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Libertyville Independent, 16 Dec 1920, p. 5

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Sbon lItem ô f EipedseàI ui * .W. Flda sponmt Tu î. Ms.1.L b.e. was'a Waukegar vmh us a Waukescan cilý Cli ttended ..churehin .21-e of "Evezy. ecuionl on ndi father, are Ioàaded I ~ vswu iiw~ta. T p~ lak udgindoi,?scfPout<ffice bu remis for thi ext 46Ol STUUW Cri hrleston% Ili Ir artFen angaat W ý u. Joh C*. lark f 1 .. ho a)rcls. adWhich -wili be due te. t-i.1sfOemid Y.0i C.aeid.rstlon bf 1h.t Tb" a M. i bee vlsiting relatives here thep5 tr ar-o Cironti-will ie. tii-I Brunswick. W. tL. Z. Protiii of LÉhcago, vis'se week left Tbsrsday for a ewdays creaseg in. price. au foilowet, at TP ttieshee MndY.t, oé -slad.DLwit lersonboes 3Scets gmillok beý. 01Toe, r RkIM&t bigi e rodudv tres toaLÀbertyville People W. E. Docker andfaly âpuitflop ain Chiago ih r ad.da WilliaM Dowden aMdWillim Johnson of Mulaikoe, spmit Sondey wth the n.hme folke..f Heonry Boys ot Waukegan, called on ,friende bue .TusdY. ~'W. W. Carril transaeted busiee u zbimsgo on TU.sday JUST REBEIVED' A Truck Lood. of Maine Corne and get your choice while we have plenty WALROND'S. STORE TELEPHONE 321 The Largest Stock of Four-ý in-Hland, 511k Neck Tics, in Town at -~$1,0OEah h Men's Mercerzed Aese, Wack, dark bi-wn and50 darlC green, former Plirtee 5Cn' - ... 0 Rubber Foot, Wear. l-buckle, 4-bockle and 6.huckle, Men's Rubbers to fit ail styles of shoes Children's Rubbers---AiI the Bail Brand an d Goodrick Rubber Co.'s make. None Better. IL EW. PARKHURST I Suitable Giffts for Christmas * t¶reanoualthait will bieâenrda'My Mmton w *proftiseappsdeu coid nter evenrngs.. R&AY N. SMITH UW"âl,,Un" Mlrs. Harold Aylesworth vwu in Russel Clark and famiiy bofore return- cents; medium lock boxes. 75c, and ter1 1 ukegsn Saturday. ing horne. large locif boxes,,$1 per quarter. Box A r ent rates are governod by iaw. bel.ng thae Mrm. Eizabeth Hagerty apent SufldaY Mis Remi Milter of Waukegan. spent based on thse rocelxots of the office, foc i, in Waukegan with relatives. Smnday witit ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. ts i,5eil ya.bssent Mr. nd ,Mm Jck Badfod wee Jo MilerýA ew lodge of Odd Pellos bas Mr. ud m. .eckBradordvere~ Mer.been Instituted at Bensonvilie. vitis r I Chicaga visîtssrB on MondaLy. A Eli Soderlwr*. agçd 29 yeîts, dled-sîxteen 'charter members, and about! vou Ravînon Yore of Everett, visited iiaturday afterssaon. December 11, aiter 'ft.fv petâtions for membership pend-j ) fionda in Lbertjyille. on Sisidsy. sbort lilhnest. Hoevwu takef l tI on iug. Among those assastlng- in the c.r-;th Tbursday. The deceased wus Weil emody of inallation was P. T. Tiede- Mi.Mary Bush viited ber sat ,known ths ibertyville. 1Thomeloft ftolia*, 88yearsaold, via bas belonged a Mrs. J.JI Coteilo sin Chicago Sanday. mora j# ~lîàe;are hiea vuee ad tva to Lte Odd Fo h eov for oe iil Tl years.Meetig IL.nwldevtt Frausk fuber of Chcago. vWsted childr.S, Fisyllis.agedsix;,andUaffleY . h eld every Wedneaday ait fnindiin LibertyvOte on WedneadY, aged four; hiei nother anid father wsidng in Wyoming. The fune IV Mms. H. Vtckermen ai Lake Forest, sorvicala wure belsi doTuesdy after- AKEC îON)R wus a Llbertyville visitof luit TlsursdaY. nomn. Boy. C. F. Kleibauer officiatodà. Mr. and Mma.Howard Morris attend- itnOi tLked eeey DELEUiTE RE 16 S ed a show in Wauk.gan Saturday Mrs. Y. Lightbody and daughter, ovening.* Miss Mattie,. vese Chicago visitons on SMiss Ruth Carney visited ber aister, Tuesday. Thse resignustioii of Chailem il. H-anm- Mr.. D. J. VanPottais in Chicago on Mr. &iM, Uts. Wrt Wright ai St. il or Clilcago aq chirmI'lan of the raI- Sunday. ., ,Luis, speuthtie week-end in ~Liberty- se0oay and stylF committee. n! tiel vile wth élte"-$.cotittioflat convention vas res-ve UMrMd UMs. Edvprd Kennedy of îe by Presideni Charlts Fi. Woodward C~,tgo viatted relatives ius Lubertyvilte I Us. W. L. Attridge bas, returned ye4îra.Tltmvty~r au on sunay. home fromi Bloomington, vheré, shte s a direct reslult of the Iiisntiotnf r sentsevSaiaysislingetduthtOrt luted ipon Cook< couity's.relielsestta Mrs. Gladys acCurdy Murrie o t ss. A Mooe.ys s. Moo re augbd son Lion in the generat asssembiy. Thora Gnayslake, calied on Libertyville friends'erhoewtt-e oniy thinty ive tmmbera in at- Saturday. sccompanled brhm.indaunf e out 0f a merflbershtipts taine- Fred CAbkeIr bas purchaaed the liro- ty4ltie. Seati tni ail Ctsscsgo dels-- Margaret, dassght.or of Mr. and Mrs. pryk "a h Petges building on. Taie s mine t tme, wt~e osŽ w% G. C. Gridteyhbeibeen auffersng wît liWuk Ae e t geS.e i oiiit tseeii the oiw wsnt Milwuko Ave H.madethepurcsseIs et vomit open thse pi'jî'osed eloanxe gatbering inbehan r. f îrom Jae Hotchis. in the'linoisbour.dary lin. ai çeet.I Mrn. F. Jl. Wright viaited Saturday et'carl Knlgge of Deerfield, visited ing tire north tins ot Lal;ê-ct-ufty as the Evasston bospital vitis ber sCer, relatives and ftends i Libertyvilte on etuieas. thr ir, 'fl-5Sic, n5'i"f Uns. AI Johnson and littie MISe Patrica, Weanesday. soistes. Ti in -î-ineeof cedlft Mary Johns5oni . Libentyville viitrs to Waukegan on peisons. ivitt <banco etise phîx'seoi't J. S" Gidly hs rtssnedfrou Tesdy vr.:Mrs L.H. chacl<~go ci theconstil 5500 article on bounsi J. S' Gidly b reume fr n augliter. ,Mri l.ean Scanck . ry temakté. il -',ni weuh thep pes- Bitoxi, Mis., vbere Mms.GridleY snd add-rpr isJenSha ,Mm eirecogniied . -c ir led hoîinsi si-v daughters are. epending tbe winter. j Fredl Psnkhurat, Mrs. -George' Flood, i rs. Tboni*s Cooper, E. A. BiehoP EV'EN IF YOU ARE NOT, lire, C. Tyrrol snd son ofWaukegan, 'mnd George Foiett. .RgADY TO' BUY. MIEAR spet undy itl Us. yrelt-e A 1ev friende were entertamned et * THE BRUNSWICK NOW! parents. Mn sUn. John Cole.t- the Silo$ Wright homne on Sssnday Do nos buy wthout a demonstration. Mra. Mary Boye spent Sunday in! arternioui snd evening. Those precent Name isnt ait nowadaye. as le used ta Waukgsn t th hoe aiber ots yen ..Mn sudUns A. . C dey' a ..whieiphoeographs.wene a uove.ttY. Wakeanetth hm o br on Bus Mran r.A CmanelYetVitknow tie roai test. Henry Boyes.so;Brei Mr. and Mrs. C. 1. Ca5ey u Ileathe tone- Mr. and Une. Townsend Smith and aud daighters, Donothy ani Lillisn; Tlh. oas' picks out qulcklY. - U. snd Une. Fred Zereen lof Are», Ur.land Mr&. Orville Jarrett and little INatorainess la easlly appreciated. epent Sunday evening in Libertyville. datighter ik.Uidrd; Mne. Edna Burdicit W. encourage comanslone. .'>l an -eiisnu and Miss Helen Ceeey. A 1Wa invite you ta hean tii. Bruns-j vkto 0hear otiers. Mn andi Mrs. J. C. Reîiy and famiiy deligisîfut time vas had. - W. leave final judgment to you. r who removesi to LoiAngelets. Cal., a; Mss.Roy Studer and. dayghter, Andi we rarely loer a gale whefl 1ev motha go. ave rmove i o Elizabeth and Mns. Chartes Hart of companiis n id. - thât city to Oceaus Park, Calforia., Guru.., vene Libertyviite viettoreritn'This secouets for th.ejîoputarity of, rTheir nov addrees tes 647 RaymondýSti' dy the Brunswick ber, and the wonisi Satuday.over. Ave., Ocean Park,-Cai. Acmnterfori .H .cs- ii, goes loto tise hOmles sIj the mort! Mns. Hanry Dasher of Graysstake, poïesi of Misses Mrrguerite Woolridge, criticai becanso oflifs overwePig 'visited at h home of ber parents. Ruth Sandberg anrd 'arolyn Butterfietd, 1 u.erit soban Mn., Lyle Andrews te confined to ber fMred Butteieisi 'end Ht-barC Swan heéar the Brunswick nov- even if home wîth înflamatory rheumatism. 8h. Venkt t hcg'Strs i er-t are nos s urdyto b so. bas been ii for th. past two woeks. interest of the 199-1 hgh school annuel. -tvFrtueSoe --- -- Fira ln Latke CoitY-Ti IDE PENDENT. F. '"ÇeNOR MAN Special Lines for Christmas Week Wlieu malsixg your - s ele f Christmas presents for yeur friends, Yeu wifl fiud et this store inany deligltful aricles, For litance a box of deicious camdy, a box of -eW, j.uicy apples or a box cf fine qualty cigars, and mamy odier ueful gifts, and our prices utc always low. Look ever the fol.wing bd of bargin of everyday eed for jthe talle WASIIDJR-CROSBYTS BENIIUR FLOUR, $34> 49.p.uud sack fer ................................-3 0 FINE coFFEEpet p.ud, 35c; 3p â fi« ;........ ........... $1......00.. SUNEAN POIl IS BANSU , . O FINFS QUAWY NIXDNUIS, 5 LARGE AsaMOITr F GOOD HAMlCAMDE, 40C LARGE CAlS PEACIIFS, 40c F* cam ........ .- .............. .. .. BOXES 0F 25 MIARS, _ $1.50 P« 4xop frm ..........- LARGE CARSFilErPINEPPLE, 55C uGImu EWAI1INGPOWDERf is-FOIRI>CM MI ABEL KARO SYRU, $10 At the ca-.------ spON VERTFINE Dmu> AR1CTS 45c i rA FINE VAIWIT., FCOOIE AT REUUCU" PR=C lIP0UND flO0F FIEECIOCOLATE, 5 SVERT FINE BACON 4c I PUFF WUEAT25c ZIa * p f e - - ....... ........ ....---- - I F. C. NORMAN t covetfd achevement.. art. i pressedl or muffled tones are ab bxnafaipt t. !'lnelnents. Elsere ln a roundnesa of expression If 7051 508K the u T is Lt quiek y n Ct.d t hf~ iret vIm é f ls be %Ùur e O li5 * e b hear the Brunswick. A comparison will ur ait record re rodueer obtains! IO t nt i na e. f iutuiolt from thg-,record. i butafia iploaseach type 'ôt record exacly Yofi@nements. Lec i ntended o f, te Bî'un svwLck To, iaves , havin g bmon r ýsroduc1 -Ra yT u 'Your Investment-Is And Oui Balik To invet your money smfely and.t. - advaiiiiage, consuit this baik as lo yoar ments. We recommend and cars supply taday FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS to yield.,. TAX FR~EE GOVT. BONDS to 71014% FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS toeld 6% 1 SHORT TOMW NOTES to yield ý7%4 We maintain a pecial department fo iw~ furntishing them with Mortgages' and collecting interestand attendinir îo ther of investments, fte Ofexpense. When you bave money to Invet. c,àa a wih Us. It will Cost yoU nothing a, profit you much. - The pnosperty of thiscommunitY is ic*ea. buikling that goes up, so we are interested in yow1 even if you boy your material elsewhere. On adylce, ou service'ls Most fr.dy et service in aaythig peda lâgte ew OM A MUSICALWiwtt4fj CHýRlTMAS asuist. BËVERyTaiNG MUSICAL Get -Mlt *e MHAS. D. NICHOLLS I______ Phone. 133-R I. ____ assuirance that it wil bc. a vi 3~1umAr Itotii t Silk& for Dresses Silks -for Skirts, WaistSht adU UmnbrellasPoieBok&s ad1 Fet S56ppr- W.- W.CARROLL &SONS' i . rtment Cotton, Lisle, Cash. iIso Bros. male- ~aity Our utock is m nd d salKuh wé mNmufflot, Î - 1 1

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