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Libertyville Independent, 18 Nov 1920, p. 10

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splendid, prôblém accasions LAND IREC TORS EPENDENT rARTS 17 i EAR H E AVING Navy Leuinga o'y Leggings. ttbtîy aU etiss ,rnierly @old for -0, no-w 98C Menm'a Boots e-n. Bouts. unre g=i rubleer. Il Bizet, $6.00 Ltucs $3.95 [zes. $10 values E STRET ening. Ur Oot rIéJENTS -of AN. OTiIERt l.SCIOOL GUILTY Of IIAZINi gold a ce baI thi turn woIn Seven Marengo Boys M ust Pay in i Over $50 Each; Follows m~ Incident i Waukegan. hisal - "eef RECALIS OTHER INCIDENTS - Loin Vitukegan le s not the onli city H, where the htgut echool etudente. or the at but part of theni, are "cut-upa," and Judginz by occurrences in the hierh aehoola of other ritdes. la the fit-et place the. studets of the Kencolia iàh echool cao-e lotoi the Uneligbt. rThen carne the trou- bi. Lat lbert>tilie bitîii achtoiln whieh atudents were ato'penticd attîr a botUe ef bootch hati been srs.tggieti Juta th.e chool. Tlien te e'uderj-îs of tb. Wauklegatî iigiliachool, flotla ho. ppt4one, îîagt t.talitazing pI.sin wblc B hots'st-tv it i-Oiandi one boy wae it tii1 ttii ttl ndi aroîbai 'aa. A~nd nový. -te ts t1le lut est lut!- dent: St'ven' M tru-ngt oy .til~ta nien i ltt n gthe, htgh sioI, wr-teP tined $25 att-i tw;o fl, il tb, J udiz.e t. P. liarn,-4 tf the- Mtl'-oiry vounty courtfor t o- laztng or Futrat Art- J d ro ,a tt bint nt t t lite t- 0,o. Jninl i go t (OCetiiilto tca- e aii akntsuto t-t tut 51-al1-)t, raktr.g te latii tts adi vo -s in tt. r a- apptotttuàî t- o Thie tot s who 'sere int-d fur t4ktng Andt-rvttn Iio tte ctuit tiy, 1pouring %'s i Xvo its clotttes. u t tplng Iit tii arltO 1-t ting hait find bis 'sav tucli t ttmart-ngto ont tati are iayu '1 ltn.lirel'undi, IAland itî, ility (<ioit. tui ,' % Beebq. tte.,ry Sci.p.-t iand Ril.tià nd TELLS AUIENCE IRESAWIIEAVEN AFIIER ACCIDENT &rd 0 .. ttîîVf-esmr nt Syr;.cte uni- verafly, ai-i p4ýot f i15 cîtys mot Pe-imet t o"se-rs loti a large COfl5 -1 tti' &t t t, Eu itan t Sreet i metbob sint s c ir h hahow b It *,41 »1 àblie a glinpse of heaven and the Ideu city of (led, beard a Eotig by celtal choir, and had a conversa- ,a wlth "an olt$ man "htutwhite Ir and whiskers," preuutibiy St. ter. lie tlI tibs story wblle describing isenseations fstllowlng a recent su- mobýie atx'ldent when a car over. red and killed hi, wlfe and another nan. Dr. Case was hurt and was a serictus condition for severai titi. Dr. Case sald Se recalied hearing a saint noise, then looked ai his wife der tieath the wreck and *Ose eemed to b. very happy." "We both turned,'l he saiS, '-and te amùazed to ee ln the distance a >146n City." He then described the meeting wlthl avellerabie man with white baîr dwhisker. MYSTIC WORKERS ELECT OFFICERS Waukega n lodge. Mvstlc Workers of tlte Wot id. Monday night hld their election anti ins-ltallation of ottiCers and there 'sa. a social fcature and refreshnents were gerved. .iowett Baîiow wae elected pre- reT.ed,}mmna MWters monitor, C. T, Ueydecker secretarY, S. Il. Bradbury banker, L. A. Bruge marsutal, \V. 9% Barnes warder. L. Schmidt sentinel, James Forremetr ttupervisor for tbrec years, P. G. Stewart supervisor for two years, and Kaziau Fitchi sutter- ysor for cne yrar. . Mrs. Mayme Labeau. distritct dep- uty. waa pregent and presented the new rates. a_ You~ngeanwho practieed! mdirein a rural dis- trièt becanse fainous and was called in consultation t'in' may towns and cities- because of bis succesain the treatment of -disease. He Ii place some ohi treat. uj mente before the entiro United Stattes and, nsoving to Buffalo, ho put up what be cal!zd hs Favorite Pre- seription, and placed it wtitedruggists in cveryý -statc in the Union. That was fifty years / ago. For Mify vears this I Favorite Prescription of Dr. -Pierce's has seld more Iargcly throughout t ho L'nited States than any other me<jîcine of like character. It's the Lestimnurîy of thou-iandsq of wren that it has bencflted or entirely eradirated such distressing ailmenta as womenare prone to. For over fifty years some of Dr. Pierce's home medicines bave been selli ng over the drug coun ters, so that more than forty-eight raillion botties have been sold during that tie. This speaka well for the reliability and value of Dr. Pieroe's standard home remedies. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a blood tonie and strength- builder which contains no alcohol, yet has tonie quaities that have endeared it to, the American public. Dr. Pieroe's Plesaant Pelleta Cornposed of May-apple, aloes and jalap, have long been considee a reliable vegetable laxative, in the same way that Dr. Pieree's Favor. ite Prestription bas long been recognised as a tonio for dimeme peu lia to womankind. More recently that wonderful discovery of Dr. Pierce'm-nftmely, Anurie (anti-urie-acid), bas been siccefully used by many thousands of people who write Dr. Pierce in unquali. Red term ofthe benfita recivd-that their backache &,d other symptorus of kidney trouble have been completely conquered by, tL. use of Anuric. BER 16, 1920 t- F A BOOST FOR Merits One For Us ru LOOK AT THESE VALUES-THEN ACT The Greatest Suit and Overcoat Values in Amnerica Today Suits and Overcoats; $45 and $50 values, now $3 Suite and Overcoats; $55 and $60 values, no 1w. s.9 Suite and Overcoats; $65 and $75 values, now $45 jJp~F~ UIO SUTSREAL VALUESAT FULL PRICES E XCEPTIONAL BARGAINS AT SUPEROR UION UITSTHESE BIG REDUCTIONS. A big pvtin tise or 40c',Wooi Union Suits enat,Ituls to Offert- le t a spelaI P 1 si0e Of $ 0ti f-tr 8.25 $2.69. -5lien', fine i tton Iîîton Suit-: hoeavy fieecedin l 's Cils and ecent - Lt'cuiar $2, 50 %-ai- Ues at . 2.69 Neckwea r Sale I-Xî~ tîiiits p ai ad fancy s1115s, inii îîii-ilaîii tics and b)o\v tics at-e i-t e as follow-s: $400 Tics Now Sellung At $2.50 $350 ries Z4ow Selling At $2.35 $300 Tics Now Semag At $1.85 $200 Ties Now Selling At $1.45 $1.50 Ties Nok Selling At $1.00 $1.00 Ties Now Selling At 69c, 75e Tics Now Selling At 39o Sweaters Wool Sweaicrs and Jersess ini stt-ipes and mixtures. Take yoîîr choike of any $i2.~O ~ itatonly $8~ FLANNEL NITEROBES Exceptional material in our regular -*2.50 and $3.00 Nit e-. robes at spéccial 19 price of ................1 9 FLAJNNEL PAJÂAU for îndt i 'iortoutdoor sleep- ing, valties fi-oni tf63 9 to $8.40.,lt" -...... 3 6 .-,$6,50 Unionî Sutis $4,93; nmade lnt grai wooi mixture ln heavy andS 1litt iveiglit spteiitilit 4.98 TSof Silic, ALL SHIRTSPercales, Give Wonderful Values. A speciai Shirt vaine at $2.79 rover, titi $3,50 and $4.00 Shirts In Bed- ford Cord8 anS Strlped Madras. Three fer 7.50 -Don t egleett b seettre Sbrltt rtow. Ait $6.00 Stttri îsow .seiiing for 4.79 Made of splendid nmate- rial ln large varieiy .of patt ernfs. ;tod hea% y Wtt-tI Union Siuit t Ing tay mixture; -regliiar $7 50 itt--, f-ton. 5.98 Madras and Adjutsted ta Creps tie Cheise. Jer- seysî Broatlcloth attd Ital- Ian* Silk Suit-to: 's¾.t l frotta$15 10 $18. Setiîng ntom foi, 9.50 I ou canntsoî hlp btti-t ons tu your vs-t :ditîh)e 'shen you see Iheni. Ail $800 Shirt's if Fi- bre Silk and Sik Mix- tures lifie patter ns- lpecil at a 5.98 Price Adjustment on Ail Hats For, this sale we have reduced ail bats, whethir clati, feit or velour, in sny color or shape, 1-3 fhem regular prices. Don't delay longer. -includittg val- ues front $l1.51) 4 ;2.50. Ail sizes. 1Mens s viinte-t- en4 and bnys' A6ena Winter Caps is th eat K n it Hockey, Cape wsithi ear- laps. Special caps. $1.25 va~ laps. Specitil 2.Q8 ueo, 89c fnînierltt,îtlliiig89 __________foi,$150,$4 or $5t.00. MtenA Ail - MW00 and Sik and Wool Union Stu.Regu. Itir $1 0 vaLitte only 70'98 Glove Sale Ji.t as cîîld si etIli i as t-ati-,cd a îoccd of (i luses, 1)0li 11 5aidIlieav % ve lias-c plat cd a 20-, redliîtion On1 es cry pair in the' store. %o' the hlime to 1)11v o. Womeni's Silk We arec êfIeriîîg tin-se ex-- cC1tJonal luargains iii wo- xîtci'sSiIk IIOsC iein rierto (Lt se mt thtiis -t t îk a s ss -(da nlot iîiteciitIl Tî-atrti lin'.- .iltsY lt)l]tg r. .$2<)O Silk Ihtse fUr-$.98i .-2OSilkJIlose fr$Y * 20)S~kHOCis f1 9St. m en's Hose Siik Ilc,;se. $1.tlt isehee3c ittîtiet,40C yaltten 'for 69c *f et s' S 111k 'l ' 29C t .<t n , Att CR NEY' S Chamber of Commnerce Buiilelng. 113 North Gencaee St., Waukeijt'ft YoUI For Booster Week we acM ta the genera weliomne, a suletantial reaton for making a profitable visit through thse -big reductions ti Men's wemr at 'CAR.NEY'S PRICE ADi USTMENT SALE. Most Articles Reduced ta Less Than Cost Through Re- ductons of 20' ta 50' OFF LIST PRICE ON New Goodrich Safety Tread Ti'ore s Lake County Agency For Paige and Studebaker Motor Cars- Ail New Stock, aund Carring a 6, and 8,000 Mile Guarantee Achen &Wells c~ 217 North Genesee Street Phone 568 Winter Motoring Necessities Ani-Freeze Soluion Radiator Covers Sie Enclosures Heaters ------------- ----------

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