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Libertyville Independent, 10 Mar 1921, p. 10

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OPffICIAL P#EONi 6 . EGULAR DE4z»M3ER EBSION OFVTRE LAKE COUNTY BOARD 0F SUPERVISDRS HELD 1 N THE COURT HOUSE WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS 'Waukegan, M1., Dec. le. 1920 Opinion that coîupa""Iatlsaould ha & illard mmt l rgalajmioa at the paN for the hoefleât avld dwandsa sup.rvh .Ieroou lic Court Houae chili. for thse injuries reaultig ini tic la tâ*e'Cf* et Waukegaia. Coantj of teath et masi ssxplyeu. laS.aid tatg oS m inoiutiChair. ItOW TItMUPOI3. E'IT lRE. f"OSu Iaovprealdh« ndmithe oi- 1SOLVZD hi ticdeard ofSuperviaora * olsm-sbr prit: h3pervluora <et LaS.Coquty, IRWI&ea Dalrtov, Dannlale Brovwn- Austin. SECTIONý 1. Tiat Laie, Couuty. Crao. 31 dger, F4«, Picie. Hoflrtie. îIlliois, acting by Its Doati et laper- MIhlnel. utton, Nitraciier. Maetber, visera luaulaWr mmeetIMg met und Ilarttun.*Mueyer. uaan; Murphy. Me- asehle&. heroby clouta'ta provide Cleoitigi. Obee. O'Connor Padok, aid'- puy compenatin uaifr acteia juiaai, Stratton. Tiaupson, Vercoe. injuries sutajci by WauhmaUL.81u1: Webb o0f Antioch, Webb of Waukegan tisi, arisut eut ô(t aid là Ïtii course '17. of itis empljmett. la aeoor&aaee vth .Minutes of proceeding meeting read th provisio0f au Act ofthlb. en- " il' uffl n otion of super-vser Mue- eral Asftmbly afthfe State of Illiois, ther.appOvCd.entitied: supervlsor Vercoe-, cis.rsiian of the An Act te, amead an Act entitled: plsance Committie. submiltted tie foi- .An Act ta *prooote the 8eneral vel- lovini repart: # tare of tise People eftishis fia. 1w' Waukegan. iI., Dec. Ird L 1920 providlng comp-esation for accidentai Te the Honorable Board of SuPervilq- injiuries ar deatth oufred lu the course orm et the County et Lake. Staf e d uf enmployaient uluin d1i. state; pro Ifiluls. ~ sIhnlfor f ieiinorccméat andiad- COustjmen: Tise undersigned Çoan ininltertng thereof, andia penalty for t«,MmriàgtIse Fintance C00'ltivilation, andi ebealisl a:Ar James 0. Weci, Siates aAttorniey andi erai velfare pf tic peuple et Li Du, 7,Oten Sheruf. l. ta vb as ii State by proviing compnosation fer veferroithe matter Of peYmaRt Of COM- accidentai injuiries or desth suferadinl * posioatlof for injuries. reultinginlutle tise course et ompioament. approvai uéahletfWilliam Skultiskl, otherwise Jvne 110, 1911. la force Mar 1. i»W. uovu as William Hana, vIlie In npprovddi3u»e 15, 1911. la, fonce laiy Iboemmomcit of the COUtit> respect- lot, 1917, as subseqàenitly ammedi. tjly suimit thse falaing repart: SECTION 2. That there be pald la Wc report In accordatuce vitb tise 'Ana .kutizki. Adielnutratrix ai urlîlcua opinion 'of James G. Weleh, thcesate àf William >L. SkuIzki, State's Attoney. vhich. la attacisci - eceased, upon recolpt of a certifleti -'damiiai a part isereof. tiat we founi capy of ain<rier te b.en"tereul la thse î logal liablly 0 etha partoftLake, Count>' Court 0f 'Lake Couaty, Illiis, Contj 10 pay'cdiipoelautiai for.inlur- proyidlng for tbic-setteifeuqt luahMllot -lu 41it 1g klis-ieti, -44 ai- do. ai t -dims aggiu« -thstic 'eat, -Otosa et codent. En t a cul t Injuries causlng *'lie deati of ,, We tfurther report that v.inRlai sd decedent lb.esmm of Tice Thou- uadi decodit vau a lrust-vortiy. daur- anal Seven Hundreid.Fltt>'($3750) aeoqs. ~mat. and courteous m- Dolîr ng. pkiqoele the Countypriar teaBmmi t, SECTION 3, This rumlution saai t t ~ ils.ot-hla deati. Fiat tic vèrYl'yie in full farce and éofer.'front and Xat«#-Of ifsempb0oyment reidere4,lt after thse date et la paoege, -, ou us ati ly. buaaeus gccPatlofl. Siparvlmor Vserom mvaitbait tu aa0tbat$Md iscedent wum t'cbarge- reportud reagutio ho apepeiau Saie vib t egilgeuce heM ie e e lia adaptai. Moto tl&mrlad tlo, l l.aliag auj genter chaces lJames ., .Weleb adirMdlth,. 'b tteugsaMad reqlrneuret B oard la regard te buvias lbhe Plat o 1 Ida eocupÉiuM vrraited Or reQui1ed Gramd Viov Addition apputd. . aali oWdftedeut icileavlung hlm Suparvlmor8r . ove that'tho Plat a uIsu ani a chili Of aPPrOximateli' b. rfeérred tute iBamp lAudm Cornu - -Menliof mge, vitis l'O viible mttmoe aid Supervlspr Webb et Amiti- moëe. . s upport and ln neci>' cm- ach for a report ai tifs meeting. Mo- "eutmca it In aur opinion tion tirriei. iliue le a meoral obligation on the Supervluqr'laroun noei liaI tho paý r t ele onnty la pay compenisa- matter of parchaslag supplies for lie tigila this case, -in accardance vîit State'a Attornoy bie et t lth le pur- tb, uavolslaueofthliaWorkmes's Corn- chuaigCommlttco vaLu povrer tg art Pou"" eSAct et lhiistaste. Motiona carrlei.1t Tou Ciniiteofurlur 1patstbait The .folouing Çommunlatlosu vere Laie-Cou l arnempoye ascou- pffsentoiand on mollo.neOfSeporvisor ~Irod p ti. rt qustin. idtiat CrA»pO uterred te thileConaty Paruo the deosiont un ai omployae of the Comiatt..: Comty et thionsrnet it lsdeati.-Tluat .Wasakegau. , t.De.191- ft la the 0911dlnof etjur COmuntte To thse County Poaea Commlttie of thea tInt Seoiomatlan c4sa hoe lavfully, Li*e Couaiy Board et Superrimors. suède luabl...came, b> lie .CouniY leet- 1Centleuuct:. Uniderataiding tilat you lug te biaug Reit unier tic provia- are te empigy aàmm to, taie charge lm et fu netclltrillais u. and ta af tise Cousity VPasu, I veauleta pa o uaatia lua ccoriance tierO- lb. conaldered ai applicait for tbe pô. viaii.miltiona, If the 5onuinuitibn tu Slcleiit teur comifteeo tiorefore respect- for tbe reaponsiblhlty. 1 lire m Sheri- sJ»lprU .t at it rocaminands tiat dan iRoad, on a tarm > soutb oet Mon etimpomaauioc be peud la accardanc CiLty. and am employai b>'tise Couty à wliitictherovWsosie of the Work.mes aHlghway Departuent st tise present oumpMmatia Act of, tis State. for tisue. fat$u$u segutiug In thse death of WUl- Youra respeeltuly, lut.. Sulzu w visle ai emplayee 0f PHILO BURGESS. ti. Ceuty. aid liai a resolution te Waukegan, Uti., Dce. 2, 1920) thait edcct wvilchIolsubmittei here- Board of Supervisora of Laie Couuiy. s vii.b, bedepted b>' thu Board. Waukegan, Illinois. , 1 "epeçtfuly subnitted. Rirs: As you are about 10 appoint S A. W. VERCOE. a nov manager for thse Lake County JAMES O'CONNO1. Pru ait Lhelyvlle. te taie lie place t af C. W. IMTER.. of S. Appleyl, ubo reently passai Vurnbori et lie Fintance Comm ittee ava>'. 1 viis >ou vauli consîder myu JANES G, WELCH. -appletlosa for <bt position, I have c ilinties Attorney' Lu andi for LaS. been on the Waukagmn police force miI osutj. IlIpala. "- iumber of jeans uaidcaua suppi>'youen Wankegan. lit., Dec. 3. 1990 vIt a good recajamendatlon fur failli- i TIl Mis. Vercoe, Mayer and O'Coiu- fuines a leservice. Hapi n eeau sej A »Or, Finanace Cornmittee. Couttjy our vay dean te appoint me Râ mia-e Board. Waukegan. 11). ' ager. Thankiing yau In advance fqr Genteme: Rlative ta tihe iabili- this.favor. 1 romain, > 1tro Laite Cunot>' as an employer aie- Yours respectfuilyt ,cr h'Leprovlsimna ofthtiiWorknuen'd VTIOS. IIOOTII. à - tOotffl»ation Act tof tha State, for in- 'ihertyvilie, Ili.; lov. 20, 1920 h 4ý tartes eulnx ttle deati of William i.. Board of Supervîsors, Lake. CaQti.i t~SkJtaS e tlerwiîe kuown as Wi- Getlemen: As Il iuecoenes noces-a ---lia Houria, on thse cernent road 011- seiry for a nov appointiei of a mon-a meli,Ibo 1 8-30 îtt.A gn uily 25 a"4-euprl tdutot-ieCom ii*.. 180b eg te guimit the followieg: t>' Pau-ns and as thia Semer et thus b ' la.unj opinion suid deedent vas not note la desirous of, aid la seeklng Ibist engaed ion lcat af the Count y, hInposition. 1I tel tint jour xsouaderlng f, -~- Such a.ieaterpr-Iee or husiéas. Râ5 the application of Mr. Henry Lavree 1 voqld cause tie provisions of tic 5çt whlia sa leen ciuected foitbe *ark I taep"y autornntically, andl witilout and la mare thon ai eordinary 'mue for à ofcin ta ils dcave, and 0'eieupoflt tus Pince. He vas lu our Omplo>' furf ereate ýa legail iabiIitY - , part of about tua jeana andi tlrough our nec- lths Couty. cammendaflaus look charge oetttic lb. Cousty coue, tiin the terna Tbornhry Fr=. W. cialier hlsL 1 @»oo*,aguai liu sai act and thae honeRt. lrutwortiy, andi caraflul and f 4etaleat vas an eusployee oi tic a gfcaifaim mai, beaides' a aptendîi Cutt>' at.lic timo ho neceive totk-er. Witha cud co-operetion ila t - injurrisi tins la he s ath. Wul the persan et Mrm.Lavroece, boli of a tuhjuy tpiion thons Irino legs' Ililt. vhom area'bove rap>'aaab. ~ty oui thc prt'of tih Count> ta 1I fel sure jour congideratlon of <- easuio laLui -cs..unier tie1Mr Laurnce viiib. mppww .ibyqll 1 1WUY15fl Of <t 1h15 et. novantlOl5,Of ti ePela vire Ssiov hlma sd liet efflVcimalue oi el ullly ?»Mrmae taxpuerf i e ettiabg vai. aeir-4 Y ip te cotj tbrough Ilsn Cquâtir d. "Tiaing Fou fer tis considéra-j »oiê e etig teprurvileabd psy tios,-I remain,- oc*om: snaa te la lii aialj eortic de- TOM areapectirully.09 Sfat oitoi IL aovl~le-trs .A. BISEOF. t 0" M prevlslonsut ofthea dit etbeiioOae- l.rtjviger. I., Nov.8M. 19210' -Ïhi àmsmbty pf ai liti Ia. gaieiUYlChalraqs Por Pansa. 1 ]Umhm* us lie waiSuen*i compnae Tila ertiles that t bave hope M t. tàa*t" kmA.nisrratamend& eti fan a. ltoay Lavrenone fer lr tbla mue ver» biefuualvitiithtipie-jcura ant i - ieboumdeieU i t,7_1 iiéeo et tio Compnsation Act î%oïs 1 perectY baxetbuat ilgeai voaS. spendtoc but a sein moeu e me Ne >in Rat clan vetbsr. igagu» work up cani lua rafli tlMy am neat &bout a tarm. lie uiVu the pe cuitar eonditUons gwew « au Nu the eh miand dcrepi mail IMpkleu mate. ot aur fer». au dom bâ * Wi and'i feel that ho ea go. ou vitithe iuactlcalMmd amaibli&4tmhbetmbap pUly prevrahing under fichait.,AWsy He wlU b. faitfui and bonnet. ra» 'Mtiha- tblu letter at tUne maatiosel one oft1'ti god OetIeu et 'lberty vrille Who viii ail af ue vatath« là etltutlob ta be ably a" Mi ratcfl rua. Very rg.pecttully. 8. IL SWaH?î chiage .Nv.24. 1930 Ta the Cins rmiak leke Cousty Pour lIm air : Mr. llemry 14vf.eE ino lu anu *PlOU3t for iM position, W fup*mltemt eof the lagekeCoutr PorFarua, vi a u ujeujiy-for-a periai of eîght joa' Md »revei iii. seon a capable. bonedt and efficient Mau la the Mauamemt tfuMY tarin l'am tmf*smt ..l AteCountty Farta la place« la bs blu4aA'g e vill flot oily provo toJtbf, te the tfruit lu- posai, but vIii adive Mocite that wvi tuly lustlj h# a m" e$4a fer tIr place. Teonu truly, 3.ELH.&LNp. - Tiie foÙovuugcommuacatlos vu preumteil a"i ou motiof etupervia or Maether geeri'ed UV t» P.11u d Bridée Cammlttee: laite Zurich el. uy lelu0 Honorable Boardl et Superviears et Lake 'Count.iuitl. W., the ComiSiteé et Coumty lest OtitlalaAssociation r.qu.t jour honorabtleBoauit tebol a leader kteIl ,wlth tbc trucksY" uev ave. Iraq lookumg ut the Iarne va hhla& thei A» a goud thlng If equlpjped vlth a lae and dump 'boite, s he aUme ou tis ather tua. W. aise wequeat pour, Rouerbu Board te buer aholhe uaeta se with grader jeéu noir baad as tbey are very haslly zijeda th le Vounity. .The que wvii.na .douaruherW-e ear the work that i n tbi te ho doue la the County thia 'oar. FRED ornUMI IMRANK DUNN, P.J.0BYH Rt. W.- Churchill. Probation Offiea et thd Circuit Court, preecîta lhe fol. iowlog repoijt. SERMI.ANRtIAL REPOR'T 0F PRO. RATION OPICIER Te thé Honorable, the Boardi fsuper- vio.,.of theéCeuaty et Lake iu the stat.et orimelus. omtleàie: 1 beg mv. te mimil te yegr Hoorabl e dytua. My ose uni seui-annual report as Preftim Ober et Laits Coucty lu % tata.e o Thie report envers tfra-m-acli, »210 te October let, 1920, during ilLg ime tii. tollovng cames bave be.. baqgd by Mie ai Plobation 0010cr: ,Peue.vu. iMliton Kebrte uuuictuct fer l8aaY, Pueivu. William J. Zuejer. la- licticent for ti-anporting latOxlictlig hiquei. 1 People va. James Oullfoyio. hndict- .ment for linanppo*tiag ntexlcatig liquars. Pnople vu. lameà P. Damaiisr. lndlct- ment for trapi5pqrtting htoxtcating liquors. People va. Joba Mocaai. lndict- mnut for larceny. People va. James l'bom Sisson. lu- ditment for burglary. People vu. William Paiend. Imuet- mient i lafcemy. Peuple va, Joaepl Meredith. hn#ict- mient for embezaicmmit. People va. Aston Chlck and Jack Smith. Iridictmuut for burgiar. Onie etofutwhieg cies aI bave at- taee a detallai report. lai addition te thie 1 bave hecu culici upas by the. Probation Office, of Cook Conaty ta visit and report- on tva paroled prisoucrs trou Cook Couaty, and al" have berna .eafleiupon ta make investigations lad reporte ona home twenty dellinquent girls non, in Lake County, aid parolidtram Lbe sehool et St. Charles. 1 have Sept la close toucb with ecvery>persan Duo1sd to me exeept. Kohrt. (ses case Ne. 2 attached). <Iullfoyie and Danaber have net been very laftbrul #bout mak- .ng1 their payaitent fcaste and fine as proviedf and i bave made consider- able effort te have tliem te-arrested and Reale laeed in i _ii.4 report however, thetl bellevre tbere are ex- tenuatlng clreumstances as ta Giail- foyle. Zweyer. Keoschak, Sisson, Vriea nd Mleredith have ecc comn- plled vitti ail taris of their probation, and 1 bave reported ta thse Court for tloir diacharge. 1 maka ne detalled report et tima axpcnied 1w me, an jour Honorable Board have tlxed thei. mU etti.of- Ii foi 1926 Et the sum af 1800.00. wblcb la vo?>' fair, and camienauftte it ti înad attention lbvalved. 1 Msat auspecffuhlY requeatt luet pOU vii ft tte .alarj fer thi.e muhug' jef. Il will give me plezurota appu before jour Honorable -Board at &»Y ime. 'iben reuinestEl, ssi awer auj qusonsmuregarias the iwork hnvolvei,- lu ti.office, ami MY cfiptOt -lt. i bave atfeched a short repoti as oaud pnjsaner paled tôrýme.dattes the perlÏd caverai. vhiel eniy lukea lu s rogulair term of court, beins the »ateé& Octoble Dut . .1920. Rempecttfully gamlîe4. IL W. CIMRCI1LI34 Probation Omeier. '41imellaa, k os.ia- e0mas.or tuatrwia, i:ââ4 tob he e pipsîttt oag f Lakecoeulrty, CuabailSsia mgs.-t tlatheCor' ta mdIlnl. , "uâ iie drees e S oirai .tir&elt, ulpeet reco rd ssii -bill et OxcecLlons mgB'T O, 1LIÇI rard 10 lan utapipnac sa le- Caaty lTretomrrpreweing -dtraft -0f bill of exeeptioho S aigl aso Wre ed-smers latluu ha te--- oflrier : L J. iiath"l«ISedacl s- Oait' utLai J. cicv rM« foriniia. eter o lu- SuervqeEatioee lu ic tie ftact. s, ai In Itrial court te, I lctuent ii«tnJlutxlatut Teâfilovlng.peUtiosa vas poirtha efurei a Çeid t eor smuids-y oîtud palais. parlicasi- rting Tic on Shttulousa t he Mile leriM. MO. à-Ith foriofpelice. sent a.u b Cl MbU&refir r ai teu "« 0 a1lads Vo t- Iim- sqW&.grit e W- sriedlivelti 180.Tila amIe, b>' chairrnaa aurtov: The lâovlug comnmuications voie mallin tassis; sqa lever bbt 'wce- * resiihs C lq u, » la o mco av' TZ OP IINois presetmt:ceule a iita 1 lraia il te rni»eort..1ava Made alm r "sU- 1s.- Déube T 93.Iran frajetera vio ovarie ut saim g aïlos. ad i lat hla temploi Couuty 0f Lai. r.4li Déoco.cmbeir 7. »Mnajae tsraffa.id abi -ho Obiale iroguirlj hi- a lai-ntoperatiuug tisi Te thse Honoale ethe e Mr.s s r C uaialttee, cuaty oatttif e ' tbmgahall ' ic uef Li eot>' I l aalodyniik rivr.Tise order visons« toi asCony et Laie 'Andti nt>'. HuModtParS. Iln. court vil coeuuser>'enxamuats.et et parole di net provide ton hua pply- I Blte or llluolu: , 1 è Y Mar Mr. VerOÏW - lauRad pratice points pertinent te I«g My leeor cents, g e le m bot Yeur petltloaor. Oiver Mo.vé rvtamimr soatasfr1cfielun aevu ekc sE app«t0te aie asa nnoft dêj rIn- nprsat -a MeadIOIRh. bttIi riade snd wl b an snu la ue14.18,11,19Wng1,2,84.21,14 assaionthm tlk sJtSt. 1 shall tbes-ere leeusdairhleclreeu, hve son lttat is14t.h é 14. luM'LO,7S1, 1. tel, 2.1 4, te1ma ti W uldte the. court laha b. tho isni à1aisi emm lmth lulvth tae i ogu.tuh.u.mhow3,84 i 4 *a et the October Taos.120 oa! tuats I" feur (> lmiLp 45aThe oal. WW -émnId .1» 1ui evW Md il. ncueclnut le itIle CrcitCort f ak dont ci norti Rang Uathe o u r rth a- e.a n am'eboadfl for, Clert'airanscnIpt or rec .ord. gerttng ~ h ai CIcut CuntetLmk Cosit',cipi Mriianau~lieNoti eat eu 4 'Vie a uses ,111Oflme r«deayor IOins len fpprema tWest"e l «Mles. ltial-IODM 1011 tl et ailîtraét e IIIATE Or ILLINOIS ian Rig a.remalBust\ctthé NId tynOCnlion ihat'ord fer pi- iiùg amidzsl-îie«â uas Principal NIridaa, for over ftony- Le vr spupit te c UMiitice for brlert li vtlg re litgit eaa.'Fb.unofaiLakebe ifaj 314P Fr-P nam aendlunte the pris ig t i Pe ope Lit.1es Ou lfole aeuired b>' domi dalta Ncvember U oaseia Umuqpeasert là tic Elgh- %asise la ing brief; an' li2>' . .y Iictuamt for TnsPortlug LUquor 1926. ait lie untcrest et Sali'oi tlmdu ** àna*eotot.î,2.3;uokdoevleo aais Il PanoflodNov. 20th, 1919. The order John Net lau maitotbtiaboya lsciib: bdvbk-d u7tiarserlWu idslatloatln Aiueut, and on Setuteauber'. 4. .7. ut -paole provided for the paysnent of1rouiasate ia egetrpr smn rsto$0 ht efra 8 .11 i 1 M ilieaminout, b>' nuonthsi>pajmentt. of saidreai csta ela evauup aLo aven reiord i b is tb«' » lie Il'S. 9. variasdonli.laessaigSIen- le Thse deoatianntcae payments aet8M.00 flournilaid; thâan ai etald reel cetale tutranuk aulcui b o' m p*rluldetehnal ud it ob.l pmr mtb unti Febrear>' 20. but= C Ii.h" la net aver4-titArei ~y geo*. 9 "tehai nul citeT tlerein and lai pncpariug replï tuatt Ure hasneModae ny YU ten d 1isile ovusi hi jyur eLlLo-r ilee expuetei t e UMbImdi ft:1 aitbaff et Coulai>' colletorern (O- _Ça Jun 71b, 1920, I cause a van- ssiikpi. b>'direct cilni et tle trezeCase je, tic 9MevMma a at oe 1 ..il..... si ant for iuarremtta b. héued and tic Uta iLettas Goveament. Tour Wv anulprepuf e de * as leSattend- liif deiflrdIo tise Sheriff of Cook Coun- Ipetitioner Surlier represeis tiadot lia court a ~sp<anmiciiho a ti, -Ubsavam tom 'a ble taget serv- ]la deoîrasaof obtatrng trou the Cmiiiutre N.31 nga ttthe aliroasi far- ne suoing 10e, e w arrant, but hwiaother cau.l y af Lakte a -quit ciaionded tu ai l sa vaiN ha Ili on itaamt re..teani. f nom Walkeggrn - d a*tb l ie lrus ofices um Pfflus. o#j fssal&ts-sitdesecrb.d reat es#lir pcieetl.Wé6 ensu ~iae.fBfe - 20 mit tic finnd m oa. This nuakes sucb teniss as ta hite Boar as-il gedasepoudig la nI a w 'court.h Le i11Wausosaasai.- 15I5.00wvilch biahbeau peid, andas. tise 11. t.m ui i.u.. uaibeur ton trunscripi t illmà1douii làmiti l tiseaË ,epoe iWhoî st bhani ot paih he liupetittier turtier jlyis tgliefr ieai. R eoed t".t lis'$ Of oP li tiu timi lud o tiqer oisnet elaazythe oar ofBupm»reoft e u%- spmd tIb a Une Mipue for "01LabillI ofex re f 1l. 1 su et the opinion bat tise de- <y of Lake aid flut.e « JfljjaMol ii bj re tifuraby rqit ill ai b,.,ceptl» ...... i.. tZ94 9 >ndant b egsfiene ýpunlish- api uad proper neaolutloIirnect the »eots "mfllas i Wa a [u distance j il.d and shal recommeua ta tise court Cissirmusuasd Cerk te eeute, £cS fl cuse UW l te pemuesig daey, thenkaa!ie thlai h o fthe balanceand centes ielda.aid deliver a dusd le jour and_ vas aientte estala#1aIofet his 1suean off.. .l b. lereuittesi, and that ho lue dislslarg- petitioner te the ireanluesfirai aboyé lîigllsai pas* objscloemviliout t bs- Pauid ln .....e.. i ii t.descrlboi. - tie en iats. Tbc uriter theoe up teeCur ...."2 la the Circuit Court of Laits Ceunt>',OLIVERIL MO1. îeîted ulttbeE. ni »niParS ce u ntcCut ht 1I a, fotljets. October Teres A. 0. 1923 'Pétiion-r vas diffU«ent hrmu e Wauskegau - h.19B p 9PATE O? ILLINOIS STATE 0F ILLINOIS 1ascase mnd obs ie e 0ea inl* Is . C r Cedit- Ir 0fLit Csn>'esaie i& witi.utptoludio breaa of ethe . aCouaty fLat Jn fLaecouil rt'. p uoqij aa ecoi ecllonScPt. 4, 90tiZOIveal.. l9Sinq i Piie s.Jaes P. Diinahlen Olier fi<ok brIlug.P$Mt dy loX &têW0ew AM-o 0 I»ietnuent for Tssote ntxct aioath, deposcsanmd soas tiai tic jugse pern ooe dctle tiala rqueut 1 91 Ang Liquons matters andd Lulea uatei in th e e-but urgei tin tbeticmtuaoyn 5tilu-1 isarun'fFnse Comî Tedéfendent wis parolai Nov. 20. gointn~ tillen by him subscrlbedarc li ti. ath e lmau er t. » Ilime imn o nnieViimtd 1919. -The order of !parals pnoviied truc Ia substace ani lact. vithout gubit lireughlihieros Ba-io.'iI-uias.Lteoa>. that hé pair tisefine sud conte luy OLIVER 1100K. ueeaof r "a stise. 1= ' uiîl"Illinisl. smuh>' ypayme2ti. Hli asnet ma4e Suluacrlbed ami avenu Io bqfore me aouoliegnr u smls Désir Sir: 1Iehei lo taasitai ~BmdMY accouat il isLake. toiai ' bl tour pajisent s, $20-00 ila-ail, and Lii Ittiday of Decusnber, A. V.. OtisailUtle Npro ice Of t»Highla4.Roy'W. Broier , b-ue I bua bat been at ail taltluful lnbils ne- 1910. e telv ethas tjR a vaelufi. bah maslit perla tcime. AN .RIL.Pari ra ie.ahuffl le em soia l lame iLl ,192. cau.ed a warrant (fiFALI ' Notai>' Public at e. Houg ~,wh eufi aniePer-î1tine rectved......3.0 fer l arreat to.be imsued andi de- aav. A. Hésitée. Coucty Clerk, -mai- ao.a'badi decideté tie **-OrrOf I&e lvar e othe Sierif aof Cook Caunt>'. mittei the following repart: tie eijertoa, A"mXea rs .>>yi mlte 97%ui. but havohlever beau able ta get serv- STAT OIP ILLINOIS îj lhe DSurX4 e tais i n es111Ifl l ature ofrthe ervesraClOSendesit slii lm, is"a1ihave anather varrant ln- 0à the Bupréme court Va bai ta huilt alu.e b e-le -ne-u afl nced uthIbistrui cf lie caurt, anti Count>' of Laite J p aM apeal reosga (trou VinsiotI matter aMi Lb. chancste case ruwhuag maie aidfort to have hlm brougbt 1. 1ev. A. Hfflice, CouAty ClerS have han tormanylnty mrdaed 18 Mt ofCtheie mie action of tic'e-ard.or oiale jil, for volation of thé.san( Cerk oftheiaCoanty Court la and galmni41f«%à "acul R e vw'g I ouJi neecttully vols r ternisorfbig pasole. for Lakte Coumiy. 04ihlet, bereviti i]y ieen intieo* i. ThèbillO esI jeu te sayformner communication ,rela- là tune Circuit Court et Laite Count,, ubliait lie follOwag report Of Mn-ceptâas. theretore bal te.hb. ulît proi- tire le the sauc suhieçt maiter. hhsuadtu. Otebrersm. A. D., 1920 logs, seceipts, and oxpildiilmre et ticlaiyqat et viol. clti bylie aire. Tours very reperitully. STATzroF iiLixLNÔS- ii>'office for ami dus-ang the boit jear mlleelthtc e M mtalttonfcju as te AJtTIIt lIKl.rv. endlng December f4ti 1920., vit sboula b. coniderci before Si-e SSuperviser filiger loi-i týthetu Couutj fu'ite J1'Receivei rýcourt Up nsictriol. We speutbil% b.eallowei. iMotsi srarni. Peuple va. loba Keelcak - previmi ualy n ayp i. onerrlng ulti tie fonrý*9SPtipes-vii Irner maYa-iletad-, Isidlcltuont for Larcen>' Earned. Receisasi. ieportsd. or fise attoineys vie reented tho jo»urfi unfl 16 oçioeki omcrYrov ou Pefesitiant pitoleti '.. nt, 190. ProbeS. objeetorate gag Iheur comillent ta tise iig. Motlgn searici. RemieinluCicago. Bas Sept order tof FA-es $- 2,117-75 8 711.45 11,110.80 contents aï ti&bun fiÏ cdtioeaa, the waukelraul. 1. l)t..15. 1920 Cparole Maie restitution us onderci. Lau préparation et vilok tiestert bécotet Iloard met pussuant ta adjonrmcuu Shanl recOmmendIlle. disclange. Fre" . 140150 140.50 55.00 a aaatter et venir comidroble laluor le-, viti Chais-uan Bairstow tîr,, iag sai la te .Circuit Court of Laite County, Mimi tn tbeceacmal-J ipe lefloIn ebr repi:Sp Illifoif Octberrm, _D. em lileoâ îig -as la ummalltheiese.. vas urvîmors Anatln, Bairyaov. Bamniaîîbe, STATE OP ILLINOIS I ees 19,00-O99 2,4-869 7,921.60 aise neeeauary te ebtaun a stipulation Brava. -rapDAs'I)Itgcr, Eger. liie, Cout>'0f~. sa - tru m e »sat mtifls',molIat. oliridgo. IlllaSoin, Huilon, 'Klsu,>. Cony fLae 1 3 859-24 $3.543.90 -.0*1,20 ueh »tvriao jecion.eua. tmene no. Maalher, Martin, lMeyer, Itnahama. People vs- Charles Fluomas Slogan' ~ ape-Jcoul b. Itaien: te i flneiNe Mrpy, MeCuhiaugs; Ob"eO'Connsor. iîuctmsatto Duglaj.Cour telad«ai etroievet l ol viii Paddock, Ringduhi.Stratton. Tiemîs- Parol en frMaroil Lu. 2. Total receis cd---------..12.130.9 pVevbtpw »U Mt t here in lfouror ion. Webblof t lotb, Vefeco. W(.hi heen lu a llabut 6 moenthseven Par- saiii7j...........500s.0e ltys groupa et Objector nsondamer the, of WauSsgan-!7. lrss oi ed.. On. hisrelease trout 'ha Navy Clufk ie ....5.734.00 onae ml ratiu enégronp's olpectlaita Muates of Preccs-diutiifin -a I pernutteà hlm ta nitunu ta bis par- Office Eq"ess 7.12154-61 vOUWbstada se iparte ae requIrnud upan'-mosionuot Slip( t '-ja qtr- ente at Bihnahampton, N4. T-9 aid bave t lg a sparateo ptuionla or4oe ta sairelauy apgroved. biti the icat reporte tram hlm tisoru. $7,21.61 7.288.51 th, eposons vieS weuld avc ibe- fiuPes-vor ilognse med itaf the I have Sept in tlnchs vîth i bis lough lsvovei tu taileg separate atPesilstr aiter of'Acqs5ticai Treainment of the is emplayerndsfiai that ietu tBalancee due eOsiatY . ..15,342.39 vith separate records. abstractoandaidtreuit Court Rogmnlb. rets rr.,d ta Il* doua well. -Thee erm of his parole ex- Reapecttsslj subultici . briefs, va gelthticvarie"s staornaja BIldigsuad Gravai(Coemiita'i for pirei Oct. 1. 1920 andi1iasoai reom- LEW. A. LIENDEE, Clerk. la causant te @7*onaoiftlon et ail of a report at the Merck umerisus 'Mit- men tit h hoilshared.STATE 0P ILLINOIS ') theobifftlmsue noe»un eaiulagandtielin cairici. le tie Circuit Court et Lakte Couct>', l n ru.Hvvr il gl -.SprirEe it~liîm ilini. ctbr er%-A D,190 Couaty of USake oirel nnios ectfesocès uli htise- Bluidigs and Croundl Coumîîce be STATE OP ILLiNOIS1 Lau. A. Menice, Cmty Cdes-Sand lerent attorneys te ohtaia a. gre.jreqneatta ,,,,rctn,,,t, liseventila. 0fLi sClerk of theCOuty Court hiettiuliment bhtveeu tlieon amte Lth orm o tuf Ien sYstenm rcentlY iaataled. ani ne. Countdpoesad al 'a w litee ttPulati nd" W, h" h Le oluid-:,por at tlit meeting. Motion a a,.nled. People va. William Friend going report telntaui Wtt i in e.Cnolns.Ald u ss ~t>IrApe.Tnpr Idcmetfor Larcon'. tient oftbils Snovltdg@, informuation anud soulu l ave heen, doee lite trial Supertendent orftheIc Lkn-fc l, t> Parolci te me Mas-c i ti, 1920. lIas bellef. court betnnl lbhe sainc but ve dli Farai, submusiled lieftoiug et-poil- beau lun.Wauktegau tisring ail tti tsseLEW. A. HENDER. naL attend ta Il leamauaavobhti aoti..QatryRPr fLkeCvt mince, and wval cmplayei. Bis eonduct Sis,ýisac-bd ani uvora ta before me expectesi ite ais>'part in tic trial.! .urlryRPort fà ttuCî.- basl b6 good, and lh a in ail tuis 311h day ut Decemben. 1920. We allisin usthe2!-mattors 60 tisat 1Mr. .GILinrusus acI and t on f the hiiogaS ept the <arma Of ' * isaParole. B. tl. IDUNN, jasyen yu asevarytsu i letait ol fitue '-Board, Tie terni ofbis probation ban expirai. [SEAL] Notai7 Publie tlmc'tisat va have - devotei Lta titt1 liMm. Lulu Appley. tenspos'.u'v spr- anda 1 shaîl rc' mencd -iat ba lie dis- SupervL.or Murphy snoted tIsi iiahentase oau pn'On. neceserila I ntenulett et Lae eCout> tYool- Faai chargeti. Cutrport be referrei te the COumiltee spent la onder ta prement tie cause tu heseby ubitIlfie folheving sn le ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~n thgici tLieCut' o ettlement wltls tic CounI>' Clerk. prai-es- rtannth ie Suptreme Coutrt. W ento scipsaM xen~înu hîtieuls. octeben Terra, A. 0., 1920 Motion carriai.a trIust thai va have 1presenuted IlI n jtisait as-m uoirg tise<usas ýr5cr . ILIOI luer J. Cre-en, Shis-f, sulumilici jus raniner aitapnuoaaortrmlnîs- î,îtt STT O-i----htolloving report: able decision Rud ve as-e bhope 21<a,120 Cousit> of Laite Te tise Bonouaile Boarnd Of llsiervie-!,a decîsione yl he bandaitda vitIsin'K NDTt-s People vs. ,Joelu Meredthb amorfo Lakte Coun&yy.Ilhinois. a ver>'r-hart tisse. We vouiliqhové-v 1,1ier lv isalîtusntforEmsus1ient »Inte~rJ. fGreen. Shes-iff launi for gai<omSeu -cimcdLe es- p. IL S. .Eisze.tl- li 'aet frEbtlmn lt abv e eom h n trie lamipa ...... $ .i 1920. I peu-mittoî fihe prisaner ta Te-ais, respecttully present the foitsWin.g date and ve whsbei îîveusaY ta tise tieO 0î;............> tumi ta< isfaim at Coatenvill,'p.,report of ail tise Iteasand e"t=cnents Boannd tisaI v 1-va alven ihh-i rasa aur e>.21, L M. Fease, reeîl and have hall reporta evor>'Lvoeele; formy office for and duning tiselhaifvery holitattention lu confidence that ran dtlrs....------------u0.0 shoce*-lis iasroie. Ile lu uarrled anal jear eadlug Decenulen 5ib, 1920, tu- tise Boandni nd aartins easonaile Sept.1. U. 8. Post I bs a faml>' et chlsran. aid 1I su clualve, uharein i state tie grOlls compensrItaon theref)r, box: rent---------------------.45 cooviuceti bus maie comiplte restitu- amenant of ail Lie tous or oznoluments Very trul>' jours Oct. 10. Anterican Insus-anc c ltion and lahmba.. mplj puatised. lu>' me easned b>' officiel service dur- E, F. A J. V. )4OUCROSS, ý, trire Insurance ....... 25.315 shail neomrn lIsa releasesit bila tue lhe hait year, lias total arnourit Of By3. V. Noa-cu. L1.Public Service Co., 1er. tirCourt rua ecaipts of'whatmoever nncue or char- Decembor 6. 1920 ElIec. ilght MdaNtpaer....... 26.9q lne i.Cicit Court ot Laite CeunI>', acter. ' - 4.lbo fltaepatriai; Iblinois Emotuuients 547.90 pompec.............. STATE OP IL14NOIS For Suent t eus la senlia in Court ................ 8110 8<'S. p Cpe-------------------.6 'sPar Mleianueoua Bsrvico.................. 1.939.95 1,749.10Oo.1 CM.'S.P.R. cont o L-FJ lor suitsfialuCourt previomal>'reportai.....282.40 F.......------------- --'4 Isoplsm aatyiSa lct a oeia OvliniiPnssst ec. 8, 19202W,10 OCtIf 1. AIIoslStati Hosptal.s »jopoý V. Afitu Cbk an Jac Fer1.3hrdig Gnmmet Prsmer taDac.8, 120 lbbgtfnr MsIelRane .... 17.3 inictosi f rIByLas> tMrcs Ttlenustnistpaî ......... 1'.5Oct 1I& Lib.rtie 011 oa- r Iditwntfo lmxlY t am .TOt a amfrcMg .ha..e............'1,8%20 0lne................... 25.90 Toersttet. À.-». hitjrew192,6020Oct. 20. CeG ao, ur'Te. plua. 14.00 Antan Cicle Ide'ils diclarge >'=OntDh.sba.Peaaaenta. ' -ve- lie Nvy, omevl to u, Josa .~, ftlcff.Saaly, for-hait jM~r b>e er t, la.1920 .<e O 'Oc.2..P viaar ic CholurAbi, No.'i w ela hé.Setxeasfor hait ian t I omeirhllus e 4 .a d ' trie matleiai................63 Cv.at, Mince. Haina bu.restait!ci la Oct.2&1,. P. Evifstaor, cisc- eaIne. frettei bas-tu bye. ee9070.4 13trie ivlocandimaterlal -. 13.12 aie. Hsac £10 -iW or Pl Cuit"Tranrn..............' 4453Nv, 4 Wm. Chandler, reliair- trm tbv euau H l..vei i . utyg tracter n..................... and ltavitl" e lsWvrd iIfaee83810 o.£r i2tur e lAuri la-----o., a Totai rae flxpendlturea Itocelptu. Iisauffldue b smrvlsot aiýMd on iMot 01 etloâke ~c sere tBof 1a Toia8.47. fin 0. tam 8$47, 0 'fotal 870. 1 *tj4sCe t.38, -owu M. 8g .24. Gra? ta 8 ravei C. lu u- supervisor i alai .f et b Couuty Paru', Superi re' and miiSala $TATEOFI r'ougr ofLak 'B64rd of SuPe 'Te theCh<ain the Boari f f1 ariea upaiWiru ary ef the FroI cuit L'au&.be nspayable Rtespect 1). 3Aii supervisor 1 patoi' e accepû carnied. The follovim BIC ITRleA litige ha paltl cavrer neom"!a pont feres Dot pavable quarte I.aid. jouri ustil ta eiok. itoti Waula 11oarai met t thse entire 13M bMinutes 0f and upon MOI Supervieor 1 toproee'i ta of lIai Lake 4 Motion carviei The fèlbowili as apgolleanta Lavience. Phi Beah. Clselrmam BB 1ero -;npprvise Tbonîpuàon. disiate rpecelvf votes , raat ha feadentf for ith Tigae Sr*t b Twenty-slx Philo Durgea Henry Lawrer Tiiouues Roott -bolincI1biauit Nao one rfte vole$ east, au 'ih resultai Twcotv-slx 1 Pl. hoBurget Henry Lavrel Thiomas Dooti <Superviaer chaiee of tic 1 et the Coaty aupervimar natter of Mn mtaat Statea fth e 4an id t lmt crrici. Superviser thes. Aamu L "fed tb. tollov' &TÂTE OF a cqralkfv Of Lai s fupervsea.0 eaused te. bu Cermiik, Mar Ver*el.yv ami laad. la LaS. ed as IbUlov GrateiV p4meclon 1. Te b . estorthb lam. la LaSe'

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