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Libertyville Independent, 4 Nov 1920, p. 14

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- ..~ S *V 8 ~~L48. ~#L&N, 5Ui¶.LJPAYTNOVEMYBER 4,1<920 ~Libertyville Independent Jakte County Independent - aukegan WeekI3, Sun Had Lake County needed a new and second tubercu- losis institute the voters would have corne to its support. ,There is no question about, it, Lake Oounty votera are al- ways- for things that are actually needed but wfth the içavy expense that is being thrust upon them right along it was natural for theni to stop occaionally and consider whether or flot they can get along without sormething that a few individuali -may be advocating. Lake County's support as given to Mir. Small and other members on the state ticket shows that Lake Coun- ty votera are able to bury the hatchet afer the primaries, and tliat they are good "saports" when it conmes to getting t9gether after the primary battie. Not se, in some other counties and in this connectiou It lis of Interest, tQ inotice that the Lake Cpunty -press as a whole came 'through ilu geod spertsmanship shape whereas the Chicago press kicked over the traces only to find themseîves caught up, Into space when the voters had their say. THE~ REPUBLICAN LANDSLIDE. LIake County certainly did itself preud in the mat- oe f giving the Republican party its enthusiastic en- dorsernent. Every precinct in Lake County went streng. Jy for the Repulican- ticket. There was flot a spot or place where there was any indications of the Democrats j having even a look-in.i Four years agoILake County held the laurels as aý Republican stronghold se this year again it re-establislhed,, Its position in that. respect. Probably few ccunties in, the state if any, gave a bigger Republican rnajority than; Lake County d14 on the whole ticket. _-,it is a mosn wonderful &howing and a refiection of crédit upon the voters of Lake County te think that they %would support in such a splendid manner the candidae running on the Republican ticket. Lake County couldu't have been askid, te do better; [t did its full share; it not -only came through on the na- eional ticket but supported the entire state ticket iu such & way that_ state leaders certainly must be gratified at- ail Ue antagonism displayed by he Chîcago press whichi circulates so freely in Lake Oounty. 1 The laudalide inIi ake County as in the nation shows the -leeling people have against the Lseague of Nations, Ur. Wlson 's dream. t POLITIOS IN PULPITS. 0f course we realize that we have ail we cau do to run our newàpaper and would not presumne to assume to belp r4n the poicy of an individual church. H9,wever, In jookîng ut the church as a whole, we cannot refrain tromn concluding that the proenînent church which, on 1Bunday perritted a candidate for a politicai office to en- ter ts pulpit and give a réal political speech went bcyond the lirait, it took a-step which would jeopardize the status and influence of the church if it be carne general. No matter hou' strongly the leaders of the church Inight feel with reference to a candidate there is bound to pe a lot in the congrégation which thinks otherwise - therefore the introduction of politics Into the pulpit. by a candidate at once sets thç, church ut odds and factional feeling ila hable to become deep-seated. That means harm to the church-it eau under ne circumstances mean goed. 0f course the pastor personally has a-right te assume poli- tical dictation in his pulpit if he sees fit and thinki it a ef e thini to do. But when you corne to, mix politics and religion right in the pulpit it la daugerous ut A.NY tirne, 210 matter whether it be through the pastor or through an outsider-especially the latter. In the werkof -the church a congrégation fa centered on one thing - the attainment of the. Idéal, the worship of a single purpose, a central thought permeates the work. Sut when politics and individual candidacies are ailow- ed to step up into the pulpit and advance certain personal arguments how about the others w'ho help support the churcli and help its religious work and who happen te, be on the opposite aide politically?' Isn't it liable te stir thern up te a point where the church itaelf is hurmaed? . We can see where, during the wet-dry campuign, the, church had a definite object in.mind. a definite purpose te work for because on the side of prohibition, the hopes of the church and anti-booze woiked hand in band. But the. wet-dry issue has been disposed of and that issue therefore caunot be considered an issue in individual cauf- didacies for ne individual.can bring back booze or help brîng it buck again. 4 Accordingly until the timne cornes that a general is- eue of equal limes faces thé ohurch lt dees net seern that Introduction cf politics lu Uic pulpit la net only a danger- eus thing te the individual church but daugerous te re- lgion as a whole because ef the probability that it wMi mUir up factional f eelings uroused through personal friand- - uhp fer tlxis, that or the other candidate. People must aot let the new order cf things in the womezi'is vote run tway with them; they muet net let their better.judgment give way to, a désire te apread out when the spreading proceas may impair the. greater work they may b. fur-- ALSO ELECTED - Th Éown ofWomanhood, People Acttjaly Fergot in 111el Excitement Over President and Gevernor ttiat Lake Co. Had Some Officers te Elect; Here They Are: COP».1A. aV. eNiTIl, _Newly EIUctled Stat.'. Attorney,) CARL CHINOBLOM. (Re-elected Congresaman.) Prodsmctive Danizens of the. lia. -'I'be epth of the sIork t-t-l rea& tv, tod or szui7y îleu iied or By and l sue ullzmd h t,> mtituror drewvsy la to strain the cyes tu a dan- Ses je-tn<I<-ra lulaorttteuu:a of ue gerouF degrit-, ¶vuites W. M. Cou-art S M .~ kind or anoter. Fv-Qutte buîodo in,- u lic Healit. Avttd et-eultig study ibm s"o 'muunialgs %"é110w t tbLe wluet-etr posi-Ile. if yeu are tî-tltg <Re-eected Cate $*noter.) lb#ile sultatance for a very y se,eior your eyes by ortiticial lght l'e ,ire the und of 1Wateproo.<f gle itie leli I le t du*# îot s1lne tlire<-ir -!,, ý he . .Ileet .;..t *M 1, li reanio) flanîlnîted ext-,- -ry t i1:, co t,-. A atitwo lna %etad M biî,I-tttt woodett sock fr<tm whliî L:î' i- 1 !-me -:4 bOgrrdlng houu-e describes lisland. the vr.inUcrs ainîl ofluer parts of aile th. VI lady: "Site la a klnd 'of prillelo. lUt.ft are tudey f - d.Wiîat tirarns. Mear. trai . wî,ict1%cunn ot ong.eî iem ft4~~~4 - - To dresmut ofcarda denot,.a grêat ii eeu Leto -iaylllng; andm w.lta; bnu-a. rche ant hôor; two luels In bter bonsq r oelo t ~~~~~~ S~igl: lCjtolffwl1BIb rnaeuea'.ietot. r s motherh<d.. But many womea' face the ordeal' of maternity without sufficient preparation. At Muh I& ies and1la t er-the mother ihould take a vegetable tonic. sold by druggisit and known in almost eveIq home as Doctor Pierce'à Favorite Prescription. iThousands of wemea- have testified as to its following: S&VAN4A, wNois.- Dr lnt my second expectant - erlod 1 took DotoiPier«.' Favorite Prescription as a Myi. 1 heulth wus per. tect anl the Urne untilii met Wth a uerious accident, a([ M sep gave way and I feil. i kept rlkht on taking the 'Presêiption' and I amn sure that this tonie prevented serfoume 1consequénceu It was with mydoctor's approval that 1 kept rWht on taking «'Favorite Prescription.' 1 had no fever or sny aiter troubles. I feel mont grateful for what thia medicine did'i! for me at that time, and arn always pleased to rccomxnend i.-m. _JEMNICORRELL, No. 600 Bowen, Street.. Big crop of the Woe!ot* Advice.- Woodlats ylell (ôtIllefa!~r.4 rn> !ft hou wollidgt l>e justified. ne- thitng 11e ;I I,'t, nle g o kco,Iîolge thlit titijugtice. ,. ie tat Maya the. Alnerîait I'orestry migaZine4 1.inOfi lt«1ns lus joirney but they mlght, wi h rystenlÏe a: ar,'e at! il"Mt ',tIs rr7 for ègement and cure, pro(ltte aenveralItN'O ieI i*' . mlnetitiueci t, tW ________________ Importa-,nt!. Have you'been'misled by some recent price reduc- tions? Before buying any car, study this table below care- fully. It shows clearly what has- actually happened. ht proves where the. real value i.. W. have alect.d 4 Ieasing cars that can b. conaided i the.Dort price. cias.. In the lumt two years. 1. Car A ha.icr.ased price 40"' 2. Car B ham inceased price 33'7 3. Car C ha. incr.as.d prie. 30%7o 4. Car D ha. inneas.dPrnc. 19%' 5. DORT ha& increasea puýe. 17%-, Now then, how far have tii... caur rduced? 1. Car A bas. reduc.d 13-5-16%7 2. Car B ha. guuranted prices> 3. Car C has guaranted price. 4. Car D ba uarManteed price. 5. DORT hauarwante-sd prices So that a revised tome, of today Coveiai net UÎCTCA8C duig the la.t two y.ar stands a. fdows: 1. Car -A net !meRSae 20%o 2. Car B net mereas.33%o 3. Car C net increas. 30%7 4.- Ca D net iceas. 19%' 5DORT net in««»as 17%: Muat n"Ske itplain wher. the. reai value ii the. 'Port- cia.. is. Denith o 00 Avolded: HIfppr la the. man Who la content te traverse thie ocean te the liaven of rest. wthoàtt olng Into the wretcbed dlvlng-beII of his own fancles. Thteré are deptis; bût depthsa re toi od-, ~ MCIt '£vins. Cactus Joe Bays te onlr effect po.w ~ liteneus has on a regular roughneck 1, to nuake hlm tblnk hes. ot 700 bufffa. Auctlion! 1 wiU Sa ag Public Auction on tii. Wni Brewer Faim, North End of Druc Lake Thursday, NOV. il, '20 12:30 O'Clock Hors«., Cows, Pigo, Calvea, Chickens, G..., Ducici Turkeys, 15 Tons Alfalfa, Il Acres Shock Corn, 10 Tons Timothy, 120 Bushel Qatz, Stack Straw, Wagon&, Buggiez andi Farm Machinery. E. B.VSPrp FRED GRABSE, Auctioner ROY DiXONI, Clerk The undeniabie disposition on the part of the American public to regard the Dort as a particularly desirable car to own is by no means a matter of the moment. Rather it is a steadily growing pre- ference extending over- a perxod of years that is simply becoming more strongly pronounced as time goes by. Go back in your memory an d y ou will find that you. have always heid a very high opinion of the Dort. if today that esteemn for the Dort is *much deeper and more definite the reason is that the increasing lare number of Dorts goingy into useis pilinz the proof in favor of the car higher, and higher, a nd higher. Lake Cou nty Prices FOUR-SEASON COUPE FOUR-SEASO.N SWDAN - -- TOURMN - - - ---» $1,875. $1,875 $1,1854 ',T&ib ttsA t o p TibbttsAut Co py 2M S. Sheidan Road Phone 270 é6DORT" 'SALES 4ND SERVICE j' s 't *1 I I I i 4 4 4 4 4 I 'a' Sount at pri, price,ç is our Prig Silk S Made of Cii ported It1" value«. Sp 2O0;0

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