- TUE L~ER1WEJ~ 4ËI S SFETY IRTO UIT IN PUBLIC SCIIOOLS mprTraining Wo uld Prevent Many Public Utility Ac- cidents, Claim. Mot deais sand injuries causOd lleugb îpublie îtility accidents carn ieelilninated ly- safety edii-ationa.n hb -publicecheoole, actai-ding 10 Pr. L-Gecrge Payne. pli-icipal of the I8~~Taches' cllege or S'. lýouiF, Ihirn o!lthe edUct:loial baioum cfthe national safety irtunci. - Jb proper training of childi-en in maters oi accident pietention ezsrts sloginfluence not oaly upon them it reaciies and influencese their urenia. Dr. Payne raid. If the chli. W«u ae properly drilled in safety ie wbole papuiation wili, In a short înie, be educated in this important *tter, lie declared, for the chuîdren «today si-e the adults of îonmorrow. Thleks Training Easy Mtter At should be a comparatit ely sita le' malter ta train childi-en la guard agnei Lvery accidenti, lie- saii. lie eufe there être tiglY a lmmued ilm- ýer cf situations, pei-haps 30 in ait, li ekhici accidents itappen to thes M'ci-1. "la tie years 1917. 1918 anîd 1911,9 la St. Louis. 401 childi-en betwetcn itue Mges of 5 andI 16 wcre killed lanpub- 1icuility accidents, la etery came,2, aný ln about 1,000 h0imlar aeidenîs -. W diilit d no[ r, suilt tatalii, theis Were or.ly loir iuaions iinvolved, Dr. Payne -a!d. -I lie fiit st ws stealing iides on trwattaies , i ond, runnng mb :lihe etee Ite iplay ing anid Le.tug,.îzi,k uti)u% ai. tbird, fi-ntcm niat-îî iîxieavies., geaeralîy..' front gu asîungtig lngling 'ires; andI foiirît. tiemit layi.îg on $eloa rackaý Problemi an Educational one. «'In tihe(55e of ev.-ty accident the ,'eblldren wsre out nf direct coniiol of LII those who are acustemed to ex, i. .cise cuthoriîy over tlînnu, leachers, oarents and policemen. Irl i t denr, t*eD ihat the nroblemi is an i-dura- tiODal one. and a %teiv srimple ne.Ilb Io a inatier of det'eloping ctntrol -eîthi the chlldren thentselces-tli, devreIopme4l tlaîit-. kr.iw ticg.. and atîlîtîdea toward ifour sverifWi The ftal iai i detnr ae.: Ii pon-ftalIiniiv itale ia 4Scoîut[anies emaPloying 6i(ttî ôr;ers s as lte Ioeton rerutd livingillie aI tfis..- ?elrs Fi-er <t h. îlot fmnt hii'd 'vice-preeiduat an(] st;uistic ii tf ît "Irudential 'Insiranie iifli ptm. to bl 'thé safel'. conzrcýS . Statiotics on Accidents. ýTii fatal accident rate. per .0 enîlicyi].a .-. FSin119 ' a secompared tlauanaverage iat- hi-a un' C p o Ilbr lDfl0diten- »jYmeat. But it 0t requtr bui- bowlt tn eheyor inmi to covm *W.... proveto you -tJbat W., botter bu- Lîb.l>~ îl Phîto55 of 1'27 dUring tie ysare 1915-1919 lan- clu.-<ri'. ard 1.31 for 1-91.8lie maxi- ni death rate was eeached in 191(r. wli 1.,16 d2aths fromn accident per 1,0(10 emiployes. The non-fatal iaiui-y rate (or 1919 'wa also, the lowest ca the record. wlîh 106.5 per 1,0001 smployed. The nmaximtum wae, in 1916. witli 151.74. while the averaes for the tive year period. includng 1919, was 129.65. Mr Hnffiunf urged manufacturers t0 kàep nore figures on accidente and injuries and pointed out bliat the systein of laking lhe.liazarde 0ffont- pînymeat lato considtratiolt w1reii fixing wage awards bcd been recag- nized in the. transportation at and was considered in arrlvlng aiti.th.. cent i-ilroad labo, and anthracite roaI minei-s' wage awards. MHE CHECKER BOARD Cendu««elb,' WILLIAU J. WOOD. tuis deaimU.shoM ho adisea& ed t0 WIUhi J. WVoolu$ Eii dciii St,,- Wakeo&aa, DL. Gins Né. 30. 9-13. 22-17. Playeti in the Third American Tour- noy by J. H. $cOît vs. J. Dempsey. 9 13 8 11 14 23 12 16 7 23 21- 23 18 27 18 24 19 191là 13 22 6 9 î- 9 là524 23 Si 25 19 26 23 21 17 28 12 22 18 11-15 9 14 9 13 11 16 26 30 -18 11 18 9 26 23 32 28 16 10 8 15 5 14 1 5' 16 20 30 26 29 25 31 26 301 25 23 19 10 6 4 8 2 6 . 5 9 10 14 26 23 25 22 23 18, 25 21 17 10 1. wins Problent No. 87. By UIr. T. J. flrdwa Black--Ks 2, 24. White-32. K 3. Bllack 10 play and wln. Pioilem No. 88. By P. Duane. Biaclikjilay andI win. P1robleni No. 89. By C. W. Flower. é mm m ilack-6, K 3. Black ho fPlay andI 'in. solution ta Probieni NO. 84. 13y F. Iune. E3lacit 6 Ks 5, 25. M'hite 17. 21, K 14. Bliack t play and win. 25 22 6 10 22 18 1511 Il 7 17 13 18 23 19 24 .27 23 17 14 2 2626 222 18 15 101 7 2 14 18 23 19 24 27 2117 23 27 Solution to Problein Na. 85. Biack-23, K 27, 31. White-28, Ka 19,'20. Black totaplcy and 'in. .27 32 31 32 22 17 32 27 17 14 19 26 20 24 24 19 19 15 15 19 jSutution ta Problein No. 86. By F. Blacit-Ka 10, il, 19. White-12. 31,tK 32. Black tb play and w'in. U1023 28 32 23 18 82 27 28 32 2 28 16 19 2 32 24 28 21 JI lIt) 5 32 28 19 14 31 26 1h14 SUMMONS MUST BDE SERVE-l6D IN CASES 0F AUTO 'OFFENSES The legal department ofteCi.,- cago Moto,' club adivlses motorlats tiat the law requirea ualt a defend- ant be sei-ved 'mti a etmmnon or ai-- iest notification befose ho la reQuired ta ailpear in court. A letter tvrltten bY a justice or Police nagltrato dose nt comPly witi the pi-oc'.ione of thle law. Tie novice often takes suri iIIeî-e eriousty and goee botore the nîegisîrat.e tu receivo bis fine, The tact tiat a certain lirensa nimier has been iePoi-ed by sanie one as t'lîailng -the Iaw la no eti. d"zr'wOiltTli-e-o-wWer waiiiïEvlni a lie lime. ltecently cainotorist waes soppeti la St. ,loe, Miih., by the chief of po. lice, 'min iîld Iliat one of the cili- zens of ib&t itciy Lad advts"d-huai llt theusmotorisi hua bteen speedlng Itwol or tii-e dcys Itreviouely. TÉe elef brougit tus Motoriet betore a' Justice, IIq oPrOmPtly l ledt a f7ne. VOLIVA AND ZION BEING S5UED fOR IIAVY DAMMES Three Suits Totaling Six Hun- dred Thousad Dollars FUed by Independents The City of ZMon -and Wilbur Glenn Voliva. Ils overlord, were ade de- fendants Saturday ln tbree damage suite aggregating $600,000. The nuits charging uMander anta libol were brought by Rev. Thomnas A. Nelson, pastor of the. Independent chuxch ln Zion and by leadlug menubere of bis congregation. The-suite were tiled in circuit court at Waukegan by At- tor-neys Jones, Addington, Aines and Belbold. "We're caliing V'oiiva's bluff." Rev, <Nelson asserted. 'We're gRang ta force hlm itoacaine inte cou-t and show hie books which h. ball been guarding fi-on Publie' gaze hi) care- fully. We're going ta civilize hin. if sncb a thing le possible. We demand a showdown and we gre going to get Justice if we have ta carty >uc* fight tb the bighest courts. Thie le a fight ta a finish." e The . ti of the suisand the amount of damages asked la sacb are aRs follows: Thomnas À. Nelson, Char-les War- i-en, W. E. -Schola, P. E. Will. H A. Kerr-, P. B. Johinson, Robert Murdiock and Fi-ed Hancock çe the City of 1Zin; trespase on the case for libel; $25t0,000 damage. Chai-les WVarre, W. D Rockatsl li-r, %%. E. Scbolz. F. E. Will, P. B. Jlohnson, Robert Nlurdock aa'l Fi-el Hlancock va. Wilbiyr Glenn Voliva. trespase On the case for lihel; J250.000 damagea Thiomas A.., Nelson vs. Wilbui- Glenn l'olive; trespasa on 'lie case for ithel and alander; 3100,teOO dam- âge*. Want to Recover Park. The suit against the City of Zion, accord li; taReverend Nelson,. s an effort lo reffov& Zion's 300 acre park. which he says was Illegally tesded tu, Voliva a few ysars ega fo: r' con- sideration of il. -He says is ac- tion was taken by t. councîl comi- posed of Voliva's euPporter:t. Il a contended that the action wae ille- galinl every respect. Accord'ng to RC vercnd Nelt5on the 1,!, ~i> t . .-fl"T'OhtZCd v tze ' oIisa and i, LallOe and there sire liige signa put up, lie eays. wbich warn others to keep out. Mi-. Nelson says these porks belong to the rlty anl niaintains thaI the couairil I ad no riglitto 0gie Ihem-away. Signboard Ceuses Suit. Trhe $250,000 su'tbi-ougit &gainât Voliva. accordlng ta Nelson, foltows the erectian of a mammobli sigaboard ia fi-ont of the Independent chtu-ci. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will Bell et publie auction on*,the old John Dadke Farm, now inned by John Raup,;'n, -i the Village ot Long Grove, Ill., 2!/2 miles scuth. east of Prairie View, 6 miles north of Arlingion l-eights and 5 miles southeast of Lake Zurich on IGESRIOCIOBER 12 commencing et 12:30 p.m. 25--HEAD 0F CATTLE-25 Six choîce Holstein cows, 4 frssh; 2 close sprlngers, 4 calves, 3 hoifers, 1 bull. Calvo* are sired by King Soi Pontiac the Great, son cf ths.famelle K<ing Seule Pontiac and son of Brookline Lady Tange,_ onelof th. ieading cows ln the Lae Counby Tontine Association No. 2L This cow producod 20Mlb. of inllk tontine 3.8, 76.30 Iso. of fat ln on. month. V.arly record riearly 14,000 Is,. cf mitk acver. age tost 3.5, 501) Ibo. of fit, snd ln the faîllcf 1109gae on. cen of milk à day for about 100 days with ordlnary cars' milkicng twice e day. T'he cows and calves will b.c e bergain et eny price. 15 bond of milkers, epringers end stock bulle wlll b. offorod et Auction by Aug. Froolîch et thtis sale. TWO HORSES-Black hors., 7 yeers oid, welght 1400; gray mers, 7 yrs. old, weight 1250. GRAIN, HAY AND CORN 15 tsns of baled alfolfa. 10 tons bal.d tlmothy hay, MO bu. barlsY, ô tons of loose alfaîfa 500 ahocka of gond square cern, 800 ahocks drilled cern, sonie suear bote, sorme unthished clover hoy. A quantij> of wlnter apple, and peal. FARM MACNIERY New ciiltivator, corn planter. sulkY' piew, pu#Vtrlzsr, walklng -piow manure epreadler. aide de. llvery rake, milk wagon, dump f boards, chiolcen coops. 40oler 'Ilfonce ponts. waehlngmmahine, OC<TflfP 7. Nelson Bays 'that thie le an especially ecurriloga signboard. The alther suit, .nYat for $100.000. brought againat V'elva -by Nelsoni- pesoaally, deals witb clleged slan- der wlticb Nelson ecys Voliva bas, ePresi *bout hina, bath by merns of siguboarda. ipamphlets and tram tie pulpît. The Independente have sut'8cribed $1,000 as a roIsiner for teir attor- neye and have agi-eeG ta 'ohIluI" as additioaal sume or money ai-e re- quired 1tecarry on the litigation. overseo Voliva nad flot board ci te suite btinjrgtiled wben Tice IY Sun c.lled 11>5 attention ta il and asked for a statement relative te H. sait! be did Dot cars ta mâke any etatemeat, that the whole pro- ceeding w"e toc silly and toco'auah- able t6 justifjr au answer. lie in. sistedl that the. men who bad liai-ted the. suita were murely seeking notori- ty aMd toit that a court actIonl wasaa good way to Set ht. However. ibc add- ed, tiatIif liey wenbt nrough with Il ho would ho there eatthe finish snd would boat lteoano sadly they*d wisb [bbey had oever boisn born. Au to Nelsont, principal In the ac- tiolis. ¶oliva ntorely referrecl ta the lait circulai-ho. msued on,-ilm and eald that hl& ODIy hope wae -het Nol. son would pusi lte case long sitougi tu bring himuehf tat court. 'q have bis flamber and believe niel'il show bilm up If 1 ever gsi hMI nto lte courts." -said the overseer, as he laughed te think tha; anybody wouid psy hlm lb.e compliment of sueina- for $400000, boiteuse tualt ndicated tiey thought h. had a lot of money. LAKE COUNTY"TO RAISE $59000 Toc WARD ,STATE, QUOTA Preliminary Steps Taken in the Drive for Funds for the . Salvation Armny. Membere of tii.advisonfr board of te Savablan Army in Laee Louty met at lie Chataber of Commerce i-omas, Waukegcjt, llriday evenlng sud sbarted plasfthle drive for fu4m te be carried on between oct. il andi istu. . 1 A sub-conmittee was n amed ta laite charge of bbhe'mori-nlaLake Counby and tiie euggenslion 'mas matie that thé Amerlcan Leglon ponte of lhe entire couaty b, asked ta aId ID makin5 te cauvant and rsising Lake Countyn' $5000 qota. Tic quota for the. atate le $600,000 buit <Chtago biasundertaken te i-a a. $400,000 oet bitItom. lb ln planned ta have a tag dayus a finale ta tho campaigu. Tii. money rcleed In the. dive ini ta ho ussd for the woi-k of the S. A.- genertUy In the sate. h len arguei that, with the. fine ne'. bote[ lhe S. A. bas erecteti in Waukegcn. thal cily bas-&-umrepersonal luter-t le the succese of t.edrive tba. bbe average place, especially in vlew et thie tact liai no subeeriptionu wsi- ever aeked for toacidIin furtliering lhe intel. Ix FARM TOOL AT- PRIVATE SAL 1 ulI sei at Prîvate Sale on the joseph Beshel Farm, onc-fourtb mnile east of Phillips Platform, on MON4DAY, -OCTOBER il beginnini at 1 p. m., the foflowiwg faim macbinery and tools: OiRe N.wét ou. Cd&«vto Pof b S"d Set of Drag Wafldag hw See Pdvuebo* Hay Ra&e Wago. SnW. Ham Bay -Rp. Nid Pulcys mda Lt fS&@J T"d Mrs. Hilda Beàhel Try a 'Tagt Ad." in the I.dejeMdu. Ih wIpalyle& i.IMM Nobodij- thînks.- anjthing, now of gping, awaI o n a tnip Select yogi-tires de- cordi.ni tte ron -cde f lio have te travel: lusandyonblllycon fi-y. 'mierever lte ginc la apt lo bc bevy-The U. 8& Nabby. For dlnarycontrY road-The U. S. Chiain or Usco. For front wheele-Tmi U. &. main. For bhast resutit- ovorywhote-U. IL Noyai corda. T HIE railroads were partly r esponsible. But it wasn't until the automobile reached its present state of develap- ment that the old barriers againast travel wero finaly broken down. More people own auto- mobiles today than ever thought of owning a horse and buggy i the aid- days. That'a because the cost of much in this tire business foi US. The less a man has ta spend on motoring, the more important it is that his tires should bc of first quaiity. A4y tire is not good enough for the smalt çar owner., He wants a tire that will give him just as much for his money in the small size as the big car mani gets for his money in- the large size. motoring bas'been brought IV' within reach af the average. In thinking over what. kind citizen'a pocketboL ,* of tires we would represent We . ok ponit. a pat o i this community we tried We ookupa Itas artai takut oureelvea, in the. Our job. ta k.ep id tha. If plgce, of he car owner. And It weren't for the trade ai we bolie've we bit it exact#y the mar i wth thi ediuqm wlo we -slected U. S. pricod cqr thorc wouldn't bc Tires Uniltmd ,Stat.. ires LIIERTTVE U RGE, lJbtyd, & N MATT. EIHhELPai.VwI. BROWN & BOUMNE, WMrCOada, n. MM ACKHARWARE COUPAIE, UwoevU N. ti i YOU CUNI State lgw Rule W lh talies Ov5i- a rosi ries witi t Uts tht ail adveu to Olivldfllsre Dol elacards or adver eflaracter witiout m a compromise liste'! TIistact becar when lwo represe bllgfway associai t2ounty andi mati et hile coticietE ftate h ai resftx t.oalts- liecau" lte c anld Style otfic5i-s ilîy the telephot route were mani matter of varions l. e highway nm Of tMe dfrereni On lte polos ei atter iheir i-dura rmal letters te tYlng ltentble> talle down thel were evldentiy i- Th Ite 0117feat, wüticb Ih. sigle ,PODeIbllty for iTIe glaàtse mc bLon 1 Open Long(