TH-E LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 3, 1921. o n,.inted comit teesand Io dis-h iaixtactionl. This ta il.- iit, Vaentine rrsulution adotiutt ibertyville Independen t Aerca Lgin ew Iem hadpnet , 'a gan Wvekly Sun A cour se in 1'oultry and Daiy liti o h rei M M ,bandry is being taughit by Mr il. action was Itaienfo1 ait te.Postoffice aif uterts ville. Ilit, as Second Class Mal Matter. 1 the second semester. Englislitofficet un Afrita. -htown .foughbu'. (happytfather it," the ! I«s rtolibiting ttie ustngc botr ure wîves are s3oidti-o $5.tsî each. tire)..-a'e, wtîat more do you want *flite Anerican î,egiuni J Mf ý. ... . ..-- ""To "lie firat ssue oc i e Watren Biuzzer Sitime, i8SOt il?" Then I l dwned upon bien how rhe induce Governor Stîtali Or. SU ITH-----------------.....Mrae was distribuid liti week. Amerirani naval utftcer: more M essage soundeti worded thira >» Joseph Sanborn. aIlv, CNAO. . NALLEY ..... --- ----...Local Manager <,ii',ofiteering'1 a--0 orîi war, (ut- an! othi '~ Shou sasutsîuîSetAliti 'iîuîsda Anisliman etneted thte New Yo'rk The Legion dance for the' benehut ou mol obe l lite tax coli 1anti Fridayon accounit o! the mi-Seat* 1aiot fice for the purpose of posting heubr li Librtay of the 8gîvetni wsruoede that Gf [OIAAN M T EINAL 8-ItK R ounty touchers' metin.idlatter to bis fiancee. He paused in Fbury4l,1ntai!tahd.Lt o hrtntovetd rrn !fi VOLIA ANi MA1'IMOS LA('EIII ipilx before a board containing us responti free heartediy andi buy a iNew York Mrîîiîg 'lgrlîTesodo!aers0fC mu three slots bearing the words, "Çity. ticket or two. Renetuber, it's for thie Aiî e tt'busilest mîari ii thim t'utntr iv tt fls tiiti lsthe,! i, sings" sswiiatetitiatit ot mestic, Foreign." *IF lie hoLibijiry. prem rnt f th Rev %Vibur leilt Voivaworsipftl insteroughly enjoyeti un the evening of .an-itauttereti, "This As a pretty probietu.NeYokclpr M e prea get o theRe. ~ilurGlaîî Vlia, orhifîî îtts ry 5.Mage's a tiamestic, shre lives li theNwVrkSutotoMk of, thome hoiy millts, oir 'mhaiever the% rail tlîeuîselvess, who are;T city1, anti'@ a foreigner. *btat beats U .MdifrVru gmmv-estoete tf iti II Hrdy da paeawîhni I owi'i--e-te0a-e i al Wît"htfgton, an. 28-New York bas gâie oeh in the ct f Z a, Plants for the trianguiar debato *.nelshwY e e h ete na been st'lected by the War Dopartinent tt pbit' ttitt' Il.i otv oi Antiocb and LtbertyviUle are Compleit hiree hies 1a,:once."tdeinheilaitle estd VithOUt fl-pb iy Ir)iiiý f te-WtriV "laeti.The subject las bosen andi the f --0 t Vrunde i the mol ofb. poneti, aendlng outnomesu news about ihi Ioseq. Anîd good îuî'ws 4it le, tire'sot. Warren won bot debates, A sergeant standing a,: a wtndow in~ conumemtorating the hernie defënseo f G 4ý Ao. ,Il the papers use lit. The ILtv. Mr. Vtiaba ut ol ebaters, letsa go! full droas uniforrn, with a bucket in bis ,ron»B.s ait as a proitioter of matrilnony. I-W denourices the' young iIWu '0- band, on the way te ftch seume waterô domttExaminations are over. They siiouid froni the ptlmip. ... Let Us Cars for Our Voterans Now. of his organiration bt(euae theN d alitre forth anîd ltintt hp teach their lesson. W'i we profit Sgt.: "Where are you goinl F. W. Galbraith, Jr.. National Con, m n tir)% and marry thuni. "You timlti-bleadeui tdîîncffl", says the h y t? iPvt. 'To fetch some water." ' J mander of the American Legion, speak' o a u noegticVolia, utae tnîîe ani tae wvus" li absesthos '--1'Sgt.:"No,: in those trousers, ksurety, Ing-at a mass meeting ast TburodaY A w r tliibie'eadd p*rsos îtt'aue twy wsî'tîter ~The Comnnty Club s planning a Pt.: -No, Sergeant; Arn the buckat.' evonlng. said thare are atitoast 20,000 u eo " thrbebaedprbshrtietr%.%Vseternote b iplay for the near future. Walch fr former service men wbo should hoin f eof W »Mde, aind i cooîmani theln te> bUy ivory ring14. A*baby, bie annouincenieuit. - *Fo ulnl1h itn ue- governmont hoepitais, but aire recelv' dOCI~ ips,5ed?" soldiors, ho said, bati been *"farmeti I excellentî in aitling Ilu it ý'iîîiiîtforth oftifîew teeth. %'e Stg- Waukegan Tuesdayaoron to500 Yank Captain:*Wttat Mesainte ont,, by the govermnmalto institutions po go tghiIs chit'f f the' Tu eet tht libuleb' 'lvthbihi Z'aia'The LastYof foegMrhl'ma a,: tue ' wbere frequeity conditions are de'-ri o fou init re tit S Acatiemy. a oeYutogtttactpan .orable. With more than two Yeats for honet.t and ti adîrsm flhe mtfrimoîtnial siackers oîf Again bothi hame tesins "brought o andti tree months elapseti since the fine of worl "" thse îtî'î wo ar soM'iballtha iit'v 'tuI tot tkeuehorne the bacon" tast F'riday night.! Tau utegu-oc 'Icie taiking maittil 'tatitarminstice, the Unit.ed States sf111 per- bè eat, tose llei whoare ite it 1Warren eaaily 'defeated Libertyviiti' said te Rasts" VYon cani nriaiTYy inits tht. disgracefiti Situation tO exist. IroeponsibilitY otfa, iwft', rtftrring tut live 'ini vititttis, idît', sneerîflg by a -score o! 15 fe 6, white Gurnee ister; sites a ladytvoftrank." ttow many finie$ must tbe AmnericaDhreo ~oheorhod hv mdtiîht>i~ hei litti'"tIt'~l'd uihln's itefeated the K C. leam of Waukeganut- Rastus: "'jut as as .nk as sit' Legion. lisaofficiais, or aotier patrioticTh re 37 te 9.'arn.-.urgaîiizatlonia or individuats, cali at- aiite 5 ILineuxo anti score of iigit aciooi a' tent ion te the tilagrace botore effective ftfte o THE REAtM)N game fotows~: !Tlgaiicek(h ibe'gvrmna fotWid erm LibertyvAile n til Ti eeipi lr ttoiasbe'gvenoti fotla ai t end Knu wîy irs nd VII ttne oîtei ufiilttrtjudg- iotos 9 2 Ae i aCtatmaessage): -l is dcT-l gt. tCan it be possible uiat aur con- ns. Knom- whVgirls, ad evei) srtieirvoien ofsîtîtetiPottitoi P.... .. .. .1 9gr0 s tîlen beiieîeelteeeconstifuents whawh .....snet (supposedly) -t'lr tiîeii' .i'..rsitot's înbuckled? jHook. F ... .... .O etectedthoUteniart' unwilling f0 pay for -'iEnglebrecht ....... ... 1 O0 0 the pr<ner care of mon who sacrifnceti To supply Hr'tt:KhuG _............-0 Il1 phieaith, fortune anti even sanity in1 de- ILV. sàid t-at a fat wt.nîahtli NNho iaid iq)i supjer-s lt boulte %itas Oentior!. (10---------u.....z0<)ervw()fense of the nation? The Anericanl pay for a larg Wrren B F P T i eofThe wanl these maen carti loir, anti berr-dl caledto frend.s dwn he tret. uitea dstace. W" ) 1always on hai 16W dly ealed uant frî'ose 'hé doirai, ue ýsrt pute anitaîuee.Bond. F - .- .- 2 0 nelite hest manner possible There is! Sit dd lo wnt o os Au~tine eessrytopu oushesso- Ailgrin. F -- 4 1 0 1) ut bill before congrasa lu trovide a' ln ihf oe just slipped ber fss't ihtt(tber liiibtidIs tîueklt-overKbot4 anid itpox. C - ---- -.. 1Il 't 2 ETHODiJSr EPISCOPAL j enedy for the' jresent titagracefu l n iht rr~ ow te tre Wetscb ;---------------------O0 i Rev. C. F. Kheutau.r Pastor. Tondilons Lt il ha passed. ttndiiuw w Uli a Another wouian, ibis limIe a girl a! a University, 511Wlt ow 1 usi> lnna Th'b> n Notfolk, Va., Jan. 30. Ltaut. C S, I ~Thuistiay aid Li*tda5eening'. are autio 1* T'-vior naval medicai tfficer, was chot' à 1ilq)y er ee lokd ad hoigt ýt ppar difsrolf" it se GI RQI R HITI' niaking t he nîiost f their pirvilege. 1 and kiltlet by a senti' at the naval op jn aîlttasopp e rtlte, l îd t a p i oft il atlietQutin I iioUISIo-L 1 rhe wonien utue taîking about an art- i erliing hase when. i Is aflgethoh to a s, lfttre bugii apartinfasteêd ;told oitut tî n tt thei lier R.ernuan Ciubs. Wiîy net*' tilaregaiiet an ordt iuhait. A' Bh fri llppr.,lett.... hukle .........;toi ...... uittht't'li Pe SunlayScitol t Ioula in.'lita--on-ie Wge that. it was ti "new style just tiver frtsn Plaris."< IlIHEer per artf1ýéIIolficeti tiT4artituenTs are aihecu 1wodr htE It., front. -Sash social friendti had gretit adîuiration for li'î judgînent inii .btgs il il subtg tstaantiat gt<tw tng incretusa i atis with the market basket ltaitutN ca1 :Irti(,-. 1,.t illen lit-ttanuiance. oThe n e'.îitiarctat plan 1ttned wlth gaivanized Ilrn.madleNochg PM they wetut anîd did likew'te tttCt ilti". f li'Mttmiiit SI' I IlNST111) LTE ý%i lbi-esen ieui stTttfl ,Itu 7 baby hot-t cs.'Wo kni stm'ba t.oned-and no tliey stil t T T1 T1 ' - :riing a! u1;.,- T l t., ri tt ut h tiloen ai tîltit,,hu~se; h 'i !, 7 ,And tîl Ibectt"'i %oI<<uti It I otj i'i ' l or hThgutl 1 t itt' i t'lit' ýiiz vs ons u t lit'Lahr'ti u i 'i tals of .- tlls01 Stet.h. t Tt ?H j Ct'oinll Farmers' Institute werc bold Kingtium Grtidit.%t. lj,i1b,- deliieied H eib ' u tTtTs ti ITt-'i humband's oî er-sutîtei wbt'iit sut'lturrieuiulv 'ft lier homîne. in Ilte Libertyvihle Auditorium Tiuis-, b> tht' Ittior. \ 1, or1,iisbl1wkli 'T ' i ulust l Wetk, th ast atidresa lbt- Epw ortu h.t'.tut.- TITi oon:tIm i T l.t s- nul Il g;'? ,l tit t ilt oTf IDri. Eta M. W~ilson iof!Man . 2t 6: 0p. inT i te tI tIM tbstt.ut M t w o THE OVERSEER'S PEVELATIONS. liaiten. Ill. . hotook as ler >ubjecu. book tas uret> ascilatitg. Bar Legton in Stale Politis YokMrnn elgsm)<retierliteatit ùtoi-Better Efficien-1i'rThe firth o f lit-elcles our',ssot pic- T jingfietd. Ill.. Jan. :31 'i- (Newloln Aexader~ 'et"She spouke te a very ait,:rciaive, tut as. îîîusîîaîîng incidents tun iteltue, i,rsetiient o! ut tiat oi.t1( WibrGenVlvwho succeeded the lote Jh lxne owe1adecdweliung ait lenglt on the 1Jesu, 'titili buputtjrcTed onitetAie JTf-nnent by a otu> l'u t1- i,'ItT, Phione 61- mui-who) is now overseer of Zion. an incorporated Ilinois towit. announces incorrept haabits ofl'tiing and otlerîng screen at 7:39. The pctules tis a"i. %%e t n Legion is a duieûtci t Îil t 1 liebasreenty m i hate cll a heligam"fro te iferalsuggestions lor it ýrcoTiting Ihtinuanti Iortray the begînning ut Passionî w ek. (nTi,lutton. andti 'stiire'i ii*tltftp i tbc le bs ecetl reeied ha hecaîs "ellgrtu"frm te nfena1iavoiding thoa.em MNlnday nuglit ai 7:3u ai Ille 1ut'.il ____________________________ wgi.ns touching on and appertaining to future punislhments. "Every Atîltha business mteeting tohhuwt"ng age YouTTng 1'eople'a iBible t tT-s dm. astepoht wlb uihdwt noeds fhsOnthe Isat atitress, tthe secrelarys report Tuestit> ai 7:3u tite tisi qui, ' ____ i~t .- dume." aysiheprohet '~wll e pnised ithttn veroseof is Wflwiicb waa 'ery cumpote, showed thatwî , ltiw tAt m.. A drinker will pais ls te'rni of pnnishrnent in a natatoriunt filled 1 Ille insijtita bhiconsisteti of si.<co6î, CI , au. f bi dstai i I meruitts antianour esenittg 1'sT5clair. Rports rom Iti litt.T' .. i with bee, wsne nd whiscey.'rial six nen andti ureea omen, ai. ruen We are constî'sined te drop into thte veinacular and inquire of the ia-rnunent Instittitte workers. hati been Wertinestiu T73 Aeî. tTe eligageti andi paîi for, together wtt ýeus-ya 73 ie il" gvermeer: "What do you men. punishment?" titeir« expensas; iiat liiurty-two ad-i ng las been cuuîhieutxii'i.', To gring such a revelaton at this tinte seems te us an evidence of tiesses hat icouengîten. anti that 1343 'l Training cltths ini te .sIuld ugter poor strategy on the part of a spiritual uplifter. It's likely to casedtffeuent »orsons, trincitialty armarsis Gost a u n . hîts i i, iT IIuiT t' andther wvus la atendéàýt une'tai est l- iethilhtt outtehO adehens of song in which the refrain. "0 Death, 'where is thy sting t" wil sions ûe i'. in I b ui titi, i tt-i Theeectîfio oT tîfceus fothow-ad the tf, Tsîtgob' tCIII uuT' Voliva alzo diacloses fthe tact that tobacco amokers will be "locked ot. aisGeiace ILîaitiatMofar Anti ntliu,u iocadet 1Cii-tslre NO %p Üe a deni filled wth tobacco irnoke," which leada us to believe that the iutg dttcltntrtg te at t.'ît the te toiho I____ *irea got crossed and instead of "helhigrams" <le received bis messages 'sf,li hv tu seit as secretitu>, al \ý etitituspoon-givas bis letture. bu straight frotu paradise. ILt',sht S. Dutinerora i tlkg ilta traut annot atiord to misa tht'. We, THE RELIABLE LAUNDRi eleti iteasurerl Inthtea irtusebotti A udial invitation tu ui ST [t li-.Dry Cleaners and Dyera, bave purche Science ttepartitTi, Mis Marylt'.l Well, it looks as if the Fourth Iake"bin. Mr. Sheldon. like the Fourth'.Lake anTi Mia L. \V.Wketietd iAMNN LAKE l'Il ii('t ville, and wisli to announce that we woma&, Marie. tried that booze gante out tbere ust once toc, otten. TTTt'ie'vie teIrt'id5tent tand tott'iIitlv uiksa STstt.u. IT 5T'cruat>>. iTr~ation ,, te 1tisot Mut â iraliDry Cieaning mnd Dyeng business.1 The juries for a long tinte were lenient-but linally they switched antd 'Fhte InltltloT i tta ar t'as note-T tc t' ITt runi.Vl utthou closed for a whîle to give us an oppq âted to the evidente and believed if.-and se bth Maie andGeorge 'vol"' > frottItle tu-t ttttt a prugriii,ý,tT,tstîmnits tbf. Thurstiay ti n mk edjsmns wuts tarrieci ,out N uht hetautmttst exact',tîlieututectarge ut Mrs. Lhltkenan. ndmolet -sten bave been found guiiity of violating the law. 'Tis ever so-they finally m's Nol a sitaiter was'i5nissing or' A tuliy i auport or Ilite Suittia> geM uipped. lit sbould serve as an exemple to othera that here was Mr. hitte at hii s p't)oîtrtît-tt. Saveaah w alTituun001 cotutinet Sondl Sctiool During f his period that business %t itauîra ie undti iukan, ahicti ut'anti pTeaciing service Lat z:JTto'ciock Oeiltbin, long considered immuone f rom conviction on titis sanie charge- aretoigt îotts !aiit >n- dedci.Feetiîng tht, minci antd seul land Park. This wili necessitate a cih Ud it finally got him, So will if get others if they do not profit by bis bliedit tu Ille taruilos cotuîmuniuy. Onratttt'il' o uh ogîgo! 1tt foilows: te abote we are jpsttfiètl n 1îonounc I .stoln, wihl produce healthiter andt trie institute work a siccess. lpiutîber famities, create a chusar fol TMuch credil s. due t beloutîcers n Atwsttti. aitîong neighbors anti makel ALL LAUNDRY WORK, DRY CLEA to lke ouny fîkawhohav bee 'mkin thir wn rewcharge of the work titis yaar. Eapec- possible a more whoLesoiuie aunas- Wamng uolk onyflswohv en"aigteronbe aliy s fliea metiring presîdent. F. M.1 jitaut'in the cornmunity. Why net ONE WEEK WILL BE DELIVEREI rfor their OWN use" is coîtained in tbis newa item frot- Springfield: "M. iHarding, of Area. teolha coniindeti thave ititor parties duriuig the week. ]Wt, Mito o Benld. who brewed beer for her "ownuUse Osly," .'pleaded forlis untiing efforts towartis mak.Iriîîheî titan on Suntiay?'R eba EXCEPT SPECIAL-WORK, WHICH V ng tîta various tîteetîngs succestul.1ttut' Sabbathb Iay anti keap tilholl.' çpIt7 to a charge of violation o the prohibition law thia Moruing. Bbc Mr. Hardinj gave practically bis eut- PiESB rý1'jRIANWeaecndethaornw ire1< . u e-i .' Ui i... tAr ime for aotamontb In arrngW ar ofetta unw IM fined . M and .Cosa in the scueral cabout a angfolk hae tEalCMogn 8tr ~ Ot~ ing the, delails incident te the four di'isaban 'C. orgai1a. . oy F.mand we asure them we wiil endeavoi M *they vert entirely safe in msking their own stuff!sao long as they ade ,ric,: meetings anti the snnual meeting Sl ahSho t1 .n.RyF Mt »R TBEINSEVES. The Cour'te apparently teed diffently about- it. heidi i Libertyvilla. IWrgtSpiTwctaefradts Dry Cleaning mand Dyeing. AMswith thia formai warning. people better "watch a little out." 1 -Ye'u are cordiaily nvitoti 00000000000000O 0001 Preaching at Il a. mu. Tbeme for . A* L nierning-worahl.o, "A Prayer i the Send us your entire fainiy work. S Of a&l fields of human endeavor, the work of the editor <>0 <>0 R E A Wrong Place"Gaodmusic. %dib,,Coats, Skirts, i Gioves, Me proba0ly 0 00 00 0 0 00 Christtiantui rai :5 .M Rugs andi Portieres to be dry cieauei u"i geîerally and continuously criticizeil. Anid 99 pet cnt ofbiscis Topic, 'A Surrentiereti ant i VctoriOtil -sixth chapte ~Townsenti Smtitb was a Chicago vis- Lf. edrMs ee-Csy nli iot dsigi a news s yfront the thirty-axhcatr of Genesis, itor Mondy.Lie. eade r n à .3 Mi THel Ca for w& he tnguipeh cen y oul reawcit itgu iat001W:30 p.Pani.heapT -ecilhtcfoi GWrmpae tpnt MDryWrpCthemninqeaufl aa se t flo wrtt up nSOOords o pasthea- Cetiliakoh»raysikeileuitOui' eeveing:tjice eveoe.flCa drvericeeh "alsBforkenrIaun - efficient ~~~Mtss Begs McBriie opentth.e.ek Icniet h b evcs Betong.-Exchange. a~nti witfi finonda n Chicago, Pra'.er meeting Wedntesay, Fab .W uaatc hs9.kt h i ________ _ WiU Roder of Palatine &geont set erai Toptc '"The Art of Prayer." egant hiwè eb k tiays with relatives boreorJr p t oung Men!.a O. O. C. Club wiii meef t ~WARREN TOWNSIP HIOJI SCHOOL NOTES Mrs. Chartes Kuebker, J . eiati te club room on Tuesday, February Tuestiay with ber parents, Mr. and 8tSO. Continueti stuiols In the Booik of! ' Mrs. F 'uelker, ' Matltew, The Falher. Mtther tand Son ban- Scattering te Seoti. B. B. Hentay. NMorits Wiicox anti Dean Weilis Ofý Christian EndoVO Party Friday, ipet givon Thursday evening by ta'et, erminatAon, W. G. Bralg. Chitago stucit Suntiay at their bornes braylt.Ihguleoteov-T-,Ri b "Ag" lubwas a complote aucceas. Tire (Gt owlh. W. -E Watkins, i Aiea, -- nng a ili ha the Epworth Leagno andi' Mrs. F. M.Itm'Twder tras a Chîcagott eaîeso togaennib - ti~ Te decortion wee of mas \'heln duat.W. G oratheantrNail Mnday. _____Ill CEMENT Y of Hfighiand Park, Launderers, ised the Ideai Laundry of Liberty- ewiIi do a high grde Laundering, The laundry at ibertyvilIe will be ortunity to put 'in ncw machinery, wiii be taken to our plant in High- hange of delivery, which wili be as ANING AND DYEING COLLECTED ED THE FOLLOWING TIJESDAY, WILL BE DELIVERED SAME WEEK rpatrons wiIi co-operate witb us, or to give them fine Laumdry Work, Sendus your Faucy Dresses, Ladies' imn's Suits and Overcoats and your bd. eparate package anmd give it to the ry work. lié beit that is possible t. produce. rurs for botter service, )le Laundry Ilaners and Dyers Highland Park 178 SHE Fu Ha 3 Doors stfie subitaný'Sina:l, T 01 011-Bi ,ft tT g.iOn tt ou, -d by the execu I the' suait' idoptt'd i.,solitiioflti os uýhe l>ejntent ut subjet whlch -wt,,,fot ecuitlnfa5et an I..gion. The 1,,l e.ty t e itt {rLztYT i i t O tho e the purpose 0f glon. Afler expressaing oPP1OOte),1< of the name (W the' Ltgion taking par-t inpoltiet' îCtfl lin an effort tW tests, the' resotti e av. ' Àt Ito retain Gen. apruve the use of the nainf thie veteran of the Artfircan Legtifl or the prestike. ut ler person. as a olce0 ('ý11àciso îeaîb-' tît. 'i ut t) 'n" mrission. Whîcn herson for the fiîrtheratct' ut ts Qi en. Sanborn was, torts tie proimote kt I)ersortai catndidmc*. fes by Governor ort'partiskin principles.' À.4SSI ifacture Sash, Windows, Etc., eobliged to, carry a complete, indow Glass in staple and' es. It is also necessary to em- men capable of this, particular re, we believe we have the best i )r handling your Glass busi- A your needs, you are not asked to ,er sheet, beause your size is 'most id. This alone saves you mioney me exceptional price %ve can offer, as rge quantities. )Us Your Glass Problems t the back door or a plate glass store glaïed wvhile you wait. Sfor putty, hard-Iuck or inexperience. ,W. ROBBINS )DWORKING GCO. Libertyville, 111. ME9_5 L oc-C Short i'ems ftoy KIeIîltl jtor Saturday. MisHatUO DB of frietîds in Chit lirs. Charles H-4 Mis. Maude E. 1 Wauikt'gan aitlit-N C. Luàk. Xisses Ada Hiel l'ilha Kiepier Y .îuntAay vt'ry tht forse r 1 mtpruvifl5. "it. E. W. Cuit ioveit Bitent T uet Mir.anti mrs. tss.aad Miss Irelie îI , lw w k end. liré. 1. Wtut tutditaja. t Il' .Sll liobert 0O1leu W «rr andi Mis. A ht'i.D t is t h tyville SunfdaY. Charles Kiepiter luis Saturday, idii.a (iiiicu t' *tere in i i:.. titt' gu-l'ýi u i>r. andi MisE il'att ufth--ilt 'irusd- 1 $peut the'WT-