vite is a Rochester, Minn. OOO 10000 0 00 0 00 00 00>0 ary. Thre evening was sepent playing 0 O0O 0 O0Oa 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 Tuesday evening, after spending a few STATE OP ILINoIS, d Mrs .1). . Witt SnaLAKEViLLA 0 , v hundred. IRefrshments were*c RôAY SL AK E O "eks in River Forest COUNTY OF LAKE, sà: th LAKndj Lr _ sevdanReerYnShdLAgodEie.Mr. and Mrs.Pl'hillip rGouldt and chil IN THE CIRCUlT COURT or 0-' 0-0 0 0 0 00o io.6 J ilO0O0 0 0 Mrs.Brogan was lareFentcd<%%writh a 0 00 0 00 0 00 00 0 00000 Od<ren of Woodworth spent Surfayat,...LAKE COUNTY, OCTOBxR Ella .: oort- weýnt ilrough au op - deutIla, b>y .,:en i k v l Iu,, l ie l laP h- Gebrgi. Thomrpson homte.- Mrs. A. 1). 1920. or epe. e "a th helat weeka oM r i chen larld oeshlen i 'l.:1o a ta.\r,. Emiily Thurnwll spent last Sat-Gouldt and cildren will stay until after H Forace Uulkley and Benjmin I l- osptali iaols e t h DverlakF r Ml, . àwa cue d q lotld oin Ch ii, ,icago.urday with fri, nds at Camup Lake, WIs T'ýhank4givinz ter, Trustéè RIN 11PARREST jý le Sco_,sui -k Il il saturd.. to death Friday witisa a luantily o>fiMr. and Mrs. ArthurIflaukins have f Mrs. J. Triurner is rapidlly recovering Austin Savage hradthle misftçune to vda S. 1amoing eins at Tamlvice .1; ra rT w ich lhe %was filoiAing feil purchased Ithe Percy lHawkin, fonher recent illnes.s. - hurt his riCht hant lasýt Friday after- i da L(;eýembeke. Warre Litel Mrtincaseoes Estiser iRu..sel l atendeu f.o% t, .comphtely ci:o. crfeinghin m, pfi dlen-e on north Main street 1Se l frl'im Grayslake fattendedthe 1noon. 'Ed a o in CacrGn No. 1 17 Warren ittel artin ase gos ri htituL.eHat Libertyville one and.fe wa.; atthe time(, M.adMs a.MeV\e ý,and Mrs.1 fun(lz eral[ EtGraham at McHenry'oI MssEdth Nettsmaore of N "LCNTC SH Over to Saturday; Held bu[ others were riand vieitCribb and IMrs A. IJohn euxe u gymrin r Gaaahadl Prairie and Harold Thotopson look in E1 FN tilhby yirtue of an oraui Undëv- 10,00...r tiiiliiol 1 nd isaAi ne'Il;no:iiman can rteiiquickly %went to Waukegan NMond(ay. - m:ýriany riends lhere who were so .ry to In 1r h MIliand Mrus. Wmu. Thompison crpee enteredfin the abolir Undra 0,00. tdo d ad Mbetyi ilFlp lwas Sortin Ilefoe e Midle Cerny is fv i l ;d lh, Joe iatrnof his death. sunday.cause, i the Circuit Co.rt of flearrensted a ie left lithee ue n a or 16 (l pstnoee.and iad rolatofabi. grandpa réntsl. Mr.nd .1 :)t.I tIliliPOETYAEnFPRSNEoisha are co fltour fWednetnda. where.h. h T j r. andtMrs. George t efell m oulati somffe time. The body was remioved to r- their son, Guy Thomnas, andfritends in VLAEO IN COOK berin CA. 1y.1 te udruignedqi% befemteztd 4on a LGs yt:. A;, i ci an,:,Tnrda tuww ewomealiumi Srang's undmrtaking roomis at Antioch 0 0o oO Oo OOo o 11100 0000the neighborhood. ,PVLACENOFTIERTILe.!nChney fid ici Embezed oIfaIw .immto il 'n.Lkrcn lucatuof a 1 and the coroner's jury Sunday morningCNTIEi hr'y given seill atpublic auction to the W iCpescnpt tiun ae ilbrought in a verdict lof accidental>0 W A D SWOR T H 0O 111l". ^.F. Clark, D. D.,cond'uctcd lhat in nrsuance of anr ordinance ahd borestbiddler loir cash l in - Warren ULile Martin, whow l- ly, ThreLadits' Ald w ill niett withl Mis.death. His wife was in Chicago for the 00.0 0 0 0 0 00o 0 0 0 0 te ervices in the M. atpe[ndapodb hePeiette 4h day lof Deeihber, .D ,fuife was watiting for libre et thre i fliursday ltternonr, ,Dec day and didenofleurlarn of his death antil'a eeinr and Board of Trusteof the Vilg a h our or -Eieven o'c lockin court room durer, today le , i en Ms. Bessie Benweillof Cicago w lher return satrnight. is brother and (Too, Late for Lat.W k.) John lWasoburn imade a bsnesof Libtrtyville, sra apecial meeting forenoon of salid day, at th E aMM Enre.sirsts hire. ali I"Le1 i a guest of Mrs. Mabel Ben3ntll Iwo, wife camne out fromt Chicago Saturday Fe udhdtemsotn otrpt hcg ody l niA , 1 h.b192n.thEifenhday of, Nov EeenrceothCutHus, po ary mwalrrti ued , i al.-jua tire .past week. imorning, tand _NIrs.ý ucheson's sister, fall from the hasa>wtu thre barn Washburn e It o leave for their A1 90 ELDBD L ECity of %Waukegan. County of Lake i torney Jafnta &Il.Weltien , las . eo ho T ebd a lioor, striking on is hlead land eshoul- winterIhomie t Mt. I>avis, Fla., afterREC-El\ Eli by salid VillazoeBoard at State of Illinois, thle followingdeb aftrnon caringMartin %wile be- M s .T w sn a eno e ck b tirltvst i ers. He is confiný,Ilu obis bedliand 1 ilnkgiv lig .their gubair meeting of said Board on'ed reoal estat, and premises Mer a liwitive frontjstc.was bubt) sick list for seur-tal days. lkn bh ileforie burti al tie )he Archle Ray is do i c hechores. There will be an entertainmrent and MVonday. l'ecrmber simih, 1920, a eremnindo om c tuted blefore Justice Waller fi Ta Mr. and Mret. George Vasey fha T h oher a a ild b i J. Bartlett reen d a ilcar loadt of yt N I . I curh ene sdl o eki .,at tho Vilai e Hall s sh,allbe suffIickr tu satisfyli lor byi twi ei.t, vtrirrnts omuwi smovei to lMcleg onpno he u w sdshagd ctle frm Chicago bInt week. <% ning of this week. Everybolý>lyirt in said \ilbwe. ofor fe piirchase of aIll ucree, to-wit: that Malui . r h, il; orC \\ Mrri Jaeol>son visited ther daut u iyweewakngaonilnr-wM. and Mrs. 1&iwitk oi Libert> The condition ntf Mrs. LEdWagnerethe bUildl.ýlin nr trcurs insaid! Ilois1Flý%ven (11)and Thi Ilaipt.r. al[t Tfrlita, à e after Iè.ng Mere. lukis ri asey, a few days the put a . Hsunibled nil IÏhe c ai-ge ofville %sient tiu :- :thilT.A. Stran e whlo ounderweýnt an Ceainisdia took Par;'.fng e divelhni 13 i'lok wnty.four ( emieloyed by the samte comnpany fur, wevk. Ishot entere.d his complanion's leg near an"d family. las 9goodilcan be fexi-eced. Hier Imany holise thler fr M. nl allth(ere- n ' in C. RAK RIGHT"S AM two days daappeared V il 1 M 1 1Lo Brew ami Illelen l' ilI , kn-- B fore heilp colibd reaclli Im 1linnis Riorda i f1. Young, J.friendslhople for a speyrecovýry. sud lCook I ark. excepting the irotn TION 'TO LIBERTY'VILLE, 1. theconmu'sfunds, 1I. II charged. Lie united InI r Iuda, o l. a btl to death). Hjisbodywas Wsi Rbr l a at 1 s.a>ztRo M tcBri ganyofe apryo ecs O codn oteea t'ri te lire h., 1: hi wi.-ri atie, erl.utm" hs dag I l ho e ln Brown were enga., i : ai iingbeslniy fen omny of the litl.e Bills mill bho iedfor -afllof aid1 of recorded in Ilhe Recorder's e thH o 700 fromt the Round Lake N Antiorb lthre iast week. folks. in.honlor of thle sixth birihely popry n artthref.iheofli Lake Counityl'Illinois, andilil J Vivilâkn il-e -lie, ndel 1il. e rn(" u HMr s!er and .\frs Dreco-flltrans IMen of Ithe Hol. unim.doc-iety bhlof r rdauighter, litle 1is: Edith. Ail bIds must be acftcomtiianied byl a Boo1i,(k "C" f IPlats, on pages wa adigthe non'y l'f 'Il ad iesinW uegnFiday. a, m1--ting in the a bparlors Ilast Ne s raches lis from Chattano.on , certifie:d ch-cit for, leun ler cent of thre ;nd! 67, situate<l in the County isseelp.arMs (; lorgelie as e en quieF i eledyevenm; ýT n.. or tellearrival of ai baby bo-, at amnount of the bid,.and ail property sold Lake and State of Illinois, heie'ù î- a basket lu ee frte111 Miss Lucy Bloti ndrw ntan opf) he lhme of Mr.end MrseInin Ur.nditiinust be renmvlfromthle premises in Dae atW u gnIlni Mfarliîn s bondl .as fixled aTali0. '- b e r w:s b ut rrinthe igain. lHe r sister iront eralian on lher thri,, , t w k sittter. Irvin is oellelitour own bo,, sail Village. in salitlCook frk o 1 t d a o eber. A. D.1920.t aellnd his a <,ntitwl tero d r ,l, 1 \nt n tu>n e rk(latsiwh her la week A. Baker is senuws mn fhecjury in and Nvery popular fher(,. So sorr, mwe trbefore farch ]si. 1921. MARTIN C. DECKEli sherl b ei emadd oth.u1oyof T n. r e .en. MalM.icouray court al W. _,an, cannot siel> in aund gIve huim our c. ThreVillage Bofard rse Ielt i oM se in Chancery gftilb Shle rif Emprer . fri.m n. a rt cin Àcuich W edneqsdlay alteimon and a .t Rý l'i N ti w:fumior savs 'T. J Ch (O.lhas gatuilaitions. to reject;any and allhids. sai(tthidls Circuit Court of Lake Coôi wifrel acornpanied im beack o the il, q ýI; inn!s1;-ccss bts%.ll..a t e s ling ofth le \ ilt i ani. .Tiwii ter M Nr. Johnson fArea hla, %wiIli e oplenled on -ecember 6,1 . y Ilnos tirr. ng jaw l LU shli.e eai d ith ir ýnncraily. fini- huiJidrlt- and Nli:i t rctt frs. Haase ebrn e le- ise fsge a asor o ol ea tSocokP . tte iln ial LYELL H. MORRIS, doayw saddeil i ,.. :teaur-Tin.ror-veral days. - t onal church. leavin; 1 i con ge ion in said Village. Solicitor for Complainrants "i'lthl a fne o o r th t c m (> I h la hto thiank each and llai lh - fwh tatdlas, . elk ' Shelly says: 1la ml cola r ound a;t ireseni without à G'or. \V"ethtile ' The successful bithhl.-ror bitbilers will arain," Martin declarped, when tp n n, e t ak hi oe r \tiway, their toiiirnærfhme. here is scarce . h nteeh ya odmnma escue on h eureiihnle as-afrr-NOTICE FOR BIDS le-ained rthe cause for héýilsottene l a Ve Aill frj le hIco kensull M s.Plm n.Mslii onaniMr.l. A. \\ agner and son tornuellius ri eiving notice orfite. acceptanice of h ilg fL k .uih renf -They hondeta man to death. iy nuch.l an<id w nt n>u su&plil) u Phillips splent last Friday Awith Mrs C.Cashmr i F .fnl trolible with Murn. ed ,lasi Fiday from nt ;il tured l.their bid. to lly th, full prhaeCounty, '.linois, will reedive bidesil h aéftler -'im going :o work 1r f n homýe m decandly wassonau l d'Wil Davis ai Forest Park trfn es.Ii% through l w w st. The1, i r,ier mention l in said bidl. and 'athre sixih i day orDecember A. D. li aJlý fl i malgnua heIld wlin-- George Berneon has 4eNerldilal]lccon Many rted fact - ! o ls are seen rmany \laces tof hiierest and tirpo il a bond in twice thre amiount of fil,, fori, cn utonos tnic WIl i yo ,(u go intote w dru a a 1-u Il, file.nection n illhany business here an 11,uparound town lat ow is "dy" Mresaný n uoIberiI i. otiineýta si ide C n sal ilae pci1aiq sligeýtil irs iThe1 i >ts- enat un e %y i to the niesenItre(melhas not _,_.nlfil and no mud! to e n ,1r- ri . 1;i 1by en% -r i c emme the buildings and property whIich are on file in the office ofi woulrnt ointo hat my in (a e I usls was aJge Ta' m in s M furieisas is h re- LeRoy FHawkiný>ýcio i lhailes llaw. Ladlils' Gildt or ti An1r1ws' hch imrehasi by him at thefitme aoe VlaeCek iswl eoee Iaci nep ra a , enj oyed i -abouts f) hkins. has retuirned !,'an Txas to, run n est ioflast w e. Noeta ttd n ilnti n a ijue ,Ifeigt P . Bilof s i y a te i a etean-in hatbwiessthe .i>iceffeor this com nuniy.Nin, rs enF l adMisKaeFa ,1 lc hs father's farmll esas te Inlty ltli res l>reset-l. Asir . a- the troes, shrubbery and curoudefH l.rl ii us eacm n n 0 thr~lilee dollar, was laken in fromntht wre in Chicago on bsnesThursda et of thre famn il.a %%w-Il a >ing by served an elegant lunch. NMiser said premnises i inngnd ilbyacetfid.hckdawo.oñ é,saleo ases hi st b sloo as eknitel y. Ediheteti<t the guecsts with a clean up Ithe grouinds undler and aroundspniebakghoefrte mf gon1 n o kind ofh ines cu !l u i a h lunch , t minithle schoil. Born, to Mr. andi Mr,. Carl Bruckner'Er hed wsa iao iio euu oo hc earr :a adbidnss st ev h aecentof ethe amont of the bid tu fomeby4 e l)Laelseoanwrt ha o "ast itl ek ) - rsBrue ner T4 eari Ila-. Ifr er y of Wauke:an iited .1 C f ord Frazier. who lhas beeem. -ii DTED this 1 ay of November erballei-sealeu id nwrii. Maitin wa, frýi on- tilt J'-' ýi.\r .-nd]Mrs. Frank Dorfler andsn. and rs Pteso. orth vesn . 3Galaghier and famnily. Iloyed b, Ithe-, nite-d Sitates Geuological A. 1).1920J.R F chiarge 1because oif a fauii;y ndie 9l.dtl ý %let IZf aik ntSnia. i thAx mnainfrrraMre il Mrl. A. Clark --fnl 4o\fe1ral· days mn Survey af, l .1.ilback tis J.A. TREPTOW . Village Clerk of the.VQIsi mMt1r anld Mrs Frank IHenkel1 and Vamily. be fheld in \Waukegan on Deceer li1.1.a-ike Villa. ohdI lacr in tell-S. L( anild gen,,ra 7-48-19 \illag Cleirk- of Lake Zurich, Illinois Mu.Ella IMoore andi Ml -b ailIlw toi ill a vacancrv al Lake Villa. i LeRoy lnemer bo htiT i ri store. 000 0 0 0 00 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 irnæusw re tkn f,, ilm e --.- acrels Afwoo l bln nftoer Te- Mesdamnes C. J. \Wgihtmlan arili- -W- o ~ ~ ~ ~ l- V O10 rO 0e l.i00 buO0 00 00 ,Frday r 11L h act. m e a in >"" ný,BAZAAR AND C HICKIE N PIE SUPPE 0 00 0 00 00 00 00 0 00 0 0 0 ten md as head waitress *alt Fox* 0 A N T IO CH 0 Mure. nedeindyki, i, a it rfr omt- and James a, nd Tolik fli ingtic i) ob« l NUS s, k-eliir louw1,kI tComfonr IHotel. for the0 0 0 00 0 000 00 000 0 0 0 0with the FrankIclatr a family, gamte be-tween Ohio and ilitois. Calven hy the Womnan's Society of Ivarhoe ber sien Jack ati Round Lak. wh tl asr nllhesrrwatiomelith Threr-, was tno schooil ai the high ing the past wee-k wereý-: M Ill\Niam 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 0 0 0o ,î xilnIý l lwaibremii hs u fIlu nbsns u-_ _ ongregational curch, in W 0man hl oli ' teciis"" ip n"atin:anc iele i, Mis ertiýiio 0 H 1 C K-0 R Y oSaturday, December 4th, 1920, Afternoon and Even e.achers' meeting ai champaizn. 1. Shieds, Fartl'Shi, l, a:ndth ll e nv. 0 0 0 000 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0ý A good program, good supper and plenty of pretty t opo ettai te town dnsbx ihc at , i n the teachies who a1tended ley iede ee ndls to buy, Supper, 50 Cents. There will be the usual säw Moda eein. ienbyth hidrnte meting-at Libertyville were: "os. Mrs. Simeon Anes of.(Gurneeý. and býOths, such as Fish Plond, Christmas Toys, Candy Bia -0olithe grade school. phine Foster, NeIllie DeLaney, Fredia Mrs. Mann 11s visiting at the Austin 1CoigadCnigBohadnmru tes * - irs. ~~~Vidla oon- y of WÇýaukpgani Knox. Teresa Cunningham, Esther" Savage homte this week.O n n ann nnmfu fes ,Fent thre latter part of biae week wiýh' Rockcnback and Allioe Bloomingdale,. Mrs. D. B. Webb reurn al homt- last Etnbroidered Silk Quilt, Vegetables and Farm Produce Aucdo relaties and friends here. Afiss Effoh eD itmyer e nt Suinday Thm bla ies of St. Ignatius' El>iscopfal af home.- ---- --- - - .- "hie il ole h; , aza;;n heo Martin Lux has sold nearly all hislà 27. They have a nice fine of fancy Wallidam ynsrde onls articles fromt 25c up. Cards and danc 'atrda Mir]nl irs Haymond Tiffany spet •••••• For a Limited Trme s»eer alas last week with relative s 0 IV AN H 0E q at this place., They are on theoir wed- 00 00 00 0 00 000 0 00 00 0 I Habei Wbb on Fitiay p rtativel will Ibe hf3roid n :aFi W i l g v n tehome of Mr.suand Mrs. Frank ili unes Giilbert qipent a flw Dolnhi Kin<ily note the chanlge in days with lher pare-fnts. NM. and Mrs. t ime leph Jame, hlere. The servicesle for ne-xt Sunday will b-îE l tral. Georgel Kuniaup)st silent Saltu- as 1 0110w¯ =e Tu Il - sNuW' day with friends-in Allenton, Wis, C urhSchoitol at 10 a. mi. Thre les.1 Nt"nUrFalher Jseph-aeili Iýtor ('hicago son studied is .'How Jesus was Rp. spetnt last wek wihlhis parents fhere. ceivedt Ni hasLxmtn teftii ar h srien 1a. M. Subject. W OO d (aughteprs. The Baracoe class; will start practice n ag A1 'sa rs. A. 1B. JohinsonTnetertained a fetiifor" basket bal] ne-xt week. 'the follow- friends Saturday aftvirnfooun bhooo f inil officers wvere elected: Manager. 1r:s. nna Krr.;Erl Ritta: Captain, Rewey Radke. Ail MIrs. Anna Karr, who has been the young m n in thr-encmmunity are wel-w zuest of friends here the st six comle ito join. weeks. left for ber home ln Detroit, 2 Mie-h.. the fIrst of the week. She will, go by way of Waakegan, where she IN ot ha te onar o te ill visit for a fiew days. F E F ~~Te ladies of the Me.thodist church! .E•LN phonograph öffered to you is made, planning on a baiaar to be held ln! Sonora's nickel plated tone arm is ALL Ile, churh2 on' Thursday afterùoon,i GROCERY AND MARKET BRASS (like a cornet) because ALL Mfrs. Dodge and Miss Eleanor spent DAEtI BRAS dran t sha b hdrauic aturday in Chicago. BRASS drawn o shap by hyraulicMr. and Mrs. 'Samuel E. Meska and General MerchandiseIfW uyo p n- pressure) gi ves a matchless tonal quality. son. Junior. spent cuver Saturday withyyurp n- relatives at this place. Orah nono--DaOFOo In mst ake ofpnýnogrphs--Oher1 ,Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Greggerson are STAPLE AND FANCY GIt(OCERIES grh" tOW--an yOU thn onrath ton, -rm.. e ad m oving into the Wilton fetat on John- DRtY GOODS, NOTIONS cmn suggst our owH sinc-ead cstin Zinclead astins areThe ladies of the Foreign Missionary BOOTS AND SHOE5-trSO amet 0 0 , 9sSoit sent a box of home made cook- HATS AND ýCAPS porous, brittle, and are used because they les to the, Lake Biuff Orpihanage last Ht51Ein Monday. are uhirp. Tey give an.inferior tone., l Mrs. 0. N. Kettlehut and daughter, Miss Ruth, spent Saturday ln Chicago. C0untry Produce Bought and Sold - You want ALL BRASS and not a zinc. Austin Savage had bis right hand -••. lead casting for a tone arm.eutbdyhutwie okngwt nR 1 eR J rI wr rkn, but bis an w b ina-s A - ENON $25.worth of Pathe or Actuelle records; PFR MB Sonora is the instrument which prelate be or some time. you take pride in possessing. In ®is ® Jesn et last Tutesdy'lPathe PhoBograph (exoept t e • oed n n itlfatr8 oos 1P . iLERANOT simn.1 models 3 and 6, which are not included). B. MORS & COotgherCashinotre spent last Tuesday No matter ifyOep ycasà or extend the terne ous Lioryile IlnoisD.adM ..Mraaaaaaeasy payments-"-the $25 worth of records wil * sn ofWeste"n S"ringIR., us RXAL OO S NDdelivered with the instrument asquicl as m fóMI and Wednesday. COUGH MEDICINES l 1 ý fTRACK gwyer, 80e Már- hie tries to go dtrack. A week rhen speci offi.. the E. J. and E loozing'away on Ilowed on a raft steers were at- of deep snoring. yer haRd gone to "13ur fine wiIR e you get, àrunk tracks," tha pt. . awyer only seem to ha lm. o X 0 X 0 X 0 Il DENT 1. thi . newspaper in k . 10ax 0x 0xe J first sneeze. /ice President ST CO. JARANTEED ILLINOIS wON HE LMBIRWIL£ DDEPEDDi, THUlAY, NOVEMBER 25,.1920. 1 Avenue EFST, 3UILD THEM