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Libertyville Independent, 18 Nov 1920, p. 9

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MEMORJAL TEMPLE AT NA'r' CAPITAL Ndoble Memorial at Washington WiII Have Auditorium Seating 7,500. 816 ROOM FOR EVERY STATE 0"udis, Mail, betwetu the capitol and te Whte House, eu a alto grant- ed by- cngrees., th:e people of ALnerica are I0 erectt he national victor-> isieii.riai building Io comnlanîorate 0.he servie.suad saCiffres of the. -' Americana who belped te wiu the .ceriti war. The plana for ibis noble beilding hiave been aelected b> the Fine Ails socierv f ront a lar go nuntber bîîbmit- led lt> the foremost Anuercan archi Te ifemot lai wwll on(ain vue of the isi-geat suditerluns lu inte wvend, >ivig a aeiiug 'apacîy aIof 0 bepidp-a a number of 6maler balla. Eer>' stale and teiiitory wilI have Its owa ebamber and tie ieadig Ps. trintie organrizaliona null Le rrovid- ed wvth headquarters lu tiie building. The building la flot oui>' te bc erert. ed, but. eudowed, se that ils adequate Vaialtcuance &albol. eguarante(-d foi ail lime te coule, the tunds belug maised by state app)roprlatlous, sub-t $Crîptjons frotm orgoulzations a laing an honoeroivl, and ludividual gifla. Appeai te Amnericanîai. Té vioery miemorial building1 th 0ohiiet mersea. fa-tm1ng cialomf 56p tr. Cannet dO toom' uth te rdtheg ilomana" tgla Sjmqva' meauory and heraid (lie bieroi ' m o! tle ý , itn."Rheims" Is the "#Ky ot thé Ameriean soldiersin the world wàr. Ai IAgi I it QD J O Jan ot Arc and the un- The aloi-y of what they dit] is a char- AR A ED>IN touchéd caîhedral. Hait depopuistesi teir et undylng lame, and wilitenrich a'n ub S ezb'rbiea nd decimated R4Man*g. andi the aunais,.g tl15 nnaiîou a".long aesINEY/ OIl6UUHrI Siel-gutted Reingarq n-w placeF the fiag flis. ihat used uew appelatfeus. !-mal enttredth te .onfili It a!6Sa- We cau evoke the atiniospiseîe of prenie eriqlb, andth iey 1ntý-j thl Iree generations ago liy sPeaklng of eudaiing,. lhey fouËht vilth 3u(1*Corea is Now Spelled %rith a Aueîlsliia as Van- susLand. sud eijîl sud t.ourage, pisey dîie willî "K" and the -'V'~ in Servia Of uMlii rpimoter generahioua by referr- suli abandon, lit ui 0wthe îl.îr the lng to Muscovy, Barbary and Cat hay. S.ioadStripes appeared aîiong is Changedt to iie. We nueedmantms redolenit et lte dis- ihe toSirs of Ïbiesilliet the dueo oîltnt Perlod before 1914. The linfor- Teien aeggîeasion was aeled. tunale fact is that imen wiil now be- Ii nfot tinmiisdful e! the ilagn.îi O0 N C E WAS 'DACOTAH' gin Io <ail ille Rn os f prewar cent vsior te French laed alown; moifirmes licîms. the, way, dîsnlng tiiose, long, haî-d it takcs a brir.k pai <.t10 iee t np years, the Diit hbore the,. tint Of Wituew mnies in die pecgraphy.VoAnw. baile. Aierc Y bs o iceera fori'ld (orala rna0% Koea. Servis lias Tt hall Jeen raiaiig ail udey,ui Ifs braNe allies. It lm huer ciioligli beome Serbia andth îe Serviana are tulyltl eleak4:*hnna that, tie sodiers we sent overseis Selbe. Rummania has droppedlis nly111 eleski:'uu. fourlit ho s-li as lb prove llicuieive., o.,ttnoant.icibheinis 16 now Relis. whcn n i gelsnail li'e juie s.lucezcd mlot unsox tiv ýS place iu thaI lor)ois.1lite îrocess is famiiiiar-.-anAnei out of a elouti vhat dor lie do witb line. cans iaeriory c-ad flot Le long te 111T, BUt Il la cu our t eep alive file reach back te Daectah-but it hans______ Slery of AMerICan arma. It la Ouir been haRtieued by lte war, Il grieves bigi pris ilege te baud down te gen- oldi-ssioned seuls. They aek us witeu Anti.Klisng Law. eraliona litIare to aome the abryiv'liipedanlie snobberv cnipel us te Iu En-aria. the 'laie roiiiwa,,*t for. cf te gip et ofitheuven of the gen- begla writing Maroc- fer MOrOcCO, bld hlislng ettlLEr on slulloiiF, wihers erafle. alqo aerved snd sacy'ficeti Gand for Client aiïl Roma Inmtead o ftrends, relativesansd familler, lre nit-îl Who fouglit and <ied Gle p f-eedoin ltome. e.%ti. ormiceImie olive linhea«rth,. lnt-aIh tni u<onrin ou Iril, tiehrîelsie This la whist the victory rctcucrial change, la it uufilling te have naines nodrldyllSao!rid eu the -Mail 2-t Washington %Ili do. change wlth theni? "Cre' called up ki--lng on train,. es on if we coulti, It wiii net let us an impression of tha Hermit Laud ef forget. And the sîight ocf'i wili tire 1890. with strsw-hatted fermera lnutteE .tri'd the heurtî wilh ihe flauîle of true rire ficIdsansd Buiddiaî piests clsug-Vtto. ~ic4nd Aniricula. lg temple belle, lu placld ignorance Loudon Punc.h ticcaren ihat a» ________________ of Japanere reforma aud Japanea.. op. American uies sOUer bas o nnouncel ressions. "Korea" cella te mnd the lte gru!ting of a tomate shoot 1100111O Sparks and *iathrobel, land that bas been outfitted with rail- yotato plant* no as te Mbain a crog in iil lig a ý iiiVi'en , iîug à ways, sanitalion. bridgea and laxes iby et fruit atbove itioti taithi rgota ho- batinro .be. m«nirebau q I4.riy Japau, sud la striiggliig te retain It@ 1ev. "But,"a qîiii tlig ýrtlIe es-elisas prkyu ettjo'W agnational Iudlviduality. 'Bervla" l oen tateîl ue lu ol '_ X the.si. confortable coutnry of peare be knoswiias ilit, î,ntateor ho e 'te etterb lzi wlththé ~atter lte treaiy eorfBerlin, agilated tt. an expomon.b>' utblug more than Kng Mlan'ai ANNIVERSARY &JRNINE 0f CORN l AS FUEL; CIIEAPER, Com'r. J. J. Dietmeyer says Sot t Coal Seils for $24 a Ton ini S. Dakota. î ýÜRN WORTH 50c A BUSHEL J. J. l e>r ciy <ontm.sinc wlin rEtuincd l-rlday fîiulStit'iî Bn- kola whe.re lie bunted doucks for ihree Weekgsdeciarea îLhe farniers ilu iaît section are teerioualy coualdering bîrniug car corn illiead of coal bLe cau-ce of the Prohibise price oetfile' asud the stump lanlte corn market. SOUt ceai tlsee is selliig for $24 s ton white corn la.oui>' seortL 60 renta% a buel. Aseaging the coin cîolp ait slîgiti> above 60 bublhels per acta te weiglît on tLe coL per apr-e i., sabc-ut Iwo tons. *The manie sscigiît lu enial lis Worthi 48 white ailtlus>' cau gel for tlîeir cern la about in0 l addition te a iathé farner la ronileil- &Id te psy froni 12 te 15 cents a bush- al for huskIng the corn, which usut then Le hzuledte t marktland thie CeaI bauled te te tarai. By Ituî-ing cern the a"iter coutld Le used profit- abI>' tor-fertilizar. Thie Dakota. tarm-j ors are badiy lu neei of money thîn season because of the 10w price et their vroduct and te high price of eauuaoditles they imust buy. Potatoc.- are sieiiing there for 60 renthas bush- el, tend upland prairie Lay la selling fer 86 a ion sud ]ive hogs are bc.ing uîarketed at I10 cents salPound. 3Pictures are always a splendid, gift and solve the gift, prôblém when in doubt. 5 Greeting cards for ail occasions IlHOWARD L HOLLAND ART iSHOP -- FUNFRAL DIRECTORS 23Washingtos, Street Waukegan, 1lu. Subscribe For The INDEPENDENT SALE!I M ATTETION THE MOST STARTUING ANNOUNCEMENT 0F THE YEAR $ 10,000 STOCK OF HIGH GRADE, NEW SEASONABLE, MENS, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S OTiIER1l. S GUILTY O1 -Seven Marengo Bc Over $50 Eact Incident in Wa RECALIS OTHER % .ukeg:u la flot at J'but part of theni iudglng by occurrenc aehoola of Other cîties lu the firast place the Kencolia blgh sc thes liueilgbt. 'Fheu bic at lbertYsIlie 1 wbl0h atudeuta were a botUe of bootch haul juta the sehool. Th4i of the Waukl<eganig u b. pptiJoue. îtagç 4 >a -wblch b aoîîî'iî was bitItnlui.- lîel a lîuoî4cd o11, And fne. ie îs dent: Seven' M treugo laý fiued $25 aild, P. flarn,-4 of the 3 - court, for le )iazi'îg derson, a lu irnan ujout l aUgo i O<t . i. a lfiant to about j") t he îo a l i tii s .a n di , 'ocre fin *(I fur lkini the .((<ut ry, flnurlng clotitea. tipplng ii flud bis WU a tiaol are Rla:"".1 f tu .. IAlleeal!le. î. iiu TELLS AUDIE RIESAW 1 AFIIER sracut, N. Y, Nr ard 0. Go-a, pi feso- veraity, , 5.] 11<rof Pr'auuiaeft hVqgican! coapes»l s i, tc The Climax of Reductions! *M,4 GreatOId-Time Prices!, EVERY MAN, W.OMAN INO CHILO MUY SHARE IN THIS EXTRAOROINARI SAVING TI Spats, Liadies' Spots. Al colore. 11gh top. Values te 83.50, $1.89 Ladies ,ceîbfort., Sinees.Baud. turis ed rubber heels. Ail aires 8"$700 vluês $4.85 Ladies>' Oxfords. Tac, ]BIack iKid le#thers sud black Sue&desu UStn Oxfords sud - » Price 200 pair ot Ladies Bhocs. Patent sud du].l kid leaîbera. Kd andclothletp. Net &Il asir, 85 $1.49 Lndie,& Feit bIIP- pers.. Ail aises. Real bouse coin- for', 81.00 values 49c Cblidren's BHouse Blippera. Ail cul- ora. Heavjp tot tolu.. Ai l sx., 81.00 values 49c Laditk S tr eelt Shoep. Low walk- lus heel. bull caîf vampsansd ciotin top. Mostly al aimes, 85 values, $3.39 La"?es Slippers Ladies' Conif> BiPpuera. Buck- skia soles. Ail colore, Old Rose, Laveuder, Baby Blue, Purple, P" kqetc. 83.00 values, oniy $169 SChildren'a 8110.. Ail muld lettiber Vatent, iCIâ ai Bull KI&d. 1 udJ 010111 top. AIl ases. $3 values ouly Ladies' Dicos Shoes Ladies' Dres Siioes. AIl styles and sises. High sud iew hieils. Tau, Gray' aud a l a c k leathera. Kid and cloth top. $8.00 Io 810.00 values, oui> $4.45 Ladies' Sulips Ladies' Leaîher, One Slràp Slip- pers. Genuine KId leather -soles aud Lodls. Ail sizes. I3.40 values $1.98 Gint' Higb Top, Scisool sud Dres BLoes., La uj button. AU sses sud style@. Values to $5.00, oui>' Dm&..Shoet Ladies ' Exclusive Dres Shoea. A rare bargain. Ail leather, 1115h aud low heels, but nul sul aites. Values te $1000, cul> $5A5. Ladies' Juliettes Ladiea' Jullets, Iii. Martna Wa s btn t ous Hub Gore ltie. Haud turmed rub- ber beela.. Ail aIzes. 85 valuea $2.95- Dieu S"o )lisses' Dres sucoe%. Euglilh last aid Foot- forsu shape. Tan sud black. ligb cul. L a ce. Ail ases. Values leo 816.50, ouly $3 .95 - I i 108 SOUTH GENESEE STREET Open Ever7 Eveng THE These arc only a few of the many bargam,which are, toc numerous ko mention. R EAD EVERY ITEM SALE STARTS Wednesd 'ay NOV.17- 8 a,.me COME EARLY FOR BEST SEIEMrOES Men'a Dicos Shoes l-t. Blak oui'. Moit alilsites. Solid Ibrougbout, f0 values $3.95 Mens Dresa sioes Menii aDrean Sbocs. Ail styles aud 13izes. Tan and black. Hand weltod soies. Very dressy. Val- lit- Io $8.00, OniX Shoco Boys' aboeu. AU mofid ile athoer. Siltes te 6%. Net mnany lu liei lot. 14.60 values, oni> $1~95 I. I Men's Work .Shoes Mtnus Work Shoes. Ail acoliti keaiber. iliack aud 'Tan. Net aIl sises lu Ibis lot. Values te 86.00 Mens Slippers Meus Cc i îf y Sliîppers, *,uujk bkin soles. Gray and blask. Ail ai;e. $3 sala., oiuly Men's RomeIos eNa LBRcrTL.ý-C<s Ilfkvy tell upp&r. hac-ais. AKI ar-s $+(0 valuas, oui>' $-2t,95 1 $1.69 1 $2,451 Men'& Army Shoea Mena m Army Phocs. Tan euiy. Elkskiu uppers. Al Bizes. CIO5 values, only $5é45 Sebool aud dres, sboee. LacO and button. Moiti>' ail suee.. Alilamo11d leatber, VeluessIo 84.50 Mens Dieu Shoet tOne lûit ti en's C ôaulist mtradç, shoaes lu dark 10abeuira8. Ail style. and' aIreS. Values te0 412001, outy Men's Work Shoes Mer, t lta fiue WoCrlî StLe<. 011 gr.un u.p ptor a. Genulue oak suies. Ail mite$. Tan anti black. $6.85 I 44 I$3.95 Navy Leuings Na% y Leggings. 11051»' aU simca. I"ûrmerly @nîiteor f3 0ý0, 10W 98C Menm'. Boots Kuce leungt b. Pure guni rubber. Ail Bizet, $6.00 values BoWs Shoes Boys' Shoes. Tau aid black. AIl styles sud aizes. Ver>' dressy. Val- uo. to e ,50Coi> Mon'. Mens Overabooes. Ou. bueble. Ail BîzOs. $3 value.., enty 1 $2,75 1 $3.95 I[$1.98 Slippeis Mdeus alppers. Hem,>' f.lt. Al pinas. $1.50 values 79c - àiw ý L"EADERý sI1~ 108 SOUTH GENESEiE STREFJT Oipen Evety Evening. An CArs ýStop et Our Dmo SALE 'STARITS Wed a, Nov. 17 8 a. M. SALE, STARITS Wèe. Nov. 17 AT 50e- ON THE DLLAR F AT ON THE DOLLAIR Ail st 1 1 .-ý ,

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