LUN IN CITY lit PeNSc Force Or. When Seisational 'i is Received. 'TROLLED AWAY. abou 3:-U I'CIl wiisn that a VQIOIi.ud of S. mail bad beca atee ag«oa aise cona4aaed the ig edidu oc tbe ci- 'liera. It es if a Wasal hoe deiared1 lu ,Ir -tnu paiqw-4, >ofthUe waajuu toid the i it near the oîc-ir ilicea b. returiavi for It ilis 1ater it, wan ti. lie unce ihat it miji4t hase by tbrçe aîegroefi whîora ic ln the '.îvîniiy.'iac 1 potiches ('f 1valua',le :adl according to 11wi 1-'c :raiiy tbe driser ss.cj table polloemara was ,or- , up the searcti. A <iii mbie Service <'o..cpansy ia. »L. served t. ii ic e right trail. 'f1i. pub- romp%" meIa -,zîd tL4n>' ne att«id te tricot &P. a jrffiasd of citi papep ami 'Me poUice fotlowe4 C. district i' 0 q>iîROI a. fhtcy ton im I berme A~et op the. bill, il; if ho mreiy bai Van- The driver bftcatàpd a relief ubea it vas touri, Il snd newycpaperm w'.-. ng baving been takta ny- 270 IEDBY MACHINE #iEweST WRINKLE IN INVE NTIONS Mt. Holyoke College.. Leader Perfects Machine to Catch 'lump of the Eyes." WORKS PERFECT, IS CLAIM ProticienCy ln readlng maY be incas- .Ured by mnachine andl defecta rcledi, ed b y mechanica means wicording tb JIrofessor Colin A. Scot of Moutf Mioiyoke Colege. k'rof esor iScott h-, .i lîîe'dam- chine that trih deteet dîtflcultiea tîcat âe'.eucountered in rcacilng sud belp remgedy the Dloubile. l'ilie miachine lat ba*ed on the -PrinciPI,' veli knootrî rpgular i ita lcOcüeir.aas t a-lna atonura a ge out iiiil.iicl milalier. It r>adat for a s bort ditaie takeg_ a 3uumP. reas-Asgam, andt hen mmli.. tc.ePeritient.ccîoniluricti y rote.3- %Or Scott di'îîionstiatPedi hat lise tcyp ni miuai pvîsops lump tilmi, lmes ini the Ordlla~ry i.-wlapcr iina. in ver- <i. âcoi t leion. icai îd i iat Ilce eyecs jîimpeil six oir sesen turnes i8 a ingle 11111. snd the Fpeed oft readlng tras ron'4cîuantly sati-kpne<. ly-meanaûIl bltarvtilfli.. ProfeFinor fi t la8aable tc0 ùiang" la habit ofthe ,'eye 1a0 thai t1ir c.ding Ic4 qulekentd. [1--i on Newc'tiaîpî-r A liiil ii icI iewstrln t le ce locie-ha ic.diIî th a t aM lli a faîc,,5.lit in 1,1 c111c1c(l11c1W ani ac'iarrangemueint tir ili<tI N-. mia kecc5I i bIc' buti ne thiIrc tir ei, lic,. ai a tiri. As theiaF I cdicni mietl. Vt i c'beritt î lc < 'ine a n Ii0iglit. A t thliaeri on c(,n 1h10 arnew one fonce hlîc<î ia Olaii th' - Iraitslip raoîcaciî. "îlieachine In P sais an hi renc. If ltce iciadat De one vlo yesalumili tie or il tiiit, b i Ichligie, lia aven a re cFo Irafned 10 r-înlurni Ihaîr moilogaisci la-I', and liair ea sbacoiro caiusiont-d 1e4 ite ie ta hlinhe. tiiiltilect "In onreption Are deie(. PdtiIn a timilar mainerL'y nid ethe,u naWl1 ne A girl maY read fîîr a short ag4e nd Ihen mav icealiate oser écillue tîloigt tihat 13 Praaenied Io lier. *1liete imporarv ronflision rf lOeý ss l miimdlatoly discloeil .dby 1h. imactIne.'The iuit'r oleni andc riosies s apil lImes bfora lhiceou- tien t regains lier irack oftihaSiglit. In Iis waY the prfeaaor la at one Avrare' of 8flyweaknelo;10ln te girlsa conception and cao talc. tieps tu rs-aad sthe Icîil. I akt'-cllace of Examîination I'rOfessccr lcI -i,-cihatl:ifMAiY Rie ictslt:e io iiuitilemet w .riclu n un- Iranu a aaxi;cintons 'ci Colligce b- îeallcicg ftcc ilh thlc machine'. Ail th e stucl.-i than learneil îay lhe tle c h> ner abliiy ta reani The apli <c I Ius- ba aet In rî'od s crcc,'pansm sgt-s ccî.cr.r s lnbia ciail Forti afn aricy iiaices in rapiti undla: standclig of a c l.Ughtlî i -cnoie tde' iiitccin c I'- aU ljact t Awhicli I at ililoîlgici i l'rIi a iPc:c le iniigmaichine' cc-ctimon- ecii tîl iia itdlrer' n cIa anais o!fniai- i..- ica e ccl li t .îying 4-e aanafd tlMI!Lc i, a-calcc'cr.lig9fcd h at île ci-cg- laii' of cI) si.4is a icinU-cr- i. "'c ai <c'c!ci ci- -'ccc fs1- ri a .'ic u i Pc f lit, r'c i" 1" I j. -' Icclrc 1, iiSl1 a t b 'r 'le a 'i'. adîi ili i cn ct I c (,iv i nc'ic i) 1 iiiiî- irl. m -e n ias nd hick siI-Ac'-io:icor -lia l;sv v. id dca x a --. c:ilc tc i c' at PAROCHIAL SCHOOL OPENING i CLOSES COUNTY SCHOOL (çontrcbuted i 1 iciic .iuOf UI--tai, c. s -s Ot ! j T;îji N.uStiii lîct cii' Freiicnc ('aimiai acliaul amas 0i liy unI oain tit icilO' iy s'icib b oct opinai toi thi .ci ni l naiioin tutfîlot biang abl' ta smurc a teacher. su 1 ihoughtitI i». du!)- ta tetl >ou thee accn %aIl"; tli- a-in aile te ti ru a teachiar. otlll,ii W '0111cOof thicect-aers tor yosc t aier knight t lici ours a ratb er tjIa(cltown. and if 50 thay base lakan cn aliogetber wiong impres- sion, lctr, believe ane. it 1,a a very lively ici lcir, aspcaliy ai the preseni inie, for lice !iirmers bas,' ttad a amiy-pîîraspet-oua year and have &Tboiiieseîything ilieir iearta can da'i:a ?'ow. thce reason no teactier ci.îo teactc ett Frencont Center is bc-a:cecchit l;a Caîhlillelocatit>' ancd ai] ta ýclciiinat*entl the parochiai acico. TI-na are a taw niauthi, dur- 10< Ileieanterlicol 'ibare miîtht ha 1,'cc i cc creea scthoars. andl thé icarli- et., qay ilic'v do flot tec Justifieillin aicapc cq stch large wages for ouI> fe Itw ccils' a'ork, and t is lmuclm -asOca îîîcresting la teociliwtîieetheme ja torgc'r atendance. :'"I li', iteéfirat learcunr new 81. btoîy's sebool ias opaneil for a tull !terniand ti aprésent Iher are rnearly eoc chlildraît atiandlng. Tcertabnly 1la .a beaiuitiul scitool and istaers' homo,. .soiibined, anti !a tstguly praleOti by théinany who hvifcaa'clilptta-eatise tew buuiding front fanraand near as a ,)10uiOat Iot laie slîooi. t 518aW b>' Tht'haill>'Sun Ihat St. ,Ieîîtîh's parich in a Waîkegan conten-c fitates tuiding a oew rarocht gçimooilte etoing year snd we ct-r tainl i>'aislc Iheni Ilua beat a! aucces" tIr te menitirs'of St. NMry*S'Pàrla" !tir Fit'cint have many rPlatlVea- a' f-endsq at Waukpgacs wio attend S Josepis licrecb and corne have hat théepp'a',l-e oi meetinIz thelr 'paatî-* rtev' p . Lîerj f. ot tra inthe- Awa inîIklthse bhait terrMiS nt nrOit- inWpbqe uaintisr vear ~ 4T, THURSDAY, t4.'1920 OFÉIAON, LMSANOFFBEAUIS ACCIDENTALLY ESTATE TRAISF E RS NEMNFR LPI Ô To..AN RUTCO. IS PROBABILITY *SIIOT; EXTENT 0F October 30, 1920. 0F THE FUTURE INJURY UNKNOWN 1-. 2t 1.>de and a île tu Carl Sier- ling and Mke Kaburfla, part 0f lois and (il block 13S, North C*icago; ~u'iPoeH C. A. NemIconl iJr. tu Jacob irung,' Because It WiII'Be Better Bedside of Harry Smith at cae e ;1f.bosS. otl Cultivated. Escanaba, MicNgan. 0. L. Jacoba and wife '10 H. É. "The tendenry in many parî ts ofV Grimmn, lot 17, Shaw's subdivision, feai commninhies 00w la toward the Harry Smith. soni 01 frsn0. il.* Fu. Lake. warranty deed; 12,600. salit arin and a reductlon of the :liflith of Jullan street, lia,' t_~ Charles BIbey and wtfe et ai. Io large tarta. Lack of, bell i i one oft lise Cldetally- abat at Escanata S-icil W. F. Grard, lot D, Bocu , sbdivision, prime reasons that te briaglng this accori'ng ta a te!egrani ri' c Antioch; warranlisaeet. $50Q. situat ion about." The toregolng %tate- ismotiier, whcj left ïuenday a'îeî D o o n fo r th a t C ity ta I u .I n tln ii p z Edwârd W. Gavin ta W. J. Elliutt ient was made, ta a reporter for thls rient of luitInjuries. and alle. lots 6 7 and 8, block 21, paier b>' a farmer living flot tair f rom Iletalls of the sceldené hase flot warranty deed; $3.000. tarin plan, t00." lbe added, as ho arlcopnelt scnb >aole Alice D7anie& andi husband ta Il. gucil ho.i much better the land wouid aon Elrnest Smith af North heg H. N. Peterfan and iwtt., lot 2 and lbe careil for andi the cutivation more PArr>' Smith bas beau ai Ravanaba* eaCt hiait of lot 3. bock 2. Burnett'à closely looked l ater«. dstn 1wo for reveral months huatlng anld t rop. a d d t ilo n , L a ke V lla ; w a rra n ty d e c il; -'"T h e im e l a fn t fa r d s a t w o .p n ' $10. the very large faims will h li Ivded T1he lelegrain annonning tle lîoot' Jacob Cldachinidt and wife ta John itot tarins of anrh rize that one mian I ng, was shgned' ta is own name I Poilary and ir te lot 4. bloc 2. Du!is acanopoîarate ti.,10 wlth a little eltra ' l'neeage slatedjbat hla Ninst subdvision on south aide. Waukp'zan; heip. The big farmâ wili he qChut lhitFrancis hospitai at Escanlaba. warranty deed; $1. when It becon.c "î to the advantage of Estatéeof T. R. lynaa, deî'eased, ta thce owner tlu do sa, and thia wil oi- G. W. Keliner and wife. 12L 4, blOck - o w afttr a fc'w years of auch triail Ilighiand Pari; deed, $15,040. as fariers ar!- gong tb"îoug1 h tb T r.ýmo,.e Leati PrOrr Guir' yo-or for Jack of a'afeient heip t0 car l-.i iî pr n a ni l uui .s~,. .i c;', *. cet von llî"lr piarc3 an t ey Sccicld ba îèI %l , i jîsOlvO t'le 'cI i a Io suem cc-..-' < ..-- itiirarail for." hlie.-.ered. 1blirrMi. d wiIi net Injure ti rcl' sàaapiunq q 91icAiLl utk!,%% uciti i oui I That tuila acbject or a divis o the ibîarrei uniesa the ai I ia -au~~~~~~~~~ the uol cai al]a'lnlrt,@ Inia amalI farine will tiU* dIluItî lh' via littie a l' . e paildwi i-ld"i lu-11 M fi l ' a une In many fa, nin move lthe avid, pour ail of il ot icn' pJ8odJwî 1514 .i'>.'. Oiuil >4 ch t-rn.rn question de* th'lie gun dry with a raz lu ~ u i4J JS 'sa t~ -'*,;,I C:'d. a tdn ta' th e 00e filon farn e<i c- or c otonseeci oit. t , i , 9tii n. tloî' !r iv" p t r m lrft k ai' o h h np4or b Il * The want ads are Worth "onr ca,l,l a nîl ra-. mît iii Isp t3 hýhpos while iooking over-tlhey have j th-c . ti a r: cgery atcenl-îîccbîey ii nl smtigyou need. - rÉn the Bargain. Basement Store Base- Use- For Friday and Saturday Important M'oney-Saving Sls' Wome'sIl eeced Union Suits These suiîts are to h)e had in ail wintei stvbs - Tiley aire sligItbt seeonds, thle iîniw)rfetieîtns ili no itt 1î)air thpi t w eariflg qti 'e-. Ma&ieof file c< ntiîl V a 'i 1.14. lics' are 1,4.50, $2.O4> :andi. IJva 111'.. Pî'c- ei in tut ilî grlips .at 98e $1.49 $1.98 BOYS> AND GIRLS' UNION SUITS lic n v iiincel li îîttli-'îtt.-itsi alsizî-s-.for ~boivs lîc Im4Ivtf,îcle tn tl ic a-IPLS' rLEECED UNIOIt SUITS lîIÀI ifa lietiît's 1)fil t S ,1" i cciictlî' 8 51l îî,as!îîî' \ iz .-c'Yg MEN'S WOOL UNION SUITS Ili the îi tai ' l t' .A I eii itliliw. seîs utealile grie,2.981 aîec u l -................... . .. MEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Ill.îs * iltld ii- ic tîa e~' Ga1.nlo:lt tl1:ilweaiî s (Il cii 98C wash Spoi' il, McNei's liîeavv fiueec itivd un îtion îsîit'.9. W'aiîîîianîd scr'viil'c iii s. Fie hurt. Valliclest) &.\. Vspoî'illls' IîjIicol at.,.-. WeI1 Knlown Scout Percale II it 1-k and iliglit gî oiîttd- anid. ut<t IpatternlSs 6 billeî.s wide (Clit fis iii piuce). Uit c'-i'e li18 quiahutyv, v îrd -. ........ ......l........ .. 8 HEAVY OUTING FLANNEL A licasv S ut flct'î'x qialii.v. .Iiîl11 \ wos c-lb inii ost attraeti ts patternts. x M1t sp iiiat, v r ...........19C FINE ZEPHYR GINGHAM 2-î-inelh ('nlitat iii s'urîy desuî ahie patter ns and beatiitil color combnitîatiti te-. A spit udt 25C quality atca iow' picte, yaît'c BLEAOHED AND UNBLEACHED MIJSLIN Closely ssoven îîîuslin ii r i hîa'îdtiiibnlleaelied. N-usliîi tlat ss'asltes tand weatrS ti.1 Spct-m, yard ...... ...... 32-INCH & 38-INCH OUTING FLANNEL Tiis is avîalîîe' that fottuerly soid at 59v ysard. Lt ie of a soft fhiecy finiish atnd fii'iilWiy Il 33c ini pretty patternis. Ya rd ..............-......3 C KNIT PETTICOATS W'oîeîx 's knit jiettu oats of filleî vat --. Iii the grev eoior vi tl bIitte 1.49 stripe flou;nce. Sîseetal--- ARMY BLANXETS Ilblankets titat wî'kt i s1uint didIy.*'ioidg 1rëvci ><I.1 $S n l 1at ............ 1.98 aHosiery Men's Cashmere Hose Ii the- tiaturîî tuti il29ec 'p-41)ccuuIiivoj~ilfflPýl Boys' Ribbed Hose lleav ii l 'lli Bt, 1lac-k oîly. A.. iig s ailîn. 2ue Pair Women's Heavy Fleece Lined Hose Soft*fleeî'c' iniil. At a 29c SAMPLE GLOVES AND MITTENS. For men, women and chil- dren. A saimple line from a well-kuowu manufacturer- At a saving25 of............. BOYS> OVERALLS Matde of blute deîimi of a selS teeable. quality. The price is very itsw for 98e TABLE DAM9ASK, A p<rmlanltly fiîîisiîed faîble' dauiask it satin striped and 1retty designs. 7- The pucee is ivcry Iosv 98C at y ard .....- . .... ...- ......- ........ IJENS- AJD BOYS' SW'E ATERSI XVitlt a spe -iai pureitase cones thlese waruigod ' ig eaciteiic madie ot fine yarns.ý Colpr.s ar* grey,-rtrd-ùmaj, kliaki, hÈatbcýr.49&19 ~ u~v., atI ~.OU alue1,49- __,90__ To the Delayed Fait Bét Ful Ilousecleaner You perhaps know tho4 J. Blumiberg c1rres the. Largest and Most Complete lin. of Furniture, Rugi and Stoves ini Lake County. W. are unloading and -if you want to Bave heavy dollrn,,corne and buy now. 1,000 Biankets and Com- forts at Creatly Reduced Prics. \VooI and Wool fÀis.- and Cotton Blank- eta, up $17 frcm . $ .7 ~iIWîA fuli s ze Comfort, neat p-ra $5.503 5 - P-11 J vcalue, only-- .9 CoIe's Radiant Hard Coal Heate WiU wake your fuel c ntoney lust longer-giveS a big a ingh ad coul oe .enIubase burner. due te thslerMM"bet of fuel et Blow, ecoosîsl aembueohn. tber shan the spld. vastfl Combusion et Whebat B. our.blg sssnmt: Tdo.. New Columbia Records 100 More SiIk Floss Mat tresses- You can now buy these Prime Java Kapok in al izes,- woa-tb:t$40, on sale at nly$2 7.45 JO e Globe- 4 Wemiclce Bookcases .4 Good Dentistry 'at Prices YOU Paid Be fore the War We have now reached the place in our reconstruction- period where it is every man's duty to put his shoulder. to the wheel and exert his every effort to bring con-î ditions to a pre-war basis. To "do my 'oit" in this line I will give the people of Waukegan- and Lake County the benefit of my 20 years' experience, together with teservices of ýmy up-to-the-minute equpment-a quaityof modem high-class dental service, guaran- tedfor 10 years-at a price yOu have flot been able Hto obtain for the. past tive or six years S Gold and Porcelain Bridge Work.................... $5.00 Gold Crowns .......&................... ......... .0 cl, Porcelain Crowns (Pivot Teeth) .................... $5 ffl Porcelain or Enamel Fillings, according to size. .....$2.0>îp Gold Pillinga. accordig to size ................... $30 uP Our Pull Upper or Lower Trubite Plates, guaranteed to fit. 7I With that natural tooth appearance........... $15 to $25 - Pyoirrhea Treatment............. ................ $1L0 Ex-Ray. $1.00 forfirs t tooth. for each succeeding tooth ...50o Gas Extraction.- Our Sterlàliziing 1loom is iti charge of a trained assistatnt andi ail instrit- inetits are steralized aftcr caei patient. Ouîr pailiiess net.hod lias cuired our patients of tlîp dread of the dental chair. ntg l lît' , 1 ) if rw Pir rotd ixciiliret s'.. i it w ili sase 'iyoti slcepless i130 Washington Street W~u.M ,loi L -----.------ Combination Ranges The Cole Mfg. Co., wha have secured national fame with their Hot Blast are rnow making a Combination Coal and Gao Range that is a world'- beater. We only ask that 'you corne in and look over this line with our weII known Alcazar, .kwel and Baker Conîbinabions.