J~.Oèw. TlOMPSON LOWDEN ASKS FOR IJOEPI!GARRSON LO$ 95i; >t 13. J. Guerin andi vite 10 Adelmo varranr deeti; $10. (j3 Bertrucci andti vIe, lots 6 tuj 9, Peaj'- E X PýOSED -MAY (iRATEFUL JIEARTS FREED 0F CHARÇÎ snStioky & Ilogana aubdlison FOItTUNE TELLERS ON TIIÀNKS61lVINQ MAD B Y (IRL let, ltJlo,reblok 4 Ares; arrahty bld kLeitngeftler on stations, vlxere deed; $p,ôo0. frends, rlativuls andi fasmilles are 'uit.. Alphonse Belandad wife to C. U Ildo0fon trains, while France lequel W'mkegan Man Knows Nearly Bprinteld.-Golverssor rra", O.Discrepancy in the lndictmnent Mllro t al.,hotkà, nd veutbaiofau kise t o ains lg oNdO Lowden urgpa that specl efforts bie Jt4 l 2 elisbiiin tgo ta Ail the Tricks of Spiritual- matde by thse peuple of Ilinois thia Agairist Fox Lake Youth Nortls Chicao; warranty deeti, $ItJ.. givin teda y. Hpis atenyo bse eThanksgvl g . L . Sch ilz an dI vife t e 1R. '. S trat- I n l i n a tc h ri., uatIxroxx i ism and Occutism. ertoproraeyosev ik- Resuts in Dismissal. 8r nrwRlt1 ecp et ~ nîgits mathrha wx'rng proxlamation reada as tollows: filt block 6, Exinoor addition, IIigb- bathrobe. lie more th an ordjuiaiî P' 1landi Park; warranty deeti; 4000. erfia b DETAILS UNCANNY WORK ilepeîet fte1ntd ttsKT' ENGLERT ACCUSER. Mary W. Yoe estatel Ral Phrank othrbea park viiitse ailp bas designateti Tbursday. November lot J9 Watlswerth subivislont Wall- o I.rb lasgvt ierpd 25, 1920, as ThanksgtvIng day. TW.4'IllxV a 'Spiritualisia, Occuit- "In pursusoce of the proclamsation Serious charges by Katbryn Eng kegaii. deeti; $875. ef ai. «lpluaioni. tom, Ma£ic. Or Palmiiairy Matie £asY" of the prepitient; 1. Fla 0. O.Lwtier ' lert, of Fox Lake, againat .oept Qar. November 12, 1920. school of instruction; it la the par- governor o! the state of Illiois, do risou, son Of the marchialof that vil.- Ana E. Plnertoa tô A. J. L.a Msag- rat.' e of a Maxn Who bas don m r eeby urge our cititena te observe loge. caine toeSaught Tuesday ben deleine and wife, lot 9, block Io, 10 e donîe-efkes t mrerbaa at day of prayer anti thankzgiling. bis CasQ Came UP forittrial i thse cir- Wright's aditiân, Libertyvilllc; var- tenesoi:tlr.hseraml tan r. Otto R urge that our people assemble la cuit couht In Waulkegaax, bis attorney illÀ deeti; f600. Tlnsoî, W. Iukea ian aDrxiexto He laeE0 -bi vVbi nt . UrvinaaPringing a surprise bï' P. 1H. Matden anti vIf.te Clause ber ofo ivukî alli na ndclub. -thire reater t bliks 10 thi, ndtyC alling the attention of thse court te Eo<lL, lot 6, Lux subdivision, Wads berof1 e imuns iUb ter rndr haks e heAi,àghtya flaw In the Indîctiment. Worthx. warrandy deed; $20)0. - D. mfixi.ci .io la of Daiali God for ilie manfold blessingsslbe bas (arrison vas IniiOeti fer asaault - *kaadvl aJh ek teseerl ,, a 5iîdent i Oxford uni. voxchafedtetous.J.E aknndwfLeohpe. v'lin Lb ngliitd for îîiree years, 'Thîis year we celebrate thse 30tiî with latent te mstreat Misa Englert 1er and1 vile, eat 80 folet of lot 31, gond whiîe ihcre vaï a mezaber o!ft aiaiversary of the coming cf îLue Pli. hn as a matter of tact thse young latglesîde Hghlands, Lt Inglcaide; club hat pirchise d ever y new trick grilm l fathe rs te our shores. om an ccuse I l m of havi g m i- I vrr anty dee ; $500. I alrn île lài tiicuýgo 10 or '12 yesx eiw 0ts niiulvtotm- Tejutrsrahal-been avWon and Brevu, l lot 23 anti euti il x o aeo Dr. rTIiomliýon help.d (Lite .I'îtbloi' Jury t0 the righis of otxeis. hie tri thrlore Garriscn a Ia been placet inl 24, and part of lot 2, Edwarils' sui)- Jeopardy ad hen fihe imcepaucy la division, Round Lake; wariîy deed; ilis drive Oit the lakers in tbst umph of trutb anti faitb In God, are t1e Indietint vas ora fthe canse 84,000.1 di.SiîlIitpractîtio'xers lu as v-tallY noeded today as they vei waadiamisseti andi cannot be retrietirC.w A. DKropp tand vite todAicebiii. ot îlxî c ini lxx hu ae what wben the Pilgrim latliers he befor the."me aiegeti offense. Bviso, Runpartltke ara' sbdi lie n M ij la known as ie, lue liook,' or auck intry stranti. Garrison ln thsesamne age s thie vionRudLae raty ee er liaI. declares Dr. Thomapson. 'It therefore le appropriattisatilan ie t o ae "Whenever there lh a.recruit the our people salitsruce special efforts girl anti ilvma Jt.Foe 'A.eP.0Beau- fi:at une vicriiiiig tbe sutd o-r yun- Ibis year to fittingly celebraté in os1 ages Iogel lix4. or bier naine mad ad. Thanltsgiving day." OFFICIAL LISI OF NSER ben Ita1 and 15, block 24, Wash I bora Paok NorthixCîcago; deedý, She realizes tha drsi;*uies mexîîbcxa of the fauti- ESTATE TRNSER $790. Ily and oiier nfor-mation. Thip Il; Fruit Coor la Sunlight. John Jurcbik ant i vie to A. j. eeyeiec ft lisually ix,ailablù. ttrough zonfed- The color o! fruit la the re-suit Of Fuindtod bNugenît, iotsa1, 2. ad 1cey evdenc of erai es. ýeiria cin nw. ulgtl subdivision on Bluff Lake; w.îîxaxli the comnnonplace. Examine Vcim'a Wrapa. t'Lbfruied lto reti or yelluoror O-1 AE O.loTeipi. AN ie,. T 0o.emeed¶3$100. The iîxîes are aise obtainable alro e leIt&Piel 4Nvmr13190 or thr larelin hil. wb re emîca le ci o tlos lace eat 'dTis1o Individuahity is wlixexiaSUera vîs h iScout, Ibat el1 a rpopcto lrxp la t vieTn5 ayNovewiber 11. 1920. ati Consumiera' Co. te A. J. Sxixiili ant: an attenldanît, ges tbîouuh theie bethehIIterations ljetweexxfile lient of MryJ. Rafter teG. . Lvige ,dtract o! laanydlectio 9$1. antHat bas been chosen longings foi letters or ottier identifi- day and tile cold o! noigîxî are jillet W. A. Nîcliolas, lots 1 aud 3, bloc!(t tnhi;va1n6;ett; 1 makol;b iefai.tht a o iy riglît'a addition, Liberityilite; war- E.. irk to T. Il. Durst. south with this season's a 'OnQ kkcî ae exposî adîertispd vItl the sprlng clociy !ollowlng. ranîy deeti; $10. bi fea 0Ie !lt5mxpr tba fo 5i cets a aoiîd psxtveî ____________. i. J e'declîer te A. T. Goode, Ioof lot 16 aduohilag, ail lI Il X 1, inSelection, therefore,i gixet r5 e ntieii m d u sines rilie 1, Pillifant & hteydec.{ý-rs il Original MWaukegan; vwarranty decil; larxnaxind aniiwVr six questxoxxs be- Awful Posaîhllty. lien, Waulegan; warrauîy de.d;' $0 fore the lailier Fpoke one isord. 1 IBer moîher lîxistin lxxelale shoîxi 5 0 S. M. Haimowitzte 0llarry Am- enxed li pace ant vscoujopelled.finilsh viaabeelleation lier plaie. ltîl. hM. C. Dieihomn andtilleîteoCharles lstrOng. tract of land îin aixiio)n 3, el ]ltiqîpltce nd Presntmly i vs aroyecll1, 2 o mk ilassell, lot 77, Lyon'a tiiti subdivi- Ela township; warrînty deedi: $10.By r texî.'it is toi rnaedto 1writeeatanoyelalmie, .n1ianinnIabaîlube :sion of Fair Grounds. Wauilegan; N. S. Blunxbexg et al. te T. li DuraI, aiynanerdirss bsinss udthehuuphcke lx m stminci 11. arrauiy decil; $1. part of lots 1 anid 2, block 26, (ilginai my ame buinss nd hehanphake Inmy toniik lk: W. B. Ingvoldstati ant i vie to An- Wukegan. warral deeti; $2. six questitns on a blank piece of pa- granttp."-Boston Trauscriçit.deaOetelad f.lt41Pis nnSlrratiîubxdaE.J per iurnisied nie or ate saiepalier desOftdladwflt4,Pes naSlrradhsad .J of xny o". This 1I îtd andi foliled ILJ, * In nîy lîsoîl.ils1t eirned the 'Ma- diixiiis' prescrire lie saied to shakoe. bandsasnd apîîarenily by accident __________ took thse paper. Witbout oienlDg l lie returned t. soliug:Here. I1vas Dotecond dte gconata w bx as ordered t0 put tIs Se odeec n palier on lic knee and place my handl oit-r it. Hlie lin îlace i ls han] over my ow». Thex i e pir-keil uçia lor Floor claie, ad facng me, starlt writing ___________ , TA D .u ________ on it andt elliag the Informiatioin ho c OT O(l~ Vi 10 1L il _UI8 m2 aderiliied ibe voulti, as vell ai a et- Ottwfo m tr vR Ing thxe questions andti a1scweiinz "The next tinie 1 vent back 1i tcoa a confederate andthie mais vas@arl resteti. liere vas bis trick: Whea lie apoparefftly returnedthelb paper lie titi set do se, but subattuted aotbr. By piaelng l Onabis inhe I vas un- lablé to examine iAte10 me If ItcoiS-- taineti my questions. By placxng bis bandaeiouixmy ova Ivas unabi. te r. nove (lhe paper tram bis lae vlth-W b.aneePie out being tietecteti. H. thea 05 n W GarnocPne the paper on vbich 1 hai vritten,adton dlR cr ad Ily holding the slaie towarti ae, resuo alRe ar n theni vîthoat my being able t0 ses tTL Ila.'" lt ]Re itas caugbt when my confierate Trucsu oApi t vwitheut varnixîg pulieti dovo the top î- etf tbeiole, exPosing sny palier lie- l'1921 H on w Appar iions Appear MNakîn,' ghuîciq 1l Isr adoxie by a tixior reflecting Objecte upon a viece of plain plate gloa, Il set- tinla for tI-.o uirrured stage hein-, an exacitiupice o!fIbthe voionc 1 en vliiclx the plate glass is piaced sac new fRea in a ilîlg position. As tie ights that lcads all. Sec t are il tht off on thse rei stage, o -one nt a Lime anti -mi llicetd on mlit will denmoinstiftte it1 panzer on tIsa reflection Stage tAcf .gI cstIy' figre gradiîrlly showssui mioe îlaiuiy on the plate gls anti la visibleih' tlictse i the aiidienxi - but not (t l e «) 'n t'le re al' 1. Ia,,e, bem-ase tlicy axe belind th, R ~~ 'plate gir-.9slod carnot aie tie refle.-' îI lion. Becaxire of tiîlfactIt laisalun seat stage to pas thrt'ugh tfise ali- pîcl iwlhout linowiiug il, but the audixence (an se il. The dîipllraie stage la lnifront. andi belaw the real staze nud thîrlr the plate glass Smort stant fo-lad Pade a IivëSecret Pocitet. ...The rckdiug of questions Nvrittea tsy menthebers lu audiences la doua bun thse !oloWiig manner: Poads andi Pen- elle are palse among'tise audience. Questions 'are vrittea uiqua tbem antid -torn off, the vrlter coaceasilng bis question In bis Ibansi-or putting Ati_ ito bis pocitet. Thse poids.lotid Oeu- cils are tIen returned. te the stage. ThIlpai go te a confederateat fis riar Of tIse ktage. TIse-mediuma may it on the stage, covered wîtIs a sheet, or bindî'xlId himaelf, or go Ato a ap- earent trance, there bel variatioxns trucieti that-a tuba can be laced Booster W eek Coat Sale, ibii itilIm e fluor iwbre. Ise ronfe i o- epaie iilier reatis thexailout enoug!i R m l-J ~ J l~~l..--a se the aiidibcncoe lestIse uetilur. arkable Values aIn VYALLn A e ..oats iFor vvomeflIand Misses la utteine lbenior els vhispeis txerns to-AIse smediums, who repeaux IJ>ndffbtedly the inost unusiial, values of the se-asoîs ai-e offered:duritg this thein. Persona usuly are nvýed Booster-Week Sale at prieies surprisin gly low. 'Oiie group of par-tieular ini- te0 write qustIàns cl paper of tibiîr own or on tie pada. but i0 case 0fi terest is inentioiied hifre. PREPORTW MAN 15c b n t »Meag liW ldMM e4R 0nF BO ARD pruesiet of teltvm "L TelephOl om BMY, lad sealeo thé 0F NO. S. CEMETERY %eefui 5pne' oror i s c. Dr. D. C. LMease, Balrorftinelt wha Dreame molit. business aman 01 Freeport, Ill., lias "odem e0 tard£ dénotes gpeat just been electeti a member of therihsad on; board of directoia of Modern Cern. e- ixtis; heam leou andhqnera tery & Mauaoiçum complanY.tie cor. duirt'nis signifies Youvi ure poration vbicb owvaNorth Sfhore witii your lover; clubs, haçPfineus ami cemetery. Upliards -out50,000et theimeuxney; 51!dOU. you WvIii00«eSilth stock ot the company Je owiied inla mi.v hnrihib&L-ChCBgo AmP'ICBU, 1 reePort. and XDr, Messe fisbeen, ilady Bu3 iat it is the one'article afihi true distinction. Hier hatr i the keynote of aur presen îor mnade wïth\ýhat idea in1 assartmerit, because it is3 is a pleasure here. sMilliner, Murray Buildinl Wauloegan, Miinois sHer Hat hes- outfit tliat muet bear must "set her off" f ram ýnt selected stock. Every view. You'll be pleascd so varied and extensive. yShop 19 àko Motor Cars ? The Gold Standard of Values Sedan, the car without cornparison, the wrntcr car . his, car at our show rooms--or Phone 215 and we te you. The winter's comfort car at your home. SPED-WAGONh The prices are very reasonable compared with the Ioad iha this modern wagon carnies. lu fully guaranteed. Made by- thé Reo man- ufacturers-one of aur Most rehiable auto con- cerna. .COUNT-Y DISTRIBUTOR0' .Sheridan Road Phone 215 ad Winter Storage for-Rent tioén -on Al -T ires ->ng the- Coming Week' INVOLYFI CHICAGiO Lawrence Jorgi Chicago Police Confesses'« GIRLS- WERE Lawirence Jorge, Gr ait es, being lace bas been beld et Young amea vbo atresses v-hq vei tirant Park Cbicag inYsterious circonis Jorgensen, accord Hlarris,' hati recel% ad vas la Chics ssiglit, listIng lefi i tise afternoon. Ibip is confession T W atedtia10show Uie, haborroveti hioyceyvho kept lus; USa lgarage- ' qj i tisItIshe two vOni, brother anti Marri thse joy ri(le abou vlslc, hen 1Z t he- drnak an uoisy, t1ii the car ln Grant Ater dit-il itefe.rr'liug ho lite palier i Thse xit"ryo actrexAts. whome1h biliiday moifutng li solseti la-t night. e i xiilntion10 lau >outbs, Co vonîen lun a joy ci * have coîxfem.ed-i 1 ec eument b-coin ihl it1raie lni boys l ite-'s.iren. sdi nor,- ilai a lrPit-r y*, fri or - I lie iliai îlr- iruih i bhail cpui-niwoiîrf lil,îant lit k In u1 OutAirs o! (1 îeye tire'-yuU cent reputatboiis littie Io do vîtIs vhIhchs làreipon-Ais In héhit-r lames. ' ie iptorv tolti 1 1. lIt-f tof Dete-div lrecol-xt t fbçQvl. .1I'se thrpe.vuito I lxiptepark are: àiîmlsJir gensen j orge-nr, 4S.18 Me anix t-0iýI-f-I mt t 4M,17 ltrladta a i.awrx-nî- Jorgë Iliarcis LiA s mail, Malr(iur IP smht- rosis Son Of E. I. of -, li e ýhalte-r lan 'ix iirge-u - ae- uitd'r ai. rest. ai i -, h 1.Tii, y a-e se-nthIe .xiiur. an ta be xiaiixh A Coal ci iiii .!of 10 l>iîî-lan r-i aud ledgî- ortsi!o ixiix rifld on Il antid b-ir tIse or îuîîîf,!nul in val-e ýi- b0die., I eononn- a i 'I e vau ut, - Ii 'li,-y t by a n .-ken binuIt vanien ra' icrIl au Plirî- . i parit iii of i r by lilaîl- Jriren, the ccix ii.r-l t-y SI ii. and Lois R. Ci'I, tires s i ouig ().Lcxi-' antiNeillit iongl cago, 11h. Cecil t-.lioni *wis .and Nehlitea dale Wis. snm Dtttha, na Palat li-ri. 33, Peter J. lense boxlIl., sudiii Chixcago. Jacobs Ojatl, 2' Laxti l irta, 2t), LiOn T. Brow ioreisce S. Knigt lienry Saam, l Lucia Toulouise, CamhiOlIo, 20, aar Martin Andiers andi Hilcha Strebl Frankt Stepka, aie )iiiflaCçtk. 2S. *Oscar RutiolPh, anO(l 1rslipa, W e Wis. Walter J. Frie Wic., and Marie dresa- ltotney -IL Si a ~~ jesgSie J2. M James G. Decà and Eyniili ill Gutirtir Cantal dres Clayiimfl1. Xt -- Wha i. '~- asi.ht go laî Ne A -Woistd never istm .. ,,#XWK s»ol1 qt Pluer %il'GUPÇB.I'Jed"D lua7*#,a dl krw MOI l 1. : ý - ý - , ý . ý , .- ý ý. ", l :, . ý - _ _lsý ýl. - x , VUIUCâi-*l 1 7,77 ,