30 OYFARS WORK ON EVERETT FARM "O11rPhan"l 38 Vears old Award- ed that Amount by Cir- cuit Court Jury. WILL LEFT HlM ONLY, $100 John 3uttMn.38 Year al arphan, 9,'leaday *asca Barded $600 for 25 Years work inlathe hme ut Michael Blger, a-ealtly fax mer realdlng tusar Everett. a-t o f Deeriield. by at jury la the ake caaaty circuit court. - Menibers - of iat Suttan tami * ucvibora et the Bolgeeu9eni-ca 0th poonbouse lan1ISE$'a-heU Sutton waa three years o0.1%è Be oigera ob * hm to a rIse.lHe vorbied for thenun askgd Boger igr wageaa-.0Ivasaa ýu off wlltiit.eproonise' thbeao b.e remembered in ibeir a-ll. Upoit ane occasIon. Sutton tcstIfied. Bel. gui' said the mroey LuI been put asle * Whea lirs. Bolgec 61.6 a number of Yeatrs ago aie loti Sutan $100 In hiec .111. wîxuch Sutton cdaimts le never received. Soocafatera-ard Bolger. a-ho Ig about 68 y cors oh! ce-mirrued. theo second vile being muci >Ounger hua»t Sullon fIgured fils clancea.oi rom-, Iuug for a share of the ecali. ecatume the second vite mîglit autîlve hlm. decided tu a-ail no langer for Lihe nîoney lie believed ttalbe due hilm, go started court action for, an accouai- lig. l'. lie court' rettlemeit a-as & tam- riromise action. Aficr the principals ila ,reel lu settie for tnat amauint Judge Eda-ards Instructed the jury to brlng la the unaFual verdIct. SUYS WOMÀN- WHIO GAVE VOLIVA ESTATE WAS STILL IMBECILE Cincinnati iudge Refuses to Dsmss Adminstrator on voliva's Request. Cincinnati, 0., (Special ta the Sun) -Prabate Julge William Il. Lueders * ye.serdsy lîsmunscd a motion by Wil. bur Glenn Voliva, ZMon City, 111. for the removal af Attorney R. I. Walker as administrator oiflihe stase of Cath- Prin. S. Fee. a-ho died January 11, Mrs. Fee v ho owned prcuîucty in the h.axt Eend valued at $2,600, a-as de- iared ta b. anuInbeIlie bythie Pro- baie court of IHamilton County la De- cember 1915 and a guadiaa avas ap- poinied for her. la May 1917. Mca. F.. a-cnt ta Ci-i caga and tramt there la Zion City. No- ýveMber. 1915, bequeatbing everytblng 1 o Vliva. Asa as nastill under gua rdiansblp aspd had been deciarel la0lie an imbecfle, Judge Luedera ce- fied to recagnize Iis wili anti ap- pointedl Attorneuy Wolker ta admînis- er ber estate. Volilvu ,ougbit has rensevaltlroiîgh themotion a-hidi Ju» Lueders has Iiemissed. NÛR TH ' SHORE RE- SULTS IN. PANIC "Nothing Doing"l in. Local Blindpfigs, According to Man Who Frequents Places. AWAIT GRAND JURY ACTION The elès oaiaiaia have been ecaduceted agatnat 1moonabl1necsanMd bllndpiggers of the noeti shore have liai the ettect ai tlgUtiklaghp boise conditIons ln Waukegaa, Lccocdlag. ta tisose a-ha are eanvsunt wth, ausc ateca. Bllpota a-hdh ave beOn ttluOnfed ta aun -0petiy have been los01 ta alilexcept li-se a-ha have 4aceeaa to the taner Inuixe becretB» '«T neyer aaw It albard ta get -a drink."' nsemnuerclaluhed. cnd It fa ai liho nover befare hua had aay lit- ticulty along Iilia..n A galet Investigation bas been la praoasby-officiaisandEiltIl.la salI tbsrCibae not been ahi. ta abtaia any lividence aganat local violataca. itiglit naw the attention of ovory moonshîner ald every bindpigger la tUrned taward tihe gratnd Jury room viser. theflits oaihe ibm veral riva a-hase places have besa t'aided du r- big the laat aeevia la the balance. Witb one sa-cap states Atty. Sàith a Places real tear 1in the hearta flui iquor violators andlIltlia saiti there a-ll be 'nothin«,'bing" until il la kna-n a-bat 'dlïspoaiion la to ho Mode ai the cases. DR. FROTlIINGIIHAM, *NOTED PASTOR, TAKEN BY DEATII The jtev. James Frothinglîsm, a-cl knoa-n clergyman and associaf"i uns tar ot Wl.dePark Presbyteriaii- rhurcb diedsTuesday inla isnoms e .2 Bîaekatane avenlue. .Dr. Frotblngham a as boru ln Johns- 'to"i. N. Y. un 181.34. Hi. tirst work work as a miniter waa among te Chocta- Ilans la Mianesota. lic orgonizel and ereehvd seven churchea He a-ent ta Chicago la 1899 andlihe servel eburches in Harvey, Wauke gan ald Chicago. Mr. Fratilglianu a-as paatar la Waukegan about 1900. Ho bal* preacluel in 97 ofthte 104 Presbyteî'iar. diurches la Chicagoald suburbs. Mr. Fuotlulngbam a-as tate cerk oi tbe Chicago presbytery toc 25 years Upon his resignation la Octobc'r, 1916 h. a-as givea a lunclipan and present- cd witlu filîy $1() golpleces. Uc cee. brated bis 601h weddlng aaniveraary in Juiy, 1917. He waa agranînephea- ai Waahing- Itan Irvinag and passesed a nanober or Ithe. noted outLior's imonuscnîpta. wirh I le recelvel tram Irvlng'a ava bands. Among Lb. manusefipta are portions ofr. t. M. Burw" ndam, bo ri-it aiý 1.leMp BuoiIam' adoot omia"is mnd chiropodist for ladies aad Lentie- men. 218'Nortlu Genesee at. Phone 1946 or M91. Wkiy '-I a te. Tf ycii ivo .fc t 'pli gr"C Pu3 ,,tt<1( i t lh r,, I..r p u il -TRi o . n.iuuuupour pfflen à fea- gli pq f i l on <iithe.Iffl% 10114. t of fni cdd o tua- more dropa, Pliuu te mveur ii0w~ ut Let fluas r-c nluiai sirt fu' t1iien air-the Gve Useful Gifts A PEW CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS IN NEW AMYsuRP"LUS GOODS (Reglatioa Issue) Double the Buying Power of Your DoUai. WOOL BLANKETS WOOL SPORT COATS 0. D. WVOOL SHIRTS WOOL 2-PIECE UNDER-MEAR GLOVES AND MAIT1TENS WOOL. UNION SUITS WOOL SOX LEATIRIR AVIATOR.'S COAT-S BAIN COA!rls SHEEP-LINED COATS 1MOLESKIN COATS TRENCH MACKINAWS OVERCOATS WOO1L SWEATERS I3RESS AND WORK SHOES RIP RUBBEIT BOOTS 4-BUC]<LE ARCTLCS KNEE BOOTS LLATHER JACKETS WOOL TOQUES WOOL SCARPS WEBB BEL"S NÂVY MIDDY BLOUSES C ARTRIDGE BELTS . 1D. EREIICHES KHIAKI BREPCIIES LEATIIER PUTTEES PUP TENTS * CANViA.S ÏOLDING COTS CANTEENS COMPLETE BOY SCOUT- EQUIPMENT TO CHEER THE YOUNG FELLONNS. Alsd Hundreda of Uther Useful Gifts. Waùkean Amy & Navy Stores, raach STORES -A SVEYO MN Soe_ WUae«&W 3M. - Waukegin. 1I gOqurday 8 a ii. to9.p. m. Fauftegaàn s.mwtr ieutviSnmn*Wttfud ofpeclaI priced glfts ot rare disinfction -gis for "Ial" 'ALZLX HI o The Store of the Christmas Spirit" .Handbags, Purses Canteen Bags Are W.Icome Git.e 1.69 - 2.98 5.98 7.98 - 12050 flore are hundreds of wonderful new lbandba;;. parses, canteen baga Land even large Ilzed, amalleprteed shopping baga- ln a great variety of new atyiaahi kil colora and ahapes. Many are elabaratelyr pro- Irided with Interior fittînga for "Mi. Lady,;, personal convenience. Ali-Over Beaded Bags Gorgeoua affaira lndeed are Oiese band. sorne creations ot alI-over beaded baga lu wondei fui combinations ai colorInge. Fancy Gif t APRONS 69C4$1-1.50 Women'a fancy tea aprona la a wide variety af pretty style. trimmned wilh lacea and rlbbons. -In Xmas Boxes Novel Gif t Boudoir Caps 69e to 3.50 Exqolsitely beautitut bouloir caps ar lelirato sika. laces and rubaona la a hast oi colorings unPrcttiY Christmas boxes. 1.59,91 98e2.69,1-2.98 These "cotort" slippera are moat ac- ceptable ;ifata o be sure. Thi.e hidrei'us hlgh-tap hous alîppera are prîced at $1,59 ad 1.98-Womena ssoft-sole comfart Blippera aith faiicy tape et1,.95, $269 ald$2.98. U m b rell as. For Men and Wfomen There are many pretty bondis la bath ihose for womea as welliasa home for muen. -Women'Is umbrelas. at 81.98, #3.98, 15.98, $7.98. 89.98.-Mena cumbrellas Bt an 819,$9 a 5.98.ý foraà Womnan's Giftt $1.50 Silk Hose $1.00 7 A apeclliypurcbaed nssort' meut of a-asen'a si1k hase lu hiack, a-hite ad olors lnalal si%.- es provîles tise values. $3 Silk House, $1.65 Wheaib is sale waasanapunced a-e ail It Wol- s~, rats a mena- "ihou7ft-he-beOa aa e il 1- lng tfntSO alk bhase lna al colora gal iles f ront wel-*oa-u traIe. maka il--- 5ko,, a, S aet$15. Chrisimas Gift GILOVEýS* 2.50 Values ait A great value laeld. Fine kid glao. as xvell as suee .fabclc glovea ai an ex- cellent lmparted brand lu mont ail colora and aske a- Btldef' ?enlsckably -lea-pries. Imported. Unbrealeable Pearl Beads, SpecialLy Priced ait 3.98e 5-98, --7.98,9.998 These beautîful aecklacea la exact Imi- tation oi genuine pearîs came 10 luatrous a-hite. ecans or plnk: atraight or la grad- uated strings, la dicliplush-linel boxes. Broches and Pins PrettY broches and aparlIng bar pins la many clever designe andlnl lar.-e and îsmaîl sizea are vecy att.ractîvely priced Bt $1 .25u ta $3.98 ln fancy boxes. Hand Bags for the Kiddies 2!5c -69(c, - 98c -'Jugt like ?!utoie'"-tiiese littie hand- bag4 niake an Instant ad strong appei t0 littie nmiss of Most any age. Came la leather. leather-asud 11k ad be.dd et- fects. Bath Robes For the Enire Farnily Womea'a bath robes or a-an blaulici matertam ln ries coloriaga are .reably prîced ai $4.98 86.je and $9. Womeus -6rury.-rebem tn amnuy ylsa an ooaare prîced ai $5.998 Q $12.60.. Mena batbrabes lnaail sites and colora, oi excellent beyy muteriala lu "moe colora. at $8.98, $9.98 and' $12,60. Chlldren's' bath robe. lun ail aise. tram 3 ta 17 are prIel at $1,98, 82,98. 83.98, q4.98 ta $6.98 KiddiesC uddeldown ,Sets, $3.98 Soitt, amm litie oUtfiL for col Win- ter monnuga, conlstlng pi a pretty robe a-jth ara alippers to match, Sites 2 ta 6, Iun four colora, Women's Gift SW EAT E RS 3-1985~ Button andIgsHp-ver styles lua a ils cage 6 t ite4tomt'iuin a,] aIiea ta fic Q Ae-omsa aftk. ., ',10I Gihe ef1isomparabl» Beau&y "ci Lue uîng Qua«V ~A,* Grained Ivry Toilet Articles In, Sets or Pieces 25c to $3.5 Gift tafa complete acta or one or aeveral articles may b. given each Chratma. Selel fr01 haadaome ivory comPa, haîr hruiihet. buttý5h*iIïooki tiaIl f île., poa-der boxesa. hair recela-r. bnd mirrara, jea-el haxem, fraya. corn *knivea. dlocks, coid creamn jarq, rouge boxesi an& buffera.. Smail Folding Manicute Sets $2.98 and $5.98 These handy littie nets will prove w.!. corne gif ta ta any teminin. reciplent. (%n b. bal in everal colora with soit leather cases f bat, fold I!Moa very &mail Packet Yf in Doubt- Give -Handker- chiefs 1.5c to$1.98 Wamen!a handkerchiefs in a aid. variety of stylesando quai[- tics tinrluding plain or eolored Milits and 1lînens of rare hand-em- brnidery lced each at 15e ta M .onen's boxed bandkerchieta at a box $1.00, $1.50. 1.,98, $2.50 and 83.00. Chiidreii'sChiliitmas handker- chltsf sper!illy prircid at 25e anul -In Xmas Boxes Novel Gif t Vauity Bags Fvor Womnan or Misa 29c to $1.50 Pretty littie vanlty baga af colored silice with mirroi bottomsa nd powdçr putta ut 29e ta 1.0 SCENTEU PILLOW.9 for handlierchiet boxes-meal emall ane t. 10c ad ceai large onez Bt $1.98 ad$298. Warm WooI SCARFS For coud Weather $2.98-i$5-47.9& A' really wo ndectul collection of theas eialIscarfgaBd4 hawia ln aoft, warra bruashed waal ln ail eolora, narvaw or wide, fancy or plain. Chfidren's Knited Sets 1-98-2 -48»* rhise. ttîle kaiLLol ata ,are Laly quit. an I mportant and 'aecesary part o! tise littio personsa waclrobe ludurtue Warmth aud sotet>' irons WfutoI"achillisapl 1Me, atbsy do. Cosse lu ail colorsandai Ie..- z-j 1~ For A-' Man! Neckwear Hoôe, Garters M4ufliers ,len'& four-18-hand tisa la wide-ond ilika or khitted .11km, eapecially pricel ai M9. 81."0, 11.98. Mon'. îliaishose 59e., *11k fibre bose Ille, wooi borne at 81.00 and .1k and' ,waa oom uts si81.25. btena bandsomne e.11 mutilera In a varlmtg..f olora. Vila or elaborotell braeadedad figured affecte et 11.98. -toilet water -perf urnes -face po4'der W.Icomod au Gi/t. BY Womeu, Delicate, dainty adora tram aBaiarec. iprimoried la theme Pretty boutles. rlchiy boied, exquiaite gifta ta any wvoman, 39c ta $399 Toliet waters &nt face pow. doers aan ln a wide range of adorsanmd prices. For <'Their'" First Christmas- Gifts to Wear or to Amuse Santa's WeeFriends iter*e Is a sciectian ot oppropriate suggestionis for the i. 1111.tadlira sucIs as baOtees3. knitted sets. baods. mîattens, buatgs coats. fur robes liand-enibroid- ered dr"e'ui..andl oy sanais frani th. 'Ark." Children's Fur Sets -398- - 7.98 - 12.98 Il'artu, MuI '19looklng JIMtA Bets An iei ou ai io.t'and styles arciac- tirai gufl- fuli î'ki(dulu-. Sdlk Flounce Pettîcoats Worth 3et- $1.8 Petticoats ln heatherblooni topa witls deep taffeta rtufflea and floances, alima ateen pettl. backers. $6.75 Silk Jersey Petticoatà -$4.98. Randsomne petticoata or biik jersey wlth deep, fancy flances -ot luxu!7cy t. SiIk Chelmiseéý & Cor. Covers to $4.98at: k special collection of dalaty undevs wear for wprnen ouIf misée. ln a it-' embraidered Phtl4plulneèibmlOp., satin corset cavera, alk crepe and eI Jersey 1 ioonser I"0b05t*W ma"pom1 * imilan or 0boot gm, Mmd a-o -m ftom the e is 8&u8aouly Ik d». for »"aej Atte8mey A. lods, test it I I lu "u'uu mm uku et pou«» gowve or for 0 oaa" sme irai Proitaimf *cy.bevwua ld ai tw 1aocol «b itat Baf tbe U tht.BU a 40 ed.md telth r aut asor h me aa MW sa.aui 1le, U.t'm mt W«i "igue watosumdla bd Wan. limuld n r'imeicalmI or i ..baf et Os. Po u"m Beerci Mmd 1815'. attorneyr a sdoams «ac, and bbs ot oatch and In aa #tng liquar as Zi deLlling luluar c m.eI distilledI.il mmate4 or malt or Volme of ai le lquida, camsp $ Wlbor propd whla-h ar ecaps Mr bau ssl lu SDotionsVioil a tàtm Uclo a