atm. Jrt- WIIIIWU99 JoinedIn »the iMele «à4 gotmOhved dove. ThIa lnceneed tMe Mottser and datlghter stil, more mmli tliey a«»md fPMr for bavima alloved lMr. Wllbnim uy.asthiaiBd v,9as a &wU*tl. Mtliea :Wiiam, S thatua aie -Wv P-rry >nch ber tbeIn- the a* vità ui% fiât, bai k'arr deqeid tbàUs auantter fais&. noci. me8le*sitd that lie culy ama?- 04 tic aid gent'Olt Of tie bcd.ae h6 vwas trylut ta lilider thearmegt,.. ,. tier lm sald to bave vmed mmia tzu lanPoae viaile tbn rv5tg i stad W Weng Ise court vms toil of tie b'o'niage .ut M-_bY .E stier William, aira, *WmiSo«Indignant a4à mIa- ted tilat it'wma ausY thé -ocia0frlbis owýn îanfajge,-rna gPma". Ieeva good demi ci-f fSlnL& aladi- -lu5d adoit.ntg lu, tic vime"o. cae t vas Pt-avea that lboth &rd'mae lad é* eemiel adim, la 10i00eonMd_..liraWtlUauna mnd ton dalaisani t n -th , egirl. Thc amegZ aaet lMr. Wlllluu VImsdi-. cnditison accat or0fs ieffl NU Wec.TcUe ike 00mai>' W. CT. T. U4 Moblaul iWi Pasby- 551 Vemi vas lawgSty I1WNS B lOi-y Iterquet- 5t44~e~d 0< lesldeul. - vIs-e: ~ka. Mmrp Ina, m~ ~emuIe Niler, Lii- - Nry Metcmlf, lIas- M.LMaisse., - fibe presei is te fni e 't vashé la me rofl. M. wu 1 li> appolptrnn )M4 laisme qi iite t t.e*f fiee deusude ai isSu in cf ttisnfftee.te W. mie" tiSon5. si . 1 a Owen 'Peorta li MW edei VoilNe, pIaulê ov. ..w.se",ý. 1- * Alic Cr000, Spvriu Gremnu *w U, lai. Proed 00ap, PSN>n at, . l., 2L Grecien 0*100é, X811* lbesc, It.. wuo, 2L.' - Cbanîca 1B. Vbctgadlapjsm, '., si. -:01M, imae, Waakiohl wua..30; Batt m"ica>'1.1e Uuoy, fteistan Remis., 31.mp » .4 liery iiiC l>oagotl. Wlkuy Alun. <2aIug;Iknt. lt - lotusc NdBe, ChIiDL 01. Mite Nai.. ildeo. 11L,, 30. (CaIme Victoria. Kauceim, Via.. 44. Lyda Mages , foi.. vie.. as. *PrlilsVa N., lieusl, Imie Forest, DI.24. Dela Mcl3mrott. Lake loreet, Robert J, Matheva BDurlieon, Wls., 21. Marguerite Pendergoat. Springtlcld VIs.. 'I Cimrles Davis, Mliwduee, Win., 21. pari C. White, Racine. Whi, 28. Elmira liramdtColeman.Wl,. 24. flicard-. . Mucîleston, Wanulcatl Wia.. 39. -Adela ,M. Vogt. Ba" Fr.an-lr-i. Cauî.,36. Jlohn Borger. Gret 1*1cm. 29. Mable C. Sbaffe.r. Great ilelts. 2t. Albert Ttilnclf Milwaukuee, Win., 25. 'Miry MieraMhuule, WIm.. 32, John P, Dougierty, Cico, 1Li. 22 hireé S lsIonnelly. Cicco, . i, 19. Udiim May' Wcigler. ifencelia. Win.., 1. ,*Zruce Albert'MeXns, Great. 'Nt"y B. Ihotizm , ubtiard Woods, 11L..21.1 Melvia, À. Hogeusen, Mmmtowoe. Wla.. 33., Clara Gteixuer. MNhautovoc. Win'..23. Irvin Robert Muelllen. ,Kenoaa. Wls.. 21. - Evelyn iCrkpatrldti, Kenoshe. Win- conai, 19 Charte@ H. Reddiig, North Chlcago, ll1k 28. Fioreoe. Donville. Waukegman. lit. 23. Walter Charles Sclimact. iwau- kee, Win. 22. lhrfd Tiorwldsen. 141wue.ne Win,.20. 1 C'har les E. Butler, Jaclaonport. F'rieda-Woltera, Kewaune. ii.. 24. Stsfford D. Byrum, Plyrnounti. Ill., 28. LnC.Henze. plymnouu.lit,.r., Ferdinand Ecel, Cl ago. 1. Sliia Sehucîmann, Chicagait8. Clyde H. Stewart, MIon, M1 (ladys LU Marshall. 2rton. M1 Jas«. Howard. Waulegan. 37. ,Ela Taylor., Mon. 24. Jos. P. Stlbblaigg. St. Paul, MNinn, 29. Louise 'De.eble. St. Paul.. Mina. 31. Otto 0. Sawyer. Milwauikee, 49. Auna Bailla. Millvaute. 35. - Ei. J. Tyrreli. Waukcgîn. 39. lliam M. Stoltz., Wanlegan, 48. iunu mmez,.Obiioego. 33. lpis Kobler. Clilcago. 21. Otto E. M'%yrlani, Akin. O. 23. Imogene H_ Johnson, Kahoka, Mo,, 22. Alveit C. Zekor, Woodamack 21. ilenedicta Nylani. Kenosa.8-. - Melvin H. Blietcti 'lcaoi2. Olive ffl-Icion, Chicago, 18. Sylvester Safcutîne, Mltwaloe, 23, MliHolz. Miwauke, 22. Frankt W. Davis, btnkwoumgo. Wis., 26: Loulce- . Harrison, Niukwonago, John P. (imvin, Milwaukee, 24. Mary Waclitel, Chicago, 20. WWl. Zoclinr, CicaO., 36. Anna -1. Boder, Litertyville. i1. Carl M. CatrpeaterIoaaC(ity, la.. 22. Maricila Bemvcr, Keemia, 19. KaJetone M«micks, RacIne. 89- Mary Mustain. lairs, ity, la.. 30. PhavlUs Markusie. 32. Inn T . Uprlig. Chicag. I. vilcttc G, Baller, émme. 11. "MYaIr . 28cellr, coi .. RanIm U' Heftli, *sSy1.. WantsrJ. KMpa ler Numoo AIbidaHgmi,Wme, U, 1wScnm Rm e, ieu, 21,; Raomele . U sud sa, N.au l'CuI . &cttons~, Uaso us xil<f« SeLS. Lu Il - s. IL 118 ~5 Prove. 23. 1, - varnice. dl, tiwq ovm&, 1. vuft a Ulula, 36.Ii 4 M. BonILe»Mime.otu".. ufsth*c. M.DIbam niwanlge, -49. J.fas, mis ».181e » M. iU. Table rov...mu W-lg@uimov. . lB. umm@ ae omt n.. SPARPUG be-ew and Pm dsfor> GuE- gino,-fta ùa ne fftthia flic& Prim. and ve vii show. You tic tad Of Ai YauuPlt Trouhle. 'he correct , Ie. f L. G. Màoore Fa gan Have . ( nuia" Içqmr lamntts rteeml £ý 84 i. mneyear r g num ua utm a e.t=ee àidbci * t st ln admiti Imaostelr afici nya tralnsd nurise ugfiigte ai 1 1 a £ ber of vi. iamg 0 Wau gd to tue scee ai Wtn, veil talon el nov aiticueMoore Moit of lr?. Magie tute trou imeu Uie atïeta sine a Cet ae vesiuIcOf -Me tenmurie I .cart i. Mr. amvm S Uiocbed tuecosecreti holn ttiie*as te him .Pal Ioff 1 glt no ums % hat te1 a"ie m @ truck h woe umsbaapped 1 iu the crashi tic pletely Over gatià vmespluncdinluun tu cashcaeetM. m k the baby tva »Oople hadi heiped i treotihe car mand cirai au Inventor>' of the, 'lm olIti l as foui MIaemi. J'laturally tuai thec ci s tmil SuLd Zter earcli l* CIe aa ambeei a vay tiat tue body E 1MM tii. Car and hg Unde-ctbtb te fron "0e sot Oocf the Ce UWIe ie baby di r où lier body. '111 car w otale AROOsie lStes tiat m emscr of big Party JW7ygens thec ft mmenet*. eitic omi *d auon o aider<il imai porton tie onp Dem ved bb app rOUy lu the dilci. 'Fer.set Ifnit Mmd tl ignore ta W&Iulegmn POte hematter 1* SeUlement Dno doulit The lsrtvl& 1 tube , cLUT e DIETZ MOTOR'CO. Libertvifle,. Telephom89 ELECIRCAL -thoWmwhi gMachin*, Mud 0",o 40fihsqma - o».. or mom of thm ist b fouan a"shoms. Pu blieSoViet:CO. OF wïwéTUïm it NPSo Co14 W ith ses Ccli., CeugLe. Na.' tale mesiscose -Nus w pet4~qSds n Dm 5p£ #oldia 245çu. 153 *3'*-SecLlsiii f. Sou sot ufan *e lime I-va. -Çs mre.b letToi* I 'i i. -L -ALI 'i M