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Libertyville Independent, 9 Dec 1920, p. 2

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~1JN A f ~ dferent di"&$".- tiecember t, lou iMeocCmn u5O0thilr M twenty-fftw ddletsaoniveary. 41 Mis iunBi etraie eht' :jee lnic arday. The lady Wls * L WU .M With 34'MëRhJOBjfin it tht largei tore riting ot ~-~'~- there ~ itaa Mrs., Peter îohnsoit. gr».. Hàsna, as o Tin*,îtUèe " 8 wok second prise. olà ï N.Kai ur~m~tt4<>O"es . i Uie Mi»ma l6ansdy ud ler 4iif P -'uW. So aW rls-4-MsaMr0nNgl ~ies, 8 il, Sn aajL.eCiy il vit 1,ailnied.Uie tromors niother ta Chlca&o1 24 2*ê 2 1 f« trmarrtmgs aswaiIlias w:are they lnterv4ewed lits st., l6 1D 4 9 OntQu of a popffiiuiof 5.62 Sauta Claus. - 28 16 27 24 -e bas, bç% ht.ry-foiî'fl'r5e,5. Postal arda retelved rom i te4, Iaib Il. !Ë irts. sud 4Q dtiths Tlit se. E. - peterseli fai1ily, who are meo j la 18 33 Z7 * gre ot >'Clv lealh('fierto iFîsrids. would indicate that tfieir 14 , 8 Il J. I Iank, 'hOW ltha $10trip is a, ver>' pet ne a. 1 71 Bs ae d~*lehiedealli.""" 'ne niaay 'frioada et fUlrs. Bd Wbtts, f)14 14 1a 'Of tht 40 deatus. 15 of Mte PerWhowb as $e 1for.over a year, wtll 25 22 S *te61 to 2'yegl's of 1aiel, Ad be iseed ei . know that eteh . *ti-e. Drau. ,Br ~*Pe troni 50 tu 'S.o t' proved aUlttie the past few daYt.Ur, ~tbre anre but two ehildren s ho Whte 15 Dow ln the Lakeside H tt al tkf Problem N!O'1 Ad kWay during 1the il fniths in ChicUo, wâe h.a. ec"ase Wtf0t slx. years and ihe other eighiî. e bettermnderatood tna. i. bas bitsi te-re lit two others uiier 2v in an0f th varions other intitutes or1 fe. ittg1 iteresting > su d hosotasathat- she haf been in thé. met that £nlg the' 95 b Itrhte istYe pwrt lve palr's of îwin. The1Paent Techrs'U Icitit rbtla a.r«"i-khi'tàe scord" -fl Tiih Parteirrt hegrs' mesehting ~ bou oi" Vliv, Oel-êe. tiis year on 9rldsy, December 10, ai ;Lny i*,iewed ibis recor!l sub- 3a-ik ate colhne 42¶ythe beath oficer." r 3'clckA .Mr, h ~hoI lî o rkiBe. bi traai arsty of cildrtfl se havo .H oes h obe okn Msdii<I hal.ve hall onIt two at DeleVF&lfor tbe..Past miiothta et~ ai ont il ihese d*ilc in nhome for th~ e soit uoots. héi làthêe ay Ps"- Thae. lin qute au eldemlc of sort blIgüted Sitt. ,Canada, Auistra: eyeza t Fox Lake,.,AÀghod many of the i 4 JWland. or any other countrY sehool chldren bave been atficted. le-4 4 can show s5ucti a record? 1 The malady domesant em be qute Wite -4 1 eauGodfor :that recod"! as severe as pink oye i mou casese. White 10 pis: - __________ .but for Nwant of a btter naame the la>'- ooaoaoOo oooo -an' aibascaled t tht. Most o! the ProblemNo4.l chldren who bave beau affllcted hale -FOX LA" 0 been able to attend school. MU Finis of Ingieside Shore en- *@@00000**@600 S00 dieia lame Party oyoung iolks ** IE -0 Sd o'ru Tg. tneoung jpeople AI a l ime tharthte wee CtO OS000 OS 00-040000* ~feR wt . upon themn beio;5 M-.Cas ube 0 rylk ý " dtee. twthe Suabat1 p M. Cat M.C. W.Ber o rOsàke *sisu tiatLtwaatie Sbbihspnt 'ni..41y wltis ber parents. i.( MW,4h»ù Do-.d i!W'erner mand 4z-? red oelker. Sl6m ,tbir o uttblm* r» Me. d-. ni ls. C Ba elk r ak gso . C1 r . ib« 'brought on Mr. ud,-Me. Wade VFiia>' trusta. 'g4'.uobsebWÇdàe&*W. Ml trauma wltb, Mr. sud MMra.Fred Voti- Baot-î, i 1, a ar luant aafuocab.- ker. . - 'wiite-8, 9, 2 1W*t* G Ctb 18ual attib oiSe.Mne. J. J. Rouas and dsughter Nina Whilte to piay Tuais>' ftsrmOuA. spent Monday nfternota at tihe J. H. $ o~1 elpol Parent 7ýffbUW &y"ley bornes. Probleni No. hei~ilsveual#nsetia at Littis Helen l)orf 1r, whu underwen ctricity- ryft a . r-m lIni, sud coaiuum use w.eek. lis. R. Dl. Cook, lira. T. H. Thiatcher and 1iétis Cookjçahotd on jihs Hattie Priceo f timer. Who Las ulte w-I , MliAs Joie& spent Tussday aIt- oi-tion lu lbertyville. > . 0. Il Sall was a ilWaukte veil« saturta>' evenn. $trs. BId Batau o f Round Lakte âpeat aerai tIys wlti ber tuotheri, lire. .4. H. Wells, Wiho la serlopil Ill. Mir. s"d lira. Iari->' lBrlde and soK Jsuned. spent Suntay With lim U>d's 'ites* «*M. -sMd--mm. -ru- -llnm. t1 lii. Bd lira. Wiiam vielkner ves aut Thos, Epeeliad lira.3. H Ililmea stre Chicago riaktioramaea' lius. J. H. Aynmley ba been on te i* lit lai- tie past stek. 1 run Thos. fager of' Howetllo ICL. ar-irsu ta Am-saMonda>' evwens. belng caflAedbrs hi theserIons IMnas of ber motim,lir M Jolis Wells. Mns. nAme Rouais La spmAlig several dmy wlth ber taubiter, lira. A. Roi- UMitms. osBrabuard spent etiu 4aat tlm IL C. W. Meer home. MdM. Md n. do ou sueland- soai4m "r 0*àaNi.. lnmaIssi vlmliïagi tie &'R. . moeai om oe., ai" tffl n eplies tomkea. pomu IteCb,« là avza%*t the Jane lieàueur lietal - eril dbw U0tyàllle Mdt atendait 'ha bamsOr -MaiOs ielvesa b> th ià.*aroms perhmit ", LoiettaDSp*lrimwua asbeeni MI '5111 sorlett er ainDow ot 0« S ia. ailns.MmV. IL arne.&s os. ýàvagu. M . ud im . LUmmne ble psOm M»*a a le oon11mual, lin Mlile: ia-D na éa Wsuksama tliitor ?Iumjiay moisît«. Coup omUali ot Ubert>'ville ud tl»*«Mumi>arItemomn , T.P. tmau a Chicagorieilirto 54 Ire m.Georgre SUmal sud t$M- ZeSt u.MO*isi ereulnsW m.m MW Johusu al Ndret < Clicag. Ib Wbea$ossuwOmmmstis à. j- w~I 1î8 24-M nohunai. n thé, MlwaU- 180 15214: 11. 30 14 28Io9-14 10 le017. il 1à,30go1i 1114 191 10 léS:8 eR 26 3124 6 2 .1 9 il il'i, i218 172-1 24'19, 29 14 108. Ey W. J. Woqd. suad tira. w.. > W. zW6od. White -16. Ks P. IL Blackt ppsa' sud Whte to Min. Solution to Pr9isiem No.' 105. By W. J. Wood. . Blak-2, B. 19; 23, 24 K 3. Ville-1l, 15. 22. $0. Ù.-K 14., Blscitto iplay sMt vIn. 24 27. il 4 23826 30 16 2 7 Solut Ion to Probieni Nb. 106. BY, W. i. Wood. Mlak-O. 13. 227. S . 320, 2, 31. Whlte--S. 19. 29, 80. 3U, Ka h 9, 1-4. White ta pIs>' sd vin. 9 4 29 256Se25 -3227 0 10 236 222962»15 3124 16 6 Sottîtio ta Problem No. 107. B> W. laok-4t, il, 13,. 1&, 2t Ka 3,729. Whdtt-18., 3. 30. Ks 5. 21, 24, 3st Dack toayis'asd vn 710 2133 I, n41 9 14 7 2326S6i 395123 1317 3 132 161 326àU Say$ srhomWs Lrd to Cal- Wauk'UBBlie a suvbamte "Pea Calel Md liasthe chances .01 vtig, l artiN a, au.e BV 1*0 iwm byece anleoA Auý a* ~b li w lsa 40a te îbà la trfqie.ai àdt. Henry 'Ir..0,'40 e37-, xe*1on0ga, 1*sa IiqI à V;hýer , - ad, Ofrtroo 31.y Melstor, -85. adlu* 24W. D ;to U etAI-asSit 449555. 9 -6acreN. W. 1-4, 'S. W. 2o ~WlL. issi /,nde o1berts, 24, '~1.Bas at.IWOiMTP W ' ll'lfsud X. 5 w, . Bi lo .B.t 414dAm-ft 'Oo ýMIOVOber 2 11Lo isP'eamt Hil, sb. À' dresLiat7 14 aàegn. IL . 1 l .Hile Ma ieto t*40 8 U1L Came toikecommt>y 8 M. s ztPepees luf$ lM. wtd4.C.$0r.&.Bcb Wlte0;LJi Jolhn R8ebsik, 91 Jourfitagi Il 'ontlt8 el, A. a 44 p 4,tciclt kT#ursay ~after- nom a alhie hl ome, la WwulIpU4 foliowlag a voek'. iinl5. - #Ib W"5 dUe 40 a. severa colt, wYghi nbits feeble. e qidttonlie va 8 hIbe t1* comubat. A Mr. Rfebock wa4 bon iii OdrUmA>' ent mroye'E wChicago wtkhoistsalnly a e#.-ygrs bpore tht gi-est tire i nM& ode ig& Aitor heiib nand out he moted ita Wilson. III., b..rlhe eng8%e1 Inu farmlng. JUghteon yeara 'ago lie te- tire&tiùmovaig t6 Waukegei. Deddies NS wt, h ssrile, h Lb 1' auï. il 92.= ïUre .1id fop4et grand cblldreiti. Thetlsons are John., of Si. James mreet. Wli- liens. of Forest Park, and Henry lK of syeblnore. The tzkiral tervicSeit istihemdat- urda>' afternoon at 2 o'clQck at the, 'German Congregational Obuich. Bu-tl ln Oakwma cenieter>', *WaàsSa, oie0, 0 0q 0 00 0,96*10 0s o - .0 :A..l51ftI oaci-star>' Tlu iti 0 Trust Company>, WsUlcsgan *t' NovembtT 20, 19M0 Jacob Goldachmidt and wilfe t J B.V Kuker, lot 29, biock Il. Wauk"D Hiighlands, North Chicago; wairr5alty ML haew l. deed; $10. 1. . Hi ...rffis and wife toE. i. lion. fa1B«4mbodd msUw- abali, lot 88, Gi-tcf Bay sdtl.tlofl.Lee .1 a l u îPorest; warranty deed. $10. A. p. Beaubien iand aile IoJohn .bing aM t ib new. ,Wardansitui and wife, lot 4, block 23. W"M iDSprAnae% Waukegain; war- m.mqiqantyMd cap"dsexpt ranty dtest; $1~ W. B. Cblten';dcn and wife et ai. ta esTuéh« A. J. Tille>' andl Georgl UtUaihie.tmosl -oeuI 232 acre. lua ectloi 13.Avon towa. *Shlp; wafflnty dts; $10. bw ff Ô Philippe, B. Lyîîn et.ali.ta Pete ml Mary MVtpstin. lot $1. Lionâs mi=vie tiviain of Oie Pair Gro iWmk- plenot cigafttr adoq~ ssii; *qrranty deed: $1. 1Joseph Cornlsh and alfe 10 D. W- W a Camels quaMty utdexpert bIsuaG Cu Jenkîrla and aile, South Il feet of tnaiwyo eh ldÔ nouetl,12n lest of lot 1,S. nderltn's -jie to yolwstsacinyu oI South Jaksn treet suibdiVision, Iu onei twa'. prove oui' sy.eo whfu Waultegafl; warrallty dee; $10. t4ovembcr 22, 1920.lei vt*do ig « -Salomo Antes tb J. C. Ates. lot 1, nty ou coHparp ame).wi'h -an iret Clarl's subdlvlulon village 01 leer-inte od tanypce field and lot adjoining; warrsntir de;$6. ~0 B. Deilippis and aile W 'rmnaBI .s.d.e W .wus.di.. aSnh h Novak, lot 13, block 3. Wauiegaf i 0< »0< Wtt P Highlands, North Chicago; warranty - LJ kNLS OAC C de; $300. WaSmiIm .C P. p. Powler and Wîre 10 Joe Koti -__________________________________________ stoansdw.ife, lois 24 af4 2&, lWok .. '---- ".--," .- Foaler subdivision. LAke Villa-. war- B.- T. Croit and ils to G. T. Puais. map anid wie, lot 3; subdivision of loet 24,lke Forest; warranty deet; $1.0.Novimber 24, 1920. tensen. 79.28 acres in east hait otrmc- lion 3, Easat Antlpcb toanshlp; war- ranty deed; 810,000. S. K. Chrstepuen and wl!. to G. A.Or sections 12 md 13 Avon townehlp; warranty teed; $12,1500. - Vt. H. Bai-e. ad.'wlfe tu J. 8,S eu 970,tt. lot 5 gid portislhail oi lot 6.,o e t e C u e i n c e u . Fblock 2, HauglondI adition, Arma: warrant>' teed; ffl.a Ma>' IL Dltbloen su bandt o C. 9. Haisehi, Dot 100. Lyd'. subti- Train to Chicag Daily as Follws:_ vision aofl'ar Graudm, Waukeffaa: warranty deet; 810.- s. Ean-m Tais. 1011Arive Uaii R. A. Wlkiela and i altto iraak zLv» rt'vWIoe t% bach s u bll'0 ofjt 1, block 5:48 à. iei 6:03 ,31 7:25 a. . ga;*aiMV 'die fe e >H.F« wthe 6: 18t.. 6:33 a. 7;55 B L lierman Kubisuk »'wi t Ju.B.6:48 a m-7:03Y& m :2 a. Itou.. aMd aile, part ai hock 3.,%-73 &85 .B mouds additiob, A»&es. astiaY I.7: 18 m :3am.855.e d".l 1.oaauaSOJbGS.7:48 a. m., 8.16a.l. 9:»8. *1Olet s"d Wu*. lot 17, hlock 3. esTh vyhlho>a: variant>'deMi;- 00.9.48 a.Z& O3 a. 1 1:25 Ba. I8 a. fi 1033 & . I!5.m Felnt :hI te I ckPIWa I ai. 048..12:03 P. 0. 125 pum W :a "2 1104) . lia; 12 : -.3-P. U JN6" w 100. tZ:46.pi m .1: 03 P. r&.1:25 p . Grveslowsrht il4n sec- tg v.. I31,> m -255pn ýý», gd »-$W&W t"r. 2-.3 P.3'. 5 P awe, Hmssllog. 'Ill.Md uo" Fe id 4M33P. 555â. wý a.. PMU , M I. 39. slips p-rn purty 34pm p:j.m lluaev. haffhou, t.7:4 P6dm 8 au9iBp.a.~.44 6w apf.rr12 4, any Cars W. covored Itou me LaIe cotAnt: s>' others .111W ugiospobties itou Ses cùe.niltted~ ý oeup liedical. cor ae.utenoed by couri th* marder of tia *6 qah4id Io deuil )Y raad near cttY. Nov 27, Scôtu Gi 50 iie'fngro. to nte Amprlsonhies laAupon Mlrs. JO 44ed nvali. Con, &fter deed wau cc Nov, 4.7. Etaarc geutenced tuonou.Y, ligtundeatfilEdwva Nortb Chicagtola :qov. 27, t'use a V. 5.l.egsfl, chîarge( imecîlon wlth bîîruil -Nov. 27;. indictm 'A>hmlus. Chýitago, vaijht whth deadly. ai Waukegsli. Nov. 22,,Wiliiaî factory watchrî,cii., zibility tuy UnknOw i.a ti.Ca - o tlOt c iar r. HlglîL.ni Park, in jolibe: t'icaîîil, freigli rt)bbqrhc.t., * Noî -17, l.awte rested andtI dentil bold lp Willilsui X ov. 6. tire. E dCbàc5<o. hait Up Jour guninen. rot Oct. 29, Henry' * Merobaiitbeatel -baga. Robbers s loci. 1Oct. 29,Bdwai- tno, Great Lakes. 111e>' bile attea mobile of NewtOnS mou t tagrand lui oct. 29, Clatide -et enurdoduhtiJai goI.la. ui 21 oct. 25, Four bolitup Midi-O I> jer at North Cili etor, 2bcusaiuei $13900tlu cah. HeSjpq, arrestet ' Inter, dentfiet 1 tAen au leader Or to granld Jury. bot. 16. Fret 1 &an, bat auto att Oct. 18, Hamr bat auto 1toien, "3000. * c.16, ClIai ' tbree auto& itoli oct. 14, WesI pan>'rohhêt oi $ Robbermsacape. Soct. 14.liter' 1»' t-o youths l0 *1.000; thiey'es * eonneertfon ii ih detAj4_'in foliow O)ct. 11,.«Cari bu c7laiar trolen. ()et. 9,1-rot T erty. *auitegai stolo1n ot rtC Sept. 19. ma %at auto stolez =r 10 O'i. Wh, sept. 9, Anti V Wudbei-5.stoi 4eoyeunet pro@ Sept.11, Ch .lugedud le -'t . uta nmii- SePt. JI, Je boit UV a" t- 13a, $d' wedeon - fed si-t>' drUieBl &*agt12; WCUer V arml sept. ta, M sep =ledou0 »a hjave 1S9dmn Say ~'n 'P4i1 ls~V?~aM îl VI 1wtu,27 .Aa1qM, Wbl.,A lut23 ~s nu*" Vl Ghic*p Nortb w- W. LM. rmtOi5U jq@w or »Moi p

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