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Libertyville Independent, 10 Mar 1921, p. 4

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This Is an Unu?î,ýsual Offe-r, Don' et ! set n-v1 01 W E have an excellent booklet on why Selers Cabinets are best for you. Be sure and get yours. SATURDAY, MARCH 12 Sellers in Four Styles and Four Prices Mastercraft-Porceliron Work Table -$85.00 Special-- d" "é "i $72.50 35-B Aluminum "é -" $5000 1 0%ý Discount for Cash Off from .these Prices Get your Sellers KitChen Cabinet now--while only - ( $5.00 will bring it to your home. Then yow, can use it, and enjoy it, while the remaining very 'easy payments are being taken care of. SEL:LEW'S MASTERCRAFT TheRaFuniture PitStore 1.prrytilille Independent AMERICAN b e°°N°b TRID T O SLLn°TMr "eelnh rvdlnMlW thing ln thtis country as a taxnayersanMr.CeendlvdnMwa -e!Ëm - ke.Th-mkescMeR the ba rn STOLEN BONDS (i)aeýIse " i Lierlvle f M8E6 t as fic a ibrtvllIl second1 Class Mail Matter. AE IN LEGION Chairman Hanson, of thle Post Act. agency for, the extortion of money children blessed thtis this home, MArs. tofc tLietvl.At the.nieeting Tuesday nighit off ivitie« ODMmittee. woud flike for- the thectins and places the republican laut rumimiti and GeorgeCevan. W.SMITH .. -------- ----------.. -.... --... Edito . r I.ast week, at the Commercial Club mmeso1tecnnteet etsodruo helvlwNI h e rs 'Cleveland was a member ofthe Man erteroos, we enjoyed a dandy rufeedofth in ct o enar slderof)orun o adenur. asernStr.Chpte"N.'3u'n F.G MT --- ----------- connection with the regular work, wlith himl so that thley can make ar- If the Amnerican nation lhas been rire-04idalaChar [ternmber of the G A CHAS. D. NALLEY - .-----------.. ........-..-..---....-.. Local Manage w ic ascu hot. as ome o0 te' anmn tsfo ite big 'lance ain the sre ro;em n agrsin on_ e ow re td y P s hich Is ma - tia o filr- comminittees were not prepared. t. make 17th of Marchi. Io loose Illfe flood gates of its; treasur † lIsecos nCnne- of LocoI»mo ivr Egine-ers. lAist MMýt. re.norms.uonils returning soldier, il is a ser, Mrs Cleveland fonade hier profe."o o fitwas brought out at this meeting AKthnOvisgt ous question whethier it was worth ion WIthBgRbery Ilaele.Ithin11Chri sb jes uan bea-n,, M AROO AND HITE ihait all. x-service imen and women "This portion is very),snil, the.diner wfl osafeguard t hù country frounIwfaillia meberof he rs esbylan iehýu le. may re-instate-their insurance. if they .ils ennoles only ito be plunderett by v h a ensfeigfi ub Editor-inChief--Dorotny Sayers. Business Manager-.-Atban Lindroth. iay de-si ate lhir aformatcinontheigl*Iumnbled. -As ia regular customeri iizens.1,ofà ye las from spfin ob l umTheie AsoiteEiorHrldMsn. Ds Eio-Eey Mle-subject our Commander, Dale Collins e, but toniglit you 1 ne br 11 ht 11 Ilithe IhomlestealI features, lhe sile: hfie Muum inaH h lithesili oifilhe iedicarl professi>n, cotuded VARIETY COLUMN GIadlys Eger and .Katliering Morse. can lhelp y>ou. Heralsoer mentioned that nMWon.-,' "e'lknow of noulpork barrel sceeemore . cer, G ion l ":, ilwith cons.,Itant and sacrjifirial care froni The ney Student Council hield its Myrtle Hubbard intd the best record there is to be a meeting heldi in Wau- .'emsryuaeih'"x alluring and fraught with i rlire à l\e uga lolyn usbeand and daugher could no t sto firsft triai on Tuesday adlookig. with 2a points. As ual, the getr eagn aci5,12,atteA- lie tewier"h oofoi--vgne m ekls xiedtr 'lmhro n ,tervge fiiedsaeas orous action against fighting on schiool part of the lhonors go to the girls-- nary, sMarting at 7:,30 1. ni. ti h oe '.tan ihis. The local camps or* posts lM:k- on e j: .wl I homle riiring fil(.- arIy hv - premises, thereby showing ils determ- elleven girls and thiree boys being in- lta tptwrgtigammbrifthle Amieican Legion %will be in .evi R10- Irimrge ll mning , il Mareb jaation to uphold thle besi standards cluded in Ilhe two lists. Fv ftesnfip campaign started throughout the Pue ee igon nti ence behind miany> of thieni andl a carli- 130w ln the school. .total number are Freshmnen. four- are sae Tesae fier-r o eteCountry in 1856, and somne people haiev e l u ofrnopratins folo-in o&" ndi l rv eland. edaugter, Mrs. Lfi. Wm.Zese. eibe Iolte boardi SoPliomores, four- are Juniors andl one get o oorhrewl b obren.full of thern ever since. Ciiainiiii im ninumi, Libertyville, and one son, et Education, is suffering with rheu- a Senior. charges and every ex-service mani and u oe is 1.1 i lGeorg e lewlanut. Hue-nos Aireý Ar Matism. 1Dur-ing thre precedling six wveeks, end scomtinl is tirged Io be ipresent' Youing Sailor: On myl first %voyage; Wise and Otherwise Ilho oe. 1wnIliftne Repuiblic. South Aei Tuesdaynighit imembers of thre bas ing Januar 21st, there was an equal ....- saw waves forty feet hlighl . ny y iecnstantly Iæsært-egadbide..1roy Grtmiui het ball ,play cit. "The Strenuous numberof namres on ithe lHonor'*Roll. On.e moretweeaslie member-s iwhlolOld Salt: Get ot a tsafrm o oey le orand Jane an<d loberi C1e%land. 1-- ife," heldi the first rehearsal. Nealy but a much larger list of those deser- h lave neof idter usfoIhiler:it yasan nvrsa e ta o-aek:N tepopeee n mte. \r IeetaAli.sil u 511ai( weepeef.ilenrbl Hlf T oëfä l.l-ege ra's onus o hs 'se so h nd roev sm'auiigh.G h ii fr o , Io ta e nsile n u er ile lMs fouiresisterls: Msi-u Edith Gould, who hadl an attack of ed irtIthe ealier lists are as foios:iat we van start thi estea right, and Young sailor: Well, thlings are hlight ý arLChie ]Mrl Eva '%l>aniele 41le the mumpls, rtundi o coo ed. oorR -HzlBring.Alma 10o(do)soa mst have some nmoneylirenowrthan they used to be. Relative RankPlliln; Mrs. Paul NMet7ger. South AI nResday. 1Churclill. Gladys Eger, Marie Fincurt- - lend d .,o hik taiIwo h ica: .irr. liarriaso..uieo Adalne ndeso, alter sfeigtr Ethel Hanson, Myrtle Hubbard. What's in i-Neame? |SORDID SOLDIERS SEEK proeve a salil;acloryiate with whiom a:ad n bNIIen Wiht plileumaonia, tonsilitis n mm Hlerbert Johinson, Eileen Rieuse, Johin The sweet youing thingfilue! bveen SHEKELS-SEN. THOMAS 1il sail thie -sil of lit- :"lhe asked "ri 'afi resumed lher sttudies Wednesday. Thies and Dorothy Sayers. Alm aýumible to buy the articleshie wanted, Washington, 1). C( March 1.--The, "Oh,.so so," lthe' niaiden replietd NIr and Mrs. C le i l Akn unfortunate accident occurreto (e, hurclhill ranked firsi. %withea score of but in each vasefthe clerk lhadtassured soldier bous bill was tittackedti oday Icool%: vou'il <o pretty well as a omaIç i l ,n Ilrti Ile !ie- .Il nIl :I « .1iobert Klinger durfing ail>basket ball. point.. The honorable mention lis1 hier Ithat "nexl time(" il would iassur. bY Senator, Thomas (demi,),as "odt.I us.if you elearly undestoote whow b \I< hol in-l T11 scim ag T esbr irinii g. ;as arei ncuddRuth Anlles, Irenle acigalupo. effilybe in stock.nercernry, outrageous inill([i w ilthe aptain OBITUARY oh yv rs ra enun- Salt of wich ritwasnes I lt-oiaL Marie Boehmil. Margueritle Diltz, Ar One (lay, shte calleIi : 1W h joi-retlo and entailing $250 i.00l oHuetiblur . Ian inf i l to fi,. !amnilyý severai siitches tken in i tnr lrn ege. biJones,11Ra1 fin i ine lv% erkhionr ihe job. 1 sidetalso ithatitil would ire,.uli in Ith- It s Weill toNnow ., ;ain - ihn b ni r ee t m r Th. do tin o The orchestra, ,wI(li TornnerIly nwLl mond Lindrothf. Albei ri nder. Mli]ldi Ïil , "o vyan hIave ]ais, ye?" dw in- e rnino ,lryhon<is andltw ai l Ir o lo wa Tto wind ia skei .-10b Il n the e : <I MAa.,a dima yM s C aea d o on M ondaylia, rhmnged the trim oli Luský. Wilson Gilentlorf ;n<l florothy quired, ri t burden >.. heIll ae s.'l ;une Plac e ,wo flirt irons lun the ilrhl;-a-- w re -p111illn, )- .elli i e i mu<h l m n irý>1,I practicý or Thuria) e% en ing m 7:30 S, Uldti The clerk bu h No, ma am in "Thie-coulnil i , is inlno ontiileinilo table a fir as i ¯ e lw n:lIhni o -fith ii,-h1, 1n 1 lbe i nem i- u ril, m n rt i e nd- ilget-st.ammnered, Ii n fot livinu \with uy sumi t ti o rthe ie <o sbulen that skIin iand hp Ii ;I .lirar o e i . ni h t- h'ra houb lb i,' p.un n'lýa _ p:uring lhe baski bail i i m wal The. l iniuó duri lile lasi i wfe non.-Ihis b1ill implloses." 1hae(s à lou Thun frri.w a i iiu lý m in 1.-rflmir b m n5 Area Tue-sdaN ,vening, Ce, il 1llokhall: wee'ks lis bveen ryrelur, le1 the pnisfortune ot u istauning ia broken he praa,,%ilence ofri contagious diseases. - - --- - - - - - --- - --- - -- -- mos.Tir (oittlerha, prooun i a ' ill i N I sieS andd m iill.S uch ab -oli( ir, are still imany rases or tardiness COMING EVENTS and absence thait art, avoidable, andi hlese tend .lo brini. down, not, onlyi edn es a ,j rIlU li s l he grades LofIlhe irregular students danc. thmseles.bu l lhe average grades ofi Wednsda, .laie 16An ulaIllte \whole school. MAfuch credit is due Friidl CaMacs l D ,,Soil oliie 71 sludents,'%who were neither Mor a;. bsent nor [:t*(a\d duingIthe past six Wednstla.'31 rb n Ai i- ci o nhursdas usahe GRAMMAR SCHOOL NOTES Clairs Parity. ffldY. Aiii 5 t iailPlio Josephine Eger, Editor-in-Chief. De. .Aiil:oAurSho Roma'Corlett áiid Frank Parkhurst, Frida>, Ar|ÙJilo-L al.Reporters. Fr;idaý Apn l 9 Triatng4uhu- ISTGRA. Tfil ay. 1a o;> Conc, .lltrbu, 'ii la i Tatirsday .. la: ilanSchool Ised !bil. k riday, .e, la -N ·ll r 'l ,.as i' L. T.I H. S. iI.t e atllihQ . A a.sai." liui l' i,.i Grays Lak, ßÜmIda) l'. J( nu IIte('lit ueil 1 1 -Il : lleou l a er DANCE COMMITTEE OF L. y. H. S. EODGAEti re vt v r li or'dei tu makre ilings mi, ripvas- Mtn.nti( ilb ie -7ýy ent for thre stutients oe! L. T. HL S., -. Enour, professmor, sugget iitl tat We'li\0 aiwe.S les K th n Cab it uri lased fro o r soe appoint a dance colluniiiueri.whIose dutyIdrn ie atwe.C M 1 t lwWulie to take charge ol! theWe\fd. nesday aller schorol dance> HR RD e /1TRA Y . M ,Ie4 1 A student was chosen iron i,;l 11 teachvl seu-ýe le«jte cii oS .% se \ on the tm llite .lell dred PoIrteoul as chos n lrom Il. i itheve ae Freshman cehts. \1a\is <alwyf1,11bIGrfirAlir lulEeorN Stig Io A s ï it T sstwl e tho e homor c isntiry 1ain",Bnai ive oi-gv n wt v r a ie od i r frc s ro fandns PahenJunioN class.and p1ary Refuse fioml fic, ilo cas. Tese e al. F ncs1 girls hii e done ll iIli tilt r i oweri vntoP.plt Blake ih., aft-r i m l 3nflicccs Bul ias all lnp ilu t c "I' lu s IIit he I c1fil r i e e , i a r y n . - : n Alý %Il' Suggeý l um 1 lo 1 inom :l u guil advisyi. Mir \ eiu ;iebol n. and ý nin : ý. , :kN, Vi enon u - , 1 1 .1 :-11u P' 1.;1( girls , (va u o han lm1i1la .ur(qSu forwara ii eautoi ý, 'u iiiFOUTH RADE ior M lis H .n l 44,:ri i . \ n l hl o \ la lan1 id ed iiun;.Il Hu FIFTHGARADE that an1- imr mucbo oi I ýJiu- h s n rii l h le n o d e ane.- , a o u \ , n - l T e ý i - l I - ii - a s i i o wholesnwattnd 1v"Y i. S k e arabb \adlyn uddleso.o n, Refreshmenie t o soe .sort ;are sert andleslickslin basketr. eeacli dance. Eve ry one. naturally. \ lime saldoiAgriculture 11raits ithe a ',lh'rl she ms m.k a tu %er, interestell in it. usally consiist tin ofitdrink and W-e are imakin ý-l>illow cssin sew raters. Dlifereni things arte sriVcalin. e ave tIo maki- our-own trimi- the different damit-e - ming, and they are very prltett.y. The mus.icians etL UT. Il. hul \e lhad a sp'ell down M ondLay. El1inor eceive ýinany th.anks. lor irone Grvoran %was ýdeclared winner. new"s thaitth w Irlm date depends .Oui, tor February were: un.the miu,'·. iThe uris andi boy.s hame li Corcorani 94; Josephine Eqer been very nice Iin(lonating Ilheir ser' - 1 lu,.F re Mlno 2 inÙs vies for ltie rinc , l I rs. Wolstead92 plts Ztl: ( ll and thri nmt) it terwanmilto ihank the11mI. Very, %ery) nauch, anti hope the d ts illkee unbeig ulln toEIGHTH GRADE We tion't wam you t,, urgeour o(ur i.unand L. 1T. H :Liglit Wednesday aiim school dnc, or fhtflayed a gamte of basketball Mis. Wlta. a ur-s all a Lzood inot., SatiirLay The score was 6 to 4 in kýamf-tie alpin. 21. ta% ior of lte -Lightweighits. We l iave cour Snow Bound Thesis up $UMMARI? FOR SIX-WEEKS' .tl %ýink we hmý lave comrpleted quitle PERIOD ENDING MARCH 4, '2 weiwrk The first i w pern>d of thle . Bh utterfield and Earl Guyot sew tsemlester ai il-I liih Seblo>lenti( eci ie teir coldt sals for i e cul Th p r ane< a tbook upil. Hisnmei de.Te siutlenits carri-d tour fuillHomMs< eft subjects, with atnaerg of 90 'ii,-re will be nro more publie booze. prcent or better. thereby entitling p>ouring lin Wauikegan that is,if the to aveth'ir ame plcdlon aukegan police have%, any ihing in say teHonor Roll. Four students failed abouitì. byouiy one pont to reach the covete(l. Assýistapt Chiel of P olice Thomas 8". Tyrrell Friday served notice on the Ibose who made the Honor Roll are constals wo c-prtd wt BfaW, Carolyn Butterfield, the f'ederal officers in pouring out Chrhl, Marguerite Diltz, inany barrels oFwine at the corner of faibbard, Her- Ge0nesee and Washington streets a few X-,tb MudM adr#»azo=.,The .rincinal nhiantina1 Every1 dryý ci have ai tiiÉe foi We are muet ac%-qi .Bea Af .35-4 Elec La A C, USKID 1Besidel- new, heaespecially Also tfi work sho 1 ALS( THE LUBETYILLE -eCR M EN, THURSAY, MARCH 10, 192 1 PAGE FOUR .1 SH DUDDLt ,ýhe Launi P'hone Libe Remember the date 1Big Armot $45.00 LIBER

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