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Libertyville Independent, 10 Mar 1921, p. 14

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mu 5 fer. à *o rêves. er thc tiwmit. naesnear nmW >work te kft*»theho bepital ine iid iti MAI~ ) DEU II~U infiniathe. eouaty woui4 îalwasb. t crlted tor failute te look aller PAST RECO ER Yetnergency case« vo canenot itaiilo Leo 1. Paluska, Recent C tindi- ST MiDLE T3 S -datt for' City Commis'oe ad Fmily in Pight ~Pf~D AB FAITHFUL WIFE HELPLESSi RDEE O Ou@ ofthe oethearteMaiiageoir idrwhen T*O 3. Pâtuluda MI Oesvelepe, i l becauoe it bas been )lera avenue. ubo tige jean Mgadmuseiwroa g fbtbas ben spii-' ,was a candidate for cit>' eeIuls.ln- 'od 0M P,.rt Ie fthéticpoattdster2 Pr. vas talden to Vtctory Me-aria) 'Md ge la fuiàOR& >B iespitai. blini snd no hopelel>' ti Tii.. »V reg1niaatlens ça thec'ro- É bat theresp pa lently la née ance for à emptbiof 9#0%Itd stoclk tro thetJV bis recoerr .original UObffl rosis la part s« Hls Ife, after tlttenmotis of 1folIOTE Â nÎKotibo er*duai tr-uggliitg. in on tho verge of physi- tic. tOits sbugbé seat tiPn!*rIal CRI celapse. but until a ti fov ies w faams osaads and atam- -ngtattem»edte carry ber birdelà cd eeelopes. t lta fthetm*- B vitheut =eklg aid. At that tit-o, nier form slad teits Ili detail th» prop.'i hove.ver. 1Mr, Paluaka becats. parir or Ii'IiiU*tla UhlOiitheac Ina>' b . ré liaraiyzed and hal te be ILtedc about. deefl.d belng unabIb» to move hi DEmi or iiretnrnlng thie notice to, the i legs except in the meet feeble mun. Post5al uttiel. ta Dé cae aiai SIt mer. b. genkt b> a mt«osnger porpgrtlng te tj Two years ago the. future of TS ebe the rPr«eenttlvOfeett originalti Paluska was, very bright. He bail phiibaeiY, a perchase<t a homue and tour acres of ___________ land on (tUon Flora avenue ad vs 91 eniployiln tise office o e tii.Amr I t mAY IliiOJ widère lie had a respenutble position: la Prier tô tint lbc hal vrked et the ~ - Security Saiinga iank. ccAE~(i 1Was a Res& Leader INL K"C . .9c rided to run for the'office 0of oty Fif-el"'" aceousissioner of Waukegan on the 'f 1R I~ in inaygerlit forai of governiflet tlck- t et. lHe rau slxth on the ticket. lHe Blie 5ath AÉeP.g vas Influentliamoidg fticresîbents gIi eoldcr.1isti. tticlaith& nirM *of tic soith aie here liereslîed aùnouaemient apade iy C..C. Downer, or for meny yeara and who Icehed upea ùetnewqbsbmogin bu mas their champion.,wben matters l !0 dLengine-tr iio es of eraig 4gwap u4 cam tt>pla htiCty ý tribon dortir te 01rno councîl. For thie reasea asd the. act vebsnvtst i iue Éhat ho vas dlean eut, progressive eperafit atii thé district.nortiveetL yeasg usn he recelved a large vote ef Beivtdere fa Bonoemty. von houh ho ta on- th loln At a meeting beld Tburuda>'@oen- o ntog e a ntc Iosnn îe t tic White Pigeon sCigow. Er. jticket sis iewisg sas regardea Mas er expîine te lan"evsrs la -reuanka e. Ébat viciityjils reaenus for tic atat.- 'Too close application te bils vot ment tbat 61it unirlies their Jasé. ad ',7ie4rbhps cauRed bis slght lu gradually disclosoit1bis intention te talc oit * «$ oit . Ho wag compelci to give' nitbleu. tbréugbout that district. It la' *bis position a thevire mili for oti- atatOle49lt attaes wormr gives to Mr. .'r vork. Voir a chile ha oreb~d evoncr. Oênprislag about 2000 acres <f ieëtannety but bis phyuical condition et land. It l s tathi. fiat ho sceks gradualy became worse unitil hoc vas eases on atlout &o0eares. It belng -_comupelled ta e t w ork entirel>'. cstouary wltb IDI coulias te se- wia as ifteen' montlisallé. cume a tract of that ais before msk- lAst Septeinher lit siagbt Sot hlm lng aay definittCe to teard devel. f ;espilely. Hi. cae la regsrded as opment. muont unusuai au one would nover The trtifr etht@ activities of En- -k! me by lookibg at i i ez tbat b. gioeer Dovner front the Marengo dis- Sla bind. it appears te hoe a eauc ef trlct to the. localty s foc miles out hel ,ýjparalys soc thse ptic norvo. EveiT- Of flelvidetre ban struck -tuut district wl thing apparently bua been doue te, re- witiila flurry of oil excltement. as on store ils liealtli and sîglit. Hc vas PeoPle generaIt>' voue avare er the an taken te a noted optospetrlst Idf Mil- voneOf Downer about Marengo. Ac- ke vaukee. to chiropractora lui ChICage cending to is , tatement at the moot sme *he prescribed a complet@ course of 'Ins Thuraday evening ýrIMIIar condi- ma YTàxfeatment. tei doctoîs ef medieict C ii Iens prevaililathat distriet as lu tse lat lha iaiied te reapeai te the treatuent Marengo ditrict. and ho exq ressed a ' et all. conviction that oit cau be fouind le wr 1Sine behag laspacitated for work largo quantities. lnd *M-m. Paluaka bas been the bread -Win. As ln the. Marengo îlots-k-t leaseq lar Ber of tbe famll>. Sh. vorkod for aro takon la the nam- ef the Kiai. Upi, t he National ifuvelope comuay, ber waukee 011 and ilas C,,.. Mr. Dovn'î, ofitoetHatttie, aged 17. tooking after acting au their ageni. It waï stated s their tiresuait cilidren. thalt tere la ne stock for t'aie and ne te tqtention te ssk fer mone>' vith Supervisoi Tcke. and w hicis toecarry on developtent. fiat vit Wiien ber husband vas completeW vwhat Mr. Dowuer sooks i. leasc s fnailUdattd- Mra. Paluska was Cou- vbieh provide that the, owner of land me pelled te gise up ber position and de. rcelvez a porlonote ii.0 tairen leu voe aitlier trne te hlm. Fands ra fr0nt bis Sand*, that bctng the general hir loir snd the chilren vere leiiii.s« fcutoi lnlaoil Coutries. gct feod and ethilag. The hoieu s ot fa rospietely tree of debt. F"Innthue SbT -NTIhT fautt>' physiclan acquaanted Supervi. IflFl DO 1I sIcor mr CeorgeJEBarstov vitb tho ta&is.l M R M SProvision coulé net ho madc te tairebac Mr. Paluaka te the conty hespital v emcpled. Mlly Supervisor flairs-al toev Made W Szgments vlîh tic Vie- At the Sluter meeting o ei». a tory Me moitai hospitai emittee..isteril Association ou Mesday e1t tus enudolars'Mr. Paluaka vas remesci veek the vork oethtécAmseau Cmo. ré to that Institution beeause Ms. J'a- .Mkttee for thc China JPamlam Fnd luskas physical condition, due o ees-vasw« dlacussedand tic commuait>'$46 ervworir an voir>',fla scb that aboeaeurgoé te make ecstributcleoas t cat ne longer take car.et fhlm as tuis mesfnmi>' cause anmus um nur-se., la thc savlmg eoftiie ivas oft ui tik. 1Coun>' Huital Crawded cw Pepleqei china. I. R. Goireéit.< Dr.'- A. E. Brown. auperlteséent.et soerotar>'or t icY. K. C- i . vas ap eo -the LakecouuntY geue-mi hospital Polalcé local tusurer snd tuis a" *Tuesiay bisougit fte hestteatlot fm et #ahosot trougi Mr. .Oobrechta tu" thl uprvisorathe conadition tbat ox- office aithti Y. M9. C- A. Tii* atob 1lots 'St tiec bosp1itai ahoViâg fiat ho- contribution& do, be recoived ce- a cag - allfu in -th- Il.-A. Xiiidn ....... .. .... bll couat>. thonr are a amsaer of aged A Mreni.............._1000 P&50sous t the bospital ie wcsrlly Donation . ................ .55,mo dfflld -set ho tiere and that hoam: -ab «f thia fttfier. vas Bat igOUfoi Total ...........815.55.'n Ur. ,'aiuska or for ether persan lu ficel ef eucrgoncy cre. Dr. BiasdeoaurownPs aail -. doctorci that fiere are a -nimber of WmeI~ agmi semons et tbe.bospitalwvi e rosi. Ir are neoilinlied -etfméedical attss- i !&ma mgd viebave been.thie"c for sv- e *M moïlsuctha la sou. càses lm. ematrle up agaimat thc pteh th Ieu ofet eiumuéag infiruparyas S e - (O fbe eoiiteyPeur tamor vicie m- The WaulccganCommusily Churci hir altes ,are able te carsftr Usum; a Cw"thfourti Forum Banquet viii tf -. e c stuemk-Umery te set lu sesnau Chu14 itrci 1Thé 15. er rthe 'abc tmg Rich relatives te cave fer tâée i. atu hrh h ihkrfrtea Pty for tSoir keep aaisec itlq. .vmsi"fItllho a. J. [lanciaClark. A Wo$« etthe ibcage Nvoslug Post. 'f ,The, boe.1 lIff bleet "Tic il'uudamestlasoet taf fer.-- Lfc P Notice lab propuch ia v .fijo-*ftbe of ffisbwsy% ~t"e cmatruet -DMstIMab a aue vhlas qêis ftice mie" bis mglookr'la conversanit vif the - - m asataprebeuseoftNtEeduy Md ciii cam msc lusoîon sone of fthc bereseajeé Oh tciivsalled w'rvthe bsnfelt. '-T& li %0 recelveit t &04Ii* c b iSM>'l.Sité isme t. Vouant>' sonefrIUqdgothe 1w stcals buSh f sOmi mIsu eais n. . .ati "Y. W. A. mareii 15Ib. 1931, f« ~ - _______ tien of a reinforeé cenoaur.sob ~iko ela the Town et Wcsf xrAb te o bout esc mile notbigmef Vve lh SoiIoasfa e of lces-f eld. iiiaeacoré-- »lansaü aispecifleos. the Count>' Superintené- o ta ommse of$9U14,80la tie urges caj. vic ma b sen perating revenue orttte, CisSe ie or tbat et fthe iuior-Nrt in.sdMvukeslré la 1910, was almoet an, aises-bcd b>' e ceekequl t atleat te inreaaed eget ef laber. On Aug. t o cte aequat t oeasid 1, 1919, vagem vewe icreesci mers WaLotgh fie moutetbdth"Iaap-g aun am éon JUDe I. ~5Ji7saill bld.1920. a furtbes- increase 'ws. liD"e lm" - t relect, rs> mUneg toep;preXlmaté#Y $28.00 ~~tbb Ct moeoth. Net atter charges vua a«. -the anme aasat- ssud lic a"i Ob, ~plusnov stands at $1,643.14t. Viierelo 4mWl. 1 baYplmts aibatthfie sat i bd b ar in Report Rceived by Shiîf Et- muGensi Tl i6S. At Shy fli Cm'a tg 01 'EASY TO SELL IMALI CAMSi 18>1r te. ic-Rai Shuf e ls spe tb ~n tClmot au aSiiu iCnewnb> A-c-tsseris: Tic Ust.vasu MTeat>'ettic oar4> smi b> iaUt,pae$tlcur OOWpq cWihiaba iius tow dwhlg mouti r et Peia>. Thesec isb=l tirme ~ a&* NussSue isci tki Ilo.tbroe truak. sd ,vtpll as su Butis. ic reasesgiveà tie potle, offiiais vby more Ut4s isit hies talon ias tet ,mru 71-j &HI fords Were denticl sud àse. «f tfleir as-cafnumbur, thI90 U ld -i gmater chanc, et gottits S t>' i thefr iooty,ý Piacticl>' et a>'> 4V5a4 if.a m-,-. osr iItAU smmè Mc$iUag-ý as- aoceeseytia.heolbaifaaeled 4 vhlch mia i deaificatimor et iccar. sosnpansUfvetyeasy. Tien thora la te ho talcS laie coga- sidoratlon the tact fiat f borie lam-, Latent la practical>' eten> persu u..a felg jte-lte laking ot a larger cr ina &mach greatdr crime tien etealtpg a Ford. Mlople naturati> attaçi s-eater mlgnifticag aiéaremuib moealeirt over appreienélug thc tal- r.0f a isrger castisana ]Poui.' Unique Plan B ig Tro Et tabilSh FarM HMad Was in, State of Illnos MANY CALI IT FAIR WAY A prottt-sbarlng pta ierby tari iet# Wiit ho pat. 1= mlfuun a. Ijtis lucreasci compiensatiou basai >n cern prices, wiii b. trlei thiéses- me b>' some. membens et the Manias- tee Ceunt>' Csop sud Soit. improive Deut association. If sucesut. It Ba>' be toliowcd morp extensivel>' ta ater >'ears. The plan proties a umtmum wage rate per- montb fer married uté td anoîber eue for single mon viti arge- vagem basai on higben cork wices. Cern belng the umanroP -le 1h18 'etiu JI la maqetic butie on wviie ocompoteprie. fluctuations. Mlas-i nia en-nFt t>'dollars mouthr ltb a gaiden soid patate patci; tva luarts et uhlk a aw250népeuM-et' mest et liog kilttag Urne, If cern lu as tsa 70 cents a basic! bctvoen ring lime sud Ilarci -i. If corn' »es ta 80 tenta fon an>' fisc isys thc rmer is- te psy $66 a meh a*Ilai teck u'mge oia thc smo bauts. If era g9ce (o 90 cents ton No. 8 the1 arober la 10 set $60 a XpOuti viti, telk pay ou thec me basisý If corn ,ss f08$1 a buabel thc vonlor la te ;ef $« a uenti vitih ack pa>'teri I mentis. Bingli. uen,.4f cornlaIs lsu thani 'cents -a bustial thi enoreI.latej ëceivo $M a monti. It cern »ecste 0Cents $40 a 1MothifeI 10 ents 45a raLii.ad $, f$50-a menth Ii bsok psy.i Tic pla, vas iorked eut by thé vnsiip taber adihmltratou5, relics fite tate van sué asthq mAuction 4tic. Cs-ep omit.So' Intpsmet cociaflea, Il 'lalarcelS>lataée.s cz et a recomaindinéa"ds sila iCet igats->'os the usombers of the as- eliation te folieviflu làthse iiring ef soee, i lues a b» o di bld Soft bOtvem tan es ainé- tfiel ep meulé fis>' enter puch- ar-mugsme.. à aerai v"Y' f la roegard" a Ut. eoaslérmg *0oPr-Met depss- enbtac et agrlcoiturete bous ta- Tier. vlbeoa. la* ofetfarm bl bi yqar. Ifl ie hé ci4iUnist. Mé if tas-mors v=rse dlspoeéthe.> inlé teteoiuaci, t helP St le Ls. IR j eo vasesussimOls i tatble. If la »Illeacibeei. fat oves if fier, tir lpé tereIim standard vgs a a *Ulluma mlse la leebblg"vtt, h sove pieu.- Atreadi far*xers are svusnae viti twilcalca tou tovuilesie o i o knM erk Ifis 71.'1s99 Dm3 houA Lu »rsd-aisA mnm4r et suu. lfawsm id teats vhs ha"t M->M os taa ust yea- re ihl ticly am*andis ro "'nt ** u Ptttam 0 nothul te oec. m e *Mé a5f bia a veséPosRtIO lnfi> o s-e. oflens liagaielt tic> ea'get-I tu to lev. Mues Buyer 0 'Te Ssmpsmnc bya cm ia ue JOÂ I ARC I fiLM SIOWNI I c bI aMmat v hk<ha~ b~maÈ Uhlaglh*bm lt.lssTOU t& [~. aur future. peubmes cibla fit Over -50 Tear$uAgo &atus Mdimai tea.uli am- I* i ?hI u .wâity4es Fun;s tm ". n uuiof immaàdaet011 *mm. adii 7wer ftjr y"a soei kD. Phasbei'aill b.- bn umaitoe *0 b oam e, 1 .Imi &m . dma "iib bot" bai* bus cÎ-dt ultn".1u ol dl.Dr. PierÀOlmsMoisiI>ovmyuw aet"l uufb-bidmwwb i eutmuaskcohai>y*lh. tami w v .ndu dilt l.Anem o. r.Puno îli catspcm d ot May.alcAmsdjlp aeh .o.sdced aiia eeabrl" I. la maiel b ua v9 dai PcemmFveite rPtm buapiffpbom n eapiudh4M6, buo ueoeuhafule m y rnsyIbuabdaof poopi.vbo vnitmsD b.ebnal à"",md o fl r qupte kdytobebv pi*y osqumd y ii.u6eet no. UV h Auction Sale 1 Winl h&V* £ public .hon farm hnw umady Plac, Ioàated on Iad Strot betwee Grun SuEY ]R94 aù& Telegnpl I EOadma o01h~a 1103ffl CATTLE A"DBG i Nas-S .iraold. 7 yr.suunm Gaves, 22 yong l 4 otsold. am Uo comlng Ila Boa lari 7Sfold .GRAIN, MAoeINERY, Etc. S Sets .oeoulil.Naruma ISola otfitsglaN.rm.ou i Ssl~y.PIOw, »mrIu~ i EoêV7WS#il~1 lG~ - i N.~m~68proadoe e- 1I*Ue~*~aYy S N~ Sous.. Nearl7' i Gitckgi Nouas buS 1 Tank ow 12£ 7bi9 amso,»dg IDllruôsér -eit iSaw 50 Oblcksu ~>1 i Garage 10:14 ScorE oe~$SS Na~j ohoe a tich #. Iusato mèpMu. ,tEIN:--go caàhoffl tiat smm, 8 montba at 7%. Ut nWuat~meTe rCOMa Oa Um om- up thé, revolvlag.,.reIermlng ,lider 1i1t up the. elothe. 9" *48 p.thes gentlY,'-tlrne anddîtne again, tiiroiîgh the active sudwy voter. 'Laces and lingerie, blantets or over- alse corne from tbe Thor moft and lean. The Thor.hans-won the htaiap of s-orld leadership by foure»n yeaia of fàithttl »Mvler-- Tb-e*Por--dome-tire average fanuily wauhfsg lu about an hour Bt a. poot of 3 emcots for electrlclty. It la .Mechn1ca1Jy pelrfesiple to operate, aud eésill cleoued witout removing- the. t.!in-. der. Pride ln the appearance et o0es house popt inetl. - cIude the rugo, and hik euml, other beauti fui' tbiigaruo respoîîd 10 frequeut aiâdrilht care wlth-t-longer lutetitue of besnty. Theme. proceuee-' beating, su-eepilg sntLsnctlota «euing-atre vital (o sucl. care.- OuIy the Hoover com-. blue Ihelhi~e. hbeats out the emhedded groit. It swenpa tmp te atubbornst, clinglng litter. It suctiosaway the. looeened dlrt. And ii i the largstselling electric rleanei in lte orld. US. I P CENTER]1 Shiffntif 1M.- Seeeof M CALIFORNIA F The conter of -'ee-xid by thlec192 li licthe treme ie P*o <>epunt>' lui threctenthe n.Illea tow eut Neac2i. bo i;1nnourued. Iluring the. lest Of pepuiaîlone eti w4id, advanclusg 9 te-!Ion adabout rTeboia atti irr.l av.iist i the state et Calif Ceogrphl£&al> &acis sald, thi e Re loiIon la I]c"s etc latitude 39 da "dsi 21 secods lu ierîdiau et loogil SMntanad l si .o.14 ri.x the o etWhiteiill. apPUI asils o uthet et THE TNU -AU THlE -NUHMAIE SOLI liM ON EASY PATENT Tm.,S (Tbld Pier, Lnctricai Dcp&rtuemt> Having severed my'connections with Inga»11s Broi. Jewelry Store, 1 *!eh to announce the opening of Mny offico in 1oom 9, Murray Building, Corner Madison ani Geuemee 13t&, for the Euinotioti.of the Eyes and thie Fittlng of Gtamme -Dr. OtoR. T un -II Il- There lu only one o7 f havinM your w doine sud thit is tobavëe t üin gt. 4 - hiaiezactiy Our weyof doing i.1 We- know how, *heu it homes 10 repaîriný Auto li6pç and .0urtalns,,j Auto ,Uphoatelm (3ushom n S u et- overs.4Mewlwor as l zopairiiig. Sixteen years, of. -exp"rene h-i Unie assure you, of th e beat of worllmans i --materilL'Reaso1 beprl4esand> gÙaa work. .1-l- ý . -, - Beautifu 'I, ali th& ki-ils ý lim 1-

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