ili TIBEfY'IL.EINDEPENDENT. THURSDALY. PRIL 21, 1.921. ESl' IERCE DRAFTS EIGHITBOUR DAY LAW FOR O'U *'esentative f r o m Eighth District Promotes Bill Favored by Women. j 'lji, ji, lIi ý ý i'Ii ! jil 'I i o' Tîî. olîjut îlhio.i. jiljl giIl!fl n in ,.ij,.j.j jiP h' ji'!' li'i'.i l! tùre*at Sprincfi i,:, l- ti " txîrý !iaý n jj,, ' i l,'l elnt tint w- <ý il"COMMUNITY BAR- wihi aI,:«,, : -i iilli Tii, AI N DAY" SET FOR e~ealn 1. nr, iîur ii igr MAY 26. 'WAUKEflAi There are j'î,'îu 'W.kem 'woffen Wh, Nv.'n.liI lie iftl, -i i by i' propoaed law. Whfeie nior ot i Commercial D)iv. Chamber of ~woud apply te the womien eniosed, in the storesis flot known. Commerce Plans Big Mer~ The. other bllt was presented by cantile Event. F.arelIeftaivP C E. Flack of Naconthl Mid rlalest. f inarrage liîcený-ee r. ~'frb is bill a marniage lîcenre lpro- , Oj 1" é'1 ii4 I n one count w'ould b li 'iîdn,~~ - f-m" amy other ofif nt n he ,4fa t iefllr , T. 'he p . ,snt l:îw '9 narriffFrz- leenseis 1 ' , 1 irio ony hl'iý O i n t if whicblm l 'fra III isued. 'If,.'ne%% mî vouid aI j ' 1 ' fet Waukan un',u , i utbf alji'tre' Ztum ber of i n ,, i e l ik,, j'! ei t ial . i ' .' P. SFVe SUSPECTS ": j' ARE ARRESTED BY 'j' i :Ihi î . o , t 'i l" tr i A 5 ilf.Vîi lî'k nHE DIRECTS WV0RK fi j l 1;ti.iei SHOVELING SNOW V ANDALS DESTROYIl, i li lle '~;N orman Walters, Foreman for FENCE AT HOME 0F i plivelI;il îj't -, . C IIJCt4IRns. tII ~ iî,mutaion îW il 'iit Si 1, îîit.pdlia ,%:!,iod ilIil i Twp Young Men Placed lJnder VI i-:t ,ýl- Arrest on Coniplainttof !](' ' .1Iy iî I l, -,;fi '0 trains 1,v.. li l '-llnv 1 Frank Bujanaskas. 7:.îî n î!îîle~'~l.iir îit .n ' ~ Krtoiii'ii ".-P' ut Tram. i lj jîIl 'i" e ii mand à1l, ,' r urîIjlbll u: ;il d l*u:t' l(ter j:' I l:.'MU îît, '1, jîr iit il, ~ . .~ Vi 'j'j n ' 'rîî~ .-iî vu n i ,, i a j l <'i j j' jjji j ii> .i' \< i 'j .ti'î2jgZIONITES VOTE 'r î,î"' ~' ~l'k i ISPITF STORM-1\h . i.Iîj'l "n o. '--iilu P. k 'Iit t'nceê" i\'.' r i i l < "'! .lîl'î tIij i. l. jjî: j jii I ~ lit. qulI' ng si, Satiji l:ui - i '. ' j1,îî ,î 'i ji - i d ,tî j n i ~uî t r'ji.j . 'nf : -ao î-ia iu n tii'r '1 . 'jir's I'n ,n , l"; il 1. I. Vi.'Iaj 1 ' ,, j <j'i t M t':î ,i î i nd J, i1jî . 1 ii')o . 1 , ~ . f l, ., jf.II ' l-, fo ~ - -V E s iii . 0 i \Iji tî'noll,î tospital %,wiléî1'il, lit Ni7! i , ;I., fit, 'jftj . ,j"j uin,. j u.l'ii1, USED TO RUN FROM inî., .1.1 UEnE Tû ll CUC J THEiLN6HTlI POLICE~- . i," ieut .u~u'itniany fi1ni I4ammer and Flashlight Hid'den oîei'c eswlere. In the Olden Days Few Thot of Under Cuàhion of P'olice M i irlUiiO<L'. %ýi Commu ntn o m Waukeit Auto-, Ail Held in Bonds. 1). p. inenn. izîtîri > tXX n1 lgantthtCy P. N'oan anil the : ' .'j f" Pive supects. fhree cof theru sailorg. Iftiifnîmen in %Vaukegarif. Mi J. Edwini c.Mtsiî cariv Chioa- Were picked up by tie Waukegan %. Adaiu. 1<. R )unn. :i(! .1, ha, wiiflefl an article in whltti -pOlie ai early bout, Monday mornlng, Werliein wer.' appoifli'îi1 t iit'ift'lie tels of old-time condit ions. es. 'After they bad been renioved to the a plan onI biln'ziflg itot iatiiiijii pecfily of thei train service belween C$t Jal an d locked uthe Police of local andi surroufliifiz lef'îilui:'Wauk".gunandi Chicago. lotund a hammer and flashlght whlceb 'Wauke-gtîn's cmei.rîirciaîl :n'g- Thi. article tollows: b"É 1:n hdden under Ithe cushions aift ti' delfif.. intention of îr.îiiit Aîpaitly the licnu-wipaper editont' et the. police automobile. ihaf tnen >nias lie '.:ved ., jiýj Otin ('uicago in 1855 titi fot believe 'Me allrs.dresed n (ungrees haýin,,tn %%aulginil-af aný one living further from the the' kii. sa4l ora. r oa f inth ae sio, Tchaîîn itt N'eiasn .eciii- an "anoff Winnetka" coulad Un« voartedg u lfo m fhtatn . 'h oîî e'iu j~ poessbi af'ford the lime and money .ýW4 arey eted ri lcma a Mcflon' day, May 26ih. and a;rîangemneft' o commute beween Chcago and "ÇMt as te erged notamf a ilh nbeing complteeli o adertisi' fic faci ihai forth shiort- auburb. for 1 have a ~l3u5tyatret uilforh 0 Wahln- îi~fspel1ibafgainý' hlf ' clîppinz front the Chicago Democratic .ýM 'Street. TIey coulti faf give a lg 1a.l 8Pe , 1i, ie yilsop 1401fttorY account of Iheir preasence eîalt. ilb iinlsal '.r"Presus of Deember 30, 1855. which Ihsre. Assi. Cler f a Plie hoasj lpartiiipO.t('in ordet'o irii i"il:til - says. in part: Mre l stated loday thai the young h "Waukpgan sliûpping fitabit, 'The C'hic-ago andi Milwaukee rail- MM bave admitteilan int that they pciinieais will he srelby t ruaitiév.itlbe comPlet'd 10 Waukegan shbp" ailthe station e ia sai fn ýa? liîw prices andl Ihea neat week so lb-ai Persons reaiding in OS Monday night andi came ta trF. wiLl offei special :Itra.ction. qo Winnetka or Evanston. doing husi' Wa.kgan. He expects t. get a cnm- Ihatîî îiiing >'-,I r' nî:i'îenfI,ý' nCuiao ulleubl9 ev plUe statement fron t tem îoda.i t- i,,da, and evefinu b fln-m 'non:-home ln the morning, say ai -.o'clack. ,TMr cases have been cinueitf dane 'i.cîiiitee raî':îl andi return in the afîinoon after busi- ,ptig 29, Ihir bonda haî'ing heen 1counýs (onlijeilr!: i, op' r ;'ne--'t'o enjon flic quiet luxurY Of their 1 "d at $500 eacîî. 'exetsasinen- .in r, nîu n1- country lhomea. 'Tbey gave their namtea as folota.ofc xcpina iran l ~ Howeter before the close ot 1856 Cscil Dalton,. 21 years old .uand iheir timaflpri-rta if .i.r.' o. fere aa- considerablu' auburbalk Leo Bennett. 19 yeara old. ucgnrî îiii'jgînu'.' traffic on thfli ne, ihen campleted ta r&ie Audeffl .ye3 thd. e aa vsînerail adveri4au, g tai PLan,, a il. aukee A dailythrough train "Il m cnvicedtha thy wre I'mîfl irte i'ound Trip- -and thw Wanke- "I rnconlned ha ihy ere îin il pjia_ «it't.r- 1w ltgala accommodation took cane of the her for no good." ('bief TyrrelI said. en eéoe n " 'The.tact that they jumped ship and 1w vis l on Weciinc'. i. u, "r'.ilocal and suburbatin patsengers. Chi. Camne in Waikegan so laIe ai night tlîeir sulilittfo i 11oii n *Ri' br usintess and professions]lmn tSovincel me'lhat they wëeUp to gain Fai began to build haomes ait along the soins talachie ',Tkàt' commeîirciasl diisi.on.:nin ti- lkc ,%bore as fàr norili ai. Vaukegan. The Other Ca".. the gogan "1421 %%ili r i2i il My faflier and 1 uqualy brought ouri Thte ariesa of the alter îwo youngiers.' lînoi&.. that iii eis n.inI lunch front home, but when we diti 'Inez tol place at 3: 16 a. m. '1'ev ý' luttesth le auccessfiil. proie"i"- 'fot wi' venit ta-a fine restaurant near , ver. taken lin by Policeman Kennedyl husinsas men who eieve in ."ltîI here rthe Marshîall 'Fieldi store nov' viaWh boaud tenat Edison Court- ative effort andi s fighî fl icb."-~ Dinner vas aervsd for 15 cents terment of. the lwaukegan'e§ çoi 'j." i aný1ti tas a gaod dinner, ton, muni .1cil. business5. lhsier han.te lunches ve gel nova- 'The auccess of lthte navaîs .iati un s nbve. 'the solidariti' shown t., h Came from Winretkf as~ support uftfthc deciion,. of 'Ihu , Our home was in Wnnetlca. We rn cj.,fnnitiee. ant iti' e co' w ent to towfl Pei'y moralng except art is or tthie mi'!! allin anc. 4lli - Sunda i o'clock. vhen the train conmnercial di, oion'*r w'rk fî fid ' . vas on lime. If ve missei. tis train mal.ltis yar osiSi!ri.c ai, ndwe hadt t at for the llgitalng ex- thé wýitrhei-nsty rqu"t thi press%" frot Milwauee at l 1'clolLl.1 te ritr ei'nity rqueia haiI This vas a fine train for those days. cot giXe t '. coromn.tiee i' tr-OPer The train consîsteti of a wood-berning S lipori tu d.'rclop "'j.cgnCIIlocomotive viit a farlng srnoletacl. $z4 ct ici unii H 'ai )a/"' as On.' tu le !a comblneil baggage express adjni ooked forwar t!) p very six maths ýcar and thr'ee and soulletlrnes 'four On Evey Fwm as a big cOmtnlije ent, an i vitl Passenger cars, Tt made the elghty' On Ever Fimnn tu the success of Tie ";uîk ll fve-ile rua train Mlwaukee ln tour Shopping flabît." hur. hich wvasop!,der-d ltiiel flei Ihoite ilsys osaucli a roadbed. The. .1, Afi U T O #ly Irsek wvaspretty rougit. heng so ne v &M dcedcW* M 'ld pôodly ballisteil. "m a m& m! mThe Waukegan acecominodaf ion bail m TO a light locomotive. a haggage cetr pl .uv~g , I0 T I A1IEone, and »Mlethun t ptv a geaegr ~Ja41aaua ~iiU1 cars and nmade the round trip ta W&u' kegan and returE one every day. Imm flm Ths wu sufflelent 1u tale ecars or SUIDIN UNON aIll te aUburban trattlc on te nortit i - shore. Tite cars verslgiter thana Etivard M. Craie. scretary oft t iose of the 'iI5ltag express." b«Ou% caww rulleandth'There ver uno Windows linte roof, tos d Building ('onsiruellon F.mpbyers' as- Only 'ventîlatorg. so-calleil. Tt la ébVe §hW£ Condinua..m- sociallon. lu Chicago on Thurstay 1fr lntereallng ta notetat soute aofte kaM the association woulti standi pat for nes. day coacites an te I. C. R. R. vf ho vase acale of $1 an bour sklli'd xre nov built on te saine plan. ex- IdS~4emmratc Ot mechanîa eplayed in the building jcéPt titat te rootfaIoneou@ f these M6fr ldiirnajo ldsry' ani 7( cents. an hour for modern cars tartins nearly a hait laborers. The hilidine mnechanice cirele. There were noaaIr braIes anti nove ris i.. S an tfhour andl la ;thiecouplingil were Ithe ordlhary links liores] pins that vere useil on frelghl Te vage reducîlon. according tao"'ars uit il a luch later perloti. S'-ec reian> tc-aig i uii,, , .,, Cattle Wonned Engîneen. 1Iti. aY 1. <'ail- wër nC 'tiually getllng on pi ;î i ntaue iiirîj. ~ n , 'i'ietemk wh,-rp the fencin nti cat- à!if.a ii"io'!în ~ fi, j raurdsiitbail ntOl etlabeen Inalalleti. seiai , i'"" rhp "ngine.'r voulti vîtIae vîgOrous- the îralon rend fu. n.nîîî'.it u ih ehri, sharp blast on su ch ili' i'cr'n uî. ote- tak ,ci "Yy (,' asloni an dt héli.- onduclor paiti egileen jocas affiliattelill v. ih:' ratna vut prn aGh rls .11111M OO O i uligfad'lîoîî I it"r i..,f t. 1"atile leftIthe Irack the.,. PHONE nt emberslîiîi of ho.'. irzntiia'i),n' 'rine' wouti ivstle "off luakes" and was againtit a wage eut iff-.. rain voulti pick up speeti anti ~~ - -ni.,înI' way. If.- hovever, as otben, * THE INDEPENDENT slways putalh'îip'-nmd. the raillIe lept Insîde te ILlkftyville 'l@ ails and rail ahead of the train, Tt tuuld he lstopped and the train crev . o MARRL4ÇE LICENSES o ooooooooooooooçoooo Adelé 'hîrî liadiue lîîî'îi, ai, i i"i'il C. Chic' (îlago, 41; \îgî-a Ri'jî'îgli', tiîlijie, 4U. Leo'i ril t boirtiflgi'i, Clin ion.'il i., -1; i . 4: iauîd e lloîîlt, saille, 22. l.nî rfl. l'itî.Slingi'r, Vis , -A; ,\'llî,': f illî' IiChlicagio, 22; Fl" ik f îC' .cf N Ii tl,îj ',21.; !lt li't : K 1 tilz 1111, salie 21. Ruîb> Simpsî'on. janlei". . li_>L.NU .'l, reaî .:i 'l A j. \salie, (Chicago', .'tnîNcInnv't. ,anîe, 2S. Ni u'Iishîhack. t.ami'.18. Iai li Il. 1IIrQWn. Z ion, 21 ; 1 hi cî-: s.Pie ame, . FIit ln1 Lake County-Thb INDE- PENDENT. Now for Your House - Nothing but the best will do Naturally, we'11 recommend DU PONT PAINTS AND VARNISHES, CounltYSt REXAL', COUGH- Starndard Book Confectionery Pei'fumei'y PIIYSICIANS' Carefully THE r\)EX ýGýRAYSU R. WE' GRocIERY 4iGeneral STAPLE AND> DRY 00f BOOTS MATS t' Country Prodî Phi LAKF VILLA Illinois State Hoistein Sale May 6,-7 at Wbeaton- 111. Sale in Jarvis Hunt barn i mi. so. of Wheaton Follow the Signa from Wbeaton MAY 6ý 75 - Registered Fernales- 75 The best the state'affords. Sel a. few of your poorest cows and-invest the mnoney in a couple'of foundation heifers or cows. MA! Y7 'Bull Sale Extraordinary, 50 BMIS With prices as low as they are today there is n0 erxcuse for a daîrymnan to be using a grade bull. On Saturday. My 7. 50_ pure-bred bulla wiIl be sold. Moa«t of these animnais are ready for service. You can gîve your note for. 3, 6 or 1,2 months. Be surl and attend this sale.- Now is, the timfe to buy registered 1-lsteins. Sale begins promptly at 10 a. m. each day. Lunch seirved. MamagIllinoi Holstein-Friesian, Ass'n. 68S.Dearborn St., Chicago FAIL TO Bli HIARRIS( r WILI Jury in Circuit Ecceritric Ant Sane When l'ffoii ' IIjj îîî.:' lai(t. <1 lai!ii in a Atti . j id.-t aîtii whuin . 11JO, . , i îi '.î,n'j lji l'lit il ,-ni . 0 0ilf1.1 j ftir ni' hu <ri ri j it Irfli.1 î h j 'h . j " i! - j j o A N1 M rs. 11. NGI L.ak.' as.. ai' C.' Di, andt %Il',iJO Wr'?*»-in if iinilan 1 a ie l N e 'ls o în i Tfiur'ida5 n Anti, un'ral oi 1). iA, O)ne if iIl-> <-îIl1 Dlan MWalstjs l Brib.,oMl. ai g.aal 0-lie ii .1t zatjî d Apiîil sin Il 'n-,mbd ; Iy tiiijl j1îIIiIj . lit Pa> ,bi n'. ii .1 i I aun, il fun.--îI,;l .0i ani ,l.îor i .',l v. ýk !I, n l. al i j! i ' n V t l î n ,, af 1 iriail bl2 '.i. ail.. Aii 2':;, M14,îjîl lOi ne Yu Wil Ne ag )2Q-U-4rt e di flot buy that 21 Write 1 E. W. LINOVA Northi M an hattan Michigan Mutit. îOId Rel JOSEPH C. 0( Are' HP. E. MIL DRi. 1