ide to 'he Cae. ýSpOIion or tilt ou t0 attenld the titis week, whea er wilI be Att>'. Waukegan. Ev- nited to atteiid thei tinte an&i y. 6:30 p. mi., at 'ch. RIe stibject Olante ia thosle i1cago calied oit yesterday. 1 teete at 2 oclock Itoriuna - etroit wks a vis- LII3ERTYVI LLE LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT VOLUME \XIX -No.10 LAKE CO. FARMERS INTEREST INPLEA MOR LON6ER LEASEýi INDEPEN'DENT Lake dounty 9.s Big Weekly 4CsufIoaGuatu 1haoIh Weeklies in %,ounty Combined LÎBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSOAY, MARCH 10,1921. Partuers LARE COi.II16HIWAY rPLANJIARD ITI BY oOV-. SMALL WAUE1~NWEEKLY SUN $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVAMI 'SIONED MIL WAUKE TRAIN AT RONDOUT' ON FRIDAY NIGIT Extension of Time to Farm loanta is Suwetion that :mes fromn Springfield taf.irôt i[eke Cuunt%,, nr'uding .otrtuev owners tor farms and the ten uýts tbereai. are much lntî,rested ina ,uggfeton that rompes- trm iSprinx fmU- tt. the- affert that long term fta tA40w. are mu-h, préferabie ta the ,hart taraiimjeî The conditions in; Lake. Count> lare quite similar ta tas.-! n Keadalil cunty, detailfd in the- di, patei wict flloaun .r;prngfleId, I.--A long tîmîr teaiie b(tween the tenant fat-mer and hi. landiord tla dvocted la a rpeent're- part.rf the Kendal countY tarai iur f-au a' te mly eais of coaibating t h. wae la niaitad the- delietion of tara aIld' inrident ta tenant fat-ti sayst. a upa-nIt e uq uai l*â-ela inade foi Only ane year. weej.,it 4iauld be fora ft)bat af -part-. and that il iiq nat now t-oto rr' ran> prov~ision ta be tirade in irh-1tea-i-rogaiding the- rehabihitrtioril ,-f t ht '-il1 1 . rsaid ihat with 55 u-r i-nt i;.r.-n Kîndaii r<îunt> w'.fu'farni * h. pnants rand 'a liii.-prioîartîaf j t.q n, tiof the- Mat. titisi- t- a l and aci . r I a PALATINE WANTS TO DE LEFT ON R"AILROAD MÂP P. L Z. & W. R. R. Stoc'kholders le Decide which Town is to '4q Èbe liminated from Naime !Excessive Price Haits Road . Fu e rmW uea r I PrgramRefud Bi r- rested at Rondout by Rail- LooksFavoableroad Detectives tr-rrîrrtiintraiged witir itaving sten- mailj.rrjý-(ts i Lak (-otItý iýt-l e ail hic ago NM la aukîe and St, Paul a sel.. je- Mî'bk Saliîtîîtay a 1I trr passenger train north baund at Romd- len SatII i iietted tit iil . - i> 1 errr Frida' niglît, were dpaced und&e foiimi (-n.,illtih lmie riI. e,. 'rrri-t alletr a pursuit by railroa< 4e. î<uî ra i n-rr'tcti~ înîit ti- ,,,. t tfise in whieh a tusiliade af sehns nt 1111. bond irote. pnd an Fi-b 1x.5 e rd. Ptd frot kb Nt, 'jet-ted. Dîrectot' af Public Wtt k-ý he ' blii]dbaggage ta Miwaukee tie tW Miller irlbvitit rej"eoilr i-meni btcame ugi>' and itegan to hmil rt'-lot rand the- road building pio, .. tafles tirougli the windows. The tom t"' "-' - umtn arrested deny they were the rrr . tà a tandtilifartiti liit- ~atone thrawers asserting it muet haie [i-tir Bogi~~SaePietertje Propect-tbat's thie eow' i n ltiiW MS, en ht arparoi-lbo îiîitnas Go.Sai] lidrrcrriP( duont 37.381.4 poundsof m11k in one yeara i me Fier dail-y pradîtc- be h oko ml os th imltneusy ov li on l.a&bout 12 galioins. At thteCarnation stock termas.Oconîo- F Faiiawîng tla a it of the mnailes h Woudrow Wno. musunea t ashowu& ai an Investigationi be %rtartî-îilm- woc. WWa.where Seais lives. it la eatld thia in a new corld record were arrested and taken toi Wauke e mdlateiy of the causes it-idineit: it iln gan being locked up in the local laD: t tglprtesnamd b> îi Vcntrîr-rrs - - - ohn Ciskowski. 24 years old-3U3 I. I' e y l Lav Ir m d iasa . Io n iic ted t hta ï tl l have aw ...Lapitan St.. M lw aukee. . Aunual Meetingo maofInMEwyn Canigah,21 erod-fl tire> or Wened n IItonIu i wSt-, Milwaukee., cpmomfureation rdaeigtn lPh en inar l x o w D 0-YIr-Eiwnailigae-ne21 years old-44l7 rdering Itllau o f ilanaver Si., Milwaukee. The goernorshowsthat ho, srineAtthur Wiiius. 23 yasol- 'Ilaf 1119 It,.gd 112,01,1u, mile j i't-hell S. ilake 7U~~~~~~I lb ~~~~~~~wlen t-oin wes $2 a buabei-- The bil.j J U V J I I I L ie e eearetdb .~ me ~ rninure laverage tt _ Cummi ngs and R. H. Brs pe The F rm B reaeagents i the employ of thte fia, le. Inais and $4425o a mile foi- Fgx pI I__ %vith carn ai sixtv cefnts a bustijel in~1, t,.aleitnît itrel gis t-n on 1 r taMiNI' ioIlfr toihie excellent lit', and Eastern raad. CuaiminWOiMe Sy W. E. Wàtknîs tii- -i thI irral andfinIrrmirn ru,-p Four 'rimes Former Colite i r'rd Friday and Sattitday nigir lat vr ember1llaiRondout witen the affair itapyo rrrrr' îpoil oiuli-iiets a-wà, rî.,!tttNilirittn>rc-irt- I-ration wliieh malle a prordîct ion' itfuinr iast.-ned ta his assistance. Tbu M. i-rr. ,r r. lreenni î,-i cr 'r- lrtrtir- ra s f P-rhas tainf Int b- Irt r-4t ilor(Iw.-Lrbtrtrand Paik, %%ts :tde mrt tos ren anid o lttr ic ttn tes rrjtor t-rr \'rtt .r r -rt, 1rrtrt--- rt t t ti;rr , i% ;Ira, r,, ni-,rIrr , - ire n ti,- Iux offii-e: J. S.Grid- itrrtking t -ir -r-ar-but faur stot19e î -r r,',- r,- - rrr r1rt\ rrr a toua irrit. r- ~- anrr V.1'S- irtn rl it Ii- door. andirr rr'rt artt alien frd a Vj---------- r - r rr r,- -ti - iî,or iaiin r' rtO -ur z - ,;in r rt rril itlirra ti r, -rIrr t' - nrrrrrj rtij ir 0', andr ll d j i -it-j rblrrr'metit i-nit. a,- it thl yt-lev1a ali ii dll'llll hý fotrrt-- aa. min itir,Iri otrîiticl ectlnttaruietrîa iis Wc halrtr rrrtl iiStR ond- Àe ...... rIrrrr n Vtt'nolittttht-feilow.r triPod tu j' '- 'r r' rie r S- - . r' rirrt. jr.r j' rt 'rr j rti > n t jr-.I rtPaddock. 6 l-iti n 'r t .rlr jrt r rjrtttrI :I" ' î'rrtrjjijrtt j :. î. - lttt l ti, taLted, J.,' art -euh til f tht' -rii î ir- tinl Iatî a- bî r r r- --'tr -' r- ,, r t fint1W. aI!tl %ý!,- rrr- Ir IS r-î' jrtr j,,Of b% ' r . nl~'- r is itt- rttrI.rr 'N irtjr rrth.- jrOttiri rrjrt i' r-,rh> ti-h i- -anlzt r i,ron hrrîîh gg z, u w S 1Ir 241- 5 ta j Krt'fit - r' ir".rrr' r r-a rr 11,ir1.rrr ' \I ittrnrirr r 5'r j W ik' gtfl. r rje, -io',s. ti-ttitntcharge'oi ti ir itair We have- r r t t rrr - r r - t , ~~1 ý- pijr r -, ttf,rI u! Irr-rrr Sîrrlgtjeid r hu r- -i- nti- b, Cr alr, - ir.t ir- r',t i,'rnr-dth ie rîîonuttif tIre-net pro t.. - -...*.. . 't -- r. rtr. r'-. --r'r-' 't-aairr'r'jr rîttrrrra -t r',-- tri- rtr, un rt jr rrfg det - F arri Itî Irtît î>nr ~'ît-i-r> c-tii but1rrîttcf-hut, bmengt-rt mri iw-r.i .u.ui--t- rsiaetuit r~,i . rlj-trrî il-ti"r. tho-n 5, tcrsa -I r, ltlt prrstrr r' a $5riti atr aIigirtuîder, anti tht- intidi-nîrîl volitîttr i-tit tt' t ulîtîto the rrîln a-lien t irera d sen ut-n - r :ilttr-rIlrrtZ.t-ltrt-r.tIL. lu-t( li r r ritinihtIgit h. d JackiBtiifi)tuttirujs-r-r,- i-rt-i ltfritinii]- at-aknrehacllt-dgt-rtirethetiiundidea piftùrt-tibiariedlla rittur"Bl tndtitefrg itantre arraMg !iVpu I. ,jtn-aiiji il l ioda-tlttil -nz i noiiailabeIugt S :i i t'i a o ,?i-jrr', sIn i l el rn dtirr e d e A y i t r -x eiror 'u k.rr ae-W ltr'ry o r -d a M I IE*fI 't'r ta i lL : ti -P t%%. . rr. rrkr.r . -rr'ani -r i't-t1r%,taoab ri, 1 ii. c r!iI lrrjct ti nd iret t-fr ' ft ltttu r'gruinnettis trute d rintî- rais lo i bll- u dt- s I- k:etrIrrt r- rtrr. r'rrI- taibill andpo r n -r trt-t'iii, tîr lb- drib e r -an . 3rl r.nitu Hetuin attnînrr that hbusiness111l %et r_- rrî- oi îrrll[ irtrif- r eldL-icris. ti r so ir -rrrtir isho fertii" tî oif etrudr t> jr ut ., tr-r rr rrttr i i rilt..- " '- - - - - - , 'r - -rrrtjrrrrrtrj'andl r ta rrtr Sitrait Pavots Co ,orynAStones. r-r brr ,t, ' , trrjîr ' ' - trij- r1'tr -" bi"l-r - o vt l i'iig- -rTn-rl7f rt ea l an t n i g rt o 1 o zt eb sn s Ll- biLr ILri,- r- r rr litrrjttl --j ' - - ' r- 11t ' - -Ir-for r'hr -'-i S t I 't. r ,t' t u n ,'rrrtd ,, 'trrr tt SU RI TE DAiI RE lVE ON BÀi N AKE O UNTY i.-kr- t '711- 'ri ns .1.,IL'Ilt.,'t! rLr r r l. r -r - r ' ' - -R V DIRT -ROÀ- r j .ll' rar.-------- ------------- -Y rlti-----------r, r r '--Ir rt ---o w;r jrrttrr rr Qin lHands of Enqin- trlrr 'r r tic dlrt. - r rr I tt - trr -- - rr -- - .r n'rrr ':' r -'~ ' rt rce inq Co rniinitteec ý-rri 1' . , CAr- ir'tricCrrî i- .rt.j - -- rrrr l jrr r r ira r ' ' r- -- - - j ' - -' , jrl - t '.'-.1rrr - \: . rt trir r ,-'ijr- rr ji -tllI .itinf r t he t -j -I r,:. I-j .,, r L j 'ti rr -r'i r1, r '7 l1n " .t'r ilj,, '! 'r- r t -t It r SIir',rj i ,'r ' - ' r'fir- r, rtr - îtr t'rt'rrr- l rrr tuaitr' rrrj .":, ' r, 1; r r- , .' - ', j t r r, " r sar -\ri r ttiS, --t rt- r,n ritrrt'rîf l , t 'tr t ii-' erjr ILt'! ririt rtL rrrr1r1' 1r-i-r1,rrTit anrrti ggr e si tod- rar, i-le tu]îa 'rî htrî i irjrrrraI silrl ldi i \~' ' a- - nl It -r' r p.r-n rtr!'Il.' r ir n-t r r-j s- .< r arr-r, jr jr, Ilr lr It I r jj , Iir' Clinl' ' r-r , l r r- , i ' i nr rg ete t'aît.i" lçhie \.~~ rti r- ntirrg tt' rr 'r. rrr' "_l--(ILrr lr r, trrr r' ;ttr rr rr:rtrrjr1-r -- '-l' rr rtnrrsritiL.'jnt ljjrr %rjtrri t tjjh'" 'r rr ' ' i jrr - trsnr-Pt jiltrî,trhle i r- t- rre alo - 7h llý hii> d l' h l e bii lji- r*' t a lirodtt utIli)Ut it t ai5 r Il l 1111rr - irt i s i-arn. T I n it î rit tee o 1, - r-rock. i, :in siliil4iýfll tl)t 0 ai- lla e',-t-r Il s a ir e bo i r rrni (I,,t t - g nLerathuti' u i oua, in l s t e o ld lie A C o d .-a nO. r i u n u7ex e i o c a i n . IO b ar t - s rt e d . a n î l . t e r - t m ' , i t i t l , n t r . t r r s - a e b e a o - E l r c 'u r Ip ns- ir e pjro u cLîli ik1, lact - on tire) tirailatII b- e i c Tial la t a itt . e ofjt u 15 'fes ois t--t1rt- tihl ic it tint- if' rt brll Inti duced tu til.t jrr -trtnelr-risofan c rtt- ci> jt talo ssork nul r-toit- solution tîtat 3oarso u. eehretd n, igr-(rigvitite e l vSntrEtrC M U E ASS Eket (zd lie dail->nia t fralV.air T-hi-A. F. B. F. uili nul sois e tht- tutlIti.tht- land. on ti-' nsiik '%nit! i - tht- hope -of tht-cute books. lisjqtaite for this) causes a lot af tallit:big tarmn problema wthn a abattLtme TREASURER Mi in heasîttestsuof tresane direttoi', oftife -Ftox Ris-et- Valeyy -Sut-h imptovetment af earth to$ l oA L O<J ~ ~ t discredît ntlk prouiters. andi t--t-' isoeraet-y mt-ubet shauid bie patient and T C . RîrîtRoficaiinteners othlamrs* k effort sbouid bcetriade b> organized, gise Iheir loyal support ta a pt-gag ii-an 3tIis i..t>,- and Iis set-vit-t-, will i ie tenWî.-aa snlta b e outîld aI> ert un e ow.everand S dairymien tahimg about a bet-lt-tun- outiinei4 for tht-ar good.Y te.H a ee h at ueu oht h otrc o hs r l aveinIfitsi for bidataid Db ATIN(i RO(M; DIE derstanditig -bt-et-n tht- producers W. i Woodin, secretar->-oaitht- Lake FROM A. V. SMITH gowissed, thbastatenh-tni Brauti ias'- ite i antreac ndo tths work It-ttiorg if iths ten made d to ' oandftomtht- titr .ounti nowiprati-opîacdrwititnsa a-gavendathtaworkepos-e or t-pairntetroade undr1 1 consnitra r-ant> Miin rodct-a Aan. g~v- a____ ciiyt-vr>-fader n tt- auny is a, iai te liant campleted aI a ver>' tan>' lng. gradlng. draggiag or 05188. "W-shouid cultivate tht- publie as, short tain trelatives to tht- co-peratian - menfiter Ht- waa always on tht- Jobidate, thus providing a good. navagl- Tht- bill specifis that-the e.qW' Laarghitig and jakîng, NrS. Cora we wili find il pr-ofitable.- Compare' of the bureau and tht-lt association. Three-Fourths of Finies Asses_ and willing la gis-e hie beat taward'athît stage af watt-r in Fox river as superintendent of higbways May ut - - -eeles, d 34. wife of W. G. Nt-i-.- airyif g wilh ctton groi-OWitKgrain as deulonstvtted ini tht- fiik t-ntt-i-lg e led ai-o Nt bîtterlng tht-condition of the- larintrs. 1eIl as the upper lakee for early big discretian direct tht- ihw le. 601 Watt-r street, walkt-d taIlite fsi-mting or tht- gentrai lisestocin bu. deai, etc, dArayPi- Sm o Hssut-ct-seat- ailbe C. S. Rhiodle, sing -snd., of rourse. to maîniain comissioner- of Ry dittrIct rtpeattltg roont af the Victor> Mentot- nears. anti >00 wiil 5ooi sett-that a-e J . Mcaughey of Gurnet- urged Paid Because of Appeals who habt-en t-onnected with tht-Bal-y1 sanie tht-et-i-ar aund. town ta hase tht- work doue. -" ai toptal IMonda>- aftei-nan. AI 4 has-e tht- best artIoatthe- fat-mibusi theireutmitera 10 supprti tht-i- Patmit__Extension Deaartaient ai'tht- Unîver- Tht-plana af te engineering com out fît-st adv'ertisiggth . - i o1lieick' nelur alter-tht- apeîatian ness efl-t in ttarycasu Bureau betlir Ihan tht->'had in tht-tWbt-n the. tonvictionrsfot- vilation ait>' Of Illinois- MMr, Rhodes wili niave.ttillet-fot- irnurdiate work do ont awarding tht- work at publiclettm had bten pt-tfornted, asle was dt-ad. "Thi-ougli r îfat-ut buteaus Weai-'is1t. 0f the prohibitar>' law and tht- asses- taoLiitert>nvlie as soon as ht-t-an maket1 unis-intluda repaiting tht- dam, but Tht- bill further provîdafor She dit-ilwithotît having cot-re Out Of in tposition ta tconfer aith otiter or Se 1. ift iiiiiîadu-nfew ri--ruetf fines began ta pile up it was airangements ta lt-av.-is work rît tht-elan 'diking Sonie u(tht- --t->'lowsirid paymnent of construction or :b rieanat-thetit-. ganizatians on pretcaI nd future bus-'-ii;ti'ks arbouttitre aluri of tht- Fat-m teporlî'd that a lat-ge percentage of University. rr-s %%i! risscleanlng ont and deepening ai an> bridge- part of iwhlch la Mrs. Needies laIraL itee tfor tIre ies,,a bsmtht -iBi-h t-iiureiau îrr lot-ai tarmers. buis affect- tht- fines ptobabit, watld Rtverble col-t u i h- tîs upratc tai lnrourilies. Relative ta suich ast two sreeks. Tht- atlending Il i tantrng to seile-soinettthiun 1rltii iin rrrcultitre bt-loue teitale lt-gis-1 lected. but doubi uuas dlepelled Satur- TELEPHONE COMPANY mi'. isTis work. il is iuped. wili be aller mailing an effort to e;sem tiran bal ini'ormîed lier il wauld ha pas ,' tor'-. rand irossfarinrts tliît-ugh ar- tiay wen Siales Attorney A. V. Smith ASKS ANOTHER BOOST[;r -rtrplisireîi uitiin tht- course of the co-opt-tatiun or an adjointes xeoear>- ta perfori an aperatiof.- Tlhe iJinitis AgjcuIittiaI Ar-roc ru-arnriztiton totihltet needed it-giqiIatirned oset ta cotnty Treasuret loa' -rireIlilinois Bell Teleptirat o -rn t twes , ak nd a-bu-ltwork. of vuitboul 'itct-ris. the- county be Pr rabout a weelc Mrs. Net-dît. -s wa ion a-rît do î'sî'yîhingo nasrist '- te-o 9887 n ayla calne h cino'h il el te i yad-t, rd.tia oc h t il in lied. La-tSundlaY siii- fi-tuti dai t-s iarinrit-but wsurolt re-ietitbett '-ile- od .er-i- r'tlt-tted lfot-tht-1 iltrtiere ut c ahît'kfo r t74ahan i> Irrîs ciiaUt nd ht rion ofthe i crru,ii bi tcinis a, riy adithe t- brild '-ta fart-e ht-aterS rît-lt-r tafndusas able ta gel up. O la i r rvliOn - e od-oiiiý er n wonwne "r'notiwihicue ieaddcino eei)inrtsbfr heo h xeslue t o d«v nir i, ler iir n i at su-tamiir iiel na ns i-' net-t 11c oir rrrur Inîr Isl-jrerrux Iuut -a îrevcr if - tros t ni u Iîllio ub lc1lli- rrulî is e'o tit iiii- ,rtr Illtre- --tc n., in é r con s lIp -t- i. o ie i'p-sii te -01 andi iti hi-r aent considerablt' or ii r tot jr,, u trei - ligs data l irW<'tîuurlrr rtf ,-n n"ou r-desired diest intio ntr 5V iltritti t Ilor r rut of ltnuiii' is'at i T!i oe nbs" rîiiI suai sIighli-muore A, i cn i oft'nte r tsl t, it lep t-toi - -rir rij lhgtn l r r rtL',r -andtji ft'rn"tut-e r FQRGED TAR'S A CHre-1 rne it at j un-piaIjno. ltlrtitt- anîd arut- turu oui' tIi> ittath. I ttn- i-I.rli f th m un f lt 11d ILYVitol ih th lS l ligie 'o r Lv itrn i a> -t î luittrj. - S,' r r u Lake-'fîîrlrr rt h a îun i nrlnlrrr iniir-i rjî'tjri ili i. rf r - r r r.,î nt,. - rt-'îîîîr4Ircs n tti fns rsî'sr iiii ttt ,ai ittr n r-M n.Iut 'n -t' tm 'i'trtr tn H R E I tilt!r,- tr'thet rivroitrt...tir- 'n-rrt - - ' rtlt'atiuî<erlju ut C tilg fon -. ,îrthr trî'asrttîit ij titi' - t, 'jr*- t roi n rîîrîîîtri -r u ssnîrrt> burti rttpilont, tii' r '-' aurtr ts t t-r iti rtiat-s i po %i n-lt-le- rtr iu lic o lac juo 4 nd r_rujLt - r' r r-S. t tj -t i- id tnt t r drurî o .,ir' t îrrr-eus'ini 1r riice! 'jrait-il ri-i tticagot front rin11 iavn t-tn aderan f te li-Aifesiil u i jb s$3.50 h-n', ht-caman>setks mothl'1 amttj f tt- allwiniLae ctmt, Pcir' 'rjîu, sii tpntl ileufu aliait-salezid bA viIý nd ( nte uSiesd ws gn-exenss t it site >lorey a- -ph 7th-,, payls laninrt-st I't-illgeiaFox ekethillia tebte alaesWhk-ae frt st wa b-ief tin ofcan e wskad t (e l- rIlsbl e ahv aep t-h lirt andliite ami e Josept llaf 5c- alot- athbu Ines an rtel Etnet Inleie; Ira ile, Antloeh; nent - -b- iaY ebtlis-aita 'M s; te tisonleornle ationa l is dentati t-, liaili1is oft6,000uut] chedkand Mrie fraudait-Bt r- -tota BSids lir lvistnd n reid(Lrcephons i, r-rte CdES b- lits