be donc within te noxt few daYa lnb1OUNry commiTTE ATr IN'NER COMP ETE EMEN orter thal the woik cati be ruahed. CO K E ECE EN SupiinteIident Ru i l .aýs il (Conllnued Front Page 00e.> ERE ~ îîîss~c ~ eouî .tî to w at Fincts haa been doing il is WORK ON BELVIDL r a. utb I op-fItitt ir av 'i*yappiarentilitIIL will resuit in, a mg c bt en ïl p.u a tare as ltebig lot of men plunîping tbree votes i.oUD Lake rmatiso ntcmuisfoWes leeshülatPand v.Inter. » conraclors aie îîoing l lican ticket andi gjIe cach of lte in iir owr t Mlithree mn ntbe ticket one vote. I sîteof Itenî.nr cla5 vlrlh ~t~~ir orvr t ~îkî iti poabl Witli Fetociti' reprebtenîîible action ln bave itervenel front tine Io titre trying to îvork a gamte to acquire the contactoWOMwaNarPERISIIEShethee .tes hira.elîit bas brougbtad «ncrte avin onBelider an WO ÀN 1PER SHES ditona strngt toMr. Weiss froin Voo roads are doing their best 10 sources wbere before there had been bring their work ta a point as flî'tr J II.~ ffi a luke-warm feel ing. 1 Compietion as possible before cold IN W11144 1 0,000U aUU The woid no - a bingpassed wesîher arrives, AUAe15.w eu sw about Lake couniy, "Make no mis- Indications are titat thie Standard IDO U ESIIL I.JMA1KI.JIU Lake abeut Il, vote for Weiss and let Paving Comtpany may tomipl t:Cl- Xclienry cooflty tale cars of Pierce contract tiis year. Tite work of Put- Suit for $100Ô00 damages le demand. and Francis." ting In te concrets was completetd I of John Lux, a wealthy rettred It ls said that Pierce willibe blula two or three day. ago. This noie ex- fanner of Wadsworth in a suit filed man of titose running becauite h. haa tends la Grayslake and connecta wit in circuit court todey by William J. various alignme nl McHeMr and thte e.rlp cunnlng tai Haineslite. Ail Smitht administrittor nI lthe estate of. Boone corities -whicb Insure is elec- tL Mal a w 1la ta comtpe tte %r. Helen Paxton. Tbe suit la being tion. Irf=puttin,91 ite aitouider -on -brougbt on behaif of the'busband of Thus it remainsa batlhe flgitt la t »Ie"aide ln addition ta doiflg 1the tIcati woman, Richard Paxton. between Weiss and Firancis. Prahcis' grading, digging ditritea for drainage Thte case sas filed by Attorney E. V oniy chance of wlannng a te chance purpases, etc. Chartes Russell.Cotin- Ortia. ta get a lot of votes in Lake county ty aitperlntendefli oI hlghways of MrI.S.Paxton's deatit ocrurred- one1 and Ijake eaunty peoplê are feeling Lake cotint!, siys that with suftlrient colti day last January. Site itati gone tbat lhey nutet ally 10 Mr. Weiss' men employed IL le possible ta coin- front ilite bouse toward a weli sey- support by plumping tbree votes for plete tiis tretch of Pavement ho-. eral rodg away. A blizzard sas ln hlm and none for Francis. Vlie way fore coiti weather. progresa and bitdeti by te driving this is donc willibe 10 mark a cross Pasciten Brothers. wlîo aic putiifg enow Mrs. Paxton ivanterècd fron i te i10Ile ircle aI lite head ot tbe repub- In te Vole roati 1asIng. have en- palt and droppîed ino a pirtially ex- lican ticrket and ten dirop dawn antI counteredi more deisys. Bntbargoee cavaleti well whicb ItL claimed hIal put a cross iite square in front oI o' buil'iflg m%-tii li pt on bv te been dtmg 1w Lux, owner of lite prop Mr. Wess' naine. Iiersiate (ofinterce conirrissiofl have eriy. brt nese erc.The liole been thte source of pritcipal tieliys.'«as about t igit feet deeIp. noneti but fit '«s foofld, accaading Iliglit noiete contiadiors have sut- A few Lattis wentt L and '.%I. Pax taAiceyOv.tttsteadde fit ient sand ta put in anoter mile ion misacti hie 'ifefreinite bousAtfroney asr 10 tte etrsite huitd. ut t'avinu: tlievy hae ettîicient ce-He siarird ant ta lootI for lier. 10fril-'ýr t h etee od mettaeîvotk tf or Sie lluneluit tit ofolowed hudtiraîks ri-li te hu Xýtlorîtcv Oris <-ntend ttat LUtX ~tentti~ii Ittisiv. -s lle ofor bas m.g Jeft sîmrba tu iteeti of staDe . ii s gi,ient il t Iiold %oeil. Ilie nus Itotitied (' Il Th-Pax of t*tone luit lthe comissionlials.Iseeliter lîing ai te ottottt. ]le oh tiaueu~rits hle tncoereti h 115f eilan embargo. Eî*ettt!itinz p6;-1 lin ititeip andth ie ut-m%%as iîît.l totnanti Lu\cfamillies bath are '«ell cible la I elng clone Io ii l ie c -1- 1froni lier itreul teintuasnd l r' iiknowfl ite vdcii y nof adaWorti baîgo and il illirpeul lit thii- <an luto ilite iouri- X z% .,,iysica wa "1 and fortai .roason te oulconte (If tlie nul oi he îwaIted eagerlv.> Good Roads for -rflinois Cared'for by a Patrol Of ficer Should be Slogan of the Next Legiaiature,, To the Voters -of the Eighth Senatorial District Yoiî ,re ail vitally interested in the success, at the polis, of th - ý y c:.a--ur pol:caI taith. and it le your duty to vite,.and 8 _t .11 your friends vote, for the principles and me-n voit be- One of tîL-e issues of titis State Caunpaign is the prog.atf for good roads. Ail of the candidates foi Governor of Illitnuis are poining out that we should have bctter rý..i.ts at less Co.., 0 the tax-payers z.. A that laws should be pass;ed by the next le<.,s- lature t0 give good roads to ail the people in evey cornmunity, inow. and flot wait until tIhe presernt gercrat;on is dead befome we gel îhern. We ail know that now, in the± Irc-asuiy, t 1cnre te nearly $16,000,000 of the peoples rnotey, put there for the purposeof building roads. The Covernor whomray be elected cannot, without a Legislature back of him, make laws to carry out this good roads policy. It je neces..ary to elect men 10 the Legisalure who wil1 assist te Govemnor in making such laws as will afford hîrn ail power to distribute te roneys now tÏed up in th-e Treasury, back to the Count les where they rightfully belong, ta be used at once in building roads that will reach every farm-house and connect them wirh the best rmarkets for the produce of the farm. In order that this may be accomn plished at once it is highly important to elect men tô the Legîs- lature who favor such a prograrn and who are interested in il, and who will insist upon il being carried.QUt now-not later on wben il wîîî do thos&.now living no good. 1 arn in favor of a Road Law that wili make the Couruty the ruaad unit, a law that will give each County its quota of road rooncys, and that wilî build roads sirnilar to the roads of Wis- consin and Minnesota-the cost of which i8 approxirnately crie- third the coat of cernent roads. Cernent roads are short-hived and expensive, and under existing traffic conditions and regu- lations,,wiII flot stand up. A law should be passed iriting the Ioad that may be carried, or the cernent roads already con- structed will be totally destroyed in a very short time. 1 arn in favor of such a law, and 1 arn in favor of the Patrol Systemn for the care of the roads after they are built. A road built of any mnaterial wiII not stand unlesa it is properly taken care of, and the patrol systern insures constant care and supervision as you ail know who have visited Wisconsin and Minnesota and traveîed*over their splei)did roada. Why should Illinois, the rchest agricultural state in the Union, with splendid farrns cverywhere, be wallowing around in the mud when just acrosa the line in Wisconsin, everybody i. enjoying boulevards in inost sections of the State? These conditions have existed until mnen who cannot afford 10 devote their tirne 10 Legisla- lion, are willing to make sacrifices to "Pull Illinois out of the mud.-I have no desire 10 gel mb opiditica; what 1 want is 10 gel mbt the Legisiature and assist yoii t tgeing a system of 4j Highways in. lîlinois that wiIl bc the boast and pride of her citi- zens, and not at dibgrace w lier faim name. Do you wan'the services af such men. in the Legîsiature? Your vote on Novera" ber 2nd wilI answer this question. Respect fully, WILLIAM L. P IERCE .~. Republican Candidate for fthe Legilatfre. = LO0WER-PRI-CES!!f NVorthern 11'8. regteat Store Fror Women and Children Wome'Ws Winteàr Coats Long and Short Models by the Hundreds The part that large capital-gigafltic stocks-uïïd tremen- dous volume plays in merchandsing iis forcibly illustrated in these Three Sensational Prices 20 50 50 -for values to $3500 -for values to $55.00 -for values to $1 15.00 Individual styles for women, misses and juniors irn either plain or fur trimmed-long or short models- in plushes and cloths IEINS is "tuie' place for cbal buying--< ,nsiled u fto ui S-iiY l t1100,o, i1e lic-Ier tte qlutii y uitfttialingtua t iti- .e fulmîsse eI contour; satiafylng fit; bsauly nIfniaterbal and styile; te îastéTtiOness ot enibelîisbMettS nI utdus tuualittY fntid il-t-, ness of modela or te aize,.qf stocks. ,For a-e excelil ini al thee. Now- sie preseitt an extra sperili -ale of coitIS ltlIe t fa-h ij>ns-~advanag.oulJsy bouglit and specially priced in a delei-tniied effort toe esiablîiht tiï tie- tme rit evttut of lte te-eut 'mu&IL Color.e are iluded In tce following materials. -Bolivia Cloths, --T!nseltones, -Silk Velours, -Wool Velours, A Great Under-PHiifg ot Womenà'- WOOl and Sàilk, Dresses Values up to $50 in This Great Sale 12B75129L5u$4 At $12-75 ta 45 you'It find literally dozens ut ciarmîltg dretses it taffeta4. lri- calinms satins, serges, -wool Jerseys. -wool 'velours, sllk crou and- tricolettes edib- t oatelvibeseS anmd eni'roidered MI coloyL -Chamois Velours, Apirons97C Wornen'it and bMisses' cytrA h.-avF fiannelette goan ni. v.arm a-Iîîtu gaod full size. Womert's Flannelette Gowns Up to $4 at 1.*89 - 2.69 Woiiten's liouse drere aprons li IIht. imedjunt and daïk colors and ln a fait lrange of slzes. Women'a $2.00 "H eavy ' Union Suits, 1.39' Women's mediumn and ho--%Y ittilO suite, plain or fleeced tu higb, dutcit or iow necks witit long. clhow or né sleeves. Corsets!! Up ta 2."O .1.89 Good'styles in front lace r,îd- esOitly Itn most 0il sizc". 'v I 1 VOLUME XXVUL ELECTRIC fi BEI WEEN NOW 3CI1 Interstate Commi $ion' Gives' pe Line to Raise -An nouncentent bai officiais Of lte C4icî & Milwas kee railoes lNoembo-r 1, the p> fare on al Interstat 3 cents a mile. Authority to charn rate was granteti b commerce comauic nmade byy the elactric lte prese-M rate 0f 10 mcl operatiitg el .raesibla retura vaite othlie properti Th- n@w rate. wl abîv loeer titan le stearntrliroada. api iesu.siltusînese, b I)aâ ild a pet,,lon stali- oosnmerce "0' ,bat il.)-new i-ateL belac'-n ail points Cicageno 0Milwaukf ou* t'- iiit.rimini raies. No action ha on 1 ht- î..iîtlon Bo i! e u t t h e »t i e s o n -Aili ircItut as lttey conbin anti 'l nois. lncrea.ut003ot oh princttii' Ilt lte hi t0 lte î-tuplo>es,.lhap. ran! as. tiho- rc'asoi alàIjt!irnl revenue. .;arnunge tif ltecorn ils- tncr(uued as a re travel on lte edc eatfltfg-i are said bpe-n derreaitg, <)peration Inmb the white provlug a 9u 10 travelers la snid S operating expenees. 1919. lte employas have bef-n granteti vances. aggregaling rTe increase in lte energy andi coal 10 saîd le ecosling Il $9A.0<ai- a year mot year ago Officiais say th,- 1 Panty ha% been ta k as p<)ibtite and endt risine --ts nf opet ing lte volume o Àuguugl lasi year oIflte compait> '« 3.4 pAr cent per yç ,alue of tite propem in rael cas grant citici lte conipany would tue sufficlent. lnautequate. Altito conditions- matielte, temiter unuaually 1 oetî aI lite rate c year.chile ltec payiflg a rate of 9 1 horcow'-d 10 carry cn For these tess-ons lté new ràte nf bar- s e n t i lta i e n a b l p ut nt.sie lita-I il whikh -il iia groien VOLIVA AR] CONTRAC' BOND FI Overseer of Zic to Enter Plua Peterson 1 Willtr Glenn V M'on, wbi wluj cuit3idge Udwari lng at 9:30 01,010C, on titree charges oi Pteared in court al 't'eo. H. Frorby h and was giTan tIi * HIp bondis were eahchtearge. Hey Mon contractor si@ talling 89,000-. Volva was ln wore a llglit br( %mmotit alaven. e Mille à strlllfg ai 'Te ne" slp In a malter of, conS. - 1 quaililte tmd wli be made. 'rhe eflargesaa Preferced b! Rev Miller of lte Indq uiprWPit tour hitti isernlinîîi nsell TIrntbher' irqltt Itflnn., bas raturr Mrliand Park an -ý,r+l