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Libertyville Independent, 25 Nov 1920, p. 4

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TME LTVIE IAE0f 1JA.NOVOM-25. 1920. -~ - - I jertyýlele Indepen dent * (~ .~ bn .~'m WauMkgaus Weeky Smn -. - - --M--------Manager *KALD. NALLEY - ---- ------------.. ............ Local Manager Z"uBScoRIPTI"ON PRICE-$l.1O PER Y">R. STRICTLY IN AOVANCE. Office Telephont Numbot 1, Libertyvilie Excchange. »Rbulei et thie Poatoffice t Libertyville, Ill. a, Second Cla Mail Mattar. ]BILOAEDB ON STÂTE ROADS. Three legislatures have meamures ùnder way or in force 'Whîch give Wo the authorities control over adver- Using signa on the. public bighways. - ýThàt for michigan h aiead in operation. By its provisions ail advertls- hng iu and biflboards ar enred front the public roads. luMa .ad etts'Qthe measure goos much fürther, flot on- 17 aboliahing bilboardB and signe on the highway itself bt ,making it unlawful Wo display such thingse on private pIroperty within sight of the hlgbway. In fact it would Blot do much gonid to have biliboarda under the ban on the .-bIghways unlesA they. were also forbxdden display rights over the fence. This does flot stand, intthe wav of the iinFS WIICft YOU1 CAN MilE FOR XAS A hairpîn box makes a simpleJ Chritmffas gife. A sinali tii, èan is fijieti vith voal and tbe top covereti vttl dotted net. Thte auteide of the Cen ta eovtered vihli riblan, lte etiges trinimed vlt a narrov rose trint- Miing. A prelty boy atda tte ininiî tng taticl. An attractive anti practical apran iv mie of cretonne, it la oompoeed of a mtraiglîtupiece, lte bottoin aI vhicit la tumed up anti lurniabea ;enerouas Raýkt-. i fl'ie top ta ahIrreti togethert anti a rîhbon bell to match fînlanft 1 of f thea liron, An unusual gif t can ha matie from vfIfier flqvers. People apprectigtet go-calieti "vinlor hoquets" and tliay1 addt a tiecarative toucli ta a roarnt( F'or Ihese haquets, sprays 0of bitter-t aveet: cal-talla, teaselandi Liilkveeti viit l-taepodsa ,ndi sanie aI te Iviga of barries that c e ho fuint, arenae@d. Titeve are attractive vhen drieti as ltey are viten fresit. Churc/z Jrvice:lt' vuer of tâie.property advertising is o-w» business. PRESÊI1'ERIAN The ropint of lacng us at4hrit in ii an~ Earl C. Morgan, Pautor. The ropint ofplung his uthrit inthehanb ;untay Shtol at.10 a. ni Roy P' et the hlghway officiais is obvious on its face. It would Wrightî, Sept. A vide avake scbooi.j detract fromnt te pleashh'. of many picturesque and non- thotretighi> equlpnae3 Thera la a lassa picturesque routes Wo have theni made more stretches of Preaciîing aiIil a. ia, Tapie aofte1 bWlbeards, a bIlIghton the landacape. At one time thee oi n Srmn."The- (iclWhto Bai- displaya vire overrunning smre of the greateatiatural c vel- objecta in the country. Thîy were finally forbldden. , hewillI be no mneeting of the Tiie statiet illinois has a almilar statuti prntecting the servce of the ou ieople vilii h the state roadiu but it dois flot extînd as far as that of nierged i athlthle evaning service. The Masaahusetts. The lattar is a new diparture as Wo high- tianF. Baungart . b as een en- val% but it dois not differ i ita powers from those of the gageti for snie limie in interdenomina- tional Christian Endeavor Socigy sumng systein ictiis, which is part of thi legisiation of vrt a nuber f #ttes.There viii be a Chitiafin Endeavor a num ir o iis ____________ chonus anti installation of officens, Titis meeting la for nid anti young alile. ENFORCING THE LAW. Our aociety la tuing on great lits.i Coma out anti give us a hoast. * Prohibition enforcimînt officers havi bien instruet- Tltre:till be no prayer neting on -ed te prosicuti persons silling hops and mialt ini connec- week. Dec. 1. Anti hecauseoaf the Epte- tien witb other ingreffients for the home manufacture of copîai supper thte Y*un Brotiieritoat béer. This has given rîse te some criticism. sspert lieof t e tladae enTh ng - But it îa merely efreeto a law. evenlng. At 6: 30 p. M. supper viiibe enforcemnt of . sarvedto tmrenihers a fte Brotiteritooti The. Volstead act prohibits the sale of ýingrediînts in - oî - fair iti dthier atesta. T' JI tended for the manufacture of int:xicing iiquaor.;. It -; - , ýi.. 'aimoe eai-ep t- iiî.es. A good progi-ai vili foiiov ilie « probibits thi manufacturi.- Fuiper. Tite tate-Deceniber 1sf. The latest instruction meaely reiteratis vhat already 1*1 e 0. 0 C. Club yull bave .an inr por tant meeting on Tueaday evenin, la vnitten upon the. statute books of the country. I ti -me 0 Uot sw edyu dlsplesante a majority o& thle citizens tien is but one The Ladies' Aid - Sociefty vlll meet1 oTlturvtiar afternooji. Dec. 2. Placi,- thung tWb. done about lhnimatter: Repeal thi Volstead 'iltl be announeti later. - - .Tiie la-w should b. on! orced.. If non-en! orcement- but ne 5y l opn: ! ti la,'.METHODIST Et'l.CPAI, ladÉe u n a soe:Repe~al fteli Rev. C. F. Kleihauer Paetor. Increased majoities aga*# thle liquor traffic, reia- The Uion Titakgiving service Win toed i»n ecent elections, woiuldIndicate tba tiià majority b. helditin tiis chutreit Thursduy mora- tag ut 10:30. Thits la a camniunit- - of Arnuricau nrenoti tavor et nepealing tePOtltOlvc.Eeyfriyadvstn red mmforcment legislation. Very well, the ijnfretit. o la «viceEve fanîf y ati vlstg Iters- Ibm, ry for aI ieast an itour to give thanka mhat i legi,an it i justice, for the viii ef the ma- ta aur loti, "the Giver of every god- jority in Amirica la law. anti perfect gif t," on titis national ____________Thanlsgiving Day. The 11ev, Bath C. Mtorgan, pastar af thte Prashytarian1 WASTING GOAL. churcit, viii bring a italpful andti unr- outgitiy orthitIie message. Thte Tii man who tires the furnace dois flot always buy choir wii rentier S*eCial rnustec. Suntiay Scliool et 10 si.M lhe ceai, and tie person who pays tie electi ight bl onn osi tI .i. » dom. fot always have control of t lîlgt. Ta aoe Epvorth League at 6:30 p. m. ho Hhta Tha isone Evening vorship at 7:30 risse for waate ot fuel in umieideis at and unnîeded Montiay, Bible stutiy clans aa 7:30 P.- Iigbta ni at ite parsonage. - Wetinestiay, Prayer and->Bible con- At a time wien troubles in production addsrb-fmc t73 .m tieot ofcoal are saibus and cauuing apprehiension, the T. uriay, a reie araiatS: . vaste ot poweri hlgt and heat in a -waste o! fuiel m BrnIafiad may,-memn nothing tu e building firemen 'who shovul in MARIE .MORRISEV, CONTRALTO, tâte ceal o! to ti family ici tries tW make a hiouae look -TOBN NLER VLE 1*9. an Mluininated palace, but it means sometiing tu e Announicement la matie la Liberty. comultwhich bam ne ceaisrerves and tinds itself ýilîle music lovers that Miss Marie gAuditoriumn next Manday niglit, Nov-. living trom buclefttu o buckîttul vith apprehiensiono -nou in he suttO. -eniber 29. tloth lim e ne irevQ eoei ue scuttlb. Marie Morrisey' Iv on. of our real Anarican singera. Her famlly ban In sch ime wate a a im osiionupoii the com- be.en t itis country as long any botiy munity need. eise, Anti sitelias liait a stritîy Amer- ican education, Site in a pupil of Dud- ley Buck,. undar v.itom site atudieti for CAR IGUTS TO LEGIBLATURE. fasiion ttut a singer can racht &(iiigii four years. Site proves in convincing The feeling o! automobile ovnors that tien la Dno Jus- fashion titat a singer enu reacit a higli tiition for maintaining lighta eveninga on cars left in ca ovelopnet nerAmn la spece aredy lighted lsacacepted as reasonable by the Miss Morrtsay lias matie a vpecialty ~Polloe authorities, but tiat dois net help. matters, sice ofse ung In Englisit Andt fat- It it.i» violation of thi stati law. That puts the question special care. for one of Lb, eson ip te thi ligislalure; a fot impossible recoursu, smo. .,.en ltla h;nat no meiadiousaias sane alter language, ite opian o Miss Smombir et bth bouses represets many thousand Mrrlsev, ir-because vo are carelesa in «r ovuirs, and must be sensitive te lie demanda efthte Our ""Oeh- Dudley Buck didnmore ~ siuatin, ler valce correctiy. Holi a tauglit t' ber ta Ireat ber avuî language 'Ira- t ' Atorny Wîch *spectliy," aash. iterseif potm il. Mtatois Atrey-lhishvn rathbad luck "The Englisit languae.may nol hé tr ~iu to dean up the the idate bofoe r eing frorn et- - sft ant i nelatiiousnoma me oîbér languages," tieciarea MiisMorrisey, Sb Çd béd eln It-b* ho idal expct d have "'but Itauta me"ý-and site aya tua lit *aiied in tue .vay it's golng -aimost by leal Si ie priti. befîlting a truê Dangit- *rouo this, tiat or tii other tbing. Ho hasn't oiucî e l. AecIn.auioi vtc tWf @ but ifthle rimainder o! tii caseskWeuovîr like RvfIeitf5 ofLihertyvîile viii agre, withMienMorisey henthey heur èb e t hbave corne up since hi alarted the cleanIng pro- beir Sint stale of the Anercasn sCegz. cê§1l #vow'l talai -untilis term in eut te have an abso-Site la particularly enthuoluutic about b6sIy bIak dcesagngs by Amarica*i compomers, anti no uOCuit,.recital of hers la- complet.viitout -sanie oftem. W'ae'a 1s4a 'RH W*i* ~The' concert noxl Mantay niglit at »V Mto t ndMa a ha tMe w ata hs? MRWess fstn for tlflie yiars te Auditorium promnises tah e a eplen- toas ant mii aI liI lie? ýWe ii. Tii dît adidition to the ]lot aI trente teé ' hai ~ "~ n BiI tey tusic "fans" of Liberlyvilo have en- itt< au l lO.aii . ' i J oyed ti ai th pAasi. M ia. M orisey's Mt tie.menthe vitieut eating- (mucb) but Bill vent valce la finor titanev-a ich, sveet cotalto Andthie long anti arduotis1 *m? ~ years se i. beat tbem by many odds. And bo lan'l training lt bu receivet ln the concerta Miss Morrlsey bas given la lite sol. diers In liala anti campsitu stidet Snov power ho>har volee, MoniaY'S concert -viii ho an Invita. - Ad.. a lie Jalee jeg secure res.ks. < ve ihema eti. Oho viii hoaceompanleti on te@ Md 7. vu L <'""huad mad va eyerV« ssalecou, piano by Walleç cit&ým,m AUl-Wool Two.Pîece Undçrwear $5.00 value, at garment......... $4.00 Wool-Mized Two.Piece Underwear, $ 9 at garment................ . , ......... 1 9 Ml other muderwear cat in proportion. '~WooI Sweaters, $13.00 values, $87 g >at only ...... .................... 8 7 Woolmaddinaw Coats, $11.00 alil sizes .......... .................. JameailleWod Shwus, alilsizes $1 .50 values-...... <i -v 98oc Drus Rai, Coals, dB izes, mmy pat- g20% terns, reduced for-titis Sale ........d Ruliber Coa, i"ir Coats and al hubber, recluced'for titis 121/2% S ae . .............. ......... $10.00 REDUCTION on any Mao 1e-to-Order SUIT OR OVERCOAT Our entir .e lme.of Me's'ud Boys' Fer Mles md Iiad GIves CU1fTO TME WUIfor liii Red Tat Sa-e. are, offering atiibis Big Red Tag Sale. c-' \ i$ Lisle Socks, cut to. -a pair ................ 511k Socha, cut from $1.50 ta a pa..... .......;........ We Secks,$1.25 and $ 1.00 values, go at, a pair....... 45c 98C. 7éc Cunvas CloyeslS a pair..l- a pair . - - --....... ............... 9 AUl otiter canvas and jersey gloves and mîttens cut accordingly. Don't Forget that EYERY THING IN THE STORE IS REDUCED IN J>RICE FOR THIS BIG RED TAG SALE, and that, Monday, November 29th,. is the tAST DAY Phon e - -M --14 J.B.MRSE "& - CO. Libertyvile 7O~E nrAI~uITO o:0ie .communication. He then mentl government han been unable ta fini1h EN ÂÀPrEALrI, ltO E a letter ta Mlrg. Wiheon, appealing tu upi is part of the tranaaction, lie IC liter from thc sa'fý 'ni of his honî cal)eu wll'use',fNEW41 O *CIfl PRESJDENT'S WIFE t7-k th iictf ' e-u!!,but!,lir v. ',e toi the J * iaCL;sRK I<ILLEDewyDmnON ir. Ma'î ~i# i"!Il Ifoiîntedl i ni f at ,ior, fyi lOt- i c n ,I '4 tieu tel lON TOe S V IIM S AD li avy dpaîtnent, ara- fi l e . 4:, Oii nh led witII apN .SIR L c Dea Ai a Naaltrack. beit, l't e ipthe governinant takp Cf the cirçuit court In Kanoeha caufltki Station Consu'mmated as .\ýfte. 'Ur- M;ï'telrîon f i- it"vits place alther thaît sjrrender il et the Pi(eUtitin on Nottimier 2nd. wu , Masterson Gets Check. itleal te *lie .pi*eqiiiitt throiigli 1k 'i lwever, the fle*xy plie e s'inclui- inatantiy kiiled Satlrday Iltorann wite was to bring Do reaulta hal e il smal titose whiciîlithe.board ha,;1 %*lieni the Nash f uorlf car vitich hle - ~cidedte t right the case no lqnger. 'and recammeaded ait lt eing necessary 1 lis liriving vas et rte-k iy eieetr.c 'ilter reaching Preaident Wilson by a compromise waiq rently relce-.d and the final outr-one on this- par. train No. 304 on the Noreh Shore liné writlig a Personal letter ta Mrs. Wii- whereby he agreed te page titi. te licl ar piece wiii ha watched wIîi tb t e Buriingtan and Northt Shore son in a very urgent appeal te ber the goverminent. Interif-o.! crossing, forth anti went nftfie cil y. ta nie lber Influence that lie might Witii the exception of Charles "l'ie lDewey properly bs naveti een, 8elhwarl z's body vas horribiy muti- keep his aid,,homesleati where lie KtIfft vito itat about t- ltoan uteeti w he goverfiment andi the bis, alted andi great clots ýof bloand weri. hati bisen born anti rearet ta mon- whie t liera has been a quteation ai; mansia*n has retilîled I 1<e e snaloft on the, liesnvitere hie body li hooti, on the theary that lie vanteti ta tille. the Masterson piece ta the lnele Sam tOok it vrdrt ii.' bleaunlirovi by lthe apeedlng Noarth te connate spanti the balance of îasî itfthiflose îImportance invoivei war deciatation. 4ieoPIe generalie 1Shore train. The automnobile wva, lit dystheeEtvar MatrsOn. ln the big navy training camp expan wtndered why the Dewey poel U r ec a0iscrceîy tva parts owner af 120 ncres of tandi on vhtcl iestn viicitcame on dttritti th. vs' vas taken heceSU Il îî neer Nias8atie of the machtine wpre loft togetiier. Ail te navy deparîmnent conatructed fadrat i oisrane-itesoie ophoe u fte Caump-Perry andi camp Deey, B. ill Now lit Congres#. e fi" t rlll i fbou îît Grflit pRe pýbrknOI ILt mg ~ ~ ~ ~ dr tite Pa.bsfniybe on tdeeEp hlabi anvh d. The eeel.ing 601 1tre jveeatâ eC-Dtthe .loft itintivbaa. pellthe tar ant iteav et i n-the fore ngeos vtict ea i a ' Lake s lthaIt this li ana plere 0 f hecar, a Nasht Six tourng car, gras pelld t acepttheawar ofthefor cogrela wiehcuvra he al-property whci thlie governnient fin cAried a distance or thirly-fig*. yard. navy tiepartment of aomelhIng like ter of turning batik vo the PrIerty aîîy %%Iii refuse ta taire hile te. down lthe tracit andi vas thrown clear $73.000 for bis property, anti the deal owners al l tat property véat--of the, ln îteî-e a%%al-I as madee liv w Off the- double tracit. bas been conetîmmateti whereby lte E. J. & E: tracks talon during fle a rdandi îrinled in 'e Sun I'ridLy An.article which aPPearati ln a Chi- e-orerriment bas formaly taken title var for training camp purPosea. lThe bit wss tiit rc f$7001I RoPairI% uda iizl e tefltes tva Important campa vest boardi which investigateti the niatter itwoas iitton ti ,,îe 1 70.051 " 'A f papr lasI Sfor ay g')o-xivinaIn- of te Nortlveatern statioaai Great' of prices on aIl lth.ProPertY at Great vslitltn Is - -i' ' al pla%for aboet t ighln afrk Lat. Lae eotne h heprop. (baitun iiiIf be wisiîem. ttowevtr .ilt tlliîitt Iga sketch f Ilthe, 20i)rôoin Tnug Mr.-Master«tn lent a battlle qty vebt of the tracksbnti a en e recent decivion or tite United Psttefs bilding t N-Placai a the norlth viticit eXtendd iover a >-ar a"diover formally by the governinenttitiwhbat neeat i ite eîftwl î - nio t' iiioitm,. .'waentirt-iy lin- wbict cent bhlmniabout $5.000 repre Iliat la vhai sprovideti for inl thie ltaI tract nov la liard t wfiec Iti f-ied he oe aaeet sent cd tiinterestithua e miglit ha-vabill nov hafore congreas. n_- - - -- ri,-in rlaiiyta c eaî-ned hall ite arccp'ee lthe govern- 0f catsira f titis bill paaaea IlLEONARO DISNEY PAYS bîihitî lîl ha ciertaîl, at lea'.î not ntents averti as madte about a yaar meata tthlie govertnt fll i have CARL ýSCI4REC< FIRE LOSSfOr 'so)tie lime. Tii. plan hiown in ago anti taken tuistioney aI ttat ta pay danmaas for lthe property in- Mr. Leonard D)isney. generai agent ilthe upIý t.'c madie about 111 monilis -limeIc. voiveti for lthe terioti that It ball fa rte Samsioni Auto Insurarte AsSaci. ago. "and %%as loit awly tîtil it-îldtng Tried to Keep Place. been tîseti as a training camp site. lIt ation of Prec-porrl. 11).. bas deiivered a rosis situtiti <'ti ntetnfo a i eeon. Mr. Masteraon'e vas ana of ltbose ail, bitleen M00anti 400 acreasa ail-citekfor $24.70 in payment of lona sus- aiteue aît'Çothinz I Pm a lll ttIg whose properlv vas includeti in the' volveti in tisi. dnsideratlon. îaîned by tira on Scitrecla 'itCevînlel of if 111f il ltae ol irea ipp.at-d n îh'. taken hy lte govarroment dîîring the witit Uicconsumalion cf ltheroatiater. viticit as Insuret by lte, lrast inflay. war vito. witen th armistice camne. Matersoit deal il veem;a la ail Samson Association. decideti be voilidprefer bau-Inalts awartis have nov been mad~e on '« Mr..Digney vrites lire, tIbert andi far- J,Il.Mack tecenhia reelyr-ti $36.80 olti iomesteati for bis own use rflli- ltep.peIrlýy Invalvet oeuf' ét the- -ud0 inaurance <on automobilesItrs, frut i the Waodman Accident Company, er, titan saltilh te ftli governmenf J. Iracks viitlthe excep$tion tite an".d traclars for the Samnson Associa- of IrA.ncoln. Neli.. andi sa) a lie was paiil eVe ibougit a 'uig turice was ofrî Kraft place. 0f course there are a, lon. Mr. Scbrecl andt Mr. Disney are1 over $90 by the samne Companyt, tv blet. ý.. :we,.ceptionsim fil nuitar property veryv weli pleaaéd wihthe prompt and- yaars ago. Mr.Markt log lthe index Accordingly ha visite faPresideni ier.inthte aidreasen of theo veras ali.factory adjuatinenla af longsa tII intter of ltsrie-bt iand viile employ- Wilson direct, but receiveti no reoi have net beau locateti andvitere lthe are-nmade by thie Samaap people. 48-lt' ed ona farmi souti ofrlthe village. .MORSE'S BIG -RED TAG SALEI * GOING ON AT FULL SPEED * ae o BeiIn and Supplied Your Needs from the Many Money.* *Sàvn Bar ains? Better Hurry, or the ArticlesYOU May Need WiI *Be Snapp;u Up by the OTHER FELLOW. - There are onli~HREE MORE SALES DAYS Ieft. Monday, Nova -M *ember 29th is POIIELY the LAST SALE DAY. There are manyi *BARGAINS stili to be'had and, no doubt,.you will ble able to, supply 'a *your needs if you HURRY. iStore wiII be closed Thursday, November 25th. Open evenings until 9:00 o'clock. * Open Saturday until 10:30 o'clock P. M. M W. are facing several weeks off WINTER WEATHER and you wi surely need sole off the Guods we are olfferig ait thelle M E REDUCE» PRICES. Look over our Big 5.1. f111 and f6gue the, DOLLARS yolàanaeu eby boying NOW.- h - A nec is titis MI deru c mzithout cleaned. Miro Iifetime, fainous ience. Note t (1) i prevent (2) Tigi crevice. . (3) cover uj * (5) R Mirro-fe (6) when lic finish. *(8) tom off e out. Mi To reind you, we are quating just a few of the MIANY ARTICLES that we EVERY ARTICLE IN THIE STORE REDUCED.

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