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Libertyville Independent, 2 Dec 1920, p. 10

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alificationu to b.e ofgret help to Ot mlth l .L î ert vile nde en entanefficient admiaitration-and that, aftr ail,Wvn RAID TIIIRD STILL; Loke County Independent- Waukegan Weebly Sun wO ali are ment coflcOflid WTAElu.R N We canue o o me pèrMa umihttake Col. Bmth' a KEFTE N uelectioii of Mir. Dady as au indication. of weakuesuons hieSIRNES JUDGE SMILEY MoYv p.arta arecognition that ho feit 0l'.SOobASo Mg that S With Our approaching loction for Circuit Judge, to ho'e tedan e orPeflce man to l'andio it for Mim and that in the neit four -years ]Kr. Dady rather 'than Col. Joseph Wacyra and Son, 1641_ b. eldnei Jue, t l ar~d boig ~ uiuierBmth would actually; BE state's attorney rather than Kemble Ave., Seized on nounty Judgo David T. Smiley of Woodtock iu alroady assistant.- Searoh Warrant. an active candidate for a place on our Circuit bond', vitl' Wel, vo are not incinedt t look at it that vay. We-- the. hope that l'eounay uucceed Circuit Judge ahares H]. are broad enough to concede that CoL Smith in big enough, GET 2 STILLS AND HOOTCH »onnelly of that clty, vl'o la tov comple M. iefo and broad enough to have made Muisiection witl' the one i , erm l*th a continsouu lerice on Our circuit beb of end. lavieiw, that of 'giving the. countv the tbent in ]hlm- Aà ittehilie mtliiraidl a day keeps t th8 le Treeay ~tiesorne and gy tour termu of uMx yoau each, and a previousaueîvco au self and iu an uugtant tfat lie cojû find. Adg o Tredy usceso hrf Couat Judg of sx yeas. coclude Mr. ady b hieight year .eaence vould Eliner J. Green, of Lake'county, andi Couty udg ofuuxyOai. ~J J. Assistant Chief ùt Police, Thob.. Tyr- Judge Donefly b'u nov roacl'ed the age, botl' lu years b. the one man l'o could seize the helm vlth hlm ana roi], 01 Waukeigan, have twnoûped down1 andjudcla uevlc, vereh. u eigile e rtirmen ondirect ia courue vlth preciajon and vîtli reaultu. Yesn if un North Chicago, and evcrv awoop and juicil srvie, her hoin ligbleto etiemet o . ne»tteti a few liarrela of .niashnmre a pensioni but uo far au vo are1 informei, l'eol'u flot U Col. Smith vanted to avoid givmng a- REAL adunrniniu- whlitmunle, a 1411 or two, .il stovo,, yet macle any announcemont au te viietheo le iiirtire, traioofnhepoucthruofch ol O a e road o igî housekepng, andi or ueek re-election îext Juno, along vlth our other two chosen Mf., Dady and tihe tact that ho annonnces before causeti a acratuble for a few thoupanti itting judgou, Claire C. Edvards oftiq -oty and -B. K. l'o stepu ito offIce that l'e aid Mr. Ddinend te do d.L..ter bods.,trno heîl- Wekcl of Roekfotd. ALL thugavrklat domuwtbi.lerofe rathelr swoop Vias Swooped and Joseph Ma ie aidtha Juge mily vii eekthesuportof hanMreoutideassstaceshvng tax. ,cyra andi hIIyesr-old son, Walter, of It i adta ug mlywl ektespoto hnhr usd sitne means a av t9tot1641 Kemble avenue. were taken on the. drys tl'rougl'out the. four countie8, au it lu kuovu l'e payers-if they'U only keep on that courue. Ini the Putarc warrants, chai-grog ttam wiîh already l'as a political alliance in Mcllenry Co tyvt four yoars there l'u beeon go mudl' outaide assistance l'ir Ur' hmnfcueo Inpritio îcrsîor.liq- Attorney Charleu HE. Francis, of Woodstock, vl'o recent- ed inithe. prosecuitor'5 office that the. office mlgl't Just as stilis, enough garden hase in keep the ly surprisecl many by being elected te tho legisiature l'y weil have had a second assistant on the regu cpy ois,a.uastliy of white mule, two the. drys of this district, Nov, according to Col. Smith, hatVa te be clne away, batchos of tunts, onle-matie Iron m.- It vii b. remembered that six year ago 3'udge Smi- vlth. and ieM selectiou Of lMr. DadY, l'o blieves, w'11 aid other of corn andi barley, anti a gag Iey sougl't te defeat Judge Donnlly for re-election, but hlm materially in doug 80. stowre sbyj Te msh it.es wi~ doeatcl y te ltte ater vey urenousaidyesterday mornifle. In tise afteinool i164 Stewart atreor, signeti a 32,000 -r cotent.thse Iso meni were te, a real elate bond for Wacyra anti one for a ie LIIRS HE111 TH man w~here a deet waS driiitfl uP. amutinit for the saon for their appear- This ws signed by Vaiie Butlt ug- aSTe Saturday nîoraing at 9 o'clock. THE ELETION0F that it be sent in, 'Uuncýie d., Tht, raids on the two pseviousdayt W. HE a En' lwys agree F MMt DADY. VICTIM4 TO TUNE OF go at bis wife c:lld sin ais'>. Tis retwltd in tie' rrest of Jot, D laki. mucl' ofthteitime dun-ng iiilaet t p Dacl-i agred r 29IN LOT DEL4 Silice tisen Makkal ay$e» htlas and Tony Bonin,13 icl term o clsagred orlearruetht IVainie-n vife la ont Instreet. where four barrels if a!msi were at disagreements with him. BUT, in his selection blfuncie but tas been is Waukegan were desiroyeti andi a etili. by Col. Smith as l's assistant for tl'e coming administra- Emil Makkal# asks Waukegan ail htiure. Hie gays lio has foUiitiai A wholesale roundup of 0soonshiners -~ - "' e mae Poice Arret 1h Van %0SotisatVainno titi fot wod< Mofldayin 18binleti. Scores have been ,loinga tion, ve see in the move anefor o Cl.Smthom air Poiceto es on n oOr Tuessiay at the. Sage Lock coin. big business inuvwhite mule. vllilcýhvie bis office just au efficient and result-proclucing ail pou- Who Cannot be Found. any visere hiei employed aithoulgi are aeiiing at froîn S8 to $10 a galion 110 oieie bas a wèek's pay comnig t10 ii. as fast as ;hey coulti niake il. sible. For, n matter what l'asb coicluded lu dis- Hetink il possible that. Vaiflie Tie arrivai of a carloati or raisins in agreements viii Mr. Dady, l'e will.admit ihat as state's VAINIO SOUGHT'IN MUNCIE. mal' have gono tao Muscle ta Inter- Waulegaa tday shows the exteflt of attorney, l'e attended to bis job, ho fougit hiu cases hard, This in the onli' tangible thing wiich biainct for the rowdylsm oflior l'e prepared them wel l n advance, l'e vu careful in bis EMI Makkaa ut aukega% ap shows that he bas paiti $250 to Vain- anti Executive oficer. IM. M. Fruebt of peard I thelocl plicestaionto- le for tise troperty. if -be due.s nct (rcuIt Llak, hai, 1-sucal an ordîr bar tions of value u a prosecutor. Ris experience therefore day and asktO that steîs lbe taken 10 gel tia back he wiii not hjase a ring bluejaclicîs f rotri Mar-ke t rtI- indictunent work, and withal possesued many qualifica- apprehend John Vaisso, alsa of WRu- gcrap of papei- as evIdO5ce. the wite n.ulî- mari of Waukt-'d.an cugl't te be mont valuable te Col. Smith vl'o la nev att he kegaubn, hmie supects of haviisg game of prosecutor. Mr. Dady macle is enemies as defrasded i hm'0f $250 by ain aliegei Thse Bsclsward Bird i~ae' ttre-btlutisrsecanatiesaeat- confidence famue. V ainle la believeti The flainingo perforrus a nui of r)n' . t:g il. a n torney 15 like a newspaqper-if iie's ANY good he'u bound of n at c ie beenasd tisecoi ctsidutn insiiie.n I a 1111nrfl: iwt(-r vs, h n fris' drot p-rarpîî,-f to make enemies. If, like some îewspapersle lj e pagse- duct a sèaî-ch for him. tog t o ~dirseý, iltrests Ils hpiul In te tni c-il irio Me it us ill, itheI Accoring o tIie sery old he p- onthelotton of. Anl oxetlil-Ur lahe ÏIl "jvcu that l'e's friends wiLl' everybody, theu it meana that ii0b-'tkiaho ai'o i)015 And w le;cor.le tiitii i tessru 3,8net of the rigl't stuff\no more thAn, is that sort of a chase of Vainie a lut on sGeor geaie- ntiseetrItiîk, l d-inn < sti ..ls nAt, hy u.l'inirzitwto rewspaper. And gowe'l1. admit with' othlers wl'o have nue.Thj rc a .rebeg-leani pIesuve ftewrl 'at fln-doit D disagreed with Mer. Dacly ini the past that l'e possasses the the ull ~pre asere hsheaa~bcot IL ti. 1 Ili U. S. Arny Shoei mEAMYNE OBS & BOOS RUSSETS3, Gov't repaired. Very $3. 19 pliable leather' MÂRCHNGP GOT et repaired $7 -iý Italimrehimngn, a meal value..-4$US NEcW U. a. AINT RBSET Reula tioqi issue. AUl leather. $9 value $695 Meers' dress, a very nifty slot79 $12.00 value ...------~ Gloves u"d Mifttè ., NVAS GLOVF.S . - -15 tiCK MITTs ..... .. .... ýLEATHBERTOP, wool lined- $16 SPECIAJ-S., FOR TWO DAYS ONLY i ' 'ILCKLEATILER, wool lined ' j gauntiets . .... . . .. ......... ..... ....2.95 IEAvl WOOLEN GLOVES---------...-Bib- s'v LEATHER GAUINTLETS -$91.19 HY U. S. Armry Overcoats R E G U L A T I O N A 1 - %vo o l - - ----- -.0--- 0 ARMY, all-wool. Cle aned, dyed. 15 SffEEP-LINED Moleskin. Aviator's $1495 DOUBLE-BACK Raincoat .................$875 OEPFICER'S RAINCOAT, belted ..$1.96 Wool ÀArmy Soz MIEDIIJM WEIG]IITr -. f ~ GOAT'S HAIR WOOL. Very Special-OfC COTTON BOCKS iIEAVV' WOOL-----89 Akrmy & Navy Biankets. Thrifty HouseWdfees d andRejoice O. D. AI.-weol regulatien issue, double- bed size. Corne direct trom the goverument quarterumte1r's departmneflt. -The. finest blanket ever igsued. $ 9 V.50 value GRAY, BROWN and PLAID pool Blan- kts- These have been renovated by the goverimept proce-sa and are absolutely sanitary. 0 ouble bed size. $49.5 -1 8.00 value. Ail wool IIea't'y, MION BARK MAKESý APPLICATION FOR STATE CONTROL Tht, Mon ban k, one Of Ihe In-îtu- tions under tise <toltrol Of \. 111,fr Glenn Voilva, bas matie appilInta1(n for state supervIsion, under wiilitl andi 600 other pri<vate banks thi-ouglinut the state mu tcorne by Jnnuary 1 as aresult of the Meent election. The bankÎng PI*opoali'On cuirried by Mue than 460,00o, arccrtiing to figures given out gt spyfeld. About 400 O! tbe 6W0 private lsaka lase matie ap- pUication for state Supervision. thfo e . ii-at of tihe year thse Et.4'e.aùditara viii check uP ailthe private bankasi-ho have madeg apli- cation tidake tisa t Ibscogne," lise requirernents 0foi.lw -coee state banks. TJ h o se w i o f eu toe a k e app ii st l o" of *neees2ity wilii fot be able tg OS iinue bInbusiness. A large nuinher o! trust duedis have been flIed bY Voliva lnt Lake county. foillwing the nev ruiing ont the ope>% ution ofnililîne banks. Cnnd Place ler h. "Yes, inissimple devis-o makua e ,Pncapiessure." 1IVisat IN lir ".t, iairor .bInsllaeh bt te tub.-. - Ssii F-rsnî,;-sûChronicie. A French invention. A lPîenriiinn bas Intnteti metho& ef (i!iig resro ntd t aien lni. creasieti Or dlrnisishod sounti lte" S17. LIGHT-SIX You can now have prompt delivery of thia Neuw Studebaker-Buit Sedan S OLVINC te tanspor tata on robea of thse wved fur oser 9; asn ligiven te Stade. la"eran caPerlei " e ts inmentiy qualifies &sh esa10pio-ceenciosei ran thit are set cniy beautifiimat .o.ffOimbl. but hhiy pi-acti as weU. TIe N» ILJWT-S11 Sinus là s afastcpémof "t sheWsbulder's art a" oI<_nr tise siampoint of beasti 6=66:and i i-sis pposa1 meulab. but more hb-useil refiet th, ibiilt qosil of stbili-! ..1I'inly by tsd e u-n"Yyna of' eiaUo0C- dr.igued iy StudelukeT sud la buili lelaStudebske f&Ctoie. ele andi inLerriit houa e so e,,sch building is yens avîssance that ibis Sedis lu oit ta vithOftant jOlisutains sflng ,oad servine. in ilsquictiesaof povef andi freedoia fronts vu-"rs, i, b 4Nv LÀciiv-stlx senS usv a tanilar4a i.i '1o0«d Mor c«-f-tIsi. Diag noîtra and dincomforting lbodY va" bratottbave hbeti-ted. ie r. esdy nov taodenunatt sud make prompt tielivries ACIIEN- WELLS MOTOR CO. 17 Nf . Genue St: Phone 5M8 Overails 7YWIEIGHT BlIue Denim$19 ÇI UNIONAL,$29 fitl size ......-au - 1) . Army ShÎrtib IREGiJIATION U. B. ism &nu-wL wY, thread. Lined besominfored eWbo.- Thorouglhly renovated by goveiMuint.Ab- solutey saniary.S2.49 NEW O. D. SHIRTS, aIl wooL-1$4it Armkiy Underweàr REGULÂTION, 2 piece, mau woo-l..,41 WOOL UINSTT - $9 EÂVT wool union .uitul$1lva, . J Leaherveau CORDURO YTOP, leaiher lUàd.....41.JO siEEVELESS, leathew rh BUOKSKIN 1J WOOL TOP, leather lued a4& GLOVE LEATHE1e, all weol, blanket lined - 395 Y DEEP S 1WEÀVEI Sohool1 of Porpoîsès ,~Stands. - AIw the shimmy lizard a thse courts wheee once ndroignod and dran An tras.tyWs uand hutnter, Thlie bouevardier stampi but Cannet break .7The Lire 0f the P: ~ ill t-rioti." an Imu et tise mitluk tfaune, ct L fe, tise asatlc plants vasious soil deposils Iu et Chicago tu former dg ui tt ram 1150 ith e n îïrank CoUlis Baker, ci muwum ai neWrai hi VUiversit, 0f Itanola. la ttdei 475-oaee woî Baker gives wlitiste e: scentfic man ail tise àmrnnseo!tise ilelstoc deasaparticularly wisI1 the nortis shore as i oves Is and strata founti i -Cavaloüns Wers Once si Arcordng u the bon et0 w isst la no w Lake N once sait' ansi a hit, qn fet aWue tise present tact la reealeti by thi oery or a siy peaty taining freas water se ln thse terrltory noris c *nus andl extentiing tu As thse le o! tht, giacli eti aay, andi appeaieti siîpi afly and numero S o ioed , Une of tisini 1 ago. laI-r Lake Michi * tinte, uci-ording ho' Pio he shre finesetend mette soutbsard anti i ta a point noith afi thsence southe ard pas' lie ay :1 Thse losehlii ber va. * Up e at 1iltastage 10 fU-m sla exending froail nanville, anti an ofOsio * velotiesi. -xtendng4-rum etry tri Norths avenue endi af Lincon park. bas'" m nore ihan ft andi frms ne and nt, miles wlde. A laRe lied rs Park, now cultia gardeners. wes once a 1. tf Clark siiet. Part of Lak A c o dîng to t i e li leses by Professor Ba o! Evanson el tnding f ('oa5sf' lu 'he itisgé v y tise plelalorene Lake M depsua înonsf-rs seuis is Sm crpeel. eawiet-tifluai thse biîsti'~i flsh baks-d on hie sz Will 'In What i: ment m Grafon o This Coli fuimd o- Oak;, mahoge ections ef y $123 i~Cblun -15e( Wauega Ary &Navy store «TESOR TAVSYOMOB? AbUTH CENSHE STREE PIIONE AUKGN 3fWflCGNJi Becus UnleSawm001 OveslookmodiorWar You Are Able to Buy These Surpus War Properties 'àt Umusual Money-Saving Prices WE PURCHASED )THOUBANDS 0F DOLLARS WORTH 0F BLANKETS, SHOE8, CLOTHING, ETC., bXRECT 'PROU ¶1HE 1U. P, GOVEENMET, AT EIDICULOUBLY LOW PRICES AND ARE THEREFORE ABILE TO OFFER TENI TO YOU AT iicu WàY BELOW COST 0F PRODUCTION. TÂKE ADVANTAGE 0F THESE LOW PRICES--ComneIn Person or Order By Mail _ -t--. - 't 'lois Dining Furn, ai -

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