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Libertyville Independent, 7 Oct 1920, p. 5

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THE UBER1yvILL4EENDEDT. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1920. E NEIWS nlted là Maiage lari ber 2. at D ubuque, la. =aIe an a surprise t0 ends. Both of these are poular and wel apke attended the Lak e ity lant year. Skie re- Dubuque to taite a pont- -I'l one of the schools [ r. Hapke ie a talented a a menibea' of Hapie's iey will reside ln Du- rement. famous dantes at the 11riday eyening, October s gîven jiy this club là prdved popular affaire. one will be a wtnner. îIth, Vice President oser. LUSTCO 3 GUARAINTEEI ILMIOIS Iarge Ends. lins in iry Table n excellent table $18.75 en Oak, >1 plate nuî lor; $26*00 many sizes and rice of less than eed of pictures. ure themn.. L of WALL PA- lets tha. pres- lote out Our en- dl10 a.binets ï., witli ýôards, Cotton MASS MEE'TIl! 8:00 o'clock P. M. FRIDAY, OCTOBE at Town Hali Lmibertyville, fMinois ADDRESS BY HON. JAMES HAMILTON LEI DeUNocraie Candidte fo« GOVERNOR OF ILLINOIS Fonnmerly Unied States Senator and by MRS. MARJAN BIEL, -of Chici * 'on the M LEAGUE OF NATIONS utsie by the Libertyville Bai EVERYBODI I WELCOME ~ Ladies Specially Iovited R 8 Mis ,ago id j CHEAPER 'PRICIES ON SHOE, REPAIRJNG To do my part tol4ards reducing the -High Cost of Livini," 1 i ~ll make a general reduction on ail classes of repair work. Note the following items: Mien's Hall Soles and Heels ...............$1.75 Men's Ruber Heels........................ 55C Ladies' Rubber Heels......... ........... 45c Ladies' Haif Soles and Heels ................ $1 .25 Startling Reductions on Ail Other Classes of Work 1 wil do work of evenings white you wait. New, modern machinery*enabres me to turn out work promptly, as weiI as to make these prices ALL WORK GUARANTEED ALBE3RT ZUBER Next Door to LUbertyviile Bakery Libertyville,Ililinois Ford. wers HAVE YOUR MAGNETO TESTED FREE, Corne in at any tixne abd 1 will test your magneto free of charge, and, if it is weak, wil recharge it while you wait. Wé have rccently installed a Magneto Charger, the very latest ________________________________________________________________ haA is raittaactti ibusi-As ilI I. L.cal and ersonai Iliairy Tai l inu- a liii ara Short herus of Especial linterest -to Ubertyville People m rai Fa ilI.ai vke 'kei. o' uîa'r a GIRL NVANT i Iai Launtin'. M Anna Leithorn i a's i ai 'aid a [I ,.building a n.w holiî- Brdi sntSauaa>* h1, ouih, r iIIness8, and isii î;na unr'i hi"on Fast Tfarîf"sîreet. E >Brdeyspn St rdtin C'up anal arounti again. cago. TeRv.FterB3 pa , fS . larkîaurst tranoacttd business RoT Titus.waa aereBa end % tsi'or tSin flChicago Tue.'day. Ho> iauswaa uçcit d vîiiortO arys clureki at F'remonî ('anaýrwas Chicao. aLbertyilile viaitor Tup'sray. LDr. and Mrs. E. H. Sinith scie Chi cago %iii,itirs Wedneday. e' %.E.Dceradfamaily aaiant â-1 ISunday wilh r'elative.san Evanston.- M liss Itot5' Gaglsarda je ulsaiing rada tuves and iends in Hucitiord [bis! week. Mar. andi Mra. Conrad l2ühtran wtrel tie guesta uofLicerfielti relatives lai( Sunday. Louis Bockleuaan of Chicago sptrit tTiursday evening a! bis houte in Lih- eerty ville. Joseph Heuer i.peni Sunday ail bis auni, %r. Henry Vogt, ai Mana i. haster, Iowa. Miasses Grare Ilutterlielti and OliVee Burritige sptnt. Tueaday evening lui Waukegan.1 Mr. nal ia F I. l ala aa! -%l isses Ruth Zeigle' ,aîad Niaiiont EtheliNitiilia iis.aiiF.i n tR.gn lun - 'idi t Sals le Speckiiaa t fKenuarlia Sunda> . illtoiîinf) La aîm aif-he olion %a i a i ! ,on at""-"lirie week end wi h aaiui'r li%ii'of sireet.iMi, W N.Sek a. l~î,a 1 N'a h.. i i..a"lit'i ai ana l..rke * i'u;anîy N~t irais i iiiat<, "~'rîil Fîjala> * tri i 'iaai Nirs lnaîlî a'~. l'r'a at 5uina III i. ai ilIit ~tt il,, Il. ai. -i. li ' laiia 'a li n * AIla'ganr, Niiehgir' * llii . isJitl 1 al là lo Iiandi lanlil> i 'adda L o .ng g i. . N. . li 'ai l, iositiasroellar ar ill-a i '.1 Li i"aNrith.in i iTtiljaia .ai the babýraIyTitaterl'aîahi.la a 50, laanis.naoanred IoTheila I iil at aniSaturday. Oct O n't S N' ainîsl. .a M. CC Tia.e .1.Tt.~l1,ia. Cau Mar. andl Nus J. J.ii eb'anal stn iiie- it u n 'uestia c'-i,ortn, oct. JIjfan -[r-ni ,untli ait4it'elaaaîe rj 1-1,ai 2. 30. Hostess. NIi -i, :ujiîaaMax- IJohn 'OIIeaaus ai Aira. halO; leader, %ira. Sarah a Nssn. NIr. and %Mre. w. J. Scbley andi fam- M 5r. and MSre. Harr> llI-an d ti 113 i-slit ai tbe borne 0f Sirs. Srhley's la> of Waultegan Cîisîle(l 'undas>at the ia'ini Long Griue Sunday. homne of Mrs. Osons îa M i. and Niaa'NCI;,Duelai.~'aîlaaaa ,Mim. E. W. Buiterfia i Il 1i tisiola and Nia'. ad Nira' Fîed H. Smith 4lIiiaaed 10 Biurlangion, Wa«sSunday. i T N'W' lorkausl i ta'!ai , -n andti isjiia t liie tîrsan fhonme. '-niangtihe (iiaa'Ii'lia11.'lai li W.ita MNia.anal Mias. Chai lesa jarrieitati , iii ilaughter Ma iNI loIit tduisundaastrallta athaîee nonili-.' i; iai" rîa ' 'aisi > al;ý i. a. ( 'la i ao. îfiiîoialîi e stsrO iaies. MI. Ja, rdalias esuaned lias ttie.' iith ià, Altala.anreiai-nt la ta i,, fi lIiimai., iaaarlt ntang Co. aiaa t Fra'd Zearaco .: Aiea anti Miss W. W.a anl Il CIl iunda> foli Iapi, Etna 'aulfi. NMr.Zei>en as seli tnov.n Burnîs at.'. atarah Aaat'îra aNlira,. Ea-rN'a a ndni ahiladren lliaia' tao"anes'. ' lla'r han îng -'lenl r.'eiaweeks line .Nia' and l rs J. Bro eniaitainedi ' the Ilultias ng frienda, train ' mat laaaI'ua 'l ItaidNMia.ý.J. J. N mai'lak.. a nayal thiIeir homne on y'aui t St.'.'rtif- I a,i~T leiers' A ssociatin M r. anal NiisRn> aiLe',Niis. ;cia ra' s a l lia I i1wa aaiimeeting aitIllie L-a atl soan. Mrirand NaS.i'tawfaa,î ', r' ,ýAai !-~ 'aIra afiernooun, ia. anad ',- l a n ia Nai t,. - s îlî. s j a,,, . lI'. tr g.1 l ra C.,tSt ra t. I a tee 'ýj R H lp ia h wîi i e at -.:45 andi tn aiaa aloî' ira Sundais tndlai lt7.45 oln %%,,.-k ji>ý Standard tinte Catechiant ait4 mial M. Satardays Titechange smaisiîad' frorn-yae suime to standard tata,' ils weeki. 'li1n li'lNIa Si(Iaa l es ..N',Bielle la;it liaiý- ta k'r' u 1raa 1lltladeuihjla liiil iiiaîke Ili iia' r iiariat 1tlaa Ci>. 'flac>'liHie laa,, en lianu ini Litai-a 'ville ar the home \I Ni lýJ"tla mtiarier. Nia' anal Sre, NMls Johln NIctotna- k Mr B.J. B.,,a Moi se sud mi.,. F. Il.NMartin left foi a'l'aM! 'lia I liales Jara art lii. Springfield t las iraiar t ahe s eci to ir i.'aîî'aI . 'Srkeian batuse- hus. oit attend (the annual îoeeting orîthii. i.oarîw.aa and \'aNiglat Court. 14's. G raindai .'îi etOrderi'oniEasta -an Stiar, spre la ,titatai ll Iraif r a lrarka i ie, is is le leg as 1-01fi n i ii a L ib e ri v viil le s o nîaî . n jr ril li-i jaaa band , R hl o as an Chapier. iOuii a C'a, a aitli a ileCollege. S.is.li-a'iNîtali'.ant i ataterlDoisa of St. lrrr' IIýuk1ea luremodelin., ia Ba enaans 'unil'ntic ago. suient a 1au l atpiio i"-Ibuillatng oîer the Cule bar- Salurda> and Sonda>' a( ihe borne ut ne:,a. iop. tan Nlalwaukee aveanue. anti F. A. Hiclanson. 1r. anal Nirs. Hutch 1si liane a talle tiat to rent Thais aec- Inson also eniertaîneti the Misses Me- îiun o fth ui.'ilng was fornîea'ly use-I Enerny anal Vliner off Waukegan on1 a- a Miotogtiaai gallery. Sunda>'. 'r'te L.ake Cioniy Roati Offiiais As~ A card îîarîy andi dance wiil be gaven I ociaaîon wil it ia n the Viliage Hall ai the home off Mrs. George McDonaid Wednr ýday, Oct. 13. This will be an on Friday eveiing, October f'or the ati da sessioun. couaaencing at-1O a. M1. bentelit of Rosai-y College. Sirt. John W. Htus Kendall, president of the P. Weich andi Mrs J. C. Dorfier anti Illinois Siate Associatioof Hl 'ighway several members o! the Cblcagocalum- Cônamissionersasn.d Town Cler "ls, will ni wiii aseisi. A goot imure la asaureti. be present anti apea in I the afternoon. Other gooti speakers viii atidrosa tihe Sàtlurday, Oclober 2, vas the fltth Agoocia tion at the lorenoon session. anti Srs. W. F. Franzen, Jr, andi they entertaineti a tarie comPaDy o!f ientis Ssturday 'nîght 'anti Sunday at, their home on Brainarti Court. Tliose pres- ent were Mr. andi Srs. Wm. P. Pran. Once amorethie adles of the Laite' oIde Cemetea'y Association ar'e cono peiled to sait those vho have Dot paîti for the rare of Iheir lots wilI do so a! once, so the woiknen mav be pald for apparatus for dis class of work, and 'ban <jvc satisfaction. - en, Sr., Messrs. Henry,. Haroldi and service.. Thtis is a amaiDatter [o each Herber! Franzen, of Bensosville; Mn. lot ownea', but causes Witeh trouble tu Magiietos chargeci'by this machine are guaranteeci ta give pet- anti Mn,. Edwin A. F-ranzen andtheir the ladies. Please remît as souci as fcct service for two ye-ars. daughter Ruth of PIngrée Grove; Mn. you readti s item [o Miss Iiogene anti Mr. Hoenry Lancithof!, Mr. andi Schsnck. ry Mrn. Frank Altenberg, Mr. Walter Ait- enbert, Mr. Christ Lanekhotl, Mr. andi The Wonian's Cathiode Ortier off For« Li erty âi G ra e RepairS h p. Mrs. Wî. G. iàaede anti daughter,' esters gave a surprise fareveli Part CHA.bMeBENAD, rleietr talien, of tesPianes, Mr. anti M. for Sr. J. C. Reilly lst Thursda CHAS. M. BERNARD5 Prop MissrLydila anti evening ai theeNlystie Workers' hall. lier GPhone: 282 Ph'ner. .-aaskZr, 'Chias{'iicte e- f' iiY gmsetaei'c SLopnou: .22 urag Plins AV~ Oit, Carl Ott, Misses Elole anti llie mit anti the iiiening vas a rqost en- Ott- Harry- Wassman, Mr. and !ens. j oyable one for ail. Muisic and calier John Bernard off Libertyville. loni entranet'a îe.Sr.Ril fui retreshments were serveti antivr was presentei with a beautiful ame- m.acmg ver15,00 eadis adiwee-readess who by U' ioua gaines at ni eeen*oyeti.1thyst zsaay. Mn. anti Mn. lÈeilly anti lido, advetised »nd PaY for tiiemi, Tiie Ind.pendent stands Wi&liUt Mn. anti lifs. Franzen recelveti many, famliy lefi ihis week for Caltfonnia, a dveI BaïU ai~t uiag meim in15 alicommly. nace glfts. visere ibi'y vili make their home. 'iî,aitis ut It,» F' 'aN aghat sali be 'laia. ,tia ait lie ta getin9 aln li j tti iii ua .ion lai the Lakae \V1:eba. i ' ,.i a >tFii 11 n. 11 1 ' , , t. a 1 i ila[u ( il a1 t., andtun agii at of rttiiissue %% M) lie loundl a laîige h -iai>ad, iratual aRt iý pcal sale, 'rit tuinatur, anal kitcel cabinet, '[f i "anunetli aan> un" to bu ouisile ofl Liei> aile inor iu _ niaure and fr.infls, on acucrit out ui plîire, as iiie' la> aC'ompany aie of terant bargaîns iliat cannot tae duîalacati'd. rien an iihe catalogue launses. If you t need furnillae, nuw is [atlae nio ger il ai a barizain price. CARO 0F THANKS Mra' anal Nia. 'ChaînasB.laurnung wa.-la mes ai iXiaiC r .taO'gratefulness lei ail wliaa irOkintiui- iai,a'isatSai nriaN n exi angii., ing*thte am e s fii >h tii'at- ,edihl hou.and baa'fl Il 11 Liberty, ,Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OCTOBER 8 AND 9 MARY PICKFORD an 'iIADDY LONG LEGS" SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10 SPECIAL- "CHOOSING A WIFE" .~- I 6% to 7 1-2% on High-grade bonds- and Mortgages Prepent iiitmr.--st iatem eîiahY iîîdividpals with rnouey to )uittu nhfairn wuIl se.iirtd, higli grade tŽnîîjdF4ani, 1it rtgagets at attractive inter- est rates. If you have ftiiis t4i ban it will pay you toaeak nis about iniviPL4tnîêutu. We can furnishi you with higli frsasqFarrn Mortgages. Meirtpages ou Villuge Pruoierty or Bonds te) yield from i»% te 74%. Over the prices you can get else. wherel, over the prices you may pay laiter, we' will save you money on building material today. We are in close touch with the market, we hisve- made some good buys. We figure on a dloser profit now than was necesary when prices were down. But we waiI save you money on Iumber now. UMBE COA F' . f W.F FANEN J PHONE ,i. 5 AYi..4YA7 OIBü Z, Wý 'ý Philip Jaeger General Commission Merchant S Establiishd I1M ' s PECIAL attention 0VU ÎÉ& the. sale of Dýosued 1109 Mutton. Veal. Poultry. HUM1ý @e. Also Butter md Mm P ro c td a'of c05510lbt, pi'omptly remltted. ThIM là 11. nidest houa. on thie itt»t. « andi price lista furaihWI OS > piication. Coi i storag IMM Stalle 1 and S., Fulton Street WioiesaiU Mab.8, CHICAGO, ILL New Line of Curtain and Drapery. Material Many qualities and déafigns to select from Prices: '25c 40e 50c 75c $1.00 $1.15 $1.40 Ail-Linen Crash To weling- i 7-inch 19-inch - - 28 Cents - - 34 Cents Part-Linen Crash Toweling.-- .17i4nek~ - --- 25 Ceahts W. W. CARROLL& SONS' C.OMPANY' Phone 29 Libertyvilleg 111. 1. i P'aul Cr. Ray iîanaacîeodbusiness Ui Robert Simen of San Francisco, ar, Chicago Tuesday. lrivet Tuesday evenlng -ra a se ai t heý Mr. ant Mr@. Abner' Taylor vlaiî ted home Of bis brother. Beai J, $amen. friends in Gurnetr Sunday.1 Nliss' Kruckmafl, daUuiî.'r rof John Mr. and Ml PaW Hicks were çjh. EflICkIDan underweDt an ofreraîjon ai. hton at Laite Zurich Supd#y. te Lake Couaty bospital Monday, Mns. C. Woolridge il$ vaiting fritudda Mis§& Dorothv Heua'r fias finiabeti in Chicago ion a few days. ,ber course at the Gent liî Business Mr$.Joh Wech nd Ms. obet'.College, QuiDCY, Illinois. Shireturned MUI .erJohico ansti >rs. Robeï.t[o ber homehI LlbentîIl.' SsurdaY. LiiiwereChiago ieltrs nida. Mi. and 5frs..E. L. Sa i e-and son, 'Miss Myrtle S"ae visiteti wîîh rla- E. L. Sayre,, Jr.,of hiicsîrini the [jveé in Chicago oven the week end. week endi at the bomne ,, Mrs A. 1. Fred -Chapman bas accepted a posi- tion as electrician wth S. P. Evilaazuî. MIs$. Mary Haden and Mr. and M:ia, J rs. John Welceh of Elm Court, e'n- ilaiZcîe vst ud>i i51tined he W. C. T. U. ont day îastNîhCiaowt ilaa ai o ~~4ek. îamily. , 1 I)AI,

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