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Libertyville Independent, 18 Nov 1920, p. 5

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THE L iTL'I'ICAri, soon t0e wr-tibiisittd, Io b.' ca ff yes ýpent ln relief anti wefare vorkt ýong 'Waukearis needy an'd =fer- N unte. À SÀ YAT N--Tbe balance o« 1a1tefotinys quota TAIN S L AIO or$7i000wititLe apdt M yDRIVE179M -tescile and inaternhuy homtes mintenanice to proî dec rai Sum Almat$~,O0 and ica otention for un S Se sde for Work babies.................. .. $1.0 Boys' anti girls' Indugtriai hdmue ln.Wauega. nti farns- Purchaà;e andi O fmaintenance for one Year' t a Meeting Suitday alhertGof -tTbus hm l rbablY lie ao'sSilahi camnittee of tise locatet ln LaIte couiity>,..2,690 tonArmY cotiftY sdvisOrY EmergetcY rlief-DistribiitiOn Fhicb (' harles Steele is pres of foodi, fuel, clohita. niedi- e A. V. Sinti vice prtela cines in relief work of great 0ca11 TumcOt secreiaiy an-i disasters and i cnergencie-i andti 'ayor J.. F.iluuinger, such as the nortiternIs llinois -A. Graily, Thon. H. DOrst. Jutige cyclone. April. 1420 ........ 1.26t) EC dwards. Jutige P. 1-- l'ere.oua. Aluiistataive work. Illinos.. , 49f) -C. aurnett, Damon T. Alsiler, %V. Dîsalîcti atirera' fsnd-F'or cal.' Bitb. Dr. John C. Foie), 1- P. of Salvations. Arun> office!s Charles T,,l4"rd. Edward Cois- b-v1ýen dom-n in service or ne- T..ta, .F. EeNk£BP, W. J.' lit i.ion accotint of age.... 4 2) mati anti hur Buuklcy are Traii -g of offîcers. admîinis lubers, ih v as decidet Iobraise i.on of wtIns, ivomnsa "I gDn'm portion jf. k(UtY's i.,' chiltiret' social i'ork.. 74 ajW for the borne service j'rograii 7« te SIaionAtm> on Novenîtic ' uai.....................700o liOME-BREWERS IN 1i ýaer. P. W. lBuck,ArhrE (t ,MIaurice zplechower-, Arnol Nola'., CITY INTI3RESTED ýDr. M. 3. $<aowse aitSli AeretI' e*aPondlitr. Carreit Wiloit. W R. Daziel. T. H. MKntt>lir. L I.L TE T ILN~ Jgiy 'rlT.ibesleIN teî, E 2 iSîd bifer, Lawtrence iioulitbe, FraiSE Wolak, Dr. C'.. S. Ambrose, TbheO. Home Brew Makings Stili Can ,"BlchAle. Hen, - 1. Fogliesi, carl 'Mler r C. G. itorer, E. Goodifii. be SoId Separately but Not 1" Seitienfelti, R. L Smart,.Charles Wor, Lew A. Hendee. L- . O* 1rock inl Form ot Co mpound. way. Gieorge Bairaloit, Frank hunke Dr. Narlander, T. E. Gray, L. lHari, MWatkegar imakers of ioin.'.brew, James C. OShea. Dri, l. C. loag, and tiseui number is iegion, aie rnurhi Fi-fnbt Bickmer açd C. L. Dotige. iniereâled in saiaemenis coining froni Workers will cover the enire huai. W,îsbisgîon t0 ihoe eiect tat cisc onus district oni Waukegati on Wednem- socess of nsaking ieet mc islawful. Lýocal honte-brewers iikewlse iire in. day, Noveifber 17. Tue faciori's will tere-tted n a -ling îo iha ffer4t Ilat .- coveret bv a specia i ndt:isrtlal hliievrosngdet 1hpr -eommttee andi esery enplaye givenma-'e li ila i.geles nyi ei ahs opprtunity 10 roniributte. Otee t sel' ail i iheun in a single unî t. utday, November 21). a conlite f !r lie foi b".ittg di patcilifroi i Vasjlt laditeswli holti a tsig sale ;n ord'mi in-g in wiîî be veal w idi InicicSnter- that an'ouie who liiaz. een ii 11)-ed ";ti 1, local'b'ai' te liaI time will noi bçe- use. lorrècti ' -lsnî'.Iiti hO gri-d Y 0f lb. anount taiset iun Wiukegan. MOsi ix b,ýn' coiii-susîss'-ilà, etyf00 rettaitta ln ibat çit>y for the use ho undi-r circunis-as sic-howng t lw'- et -te local colis o! tht- Saixationi a 1-.' l be uieti for iiilaWit lii-asiifac- ~~luI-e of itoxicating liqunux -- -sanifaitur'i in the honete ot bei 1 6 7 9 9 rage 1) wposea, ex en i liotglifor thti .IED MUeif ta becme a victim by ~.ct1g pet. dhe,. Guard = *e troubl by taking soie use. of the fautil>' and bîîîîa fi, gucats., is iliegal. He ikewse lioltis thaItishe sale M tanueriais for surit nanuiu0irue i. iliegai. it ha possible, an officiai sain. fui buyers iho obtain separatel> umai' ByI'ip, mialt extract. hope. yeasi sugan -anti othes ingredients vithot running couutor ta the bur'eau, ml-mtg. The bureau's principal complaiiil 1 againsl tise practiceofai elii he l. u gretiients la the foum o! a rixtuni or compaunti hearing formiulas tu hoor maIitig. ALLEGiEI AXEMAN PRESCRIPTION LNIT RENOVE»ý? MAYBE!: b ON TRIAL; TRIES MAÀYBE NOT PRO3S REPORTS NOT SAM.~ TO PROVE ALIBI Here, are two references to the sam1e matter- take Stat Suceeed n Wavug a our 6 hoice if you 're a doctor who imses Prec iS, hil biut il you get nipped, don'hoeratriafneiim Powerful net of Circumstafl- & tial Evidence About tim. t~ug WI4SaIO)Tiue WEST 18 ACQUITTED. 5100.e recei1veti Word yesterday of a ailowed *Il the vîlakey prescripbo. Bu Tii. jury in the case of Jamez West. raling aîd te ho ave been madeie lbaaii, th«y aibetifor Voie. enelet 8-sti chargeti with assault it vlatnent le aWshingtton lifting te regulatlons udght by William H. Williamil. cou commît osurder Tuestiay aftevonat, r.- rastriclt a pi>rstelaiI la 100 pre .1!P West was dîscitorgeti tram custody. Tise atuber or. blanke tae ae ..ti il foollsbnsss," lr I tune favedIta!es esnof tiil"ant clîOl vr ie inis isaiti h0 itai retiM. WI »f Tie cas fJe e l0 auke- Bfledma@et'thelisdecretlan of lteelin.-" ere bh beiatSa gaex-sahiar, via Ichargeti viti dlrector. th li aim,.re .11 uilvth tnt tetcommit mur- der on lb. Persan of Peter Johnson, --------------- a Gurnea f[Srmer, vent ta lie jury lato circuit court aI Waukepnt Tuesday. The case lm one of the mail flenti- W A N T A D S Isk on record ber.. Jobpaon was Bth awkndabout pUtdnight;i -a -'1ew sTSi ei e nE.nete. niontîts go, by the ,sounti of some on tT5-lCoeprUneiwrts. nettr bis home. Se ie vsîgated anti2deu.iunmCig w smet upon b>' lire. mon, one a!of --- ---a * :m :: hn, oi weldeti n axe. Johnson bati a desperate. baand te harfA battie for FOR SALE OR RENT -t'room bouse 1n that location. Ternis (-ait h.e ar- bislie, ei g oudedseerey.Tii. on McKinley' avenue; un good con- rangod. T. i. STAIIL, & CO. bia iexema ng oni eely. ilion. Inquire of Jantes 'lark, Phono pnoullî'y bouse, large culas ber> be-I ax 1sn -peti afto( lue hmd eut bis i1-J 7at oîgn-lai r .SAI biand i hSiia corn Itu-to,_______________47_7 -and Oigacad T .SA Johntsonsloolkte case uP wiiis the FOR lENT-115 acre tari; gond Tîsese are bothi cl(-u utle farune police innediately, alleging uhat buildings; 1 mite frontu deit; -pus- anti caniheu- ulciiased Soni sur>,asy Wh -s. ' loninerly lbai worked f or session Marrb lau. J. P-. I)oyie.iLiber- tcIFias.1 hsi. lîtniai aelreats, to 'get" i. tysille. lit. 7l NO2 ARS Thei W~aukegan lpolice FOR ' - tuO.2 5 CRES hiote and foittiti uns iii aithou6a.FO SAE -'Purebred IloIst-in.- 4 Localeti aI Gîrnee .lias a gooil qt elvnoclcknthe forentoit- hula, on. ready for liglit s m-nom, c touse, harn, garage,.lrge or- it ws eexe orot-kit sevic, tbard wiliî abundance o! varIons1 lnuanot lier ,rooni ouf bischomtiiihey $3800 anti ut. Ste fensaies alan for otimer kintis (If fritî. Caiiliepunr- onda Sui of lts clothing whiclî sale, on açcount of neiflg rontu.AU chasoti for $5,500; sait payament was wet muid muddy. One o!fltis bargains. L. H. Pepper. Lakx- Villa, . dobaacaspn.T.STiii bandastuas bandagodthtire beig a Phone Graysiake 17-J-i. 47-21 doI aac srn.T .SAI fresî t Son il. _____________ _ & CG. Johnson tid not gel a gond] lnok at GLASS FOR SAL- Windoulatel, NO 311-1 CRES. Il Isissa liant but at the- trial whici fatir> art, vire glatss. etc. Automo- Vacant. locatid nemI- 1Beach stsa- -siarte in iirtcuit court Monda>' sfter- bile ies. alsa. H. W. Robins Wood- lionandchuebidngrosi tiand ve 0000 heie efied that lhe liati baid aworking Ca., Lbertyville. 45-tffie>'sloi . iidg ctille ayntit'n- gond opportunicy 10tuiitermine bis -heught. weiglsî antimscmles. Front FOR SALEF-Small sizes Slinîlicity resitiont. Ternis cao b't- aritangesi ihetre lue îisiilveiy ideutifieti West as anti Fulier anti Johnson engines at T.. STI. & CO.« tihe Otani 25 per, cent off. On account of avec- NO. 4-20 AUltF- Mrs. Thsomas Tyrrel. Jr. o! West stock. W. J. Chînn, AntîncIli. Locaîtid on West WVas hington Washington Street lestified Inbcourt 472f Street. Heaviiy ioshereti andiad tuaI mite bai seen West corne home Joning tie lily linitts. Alsis beInz i atfour o&-iock is bhe moi'ning. States FOR SALE-Cbioice resîdmnce lots on sriireib>'no-reridu-nt ai set> r- AtIorney Welch pointeti ont Iiat if MçKhnley Ave. Mrs. Grimes. 2tf conahie ternis. T. 3. qS'iAI. & (t West n-as ihe mt o lioaitimsade te NO. -1--,4 ACRFS- 1 issisii. usaI lie wouid have lbail jusi FOR SALE- A new i rotanithtorougliy ,gonad i-ous usllc.,DiIn .issi tA- t abouit fitte enougli itn-alk lilue frotîs modern hanse in Area. Posseossuon oîhîiiîn l ege <sr-barri gril deulse 30 timys after sale. F. M. Harding, Ares, vn(-Il ,ind zot-i>,) iil. inr-iidIn- ali West ins gIsing his tesiiony Matie ' s.l'liens 184J. 36'tf equipiient. conuit-iig o! on" -ni-ýl a poisitive- denial of ail tie evitience oehr-0p A)cii-in ragaincit iis. Ife said ie luiaiti 0e to FOR SALE-Strictiy modeun 7Troonm ou 0 tti- xr2qttki bedt ai 11:30 qclork. 1-e accaunted blouse. Phone 328, Lihertyvilhle. trsesat r.ds r mq-'cal ools an ce for the eut nîs bis hanti by sayitig il 451tf rrouis.AI$uO'i -trs-ru esr e vas iffflicteti wlten heo ouetet a rais__ rangeti Possessgion l'an te ic tsn ai. of pt-alis eaulier n the evenhng. FOR SAL-Roatiator, chain drive, ln once. T J. STAHL & CO. fT1he rase of l tah wm dîsten-NO.6- 40 ACRUIS- la tirel>' on Iîrc.matanIa.1 evitienre but agond condition; eloclrlc lght. Bosch Locatet i SI(tr-tee. Ciili gond 7-' th itursecuior assuredthle jury It vas agneto. ('aIl or vrite Rd Chervenka 8O ô Rog t lef t Do rooni for01 S* Sheridan Roati, cor. Lake itreel. ----- doubt. WlubOIB. 45-21 FOR SALE-Hauaeuanti lots et rote ut S HOOLS TODranabie pricea ai eay trma. Ei& ~ SCiJOO S TO BE ia Austin.18f l REaT TACI WANTED-GOOD GIRL FOR GN RULES Of ROAD S MITI4, OS NO. ORESUR-O'1 < WAUKEAN. HONKIIIII, ' Wh...iMpidariremoudy for kldnsy, icuino ..9 tPid le Sci t 'el-cure dmant 1 ýUgm'intal eismedymince 1696. M I eacb chiltiren h. "nues of lie rod" anob^ M inn oarnte&M LTÀ U R Pvwiii b, urgeti upoti achool Officiais 4 arn ~ w . orsu uqe.GnrOSsl b« IIJ4 A »tluout theUitehd States shortly bhio BARRE» FROM vay and highway transport eia tioàd DR. I. L TAYLORll yet too eary say cei- Me in Pleu t uemal B" IUumHOM E BREWERS nitly wat thereommendtion8oft t opUmeP'4bc,8:8Oad 7 bl9. m. caion catiho obtaied frein slogane soàm.mosSrosivsy, appts 1Pei Washington, NOV. Il-litbrov- wnch are already utidevr ailie Do- tLwv*ediklUaSin tobogl cl. tu' i rait public sehoolt. as wvol as la Prohbtion lbin today viten il wausaine aters. m 0.o. B p.m. nd uedaàltth :al f hpsstrt tî t he ? ierew rk n vou8igmàzT S80103. notfciors. Great secrec mur therossîn a taueat to alvayisevailg an I @VA , w»"A". roundedtho -buriBUB o tion. lcronereutsila usurwIal tgoi- i The construction tof the lav vas tecmrutlh asr htnt-l LUI*sMO.sImola.. matie tiemniy wo montil ago anti of- hgI prsiîavhiibî ___________________________ficais saidthelb nil. omtenrgea<îotk a treasury tecislon, but Il ha, no Later, as tise dhiti progresses itael LKANAH W. COLDY ieen apprOved îy Secreary Houston.I lie elemietîll grades, the course la ic Attmeyat-awEmPbalic detl a asmateliai broadenediandte lb.aemenl of persan-- Aitcutey-atLawtle bureau bati tindetiotier artl i. respa siihy entera--- tothle <IUe Mi Homas. Ck' Avll.Phone 108-J clos usot Init imeirevltg.andt hat course. logetier vltb more instruc-L - taitrs mund ronîectioners, apparent- lion as le mle, of safety. alwaysinI MSIMRTYVILL!. . ILLINOIS. IY lie Oui>' Persans visa cas b languago wblch In ,amly untiarslooti IoPe anti mat, vire ta b. ces:ý nd wbich lhs'ronfited la fundamental Scores of comîîinte aresamit ta I)iflcipes. LYELFiL MORRis have cose fronit he manufactures As a sppleunenît ti eh vocal in-y ATTO5Y.AT-AWon cereal beverages or jess titan co- struction, îrafhc gaines bave been Uibortillo . Illin-ois hall 0; one per cent a! aicohol round a valuable teacbing atjunt Inl agaînit tie treutendans gravtli cf Ollo tciools, the childleiariig more-9 lai Ouitiln.honi me vltwig. Thoy charge rapît roadily Is Ibis vay anti alati beom- Il ýý.a Menms lUS-M. Ofices PholtOc ecroase lin their aies antid ooî n or nùrsei tiaI agents ekhrorce restrictions o'i-bus, for example, Is one Iintiergar- them but tnt the bomne broyer. ten ont- chilti us selecleti as thiefratrfe JpAtL MAC GUFfIN, OfficasaiociPahedtIal thse ian -'op.'Otisers represont builings,. AIMORNT At LAW. viii irIng a vive of ltîgation, but othera machines, others are pedoilmi- I Libofti,'le, Ilintoi are proparedtet meel il. ans crosing the aIr-pet. The 'rop' 1 bas a Iraffir aigus vih lie vords "go" egog 88EaD I~U IAIEV nd ti sop' on il. andthle petiesîrtansf IURLULIIVIU~LIprureeti sccording tb lb. aiguis. FO E6 AO E Whienon -definile statlsticu' are D R.C . 0OL MET " 'IM .~ O aaiable In shtovail lb. causes of "* Srgee * A~J LLII1Fthe . bbcni>'fatalîties and açedetits 0on t e w VCtSIIilS1 streela anti hghways, IllZa. ho feel- ng rf niembers 0f th.heilgi%'Yauian TELEPHONES 35 ANDJ ER 3RA ES igiiwaytransport dctocmi- LIIETYVLLE . ILINOS -jot a iur rocenl nîeening hn Wasiu- 7i-l Pou ~îr'd Drops from $4. nta hto.vr lsait the lack o! understasdlig of lbe fa, BAU RSTONN t93IlCflbu 62hm e chiid an b. Iaught care, the. MANUFATURERTIii':igle on ilie Arneriraui duulai Io lie gravi, anti nol anly vli ho remnglud' oa il.an*ret-have a baller appiechaato ofafehy Weand'G'rrarig nitertti>'tai-hio-oas a peatrlai, bul-if ho becames a x lore. The mone>' order deparment driver ofran automobile, a treet car -M numents of lie pOsttfýce n Wayklegan Ioday mOtomauor a locomotiveegtneor. -sharte ilsiuiusg ortiers toa slarges1tmntils eariy mtraiina viii mlv-ays stand ber o!farelgo ceunIr-lisaI gresl>'ro- hiînsi ugood aleai. cmMu'orlk of Ever) ducetioxcinge. As furlier Point vicit vill -ha oas. 'T'e Engliai pounti bas beon $4 but pa- d lla boped liat t otat nov bas trappedt ta.$3.76 withiofother exiant at leant. parente may lue ropai- 5,II*Icauntries faîîovîng suit. - ouitmitra techiltiron. as lie cil'î nc. Oid n American dollar bas been reim- Ilr" l iii a. E nlra renting flteDbait brouers. but hb-.liti taildscing ou1ba ÀKWM àiiniy today it wilbitiy i. brotiers leide lt debt m tlTOI.eIeUe 'An ~Ores. Swedi oxchanges buaidera. _____ Waukmatrappet f rom four ronai anti 17tores sprlngnli, 11.Nov. ,Il-ýTh mi- te leur krobue»" i; ea.. s s-ii O»tu% a"nintnb À dollar billillîiDov puirce 1 ailielltisIoli MAlI4 soiBella or i'renich trancs or 20 It.iafl-ier apiagvlg a setoloftI b ie flY Ian lirai.enne repOrt eemptlnafrein taztién 1 Vuswoi SlsThe drop In brelan exchang, viilil Pffperuomi iToWtandunie 8.00 ILLINOIS malle posilethe purcbseo f tforehn 1roommuml I ain nivlit PbeE'~ 4i ~ "q' '~fltiorfi dîaittgronsl thia n5te etiemPttiM-11511 it OneUObi le. . hsu I bil --o -m or . - j usy ha propertir $600. îANTE»-Men or women t ta ar- tiers aniog riends andi neigbbors Co lie genbe guaranleeti hoser. rua linos or mon, wamen andi chU. dren. Eliminates déaing. We paY Me an beur foa spiis, or 824 for MI Uime. Experiee unneceosaY. V'rlte International Slooking Mill. Norsletown, Ps.l11-24t FOR SALE-At $10.25 Rer acre. fortl acres of ralling land noirrnning streain, only on. mille and a quarter 'ram town. with twa raliroads. Ila Niorthern Wisconsin. MA 40 acres level land 2% miles f roma sanie taws. One farty or both cas b. bought for $10.25 per acre. If interuedti see own- er at once. Wm. Hamlel. 204 Waahing- tnSt., Waukegas, 111. 46-4 à. STIL & COMPANY. SPECIAL FARM LIST. LAKE COUNTY'S L.AROEST FA8.Ml LAND BROKERS. D>o cou know that one good lurent- ment inay be the ieans of makitsg you independent for lifs? Remein- ber. the~ men of wealtb totiay aie. those wlIo a few years ago saw and grasped tise opportunities for invest- men lIn safe. teliable Lake coutity taris. One Oi)iortutUlY imiiroved leads to anotîtèer. and the 'harvest tielda oladen witb tihe golden grain constantly broadens anti widens. Yoti know, and sô do we, this ah e ex- perienice of ail successrul men. In- veatin is oie oh our Lakte county foain w and you con double ynurý nioney In a short lime. NO. 1-2 ACRES- lias good four-roofli..Itouse, new barn, good l wril, c isIern and pouiltry bsouse; fine orchard. consisting Of apisies. isears and cherries; ail bilackt voi). t. J. STAH-L & CO. 2 ACRES- Located on tise cleclric Une. lenl- minute ride f rouis Waukegan; fouir- rooto bouse, good barn, gooti well, NýO. 8-42 ACRES- Located. wlthin 2 miles of lowui. Has good 5-robin bouse. ne* hart, good silo anti general autbuildliigs. Ali blaek soli anti nuder aàlslgh state of cultivatian, anti Includui l te fol- lowing ,qulpment: 2 goati barBs, i chaoe cows. aver 50 chiciiens andi ducits, ai, far t lcs, aU laid, silo filled wlth enilage. Thisla l a gaiti. roomi bonse, goati bars ample rom for 15 cows andi 4 bos*i: 90-lt si*1o. fence anti crosa.fence; soli ail under a bigi lstaeof cultlystion, andi cati be purobait an ruaseable termi. Tis.tlaàabargli. Ml410los agr'of Wsýbkegan. T. J. STAM & CO. gIo. 7--a ACRES- t Located cloae to t"e'dIY Of Orsyt iâ.ke. Ail blaok slmg Mder d«P higli ilte of cmltivatlon. Goo< 7- room bouse% 00W boand ilo; homme 1 irra sMdpoultrr boume and IOS* ery bai ooti veil Md velifOSOs andi knowti as Que af thse boit ftrin AL LEI $1 50,000 was Crac Chargei ;1 gportunity for a reai farier. Ca" wlndmill. Pin.. orchard. . AU M )purciiaaed on terme and caui give under bigh state of culivaln. TiIs ainediate posseionl. T. 31. STA1TIL tarin bas neyer b"%p reiited lu tihe CO. lait slxty yeamq. .d n4le poosil NOQ. 9-80 ACXffl- betng sacriflced by the owne t $i60 Loqated close ranl;tof Green B&Y. per acre. Onai. paYnt down. bai- m#aL . Gooti 8-roolli bouse, barti well ance as reniai. T. J. STAHL & CO. ati- poaltlvely ýal dark sil. OvW 5i No. 12-175 4SS by non-remidett and W@' are »»I- 'One of the beet knowA dairy farina vetr authorlîeid ta eaU thîs tarai In Ibis vlcinity aMdibelng sacrifleet M#or tii. ternis of $2.100) or maire ta close an estate. fa, good 8-rooi cubalance as rentai. T. 3. STAHL bouse, gooti baril, cefl uilla, gacti à CO. ~wbe.ta litibouse. £rAR LaY. 9001117 NO. 10-100 ACRES-- honse ant i fne, ,qwi. am le be4* Lacateti ln claie range of0flGessacrifîceti -ai OZipesr . 1- t« Bay roati andi Waukegan, witb a gaod cai be ait-anged. T. J. STAHL & CO. *-raom bouse,, gondi barn aind other Wewli iati noney or help filcanes nutbutldlnaI. 96ll *11 uder higl purchase on any of the. al>ove arMe. ete of cuiyatlt and - la POIltvely lnnallier yards, we wiii heip Ithe farffs- nes of tbe cli>lcest ferma i a Ibis 10» er who lielps hbuieicf. Prices viry iiuity. -we are aullsêrited to oeil lui accordlng to slue and location, but arts -oh very reaieiible terni ta a almouit any tarin you pick oit can Ne real fariner. T. J. ST4HL & (CO. purchased for a email payment tiown 'No. 11-130 AC1EB- wlh everai rears teo pay the. bai- In claie range of Waukegan. andi anc. so that rau wyul aver MIss îthe one of tii. belt frarIn 0tis vlcliitY. moiey >In thése tmnus;us bargtilse. Gondi 8-rooni bouse. prsctitallY niewOtfered by T. J. STAHL & CJOPihous barn, silo, new tool bouîse andi ane af 237, $83, 226 Washington atreet. tha tit wells ln the coujty. Gond Waukegan, llinois. 26-W Kili That CoId W t h CASCAR ~UININE FOR 14AND Celds, Ceughs 0 & L a Grippe Neglected Colda are Dfflngerous Take no cbxances. K.ep thtia standard re.medy handy for the fini O ne,.. Breaks up a coiti in 24 boumi - Rolieves Grippe in 3 dosy,-Eceiiîtt for Hedache Quinine bih iisforci do«. Dot affec tti.he ad-Caicar* iB heu Tonie Laxaiiv«-P4 Opiate in Miii. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT jTheodore H. Durst, Preaidmnt W. 9. Smith, Vice Prouldant F. W. Churchill, Oecretary and Manager. TELEPHONE 81 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. iABSTRACTS 0F TMTE - TILES GUARANTEED Capi tal: $1 25,000.00 WAIJKEL&N - ILIOIS buages mn for budiaciaume a_ r o -uas car ca have. Its me eweet derfu its gr ai-d - worku Si Son MAKE perfec attach the mc J. B- L i h R.WI GROCEI Genera STURE Ab DRY C BOO Country Prc LA"E VII.I P. E.Ie DI REXAL COUG PH-YSICIAI GRA' C.G. WENBAN& SON --5SALES AND SERVICE 125Wglngton Street 'oi DeupMth Avenue WAUKEANý LAKE FOREST P'<>" 72& !hone 22 WHEN- BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM. I lb.ilote af dkctei for a 01*150,000 bal tii..fterno- $al of the, c. Trrappeti h Otîntore, 22G, srrea.ýt Aliri htin,. a iii,, tixliil iiuî itg tIils h au', uii il ,i hkiîlki in luii-i us band -The r-st E. li iai lu i-eI~ i.ylioi' g uuî 10ligl aIdq -lWi,'fien lu- I ii ie t oa iu einy i.i ut!ul(-1,uln m.as'.i001.a 4 0 1 '-«Rwk- A"..tâmom çit

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