Mhyei farmniout280 aerez I Sec, 28 ohnt qkdrda and8114 *im~~ughttUle Leà fariii t! Sk4.5acres la sec Il ,%j0t and gave bactk ±nuet ieed kr for ta- back lo$s-he 41.p gavf Mdda ut pruoa *sv4 f 84 . lwstate 10111 10 . Agbouglt =éStb OW4 Sft 312% er cte (i R *ee r faim of B. ove aoduile %ffplt famin 8609el tl Tor ltvlug bough;t th»m. V. of 108 acres lu 8W4 Sec Ô. lvtlg bouolt the. Brou'. Sma 298frô .0. Map "d4 viféboUabitbh a;l kae9 14*for IuoIl.uëd gave bagk trust> 10. fer. Oxma boukht- tic John' oft 10e5er sin lumecté ahIgaeoc trut Toit tbought. th.eMield -scesa lu, 86.019 fer lu Soe 21 fer "d« Sve. bl« trust Oirltehsqs bol o actes ~~lwI:4e ~ itb ' , Fqpglda place au, 0 focr0Oe st1em co~k bop0.g he <b. i. -B. Tve NogyV And w.4of'thbe k m et U acres IndW hm Irk FIUO#iT TOWNSH4IP- ..Trak&a CI am -a Bec E. fWebb (jom inSec$ 19and 30 fort Ulirft A .. D1, ttv# 4éctrust <eeI 124,W4 "d gave êak trust de0esforQu W"ý eoaà Vttùe bu9l lg4He Otsratte Blwb .W B. J lor MW. ania unSacs 7 sud i18fW #Ï,091 asud bQ?'WI r'ou$ 't5 AndIl te aveback Iitzm dft tkf$8.00. 1ineam12, as3* ' T. Vblrr esaiein red A. Gels. beugitte b arris . aWIfl. cr = 11 fi eism. mber100 Acres la "S 0 s8 sd i fgg place0 l Au bogX th 1160 Amd gev.'back trust deed - 1uz.d-fui' t1iuct.&I 1«w.d ýk<u 409 ibr » i . $to li addW'.ife lionabî sec 21.troai %%w. IL 9 QFL K*VIL Wm L.Boumefanllasec 3U for subjectto eitcuaab 00~~ ~~i 4eO* fer i wMls V.- Ptste bOUght the L. J.jhtg OO801. «* iiiii ca; icke 78.91 acres. tu Sec .2 for oaLiC5s.Q Loi .Lffk b.ugbit the. Joseph place la sec 33 for pub$ WM" ue»P ,Vggt'far'.nof, 70acrs it'ec I7for Win. J. DosausOf moedo.tu tu s Ad gave buck trust deed für the i. vnY SegiM ***M=* fer 4g 34k $50Q and gave bel#" t de fo .40»d K:E , g19na bought th . August i$6500. me~ clame tarin of 40 Acres iluec 23 fforkj ieiiJOiIl oweueye .** bmbt<e .G. ooSr-s th Sec 25 trouww R '. SeS8*3*4- C*. âgrt" M. Seybert bouglif. the! Joliusoi 1 9r $40,00u> And erIse 'or 50181 o BSthu fr. ls Becs 1 and 2 0r in. trust dépila for S100. dÊeate4-15.OOO.ubJeet to tTust. deedais Verett L Totisu 0M" ka ec , - _r w.otum ,lthe'horue estate o4 »d Sae boc de« 1*1U0* ami gave back' trust 45.4 for .Earl IL. Frost sud. «W, doil rmaik1 %M M«. 1 ýL. , on Fr'ostt141I acr@0 la SM at Wo 11 t u he aradm a.uDae beuglât th. Cari dicated $%tto» -aRt5ye 1 obaio à*W la= Oe 33 fOr 321.glb Ani d dédor $î,ù0it. UblhSki 341 34 gae 4clka trust d.ed Ide$14.0 I OUNTY COURTAI , préma *bd Ge. W qehrke aud wlle bough te The. Countv Court im *w4uthe B«4Waluâm M j* oook gam la sec 84 for mdil.!busey ei'- ao W 21 C .aWaedWOO 4nuthePuI>ate aid-Jud Tud Wnd boUhl t taottesop o'P mes~~~~~bwmq ists mlebllteFuné e. c.ty. fafinetf liu 0%ve bocres f oue 1 c $ 83lWaucodsarn. o4cses; 58'.dependent c594 4o1 a«« la 11 ec4Cuba for mdi- ae;8apiaIn MUMYep and Wib. rce0"4433.00 sudgave bock trust deed 1pension; 1 distracted cablu euete S s crwf.Pý6j, - ,tnlndOd cases; 2 sWiidtIw$ Il And 1, ur 1 PY A. Cbiole>' bouxht t i 1 e lncooipdent cas,. ,~,.~ ~~.< 4La~Dwe1îfax, oR 19 aresIn Sec 12 o $4875sud gave back trust dDe.d foi. Me bsL.m g III thekbo hé i. c>.asý < c *Ip oqt' li WOI R.Coifrg â uinsec 12 for i311.000 geil to * Ws S8 3.3 5 1tidve baek trust deed forII7.t40. s'a Fnd o, - TheDowlnoo [iairy Co., boùgbtt he i sFuVObougit the BordeasFarm producîs Co. in -Sec't 'Oted e olig-25 and- 28 for tIu4tcated $100 Ziba 1IH Osmutn bought the Auminf lRkU*er s"d iumbah.d Davig atM 01 60 acres in>Sev $1 V4l4k 4f$0mû. FriuansX. ?Je-cormer tookilBeAL = TOWNOI401V . the Ehner-J. Coutryiuau tin tlu Becg wlW o P 00 eque W1U00 * bOu4Obt tbe e d Icj «" la g21.50 acres for; uotb.r gtye go-10U 01 'W "rjq3 la SWI( SB-nomt" u wu eratiobsud receem1d *oegt ui 's dm Ètà lo $l.M. It <oeGro4er W.tleart trusye. -NUWboullo-tbi Ped Omté»rbourh it e Wbee- ist Qu acre ",oairi.loch fous 0f 1#8% acres lanSec 16 for sert «k Wareuloulu B. ,ýLý w * Indcatéd $14.0600. - 1 *ïrl oultJoseph Dowefl bonght 100.12 acrps i Ï> L 1AV M .t 167 "0" thle A" tu SBecand a 22 for indlcsted $20,000 nu R 11 eo. a Secs oi Ra o lwell bougbt 100.12 acres iluOffice a Fin. 1abiwl rom Jobs J Pioher for . an sd 21 for lndicated $21i,Ouo gvsI a80 u sideratit ,. 1frosZiba H. Oummit. uI ludo:l s 1 .awy . lioCfiloeb t ugkî the td1srdJ. dotaisan snd IDavidId.Bu-à.o Iia fariu et ifo RmWflis = bougbt' the W»> £LBooks U~,i.51 faim La Becs 2s'. l3 snd 34 for 816260. 4f las b'aeffl 4t4" 6 for- it. - oI 0F WAuC00A the DR. O. P.".JT Mmve 101 trust dem tor GQWldlg PýMrtY lu lots 54 and 5M for vIIuI ta bouatedthe000 ami gave aMm 08 a 8 g$10,00 subJeot 10 giMte F. Abear boughtl the Ket 1Iî1h.-vMt-* propetty on, MisHt fer 9.000. 1 uuuluglu au4, wit. Q4eèr 9O i«Yîle Aud wlte boutbt EL N Mxwu1 famril f m138acrste .A.apeiMsc o 150 ad .4X0r0> sud gave ClA TWNSPlae fory06,60. *4,00.Joseph lWaeutb.kboÏogbî the Augosti .WgIng bou hie Es. Havis t*u. 40acres l Nu W1 sec s osi, ctxuk Ave, eiey faim l-tg si" 15 Sect e 1MWAsd gaVe bock trust LSRYI.I 10 aot X.$and aroIobougb<lbhesRaudil L440*.W. 34ëm 344bt tb. H. 3. Willg- mu touh bOt4t i, acffl 34lu Seix 16 sud 12 for f011 luUeo81 fr l45els430M0sudgave baek trust- - 1Wtt. bougli ae toib iris bougbt the. Male j Amufre4 ulle f rm %807i h "Maista %Wh tom am..u-m *ta 0"W. IA o i. - aw~ [Tu' '- 0"