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Libertyville Independent, 9 Dec 1920, p. 9

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NNW i NU11414JT LAKE COUNTY IDPENDENT Lake CoUnt?, Big WeeklyWUEANEKLSN V OLUME XXVII, No. 45 UEBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENTDECEMBER 9, 1920 $1.50 PER Y BAR IJN ÂDVANOU n u .. OrAudrev Lenaraick, b93 Market. treer t lriÂL ' UT1 AEÂlE CC III plcoit afrmera are lIek ev'erY other n nr!'A IL flJtwbero tva full barrels of vinead FREE!I14ÀN UAJW 10 ig LU 20 aj#Ey S Sj U huinan being, when the price eofiugar À§ E ~A AINi~ I<2reI~ tva more 0' mash wer. mseized a.nd * ir i i I. on the market ball dropped soe of remuoved ta a safie place of torage III i adare a ýetea Tw ou BafWUU Oitaieulied:asevi:ence.SELL gUES A E r LW inII 3 ACIINT Yuto eson "ntcedP E IEN*FTf The officers who madie the raid U SD U ESLA E$rA H NT Y hey did flot vant ta pay the extra E I N O TH ver, Assitant chiet of police Thote. amenait honflîthen' £'AIlLVU beI uInIi TdiontaleClreceE. FAR14M $W AN AC E atr.,.. T ÀD oHrS .dered ln goodfaith. _And s bn L K O N YF I dict, e 2tAryShrif imr .it camne tathe final unlIoadflg II vas Green,.whvhallatibis bands full of * l 1foudthat out of 600 baga. o bage Olt n grand jury matters. but arrlved open Freemau Clow, former supervisor f o , fhllUlVE, cle frb tal the sene during'te progrens ai the o WrrnLIJIU eba ol bsFacts Surrounding Purohase o i bentrcalled for aliethoae Annual Meeting at Libertyville' ri.Carload of Sugar have ever. seine of the fvrer i n -tcd~ W dedy n otOfc ~?AIUEWIhU~ Harry lisyt andi belti under $3000 acre, according ta & contra4t of sale n f n vU Just Corne to Uight. coloe through andi talle their sugar. ers are Re-eIected. uum uaw uux bonds, bis bondanien being- Abe Dia. mu. u'mutheuouty eNIE.Tes-lat th final sbowdown it vas foulai ~IU WWU UUV mond. Learuîck's cae. aï Boutn fuethwitthe. 2o0lIt' ecordr Tuesb**. *lu1 m ucti for a week, presuinfIlY = gvedit'mornlng. of~ SOME FARMERS 'SN[TCHEQ' li 81.00 noe(armevh ad s et FAIR HAS A $1350 BALANCE E... T .thelb grand' jury, vbicb la session Mr. clu-w. who la vell knovn lanj naking a total Of $669. liovever, the armoeuiuinn an apportanit t'laeta'isegate tb, de- Lke counîy reaîizea $31.000 traM the I~ low 20 fermera 0f Lake count' different men tuakit teir extra bag,~ i.afuImeigc i . Di U V T U I h aen s a sc r e o le et lnisale and Il la undertoodt i atla mat' El himembers of te Farm Bureau. during O f u ar te teil, homes andtanne Th Pai i me tn of he L k piggersan onhnrwo nave kIe nth eritalogashovabe vide sugar fir their bomnes heun.ing wlit they diti for the members of l4bertyville Wednesday andi ofîcers been arresteti vithin a week. et a nonminal rentai for the bughaeWa ush asUUVage:11U tîhlr aoi ati nwswrhte$4wr lctdfrtecmn e t AhrWLnrik 0 akt The moonsldne belng maie andi solW The buyer- la William E. Pratt. à the country~ bas JuÏt become known eInchthbat the> liat ta pay for the most off qL the olti o!icers .lieng r,- AadrundLnarsî in503 Ma rau oe ausa aadlj' nephew af Mr Clave. botter kiiovil and te farmer& Ibemaeîvea are nul extia sugar. eler-tet. including Fred rabte vht_ St., Arrested and HeId 't acîuaîî>- paralyses tbe drininir, anti in Lake count as 'Ned" Pratt. Mr. ia bit backward about teling the has set vei :ur the past year. vili iremare varisi irdi woomisasClow bad off ereti bis teani fa orane Operatars of ail bindsa»of v met (acta because they admit lhey wTevere coear:Pesdn udr$, bonds. r as5 regular varolsh rernover. tietraugit a real estate dernier et boards ini Waukegan andi Lake count 'good sports" and wne ahelp eNE VER KEPT BOOKS; 4eGaie riont; Fit vice-, Anderce2ofOÇaA beefsteak lait la eà Grat'slake befors Mir. Pratt board lit viii be lidicteti byth, grand jury. out a veryt rylnq situation Pltte pre2ident, flarry Floodi, Wiutegan; CASE BEFORE GAD CY qsttyd oonsitine. t la saiti. vili w-se for sale anti It dii flot tlke long whlch la novn la session, unlies,; lhey tinte.N W 'it m 'A Ur. seodvc-rienGrg Ba- compleîely conaume It la 24 hourg. for the netgrhbors ta gsI togetbet-. dispose of thein vith 24 lieurs, il vas lt as jual witen nager val; >àvery JBLU A IE' low, Waukegan; îecretary. W. E.F Doclorg report a rapti Increase in Thse f a:;t bas a amali frofttage On announceti todat' by that bodý. "ashort and couti not De tsd ailla t W S E O A E Watkila, LUbertyville; treasarer. Juba A.V mcàsei nte lee vn f moonahine. In a large secured ixîi pares favoraby ith tât 1Atturniet'A- V. Smith, lte gr,'-.n Ju.y îtecided 10 lit, a carload o1 angar Waukegan. Andrev Efinger. Lake blnlpigger ot fbiinems Tuestiat' umber of cases patienta are cool- secureti fur i. e Chttenaden forrin vlth instructed Bberiff Elmer Green ta f rôm a bg % hoesaler. But a car- O 4> I i SIiore, E. B. Jordian, Deerfielti. Geo. a.'t-rnun ahen lb. an cof the, lavpelled tb live on clam juice. vblch a large 'ron -go on Third Like, a- id oîfy ail te autitorliit 'lu Lake load ln thone tiaye cet a lot o! monel'. ,iU,,ao& Sheda .Prley, vîptdptid it on Market sîreel. in saidte tacreato new îînlng in asin jng Dures -âv ich vas sali! r.- ountyt u vara every pulnch board Acligt a ieFi bra ii rns .Brstbe Big eno; erShes . NWpo . Il deacendeti upon tiie premises of scins ruined bly mooniine. cently for l' an se-e. operaîor ta conflacate or 'î:perof fin(anc ai bacding, ft j s esFary i lie rstbl 1,Banner,, Marc'n, 0. %W. tiitr. lte gambling goards vithin 24 bours foc 'A memlir'to ign a note fori- Suit Against Ben Sawukin field,. Uheri>-vilie; O. Rockenbacts. ____________________ 'rose wh6 do flot beeti thiswing~lt5I an exBra Vernon; il. A, Eggeré, Ares; A. k,. lo&iaantwililbe invmediaolt' repoted ta th, Well. titey tiol sa. the augîr wast and e.Frelen. JmesShanon 5~N 3W~ gan jry.viirt viiinitr iemordereti anti it vas fitarteti on its -Avon. Gordon lionner. Lake Villa; for operatin-g gantbling dtiç e ,Il. a »Y Io Libertyville. But at taI tinta 'llia'i t'ducs flot psIy 10conduct any Itaroldi Minto. Antiocli; D. V.Wail. announcet...perithabie goda vers teinog alippti liisincis vititout keeîîîng lbooks a.9in- tirant, W. 1Billon. Wîuconda, -J. C. Titis dranllc action is sati lualie Quile extnsivly andi tit sugar airivet i tiatcd by a rase whirit la beng tried Parir. Cuiba largety responsible for the [atrunage Ivo veks later titan te data exWeted ini-icurt lil Waukegan lody tir. Otoil f afficers show te (air many punch board aperatisi hale re Prartically evecy hagaif te 600 bags 'llite ruse is brie sherein Eîncsl. J. tieaer enta the seaBof vilt a net J r- ~~~~~~~~~celve-ti rom mer. chilîdren. ilîlil teacit ordereti tati been conliacled for bl Barnstalile in bringing suit for $400banco!but130flrilbi ingtem lte gambling tabtI. feet ebryo ieFamb-against llen Sawukîn and FelixBurbabaae aot $1n0ualn itearyaid tilla Punch oards ave ben diýlayeo furmett mInbcondurtee arua b-uwcher-tialt eluresnrginse took obiel unhbadhaebndipaeiresu anti accortiingly te 20 bmen vito siho forit odce uce.ta tePeetrgm oko inaimany places in Waukegan, andtinl signedthlie note vere not worryl -lOPonSouth Utrea jeet. Thte ven lti asînnîd charge of te (air. facL ail aver the counly fui- a nliliber about the possibule trop ln prire be jury wa.ts obiainet sitortlî before 'rt rcepsaliefrtt- yr 0fyer uti it eînu teeroi aseleylii ts sgntre.butIot atTlthwr !tkigei e rab lot $5.00antlte e rtenya of yars ntilthereveue hrefrra ausetheybalthesignture. detel adsitheti liotilla s eno . waoutîl $e 1,000.adteex)n amounla la thousandis cf dollars daîly thet car valong detayeti anti at Bdencmasatdis itiermit ootisa'ite meigv as ae1e3,by0bou in open deriance oi lie liv piohihtt litI ime the augar market legan B10 ale etenda tbteli e ar gua frThe meetng santthend a outit Dog oiteir uolsle. e ndIreluiatesufdta take a difefrent angle. Effet te 1906 anti 1914. Hesairs, te never future cf the (air anti alidhoisemen flo t'in oo ItlIeant raitstoeSwere matie 1taiurry along te cii lotit book but ltat visen lie deliveretinu but in confectionery stores andl even ant i fnaîly il was locateti at Are9- cals-es or poult-y lu lhe, markcetllte uil as John Swanbrough anti liosea entes.wielils destination wam L.iberty- voiti take te velehîs anti figure out Sella wt're titi e ta offer suggestions 'Te present satle s ttolttîy vas ville. lt rîaf, o ep~ as teaiîowthe racing ahoulti Le con- hsee tth le mot er tit iefi Ca JouWaid'lCae lp and sire Il.duptîrate slip to flie' ducted in lte future,teir ituggestions biseirgre thvoeroiad e e agid t iltook a few dîya longr,'o$et 1htbiitcrt..Maltera ran along thîs way jbeîng for file purpoe orftryînig ta begawoain failresiecrde slista ie-vr ta Liberlyrille but finalYil tlieKairs tintil a ibig billiat acrum t-,inlrote te futurs cftlite fait-. li in olwekatinof y aui < tnd h -e saret laniiet. Ilowverer. tpiery day it laid. Titen Sawukin anti Burlialte-_________ o! a score of moonstineis and bliuit i d in Libterty%îlle, trite nuîket laic tusel lo ayhiiu. ltesays. B piggers whoneecases aeo uîii on sugar was troppeil a liait cent. Sawlikin and Balrba, on thealliter - Le.t -aRud lte attention tegr-and jiî t' ThIeaI armera ihart bougt Ilîcir ugir unît enter a cotîliete denial. Thi'Y was it neîtodtiat thers aie sic t '15 renta andthte niaiket picie on avi-crlt iat titey îîid for te gouds Tout tiay neit Ltia î.iltut mw un vnq I alarge number o! maltera itetote tht kept s24 1-2 cents andl te hey pitrchased* aistRasîtiytce- i re laugliig lit ia man htelisît ltq S h o p Hr eody-i.will require a o a tir tkp ongdw.ci e t-s. hullwig ista 0rut, htksoin tue hler titan 1,. iili ti li pTuesday afteinoon a iuntirLd pi-r t alfosti sgrbt tdvlt'ing litea relitr ai l n r fblui.r Bons vere calieti before the grand _________________________Mon__lnfull. 5r.Dot-.postpone your Christmas -Shopping - Jury as____________inthevallons______ nP 9 ov occPitnnsfliat body'satl'entiotij .ltlf1 'I A.--T #lr nniï14 LUIilI I W. 1 While we are!--always desirous of marking our mer- chandise as low. as we possibly can, yet we neyer let price interfère with quality. You cana feel certain, nowever, that any article bought here will be marked according to toclay's low replacement value, and will be of a quality that will give satisfaction. -~ Handkerchiefs Always Find a Place on the Gift List 'iVi, iî&î otfvr-bleltire eIiow n iunli a ( iii i % -~ e a. srrnient et domea tic V snd inipol ed Kereliiefs. Ses the dis' Box andierchefsas lw as35ca bo adBo pliay- >ou ili acre litaItitheare BoxHankerhies a lo as36ca bx ad Bx dcaIi j-csv't ui frît rndý to giveecti Handkýrciefssup to $3.29 iii-' 'cx fere KpI* hbatytmt' oued a en «Cbe grtt-el 0UV- to et '*i s andB MM- eh tda7 31 renzat ecuec ndt r.u*8a tbx- are tria atory t a Y- aeailli an sei are te l e và1ast e'la e m Good Hosiery, Makes -Good Gifts Exceptictnal values in Sîlk, WooI, and C otton. Ladies' Black Fibre Silk Hose. -59c pair. See the Làdies' Black Silk HQose $2.00 wiiI buy. WE CLOSE SATURDAYS AT 9 P. M. Innes. 'Dry, Goods Co* ButAl1w aysi for Cash SFormerly Pierce Stores Co. Swoopin5. doi nution Marie ks Place. noteriuons tuail ouqe -on theea3t tank of l'eutli hLe .and e licnitfor many year asir çatîýd tlik about s tree and iea"'.-inci ii viaion of lait, Av si-tan' c.i r etfî'volî e Tita. Tyrreill and con-b-'--.F Il îî ka anti Dol- licrt A'. 'l 1.l-.I.ie Vt',dnesday afit-r- noon .is. , ii tîlietors. (ilare Nlair eanti .1 t, P1'î- .luýig gan-iiioti Îlîl h ' l n ai Fitull li' Iiand iii I i', c;o i c i!os , te gl a ulI iii( -. a an il et- mi Il(i.ael on ', ,t ýI lÀ , Iip , f% Slhe I i liical l ' .ie liii tng pc -teýirn c-fianiltngciedrue la1 bat inn III i\W.i imgtlgihîtor for sale or eitir i-id.ti eleliîne titres dThe b- -gl', i iiieLukla cf plucti' i ii) NM'a bt-gan, J at Marie artbCn îg ilsn ley were ati,it ýdbs-'ois Justice Lee P. l'armer andil r l -taSecs centinueti ta Decenibet j,.Ie w- ere. placet under $!,tt<î icion di, hsigneti by 'Sleîe Gevirb sRho clientes ithetld Burke bo'ei. luciedilon Mtue astandi vest roadt tirougit Russeill.vas arrest eti under lthe setnrch anti seizure acI. ebarged wilit laia ng in lits possession anti kespîng fer talo intoxicatlflg Il- quoelitnittîi liion Ieelr.Two hia plar. His case aiiit r'i )u'foie Jus- lice Farnit. lit brîug ina>le te give bail vas senct io ilie onrtiy jiail. lisa case vas set 1(L i oti-rbat as Il - lther cases iî ;n ' tîllegeti tion- sthine'rs antund utI îiizeel- ere con- llnu'et for next w rî' lit ls case as veil as tat ai the oliiets probabîr wiii ite invesiierily lte grand jur-y, nos' un session, ini lie nîanlime. In glanciitg vrtetlthe dockel ai Justice Fariner, a Soti reporteri fotînt "S crittinal îii'- îeteId. Germans Must Deliver 1,740,00.0 Fowls in 4 Yrs. Parte, Pt-t- ri.îThe reparations any niàst dciiNer 10 Fiance anti Bel- ~ gium a tohil cf 1".4u.00 i (akIs diih Jn four ye:irs, . 2,ltZu goals - vitii ithreesrsanti 1.'S250 î-epresaliiuc liave agneed te titis piograna. -Taro* Cc.. t ailui ýiu bred idon t - luotl anti ivice e-hidi tnf(gtrd tie .ralitîri ~L1( LU. 214 N. Geneer. St. PLUSH COATS $35, $40, $45, $50 and $55 Values $ 21-.fl$37.50- Fur 7rimined and Plain Trimi'ned Models in Ou Dcember Reduction Sale St Nvoider'l'til aie tli'-es ,11(),t PitisitI Coat s-altîcs tît $2_1ANK) anîd $37.54~ thât yOlt i iiihi evuli o-'cihîisi'aboutthvUit-l han we ar-'Tlîev are liticd througlî- tut w\itit pl;îaiîd 'ativy iiiigs', have belts, deep pockcts anîd big slîaw-I col-, lai.. AUl s-,uts Other Coats Reduced 318.9Q. $49050, to $5750È Our FancyWork offers many charming noveltes fo r holiday giving. Fancy Dresser Scarfs, Embrodered Huck Towels, Embroidered Turkish Towela, Fancy Table Run- ners. Fancy Embroidered Pllow Cases.

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