e~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Pi rrTVfIirifDrnM-lJIaSv ADi 1.4 lô p PAG I X A .LAM 1 V Il' -~. S'~~ -1~J*A Li.>~~I i 'I.I*,I7 ARRESTED ON BAD PRESDENTflArINGWANT THE~ORDTOBE A PECHECK CÀRGEAS l. ru itsner tti the tul Cotthe Igh living cotutIl goa-era.- beilttlIng occasion ho give nettIe thAtIl [NO IECHNICnL i al inisntration. dprmtui ment contlaInotabiy roduced. frth: United States menus ta establish ilaE Let us have bulL. Lehtume mest lieatIly commcud lbe and maintatu a grent imerchtaimc- a l ified aecagddprmn cret flgsalnpoIigfrr .Ordifferenicea of* opinion au s( ahn ith tis ll necesty. I aitmtslue' the national budget syshemn. Cungreàsa a Bponecy ut upbuildlng bave been IL cugrtfs w-llt grege; and bath con- atready bas recorded IUn belef lu the. remnoved by (Le outstandlng tact utlib gi-cas andtihIe adinlistratOinmaY budget. Ilt ilî lie a -wery great satIn- Ourf avlng butlded. If the Intelligeul tIt ritt-mlnledeltzes, ecasethe bar- nment se thal Il may lbe ernptoead ln exlsting awýâ makes establilhed acre- denle heis. he resw rtrfore - entabilshlug tLe economles and bush- les Impossible, tleë--elecottve wlll px ______hie_____ganter l sr Imuni expendîture. It le prôper ta invite yoor attention th tadeëa te mpsiio o Jstbu- I hv ui atepeople we neecut ho the Importance of the question of In President in First Message ta dons, and te effect et unr ecilenshiP ta Lave lois ot goverument lu busht. radio commuication atd cables. Toth protestiog ouitay wilu halolesouue neatt ases i-elI es met-e business lu meet trategie, comumercial andi polît- hit Congress Opposes League. and bloptti. government. Itl a a-l e h ave l un- l'cal ndeeds, active encourageentu Remedy Iu Tht-ifL derstood that business bas a rlgbtta10 ahou lieb given ta the extension oftet 1 I wsb h i l gLl find td l reflex lnt putuae ls normal, legthmate sud Anîerhcan-ownedl and uperaîcu! cable of FOR TREATY WITH CHANGES ecceuuîy and IlrftI ameng the people righeouu ayn, niruîeded, and! Il sud radio servciie-s. Privahe mentipO-Te theruselves hecause tiieretu ies quîck- ouglit]liai-e nuoeaIT 10umcclgot cru- len tendtng tu îîrOfcllt he devtdol-ci er recovery sud adduud security for the tment Coinpellîitt ere ail riait la mont of needt(i faclilltiess Sioli e et tututre but-ne h>ithe îpublie treasury.-r pt-ulibited. Uo)ëii c-iiîi-towned fruent- tt toldtng Domesttc Prigteme of First Thie estînutes ut roceipts andi ex- Wa,-ns Crooked Business. ties, ielerev,-r possnniei.t-Ihooutu- Importance, He Urges Econaruy peirditurea îuîd Itie stateuricut ns te There le nu Challenge t ho ineet und dutîy lterteitng %ithlî îrhî'ate enter- and Rovlion of Taxes-Fa. the'enouuitioii ut (lie treasury tviilchi lawul bugiese auccess. But goa-era- prise or govccunîuînt nieds, shîuuld hae ver-s Emergeucy Tarife the ecrciary ut the tî-casury là lire- nient alîprofgt et formuate. unt-cnt- ruade avrîliatîhe tut- ge-ural uses. P'ar- t Bil sud Warna Busi- pareilt i mtceu!.toa ou wIt-I ndieata -moloîl business dues îlot mena tolera- hcutnrly derrirrilirlathe provision outy( ness te Be Fait-, abat revenues irc:st hoe provtiedIi li n et restrîilnt of trade.0r ut main- ample cablle oni radiloservces nitet rder ta carry on the goterituocitîSý taiiei prîcca by unntorat ruelhuds. reasotiable toaluna for the transiniuisstion ] busintecs nitulmccl Its eutrt-ut requtre- Il la wiltIa1 have legitiuito business of press malter. so tiurt the Anerîcan meuls ansd. fxed-debt charges. undtientau at a joat goverument, renatier May t-lcelrve a tilde range of POINTS URGED 5V HARDING 'nIes thire are tulklng Celui nuitul ut the Inlerests ou thîe peo- net-s, sud thetu tnreigut reader receivete Accplmcecf etsahie PEI the Important filda ettexpeuiditure. pIe, lias a right tua xpect the co-pera- full accoonts et Auerîcan act-ivties. t rectph toruInerni axe cun liton outlthal: legitîruate business lu Aviation la iisi'îa-bIetfroni eltiiera wlhh modificatons. saaety Lhe pet-mhted l ta fit beîow duamping ont the practlces iehich adI îLe army or tii- nec-y sath Ie gav-era- h Reicten t eage s 1 nw $4,000,000O00 lu the fisaat j-crs 1922 to utîret uand Inspire restrictive legle- meut must, lin he lunerest ts fnationalIL encsta, saoalreo tr ulliaithîs oule ti cn taotanlu-lation. Anxlous as a-c are ta retore deteuiso, encourager lis tiveieliWdiit toril Peac byconresloul reu îrua le cutectunsut bout tu e (e nward flow ut business.,lt,14 ftilt-mlllry suit chu r pu-poes. I nec- iutien. biin lesthan hln 19-0, and une-Lat lut combine assurane sd warnlng lun'ommendi the eciractient ot legîstatiomi Readjustreent et Internai billion lerea thon Iu 1921. une uhicreunce. estnblilaîlug a burteau ut aeroniulc5 Itant . eMuIrReadjutaTrxes.One condiion Iunlte buisheecworld lu tbe navy rin-artaient lu centrize~ istr nt se uy aien- Thue ninst suittantial Icîlef truru tht' may welI roceive jour, lnqîîlry. De- the eontrat of uraral aclîc-isInI lnurou- sorien. a: burnienmnit ram oue for tire pt-en-Cit daion hbasbecu lu progress, but lias noulica nuit retiîovingtghIe restrictiousC Reduce raitway rattes aud test* troua thîe reaiIJusIiueiit eftrnrat fîtl l t-crar-h lite mîark w-be it cen op thîe îersuîrnl delalcled(o aviation ' of opet-tion. taxles fiaut the l-i'"fii stut-repelt flie pt-ucaincd to îLe -kueat m*ass.ot lu, the nîruy. lTlie erîuiy -air set-vce M Relief for disabied voletans. thusa taxes w-Iich have ecome lin- cunsuniere. shonitilbe. corrinued as a co ordinales h Fadi &id for good roads. produtcive sud are no artificiel sud Redued cut et basIc produrtIon Laq combalant ufthbe ariuy, ant i Is exiat- p National budget syatem. liordeisnoe as te defeat thilr ewn been Teoie.bthti ntu iig lg raîzbo îhte ucuea of gcîatiot decorgmn put-pose. bas not yilded ln lke proportion. For lion wthL dut-r agencie of tha goy- dg 0faito.A prompt sud lhotronghiguing revialon exahipie, te prices on *grains aud lIve crament. P Solution of homte probieme et the InternaI ta: iaws. made wibh diue stock bava bien defllteti. Lut the tuat Retief four Service Men. h fit .regrd -te tLe protection outhîe rev- ot hread sud meats la nul ndequatelyIl Wipe out4ths Main of bat-bat-le enues, la lu my jndgutent, a reqnlslte reflected therein. Itle l e h expocleut The Amen-an îpeupule expert con- le lyncltlng. -to thse revîvîialof balis-e; actlvlity Iu Ibat nouprghable staplea w-llli e slow girOss unfaibngly lu voice thie greti- gi Co-operation with @her t1nan- ibis cnutry. It Is earnestiy Loped. In yietdlug lu lowered prices, but the lude of te reinubtîr bu a gi-utrotta andt it tiens te apprsxlmat. disat-ma. theretore, that the congresa tOil hoe mahultued retaîl cuosal pertshiable practîral %-ay lu lia detleuiers [la the CL ment. -aliet1 ensct i tIhul deîny a reelsion 'fonds cisnot le justiîSet. Wortd wsr, wbu nenti lis suppotlitg ______________________ o! the revenune ltiifansursncb uerg- 1 have sk<Odthe ftteral trde rom rit-m ut the governrent. Our t-et-y Im-- ency lariff meachîres ss are necesisary missalinfor a report utfls ebservatlons utedlate couceîn l18tft- the criplped el Washinugton, rl 13.-Presitient ta protect AmerIcun t-cdc and indus- ttndi t ttrîbutîes. lubhe main,1the fat-lî aldiers snd those deeptY îreediuîg the ai lirigdelivaredts iriStst mîesage try. ut-c ta adjuat consumerq' coattri uteslchn f h oeriin. o-I ta congr-eas Tuesday acon. lia ap- Il le ot lesaceucern t thiet- Iuter- pr-odîuctionî cosîs tho (leext-bauge ut scions et tLe gineroua ntent ut ctn-îi-n eat-ed ligture the senale sud bouse lu ual laxriton or tarife rovi-lainral nforuîîurlin hi> "open-pt-ire associa- gres. and tIre puliecouvrtn fuir tLe o )olit ssinantit-ed lis atdroeâ, cnefirt tuatilians been popularby lions, tetîlch uperate. evîdeutly, wtlh- CIpe n eodus nielte % WhItli aas as folIots: lngndlias e utd othIn luthé 15w, lu uit'very gregta ilaniage Inqravisohialniulçtrilii tblte bleiîaere of the cougres-You have butItire pracli-ai course for ecanet of utIhîcîr nîcuers sari equat disradltat- ioqr atthartlik Iusraîc.lireof te i ben càleti In exlraorduurary sesiornn nceoinilthhueuiî ilît t-t'iliy îiugzesh Inge tu the conbuniingpuîbltie. bu-a u oar fisu ainsusraiui, heig.sd I ta glîs' jouir consiticrîîion ta natinal iusentthé lrecan-ress. Ve are rom-u . Wants Heiptul Probe. oerra geoadhfos u(tinusiraieningluacdr- proutar forni tn pressing taLe lelonîg nlîfedtaluthie repeal uft hi e cXesl Wihout the spirit f htlitrlly or une fr a Ihivet- nti oet-s. -t lnr- Id l îî'geucu. e ar ur use t e .3lrnftûtxLiuir!thelu'aîitto t uIaselt cuatu forf cru. u-ue ttht- xoIruu. alr isation ant iitlration ainit cour-etliites sLirti tîjugtlilaiile exashîcra- unuie Inauatioîe nuofry r oueig arTiles ottheWld whaa r.uoui-uit. r diltiis 8dîffilcuit as Our goverutien lIniue uthe pr"enseuls-.lni turglit slirc eul lire -Ii tuadjsimcut talu T'idscoui it-teba etnîtcnonete. liast cver unnetiî)«tcti . Umdut- rur TIre- arîuîry ducs nul uxpertsunînnminormaleatlousthp, vitîi huIptueq. n cne h rnnned- ost pulitiri syiiem thie îniole <utlthse ui- fitilourt Lipuire ua sIiftiiig %ou wmunue- n1 osîîîr A >0 titL utrital spproval.Ihut ail r ted State hâtve liargeul tLe niew -cou- lune Il ls e t-oleresied ia wping ineastrlug cutiutfait- prites titi ant-goveruimeuit agenîclea tookittg ta tIhe grecs aind tisaneuf nadminiistration %iili,smt the necesbIty for ilitjosîug tiei Isly itie country Rani gîte us a bus!' veitare utrte cx-service muinu sioutt r te si lt-,--lie ten hJîîîîuîîeun,t-e- aloulcliniiinirg confusionmianti co,,t lit nesnureeltai to cuitiai ticpreslon and ieta hlaceil under une direrttug hesi, costucin ndj.lortîti iv -rni olciouelirîu. SO 80tirat thee îu-fnro otfti-eesavinr'e t mu9 foliow lirhe %if rie ut mur. Tire urgei-y frt-au Instnt t-iT Tire grertI trerest o oth riuner Ieiti re muet fiientnd reîoit. I I Lulliy Le rugrertît.rtha e-re Cuirru-mn-uui, lnr riderriltlu iuriritiiCt- s uIeerheu onuiîee-ficientd attrictioun.rîa s80 ily îrr paraeti frut an's ati-rurathr, andrtinuilneril uy our ueoplte tIra Il lu & nnl euuîîrrcîaî lite, trorm sagriculture uîunîy ie fuiil ta niale suchi u officli I si, ltile p:-a-Iet-anifu uran-u o thîe 1., ftrte lirecuergeîriy onti,>. crifrirnut tu Iilnair-----n lin- proh-liotat,;ur- t ii-' lretr-nc-trai ut service hta at-r wsys utfpi-ac. but sme are not lu blit -1 iOu nlîhi uui1auiel. Ibrieve lu porietinn ilî fruti Ils reflex ln yCllrt- îi liipiiriZfmoi placeunritsrai tnt dsttujoiigi-dI. Iuiluect, teenst bie th,'ie rIrPurotectionuut Antericun itrdiluih'> - clneeru troaid re-estal ii>hment, lu ro- I lhsiaiitovctoa riig mtre iril> resoIvetu onirtlaî-e <ut-and 1< la uit- pilt-liuitatoprosei t rne efficiency, ant i rng tnirusporîra- a-ar Insuraiiice, ebabilitaltioutandi ail anIatrluthh otu', tuirl invtrîe every Xmericc St-rsi.'rTe privîlegeq outhlIe linct b a îîturtitouîi perîeiur. titaIi o inur citizen-iiiip ta juin inIlle Amesri<an market tath le torehglî pt- ailir than continiVe l as a lîlnurance 'The iinediine extension andtin-t- effort te fSud oiîuroral, unsard eeay iueer at-o offeriedtuetooclîal ua. oramr aîvdsation ut tht' govrrtltiluii &gain. tand tise effect ou mucli ut eut- oiu-ii It l ittie 1t. ha vonîleuthIat lit- acttutîce lu the aruny anti naey tilti Tba .t-lr1cS -Molle mare ap- iuiitttî u1- t--h'stoi-ute "Il nsîkdeetilegslan. itn ie wa-ar aIrIS, hlaelr "rlierf t4i - eacu-le coiadtiis- gîtaisel tieseitîuationr. andti vîlithat -il-uei wciliclî a ln the it-iutstlou goyernmenî opet-ahioan In eeulesness niost cQmplatucul of, sud tLe hospiat tlersuîue anti pahience tetnth go wtîîînflir e udeperrrlî-î.u-e anti gond torti"'lé, utfcoutanuIthe coullcting prograrus. iutiling progt-nmoity bc tot-keti out nrtler-iiauinug teuic uîiit gtaîus hIe if our pêutube. IMreof-er. Inports or tre fnk t(hem, for rcsloralhou ho lui-et thelie edts likety ta haurgent lliilulaite ot -reierrate Iubic tuîriuiarî uliiilltii th-l-fair shaneet or ont hanuc lrouglul about a muat iulffcîlt aIlir e tîîle utpossibile compitttion.I tilItlithîintiiietylcinis laecu-rut (f gmt t-cuint. Vîîînn iis luti ilct ytî ire îm oleproigraturequîrth le most af oulrT yae O@ino uvalues Aii-rîran prosperity shuaiontdmadet lubsin ies t are uhlu- tbiniiiutaleunti ut ofcngresq, for 1,)%v prn enuiui govinuAir ai-sat.a Thre>trare aJea-.rrg conte outhe ti1r nu-nu ce--i 1r.nrr aiiitiriiurulAiinricrui stanular-ultlmnteiy rulalerlilntanu îuprovcmcîîtee a, lre emtîarkhrg ou tire peformnre - ie. naid uull joiln tîhue vandt ie ut ug u i ing r-nn bave- nu) surir un11t1u t.tperanren t tîil tire ruilunnys ulit a sar-ýreulobligation ithiliI ne-ratesI wlitçIr i ibrhe e-î,-rîîs Lu llrru cr-,, in-"wIilithne pr InurOJithit Oniiy ecnt r- prr % ffrely tacultiI-tire eeunliitu outibltions lunte hlnt tuibur di relut. try i-, L luun ltInport-sfil i Inun t %vil et htie trafin.cati heur. ru-nt-> bu-fore us. Home Prebtema Fit-t. -m ur rsIts iii ig. Ilta uis re hike- If tee alin stae filuilerstlodthart Coigres mus utpet Il te poney Flniliiiriint urrs lc iiesoîiiir Y io urslruy ouîr uapacits- lu buin. cougrress ias nu Sanctlin for goveru- of genîrrriîgratitude, anti Cunsce- Fit!nrundinFtle hesouton 'lunty Al)rct- g hiultture ni nien-nucnt nmnet-slii, that ronngressacse-inul (nureadminiastrtio ilur uîsl sinuip ait oft rur iIrnibîcur flt i nr ii rvi igtu r--i l mot îut lis lidud re-u-e loIrn 10 ruy Itaxe ruro i ie ÇpCoue ti o i ci îhrrseslu blithe t-cty begiintrg 1 'a souitucesesUittt-ru mrplirelselu 5t-5i.rIreirt-irrrinrtris i-I vP ireae errnliir- 1,-10-bblun srvcetvii-i ulnti e nritit sîreuîgîîîcu railler Ibeart ecalen hiikcrî unil ar frai-n iii relarionrs. ililr'r, nir fuîînatnr-talît hunist-y litouglu self emiiritîrg. hrere -ti L e unu ubre moral liber oft hle hi-it-hlcaries. suii n-ilol ureui iariirn %.-ny giirî iet1w iii unli i-rush rIansporuat tou trIl Iîi nu-l ,founnIatlran ou fi tindu ta ru-"aihrîutIrze aII efforts su) t'ltre-- Ie ho lut iils ouf l holinat -rerr. h a -iilu nu a i-Italt tiruInhue Inlux liiihab(îînilitatioîn suaIt ho çLtieirnddly ru)- I tir ritOf u-) lureireFIl ig r,,lbt h utf freiruirfairtairilu tiif. hrcnaiuici ve l'reiglit-cirrylug ciarges have maotn- silirnt'iiuairo. hem its hrourcl tin 1tori r utlt ur ia-n lff-r.iatut ii ur ir ttüd, tînt-heit tel luiglin- trt iil gisut- ifiii etrnere PubliicWelfii'C Departmertt. tînliI .rheurbtireeifniîli Im iiIis îîkllkýn'îh f tuinti.It ituuîlulic Ila bri-l iit priautonutl-r-îracl iniig thIrerucent potiticrat caut5qg Ot ourr ntins] iuintrr i-tinti athue cilr ttt- er taln -tertig unr tîas]i flîtte rates andi cuslt foper-tiouîthue propousai ovas mode linI a deparl- s5ale u1e rrr'iY> t'fi ipnehurnrs 'il unr i lu tIt-> ithuirpars t> r- oîr fatri ria uilsthe renîcei. tun r-utfparil ic teel tare lîûuullie ct-e- utfaar taxation flot)-,ubhe shinanil-8 oruti ti lres Il, tIre- %auriti sruggic for V'nrtug-s îîiuy t-hluveebîgat' andl rieu. l waas endot-sealanti comîteutieu theAini- le - lu. nuiri-trc-u t-clr: iaies. Ilette piecunulernul usinul eu-bou unt-su st-n gly tiat I iculure t l -in Il (ire cnlntlie uiniuntfl tIraI 'lble urii it-nur levi- rsî it tOur tnt-It smystetusud flie federuIl regulaliona arce hoa>oiîr attention Rant e auggest tav- ecutu'uuîîy te a iiitir.ii tulln>td ct-y. la\,-,e siouidt e lin-fuI on te lr iIiy out- inmg inlietîîtues or hindrertug nln itute ligisaie acuniblersimn. nîucitnaqtentsre-cutL'Illirpre euc'1- li t,'ctii.P,i c- .îg ilnîlat lhurtese irtIcuiiui.Tthe remaînnuîobtsaces 1Iasýuut lte nuternlty bli, sIt-endy hion' a1lutuels, tbut it is Ours ttante i \Ilnei tutnis lui greetî, batlceir cul'- tiriîtire îthe hîritaige utt cai(aihstlc sruugly ujiprovei, iltîtLhaensceet On uutrItitng anrti itit- Imp(i-Iiirg t--ci-rh uni r huit irtilit tiy nt honute exploitation in mt e icremoveti undi hunuiptuly, tu tidiugt t utailtes- put-r)e-1tributli ieg;>1-tri ro uiarl 'Id- et l1u9i-itihe sour(e-outatt atinE uig gonruriIubor ii i-t jr: n min agemtu In u ln- fan in utrimmunt inltet niiîtsiiiuuuui Tie urrulrriuie itrit- toifrre.uîjt-e4tonlrig fInal tIre pulic a-lie Siîlui-%IiaI related tiu he futegoing emîcy lui hiedigien-sca.Rdrtuite ainnthelInO 1 K nrenil tîat fl-cacannirt sAil uun- layq ItIre puictt t ic set-ted. ni Irniisît lprubîîcmt5la thie race question. alcil druggrua t h ut hubitc te,,iict- e-ui r lii. bt i t tnt tuasn a t- g.l icu siîmplle Jo' i -ie I lcr t-hit andl viii ( uugrss ougit t le etpehie$tainut ier-s5. i-stu-dingfig ntifederat authrn-- on lui ui-de-teiuuîînrnhti andithle tnsut-r otli ub h ilto i ie )tlg-elnhn ri h an Ity tli ilt t an ibunnripaty. Il,;:utofnuîuc nînrî:ts.TIIere ,14 ta lIe ctilti ur'tt ihlu h herLrricluc lug fri tîteane âid ii'ting tIre snlnnieshpolltu-nrl sentnhiit le la tIr radinît hi iulleunt i re uad ot-deil.rp-eetl suitil sunt cou-tuu:t ir nîst iai- raue cutal'iluur li t(. lu d. Trtauporaiiou rer bhe ilgîtevuy, s la reiicritcY. I aiconvîncedtl ti nt hulae u ttOu-iuuur-ii hoil!. huI Ilknow nusymîrîtîy.relnabe to contsrucionlnditdéeeîuîî- îy. t-t-Wgnftlon of theintetdepeuueicce T'l'" nation cenruiîit ru-drain except Whithe the lel-gatce ut lit,-ntions mnad ecv y otet-ut-st îc, lui ilsrItiseve ou utuofu! the rc su d the maintenance of lui uir artiirs, but lit crlenha aia-r ucrge denteiîîg pecue terrus it 1urt(eutin, liecaea teelute îsyîuîg a the chîuha ts rcitlzenqiIlles the rendi exesiurt Ii ntifuitaore oîi- I. I'iu'I sîtietuit' cc nte d-huîcl ~r ounuîuîîîn for a loug tilîie lui contîe, lh i>rgileu adjualmeént. The Stgiering luat ifcn ccar dîlit part lu cuumpltiîmg the peuce, coiaîîttslraititih tecruchlon-lu cet-y tillcut thovils- The Publie Defelme. mue ucu-îre tu- l ercry tnihug uîiagi-lts ou t 011?vatIons w'e e n- hiu-natze lnUnilsgreat possfihlltlea3. Ih ls neetlesq le cuilt our llen. anti grattant liquidation. We shani i ibi iurghînir hUnes alen taiishttlng hir TIere le liegun a neîv et-a ln llgît- tr .ou lutise untinîshti busintess Iuîîrt- b Itteetlte solution an"uIaid effetivel> uüirpsts, %iclilial tnt-ard look (oai wau-înîrcttth ttîyut-itctlelrmttepcdn oiras Te la hfultx th ta liuilt-rs I tesirie mutoc fitrite v es ebohiy rop r nt-erInhueîtitreseoutmillions otf aruoiritionuhIns for armiy antiuavy resoiut4tî~y eh expeudilure. 1h la fer et.andti usis een nvetnageuuo u toduiars lînîttIissues&lîy rend districts, li baite yîtnr eurly comsiderallon. Mor uaeyt Hîae doe. ttn.Tun nccare. I 1 cciiilue cuîîuîîîandtu Mates muaînt to enot-moos Néi-ilet bruinchi o! tha gucerument cain I nute itrorofHave ccomy. en-Laiter( mu nrcu'fmrrîl uctr iguresnd ilthe country la facluîg such le uuuîmlntifîîh of the cl for reduceul lutie a-cr tunaror zicîd- ruilIiild t Ilreoi r a-ont rd ll i uta la tl lulltIa-ty epuure fuir heséedeprhe.inen(s ut beglnng l inwal eeied the hîghest assuce uf peneclau carry no threat @fer the proof ofur national un- selfishness. nie reasunable limita- ou of personinel uîay become coin- bned eîltb economîca of administra- tien te 11fh the bnrdt-ns of excessive oUtiar. The aur departnient la reducing the ersonnet of the army fron t th maxi- mum prei-ided by lawv lu lune, 11920. te thie minimum dlrected by congre-s I a sutîsequent enactumeut. When fur- ier reducîlon la compatible wlthna- Honit secuiirty, It iuîy Weil have the saction ut cungreqg, su!ttaI By@~- lent uf vohluhtary unllltcrt- raining maT errer t0e otr young manbod I the ad- suntageset phyical dee-elopment. dis- ltIfne and cortîuiltmeut te se-rvice. cat coustîlute the arruy reserve tui re- tarit for the training. Wiil Net Enter thé Leagus. Neariy hivo and a halIt >cars age te Wiirldl ear caine ho unend, nd yet w-e Sd ourselvea hodsy Iluthé tclîntaltitlle utfa-ar, thoogb actuel- ui t pence, whitîe Europe is ah heclu- icul peaee, tar trainthranuoillihy andt Ilte lirogresecet oward thlhiopedt fr reslorahion. 1h lit becoutes us texpress Impahience that the EUrg- peau bellîgerenta are nul yeh lu full greementî, thon we ourselves bave beeu uiiatute ho brtug consîtutut au- iîorlty ltt accord lu ou! own rela- lonis te thefortutalty proclaimeti pence. Mîille cealla lu recittug t he causes ft delay lu Europe or our onratil- rue ho sgt-e, Btintth-t-O lanolonger xcusec for uucertalntlca rep-ctIuig uone phases uf ont- toreigu rretatiuun- tîli). - i11(hie exittlig Leagiîe fut NA- Quis', toru-governilug wihilsa super- turIitis ri-pUuie ilîtIhave no psit. Tiero con be no nisInterpreftliufl and tbere wiil be nu betrayat uoflte etîberale exrpression oftIhe Arnerican eole lu the receut election; and, set- led lun our-declacn u fr oursetees, I1h le onîly fairt-eh say ho the world lu cenet-ut. and thOour essocinîhesa w tn parîlcular. Oitîah e league covenant cau have tio sanction tiylie. The alto luuissoclate nations te pt-e- vent uar. preset-ve pence, sud proinet. ivîltizatton, ur perople moat cordially ppiavaied. WVe yeerwedl for titis new instrumnt o! jusintce butwve Cen bave no par-t lut a cominîllal te 5an agency tr tuorce lit nuikuown cuntiiîgcni-ls; e eau recoguize ne suîier.aouthrity. Maifestly the hîglaet put-pose of lie 1.sŽagie out ionuts la defeated lu Jiiring Il wit the tresi! ot peace end miailinîg l e e fot-cing ageti'y ot tre i -lut-ofuthile nr. Internataionarl s-rinifior pe'rmanreint prence nin-it -c cinurctie d -i4IlýIy as an 1i net1 11u- ai urallty of irnirtico. nassoctniedi unti the passionis of ye3terday, anud rot au consltitiuie as te attiuoit the duni functtorîe of a pollticîil lustu- men-it of the eonqueitorsansd ut an agei'ry ut peace. Tliere cea lienu prrrsîerit! for the funuîaineuîat pr- ni~isiougita bucieachleved hy any uleli association su long as Il le an Ct- giiui <uf auj-particîihr treauy or corn- n1tîlliil trithe atti nîeît o$ (le iete- cil-s nîiisOut euy nation or gruuot Ready t& Joîn ln Worid"Peace. lie Aiericait asipiration, lideeti, Ire wuortd aspiration.,a-as sansiieta- tion e at isirusbn-ed uni thbe ap- il1cation ut justice sud rlght, bindlug al.s lu .courifereurce .and'c-prlo o ire pt-ci întuinetf var and polnllng, iticet NviY lu a ighlet-civlitlt-n a nd Inrternaionau-'l fraieruîity lu which ai Ire îeniill nighl sanre. lu rejecîtua lie league covenaînt atid.,lteriuîg Ihat rejv-ciorrte u r ouupeople. anrd 10 the tiortri. uc uinake nu surrender ef our laopi andl ait tot-fiu association to prriuîiiiipence luntlilch tic aoutd lnri t harlîly joinî. Wc îeish il lunlie courticldI n peun-e anîd deIlcated te le-i anîd %til t t-liiiqtitnli nu effort 10 lurlng tirenatlis outhte u-orld ln iuîclî ellovsrili. eut un Itie surreuiler ot naional aaer'»îtnut rejoiclng li a norlîler exerin.e ut Il In tIrenud- 'i n-ncecît of lîrîîîrn Actitties, rîmld the cugtliiietiuiis ut peacetul eciuve- linte ualionai re-turenuim 1e lich I liave rrulerr-u, 'te pleilgeti our et- fui-te tutuard aiiçh snocIatlon, eud tlî hletge teill hue falthfutly kept. luInlie lliglit orf poliy aud performance, te totd 'the Anierîcrin hteoplea-e ruean te seekun early eiitablishmert oi pteace. Ther~lhte ' States Mte amoul thue altied anti aseochateti puoeacun- ltanes lu a technuicat state et wau rguithe centrat pou-et-e otEurope. This aurumualous condition englît not ho ho Iîwrnilîted lu contlinue. To. establsh tîhe alate out(ecîrlca' prence îvlhîuut turtlier delay, 1 aboutit elîprota a ileciatitory resolitiout by cunigresq10eboint effect, witb the qunll- ficabluns essenîtiel te protoct aitui rîglîts. Snmell action wuuld li e sien-t plest keeping of failtwlih ourselvei senI conid la no sense bc consîrued an s desertlon eft hiose wlth whom wî aIrared cutr anerILciàlin war, fbr Chose peuvers are eireàde' ch pence. Snch a resolntoui sliold undertak ta du no more than tis. ho deciare itue sate of peace, whibldiaIt Amrure -craves. It muat atM no dllllcoity hi efl'ccthug. wiIth just reparatieus, tIi î-estorablon for whitcI ait EutupE yeat-ua, end upon tehlcb the world*s rn ----------- ---------------- Mffl MSI -a en te se e- ly . e.1 r- ti. blonticello, Ca., Aprîl 13-tudlct. meula hava beau cehuritat by thie Jas- pet- couînty grand jury agaîlnst John S. Williams, ll t tre, aons-ituland, Mat-vin andtiLare-nad Clyde Man- nIug. luis egt-o fatm boss, cbarging mortier la couutectlon w-Ith the dem thîs ef 14 negt-oes en the Wiliams planta, ldon. Eigit hudlctuneuts trere feunti agnlust Johun S. Wiliaums, charging mortier et elgItI farun hauda aLose bodies t-are erennlty fount ia-ed lnt pastures on his.faon or acere draggad trom ni - arty 'l'h-crs. It1gIh Indîct- me-tcsîaso were cetuieu agutinst M~de blauning for thie same killiga ]fipiheuti illiams a es ludletidfuir the klihug et a negro camei l Back Dr. Paul 0. Berger CITIRtOPRAýiCTOR Dr. J. -EL Meyer- CIIIROPRACTUOR PALMER GRADUATEýS 10 YEARS' EXPERIENCE EACI! Houra,: 10 ho 12 a. m.; 1 l to5 ad 7 lu 8:30 p. nM. 123 N.. Oenesec St., Phone 1016,e Waukegan,, ni. powerà oft he senate, we woutdgo te iohn Rich Brougiit to Wauke. the otbqr extreme, equaiky objection- gan and, Placed Under able, if cougress or the'senuite slîould asrethe functlon of the executîIve. Bonds; S.rved 90 DaYs . Our hlgbelt duty l the preservation of the consittutionial poivers of encbi MADE GOOD ONE CHECK anu1d th promotion of the aplit-ot- co- oheratioo so essentiel ho our comunO Wheui John Rlch. aged 20. wlîosaaYs welfaro. Separate Treaties Not Adequate. hs Iromie la in Patedena, Cul., gte!ki)(!d Il would be Idie lui declore fur eep- forth front the lirldewell la 'i.n *rate trealles of peace wlth the cen- Tuesday afternoon afler having tral powers on ire assurrptIon (bat servedl a nilnî-y day gmn retie for these.clone wouîd he OdiUleute. he pasalug a evorthle-ra ciecli, ho walked causesthe situation la so lInvolvedil'(liInto the arma ot a WVaîîkegan pkollce our peace engagenments connot -glr fîe ho w, niiu orlii. The the old world relatlouiahlp andthe se t- fie awaln o titement alr.-cdy effectuail. Por la ih de.- Waucgýiu police wei-e noiliýl tiat siache tu do sa In Ire,.erv!iig our i Itichîs terni î.outd expire T rorli> r1ghts and cuntrzclig our future re- CI a were ou h;rnd i.liii a wicr:rflt lationshipu. il hrging hîru ati hlî:îi ilng poî rd» Tuie aluer course wotiJd accru tiilie hiud (hecl<ý lu %Vukîiu knon lieî. the acceptance of the Confirmiatio ofber '29. Iat. cUar rlglitâ aundllInterests ns att-cri l> itliti tagarrrri,,ncd intiil- îrr provlded anud lu engage tinder tire ex- this mrnnng andmi ýs phi-ced-niîi-r I.sllng treaty. assuruiug. ut course.liit lbonds of $1,04o. I-finirasie f505 î(n- tIbis cnte satlafactorlly sec()îînizilshed tinued ten dr ay kirhe îîoltiî îiv hy such expýllt rcsmervuiuîs aLd 11oult- tie fettow niy havie pa5s;, I ,ther tîcatlouta as wlll %eccre our absotute bad cliecks ;hui- andt hey fgri laI freedoru from Inadvîtalle counaint- îlîcy witl have an opîi-iwiiiy l)t;ri 1 mente and safeguard ail our essentiel the naîîîi-i of thoîsr. wiro n'iYla Interests. caqhre< theiti. Neither congress aur thre people Rich I-i clargeel mî iitii iai ' neede ny assurance ilat a requerit ~terait chai-ha on lthe 'Kuru l3..c'ï r,-s- nugotifite needeil Ireaties uofîîeae e irannt. forînierlv l, (,i"iin :N.îrthj wuld be as superllîuous anrl unrt-Ceca-Celnîce siitrec buit which cii,.(i gary *ui ecluulclly lueffertire. an 1drîîrs rit-i-nil>'. and ai.o on -I)u1-.r, Lîow ln u ny ounlieart thât tîîire In Notun 'flie theckr catilied ai il,- ý iwl ho WIUliIl wislh if)eruhairraos iier rplacp wani for l110, F. T Irrînri. litat one of tire pioplijetro oitîa>fig(>',-nI the cief exr-cuiive In (lie perforwun- p miin it-Iliîad tnowu Itir h w1,11 irnce uf is doîy a muii ive care ait 50 iatik ofuti ieni acre oin ir('ray :and entier to tut-n iIi-.aploi riment sait de- he- fngnîrrî hP 4.111n iIi' l lay Into gratitylnjg a ccoml Iiment._, orsne- hit-n. i iair ýr -:t,. fi <lii ïioiens rltug tlu ouipfkfn !5- ur.rîi i'r, latlona bear uponItie pre>ent nnd the Rlri l irA rd n I r ii-ià future. and are of auîch a nature Ihat ly artîr tie lot-ali iient, h r <nu)-l tire aIl-Importanit future reiaistlie (le-flot be brouglt i lure berasrieL- iail hîberately consiqlereil. . wlth greater bie-n conylicupl ni pa.i--îng Aar-h coneern thbm nore linmelntae relief lestterheck luin ti lty andil t!-.- front onhappy conditlIons. 5Xe bave meene-d iiithe-I:tnwl wlhnessetl, yen. wc have pattcipateil lI the aupremely ragicepfisode otf war, but our défper coueru litlIhe Wanted Inforsrut!om. contitnuiugIlite ot nations and tire de- Littte DDvlii. four. kid i tCf"«b vi-topruint of clvillizatlon. ni5untîy naurýilriy suri liiis îî' W~e toust nul shlowounr vision te be threntn-el taput thltn lub-1 and lmpalrcd hy the conflilt aruongcOr- spnkhlm lu InIIIL t.rgan." Afler a sel ies. Tb@ wearlneca nt bouné and monneîî itoliont t ):IIl I eît1 O tire dîsaritolutruent te tire uorld bave 1lti'r. u-her.-s u. th. gttî tiecu conipeassfteilInathie profit (bot thîs repoblcwiltl urreiffer mno t ire berîtage ut netlonallty, but ourr nglila I lIernational relatetlonuilp have lu Doctrine of Reinoeatio. be sterliey reqtoîre estuthlleh- Te doctrine utfsatirevkiran71't-t nment in compuets et unity; our part ern e beng maide iuaol'"5ât iiitic In- In renduJustnent and restoration (Cea- dividitat la very ouI. aire '1 ecau ..' nul be Igutoreil aud must hie defined. PFp'çIiNiy lu tlhe Far Eiît. li 1?i i'at Hl-ep Without Entangismrents. Pian clreie fi ln'i.i' s W tIi thle Fuir-gov-trrîliig la gîe ca ,i3i rt le inci.iry to a g i i -r or definlut i l Vrejected aul athîbthle wurld Wc.a <tc ci-ofru utiun e iaiai ,rti so Iniforilri-i. kakuI i wi tIi ihe st:ltus if te l l t i-r. Tiwi , -sI a ri rîr lt'* 3 pwee prîîclilnie lit borne. ive ina> tiro-. ~Uiti1195 eir:1ti,î stfe "f fi- ciI to ri-gothale the covenanteti rets- - & aiig titri-ne ti1ýriur aur ! Y tionshiipq go esenîlnl lta ie reco)gut- hîbat]enexieietnc- Iclu)eerpreut iiut lion ot ail thé' rîglîts eî,.rywh-îre (ut Iui' '-sneter- t-r - foir natirîn and Pliiy uîîr tuil part litith. g. juilni fiz thIe peotitie tif t hie a uin i uthle ____________________________ puîrîits of ptIace once hmare. Our oi- gitinins lu effecring turopean trau- qîîiliîy. lbecati-e of wars Invotveineiîi, are, nt nt lesliii lu'1 ling i hn ir rart n iIr tlie mw t iif. 'This r r-toraiî îfn tii lie wroîîghtt eforr-the hunran pro-i cession cen go onnrl agalu. We Caa lie lelpfiitl I-cause ire ire nîvedtiy ~ E no hatrels anud larbor rio featrs. itelît- toîne oe <liet numen enteuglement snd parllclpntluui In economic atîjumt- -'uiat* # doei uiot oi-iu -----14~ ia treaIl ckîmtnltmcnlnvi llch(Io flot coa- cern uc. anîd lu ulîtchi tee ththave 11o part. DyOdCik In n nl mpelig wsh O Io he Ordtur your day otd chii l(ï tnio-it and tiest for our oun refoblte NOWtirr larch or April di h'. and mntain lis lilgh place amo)ng <- Wilitî e iravil i .awi! nationq, aiîîi a t tire sanieCurIm re be gi eiii.-i -i lii"rf the fl , 'n ifterlai; ut juglire lu IlicIn. .1,alIitla tioes aot'hie ia- uSt. ti> .tik nd-cfreec wa 1y th îli unr r t e urflers ne- îd he ~ ~ ~ u satc-giarnlul. 1ruilene lu îakîu r rie progrulm.atigl confidlenît cu-operatton Egg production lui înikiîîg t effective caniiot l-ail os fer we eau stipply any brecd- astrny. IN'e eau rndr-r nu effective auîy .ruiIîib~îiVi. i -. Plloile 07 si-ni ce i o tutinaniity <liiiil we prove unr Cati ottu capacity tir cîi-opcratlou lu the co-ordîiîlion ut porvers eontefflplated A. B. Danu, Poultry Dept. lu tire contttiolln. unadlnnucov-enanta lthodCl lC thIilli Ignore oiîr associations In the BatbrdClMa o r ivar eaun lie muade for the tfuture. More, Waukegan, El. ne fu lilî r ocigty (ut nations eau he toriuded ou jusitce andl couumtted tO Piudyii.l tpence ilintîl tire covenîants re-eslabllsb- Pîo-vuig--l6R luIg pence tire sealed tîy tire nations 9elîlcb ivere et war. To such Cccom- 1plslîmet-to the complete re-estab- lpýsiuent ut peace audlils ceutracted -relttonshlps. ta the realizatlua ut our WE IN'SURE GLASSES AGAINST it inspiration for nations ussoclatedl for BREAKAGE world lîelpfutness without wurld gov- I eruiment, for ivoridatribillty un wlilcl, i hiunnity'a lopes are fouutled. ive .nis y shall address ourselves, tuliy mldutlOY 1- uf tire igli priviiegé aud tire para- r mouint dutly outhie Ualted Statos lu r- tis crîtîcal perlod oef the world. 109 South, Genesee St. ___________ hree Doctors Two H-our Service sNEW "PEONAGE" INDICTMENT -111 N. Genese st. Waukegauu, lit. ;e jury Acte Agaluset Farmer. Titres ,Sono and Faru 808& lI :e Negro Kllingo. a- :By MORRIS Pnirnt and lion-il ar e %tutuy fishe:nman i liîcach> ait Cari tendl WVhle nul ccil- InrîieuZ-them are t. * Tise cet-p laq actuff n t tLe eaatiehit fis-htt inl Ii -by auj-Ilin pouîîîd ca1t wiil gîte Te bel t tait 1Ikilt cr titi douagh i pl. uf ot-dhu)t-y bi-ead d( wttuCotton, put la p-intly baked. The »î-lneipal pat lsa astrcng lUneAmpi hoLok. The lire ep La aa r htclivrangli 'nics 1% wtiete lie is going t lie"dunre by thrt-wit5l fi-nLng expedition. aT hebo peuple nti ethen'pepletlooa jang thue dlooku. *dn uthble ntave: andiile et vIl *xepa $ètbe vuti Wl,,thg M~YSTERY CO Caryt Pattison G ( With Kiss at %o Door, Rainbê COLLEGE ROMA :a n s t , r O uI n t i 1 u~ nuuiiu-nt II r. ltm. utfl Iaito 1.u. li inn ti tic Uni ttdu n"im a ilii i ~ t , îut ru l c tO lut1 n Jil il n- -fi n Ini. ue aI n n IIihtir nahInmlp (In Srirai rr -Le it rI y, j : u i 1roun I .% nr itn I.. I n rt Irur i. i : '-vaturr -r:. ti& LIS-k- tu- . i a 'ieun Iri t- le de Fn - ,illtI' lieiiil tri ou i Ie 1- uu la i . i n -, r > in n I t-:W m, a:u. 'Il diiniii&rDû, illli t 'ulit a ,et a M i n r (ulh , a s ,t4 fIl Siuy se wrai (119111 u.,- .îoi n bc r' l, :0 tien.tt , ; s * ' u t he ril Cit- le1 .,ic n a111 < i i (4.te Jin@ jua uic c iti % ire iIs-,wein h tri iu.nu li x c i n trt- n li'nt lie tî r ci lMani Et .înnn ha 'lut' rîni i i P.ThI uenbuliSut-. ne1 Liin ~ -n (Iuh-on as Mure M 5 e (o i -i. uti îLe alios à tu- i ru assit latnuaSu ilmn ui InA aIen utn 'ua e iu n e ethi ý à à-v. olr 1 1