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Libertyville Independent, 28 Oct 1920, p. 9

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LBERTYVILI,- INDEPENDENT VOLUM IMFXXVIII .--M. 44. LIBERTYVILLE. -AKE COIJNTY, lLLlYNOlS, THURSDAY, O('TOBER 28,1920. LE-Windov. plate, glasa, etc. Automo- 1. W. Robbins Wood. irtyvilie. 44-tf 'e room houie awd [le north of Hait Day- vtnue. Ma-s. R. D. 44-tf -One-haif mile east miles west of Rose* eLt 10 a. M., consisilng ,Aifaifa. and tiuaothy m Inaplements, Etc. j sedan, 1919; good - Roy Vogei, Lake e 148. 4 i F THANKS Lnk aur relativee and expressions. of syu- reavemenh; ali Ma.-. rger for attending te raigenientâa.and Mr. puai ing the argan. liS. R. 0. HINTON. 1'. H(>LST, FOR BIOS Lake Zurich, Lak. rIu receivo bide unUil 'ovember A. D. 1920, Ion of a ten-lnch vel specificationa for ln the office of the Ide viii ho opened at Id day at thé Village niust hé accompanlod ck dawav on snme a-e- g honte for tan per int of thé bld to thé village, and naid hide Id In vrlting. 3. 8. PINKx, t of thé Village of Illinois. rs -Father Says WIIy He S le Only le, But la Very For Son for Preaident [ Bu3y. Booating' Harding imiianapols.-Dr Cicorge T Bard- M&g eventy-cix peara od, father et Bonite? tHarding. cerna hare trou, Marlon te attend the National 0i. A R.1 e"amapuenL Dle la the surgeon gan m#aj aD hio loDeparinient etth ner la a pietuire of James Duncan Macoreger. Jr.. age mfourteca, viîo in thé pubIlmier of The Weekiy Prese cf Sitaudofrd, Conn. Insareceut lIspue of bit nevepefr pr imir: *Theé edtor of tla paper visité J AMES O -UNCAN MAC GREGOR. Jé..i te suy thé oujeît of Thte ' %li ri la tu pîîI,tI-lr faits. seitdoi mypart icepyrgt 6 Diahelme. iadlanavelia.. luibeiîîiîîg tir-Urt titi.t -t ruLI. OR GORE . ARIN lee good. iiiiiim r liio .-jr lvii 1-e OR.GERG T ARII.G tiîîir counry r) tn of "il. As I ,, Q.A. iL. He served lanthé Clili i asonip fourteen yî-mrs old, i cannai i oe, Ua aprivate lnte uelth, Ohio vlua but i appeau te ail voturs to -ii <ltili-n tisee? Inantry. enlilsing ai elgiîm;n. ballot for Senator Warren il. Harding »When Warren la eietted tra.ideni and Goerianar Calvin ContijZe1 thé cuntry viii gel-- a god, oni-sI James nunuhene lie atmmi(e4ors snong ma Wh* ympaîlizes vith thoe coin. the sisgiers of thîe leîiaration if la- mes peepie. Hie vas reared thLt vay, depetidence ad alîîiiymi nba i-, a De bad a noble Christi» i notirU smad reader ef bographties îf gr*i-et mten. ta vaa brougt up unider ber tie la. Roosevet le bis liera ilartîlitu, l lias tueurs." . Idea of the tinil of a noammtie country Dr. Hiarding La bale andi bearty andi shouiti have for 'rctidiuît. bas une for teliher glasses cor o cane. 1 This was the ftilîuitlatial ei-cati>-19AKERS LOVISOR mi l b hadlatteiided lHe vas the vcder et Interest amatg i* 6bis JOOUT FOR H-ARDING. ceuradaiu vbe atiended the eîýciwp- mest. Washngton.-îftijor Bfirdîttcrov- _______________ ml. Mir. Btera* formter As-istint ti-c- VOTERS ENCOUNTER NO retarp of War, warm adireî,-or Prit- DIFFICULTY CHOOSING Idenit Wilson. 19 the late-st dlstligulqh. *ETWEEN CANDIDATES ed man to décare ln an inters 1cm thae ho te la tavrroftthe lecitît of [iard. Wahington.-The Americin people are cirefuiiy mting a close comrne son rIght nowv betwean Senator Hard in& and Uoveruor Coi. Thé choiebte- Ivéon ths.e, inmen andi the polîcle tbéy reprenant ta et a dîffiui oee and the wlter boneitiy bliéves thé &mores»,inpeple bars thir tnInds maie up sud are rady to voté. Senater Hardngandmi Ocrrnor Coi are aimoat diainetrlcalp eoppo.ed te éuch ther la éverythlng. SenatorI Barwdlug Mtade for AmricanLian andi Gorernor 0O3e@a uipeuIsnternational- laom. Harding la cauttonsa beut vhat tiniet a laiigue hé and i@perty gees tutu vhlle Cea vanta te vae rlght inté thé urepean longue ai PrePee by Preidént Wllaon. Senater Harding l toa eMiîb- orate, iignild& sincére. éerlousandm cenatruewhileGovoretcax la grrafty, ii kt.e sie, upen amp Mai of »a atlilcu; e la bombhand m Impuivé. Senate ia-ding kas heua lté- tîmé cctimflatig a moderato fortune while Gavernor Cea Jumped Inte the Muimillioire clama la a fév pair. Harding livea uadeatly and quletlyLn an un.itentiouetl a nner Vhllé Gov- erér xCoi lvés lu luzurynou à large estaté la a heme ceatug biu a ail- Uon dollars. Wý,'r» . H.arding viii héeflfty-av. tee.rs et agi oht Election DaY. Re la ehd enougi te tnov and Yeung enogit te do. Bis rival liaisflot yt roeched oven thé jears et dlecretiu. luit sud Cooidge ed sa Iteîutiluan- coudre» aiatthé pulisln ID os intuer. Majer Croveil goes t-n far as lii a ituit hé ià la tavrroftthle iegue of uslîns but ha préféra te také bis ctianve,'-mne gttins the longue ttl SenatorIliard itg ratiier then vîtln Gevernor Coi. ".New thet Presldent Witmon la re. trlngtram active politicel lIte." sasd Major Cravel. "il la vise ftrr bs sup- porter% te, pauasemend tati-stockt ofthte situaition. 1 havé aima ' fit ored ai league of nations buit te Deniocrntle partit bas me monopoly on thie les-uc. Indeed. the présent Do-mocratic admn- ttraden bai tailed en tîtis aubjeci la éie et thé tact that 75 per cent ef theéBsmte vero in laver ot soe tini ot a leagne. - . "It eiemi évident that Gevernor Co« la matint many promises regarding the léigai vhîch ho ual ast hé able eé tuhILM senater Harding. ohservaion léadaà es te hellevé, haeated a irtrât Imprssion ot éarnestuess, alcrty an igbla sensé et duty. Hia aller- amceésara narked hp a tudied uod- eration; hé ixhîhut.e ne arrogance et opinion, and bas mai. noexétrava- gant promiséiet af àiiienntum to be croatéd by pro ismration; ho aeeta ratiier te express the national spirit tha. té impose a doctrine of political Infallibllty. And there la as unmiui- tatmhlY a grewlng viev that Gover- uer Coi la a shitty eppértunlet, super- sciai lu Ithought, rectiasa la appeal andirrespansihie ln statemeta. - PhiladelphiNeorth American. COX'S VARIED ROLES @y SCOTT . B0NR Ai *.Oel»vith Wbédrow Wiom and fer Wlso~tum d ait It baUhi., vitheut réervation, yet beaeechlag à weary, tii-bltydemed couary te elect hlm Président. Tlat. Candidate COL. An exUomit. for calupaiga ppoma etofprogressive thougbt and lifty Ioéa et Défllated and beeimi by Bea. Murphy, Bas Brenan Imm Taggart as d lInorai Tiat'oCandidate Cex. Wettest et thé vwt apirantafor Président, qv CZiaria, bY Brryawsaaprala.mest. la a Démocratic evontlen Eoated by thé Vota. jet nov éndeavering to cenvince an arld country that h. la dry aud oeén#aa been a dry i Thate Candidat* COL. Cbarglog that a corruption ?und of 815<0,000 vwaa bing raised te bUY up thé Prenidency, and thon, at asie ditance trou the sent cf InQulry. ralalng-thé anuisnt te $S30,000,jept vithout producing ane Iota et évidence in supprt et hlé viii charges. Thatae Candidate Cox. A machin-maie pelltcIalt vouchéd for by Ta.uuanp. yit pre- tendlng te have benu given théeilght in 1912 a a 'isciple of Theodore Rauseyait and HiramuJohnson i Thate Candidate GCx. Armttgn the prose fer net takia: hlm arie"ay bp printing bis opèechea, pet knewtag, te a aévapaper man, that the coat of print paper »ider thia Admlinitration la tes hlgh te givé épace tei mere verd i Thate Candidate Cem Crplng eut agaat a mthical -Béate lilgarchy," bécase. the precloue Wilsencevnamnt falil ot-eftlflcaton. jet vith fait knewiedge that h.atillty et Démocratie limitora renieroi rati8catIen Impoaible 1 That' Candidat*eGazi. A mlii, doigcutie et Buriesonhina and Paimerou, vhen con- tr.uted by beekiere ent West. jet eomtted unqualiedly te Burieson- loand niPalmerim by thé Dmocratic patfor.m I Thati Candidate Cex. An apoogist fer thé"knlg et the Luitania, a paifist ot the Sléten Baker lpe as clouds gathered. andIinterveming on beilf ot a riçk qackrvwhen var came en, jet today appelitng for thé support et Amfflemcu sni hovint te the front i Thata Candidate CoL. :j r t te dry., -»t te the vota. sprtuelle te thé spiritual. ait thinga te an rovi. a. theb face of, the G. 0. P. lialde clonrip im- pouding, jet neyer dallai te deviate ln blé dévoton te WlsonlBu or Cho Wll an ogeb thé dettia et au "» or the crouing of a "tI l Tut*candidate Cons àA4 sipau oeteraMAies 'dorylaghé ightanagof publie fui '!S A D -r.-Il i 1mr ,lf .r' ii rl -mat n okoe.SPigi'- id M SALES AV. $145-80 -1'1. > rie t-i ': l ',. r ti'lrti11 1 , rr111l.n ge-ir'r 'l As-p full valup of ieni-irai lie P E R A Cy E A R S , s I rrr k e a nniîra:ig inr' iR o c t i I'i t\' rrtttrr ]i "end ,tr- wlii .1 rîr -n-.- -iru ir ttu l NRiio . r-jll . i rlîg lru ' r l ,,, r' i I i n rie un~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' erlii,1 ~.rtnl,', ~nat trnî_______ T h ici'11r1erl Iv.i " e il . ,l tt l - )drrr .' i. i (mi .1anuaryr-5llil ti î-l i. i r iiîi tfttiî 1 trla i :l t i .llliii r ,' r rng nu oit *-ii. 2' Trlai wrrr=:r i1) îli- '- t lv ottimi -t' . t 4liiiu ,i iit $14.' - l i, - 1'.r r itlirilii-rrAnm-nr "-' In A t' Ii -1. 192',' . n rnrl -t titini rili pi'-ss,$27" i. .. assii--sýeîl [nu vautine o lmi, ul '-ril for Ilie 5î'rr 1919. $75,22. terio 1919 aï*sn-t.rid i uit t- liu ,t ii-r il'-ri- o 19,20 e(iinniiî.(ii tue t- ui. 'i'r iri'r ci-rt. Exiiiitnt in of dat a biiliw rhoîx î tfor respective' govi'rfluîf ine t-'. ý i.' wirt li tiLke coutny: Ni ti' r jof i min vuip andi range; nanie of lciv imsî'n ulihi) niuier 0f t irtir.frs bint-m n miiiip liing ierinil 11t.05-i920; i r r agern' 'ii- it mil i saili t tan-il'u-r; a v-- tJ( si almem iii ce p1r11 v lt-i-i tii- r 1tlt%%pil- illîiiln ie riollm-i u t Irit-nil i ' - n el , il oiri pm-t; i /n tm 1\Lt i -itii tlti lt- r rttit- lii ol i tâ-i Wllrt 7laifhtlmir-. rt ma $ti .t f7 lm cit'ir dl S. 1 t-l raitio511-i 1 1111k i$2 A li511,. Warrelni-l . - ltîmmtî- , i ', t15 10, Av,nrl -, lt tr tl. -i.rs 1 , 459,(1 ran-1, O. i . , :; r1an 9i t l i. t -r72:.$f7 er" i. 1 iîr im-i 2t. l' , 2 I-ni Hn. I t-tillm i ii i-î i S.$7 I .17pra- cinI $ hi,:.7 1U Wnr7cii per cetii$1r'.2-. 1t Il 10, Ait m ojil-- - 2 1tt n i--. 2 r ,7:îm. C-9,, Cuba, 13 laansteis. 803 lures. $13468, 92 pe-r cent $251.60. NO TIME FOR TJQAMME iven's and viW mn- p me n imu For or Agalimt the Levy ot a Tas for a Caunty Tuber- culosis Sanîtarlumn Lake C.mnty, 0maui.. November 2. 1920 Oeunty Cleri. By Nick West , - 1 hava had no love for poiti .- cause the c au wMulieitricb.8 just the same riglit nov 1 afin ta, de saine tt ttal imaiting. if 'm touva~ thm-î hirgît cs- îlot wiicli keepa us à in such a inoîs I've gat to vork, à mnusa flot shirk, non juat it hy, Sow piaining. Yvît got to vork among -Il. folks who look on politics as jotie and ut-aove te tlhim they must cs> denmn the'ie htundca-s Dcmaca-atic, 'va got to show therni viat wc've l through ail tese yrî vhcn veve, heen bossed hy thoac vho apent our fast biamed cent vith povers auto- ratiu. Itie got ta vart an their dis- gust and show h oy vc've bccn hih- cost.plussed by vastefu slilps in buildt- ig ships and povder plante expen- &ivc; boy t-e&vc bcen aaakcd for heavy tas by methotis vîlt and ouse aM lai of coît-plua champs vbo buRit ou- camps vith reclessnesmi in- tensive; bow ve have paid for acro- planes vhich brought no ather sort of anabut pile of hunt and, useles io khak t te armny' action. Hov vécue beau i oaed for h4rhýr rates on ploe erisant i tights and igimo sIi onail va huy, vhicb adm M w dkatrctkmn. WvJs every- -- ~ rse h u tmakaup ta pou émU y I ~.te do esw bit sud - ~fl mudes âuilegar«lng. eiicmuti7 salfor us lêtotIsefus. We've un1oe miht. Wavo For the levy of a tax for a County Tuber- culosis Sanitarium, Against the levy of a tax for at County Tuberculosis Sanitarium Men's and Women's Specimen.BI On the Adcption of an Act to Revise the Law with Relation to Baniks and Baniking, Lake CulDio November 2, 1920 Couuty Cierk. Fori ian ActIob revis-tpthe- law 'witlt relation to bmnks and banking Agtinst ain Act to revise the Iaw with re- lati on to banks a nd balikirng1 ""iS--S WELFAKE Tocis 12.COO rWomneiHo Paver Oepartrnent il,,Dfense Mothers. Childhood and Public Health- TO ADVANCE SOCIAL JUSTIU Emphasizes Need of SafeguO g\Vomi on ca rr,.,riùan Faff^ Stands for EnforcementocfLW Marlon. 0.-Tii, crentlan cf O t e1elDeportinaent of Pl'jic Welfaee-1 frînitin Inideferi,-,ofîtniiernîty, ki iinod and pubiie llii-alth tas Prp i h Senamtor larliiin s stîveçit0" clai ijumielcato 5,000 %toute o giea ta his front porch trou iai pelis the composa. Such a depariment. »aId Harding, emuat 'eculd the éliedl i aults of hureaucrmcy. Thersé"1 un more efficient wîîy of advabudUé iiimailtarlan pruiralll." lie scii, " b, aîiipting the ,îîîivlujnerp of our Vié 1rsI tuit ,rninieîiît t he purpoies 11 desire te attain. Whilia othée B iîii'.e tiP eyes Qxed. upon acmé 0 1ti,-ular pli-ce of ieglsinilor Or F r iclitr poiicy of social justicevh ('alia for the synipîîtiettc lâered U ail. i1say, withouît hestattém 0 aur prlnîary carî-ild-ratlon MOueà naihinerp of adiuinsraiion, aaîU when thé lime cornés for 1M te' organize Our admilnitrativeé ment lInWashington w. MUfl8a0t together for thé crestien ea a ie ment of Public iVéifaro. .7 qi pieds. myseit today. .ho.q1A ~support vltb aIl thüt la fiasvme practîcui poiler et social le 5a socilijustice cen hé breeit i' hy the combnai iîe idom of ait cana. Notbingc con oéefere and nothing can encora m rAmerîcau, more deeply thmsr heaith. the bappineisa anit j ment et ivery feiiew AutM, Mun Avéld Patirnaika. -nequsociljustice that 1I mot paternaiism. Il vouli ho mae il go, anid sangeromi the bet spirit that AmetU~ havé-théeaspirit of expreietgU lndividual tfso wli *Wbe0 cepaclty anid werth. Wb de, govérnaent te aupprée that, alan cf lf iéelyl, aveunlit but tee do meanato proierve tlï en n quai oit-tortunity land a ,0 paredness fer al-expréaloé tk even though Wb Ua« th@ g8.1 te d It. --l believo ihqt thore la »se t*p llracticai. ne stép whlch Smore te thé growth of Aéti cell éifaro; tno step whlch tlm siltée hetter Arniericas soiai tho. n ulhch i propose te iO& Dangera te e AVOWde r. «J have ne oi h lat thoré. ,!ýsitWhwhvii lad la thia r causé for caliitg me an étti h, vhen w. havé a lest te id wb béen iictated bo ur o5éW rl appreii Iy our vtsde% 1<de aet soy this vîthout a caution. 1 recagnizé cémrtala -which are alwaja Pré5énted vhé, érrnent uniieriatea lisrire ad taata." Taclea ef social JUatiéê $enter Harding pointéililé Décesalty of toingt orviti ep11111 aure footing naît deciared: -Wiîen matlng thé prplaéOI departmient of public w glip Amèes.Ia a t-are ltait 1b=MP a wtep in edvinceofet amp piSttu "we 811 tnow qbat we face, siai justice. wlîlch v. mug« tate with dlspatch andi 19làl$ cans uggésft on@ nt thege ta mi cen salie rsedue inour hearta. or $M j renk vhich foeéaght Rami V1I@" givé that et thé proectlon «etW ternityt ' -Thé, protection et thé 211111 of Arnerîca con net hoa ontil thé biaissad tho ai1111101 octeil aadi by their exemple. torced cuatema, vhleb Vpteé aaheod itacif. 1I tW bu. tiiere ane voué e iho ti en shah hé irtred upes basîs ilhet mnfore@îrote&. Sesatur iar dheu diacuaiid, Of ettequatte proteiilon for Industry andi capresasibhl& the wiadoin cf au olght-beuT Un woen workerS. Ba éupil need etfaatî.guarîlflg thé bt %,flericalt fornma. He pr>oe thé Ciblidref s Bureau Iind«é gesteil DP&rteîttetfPublic eud urged Pret-entIen elt chIld iqbor. ..i uat net fait' sUéaug«.. vent on,."te apeat te PO t of the mensurai" et social sociliWeltars not Oéttéu - thia nannér, but pérbape tant thon aul vo ha"e rater te the .nt=rét vli not b. mp ban= a to décIdé what lsv bti 1. ho legimate fer me te i Opînlon fer ihler enactaniét. $1 .501

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