t' IBERTYVILLE INDEEDET RSAY. JAN UA1tC 2T, 11921 . ibertyville Independen t Lake County Independent - 'Waukegan Weekly Sua Vat ou imtagine tlle felngsof thiatAnidrcscîa k Co,. saleir-.an mly i--ali Sun mnan told h mii that lie hid ONLX KOisrxooni cash- and Ar:'l li intcd m'asting it ifbrui nîorîgajzeý" inistcd of in a' ab,. [ht asalc-.rnan alintot fell ove r inia iat-à :lie didiit '- * tuek1thceîphoneîîcand pressed lis .ca"c likc a c'sa salecwsanl. '. .tnfini-li camec wlen the Suinrcrt.eî ataeîîii t l;the z-: rand failed to i Ilwcrlie questioîn lices.la \\111, it he of bi arc 'ou lun c.eatttarc w ia i inîîvv oîniusi-îî netRt ll»b p~Ln faor gý,zt.iatroad lroigh Zion W('ins.but w etc faw -w ci c fr a, lat id w iuc i i getthe zoad ani get it qmiîk It lias. di'.grac- ci in ointy too long arupd. Bt0t, wue do a< i e w ih Ihi tat f necI:î% -hoîld bc ch angcd suthat Qute, mwiii e auaitissuclt C a n gct state ud. l'lhela'a' it l-)%% is.heing pgi li 'o iaa.c Ž 1101 e\ Cr-.t)oO Pol) ilàiia -v,. ' e " 1 tiCaIe us t. t s llîglît î:.1îk h c'-ar'a'v',ic ai 1h>o, il à,a', in w Iteýre p lâtion i 1'.cN igicater thl î a ît'_ý's- Tle - t i tMs i c te lai\ i:d get Ille ru a'! fixeda. STILL COSTS FIVE 1CENTS TO SEND A LETTER OVERSEAS ïauikcgafl Postoffice Issues Warning that n0 Change ini Rate Yet been Made. RULING IS EXPECTED SOON. i a i ltîealfraîlîtl 5itaraa t j"i fila n Europe w iiil .îa it ite f t ( rni rate unth il!tuedolri.iatic Ilo-l ;,r , apiid 10 al counlrs 'r.iPres- en"j ini the receil potiial csrientîOli 'aliin >Madrid, tîccoidin, 10tuan- na'eutinenlt ale aI tisepolit Ofice. tsi-ton of ttîe convention liai ai-i >tl Isa cii attsiy li te couitr'as rulie- a nuclad ending iheir r .tîlrttivat nIe 1otal rate Io Liurope friii ie L1nied lSiatueswill rrnamaa ai flie 1 Stl. T'f la ty exceltioatu th 1e deaIe i'itilad<bre sciito Ei l'aie I -i stiaiandl SûoiI5itd waiiii tîav lacseait fi ' aImo cents,thie sanierate r...ailtii mnGl ntitednaîaStates. At-oon as any anni ofttc nationis, 'fr thigîe Uniea Stita..'aralafies Ili- crainetîoflte donaestiC ot ateî v, a!1 ie sapied to tiilutail ot .ttliniitg in ia:oa aui-onur>addî'esaaed !wr iliala ry in n ý î 1 e eo te r ouai ila-.s i i ab wa a iat ruenical atte tonliii. sa.~-rîex.cicsnkalit me acia itil.ig flo lidi effect an a Fhmr-t tit-ilp I la s-l at t 1 i ctae n aQOr- atiu o lr e..,.eSi"rI, raies bet%%ptric e niin- wl asi Iasa ýt ai Madrîi aidlais il , a iSIt -. ri, ent ion aitiivas h liltas si-ti115 ' ft silii >' lsicta pi tai. - Iaý o a ra t ot' -toft"e et lîaî e 'b t a Pa- 1ue.-dt u alu t5Jilia L îapublic j 'a "t ' d ratetS s )ct i ist a" nd V . '.l I je seeic aaun ;Il tie r n n t '. b at ailauJ. ZION fE'YMNA-SIUMl NOW ONE OF THE DEST ON SIIOREi PLAN TO HAVE TUE BOYS DO MORE WORKAT.S.TATION1 Congress man Chidb1om Says that a Few Civilians WilI Have to Be Let Go WONT RETAIN WEST SITES SliiWýi; ig iter ul i thi as at laa lion w iii ne .crbe rto'.s'd, la t tach laad %%>stotfte tacsli' o relained L y 1I. ti e aîîaals.. ti- vitle ».ans are tîii a W"itiia;offo rc te ýîaiiifL i tuire an cxi -a<,t ioli a personal JeteaciouIront 2ogi'cs.tiiaaV Cliindbtoîsî is taîalaandl i îî ircal. lie sais: "Jt inay allt bia n,-ari'y a el thîe cl'ivii a force ta, -ortec r"'c't'anal Permit tia e siiiiliad iin ', (l ias 'a ti work 'aîlct th,> lare sictdt o.(11), !i thic gîl" lsati t OIe cUia f orcee wili i t ir itaalana lrie £ Iti* iI e hI coninn",e 10 Ucie .tt 'icias a îraîlngalt -t.i o i ,ti j tan sif 'it liat tilalec re.ýI 111 i a d -mi h-rn stule'.andlli' , iecIl,îdhet ofthite r'ao tîflaiIllte ' . ua ara Aî SaOsch (1i. r !ýi-. s ls oîaî ' î in- tai a. p,[t nilena aopulaiiton o"a Ira ni f tauî li.n Il itiiîd i 1at silet ..taa Thc adai'oats 5lu Ineiiae t'i't' i:a i'.iaed dunrng tIlle 'as r î , uaft e t i a eaiil tohth.ta'aîtai lenafistaIob.?le,,c:':la:a-n 1 1t-0. 1t nceited ta ."tîc ,aL Wlry Cv'iam lHep P,-ople 'e'n a- s '. t i"'ti naval station doclnt ai o i'. i oVYîti to do niore of the a-ýu'a.'aai.tl- sîeaîl ot epcriding on t itatiiain itelîs. Tiiere Ii a gioal reasoît f'ur titisa whii il ie avrage ruan doaý'tt'Utider- ,standi untl iesiaoçau o0ttlltI:. 1 l'acre il Is. The boYs ara' l»chaIlaIllie' tlit ina training hit ilîree inonili..; accoirding- la' if tey- were pult tov. îîî inhthe tasks wieli continue alil ti-ate at 11e station they aioutd not sourie. gel tiilsumaslteal e f eoteiess)ea ln lîceir v.sy to a bphlp nal stýw amen woattId le broken in. in this way tilîrr .i ta-fl iut,, dris.lal 55iasat.&. 7,, lt ia lne of te'illtci" >ii îîa ut lia t'I"ic-le n1 nl~ - a:'.,tan eic laui' ,aoe FThere lias ais sn-.wouid tilre ne h ' a - cacal u-t aiest ofthie Zlin ru'n? If te boys 'aire l'Pl -' -~ atataittlg .îî long enougia lu gel zeiiluisfi( ;Jé mih aliad ta - pouu't-îde aller tlîcy hiadlteai nef it I ý- tiiýol taiQ b>' 1," aai 1 1'ling -l'i wouid ha ditterenlt.-V f a" t..t. 'ara lri î i a lu m c l ia Lîarg, tt.ii i ii i i nisili t) a-t 'l ae cia liaIt Lr ninaa urla ta tts uaflor tîtr 1, '-,' lat iao! , iidooi, bascbail il .ta.Itic se' ua i 'm tlk as.q t tntila ai .' a t,'anli coul t t. ia, t .itlts aii e Uc mI'uad e toi- aat'.,n o ai to talî- -a___ a t '< aIlînîas'as .az.aibanqust-aý. fTh re 1-, 1"-ainC iaaalonath ii.' ltat ioQi stia, g ttlai . an tat l ai' :0 oy taO sooaý T AN EYiE asii -'la ali ootu naii:ngsultl toit-t A IY IE U Mll'ilaaîl lttsiluriaon, rtaoi i ora, 01 C N R L R I q )j :t nict-ing aofZlaai peraon.C N R LT À ';!te building atîl be coiplee a% ;..ýend citai n.ialary. aal dIl wil tibia lA .11V Le equippeal eithU ail the Tut.I L K gyltýaalur parapîitnalîa juy titit tinit LA R IN Af iLirlul.ng trapeze, hisn tai, paaliel bait- b.ia'elltng iing-s, Cumis ita-lia.clubs. Tl'le iak" <'on!>-('entra v'aids. riiest weigbts, salîl bat-. ir l'.nion hudt ils tinnuai elci 1,rg rings and cllibing ropes. day eaeniîg. Jannary 2t0i a The memtberiaita ilgon-'.Up te cd thlie eofficer.4 for 1.31: 2,-u 1. week ago anal It is expectcd tla Pretideni- O. L. Staniley. neaiiy 'double tatinha short tint.e "c PeJtei-. 11001o Otiserliva s president ifthiel R.,. Soc. W .m uclci Atlielic Departinent andl Paul MI .La e, .has -.torge Srit Rase nanager anal phyakal dircctoi'. Sa.tIAnsFranik W irr." as it lconsideraifle train TuiesPesrt'sGtOi ing 'W telUniaaerity of Chicago aowsk' -R. D. 'Millier. gyinaslunianal lie htae flie-atiletil a Tisere are iow tbitýliyt billtiand alarîige -ttiat'gcs19 foalte flae .i - t an ,.Ifidient l'it 1îutai'. - ff la 11htaccentral ______________1__tlalil 1 -aauLing te -tei ployas jwhuo wore taken lita a Itrai bodyal>- tlie hsti.e One Phae. Thete vsr-ou.3'ultion selecct sIt5 i llia<i ' s l 1a7. t b. Ira lite -entral bodly ahictî1 ne 'i a. i ti fti natta, a a lais ci 3niai foîti fi Tuctay nmaila -AIl a 215l iii v ' aita '* IM 0n -aila'.'T'rRi t ahor lai! tu~'- tit-. 'a'î.Tr Igan. AUCTION SAL Oit accc-unt of sickness, the. undersigned will s Public Auctiçon, oit the Sibley Stock Farrn. i/i, miles 0f Rosecracas, ô miles east of Antaoch on. SATVRDAY, JANU4RY 2E at xo :30 a. m.: 5 hcad horses-, t9 hcad of Holstein cati bioga; ail farm machinery; feed; grain-, etc. Tbhý s nen of the. highcst producing lierds of cala thse couytty, incuudng.S honior cows, i registered Ho' -buIll." ~ '* ie tont t-t l'acre oi t lie ,aitre bo )ES (ECO. REMLY BUSINESS DURINfi LAST WEEK .WAS QUITE BRISK Total Amount of Loans for the Week Amounted to $78,. 260,; Above the'Average REPORT SOME LARGE DEALS ]Ru-,iîef;s of lthe Iecordera ,office for the week uenditig Jan. 22. 1921j. BEY A. K. BOQWEal, csîi-taîiî ecretarY SecuritY TVies &-Trust Co- Nilîtîer of ('onvc>-ances . Nlijoibei r 'a lateMrîae 1. .Nuruber of Trttt tseds and Mort. Total iriiînhlwiorf uit- ttizi.aîti fileal. 1663. [.Totial amiotiiîî of oaiis, $73,26,123. The flaaaiî..t s re ttît mo:tc îîport- ait de.alm. hý1oIuClîla lot ca on h a,îdc sf C.ry aventue j1us' wCat of <'ouaiYs aireet N aPs:-î ataltie bCoiîghlt He Ctaiicjaa'sepli:t-siifia' buîîldîîîg i ea-a atiS Cii'îp-1 i r.a r in dicat E. F. I itichi n.'si lacl ii¶lia .I - 1l;e Xci kel place on,,, ,aéde Lincoln ai elue aotith or Glen Rock ai eîue fi ,r ijîdia tsid 1, 1110se. J. M'aoî o a lt lion aicat side of Northi avenue, îiorti of Pacific aivenuie t: îaî. D. T. Webb et ai for $S5fl. Ilugo as'-a',L'tiand mifîe bouglitthe McEeEîi vpropa-îty oitn rcrit ie of Geor ge aveniue, oc. fNIcAX.st'r ai'- enue for$.0. In North Chicaeta,-Joseph J.adrleh bouglit ie lVin. T. Stewart praipeîly on Ni-est ide State sîreet opposite Sei'eîîeenth arreet for $.0 In Lake ForeSt-.John Griffith Jr., boughî tfile wîllers property oon eas t side Wisconsin avenue for ioruina considerai ion. In Hithand Park-FIredtrick Ea peut boughit the' Va P. Stesele, place on Sheridan road just north of the %foraine for Indicateal 142,500. In West Deerfied-~Alex L. and Mildred T. Parker houch't I, Inter- est lu 80 ac-res In OSE 4 sectrio'n35, front Benj. Loi' claie> er tilir Idteat- ed $10,00C. In Gravslake-c5 a'r'hre huîuglit the 3Mot ,c s& Wtt. eproperiy ai Park avi sa-' and %, 'e-t-rfield Plats fir Oe. In NeviDort--stn an T andas.'ta A. Urtaanskt houtet the cElenM-la raiIi of 115 actes. utfito a 2? for iîîdicatcd $. i- and givs back trut-deed for 15)a C'harles H. Cas-hiire h'îîb'thi John Caitîniore pacetiii NW%%-l s ,_ n '5 for indicated $ 3ot. i u In ake Vhia-%AlbertHil.Pîa-rs toil bought lthe Jans . .Tri g- fra of 41 t,, aci c i ' in nt2>f $7,000 aubjeci 10 enctnabrance. In Grant-.Johln Regner and wife boughi the Juieti 40 acp e utNW- section 22 for $1200. In Lake Zurich-"%'- C. Johin H., and Wrn. 1-. Prehrn bought the Lake Zurich garage proparty f ront H. L. Prehrn for indicated $4,000. In Vcrnon-Cai1erifle T. Maeoti hought the Geo. H. Cooper pareýadta- joining Praitie View depoti in 3sarioa 16 for- indicatedl$.Oa COLLISION ON S00 ROAD AT L. VILLA; ONE HURT M-ilatiani Finnegan of North Fan du. IAc, Soo Lune engincer. aultered a scalp wouud ai Lake V'illih'ien hej itflilakal froin lus engins cab fs--r tg lnijuîy in a isaarecial siAion. lIa- wu (-ciîfeer an Soo n ie Train No 1; ('hîcago ta D)ulutit. At Iake Villa the passenger whîrlt wa-3 tmvel- lng about ses ci mleà anuitour rau Imt thc rear end oi a freilitt train ia a fog. Mfr. Flîuigai seeing that te colli- sioi waâ inevitable. jumped front is cab anal wia unable to keep his bai- ,s -anciHe ell a'fking hli.,face onithe i L.abor grousd. The caboase and aie car of on Tues- lte freigt t rain vere daiiaged. kLAKE CO. FARMERS irt'. Has 41u CARLOAD <Of bor bodie CORN TO EUROPE ao the ce-n' Lake aid Cook countY farInera îting. eacht have pladged a earlOad Of cori ýdehegales -foar lte Hoover relief commission for i , cets lte thse starviîg cihdret i ofEurope, 's of ecttiamang tity-aeven alter Ilinois 1 11 Waukst- counties tri do likewiae aI lite annual meeting of thsellinois' Airichiltui'5 association in Chicago last week. The railroade aud publie are ex- pecteil la co-operate ln lransporting lte corn. 80 lhii every bushtel maY Eserve as foot. .Tis.Owaa the ont>-va> bthe>- caulsi Eblel P, farinera averresi. as Muostaif thena were unable 10 gia'e cash. elI at The collection of carin'will be West hasidlëethuraugitlthe fart bureau and farniers ef Lake couit>-. ale; île in LAtein oanA.ny Lfi I. - PrOPo. Variation ln Carpete. bioet carpet.e aid rmga have bat one usable aide. Brussels bal a piielîke velvet, but lise pile la unceut. WiltOO s biseansd more durable titan Brus.- a'a, @ is e pile la eut. wlereuplOn It ypers 1k.velvet. This carPet l0 sa iel>- wovea tiatjt iboldo5 5Its srfaec. CDlsO)-le "Mar sauch l"ika llta Values tb 42.50 Store HorsaSet. 830 A. M. to 9:30 P. M. Gown s Tp to.2.50 At $1,.00 l naa i!it t'bbiity the grcatt'st flan- nebete go)*n hargain n tbu îoe.îAil ises up to 17 tins rry gùod Quàtltty. 3.50 Flannelette Gowns -at 2.48 - C'aO*e-ta -' tra qstia 1 îv flannel. ette in a ai a-d Colieýte Il inte a vazieti 1 y a :- R" 'Ieî". .t t a lb aU ailes. $2 and $250- *House- Dressu ~' Wni'rat 'îou1edre nlaprous la ginghsns. *c-'ca1ejs ait chambrasala lwht an,]( coiorings w t't or with* House-Dress Aprons Up to $3 $1.69 ' ai Y 's' Prei'y sit:.?s re lacluil. bd l intîs ','ry' specLally price-1aaasort- mmt grau -'J a*.ttiisici>- !,,vprie. 75c Kitchen Aprons 59C GOa .-iwei-mide k!i< na 'ltpronis la iitI ail ark Colors tntkmd for qu.ick CI'un-. 81 Muslin- Corset Covers 45c Hadi-aîlk core covers tu A 11i16 range o, prett t Y tlte warth tO $2.60 at $1 39. Si1k rrs'corerà In bAautifuil reau- broideredit ad lace trbmmed eLtylea la 1105sud n'iay and w tle ta $3 at SI 99. $7 Kid Gloves 3,*85 Wonîeni fine kid gauntlet gioves ilb dark broya and ln ail iizefi Values to 5 9.50 19.75 m 39.75* Suits up to $100 Special at NuvA latbehistory oft Waukeganmmrcbandiàilnghave sueli re.uarkablo oau. be ff erel. A $1975 you may sélect froin wool v-elours,, quitis, serge&. andwol jrsyein adeance Springeylem. Then at $39.-.5 and$35 ar, a ny of ur es tis elaboraici>' hîinn¶usd wilh fur and enîbroida-ry. FURS!ý For Women end ChiIdren $1.3 black 'tù'of scarfs an 4 'nuffs ini the January ('lear- aùicc Sale at onlv $7.98. $1S.50 black w'olf and grey or î'ed fox uîfN or scar's lnt $9.75.0- $2-- to e~O 1b]au'k, red anid eu'os-1 fox; skiunk, black wolf and river liiik Inttffs and searfs rit $15. $5to $42..50 liarfs an uiîîff' of handsonî u îu of vaî'ioiis kiîîds and colors at- $20. $75, $67.50 and a few $5s951) ;tat s of haujd.soîne koljîîsky' bt'aveî', unarten. pointed fs', ta1upe fox, xatîîral Sibrruiaîî xi olf, n"tir'Il Pros,; fox -'t $4950. Children's Furs (Iîi1dreu's $.5 uffs andisa caeh at $2,98. $..O concy set, speu'ial at - $3.98. $1(i w'hite hadger set in tîîal 1Jauîuary Sale at $5.98. $12 whîite concy set $6-98.'? $21.75 Satin lined, sqîîitTel conley set, good tizcd fuî's; g1)ecial at $14.75. * *< L Q'7 fan. Sale. Childrezi'a-.Z COATS ln tlie'e varlort. coletiionis >00 wil finit soni" wondcrtl tbargsainsu inai ies and ruserii Marly oi whlrb ai lthe bigihe r rlasare for lrtninîed. Coats up to 11.50 at 4.98 and 6.198 Co-ats up to 19.50 et 9075 & 12.50 CHILDRBN'S DRES SES (A W0~5ash Dresses. 4maIl sites. 81 21. $2.50 anal $2.9% dreises of glughai nd ui percales at $1.89. Gingham dreseasta prmtty styles aid colora, UVa to $3. at $289. 17.98, $6> 5-) and wsi auaidresses $398. r' Sae1200 Ln and ýShort Coats Gotots to-22.50- coati- to 42.50- Coats to 7 9.50-- 9é75 - Opportunies for tite atvaitageous seleciioli of coata 51t sucis extrerne savinga as are iere preîcuteal are unusuall>- rare snd f1051' jng ait impel lirity wonien ta immediate purchasiiag. Thse coats ai 19.75 are odds and ead& front air hîgiser priced lunes suddilu- lude mauy excellent styles aud materals. Tise ssortaaete at tise other prices are reali>- iarvaellous front a viei -point of valu.. deairabtlll>- of style ant quality. Titere are long aid short coata galors plain aid fur trimnîed, la fiue materiais aiid al colora. Fur -Coats up to-$300 7ftFne 6"Wrapp"ots 'In the Jian.. Salte ar- -up to $15< Speciia 9'0 -L J.Clearance Suits * LA VOLUME xxix. -N( MIL% PRODU( DECLARE S ON YORI k t la h tI O, '5ore llroi, isouk boilin ertyvilie deciared whal .>,ysaott agasînst thai ,sarë Yore lIros. havae igtive iik routes. a izlik fronst heproduarar _ tins Liber-tyville. 1 '..he fumier palal 15 ce liiuadS uornmilsLaa' w -Ut ut 1 aa t'Dljù' psb . ut t i8 hasling -je fie)wi cre iusing nions-y Éng of llk hy Ita isir ,i.,-y paid $5 per da) Viilai hey tirib' gi ait orfrie yearsa i tlt *,M $54'liser morntia, !:. issidal a te rali' ut (Jat.,, 'i 01au ý 'i, .sa.îki-i la,,f V 11111'i a lW d i .o 1; (le t a a aaa a o aitl.j , il.' 'I as . a ,a'aal ia tas'i Ji' g 1,a fia , t l'a a d iviing iaa Ii ta.T 1a, us-lt 'atltla t lu aailita ' tht -ho lsat lan>taalaaa'.at. I'i a'îtd ai ' i iqls i tio and lias I. la'. aa a' .. -Iki idonctl. aianii s'pl i3 lig ii ik ts T.'5 aaîi 'rethe ch arg in 'ti> spe ttinci tadt 'sOi> a botard si~uf bea ý Tis in'tort llail titi 5 .' .il iCi t at r i e e i ...istc out-J' itiid I 'suged ayingîta la br W 4l.agboard uhl teL tat tis %!uiS itt, irtiê I 'JIG s' ,t sits' ta lias la l 'il*i IlJuI l DIVRCESU KQUELr-O SUe n ITiFO1-1 gorsensi Sairdas w I ju ,il ,: ' rla fi , ti Sh rt' Ka lr -i\i ivea iaes ain 4t fif ii a ' i.. B g l lia i.' s'it', a ary .f iota ;;aflts l i ttla asa go wiihl'alit but u 'nse four i' -safaisi i a trial ai i r i, tn iff e. ar i a tahi ii- it a '; il isîta 5 a I. l1.75 -39.75 ir