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Libertyville Independent, 30 Sep 1920, p. 9

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Lake County't Ëig Weekly UKGNwn.ysr IVOLUME XXVII. N~o. 40 ery tMâ by Ahe -ýî th* W ba @O tbase "tir. uutt - or W90kegarn lmevea tA et tis e ot thé, trlm. es thea wraPs break Ibm bock, wde a S*oopbug lei ft gmu- m posItion me I',teris -niu. nuate a reord- ttis vAdtim *"s CI. Ur. jaums L. sago. vils' Ils. an Who> La Apwodlts lmait bae bà» rod t.oaier UIy eveMias i« ieo bati'cf bs à. BuSaCo. Lii-f the'omu fora4l pi an. A. Aes k anf bck ma-n tsi>' 3,000; so " Cash. Jc. L.4 phoe 9&so fert coe ut hfLeuI' " an. lo. .. ma. eu 41. . 39- maudic# ma- p LIBEITYVILLE LDEPEZDENTT1HURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, 1920 A-IL WORK GUARANTEED. Fe E. CORLISS., D. De hrotu;. ;. n ta S 1).ii.,wck daIi 130 Washington 1St.- se. Phone 1923 Waukegan, 111. For ils Tim~ O MIS MUFET AY ASK SOMERS ,For irst1131SYSTEM TO"PE hP' 4, -< Experts on Valuing Property Send. Man Here to "Size DOSIthenS1$uationUp on IsWOUL.D EQUALIZE TAXES Tire vieil lu WaUlcegan OU Wednes- Dg Nick West day Ot a represeutativa ufthtie New Misa Mufet vas hplig York bornera Syseam service referred in 11gb! She'd piîtiiicd ber = sopin' ta "as e standard for land valuation" lu io [ ut thse Democrata drove INugu me>' improNte an Important tiing for 80 Augis aukogan and Lake cotant>' in tire - TIrt thre High Cort of Coller matler of readjuatment ut propent>' Took ail ofbirs'dolarvalues lu tire irole cornuiunit>' n eu No Opposition Develops for Re- A4çimmqna. re çma duighm, effort le equalize tire taxe aud mure tire known practica otfrnany publican Nominees; As __________________________d fe Good as Elected Now. tueolov Isecaunue otieir wingnes EXPECT NO INDEPENDENTS TR CT RoA E O g onI>' ara members ofthtie Wau- Eccnynln pont lulie tct C 0at CO PLETE L WIi kpgan counci, ciramrnirof commerce. Lverihig pontata he fct hatetc..enterautécd n tira plans ofthCie Suaires aîttt but George Barstov ihe Itepuilican numinees la Leke cirairman ofthtie boaerd ut raviev As Count>' will bave tira eaàiest t11mb of A telagneni frain Lake Villa au- alto lnten.uely intarested bLecause of tlrerr live. eithtAe fiI eltction ou Nu-.flountiad the tiret annuel tracton t he tira couinA ie veumba r*2. No oppositron ba ev Auel- Plowing matche-s and ganerai tract or obtainenA bs-theinlt roductron of a plan a s auyel and uniesa Cire unexpected .<etosratlon Atotda>', Octoirer lurre bisor silian lu it Au tire count>'. 011041s wtith etfwdy hyi' t1)am.sar Sumrurazlng tira humers Systern la irapeut vtiîn ii. uit -w ay thy PiA itAir1 n 'tmap.Judae anda fartculer urathod lulloved inucoin- May9 conEnnier tirenitl'.-ans goorud am tnta dire-7 tors trotu IBig Rock putng tire values ou proiîccty ln auy etrcted. an i S1,t iilîanlPiOing ass.ociations sectIon vhFite rns experts airit ire an- Thecouty ffieito e Dltd. ti8are aiready engageA In tînthec-r-nt. i gamed to make raluetluni. 'ria cion>'offenui î ie hliei leA lcn corrtPnenee 511conl te. Tirea Accnrdrng lutirte promotets Clair >r-ar. ogi-lier vlih lue Itn-ublieau vilne a tlama for fat-riovaed trac- svitein due-s not appraisert s a mys- scialnees are as fnllowBsnîtr 'tors. ibIs c-Vent ls fre u' aIl as toi terri ut comîutatioin. quotrng [crm Stata Atoray-. anpu-ýnip andt openatur.q.Tirea yl tlheir irookit Stats Atorey-A V.Smih. e a detaonsîration fietIv. mb added "Atlas a practical exact and uniforin Circuit Clrk-L. 0. i8rock va>. tractoar clam"e, geciai euction te- nstrdu ukn ieAwo Couit>'Coroner-Dr. J. L Taylor. tanes, amnusemnt.î efc. praL"aLoft proides ane asyvaof sai. of Aiiay.,C. E. tusaelt. l".. FOwlî a anager o re e r'a Igjuda ebasrA avaof Tire Decotrals irA mot see it tuowiPî ovîg nttPt. eersn ugetbsdawy put a county ticket rato thfire ldnAtlra Inice 0 thelia kuiesige and expanienceofu year. At tihe pimaries ttireoni> ut-taniins nov are tirat '40 trac- hat perauts exercAsilug tire Judgment £ce viîcis irougînt.forth a contait On lors villt at olte contesf. and ~IL provides an exact method uf lireRepulica t!*ket as lraI Catsh priza'5 vil ho gien tierair- applytng tirat Judganant vren ILAt s ax- theReubicu ltktwa tatof nsdiser cupe -irlire gîven tieresestr *tatea &ttorne>'--.dru.tir . te an a a il s nccsar' or n mc-endntmanufactu -ra ut tihe vinning trac- Noed la Very Apparent. IL l neMary ur a lndpendntfora candiddte tu go on tire bllot b>' a pe- Nobod>' mure tirai members 01 tire tiion filed t ailast tCrn> dais betore t baid heen planned orAinali>' a board of roviev remas etirs impur- ire eiecllou. This vould uaie Safur- have tire match on Saturda>'. October tance et a readjuaturent of propsrf y day of this veoir as tire last day for 16. but tira date vas clranged t0 Mon- valuation thirrtgiout Lako COUJIty. allit sucir a patition. Tireilano day In order tiraI J. K. Deering, O. Thie matter vas -foncatull>' shovu ta indication tiraIRay> indepeardenta wviii W. Lairman and E. J. Llebiîn eau lire board of reriev et ils recant ses- appear. show hir prise-wrnning sisddîe îsien Au Lakne coont>' virn places on Amide frou tir atCaIe and national honses end iigh lumpata. vblcb sAlI Southr Genespe atrîeet alrnoît alougeide tickret Waukegan .Aniterest An, fie irebarc tromlthne reshow e aiet t, oaci li hr er eo5auvastl>' diffament eeccfion vrIl be conlined to tir e tgis- titan'.Tire horse sbhow et LaIne Villa lu tire valuation. Fnally a huncir ut ltiu lig-o irtvi.cirprurmsartu Coe u yl i e gir-en in tir-'aftet-non oproperl>' avuers rea alle to thie et lire irotteat ln years. Wltir Lake Ocîcuber as il .a figured tire pî.intg board apd au imicable adjuetment ('aunt>' reprasenied b>' tvo candide-- conteaut aril ire completed b>'noa.i, as maeAs sereir> ail tie ra iperty tes, à Raituirican and a De-uorat. -in question vas placerA on an equ5h- anA viti tira otirer part of tire di- Not s Graceful Stuart. zpd bairel. trict Puttlng uP îwu Iteîublican candi- Fromn t a nor-lerbn t i fl so e m n lIrat' Pointed ouftirStu ahre dates a sitenitou- fit 1A srenrntn ber lhron, et sîght ut hlm. nac-ara 's.ma.,Owcares r-tIT tff&f'90 Onai> tirreaeofthtIe tour candidates rait lai', d-uanine on youn.-OOont Lake couftv tiret IL seeas iltiriugi bc elcectesi, Tvsnf a system airugit te ha apîstied la a ne- SFromout of the Dark Ages came an appreciation of GOOD TEETH ~ ii and out of tlîat appreciation caille boteil d.dctistry of thic "long agi)" ansd froii boita'l <dent isf l'y gr'(w the -cxoliitioiiized 1ti'oIiît of the present day. nNOW cornes this up-to-t.he-minute Dental office. iith ifs speîhtlizcd hî'anilîcs of pra'tipe. If is flic 'Last Wod"' in Dentai Sceiîiee. voiîi' ttt ealînot affoto i)(v('I-loot het fivaltuei of a serv~ice like this. Lad.v a.isistaîît alway-s iii at tenittinec. 1 wiih f)> ro<' to tleC publ)ieu flîat W C Crai perfoî'îi ail Denîtal ope'irttiois ahoiî1u itlîott pain. Ouîr nethod is nîctijeine first, thon the filling. 111 order tliat wc mnay pî'ov' to you (we 0.o cxaetiy as we advertisc), we are rnak- inL, tiî follIinîg suAlstaIltiail rt'(IActiClls Oo or i'gtlar prices tîntil Qetober î 15th,. I Our Seaniless, Oîîc Pieee (bold Ci'irwtis$ to $ At.. $ 1orce.Iain (itowns (Pivot Tcolh) $7 to$8 A-perfect imatchi in color anîd siîapé .... -------------- . - ----....... Gold Inlay anîd Csoltt Filliiîgs' $3 to$12 Priee ac<'cuiding to size, froni. . ......... ........ _.................. ij Solid Gold Bridge Work*0 ( per tooth .... __ ........-.. --- . -...........-.... .... .............ef Porcelain Bridge Work, $10.00 Like thie natural teeth, per tootti. ...... -. ............... . . ...... .... Ncrv-e Kilcd and Iloots Filed $3.00 For ..............-.....- . ...... .... ........ ....... ...... Abccss cured and Roots filed$4O Extraction with local inijectionî; absoltcly withotît pain $200- Withot tlocal injection ................ . . . . . .0. las adîniinistcred, $3.00; Extracting $~2.0 for itoh $1.00 For ecd, stîocccding tooth ........................... .... _........ý ........ýý....... ........ P--lates that you can eat witlî--$20 to $40 F'on ......ý- 1 . . .... ................... . .................... ... 1EE WDIZ! UT IT GOT COLO ALL Of $1.50 PER XEÀR IN ADVANCE. tA Offiiai Censils thie lomers systein lastheire t, na or bringiug it about hoe la in fai r uilr. He recognizes thre need otf, tîrn along tiAs lino. On Wednoaday the ropresnta 11nv e of thre compan>' coâtetred At lengtir wîth Slicretary Ifolllster of tire Clinniber of commerce and it was tirOugint more than possible tirat sorn e lp rnay lie triken during tire fait few aeouti5ta engage tiresexpoWrta to talle rouro steps Las Waukegan for a ne-computa- Lon the tiproperty values. iAtIli a knowD tact that Waukegan and in tact ail Lake county needs more rooney froui taxpayers and it la gainA thie-only wa>' tiret t can ho brougirî about is to have a revaluation et ailt5ropety hased on eguallzed methods uof fgur- Ing. A PRETTY <IlRL WITlI RECORD IS TAKEN TO CICAGO Margaret KeHy said to Hgve Broken Jafl Severai Times;' Had 2 Women Guards. Subsequent to tire .arreFt (of Mar- garet. Kelly, aged 21, a is'rikingly prett>' UtIrago Young wo'î un wlro wam picked Up aund put lJi Jaillbe- causa oftlier fonduesu for 'oiflonrAt t'as beau iearned b>' lie t ut. gan Policea Mot the girl ha& a 'orýae Yard long."'Thre Police are if ,rcnA mat Misa Kelly s rogardad P, , le Of ttie most dangerous yourng n îî wio rmain tire treets of Chic.n.tn,. ýShe ia8 loVeraI Janl outîre..kste fier cred11. t vil OnI>' linst sunrer, Itla 'gain1, tuAaire broke out of thie iiliand kPark jail and eiap(' d on two oUsor occaalona Abire la sd lu hae broken awa>' traM the tu-neya 800001l for girls. On one ccca.non, t la clrarged alierstsabbod tiie guard With-Abat j-n 1 lig hb-r ar-epe. l'lea'autirurities bave been watctr- Iug tirs Young voman for actveraI days aab sevasplaced under ar- reat as; soan as At vas found she vwas rnitng wlth ailors trorn th na- val station. Thre tact tirat SAi*' as pis- Cod lu charge of twe fenrate 0f ficere wOlte belng relnoved froui thp MWaU- kegan lai fa Chicago indcates re- spect for ber reported dange-rous en- Ut netes. b -- -a- DO that 275,000 People, Residents of the State of Illinois, Own Public Utility Securities? These people and their immediate families constitute. one-sixth of the population, of the state In other words, on the average one p erson of every six you meet (or some member lot his immediate family) is the own- er of public utility stock or bonds. This does not include owners of steam railroad securities, nor hundreds of thou- sands of people, who, through life insurance policies and savinýgs bank aceouints, -are indirectly owners of public utility securities in which the money of these institutions is invested. -Next to government bônds, public utility securities are more widely owned than any other class of investment in. this state. IlinlsComiIttee on Public Utility Informattin 203 South Dearborâ Street Chicago YOU", KNOW- AnSUDDEN-LIKI3 RESCUE cH-ARL -s crtAPo L Mercury Drops to 35 or 40 and oea tu~rtChires imap bfu-d Orn Purs of Women Disappear Wnoda ay nrornnhi$washent 11in Aocordingly. Graue Lakne swamped and satk u- li perviaors Fred Kirschuer of Cuba aund h1 FEW PERSONS PREPA RED ay Paddlok of Vauconda, who en ; ai e FEW PERON PRPAED o is esce.sesclimitvueitfor Gin VIN baving eaved iris IlAe. Mr. Crapo Wauliegaasand Lake Cotant>' sud- lýnt so sure that they are detervlnig- douA>' pased from excessive irait sof credit. u raIl~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ I veThrwrn u'uea'atr 1hereby hangsa srad a lie. tait deat n tIrhe nlgTuedi f kept - uad d a gt. outy aoffiiaIslace284 pontrie rnrcury began droppiarg Supervisor Edad Brown, oti adb>' ovening fif wasreal teiiy.RndLe.iaapryatrspac drcopplng untfi i taîlly during tire cewbeie aofîre board of superlisora fligof the loweet temperaiture reacbed waeensted. Count y 'iieaours-r Ro,- Aocording te a apocial vire fi7om train 3b ta 36. Tis mrnnng at seveeal'tacher and Superv.aor (:rapt,' vere Wahington. thre ceurts figures on o'ciock lit was 40 sud lhe chili>' wund tAie enly cae rm akea ho Lake coiint y bave been raviseA and vunich bie ail day made thre veatîrer ant-nded. tire officiai report for tht ecounf>' musC uncumtortable. This change Earl>' Weduesday morning beaneral shows a population of 74.W%. This '-ornilg from sucAi a period ot appres- membena of the par.ty got up early te las an increase since 1910 of 19,227. .ive hout eather last week brought go huntlttg et Grasis Lakea. Aniou& or 349 per cent., tuea sOivrteo evorybody. Cthose viro vent were Couaty ireas- Iu the unotticlal èeusus figures fJours In stores were cloged Ioda>'turer R4oy Bracher. ,vp'lervii*rî Ray sent out b>' Washrington sorte limhe wriien nan ' t been closed ail season l'"dock, Fred Kirscirner. A-dward ago ilinovsa'a populat ion of 73,991 People eôre mort-nais8 and collera Btrown, Cirarles Cr.rpo rrid Williamr for 1920, 55.051 for 1910 aund 34,50t vere turned up; women ca aside Sîn-atton. for 1900. Ifleir tors and lowered t ha nacks of £IacI ofthte men vai pro'.ided wif h Thua tireofficiai ceneus shows a gain ircîr dressies ta confor to lucotA a Ioar. t waa net AQng beore other ot 284 overth finetrsf mturnu. wear er. ln tact everytiigthAtrne- rirOurbers cof the party haid luet>' tooiuJ rail conditions was apparent ealk Ator lep. Tiney camne f rom NU J DfC on ail aides. if t a real cJiangd o ut o.Wirn the other menibeusa 4I U J Oorse (AId otmstl the latter. te prty firât saw lm isra rt .ras RA rn niany places fusnacf eae f tilaed with vîtar and vaa bard> tI yUEIII t('(1 atndt tneevas a ruli for cond iruwiag aboya tlire surface. GreaSuuj.I'~W> L wood. etc. as Peoplea e(le , c-~ ualiy t bep 10 settlo 1te ll ottota.-- fiani be7 i-s atniunedî 100 ong w-th Lire AJ49 defyitig tAre igltuing, tie fii r:rn iJAuer fAh r ts commun-. sos i.eemnl1 The Great LaInas Navhl Stationnla ttyhadbeo baing kep bs cin bov waer s lng described b>' a militrsry authoril>' as possible. FiraI bis teet dtsaaîieared the greatest trade ociroot In tire tîtunatirtheCireater, tirati bis kuees, void. A cAuse ot about 100 skilld tben tire upper part ut his e lgs e ea rkmenisla urned -out over> tiree diéapearag fut.veekainl aviation courae. Tire plant D o Y u K l() iturry p boî s," Mr. Crapo ahout- ia valated etirbetween $20000.00O and ed to Suporvisors Kirachhrpansd $30,000. MO yet It la irutt Up almost Thaf Anla UkeCasnt>' live more rail- paddock.,virose ilA.boste vere exclrnîraîy or matenial thaI lied boo lionaires tien poesbi>' lu an>' other being pîriied vigorousl>'. "This vater "Juuked" aud vould have boots solA count> ut tire statisositnide of Cook je prietI>' urned calA." at a sacrifice. Tho ra -are- 3225 aie- Count>'? -TirAsla due t tact ÏhtIr B>' hitirasmeMr. Cra ob"al uk dents at tiAs tAime, Lako Bluff, Lake o rast. HighlandA to bis ips and appaarod te ho going ________________ Park and Ravinla la wvire.seoman>' tast. Then surMenA>' iis Aornsward of tiere icir mon vbo do business in plunge waa arrested Thons vas a Iu tire botterm of bis boat whitle try>- Chicago make tiroir homes. reasorL-he vas etannling on tir akesIneug tb gat a vounded dock. Anolirer Th"a. as tiere esult oft tiror pros- bottota. efich woas snallov aIttis sauggested Chat ho migirt bave cou- once In tira count>' Chat section of tire point. ,Tire IWatega u mt a racted tauck fever" when hoie sa Northi Shore iras mure beauliful homos pu;ied lift one et the other hasts'e docrk anA linbtis vay saauped thse anA more elaboratel' furnisired Iran anA 'as takeu asire. Ho vas tira1 boat. cen ha tonnd a aistemif ar given ter- bull of rnuch good natureil kidding "ou ftelitiva caa go to-_ But ritor>' any other place Iu tire United rier iis "ufarrow escape." Hg vaîs vhta th ie use a going loto detarla States' accused alea ut baviug ahot a bioe about vhat Mr. Crapo ble tay>.

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