r SLASlEDIIIS-AUTO 11RE WITFI KNIFE; OFFERS REWARD 2 Gurnee Man Willing to Give $25 to Learn Who Did the Cowardly Trick for Spite DIQN'T MOLESI OTHER CAR W. 11, M1CI'ie s-cmlngon, a liin tva mîtes noritla of iii p. el imVes li, bas discos ered the îîîost rei-tngm-fi;l peîio i Laite cotiit3 ani lie lbas mde i ded toputl1tm) the intlci <s; ing sutni ot 2tofind out jjiet as ho il w af I lial 124 teîta mIilliu miffe(?ln r n t e- et h!ài autliobîle. 81t vas a miajor otici-ation ait 1i itl Mr. lMcClure declaiet-ml Modaylitetri inom witen lie callet i i the Sun office to Inser t an advmiseilleent offerin' the reward. *'Thue liucIti iiteleial hles h irolitglimle mtctr CaSing illî thea aliso ruined ilie iiîier iube. Laige patches were cul. outofIltle tire. «I "laes oncie me i'beissti1 WVednesday nîglît and StindaY moti, ttag. My soeainL-law'ral'a wa s in hie garage et 11e ime but bis nutotoobile wua fot Imolestedt. Somebotjy aanlil "~to take out Itir spite on MY car. 'os golmg to Mate il inîeesiing for tue pemeawho did iiie tîbtit, i. Mc Çlr luudeciaret!. AUTO SPEEDWAY - TO CONNECT WITB NEW FOX LK. ROÀD Ndorth Shore Cities Plan Build- ing Hard Road for Fast Auto Travel Only VIA THE SKOKIE VALLEY A ueiv roadway along the tîotlh ,shiore 1 reIie'e fie present congest- ed Ceadition, according to H. H. Suier- er, -businesýs manager of Glencoe and bea4 ofthie township blhwaY Com-1 UlUltion or New Trier townlship. The. sew rondway vilIlle a JOY to Ibose1 witi a désire to "&tep o:n tbe gaz" as1 jno lmit wiii be placed on apeed. "We. propose a uew roadway tbru th. Skokie valley, Forest Praserve dis- trict. along the Green Bay Road, tlîrî th, yalley vest of the forth shore tovua. ath <onnectiena with lother villages along te bigilway," MI'. Sher- e alt. "The route la away frons the beaten ADORABLE l11e-e lsan a m i jctîve dreas fn the vcry filiail ginr thatiwi der ligt:t ht:!fe wenrercorath ITise nick and tloomners Pro CFlom )k ti(Ihelig thier materiai 1 Dirlz bitu( bloomp.rs and a dutl gold ':nioelz make a Cltaîning. YoI'îth làlll nd et -thé saine lime uractical rom binatton Tho Co fio IlsPuckets are emplia-' 1 £!-,cd wtb neelework takir.g the f tomreotf ha Oke *s Of i-aers Thej iatter ore fîrned of patcbwork a lutîlijque in different rolora 0fr û ther sateen, ctiamxbray. or any, plain., non-stIirinkabld materisi 1 Tlîe baskiet proper l3 formed by b-r; f black long sand short û rtitciî Bliick feattier titcing iti.t1iC3 ail the heme. imh,-lre few If any chiidren-wilitil i-li ne tronbte. The speedwsy iyl lie buPt' 0tîtat il ailconnect witb j tuie liglîwîmy 1}Fox Laite." - tg Poo a sud matc atil POFVIsabaou', aelchsei honorable. d ts@et. wtt , ret1redl ki antd iiio keepa lsàself wlfbin the 11. tE ls of proprlet.y. She lsa atrend t e( siolitude. fountalins entertain ber, InPadowars consoyle -ber,. vodafree ber from enmiul. lov cru dellght ber; lni thort, &1elicqItespiasaure and Instrue- a tion te ni, vith i' 'om abe com."'îng tk ea te a li1iC,.- The fleat Rue.Ir ,rib': liai, e leforê yoîm spek. Iben b tati, eiUiiI-raSWThoma 213 Water Street. LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDEN# THURSnAY. IlfRUAlY 1021 lir BRECIIEISEN, CAP TIIEY STILL ARE TURED BY WOMAN, SURETIIERE'S 011, IS TAKEN AEIAIN 'IN M'JENRYCO:V Man Whomn Mrs. Mary Fleming Hiarvard business en engaged ln" Caught as Thief, Years Ago, IleHradfrmn ertrMe- fNuw Confesses Forgery Heny CountY, are active l aail efforts lookng t th sigingof leases on the part of fariers who fvwn land in the KEEPS TRYST WITH GIRL 011 5,uspeeied aiea. eunre Waukegan people believe ftue Bre sait] one -of the moat active 0flQcal oil livse reered o n te rtclebé Prmoerb W tel sure the area we, iltian iefîred a~iî~1 avas inmind hossesses an abundance -a low s th manwhoabot 191 wa of il ad bat it can beOobtainedIfar li le at'tued y Mm IoMareaFleing 3ust we ail work together ln a compact aslrie sore ingte10 bre a mm litebody 10 the end Ibatthie prôper sur. Flei~ tor loate whre acoa vYs are made and oit men who jknow sl'e tor ow ii.AtIlit ime~~rthie gante are induced to t,îke charge of HOT. I'lenisng stiiblrd over lm il ith the projeet," lie said. hark , ard. JÙuled on hlm and lîld Since fie oil discoserles near ma hini until lier -on George arrived-and rengo have arouscd such excitemn ater Drecheisen confessed lie frev- thereaboula. larmers re0ing near O]0 iouIjy lîad sIolen Mrs. Flemîngs rings, Harvard relate experiences they have ' ,- And lie wàs sent to prison. The hall in years gone by wbile driliing b, ' lit now le that he blits f;tished Ibis for wate2. Gus Lindwall, uwner of s 'ni an ( that thi, reference in a Chii- asail tarins in Hartiand oweed et an bet cagt o taper tell t about bis firsi "cone early day by iFlorence McCarthy. V. i' mb si iar practice sinelie Cavanaugli and fi. ('raten, tellsOf, how M Glbe't M. i1tm sn 3311 North drillers on bis tarai in 1908. The gas l.eaiviiuý street, wea r.; an eyebrow muas- ws especialîr noticeable and to teet facile. So 'Oelie be ent to 11adit.on it he used a iaach Io see if if would ro and State sîeets besterday to meet burn. The blaze became s0 rampant r o t ý otng wonianf Detective Sergeants If came near burning the weil dr ilîng .1Il'ints lorho and Frank GilI of town macbinery and fear wes entertaineil hiall station wicomed hirm witii twen- thut ftle Llndwall tar.is b nîjdîngal Z iake y warrants for forgery. wouldbe destroyed. IliecheWsn protested at first, but John Haley, iîartîand l lirrnçi inn laer admi-ted bie bad beconse a pro- drilling a weIt on lis farna more tlvn.~ fe. sional forger because "i'seas'y tv.enty years ago, luad an experience g afl. nmneY." Arnong the victimized banks througil the appearance oh gas be- Rte the Sheridan Trust and -Savilogs. fore fle reouisite velu of water was le Garfield State. Kedzie State, AI- reachod. The two faaims nientioned*y r g, Rogers Park. Chicago and Ceoit mamle near Marengo and ahIe in liine ounty bainitor llinois, Austin Stale. witîî wher-e a strong vein of g48s wss ParlentState, Forrest State. Maywood strucit on the Nolan farta ln Aida a Le irmi the First National batik of Osit formeriy a l'artof the Oliver UdE l L av Krh., Each bank bast train $300 tO ft-. 'lngoing, to abavethis nmustache if i ever get out," sait Brecbeisen. F R E O A The Lakte Cotinty circuit court re- codsshw hat reheze ws en M RCIIANT IS E tenced to Joliet on Nov. 13 , 190 1 On nm indeternIinate sentence. Just bow -ng he served nobody bere seema 10 Word was received ln Vsaukegan înow. The sltmet'ific charge was "at- today of the death et Libsi yvilie S empted burgiat y" the case being bas- Ibis morning of H. S. Hiurlbutt,a ýd on tise Fleming incident. forner resîdent of Wauksgann Mr. Hurîbot as about elghty years of age and had llved ln Lake _flini. .,..ztitions. County ait bis lite. Some thirty There la no musical Instrtument years ago he was a parîner et M. bout whlcb dling saO many qmiP( r ntt0. 5Kucker ln the generil store be tions aldm sPerstitioiis Ils Ille' vlO condîîcted on Geneseestsreet. n. Clie of tlle atramigest la huit beld He uns oTje of the best known y so many people ta thie tolie ot resîdents of the county. 1lhin ta otten Irtpros-et by ils beillig Funeral i tbe home and the Melh- roken sîmmi then mended. It seviwî, ai. odist chsarcb ai Lîhertyville on fot Illem he, but thlet very i, a ta Tliii sday. mette ~ ~ 0 tbu-il fpeý N t;m-itier 26, 18:12, Itlie v mIniiiyu Aerle:î hegan prtýn Il t- tI tip' News Ymrk & Hali ¶heI res offly car wi i:11 hy t-hoise 1:,:- - l 1 mm P- cil 11:1t la Vurt eeýt , :1(e Inde P.;.... Isitois at the, Waukegan utoShwt re cordially invited to make the SALVATION ARMY 'EL your home. Our Cafeteria and Cafe serviie will en at ail hours during the show and will give yoit the there is in good thi.ngs -to eat.' Our large hotel with' eèds, reception room, ladies' rest rooms and. dressing ns, bowling alleys,-and>many other conveniences will ;e this a real home for yo u during your visit to Wauke- our children wiIl be care d for by special- attendan ve then with us when yo u. enjoy the auto show. Nation Arýmy Hotel 3HiERIDAN ROAD ANI) CLAYTON STRLEET. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. 'WE ARE BUT THREZ BLOCKS PROM THE ARMORY. i I I I I I ependent Want Ads Bring Results~ Meet us at the Auto Show Bairrett & Burgett. *Representing E-lgin and Moon MotorCars Terms if Deuired ta. )tite tc*u a a ri-4 on 111 have noié phto FllbeMA~, 'b Myaiy 4src u sporta.nfcaufe 3ihflWiIwho ) -Steam*iton the Ing pieopts orf h lrouriEpment «or 9tani farinera 'Frt-tIay pualme' baieof <ItM 1 10 g b uait i Ot(herme are OM gle ré afralîl t fliefo rhursih foi ilnixtd a-llI bat or Soule of bte 1 Tiserelm a lin Plue laWU or dulu cimile sentI "An>' la* dari lîho et> fde ci laborg predlcfed ltcneaso el 'Vrertsof drain ,1011218woud 1 toà $10 ubder Pr( ir4rodiced la Ul 5(0, Fraisk 0. S'he Presen- $w" enator cet Puy for a menaet abilty i ,slsed se a com imp u »sha âme 1 race or.poitca splinlll. Wh expecta to ask -aeasW Mailly tsasIan that lain hoi mal>' ladiemted <bat 1 a billta ( laLsal the MIutuuU 9 fAillera ln ibov susfd 3o state gapîtol ha. MOON Five-passenger Touring. Seven-passenger Touring. Five-passenger Sedan. Seven-passenger Sedan. Roadster. Motor--Continental Red Seal. Axles--Timken, Igintion-Delco'. Clutch-Borg & Beck. Transmission-Brown &. Lipe., -Universal Joints-Spicer. Carbijretor-Rayfield. Springs--Semi-Elitc Tires-Miller Cords. T ing BT autou -s --N skille I Ser~ - J w, e Phone 1723 Bee Our Dlsplay at the Show. The Exceptional YValue of the NASU SIX. SEDAN ls Plninly Recognized T HAT is made more evident to us Levery day by the commenta of buyers who have carefülly compared closed car values. They are frankin their opinion that the Nash Sedan equals or actuallyý surpasm other sedans coSting $300 to $M0 mome Theybave*iodout theNash Sedan fortbir approvabocauaeitposese those qualii which make their ini- vesment a oompletely mu&uctory oo>-unusual powSe rebiality, spa- cs foiet and notable beauty, of design and finish You wMf find in this car ani actual and exceptions! value inade possbe by thogreatresoumcfteNashM&otors Compaùy, onee< *e strongeàt manu- fàcturing insitLtions ini thé country. PJ-P . $195 vth Coor" u 169.ç vith o.,d ibm C. L. BAIRSTOW AUTO SALES ELGIN The Car of the Hour. Five-passenger Tourng. Four-passenger Scout equipped with dise wheels. Four-passenger Coùifr. Five-passenger Sedan. You are invited tosmake our gar- age your headquarters while at the Show. BARREIT & BURGETT, Grand Aie nue,& Ash. Street. Phone 309. À-à ýwý ýý ýl nts.- -----------