cGIt*- -Wnà Placed un Julle, when he returned 1 part afler taking in ,hts" Wittl a ssilori ýd by rourtiaiâ al i.i n thse charge af intoxi- -.f hlm. litîrtiaeu. Young -Boutasn Hl MIJRO ALUMINUM Convex Kettie' A necessary utensil in the modern ktchen's equîpment is this Mirro.AI minum Convex Kettle. Because it is a won- der ful conduc(or of heat. it cooks wvith thoroughness, yet %vihott waý',e of fuel. And at is easily handled and Miro Alumîinum is remarkably durable, too. It asts a hifetimc, and is therefore ait economical purchase. It is famous a!,-o foi ats beauty and many features of conven- lence. Note the features of this Mire Couvez Kettie: ( 1) Handie-rest ears hold bail in three positions and prevent it from coming in contact with sides of Kettie. (2> Tightly rolled, santary bead, f ree frorn dirt-catching crevice. (3) lnset caver prevents boîling over. (4) Bead of caver upturned, thus protected against steam and liquid. *(5) Rfivetless, no-burn, ebonized knob. an exclusiVe Mirro feature. (6) Convex sides prev'ent contents from pouring off when liquid is being draîned. (1) The famnous Mirro finish. *(8) Famous Mirro trade-mark stamped into the bot-- tom af every piece. and your guarantee of quality through- ouit. Utensils included in our display of Mîrro Aluminum are Cof.. Pots, Tes Pots, Double Doler,. Sauce Pans, and other articles in the beautiful Colonial and plain round styles Schanck Hardware Co@ For Owners HAVE TOUR NAGNETO TESTED FREE Corne'in at any tinie and 1 wiil test your nagneto free'of charge, and, if it is weàk. wiII recharge it wbile you wait. We have recently.installed a Magneto Charger, the very hatest apparatus for this ciau of work, and can give satisfaction. Magnetos àcbarged by thiimachine are guaralteed to give per- ,fect service for two years. Libertyvilie Garage Repair Shop CHAS. M. BERNAI, Proprietor Shop Plise: 202 Garae Phione: 202, TH1E LIBERYVnU MINDOMEDENT. THURSAY. NOVEMBER 4.,1920. ~j '~U '..uîuy wae a 'nicago sisîror ________________ t'AU&Fi~ Local ana ier'soriai FMis ad egi,,aaMak Short Items acf EspecîilInterest ta __L à-bertyville People 'MrI"îora [Duran ( l .S .-,1,l-. , e t' jMiss Ada lielfer visited ia Chicago' Jake Bltzei and lanîîljlishave loved Mr -ooibaiA -iSuua Saturay ( Norh Chi . ao. 1W. J. Collins motored te Henlos, iii, Satrdar oNorh Cîcio.Monday, te attend ta busineqs tmatters. Mima Kathryn Petges wa" a Chicago Miss Alice Hume sPtnt Ille ceek end Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Whinîiîîîî' haVi- Ivi sitar Wednesday. l. Chicago with frieid, iretundhm rmEgad e. a' G. ren of Waucanda wah a LiIt.. Mis Helen Spate of thicagu la vis- the> spunt the pàst e ni onî1îs ert> ville vsiter Saturday. iting aitt1he. tiale honte1 on Newberry mkCluan îleaii1 Filank Huber af Chicago vi3ited Lîb- eu.wire milîs in Libert:,vtle. cas placed! ertyville fiaonds Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. D--ckter and tarit under arresi by Marshal Limberry oný il), vlslted relatives in Evanston î ededycage iiîieîîsig Miss Adelaine Miller spent Manday! und n te Oreille agen uihlrei aI I afernoon and evening ina Hlghlandý cara vas out bunting and \vleit or l'arit Misn Myrti. Oraie'. thîe gueet of dered t0 leave did not do st e a Miss.Gertrude Quentin and Williîe Mies Marion Preston St LakQ toresi naint bfr Jsîr.Muusad Hagerty were Chicago vîmtarest ut1 dy.upon. his entering e plea or go ,îy wait 'Saturday. Otto Hà,pke of Argo, Iil., sPent a fe fined $3.00 and coase, amounting in ail Mie. Amber C. Warren viegited Mondasilwek ltîbs otr na$5.0 hiblepid da aienon a vaetn lt ttr.L.ibî-rtyville. I The meeting for the arganizatian ai day ftenoo inEvantonwit Mr. jlocal council BOY Scouts of Ainerica John Webber. Mr. and Mir. F'Leiiiieîi isîted Sun- which was Io have Ien belli on Mc-I day at the home of Mr and Mrs..O. L , day, Nov.'S, bas heen changed ta Tues- Mr. and Mis. JosePb Saunders and Lresdow un (Jlmet .' day, Nov. 9. The meeting will lie held baby viited Saturday at the C. -W.j . ai ilie Picabyterlan chuich, and tlîs~ Esentiot home. Ll.o'd Ta>lor ls l .iîlt ihis'ied ail who are iaterested Ia the ia few days the gui-sil (A lus inoîlier. VOrn Ofthle BOY Scouts vHii arrange ta0 Miss Emil> Bush returned Tuei3da)-i be lresent. and belp miller in the new' trmavii f e ab ihfre-sMrs. Ciaa Taylor. council. This body wili have jurisdic- I tram a isitoPteark. wîifrelsi on ovfer ailthue actitis aofthie liay in itogei Park Laiiarre Just ofl iî isli Scouts in Libertyvilità township. Sup- da> (Ttiursday) WîLbtb lîipatentsMI, 11>i-<sul ues suiéd i t6:15. ,We Have Just Received a Fine Line 0f Boys' Blouses These Blouses corne'in black, blue and strpes; 1 0 Mayer'. Mlwaukee Shoes; per pair, $6.50. $7.00 and ........................ $7.50 Endicott-Johnson Work Shoes; A f Per pair .......................... ..... .... . ......- 4 5 Men's Ease Dress Shoca, dark brown; reduced from $10.00, now per pair ...........--85 Mens Work Pants, part wool; $5.00 Boys* Wool Knicker Pants, 7 to16 years';$25 LAWRENCE WEDSTER MALONE PANTS, ALL WOOL. E. W. PARKHURST anud Mrs. Frank Just. Your Investibients And Our Bank To Invest Your rmiDriy safely and ta thé best advantage, con suit thjs bank as ta your invest- ments. We reconimend and can supply today: FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS to yield...6% TAX FREE GOV'T. BONDS to yield 5j% to 6% FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS to yield 6% to 7% SHORT TERM NOTES to yield ... 7% to 7j% We maintain a special clepartment for investort, Vfurnishîng lhem- with' Mortgages and Bonds- collecting intereat and attcndinî to other 'detaiI6 of investments, free of expe!%se. When you have nioney to invint, cail and talk with us. It will cost yoti nothing-and mnay profit you much. There is no more important put s of ur buiding dmà*ih bgension stuff used in ceustvuction. At present we have sorne particulauly good dimension timbersj oroughly seasoned and properly selected. If yen are figurg,,on buiding of amy soit, w wod Mm te l3w YOD »Il diiseu athis stock. Establlmli.d 150 PEICAL attention gaIVM I IM P W ger sthe sale of Dresnd UâRI Mutton. Veal. Poult,7. Hm> etcAiMa Butter aid ab P r o ce d a of c lseneral prmïply remitted. T111M a 0 ~~oldest boume OU th UtIN* .om m ission pIai.Col tOd Fulton Strt Wh.li1111,10 M lerchant CHICAO, ILL.. urs WiIIl Buy More GOODS SchrQetiî ai h lia a Nr'.Paul Pettingili ci u lîtgoq i fi-le 'iUesdl> i. ai-ains ii Mr. and i. eurge Ray vit liuîî onil i ra .L Ty( L.ak,-- %:-1-1 'huîsda) at the h,îîiw -1Iand re M..and MIrs. Paul IRayMisses Caroline Hilli ,iîiît;race S-sn (lei iitlChicago ,pn' î ýqîîîîaý w i i Mliss AnnaAlkoler <o1 Esanston ca%%.;Ila ieec u ia Lîbeî i 1 ville laât Tiuursday %isitîag ji ilaGenO) Mr uhi, ls. S. Aikoj trý Miss Biertha Swansoiî i i ci-eio was Misa Marie Englebreclit cas iii' heu- Saturdki) and Suniiiii,- e.guelý 1iut Miss Lieitye Joühlîi-i tiiaiiîavn sciSunîlas s su lng -\lîi aii I rs. lHt Iiiîn l.ilIeb lit. Mimb Pearl ltryer utt'iilii.go wa.. Mi .îî C, T> i, il and ilu,. .;tefuesn thie 1% eî5, Mc. a -r is h îîmachinae s,-Pnued t, enjoy R, gan, silent thîek v-nd suîîkî heîla,-ii cisu.The cymidei. hit on ail ifour; eau-. ~î. nd i- uil0 (îleMi iîdMie Ma, ..-,u ,, eNo tîroken laits >0 contendwt, lurned tu Lincoln, II.iîispending As ce lad on iliat journei before.1 Mi. and Mrs. John Landis and ialiily éeveral days St ii( î,iîiiSiiso Seni ak.)inyjIliiei i et,'T' eiiius i l 1-iii iiiult u aiia li ,ku gîili' '%lesî.. ii J i t-TIi-ne are ssils tlai aui-- i li 5>1 . l ii ii.Iiu î ieiudls ile, The-- hoine clere 1 hitil wheîî a 1L. and MiYlank Shcuslii id andl iii>o î.iu, iICiiisag. laddie, 1diii>> lii (ira t t iî iujh-i-Fiomiiti sIliw tsi .ii-,, lIeu 5 fit lib i'ty il'.I licu t-fief ii i- - h iilier îpar- ci -k 1 pdafU . iii, si the (1h> i-.iiit îchioel hou-, 1And àtlink ut(ifIi-leIaytiiates of )ore; Mr, anid 'i dajlkci- l. ,l'uii-sf M- Mar0 ie M ,. l Cuat-i Anud take a look ai thse scenry an iiiginia Collns aiîended Ilheu> Aroad old Gaves L.ake shorýe I di ci-eeguesté,îîw Mr and irsti .iHarry -. Cdar (>endoî r t u tiiai ls aluii iius lot it .iýLake -À. - -d evening. Io _________________ lr and -i J'i A. l;i seln Sîîîla:. in M-r. and Mrs. George eee genec 1'ox LA,. .0-Ili, suin.ta etýI, - Mi ando h Wehrenberga sxai-enis, M.and______________ Mr. and Mms. L. H. Scbanck and It Hilier. diiughIec. , ,lfc-, [.lni S i ;l~ n, ond l., il li u, îie o ut .u nd i . . i, lii, Ili. i l 3nit, Mis 1h iiIaIJuulge B, F i. illet , J G ii- id ank itnnacIilsiii hine irli is i-si Fîiuhiî Iliiiî id iiliil.à ie I j 5. , 'm. o . -., , t.h,-i II- !ý14 u, : i-1 1fls T h e atr ei ýdid e - r.> lndiionulis. Hi- ixpi-eIsali I U L . i, nain in Li; fu+. r li,, -1 'iL id l isl i is, -ii1un1i .5utiIli,. -Iii Mi? ll i - Icý(eIep i , i ell, 1'. t alllas>ce ailli i, i M i. ad Mis Ed u> (p- FRIDAY AND'SA'iRDi\Y hoi, la\ -simiiiîi-.; B. i ttýouluuîIl', is-i.NOVEMBER 5 AND 6 ing - iteil for the ialsi mont.h tah 1e M-M.uîîilNliet. laumylittri0! , 1CHARLES RAY in .ohniVWood -esideui.. ui h i iîuîsn. liNiiîe i. Sa,il ieraheil on for adli TheLe lîies Aid of St. Johns Luth îseyii -iiSiiiîieis il ilie- Jani- NIAI "RED HOT DOLLARS" e ci rli 'ri o Lbervvil i- iI hieist.ýhe l al, by Dr. J. C. 5'oiey of a Ibîkery s.ji-e Nov. 17. .liteinoun and e. hisdngicl eenînE. intahIe chuîch hattenî.1 Nlr. anîl Mis. William Ede leave Ibis Sui, Ses. i e-iand coilee sî 11 aisi ,allet.iio,îiî 'i.M1b1 , lbjîa u e SUNDAY, NOVENMER7 'ij maiuii n duiiiig ltie- inter. Mrs. Edes BILLIE BURKE in "1e Lake County Chapter oathie hîîî'iwl 111n filesouthera state, amil Atii, i rui>RedlCrois s wil I coaduct t he i- te iiiLberlysille cîth ber* husband "WANTED-A HIJSBAND" c shiorili allrr heir marrelage lust ifouri'lî anua]lrollcal for memberd s p - i d aydcd olcl lim 191 otinNo%. Il tiiiNov. 25. See l e-cinen MiEunayama, ad en act j ail haiticulas inl nexlivweeks Issue' permnntul Laaa adegage of The Independent. la hie fruit raislag business. lîbeitu ville friends are lscerybtlse tiises- Hugli Reid of Wmasington, D. C., i tmable couple.. Ivisîîed at htIe Ile af Mr. and Mrs. L. Hf. Whitney this- week. Mr. Reid> The W. C. T. U. wîil meet next came to Kenosha. Wle., froua Washing. Tueeday afteraaon, November 9, at the ton ta, cast bis vote. He was farmerly home of Mrs. H. J. Hage rty. Mrs. C. an empioye of The ladependent. T. Tibbette, of Lake Forest, countvY o r ,~ -,W ~~~presidenl. wili bie sresent, and.give a Yuol Mi'. and Mr. Hrfuil ele e repart af tbe State Convention, and daughter. Miese Ida., left Sundayl describing la detail tb. vark don., th. for Fiorida, where Ilaey viii spead the, put year and annaunce 1h. plans foi, taS. advantage aI th, absent votera' e 1lg er A full attendance of the iaw, and garUipated In the greatRe members le especially dassired at this publican ladeiide. meeting. ST-ORM SASH. SAVE COAL ANY AND ALL SIZES SPECIAL SIZES MADE TO ORDER kA T SHOR T NOTICE HW.ROBBINS WOOD WORKING CO. Phone 61 Libertyville Illinois il 36-inch Percale, now. 36-inch Percale, finer quality, no- 36-incb aoft-finish, f'ili-bleached1 2 1-4 yard wide Sheeting The best quality Foather Ticldng Special Front Lace Corsets, $5.00 value, fc Extra Quali$ Corsets, $650 value, for - - - '25 W - 30c' M~zsli.25 7kc or $3.75 W. W. CARtROLL & SONS' COMPANY' Phone 29 Libestyville, DI. ANOTHER TRIP IN THE AUTO Anotiirr tripi in the auto. (-Ut over the Mîilwaukee wa v We foi ad it aueh better tras ellng, i arn very thankful to sas' W. sav there three road graders, Drawn by foui, huîiuues abri-ast; Maaaefd by aien,am cran AiU daing their hi-sel besi. To plut thaliailia iii ondimlin. To iak-e it a pleasure o rilde, And %*iiw the bautifuilalndscapes, Tii -i abouauf îîîeîe on Iers side, Thursday withbl' iaster, ie .Caine this stock pre- fer dUr patrons MH- V% . .'t gr 1