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Libertyville Independent, 2 Dec 1920, p. 11

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This Columnbia in fimeidor-golden Oa;' rahogany a n d wanut with six sel- ect ions of your own clipice, $"123.00 r -- 5~lflLN~ THURSDAY. DEcEMBER 2, 1920 r iat tire> corne enta Of ]ai ase,~ fail ta inake appllcate9?ý wll not be able tg 0 legs. aber of trust doede have Valîva ln Lake COUDtY. new ruling on the 0pi%: te banks. Pd Place ler lb. simp)le deQVlî-e makUé -msure." 1'Wbmt IN ItIm iatbsich ta tire tuir.".-i aChranîcie. rench lnventleuf. an lias Intpvntesi metbo recordrq ta obtln I:. limlntoeas eund lote" ot delive'y milt Sedan" CUr-ScÉ SINet vsu dchskcr sud la iruift Adbk fsCtorie. relit k»ovirsie 01 i.. jour assurance J.la t ta viibeasnd fif lng ,oadusnsitr. ne of prower and WIWI, ii NsW il Uta nev mtuid*isi 'ndofml D)i&usaq mmwl body> Ts- . eniiin*ed. , nov taodesaoutate apt deliwtt<a R CO. Phone 5M8 $2450 fAb. So.ShBUI - -g 'jr' ¶ -1HE U.SP mou.a wàY le_$1.98 $52.9S rc.d elbwu- vuant..ÂI- -~ $2.49 .14M. NY SEASE, WEA V»D(N IN l Sohool of Porpoisès Helit1 Where University Noý Stands. JKew the shimmy liard and tesR keep T~he courte wheie one e ma ~Adrolgnsd and drank demi -AdPtereda0tylue' and Pl* l'.hunter, h Teboulevardier @tamps l h * but cant break hi@ Mei -Wittbapoiges te,<0 "The Life of h. Plelatoce Glacial- Periosi." an Intimi. ef tire moitukitfta i, evert lire,"tire matic plants and a veni oisli deposta la tihe y 0f hicatu a rer days, la i sutwaft121f111 tise en of rî >»ak Callase Baker, curator Museum ai ne.Wai irltury1 untverst of ibattois. la tis 475-pa-ge work Fr Baker gives wtl tise exactnem selentlfîc man ail tihe natura imomena eftihe pleistocene &Ë deais.particularly wvkh thre hIel the nons e hore as îcs'ealed b>' -ias and trata found la rece mataions. Were Once Sait. Accordng ta tise book the of whst la isow ],site Miciigal once aali'aitd a uitile mare th fest abue tire present stratut faci la reealed by thre recel <over>' 0f asasity peat>' tratui timîing freas vater shela, and la the trrlltry noris aofLevr fie andi extending tu Wlmel AS tire ie of the glacial perio esi away. ]and eppeare inlathse sippl saiIey and numerous lait forrîed, Une of tireur as La] cago. lisr Lake Mchigian'. tinie, rccrding ta Pofestor lthe shore lînea extendesi fret inete aoutbsrard and satrihea toas point north of Garfild thence southwssard past awa lie saysar "The Bosehili bar Uab large Up athtii stage ta fUx-m.a vl<lr sola exierrdrng iroiaViWllnette Inanville, and an of' sore bar veloîresi. -xtendlng.4rum Rweehi clsry tai Norths avenue at thé end of Lincoln park. TihIeJi baYs' va mrore Ihan tt'n miiE an-j fr-cm oné anid onre iai!t t mniles wide. A1 laRe brad forth ers Park, nov cuitir-at(-d by gardeners4, was onc-e a long Po. mof Clark arreet. Part of Lake. Acordîng ta tlire r.lore liln<- liimied by Profession Baker, U, of Evansiton eaîendlng fraisatir t'oas;t" Ira 'ie Iidgevas a1 thep pleitocene Lake Mchiîganr Sdeep ce fanstc-n rPdcrido. js trpeer.seawveed loilazr ths ia-e ruîllr. tar an filmisb-keri on tire sands lIONSTERS. I EREODEE ST. PATRICK'S DBA* YWN DAVIS STREF'i ZÀAR AT WADSW'TIIe 'IAT PLJ3STOCENE PERIOD PRO VED 816i SUCCESS Forth RalJge a sj - oi of pOrpoLkes belli Patronage large and Good Sum w forth where iiow Northwestern uni Was Raised for Benetit of 'file pleistocene aoning commission the Big Parish. estmbiished tiese ingle famly resi- thound dete district weat uortiue Ridige and Thie St. Patrlck'a Church tlirrar Our caveman forbears B5liOd forfit Closed $aturday ei-fin at 11:30 arnd rtodan fron their caves te, give balle wtb Proved ta hie a deçided succese. VTshE P. the Mastodon la i stampiag groundi lid MIIII Creek. flôw located at Wadi- tocene near Niles Center. Evanston New - worth hardlY even lna Lts long blator>' Index. spent a more plearrant wèAk than at il bad this tbasaar.z loup.White the final returna have flot mer. yet been gatitered ln the proceeds are A Little Witt fow ln the neigliborhood of $2000. a re- -markable reenît of the efforts ofà eu. or anc l in leUterod- about 55 familles of the parieb. litz history h ardiy could be beaten anywbàere. M Dtba y the Best of Mfo, Fathdr Folei expreased bis Fa Bunday morning and aise for -them rorewr now, l xialiLn uive. t te -ro.-thsnka in tbe-merchaatisuad business of th.cen dedication of the Saivatian people of, Wcukegan, Mion. Antlrrrh, aiteAmy honte' he was calied upon for Gaase une uslWd-S a speech. He 'Prefaced bi remarks riise GreRuel.Wd roesrwith: *,For the benetit of those la thre ncr and Miliburne for the irany ofesor Ibeautîiful and valuable donations, to sa ofr rear the hall 1 vant ta state that th- narlous boofli.,,Iarsrmal I h:1amn standing up" The pladiesoftepratm& « pe- Tire Harvey Dentiste have just dozen and a haif beautiful (li;rîIl st aL of ed toth. Echange National Bank whicia were won durlng the weeic 4 ry epfs building occuPled by Att>'. E. V. Orvis. aides hundreds of other faacy artIcles. leo-' ire dentsl firm and Mfr. Orv* have Pige, chlckens and sheep wtre a1sci eut ex- put nipa double oigo. which redl: auctronerd off. Hre'Dentis-E. V. Orvis. 1mw. A chickerr and turkey suIrper with yer." Mr. Orvis luanonced tirat the le cream waa eerved every fnlght (lur- waters dental firua bas not contracted i vil igtewe o h aa n wýre blm ta htheir lawyer. He prob- Ain th eko!t aan ntr.sigâ lin len ablY bas n in md the fate of anoirev tan iemi> neetfgin denietwbava valopsion he awertltiisg featrires, o! the bazaar was. . Thsi l . h ààwlopdo teli ile price wattz rt bich ltr. <:,*o. ft dia- b>' a law)yer here the oiier day, afn- Daîziel arnd Mliqs Oliveliteneliai n nt con ir. Orvis vants ta tel the worl<1 Il, the prize. Tiey veree lb. rrrot d tound i dd hli. flghting ln 1898(J9. pleasei of ail the contestanIte. 'Ot aie. W5t has bfcomè of thre o.f- bride te. wlo drerreed inv-hite for rire grarro-r id meit- occasioni. Milbil> ione Hailtn'DO VEY" LUTTER e veic poye, tb patron ieaving the parcet Lke Chti- port vifdos.: Dont vian the dont R E DTO I N Baker, office building hran a revolving Adoor. ~D E ii l Tisi.leada DeWitt Hunter irat re. ýtlrts tibIs messesare. for the KI3EPI(i- R E « ,atvaîd voivIng doors viii neyer be papilar inest part, plain sied stralght, d park. Un Private homtes. MaTrred lire wOuid tbough oaccalonally ou. la drapesi.- tharne. he manoto nous If friensi hueband Thelusit IIIistrated la a sinc-eol- Rcn, o.3.-Gvro couldn't iam te doar occalonal!Y. ored dnvet>'n vltb a bBdaIIg o!f aie o.3.-~vro il B17 buli What kept Fuller Bull awake arri tarnished sU,. r mbroldelr>'douvo ipp ordered sherif! Graver Lutter to~ e pnin- night vas the question: IIow coula cubher aide Of the skirt, bIrdnza ear is deputies ta aid police in pre- ta ilow. a camera mars fate a movie of a the eircular dane that lainJbesO erVing order ait the plant of thre Ilai rier de- monashine eti l I operatian! Iflire the sleeves and around lit iili ten axes a '-ttl',It u-ouid be lmîbosgile jauni>', box-like coat, The .= lo lai aufcuigcmay se buta hav-e the miII ln operation anrd lifla a hua, on. of fo&. r- tire result ofa riot lasi evnnrr, tireed the tl flot ln oi8ratin how cinn vîsen eroployes were lavtng Ilir tv-1 lsn i t i maire a mOvie 5h11 i Itmigirt be tory. A strike bas been in pro'oreàsi e tr4posilbti strlkes rus tiRar a stili ses erai niontirs. r' 0! ta tirree -( t]1. Iwobudnrt ie a movie andi a tili -: ai to in aperion couidrat ire made Itea SprttoaAotEi. WWANTED-WiIi offer -1 chtl truc k ".tilli as long ansfit-snt Beuh. But, There are several superstitions setule wornan, goosi honle and living 1 Sdr wectt Oeil, vbats ire tint-, we enjo>' our about tire tInri ûcf oais cars. It wb<1r sornt renrimeration for ernair-r Bieep. ,vas nt once commonl>' Lellan-ed that'vic. %WriIre Mr-rScott Aurr.r.!II t) Tirere 1%sutirb a ting al; carrvlng a i V ilwans tire right car l ait ate tir aI ito 14li.tri!Pon i . ra atb oersîr-it %fr ncuig i~ a friend w<as r'waklrg seilf o ae. i :eorest cachange. Wkl> : ts atfilow w ho liciets iis testhirvith tiC The tînglin>' of the left lmpied tire je -UOid tangue to cave îoohpick maerial oSpaelite. ir Thiomas Browne, the icis.-,1 - Iart 0f n fairrile sntfthor of!Vuigar Error&," I -s -s.- r. L. ~ ~ ~ A- %'fllYAri( '.?i mr-bes thre lieaho tihe -lrc-f iraguar- hîtrîr - krrr--Il t ir p -- r. ar- ( :- rrn 't - f yar -.tr.'diu u Ig s, nsto loir '-jr Il Kt ellîPra re rt >-,iu oketh ritrî irho. si r il-or * lrr-.i [Is j rrr r0%a,- rr ,r IsrnnlaS Rorri . -P e ýS, aie errre 0 s rd jis o- --Iýtli îth ou à of tir r - ' i w brrip-1f. r ts u f,, -:!e or rir i r, the tom plrr-i k,ovelcrt - " ;cure f ;t ,i-'. DOOLITTLE &, WHYTES! After Thanksgiving .Clean -Up, SAVE 50% NOW!, SALEV!IsAv urEntir-e Stock ot 50% Suits- & Overcoats NOW Will Be Placed on Sale-- Friday, December 3, 8 a. m. Two thoù'sand high grade suits and over- coats will be sold this week. Every gar-- ment must be out of our store by Saturday night, December Ilth. S1 00OSUTS AD ERCOATS. $50 $90 SUrVS AND OVERCOATS. $45 $80 SUITS AND OVERCOATS. $7 SUITS AND OVERCOATS. $3 SISAND OVERCOATS. $50f SUITS AND OVERCOATS. q~~'~Les50' .. Now ............... 50<,.ANDOVERCOATS. $20 $4 aLs 0l. Now .. ...... Now $10, $12.50O.................... $1 Sale Starts Friday, Dec. 3 Don't Miss i This Chance Remem ber, the sale wil continue ail week. selections. - z Buy Whlesale-Save Retiler's Profit OPEN EVENING»S. . 0OPEt{DABLXDO7s .Thtis is a D-2. Cornes in ail fittishies. Saine motor as the highcer prieed Col- umbi1ias witli 4- selections Sarne nodel as' above, onlysrnaller size withi two selections of yoîîr ehloiec for only, .$51.00 T h i s Cultumfbia cornes in ail finishes Nvith 8 seeet ionis of your ffwn- choice for only $154.00 _ -t.-. - Dining Room Furnture at 1-0O9 % Sta t WKAUKeGAN- ...$40 $30 $25 Will There Be a Columbia Grafonola hI Your Home This Christmas? ' What iý, a home without Music? You can have the enjoy- ment wlife'paying for it, by joining our Christmas Grafonola Club. Special ternis on ail models to Club Mem bers. BUY A RIAL GIFT - A GULBBAKSEN PLAY- EgibPIANO. Nationally Priced. Make your selection now and we will deliver when- ever you desire. Suburban Model .......$5%5 Country Seat Model $66 White Hbuse Model - $750 C6lumbiaâ are Nationaily Priced--bne Priceto ail 15,000 Columba ,Records Alway, nHn !,Il Ü,I-n THURSDAY. IPR14E!ER 2,1920

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