rIAut a r & ___________________ L zertyville Independent] j.akCountybudepmeno - Wauegan Weely Sun IM"tte Potoffice et LiIertYvllle. Il., as Second Clias Mail Matter. .USCAIPTION PRICE-41.50 PER VEAR, STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. Office Telephoni Numbe«r 1, Libertyville Exchange. H. G .SM ....... ......anaEdtr CHAS D NALLEY'...-------------------------------......................Local Manager ÀPu'AM ~i iýsered Iliat the conditions are some- A ION BO U ~ ARD wbat diferent. as it la aaidthbor ÀCT o review did flot correct lis~ original 0F REVIEW I' ELPED [ """" ewnkgat: TO DEFEAT BJLL _____ irio thie plan followed isat,,year. The action of th, board (irve The valliii: of their objections tien îîoiiqd be put up to the county of LaecoUntyit n cfitrctifl 1'l" jutige Judgc Persans beld iast year year the altegeti erranpops .1(1 per tat the objections were well taken cent increase of last >car, together and tîtose who fIleti objections gat with the tact tbat thet ta principals aut of psying the 3o per cent. name intheinjncton ax uit, aA -erious 'error in the Waukegsfl nauetiin ht njuctln tX ~t ,x bilii said to have hati the e!- against County Treasurer Bracher are lect of ntllifying it, for the attorneys given as the reason, wh:. the tax neglectedt t charge that the plaintiffs sait appears ta have heen dropped. hait madie s tender of a part af the In the case of IHighland Park; wheie, tax antd been refuscti Thlsis la ait a figbt iq being matie ta est'aile ia.- ta liaive been a very serious over- ment of tbe added 30 per cent, it la sight. The Mystic Symbol of the Mothers' Day Club For ct era soin and daugbter avho ivtishes to inace bi S or ber 'Motber happy on'M\ay 8 -ohr'DaN -'tte have devised a deligbt- fully easy plan of surprise. But it's a secret -' oti w tuldti't w att us ta publisb il bere. This Brunswick idea he1pg you to surprise ber On the morning af Moîber' Day, she receives ynur tohcen of affection, a splendid Brunswick Phonograph anti a collec- tion of appropriate Brunswiick Records, No surprise coulti bc more deightful. None could afforti mare constant peasure. There are other fatures ta aur Mothers' Day Club that addt ta bbe surprise antiaboiw yaur thaughtfulness. We explain them ta you personally. Titis llotbera' Dày Club gîvea you an unusual oppor- tuniy. It incluties an easy plan of paymcnt. You'lb be surpriseti at the tietails of the Chah plan anti glati of ibis opporluniy ta give your Mother Igb 4l ti n, picasure. Come.in anti Ict qModeSl mU us tell you per- sonally about Ibis Mfoîhers' Day Club and "1l2." Also Ici us play $orne special Brunswick Records for you. Onde you know the titails, you'II surely'ttant tojoin i tht't celebration at Motlcrâ,'-DaY. Tbhe it s ahort, so conte in ai once. We have Brunswick Phonographs (ail modela) on or floor for immediate delivery. Also a compiete selection of the famous Byunswick 'records>. We wil Lgladly play any record fôr youý Lighten Mother's Work with a Suction Cleaner The Hoover, is the REAL Cleaner, and in -a clau by itself. -Cornme -and- see it dernonstrated The Ray Furniture & Paint Store Open, Màay, Friday and Sattwrday Evenings Phone No. 9 LIBERTY VILLE THE JJBERTYVILEM EPENDEW<. THIJRSDAY, APRIL 21,1921. A Wi thl Menujoriai day appraaching, we 'AM RIC N LGIO _NE S N TF )te again reminde t it base of aur LEGIO NEWS NOTES i (urades wba 'dîld nat camle back" bu t are stili on iareign sali. Last yeai' 1 tlic Legion performed the' haiy service Tlis is îa Iutile star:. wiicb la neither edlui ttp iapos nti of laying a mneail wreslh an the 1ableaiutPut tirisaliable, utfispaprostinernegisîtionrave aofi v'.ry Ameri-an soitiier la !a] ito rPlalbti at1sierleilain.Larnpe. Vî' wlll do tht' samne Ibis cuilei traonthtileday's work. amns'- -cyar.rosis in Englanti. France. Bel- trating what la daliy happening thrut- , W,,, ïOt- enliai' -NOW~? 1es, ise giumn anti Germany wilil se tat every onut the nation wherever the Legion has 1îid enlist, anti ve expect you ta do sa ovr.raas grave of an American soidier llanted i is colora. We of taday, wlth .tout-de-suite' and know tbat, each is as flttilng :y decorated as If ail aur: aur discontent andi unireat. Deeti sane Legion member that lbas tIaly caughi camtradles sle.ot in the soli of the' home- aut tfitisal]tiism anti thelpromise that the spiint ai his organization anid re- lanti. The National Conmmandert fel1 anutt it I a c lg ti.'olri aîzes ta the full value ai the purjtosea if a- particulsrly approprla.9 antisol a t etteripe in theb lihed aur 1for which if was foundeti will bu found eîun obligation that the inemberà oa' ai three, years ago. We are indebteti willing ta enlist anti put his whole ef! the' Leglon contrîbute ta a pu ")Seat-of ta "Lufe" for Ibis little stary; and It fort inta putting acrass the most wortb this nature. He therefare Issues a cali la oni:. necessary toadait that the real white project ihat e'ter came before ta ail members of the Legion andi Post! naines have been disgitîseti: any organization or before the general ar-ganlzatigns ta give their moral and î THE GRIEATEST UNION ON EARTH Public. It la this: A state-wlde cai-: financial hellite the' tecoration of the 1 OBrien. the' hcad af a family ofaix,1 paiga. calleti a service cleanup,. bas graves ai aur coniraties\who lie aver-, waiveti exemption becauseti be believ: been Isuncheti by the stale tiepartment. seas. 1.- id aherakne beter han ie hibaslmply means that every effort lt la requetet Ia each deVart- lit woulti be most neetieti whenth will bie put îortiî by the American Le- ment raise fron thIe inemberg of the' Icaîl canme. lie landeti in classLand Mn.oaI llinais ta abtain settlemefll ai Legion ln that tiepartmeni a suin equal! went illiot beeing o as nti y each anti every dlaim thlat any e-ser- ta ten cents per member in goond stand- Henîwithwoul b teei rangd'a'>' ire tian or wonian may have againat' lng as aof3larch 1. 1921. (2) That no, gasseti, ant ialler nine monîhs in the aur GOvernme.nt. Il means golng mb to Pst cantributa lesa than $600. liospital a-as tischargeti, the tioctors every cantmunity anti every home, and!' Ail funtia wlll be accounteti for by, ad% lie outtioor work ta slave off in- findlng out just wha have dlaims ta be tht' National Treasurer In a public cîlîlent tuberculosis. latjusteti. what their nature la. fillaglstalement. ln a cstivas for new miebers aniîbtflt wth the Bureau, anti aeeing thaLI Contribution#f rani the ptublie ai Atuerican Legion worker caliet i a bis the beat passible settlementit la ab-, be accep)tet anti the Legian will bie hîonte Neigbbors wbo were caring for taineti. glad ta have any and ail patriotie citii fite chiîldrcn saliti that the mother wa One does nat liavet go autitie ai zens niake use af aur organization in doing day work. anti that OBrien was bis own camniuniîy ta tinti evidence'Iis annual trîbute ta aur fallen. startîng bis thirti veeti in searcb oVý f no uncerîsîn kind af tht terrible' Public contributions, bowever, wil an~kiti i l ob it colt bltidan.effecta thait te war lias wrought ta Ilnt reduce the aniaunt.ta bc contrib- any in. thf anjbiera Lelo Pot cm sorte saitiier and wlîaî governntental uteti by tht' nt'îbershlp. We bave an ploia:nient îaticî i. corraîcti bini tîîatneglect and inattention lias donc ta the mci lîlîal obligation tn aur owti (le îigt,~t andl tor flic soli i ys. larget- case. flur stfat(- commader cati lite' îîariî'îl wii ut tîtse alwa:.s in t"a ting bis aait business allai the' drive scores a nces titat have conic un-'tari-. l'antributions. for Libertyville lot tntfuieu ti .iuîdwitl i hni te(le r hi lîeî sonaI abat'rvta t itonin la 'ctst a ili bhi't cei iil tfraointnw tiiby steise : t heCitît iy of Brotiîerly Love. 't lits ici public beaitii haspitals anti any,'onuiii the Ilastîtfilcera ..lDa fut S i( t' il iti'sac answer., insane. asylitnifps wbcre liroter care fitthel'tS er iidqi'loci long. fuir Ma:. trii r îtt i job." sait cncd. aiattention i i é-SitiiInet-i l aith il l) scain bc e lre. % ihi t -'î i i an i1 w iii 'tiex osldiers al it' issint- anti ai-bre \Vi' stàit-l îugeli-t Ii' Ri sl.iik lu- touId lti> ol\î.- 't'esu nen standîlotie chaocncc i ut iittit'i hvrJîtinl,.-i' iirieifl Lui:tt \t t 1it 1vh- a t, mît lt ig .i i be iîcaiiig 'riglît" again utiless îhe'ît' i S'lit' joîb 'tt iiil - l,* ief, l i i a radical -i nti in ltiti îîetliîaî i '<ti îlilolî i ieii s 11tt ,i calîtli', i, itiit.l tire usedl toie lhiîr ichabilitation ilo: il, oi iiTtýn ýý r otIzlno, Thithei-tt ti'îllow Whotis i U L R O N lttnIlltI iis i- l tnn r ttu i.;iîînî I 'liere îndviic tg iaîoutilliii-cottuntryS. dtlt itt oieluni. bat iasttci I"bct's t 11laits.feelintg tuaIhelit-ias bt-eneit ,-o ýilit iat fornea rv atîonth hall 111-0% Iorgot unbIo a pectile li ai at011 IN STOLEN A UTO, drNe o ý u diýq iiry i)un sýt g %, t o i l ar o iii'!lit., ~ v i u ~ ~ u froit durIoorlttitr in ssi cli ii a-rk. -erie, Tuert tare itan:.of Ihtiesi- tel II l I Tht':.sent Ii I i iason, a int-nber ni litas tflic L.î'cînti-',ttlcking thei ni, TELL WIVa1LD STORYI the Le-non, anti (alitain of the' Guai tis riglit alotig ittiui iing Ilitileaite: ,t oI iont' ai ihiladlphia's oldeat Indus-' taku-n care i- *til t'- tnl:. a toit, itititat tries, and Mason îîut bio n titi' îay, tcelrence (o i :.ia ai a droit iiwn n I Say they Fixed Car for two i. i, it haut asking ah:. - tht ai reet ant Iolin th t aliec taaat That is al. exceuit taI Scin, wiia1 ex inItier Nvha lias rontvaatedtltubticu, Other Sailors and Were neglecteti bis business,. asaa aJea. 1iîssor oaliter ialient heeause oaIlii, Masan was a P'rotestant. ath i i' tian-i-iiices in the' acmy.litas ne'tcr relela, Just Trying it Out. tue:. 'saw tîtraugit" was a Caitolic a nickel af comnsation, ta unable it ia it haut a iieiitbt'i -hltttl i heLezian. (Io an:. aork lant i a more or lt-s dûIii1' .i ,însiti is anîî John w'%v, i t angî-d nentai 1:. l'a? bette ras(,,; anti1 wîî o i s ii, f o ui omthuc reat îî k-.-ns 't I An:. (tilo n the' hase hall qutîstitîn instances arnong aur 'ex servtice uten Irýt ing -I ttait ahi wer- a;Ilîi-t' i lt aili be giien Ii Hansan. ite bas the itte nti tht' excepîtion, but have beeti Firutbîhe- jan taié'a niglil'- t î;--1n dulyofKttl& a ineu of theprop-îaunîi ta be in a lairge itîtasit e11titi t î. -r un ina aiiobb illa -anti determinine aviether a teant""e; nd il --he -- ', obliia a lll iflî tt-nin \ttut, , la possible for ibis year. He wîîî wel titeans ciel':. ietubet lntil'tdualyitt:. > o -îtni N' ý. ,i:slau, iirtl aitof l' camte an:. suggestians as ta te mat.doihila titi i hîpoacr to r clif i:benlI-tilb vti -%\auku.g;t lii' agemtent air&possible players. Matera tiiteasis Inî ch assible. .,ni~a 5 tti i, ii iTttl look very favorable right now fai a Sanie ien in Washingl tion ulpro i-en unt te u ii .,th - gondi teant for Libertyvllle ibis sut îislitala and equiient for Ibese men ltiit : h'nii îîî tlîî i mer. especlally if maltera shape outi n about 1925. Buttht' Legioa btid ~iîTiti'Ilîtiice ainuîltlai haI as they are going nowîîî htNOi. Vi'nîuthiat Itm .,anie aua. taý,t t - ileded W itarei uiie t1 n - i n I tea rt., lija - itiicbrh llT) a ill sec-Io l ait th ie>.air- orthcotiing arh'ît ici av Io- ii ay bîttti Pete Ilansan lias tirapped «ti t bte,%' î"'ae rcu-dine tIotur irienti. Cl'rehtip: -- a bu tut' liat of bachelor eligibles inoamal- G ltaNes. aife'iicagu. ti tell tht- aîrtîl timon:., anti now a-e hear âusa ibaf aur a few Ibinga alien lie invealigates slui ________________ finance aflicer. George Burritige, la do.,erai iietartiien. aioflite Butreau, ai ing thiesanie. Gradually îhey arc a',hicIii îurîîîîsc- lieiias been SentIica tiropping awa:.- Now aie se, George, Washîi nton. the why af those frequent, yea, vcry,-0 frequent trips ta Lake Foreîl iua în teîîîîîîît Vcaepleasedt t know that the; E'terv tîteitîher shoulti make alîplidat ion third teading ef the Myers bill, for the lo nita nîn Tt tt i samIe soltiers' bonus o! $15 per m o l a nd hat soulin. Thil alicin. - la biliei for totiay in the bouse ai througii tht' Arsenal ai Springfild antid ne ofanea the tiemocratlc members for soldfiers, sailors. as well as tari ô?!er ii am eêts fl Me fgtf~thasi' nirf-ioaikifSf M, aera'1r- nien wh sixty tiaj clause. Legianaires on the din tht'fine af duty tir aller an, repulicn sde inaly aree toIei hanorabie diacharge anti heinie Nov. the bâl conme up for thirti readlng the > 1.Il, arit.li e bat frant the lPas i iirst îbing when the baisse siàîuld meuto on Tuesday anti any -tmentimenta taý mutbr ithe bouse bave been en-iknow bt îioi etsal tt"si T h e D i eber seion tta ine e t it Ilinoieal t ilht'esin tieaa'oring ta block thîs -Iegsafion tep union ln memberabilît n tht' Le- f "tint the istart. notabel amone the lai-[ gian. We îbink that ibis la a tint- rer ter being Lee ONeill Brawn, the frientiolrd--thirti in population, but iraI inl o p ii g t that Brown bas ta pick witb the Le-lthougitco-rtesthie lact that ta not' gian appears ta bu that sanie protege a ide for aie af the nori hemo counlies tfa of bis un bis hante county was beaten ý face. ant if i l ibis: Thé southerni dicr, anti ibis bas been a thora in cm huprt af the' state in mentbcrsbip j Birowniî ide. so ta speak. That la, the larger proportion of ma- Tiiere la no canîpanian bill ta the,hî'rsbîîîla swlth tbe southera cîîutiit's j Myera buiIn the senate. but il la ex-'ls up tot us ta carne acroas la ibis! By th'e yoi xnectcd that be Mycrs bill wiIi ga0,îining memberabilî campaign witii a bhrougi the upîer bouse witbh lit' ebig increa.se in arder tn halîlni, aur change ant i;Gvéi-nor Similibas ahl-titidadiIo ti- ujust ahate.S t Jop - . ~" In conjunction Newv SANDA'SSpecial Play Oxfords and .' 19-UGaVentilated Oxfords I AC 19 UIST received a cnmnlete riew DN j --yAPU RDAIand 0W NGHT:FRIDAY, 'LOW IGHT:APRIL 22nd Mour Act b rama-- ast of the Earth" en characters wiII be given at the )RIUM Commencing promptly at 8 o'clock p. m. rng men and young -w'omen of hVs Catholic Church iwith the Young Woman' s Sodality Features Between Acta EFollowing Friday, Night's Performance St. Joseph's Dramatic Club bas attempted to give a regular. play with a connected story running through the four acts, provocative of both Ilaugheu ter and tears. This drama has been prepared very seriously in order to please the Libertyville Public Tickets on Sale at Lovell'sa and Decker's Drug Stores pfrlAFix AlIR mo a on Special liat t from $ Si. SF LIBER' b~MI E Nllspéli# ipwei JUne of Sandals for' Infants, Children and Misses; Play Ox- fords for Misses and Children and Ventllated Oxfords for Men and Boys. E xtra heavy soles and very soft leather at the Iowest prices any- where. We consider this th e Best Grade of S andals obtainable. Cati and wewill cheerfuli>' show tbem to you. RAY N. SMITH Proctor Building LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS Loca Short lhemrs Ml fi ilgîieran Wa.utikt-gan visîttîrs of:. V. lsail stu Ji. \V. Blîîr for seat-rai dayss. Nil-t Sti lfi-ftberg Ms. M. Sîtoii ant at-ru C'hiicago 't tit, .,Miss 'iinnie Jîîrh iii t i-n4l. nl'h lest Bih:. - littît' son ,î tîtil J. Wilson, lsaua liais iribt- tunmîs. The W.C. T ' lîttît tif l'Il i. Johnt da, allai nîtît. Aliri l)wners iii ait' i st-i tâ baiht-I r lit- îwns. as I ii'.are A Pa Treat yot oý Spray no tio Per IL.3 Spray wii Dedt Pho r ri,,iIn'î t îu a' îiîé, .-ztpîf' 1:' îîr t'î.1 -l i I nin -I tt.iî' ra If!r:un Efi hqtd înti ri'il %%;I,' " lîîiîîî ' t, m - t.t y,' li' ' t I " il Il 'oh.!îtOles&iîfor"an- . ' t' -tk lt tli Ilf - a I1:n".'l ' - L d- tri; ti ' r -ý,II ltt. li, tlii tI' .