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Libertyville Independent, 4 Nov 1920, p. 1

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LIBERTY"VI'L7,LE LAKECOUNTY INDEPENDENT VOWME XXVIIL ý-NO. 45. LIBERTYVILE. LAKE CO<JNTY. ILLINOIS. THURSAY. NOVEMBER 4. 1920 INDEP»ENDENT WAUKEGAN MWKLY SUN $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCÉ ELECTRIC FMES MUSi? NOT SHOOT, BEI WEEN STATES ON TUE 11411WAY1 NOW X P R ILE patsi of illiilOis that th, waan tonl -sIa 1Ighter of birds by boy.a ivaiong tile hîghways bu rhclked the ste lnterstate Commerce Commis- fisti and gaine commission hl.,iasc sion' Gives' Permission' t am hattholawpro Line ta Raise its Rates. "zny person nlt lawfuliathr - zdtecryffreaius in the ds -Annotinceileflt bas been made be icharge of liis duty>. tt balsî dis offciIs f he ~iago ert charge adly firearluli or up on ans offiiai oftheC41ago NothShore publie blgbwy shal l beguilty Of -i & MiIca,;kee rallroad tltat, effective TOi-deneanar and ahaîlt le finedoin Noemboer I. the passenger rate ai any suffi lot jeans han$11-5 r ore r fart- on al Intersitate traffic wil! be illan $25 for eaeb offen?""' 3 cenlts a mile. Authority fa charge the lucreasi rate vas grantesi by tb. intoraae mlade by the elecfric road itit -under R V IA L tepresent rate ai fare fiifnlaulable Io meett perating oxpOises anld sarfiIJ.W V a rasomabie retura on the acttitalFO ÛHW Y va tue ça the properfy. sblv lower th an lmarAtLestTw Hunrdtilio sieam railroatis. appies anly to in- A es.w ude ilo iei bi iisinestt.. bulthtue mpan' nHn aPyfrBid ~as 1 id a peti1ia ith the inter- o adt a o ul state commence comistsian ashjng in New Roads. that il.)-nov rate vo tmade uniioflhi betoocil ait points on the line from unIes. federai action la taken dur- Chicago Io Milwaukee and tu -lpe n h urn isa ercnen au* ý ; îlsrriminatary IntrastateinTieurefisa arcicnil rates. No action bas yet been takien teoderai aid fao roo.d building thse re- on1 hi- ,,-,,Ion ne th., fort ihe pros-O aultlng, uncertalnty as te the future of ent th I»f aes on Intraslate travel hils work wclî serlauly handicap fie cNiii rerm.1inilas they are in hotb Wl. matte§aafd case tbe entîre roadbillt- consuln I Mlnoufs. ing prograns te suifer a seriaus set-. 1lncreaxsi-d(sont Of operation. dii back. accarding to. Thomas H-. Mac.l princ ti ly it )the higher vageà patidonald, chef ai tre bureau af public to t h,- erploss-s, la given by the Ct>r mails, United States delariment of riany as ' i. reasoil for asklng for agriculture. In dimeusng the neesi -tiTrnirevenue. While the gros of ioderai action Iis year. Mr Mac- f;arninga îf the ecompany have steîud- Donald painti outtbat the Iat Matiti ila- încr(ea'ed as a resuit of the iîeaîv mena o!f teaeralaidfluds. namel> 110f. travpl on tile erectrkcfine the net uuîoo, fbecame avalable Julyl 1920. eaîfi ing- are said te have steadily vitehOS t is is added at leamt an bei-n deereabing. squat ansount of state lundis, as re- tîpeavio mbtho eartot 'hlcagoquireti by lac if statut; are to Socure whlle praving a great coii'eiiietice toderal aId. funds will be ava1fls To travelers iasaiid ta have added suffileflt to carry the rosd-corsstruiii mare tisan $M0000 a yeuxrint tselues prorIm toeva*dfar the cur- operatng expensos. Sie Auguat 1. rent year. But Mfr. MacDonald 1919. the empbayeg of the C ompany pints out that thse taites shaul knovw haie been granteti two cage ail- a jeast a year in ladvance iriait funda vances. aggregating $660.000 a i-car. are toehe available ln arder that plans The increase in the cont ai electrical cati De made far future construction. energy andcoea! toeles> the caris ii-. tise iat apportionfinetit oi ioderaI saidt! o ,e costiiig the company about lunidi ta) aid the states In rrsat con- 19A.0<5ý a year more thoan it did a! struction under the existiilg federal. yearf ago 1aIdact becamo .availablo July 1" said Oficialm say the- pollcy oi thîe roni Mr. MacDonald. This la the largest pany bas been to keep fares as low apportioninetie yet certiiied under the as~~~~~~~~~ pif-bcad eviT mit1widerai id acf. amounting te 8100.- as x)-bleandoperalt, on mie s ith >e tW, tliree quartersai vhlch tà dé- Ingine iolume of buies nrived frram the appropriation of 1919 lng ui vostume urthbe ies- uand 926.I,),00 f rom the -original ASITI' sarycr henet carnitigl 1appropriaton nf1916. A deductian af of the ntmpany woesalT the rate of *.0.0 or 3 Par cent oi lie runda 3.4 pAr cent per year on the ariictT viiitil made ta provide for the eix- value ofthe propertyt An Inirpas Pnse-ai adminnisteriflg thse ioderaI In ratel cas gralted Septemlbor 1, aid set b>' the departinent af agri- whiclu the compatI>'a# the. Urne hopoti culture. ise balance ai $970000m wouid be sufficiOiit. but which proved i ii ho dividesi amnang the statea lin Inadequate. Although exceptiont proportion ta thelr population.' area, conditions. made the earningaq for 9ei- andi alileageofa post roada. temb.ir unusuafl>' liavy. the>' vere t-ormnaiAgreemnsiRequireti on't at the rate ai 4.8 per cent a vear. c ile the compan>' has been *Uuder thse Iav the states are ne- payung a rate of 9 fi cent on raîîital quredte t enter into formai agre.- borrowýd to carry on its business. inents wth theo aoeotary-of, agiicul- P r hes th offcifls ý,,turc fon the construction upan vhich siorte of e isseoficiai(s a - titis nsaney ls ta bo useti before July sethtw e eof ptrsaodte cIl 922~. A>-maney chich la flt taken sental t cilbi the roa ocnup beforetfitetfinie wcul ho reappar- tintii- gîiig ti' 1ib tu aritoned amaong ait the stata.. In the of srvic tht t letiandi a IlOsame mannot In chicli the original whiilt - tiasa grttwn cutne. apportioiments are made. Al Ove t îous apprtion-ments have been ilulUA ta.e up intlime aliOtied, and Il VODI A R IfitiIlI nt likely that the statea cilîlrail CONTRACTOR Q E tates nust sunvey, plan antd lot con- tracts for at leasî $200000000 ca wrf $90)0oîttirai air roati construction In the BOND FOR $00 ner w years. "Il the sCaties continue tb pa> nuar* bhan 60 Percent af the cost as ihey Overseer of Zion Asks Right have in th ast. the cost ai the ronds ta Enter Piea: Herman G. mont Mnay reacb 1250.000000. In ate@r varda It vilI ho pecossany te Peterson Bondsnian. plan for calstructian at tbe eofra et - loi-sat I100,@WN,"O00anti proball>'more wihor Gfenn Vliva. averfSemofaiPar year. steappreciattuas or vhst Moan,. viwuasauminoosibefore clr- thaI nieans May lbe gleaned irans bis-e cuit iudge Edvards Sqturday more- tact filat in 1916 tIse expenditure for Ing at 9:30 a',clack for arralgnmont ai] roams In tise Unitedi States. -cou. on tsree charges of crimninel libel. ap- trUlited liftier state supervian, vis Ptereti in court and accampanide b>' On!> $80.000U.. Thea. H. Faorby is attorney,. sk*d Have Been Expandeti and vas gven tise nlght tocntor a *'tiuCe 1915. hawver. stato bigh. Pl&~. va>' tilPartrnonts have beexi gretiy HIP banda cePro fixesiet I$I.00on 'kpanded. anti'efficient machinery euhch iarge. Heuan G. Fpeorson. bas been devolopoti which vil! wn Monticonnractor sgnIng tisa bonds tes- daubtedlY ho able la bondIe the greal- taillng 89000- -I r volurne ai vork. VOIlivaas fin aptiasa garb. Ho -The states bave bad! faur years In wore a llgit broadclotis sut, vats vhlcb ta propare for thse oxpendituae sininatils siaven. csrried a cane, and ofatille large funtis vhlcb nov beconi ilie à tnlklg appeaancDe. avalabto. Thny ezpect ta, be able tI Tise ne"t stop In tise proeeedngs ie.bandie tlem What 1s oi grenter cai a matter ai, conjecture but a wonona cerns taMthsaý IIslIme ls tise ca= ta quasis thse Indetaents probabi>' ditian wvih me>' restat If ioderai ap vIl bho matie................lihgbvay departmnents sisailli Ta. enargesa aglat Valva, ve knowa ant a vear In ativance vhai Preferreti b! te,. Tisas, H F. Neon. mrad are ta be avalable ID ardi leader oi tise Intiependent faction -ln tffat plfins rnav ho matie for futen Mon., construction. Unons, tisereore, fur tison ioderaI action la taken In tlq Wsvete Mtîm-o titnrnpiv. wvb) sn 1ddning year. the tatea vill lho left f dprvaint foTur hood trntthuloni. fan dauht as ta the futuire pollcy oi t!ý nernleinits snaemlla at the Ma', n g0O"Wnent. ansd tise , amaunst* Tbntisens' siqltPil. rit IntumeApte,-. mne>'tise>'must bho pnepured tae e Itilnn.. bas rpturnpte hb Is homte In Pend. duls hcontingene>' vauld In f1lrlilanti Park andi la muclt Imts,-veil valve a serions setback ta the pro 'ti ,h Tý Y, t-on f thee prntlon- rogsa af roast construction, aig bondt fi *,t-'nsfusions vIslammu shoult iehoavaideti hy early cangre. Plieti by ie vilte. sinalatis." tro these extuerbonces tIse steamer LclOfcrLctsFgtv WbICb vis duo la arrive oxi Monta>'oa ficrL atsFgtv id flot reach Now York anti! fi'hurg- in- Navy at Great Iay . Inxirhe moantime Dr. Buttelbat rrIved in Nov York andt vas fi- Lakes. patientl> avaltlg tise arrivalai b is biide irami verseai, Clatude Monroe Laster, allegeti bu- Mns. Butde vas roi-mer!>' itateline gtive front Just ire. vantet on $be uoanet. a >Young EUnglisis vaman charge ai murterîla James Pardue witan thse doclor inet *bsile lua ver- at Shreveport, La.,.basniseen appre- seas service ln the médilcal topart-.ened b>' Sierifi RImer J. (Green, aient, visa gat a "isuncb" lisat Lster vas Wie lI Nev York, Dr. Budqe met at Great Lalceq Mn. Aciseson, a former Proshyterisn Tieserlni receivet notice tit paster' Of-Nartis Chicago. ThemoDu-y Lastera as vaîti'd anti being ai tIse fientis ai tise octar lu Nortis Chicago opinion tisaI ho migbt have enlitet anti Wautogan vill ho interestedtu luîn thse nov'. nmade Inquiries at Grésit thie arrIva af iebisEnglîsis bride vba LaIkes.Be .Naï; locateti on these ta- because of lthe pbsla's pronsin- lion twa aeels ago anti Sheriff ence wlii ai once assunse an impor. Green vi-net T. R. Hughes( shériffi tant position ln oNrtb Chicaga cir- ai ShrevePor't. for reqtiisittin poper. crée._____Lester was turnet oser te Bbeifi Grieen b thie navq depantnsent alter tise return ot tile necessar>' papens IN A KIN DEC EE irot WauihitlgtOhi and on Saturda>' an ofiicer arrivedti ront Shreveport talieLaster lack to face the charge HiE SAYS 1115WJFE of murdering Parduie an tIse tigtofa DRANKMUCIIBOOZE3,9l20,65 Tons of Coal WaITnl>-Plelaze aiNortî ~ Mined in Illinois this Yiar cîi'o iota>' filet suit for divorce According ta tise summarised an- agaînst Julia Pleniazek and osked fot nual report ai Use state tepartmoiut the custody ai thoir four children. ai minesanmd minorais 78.920,68 tons wblcit the isusisanti'tieclanes aise came or anal vere minet lua Ibis state dur-, andi tomaI ta Chicago. wbene she la îng tise lait >'oar. now living Na mines ln ties laI.e o0n1 siIs The plainîiff szys hie clii- tit onI>'i thIje present Ulie, anti&U ail tr teaentet lirniandttheir four chliren. troulblOl amng tise minetsaré at that she usoîl liquor excessivel>' and( preseust teti Ibal ise useti abusive langtiage. iho amatint af coal mino turng Thée pétition recited t hat tbey - ene tisehast yesr la ligistI> belov tIse niarrieti 20 years agi, anti that sho préenas >'aar avutngth ie car shoant- desertet hlm Novembeel,191f. pu SUN FLOWERS FOR 1 AILA<IE PROVE TO BE PROFITABLE State Board, Agriculture says Illinois Farmers Have Grawn ManyThis Year. Urbun. fIll.. Oct. 2.(pca. Thâl the ylelds ot aunflowers per acre are comparatively higli andt bat thîey can lr6 gnown for silage willi ronald- irab!. profit. i' the report of the Univer3lty of Illinois as a result of investigations contiuctod during tIse past seasan on exponmment fieldsia t Urbani. undi near Alhambrain Nladi- son comint y. Considering the short season ilecessry for tho crap, yleldï are littHo lesa than plenomenal in Ixvitetgatians o! thia cnap caver a number af counties tunsoutheru fIlli- lois vIser. represontatives ai the -univeraif>' have matie trips wth tarmX ativisers anti aludies tise cropsans growm under farta conditions. lin any cases in tisecbincbbug ln- resteti are&, farmera baie irankly adl- mittedti hat hat it nat been ior tise fivo, elght an ton acres ai aunfIlees wvrb the> had an thoir fans tise, wouiti have bat nothing in their -alla, anti in rnany cases voulti have had noa roughage vhalevor for the lise- stock. Suntînvers vere seetietin asouthern l1inois s.s "arl>' as tise astvel in' Ma Ian ad as late as the lait weelc in June. in man>' cases five to eight tans ntF untiowei-s vere producesi ln a cornfielti chere the clincitbtgs bat kiliedth ie corl afler being driveis ouf ofa thea cheltt hen uT vas et Sunflowers soem ta of fer ane Of tlue best ioluttons to the probiemofaiPro- turing a profitable silage crap tmier southern Ilinois conditions -apito thei.cltnchbugs anti the drouihi. as Ibev seonu ta thrlveOnaisbath. WANT TO fiET MARRIED FREE? A ATTY. ORYLS SUES 'ARREST FUM1ER MR$. MORTON FOR FOR "TRESPASS" $50,OOO ON SLANDER at ftbent Anernfarmé ' din -- a-as given a boaring before Magiel Form er aukean an p1ntrate W. A. Taylor for allegeti tres- Formmer Wakegan man Pflipass vhite itlnting, and bis case bai cipal in Case Growing out -f ibeentcontintUes for ton tnys. Ho vas art.eftifor alloeffl violation ai Sec- Wauconda Divorce Action. tiong -o. 38 state gaine and iisbing laval Si t erlng Mortotn.-daugitter- in-!aw of Joy Morton, millionalr *UU capitalist. cas nmade defendant t i O N À E N $50.4100 danmage suit In Chicago 9at- urdy.AtoreyJ. K. Orvis. for-I JOV N SE IIELD nîerly <if Waukegan. iliet! a prae.eipa in th C rc i C ur c a gi g Ir . U N D E R $ 3,0 0 0 B O N D splracy ta damage bis business. Two sons df Erin wtiose Naines The suif grows out of a divorce Col 5I.Si Cae in whlcb Mrm. Morton Interest- u VIIILUftten jDitte eds'ber-adfIin behahf ai ber Frenchu Attack their Foreman. governes. Mms. Irma Haas ni Waîî-- conta. Ill. Mra. Morton cbarzed, In1 îst a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T 1.terwite athe eog l' boast of th. lInsu that an Rush.'thawrtteAttan de eor geiF. Iid hm- can bandle fwo mexioi axiy Rumh« te tAttrnes OvisandLes alther nationalit>'. ibut that ilt:tales lie Needhamn hati "practically kid-twa Irishinen ta Iantle another Irish- napped" Mrs. Hasa to campai bier man But vhel ti@tosenas ofaiErin ta prosecute a bil 'for divorce filet! are are - hhath lb h d againhf Joaeph S. Haes, a reai s vantage vitIs them la daubl>' suie. Sa late and stock bruiter. I itis ls s talc dealing exclusivet>' vith NIrs. Moton aslced for a court In- mons.wha haIt dean the reen flag vestigation and in Juta.- Rusi's witb tise bai>. cotirtroonus NMra Haas totlfied that Last Sntiirday ane of the forem"f. thie attorney' kitinappat iber, keeping engaged in construsction vontk on the be in thte bome ai Attorney' Ned- new Cat hotic oeminary at Aren rne bain in Wirinetka for twa veeka. It dutîîed lis force b>' laying off ýetrera! developet ttiring the hearing tbat of bisi men. amang thotabeing John whiîe miii. l.taas waa at the sttar- C'ase: anti John Case>'. ney', h ome. she was lnot a prisl5aer Monday morning the two C'ase) andtibat nat boon kitixappet. 'ibowed up on the job. Tise forentan.1 Attorney Neetibam bas intiniated Mtieicle Bures, va-s at the huiaofo tfýat he cilIifile a olmilan oiit1 a trench iaying ouIt the cîrk for thue against Mns. Haas, who gave XM's.dav, w hon ho vas accosteti b> Jobn NýIroiteiirslo which andi John C'ase>'. lio wittîçut utucli -lie lased lber letton ta Jutge Rush. are. hii allegeti. -. i pol Mr. -- PUrus i ti a piece ut oiuk. -rnnll knocti as a 2x4, striking thse said Burnsupon th@olead. NMi hurns toak BU D B Stht' iruant. Mr. Case>' anti Mr. ('asey MR~ BUD E IStht'reu pan lmp j o r urns EXCITINEi T1IME IN partialy ifl the trench vltb biis body- RIP E flhI NGLA ta the scene ofthie combat andi,;eizedi TRIP FR M ENOL NU Mr: Cases ant i MiCaspy.2fr.Burnni watt talten fa the bot-pitlimiinaitied b>' the company at Ares. chere bis Bride, Coming ta Join Her HUS- heat anti stîndry other parts oi bis persan tas sc-alhed In btandages. band has Collision and a chîef ni polie hennis Limtberry. Hurricane Experience. (If Lîberî" ville. vluo ta also Proudta T be ternîeîl a descendant ai the 'autdi aad." vas thon stimmaneti anti matie Oîr. anti Mra. A. E. Butite ai Northj a ecord miTn Io Area. He toak Jao tCicago arrivet inIlNorthChicago a t--> andi John lCase>' 10 Lihert1ý baturday evenixig anti are now at ville anti lnîged tbf-em in tbe village their borne isere. .1nalaboose. Motiday evening at 5:111 tir kiddelot a ool~ ifit- v ere arrairiieti before Justice Dr. Bdde ert weekago a wet LyIe Morris. Tbev bollu deniet strik- Mis. Butdo vbwo carne fnorn Englansi ing Mn. Burns vitti anything e'ccept vbwere bier marniage to tIse Nartis Chi- I heir fles. Tbev cere chargoti vith kc=goq dclor taok place lait April. a--.iult anti bater'v ils Itent ta LMrs. Budde's arrivai In Nov Yornk cul. comit uittîrteîantithe- court baund mintet a ver>' tIrllllng expaionce la thern over ta the grand Jtury'. setting comIng aci00 t.e ocein for thse their hliai a$I 3.000. As no Trialý steamer on vbicb sho traveied, thse iondI, appearedtaT go bahi for thoin 1 -orthere Pacific. bat on. ai tise mail John Case>' anti John Case>' vere tak- ulagerus rie rporotIn a long en ta Waîîkean .Ilat<et In tbt tîme. cotînty Jait. un thse final Place just atter tise>' c-Were outille ai South Hampton. MurTlfrfI landth ie steamer collite ietàtha: aiier hat anti the daaraes noes.. ALLE<iED MvUR'uEREm L aiedth e steamer iaylîg uD foran ay>. I îw I Andi tbi-n vben tho> ver. aut a tei I -daYs tbey ram iat a hurricane ofi I APRrI IENDED Igreat violence whicIs tossedth ie fsgyl tsteamer about for inan>' houri andi JIERE'S A REAL TEN MEN CAI.LED "1FISII STORY"li ON JURY EITiIER T h e se ei -l in d p a r in ni of D E A I O R UI J F O I J N l an Oregon acafinj-. -.fit toin ai us, of catfish for 1111. pîîrpose, of r. rîîoî ing obstrurtion 'e 1 L (1i otfti inut i- Tasoiin o ntaso pipes. %'lîen l i .noteil th.iî a ew.-1Tasoion fIitis r ig riot tulfilling is mis.sion.iie ýewe'- substitution of Wrong lni~ rcanoel- goe.9 domnto ithe -er aind tas ae u~,~ris catche-s a catti, ý A -tîng us nli sae sySrie TO the iish', 11s t n.1 it iii releaset il!i the setter This fiiuwlil at oneP lnabilitv i n thte paît of the aber- start firtti i r and i lt work its Ifa ofIC o fitit te.i of the jurora way thrOuFlh any ordinary obstruec- stîmmoned on the- first panel for thse Hion. The enad of the cord whlch the October ternu of court whlch openek fiitha adragged alter Iti asecuied' andi it ts maite to pull a light cire Monday for the triaio casea catiaed through tihe pipe' an th len a h-ve Judge Edwards To issue a cali for a ,wlre with the aid of wh!ch thear- additional pane! of,25 jurors, Wbo vil cumnulatiOns are finalIP) removed. report for 9Perv ice on Wednosday nîorning. CAVE What is more to the pot. the spe- 'WOK ND A E cial pane! which reports tomorrow AM RI S fi A mornlflg Willflot be comnplets ho- ÀMRIA IMRE cause an Investigation by the «abat- iff 'a office shows that saine aifPo mn caled for service are dead 11C NEED J ST N W othersacannat be lacated. NE D J STeEru innames eorttemosect tJnless We Watch Our Steps mont reasoit for tailure ta bacate jar- RedcedCos ofLivng ors. Mispelling of naines and tbe ai- Redued ostof tvin fiing f wonginitials nfl.kes It In. psible ta summon inany nen. May Prove Harmful. Freepe h e ito or - cantains the naine of "D1. A. WebC Une hears inuch thoe daya about a This prabably vas intonded for *"D. T. rod*ucod cent of living. White a read- Webb,' but the shet lff bas no *Ptlda. justmont iu the pricea aofsnms C0Dl-ho must report that «'D. A. Wobb» rladities la taklng place in vauld be a cfsnnot be bond. Again. thoro la tIse mistaite for fthe publie teAsasumno tiat name of --J. T. Muînford*'oi NevPdit. swooPing roductians in ail dsPart- There lat na man living there by tIsat monte aflilving conta are iminenOlt. nome, sa far ag'kinoWn. but there a i STAcl a nasaumPtion wouid iDad ta a "T. J. I.Wumford." Thet it con. «enerai practices of reckless spend- tains ai". the name of "T. Edbda" Popular Drift iii no sueh person here. but "C. E&- r il Muet be borne in mind that teb ona"in h e meant. epapular Crut la tocard botter stand- fin at least one or tva instances eards 0f living. opeare dernand- lbe sherifi lias fouid that men called and btter urro n ý the jury havepassed avay. toge. We are flot living as vo did A NManv men do nat know hoy cio@OlY goneration aga and vbat <as con- hyeap'eigcldonJrm altlered a iuxury thon tîs aon Mythe es he beîn ca lle n 9juà&a the0 necessittes nov. Wages and sol-initalime the tnstituti fIL o Arles have increased tremiendoaly ~Iniialothsbtiuonf .vB tihe lait ton years. TIer. ia an n-"' Iniilbas gavait theinsthe ima doriiipply of ail commodlties. The 'enience of serving. nattis transportation faciltie. ane timaoeqîiate. T'lere la an ufiproco- UTY dentod sisartage of buildings and w 2veU T Nf l l on porio avof eas. 1axation forI ar lo n d ta bavef'ea yt ain o Titose fundamental conditions are CENSES ISSUED IN. Ibound ta exert apaverful Influence ni - Ikeoping gonerai living conta tram go- iug far hlow prosent loveis. and add IWAUKEEAK iNY AR mupuaa.Is -M th. nAsufoutoAt ..dsu . tl he t- l' n- M. o- e 'i- country'. « What in reailly needet la a condi- lti Of stabilitîon-a tiret range af costs o! ail commodIio enterlng lnto Our business anti pansonal Ilses. "igs cnnaI tale Place <lien there sn vide upreat vraste. Iav production. fnammaliIndulgence in luxuries, lédb- ons andi discontent. W. must not On!>' seille davn toaa perlati af saliti carkandi carefu @av- Ing. but vo must stui>'tise-buying îrabIeMvls tise gmatest car. 1If eaCis ai us vîlI da these tisinge ar'efuli>'anti conscient olausi vosoon wlii rMach a perlat ai ecomli sa- tlzatial. anti. viile Il la tauht fuli wo ma>' expcct tise sveeping rednc- flous ln tise coat ai living that sa flan>' seemt tbs.antjcpetng. tiser. wvi Die a reatjuatinent oi living con- lîIafIs c hich is viimean mrater pros- lerif>' for ail. lisere are foc ai vho couldtio proctîce tbnift more extensivel>' tisas we are nov Coing. If ve vaulti do. this, tise oed on general eonomic conditions voulti Se -aiutary andi man f aithe isardshlpe whîcis are nov ompbasized ti tie jnI lic mimd vaulti be greatb>' allovlatei. LAKE couNTY lRAS ONE SCIIOOL TRÂT FAILED TO OPEN AIl Records ar~e Broken; RePor t Shows Num-ber Issued Were Has lncreased Yuary. That tbe Interest t intnUf14l Waukegan bai increased i vtlireet boundk- turing tise lut be y restM shown li officiaI sat-recordslut recelveti bore. The flirs bot tbwf currnn year are Dat lot avaflaie., but al iIndications are that MIl Pne viaus records vili be broîMi, Tise report aboya that turing tise year 1916-17 the cit>' cierk ai Wuke- gais Issiieti492 h Iting lieme vis Ir tise caunt>' clenk saIt 151 licena"s 10 Waukegan huntera. This made a t0-, tai ai 643 for tisaI year. i, the year 1917.18 the. t>' Ce* isatuot 619 liconses andtihie COuaV clerk soît d eOticensea here. nsaki«, a total ai 779. in the year 1918-19 the Cit>' lesk issuet 629 Iice*ses anti tise coUD clerk issueti 370.a a tW ai999. la lise yoar 1919-20 tIse citY dorit lasueti 80() licenses anti the couttY clpe-k lstieti 415, a total ai-1215. Thirty-one trLppinglailcenSes er îssueti in Waukegan lust YoJr Ont ot a total of 23.259 issue i n lise state. It vas the irst vgar tat trapping l censes vene lastiet In Illimols.- The fart tisai 2.223 licens, et isqsueti last sean inIlîlinois ta mou'gM Ment bonI anti lne fiaberutea OqIW indicate a graimg interest a iilub"W fishing on the part ai fisIsermeàbb - other States. There Are 31 Sohools in 1029 Counties of State that WIFE SUES ROI'T. Have NotOpened. out 41f 'ni schools iithe state @DD. S SF n Ii havé failed to openT for one A Y;A KSH rvasor or iflotber only one ta local- ed in lk çnunty. This sehool lm E .KÀaE À ownstlp. it tlm a short-term s"hool and the $l31 M offe r the board lias ThuîadaY of lbt week MM M" mnade dtops not spenm to attract an' V. Dady iiiod a suit for »epa l teRchers tenance -against ber bubad.5 V Thi ,tyonê* PchoolS ln Illinois have W. îay. weil kbwzn TouuS 13i01 opee i bs season boause of Waukegafl. frB..Fisher ia the 4 laek or teachers. accordinz Ici reports ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. 3. M f roni it of the 102 count les ln the Lbryiladrgd es stîtte reieived by the tate srtpprin- TL, prtyii. ndIrsfid bYhon. tendent of public Instruction, frQx E.V. Orvis of WabkogaD. md 0 these saine counles. however. a cota D O ' « U Xi panying reports give the nimnber C* the cUkW0 O unenpoYed leachera teeklng la- o bi le at. Anloagtha cba-in Hion as 148. Niost of 'lie 31 schocla I 5ta wiet. U unable to open are obscure cou1ntrYhoYmOiDL <tuDB schoffig. the mate superintendent re- atdiy sent bis bride aqtU ports. These filgures were announced andi r9fused ai that tisaste W-P rifler recOlPt of a National ltdurationndmitill reNnse todeo9& 0. . association bufllet in. shoiqlng 14.08#1 flildsai a "POOr 51100Md-MW - riools ln 'the IUnited StatPs unable 0ourt ta coanpel l'.ldr te o aopen out of a total of 211,66. aoaeYtw r Wr Pu0fL g. L.ake Countv' s Beg Weekly cud.i.MQutrtmoeWeeIoB' mteComîi 5.00 her ine, urs, rlc 79 h4îaVl ,ail le .y tubSG dutrh or Cr né -0 ra"d- CHANCE TO DO S(] Ail You Gotta Do is To Join Uncle Sam's Armny and the Chaplain Works Free. Thalte-a c-anilIse cheapar thon one is opel te dispute since the coat, ai living lover abaove the rate of psy. lîî at lest it is cheapor ta <et mar- rieti thajp hefare Changes No. l1t0. Arta>'ROgulattoîs. vere promuigateti ana ans>' capiains fanhîiden there- byta accepa ifee for perfionnig Ma- Mtage cei-emoniCa. The some authori. t>' permits tbem ta tale recornpense ..for expenses Incurret inIDconnection thereviths -. This rullng carnes a lit- fie late a, Fart Sheridian where tht littIe gat boas been saupplemeflliîg hi' stock oi ennoya by probes. hype neeti les anti basket veaving tbals. viti iteav>' casualties amnfg Mfe troaps. Billt the same prohlbition extended ta baptismal cerensonies - Theie saine Changes clincli the econonli b>' stipulating that. 'cbap- lains wclt, en request, perforni bap. tismal, fanera]. andi marriage ere. montes for civiliati empbaYes. ne-ai dent on milltar>' reservatiotis and for the fasmilles ai, ofiicers anti sot diers -- This, cornlng In leap year maltes the lot ai the tînmiurriet per sonnet more than oser hazandatis. ti t bt it retuiovld anc mol-e ohjetloi Ahîterto ofieret Iun tefenso. If an>' tise is litt t the chaptaits by the above, Ilt yul he vell ClailoW Tî>' Use following duties, laid davn JE these changes. "The duties requireti ai chapiain bv Iaw include holding appnopriat( services fon tIse benefit ai tise com manda laevisicis asfilioti.performinl appropriato hurial services af lbi burial ai officer. anti soitiers vis înaytile in sucis commanda, ant iv tîg instruîctions ta enlisteti mon In tf cammon Eingtiqh branches ai etuca l Ion. "Furtiser dlties ai chapllalîs tr.: include the fallving: (o) te couli-( .as te thoin moi-aI veliare, anti atisi witb ail necruits. andti ifbexiitt men untier arrest on confinsementt ain luefore trial. such mon ta be sent i, the chaplain's office, or sycb plat- os the consmandiflg aicer ma>' lin scribe for thla purPOSe. "Te assist anti encouîrage crm spondence betveen soldiens antfhe relatives andtrfietids. eçpeiail>' th sicli In isaspital. AU Inquiries fmot relatives anti frientis as ta the ger oral veliare ai elIsteti mena dressedte taofficers ai lb. comilsal may ho turneilloser te tise chaplail I answet aitcotise ta be ansveneti t tise persan inqutret of, as tise cas mis> require. "To be custodiaui of tbe cbat.loin tunti. "Te co-oparate. couinsel anti recai asenti an measures for thé etucatioi recreatîoti anti iharacter traininig( the romMast. anti ta peorn sue duttes In rnltion thereta as the coi mantlng bicor ina> dire«." 11 1 ý -ý,r+l he Pr cc tic cc ou la ne Pf la Pr 1 ce w ni w tâ m w ai Pý Pl w 99 Re w A Làlidily PUt tlle englntS OUI 01 COM. 1 mission. Accordiniriv aftor naititinr til w ai di ai Pl bi IL) w rd P fi a fi e ti '69 ln li;ht. la 'a fair.

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